What time do teeth erupt? When do newborns start teething: what time? Relieving symptoms with medication

During the first months of life, a baby smiles at its parents with a toothless smile. But moms and dads look forward to the appearance of baby incisors. This will mean that the baby has already grown a little and can prepare to eat solid foods. By the age of three, the child should have all of his baby teeth and be able to chew any food without any problems. Which teeth cut first? This process happens differently for all babies. However, there is a pattern, deviations from which may indicate a lag in the development of the baby.

When do the first teeth cut?

Every mother should know how to help her child. First of all, parents should pay attention to changes in the baby’s behavior. If he has become restless and salivation has increased, we can expect the first incisors to appear soon. The moment when a child gets his first tooth depends on several factors. First of all, it is heredity. If mom and dad started teething late in infancy, you shouldn’t expect anything different from the child. The baby's nutrition is also important. A small body must receive a sufficient amount of calcium. If the child is on breastfeeding, mom should eat more dairy products.

Oddly enough, climatic conditions can also affect teething. In hot countries, babies' first primary incisors appear much earlier. Also, if a child was born at the end of May and the first months of his life fall in the summer, his teeth may appear a little earlier. The process is also influenced by the gender of the child. As a rule, girls become the happy owners of their first baby teeth earlier.

Which teeth cut first for a child? All pediatricians are unanimous on this. The lower incisors appear first. Although, of course, there are exceptions to the rules. If the baby's molars begin to appear first or eye teeth, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Signs of teething

How do you know when your baby is starting to teethe? This question is partly rhetorical. It is impossible to judge by the baby’s condition alone. It is possible to say for sure that the baby’s incisors begin to erupt only when the first tooth appears. However, it is worth paying attention to some points. How do children cut teeth? The first signs of cutting will appear in oral cavity crumbs. It is necessary to pay attention to the child's gums. If they are red and swollen, you can expect the first teeth to appear soon.

The eruption of the first incisors is a long process. Your baby may become restless long before the first tooth appears. From the age of 3 months, babies begin to put everything in their mouth. In this way they try to scratch their gums. The baby may have increased salivation. It is also worth paying attention to sour smell from the baby's mouth. It appears due to the decomposition of particles of the mucous membrane. The first tooth literally breaks its way to the surface.

During teething, the child's immunity decreases significantly. Therefore, there may be more alarming symptoms, such as increased body temperature, redness of the throat, diarrhea, cough, etc. At this time, it is not advisable to visit with a child public places. The baby's body should get stronger. It is also undesirable to vaccinate at the time when the baby's first tooth is erupting. Result medical intervention may be unpredictable. Bad feeling The baby cannot always be chalked up to teething. You definitely need to call a pediatrician at home. The specialist will supply accurate diagnosis and will tell you how to avoid complications.

Pattern and timing of teething

Any doctor can only approximately tell you at how many months the first teeth start to appear. This process is individual for each child. However, there is an approximate diagram. Most babies develop their lower and upper incisors first. This usually happens by 8 months. There are also early babies whose teeth begin to erupt as early as 4 months. The next four incisors usually appear by the first birthday. Thus, at one year old child maybe already eight teeth. Before one and a half years of age, the first molars appear. Then the fangs erupt. Next come the second molars. They appear last.

Mom will immediately understand that the baby is teething. The timing of teething in children can be very different. If a baby's first incisor appears at 4 months, this does not mean that the remaining teeth will appear just as quickly. For some, the whole process takes no more than a year. But some children cannot get all their teeth even after three years. Late appearance the first incisors should not be a cause for panic. However, it is still worth seeking advice from a pediatrician. Perhaps the baby is not consuming enough calcium. And this is harmful for the entire bone apparatus.

Teeth cutting too early is also not something to be proud of. If the baby’s first incisors appeared before the age of 4 months, it is worth conducting an examination for endocrine disorders. There are cases when babies are already born with their first teeth. These incisors are removed so that the mother can fully breastfeed the baby.

Edentia in a baby

If after a year your baby still has not developed teeth, it is recommended to consult a dentist. In most cases, the specialist detects swollen gums at the appointment. Thanks to a small massage, it is possible to stimulate the process. The doctor will immediately notice which teeth are cut first. But in in rare cases a diagnosis of edentia may be made. This complete absence rudiments of teeth. There are several types of this disease. With complete edentia, the baby may be left without teeth altogether. There may be several causes of the disease. For example, congenital feature caused by genetic factors or an infectious disease suffered by the mother during pregnancy.

In case of complete or partial edentia in children, prosthetics are performed with three years old. Such children must be constantly registered with the dentist and come regularly for examinations. The fact is that the pressure of the prosthesis can contribute to a lag in the development of the jaw. In the future, the child may have problems chewing food. When treating a disease with prosthetics, complications may arise. They are associated with jaw atrophy. Bedsores and inflammation may also develop. Parents will have to carefully monitor the child's oral cavity. Proper hygiene is of great importance.

Edentia - complex disease With unpleasant consequences. You can't let the disease take its course. First of all, the baby is in danger psychological discomfort. A child without teeth will not be able to fully attend school and communicate with peers. Therefore, you should definitely think about installing a high-quality prosthesis.

How to help your baby?

Many people are familiar with the pain of wisdom teeth erupting. Young children who have their first incisors experience approximately the same sensations. Parents should know how to help their children get through such a difficult period. At what age do the first teeth cut? Symptoms may appear as early as 2 months. Pain syndrome Massage helps a lot. Parents can do it with washed hands. Use your thumb or index finger to press lightly on the gums. With such manipulations, most babies immediately calm down.

Cold helps relieve itching and pain. There are special teething toys on sale. They are a small container filled with liquid. Before giving this toy to the baby, you need to place it in the refrigerator. The baby will bite the teether and cool the sore gums.

There are also medications. It is recommended to use them in the most extreme cases. If the baby is very capricious and does not sleep well at night, you can use special cooling antiseptic gels. Before using any medicine, you should consult your pediatrician. The specialist will tell you at what age the first teeth begin to cut and how to alleviate the baby’s suffering.

How to care for your first teeth?

As soon as the first baby teeth emerge, parents have new responsibilities. Even one incisor needs to be properly cared for. Hygiene has great value. In this way, adults form in the child the right habit take care of your oral cavity. In addition, the health of permanent incisors and incisors directly depends on the quality of baby teeth. molars.

For cleaning the first teeth, pharmacies sell special silicone attachments. It is not necessary to use paste. It is enough to moisten the nozzle in ordinary boiled water. Toothpastes begin to be used when at least four teeth appear in the baby’s mouth. In this case, you should pay attention to pastes with minimum content fluorine Regardless of which teeth erupt first, they must be cared for with extreme care. The brush must be used with soft bristles so as not to damage the weak enamel of the first incisors.

Associated problems with teething

Many parents are concerned about the age at which the first tooth cuts. This can only be answered approximately. All children are individual. But problems with teething are the same for almost all babies. As soon as the first milk teeth begin to appear, infants' immunity is significantly reduced. As a result, the child becomes vulnerable to many infectious diseases. They can also appear in the oral cavity. The most common childhood disease is stomatitis.

During the teething period, it is worth limiting the child’s communication with peers. It is better to walk separately from large groups of children. It is also worth visiting the clinic in case of emergency. It is better to call a pediatrician at home. It is worth carefully monitoring the condition of the baby. If your body temperature rises, it is recommended to call emergency help.

Excessive salivation during teething

Increased salivation in a baby after the second month of life is absolutely normal occurrence. Regardless of which teeth erupt first, the child experiences discomfort in the gums. As a result, a copious amount of saliva appears. This symptom cannot be ignored. Saliva gets on the child's chin, irritating delicate skin. Itching and rash may appear, which will cause even more discomfort to the baby.

How to help a child? Parents should know how teething occurs in children. The pediatrician can tell you the timing and procedure. Informed moms and dads can prepare in advance for such unpleasant symptoms as increased salivation and whims. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate discomfort in the gums. Special gels will help you cope with this task. If the baby does not experience pain, salivation will also decrease. Getting carried away at home medications undesirable. The gel can be used before a walk or night sleep. A regular pacifier will also come to the rescue. Thanks to this device, the child swallows saliva without any problems.

Caries of baby teeth

Regardless of which teeth erupt first (upper or lower), their quality depends on many factors. Some children do not even know who a dentist is. But others have to meet a doctor from an early age. As soon as it appears on a baby tooth dark spot, you should immediately go to a specialist.

Previously, it was believed that there was no need to treat baby teeth. After all, they fall out and are replaced by permanent incisors. In fact, the condition of permanent teeth directly depends on the quality of baby teeth. Damaged teeth are a source of infection. Not only the oral cavity suffers, but the entire body. To keep your teeth intact longer, you should eat less sweets and follow proper hygiene. It is advisable for your child to clean them after each meal.

You need to make it a rule to visit regularly pediatric dentist. Modern kids They are no longer afraid to have their teeth treated. The latest equipment is used, which does not cause discomfort. During treatment, the dentist will tell the child’s parents which teeth are cut first and how to properly care for them.

Let's sum it up

The eruption of baby teeth is difficult process, which causes discomfort for babies and anxiety for parents. It doesn't matter which teeth cut first in children. It is important to provide timely and correct oral care for the baby. An adult child will delight his parents with a snow-white smile.

Teething is a special stage in the development of a baby, which sometimes even frightens parents. The fact is that it can be difficult for adults to understand why a baby is acting restless. Some of the symptoms that he is teething are reminiscent of infectious diseases or poisoning.

Usually, children's first teeth appear at about six months of age, but they can appear at 2 months or even a year. This is also considered normal. In addition, for boys this process begins a little later than for girls. Since the teeth bother the child during the period of their appearance, the baby becomes very capricious, his temperature rises, and diarrhea may appear.

When babies are teething, all accompanying symptoms appear 3-5 days before they appear. In order not to confuse these signs with signs of other diseases, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the details of this important event for the baby.

The initial stage of teething: signs with photos

All children are different, so their teeth do not cut in the same way. Still, some symptoms that the baby will soon become “toothy” can be called:

Children's teeth grow in different ways. Some babies disturb the peace and quiet of all family members 2 months before the first tooth cuts. Others have the first baby tooth IR may be a surprise for parents. They discover him by accident, since no one thought that the child was teething.

The main symptom is swelling of the gums

Evidence of the imminent appearance of a tooth is swelling of the gums. This can be seen with the naked eye. You just need to look into the baby’s mouth and feel a small ball (tubercle) on the gum.

Swelling of the gums will cause the child to constantly want to scratch them. At this stage of teething, he doesn’t care what he puts in his mouth - he can chew a pacifier, clothes, a blanket, a towel, toys, his fingers, mother's breast during feeding.

There are cases that where a tooth should appear, a hematoma forms, which is an accumulation of blood. If the baby feels well, then it can be considered a variant of the norm. After the tooth appears, it goes away on its own. If an infection gets into the resulting wound, an abscess or abscess may appear on the gum. Over time, they will also go away on their own, and if not, this may cause an increase in temperature. Then you will need to urgently consult a dentist.

Teeth should erupt in approximately the same order for everyone (we recommend reading:). The two lower incisors appear first, followed by the upper incisors. There should be 4 of them. They come out two at a time with an interval of about two months. Next, the next two lower incisors are cut, after them the molars of the upper row come in, followed by the lower ones. Then the upper “eye” teeth, and a little later the lower fangs appear (we recommend reading:). Next, the lower molars appear, or, as they are also called, the rear “chewing” teeth. The rows of baby teeth are completed by two upper molars - the rear “chewing” teeth.

By the age of three, a child should have all 20 baby teeth. By five, they gradually give up their place to the regulars. The process of teething the fangs, the so-called “eye” teeth, is especially difficult. They got their name from the optic nerve near which they are located. Because of this, fangs bring babies a lot of tears.

Rhinitis and cough

Many parents are interested in the same question: can teething cause a cough and rhinitis? Yes maybe. The reason for this is salivary glands babies, who in a few weeks, and sometimes even months, produce many times more saliva than usual. Since the baby does not yet know how to swallow, saliva accumulates in the throat and the child begins to cough. This helps him get rid of accumulated secretions in the respiratory tract.

During teething due to active work There is more mucus in the nasal glands than usual. The baby develops a runny nose, which should end in 3-4 days. The mucus has a transparent and liquid consistency. To alleviate the child's condition, you can rinse his nose. If the baby has cloudy white or greenish mucus from the nose, there is a strong and frequent cough that do not go away within 3 days, this is a good reason to see a doctor.


Many people know that heat is a protective reaction of the body to any pathogen. During teething, the body reacts to inflammation of certain areas of the gums, in the area of ​​​​which bioactive substances are produced. The child’s body temperature rises to 37-38°C and lasts up to 2 days. Afterwards, she returns to normal and the child’s condition stabilizes.

If the baby’s body temperature has exceeded 39°C, this may indicate that there is some kind of infection in the body. This is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

Diarrhea and poor appetite

During teething, the baby begins to drool heavily. The child constantly swallows them, as a result of which intestinal motility accelerates. This causes diarrhea with watery stools. The number of bowel movements should not exceed six times a day. After 2-3 days, the stool should return to normal.

Poor appetite or its complete absence are symptoms of a teething baby. The gums become painful, and eating food becomes a challenge for the baby. During this period, the child’s weight gain stops, and the immune system weakens, which can become a threat to any disease.

If the baby is natural feeding, it is easier for him to endure this condition. Do not deny him an extra portion of milk.

Age - about 6 months

At what months does a child begin to feel that his teeth will soon begin to cut? The answer is not clear. All children develop teeth in different time(more details in the article:). Optimal age- from 3 months to a year, but most often this happens at about 6 months.

At 3-4 months, toddlers begin to drool profusely, and adults mistakenly perceive it as evidence of the imminent “birth” of the first tooth. In fact, during this period the baby’s salivary glands simply begin to work more actively, and the child does not yet know how to swallow saliva. The main sign of the eruption of the first teeth is white spot on the gum (see photo), as well as its swelling. The baby becomes irritable, sleeps poorly, refuses to eat and tries to bite everything that comes into his hands.

General condition of the child

During the period of teeth growth, the baby experiences a kind of stress. He had not encountered this kind of pain before, so there are changes in his behavior. He begins to be capricious for any reason, because due to pain in his gums, everything around him irritates him. For the same reason, he eats poorly or refuses to eat at all, and this leads to stopping or losing weight. Due to swelling of the gums, the baby may have a fever, which further aggravates his condition. Excessive salivation can cause a runny nose and cough, which should go away on its own within 2-3 days. Diarrhea is also associated with profuse drooling. A rash may appear around the mouth and chin.

The process of teething can drag on for a long time, so you should not count on the fact that after the appearance initial symptoms The baby is about to cut a tooth. The main thing during this period is to be patient and also pay as much attention to your little one as possible.

How to distinguish teething from infection?

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Quite often, parents cannot distinguish the process of teeth appearing in a child from a common cold or infection. The reason is the similarity of symptoms:

How to find out which of them are considered normal and which are a sign of a disease? How to understand that teeth are being cut? Let's figure it out.

All these symptoms appear 2-3 days before the tooth comes out, but not earlier. IN otherwise this should be regarded as the presence of some kind of disease: viral, bacterial, intestinal infections and so on.

First aid for a baby up to one year old

Pain is always stress for the body, let alone a small child who is teething. In children who are not yet one year old, nervous system gets depleted very quickly, getting increased load. Those who are older endure this process much easier.

To make these “dental” tests easier for your child, you need to know the following:

During this difficult period for your little one, spend as much time as possible with him, carry him in your arms and do not refuse him breast milk. This will calm him down and relieve the unbearable pain.

Pain reliever for babies

When teething is very painful, the child needs to be helped using painkillers. Such drugs reduce the risk of infection and relieve inflammation.

They contain a child's dose of paracetamol. Under no circumstances should children be given medications containing aspirin and analgin.

One of the most effective drugs are:

  • gels (for example, Holisal, Kalgel, Baby Doctor “First Teeth”, Kamistad Baby, etc. (we recommend reading: ).);
  • drops (eg Dentinox) (we recommend reading:);
  • ointments for gums (eg Traumeel S).

In addition to these medicines, homeopathic medicines are also used, which also help the child cope with painful sensations during teething. The only big disadvantage is that they can cause allergies, since they contain medicinal herbs and plants.

Local gels and ointments

For local anesthesia ointments and gels are used, which are based on benzocaine, lidocaine or choline salicylate. These drugs do not affect the process of teething. Thanks to lidocaine and menthol, which are included in their composition, they relieve painful sensations.

Usage similar drugs may cause allergic reaction Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the child’s behavior.

Dental gels and ointments have a short-term effect. Their effect lasts from half an hour to an hour. It is permissible to use them no more than 5 times a day for three days, but no longer. The most popular of them are Kholisal, Kamistad and Kalgel.

Traumeel ointment is usually used to treat diseases of the oral cavity (eg stomatitis). It can also relieve inflammation and ease signs of baby teeth emerging, improving your child's overall well-being.

Traditional methods of relieving the condition

You can alleviate the condition of a baby during the period of growth of baby teeth with the help of traditional medicine. There are so many ways. Let's look at some of them:

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

There are a number of cases in which you cannot do without the help of a doctor:

  • when one tooth of a pair has erupted, the next ones appear, but the second one does not (pairing violation);
  • there are no rudiments of teeth (edentia), when the baby is in his second year and not a single tooth has appeared;
  • the newborn was born with teeth;
  • before taking any medicine to relieve pain during teething;
  • if rhinitis, cough, fever and diarrhea continue for more than three days and become complex;
  • when vomiting occurs, which is accompanied by diarrhea.

One of important stages Baby development is teething. Before the parents had time to breathe a sigh of relief after the newborn’s colic had ended, a new test awaited them. The process of the appearance of a child’s first baby teeth can take quite a long time and in many cases be accompanied by symptoms that not only cause discomfort to the baby, but also cause painful sensations. In such cases, it is quite difficult to determine what actually caused similar symptoms- teething or illness.

Regardless of how a baby’s teeth come out - with a rise in temperature, a runny nose and a capricious mood, or completely unnoticed, all parents look forward to the appearance of their baby’s first tooth. For many families, such an event even becomes a small, unique holiday with obligatory photos as a souvenir.

The baby's first tooth is a source of pride for the whole family, as well as a symbol of the transition to new stage growing up. This is why parents are so worried about timing and are trying to calculate whether the baby’s development meets established standards.

During the period when children are teething, main question, which all parents ask - how many months should the very first baby tooth erupt? They are also interested in the order in which the remaining canines, incisors and molars come out during normal teething and how to help the child if they come out too painfully.

Standard timing for the appearance of teeth in infants

Each child’s body is individual and has its own characteristics - it is not so easy to accurately predict at what point a particular baby’s teeth will come out. There are a number of factors that significantly influence the time limits for the eruption of the first and subsequent teeth. These include:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Child nutrition. Is there enough calcium that the body receives?
  3. Climate. In hotter climatic conditions Children's teeth begin to cut earlier.
  4. Gender. More often, girls' first teeth erupt earlier than boys.

In addition to these factors, the time for teeth to appear can be affected by:

  • child's race;
  • mother's diet during pregnancy;
  • environmental situation in the place of residence and other features.

There are certain generally accepted age standards teething. They are averaged and not strict, but it is from them that all pediatricians start when assessing the child’s development during examination. For the appearance of the first teeth, the normal age is 6-8 months, and by the age of one year their number usually increases to 8.

The standard situation is when by the age of three the child already has all 20 “beauties”, but even after three years it is quite natural that the child still continues to cut his last molars.

Early eruption of baby teeth

There are cases when the baby’s first milk teeth appear 1-3 months earlier than the known period. Such a deviation from the norm should not frighten parents too much. Reason early teething may include the mother taking complex multivitamins and minerals during pregnancy, including vitamin D and calcium, as well as excessive consumption fermented milk products, which include cheese, cottage cheese and kefir.

child with early teeth It is recommended to show it to the dentist once every six months - the earlier the teeth appeared, the higher the likelihood of a problem such as caries. If the baby has teeth before 2-3 months, then the baby needs additional examination. So early age eruption may indicate hormonal disorders or pathologies associated with mineral metabolism in the body.

Late first teeth

The opposite situation also occurs, when the baby is already a year old and still has no teeth. Since to one year old The smile of the baby in the photo should please you with at least 1-2 teeth; a baby without a single tooth should be taken to the dentist for examination in order to be excluded from the list possible reasons illness or developmental defect.

What can cause delay in teething:

  • rickets or other disorder mineral metabolism in the child’s body;
  • frequent illness and weakened body;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • poor nutrition and late introduction of complementary foods due to allergies to cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract with disturbances in the processes of digestion and absorption;
  • prematurity - than earlier due date the baby is born, the longer the delay in teething will be;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hereditary diseases of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • edentia is a congenital malformation, which consists in the absence of the rudiments of baby teeth.

If a child was born premature, all processes will proceed somewhat slower (we recommend reading:). This also applies to teething - if the baby doesn’t have one yet in a year, he definitely needs to be shown to the dentist

Time limits and sequence of teething in a child

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The table shows age norms and the order of teething in children:

Should not be taken this diagram like a clear schedule of when and in what order children cut their teeth. It is believed that the baby's lower front incisors are the first to appear. It may well happen that the upper incisors or even canines appear first - this is absolutely normal and only means that the child has his own physiological characteristics body.

The only thing worth paying attention to in the cutting sequence is pairing. If one tooth of a pair has appeared, but the second is not there yet, while the others are already starting to cut, you should consult a dentist. Such a disorder may be a sign of a congenital anomaly.

If your baby has a timing or sequence problem, this is not a sign of developmental problems. This diagram shows how teething occurs in most cases, and nothing more.

The most common questions related to the appearance of teeth in infants

  1. How long does it usually take to cut the first tooth? Most often, the eruption itself lasts about 1-3 days and it can be very difficult to understand when exactly the process began. Often parents, and sometimes pediatricians themselves, when moderate swelling gums and severe drooling, they mistakenly believe that teething has already begun. It is important to know: similar signs may appear in a child several months before the appearance of the first tooth (we recommend reading:).
  2. Is teething the most painful thing for a baby? This is true. The cause of particularly strong pain is the structure of the fang itself: sharp, uneven edges and thickness.
  3. Is the sequence in the appearance of upper and lower teeth important? As with any deviation from the standard eruption order, the top or lower teeth- doesn't matter. Everything depends solely on individual characteristics body.

Caring for baby teeth

It is common among pediatricians general opinion that there is no need to brush a child’s teeth until the age of two, but it is worth monitoring their health from the very first tooth. In this matter the main role is played general hygiene And healthy image life of the crumbs. Simple rules must be followed:

  1. In the house where the child lives, the air should be cool and humid, then the saliva in the mouth will not dry out, and this prevents reproduction large quantity bacteria.
  2. Food shouldn't for a long time be in the mouth of infants. Constantly monitor children with this habit and promptly remove food debris.
  3. In addition to other drinks, give your child clean water to drink throughout the day. In addition to quenching thirst, it helps flush out bacteria and food remaining in the mouth.
  4. The first thing you should teach your child to do before learning to brush his teeth is to rinse his mouth with water.

Pure water The baby needs it not only to maintain fluid balance, but also to rinse the mouth from food debris - this happens spontaneously

The most important facts about baby teeth in children

As a result, you can collect all the most important information related to teething into a single list of facts:

  • a deviation of 6 months on both sides of the age limit is normal;
  • violation of the accepted order is not a sign of pathology or any disease;
  • there are no such methods or medicines, which could speed up or, conversely, slow down the process of teething, as well as determine in advance the order in which the child’s teeth appear;
  • during a difficult period for a child, his condition can be alleviated with the help of special chilled teethers, which temporarily reduce itching and relieve discomfort (it is not recommended to let children chew carrots, apples, bagels or crackers instead of teethers, as the child may simply choke on them);
  • When the child turns one year old, he should be taken to the dentist for an examination: the doctor will do overall assessment condition and development of the oral cavity, count the number of teeth, check the condition of the gums and work jaw joint, and will also look at how the frenulum of the tongue has formed, because it irregular shape may subsequently lead to incorrect pronunciation some sounds.

If the baby does not have any obvious problems with his teeth, then from the age of one, visiting the dentist once a year will be enough. The rest of the time you should just accustom the little one to proper care behind your teeth.

When a child is born, he does not yet have teeth. During the first year, the baby’s body experiences a huge number changes. This also includes the period when the first teeth of newborns begin to appear. At this time, parents often lose peace of mind, since for several months the baby has been capricious and does not allow mom and dad to sleep due to the discomfort they experience. When to expect this and how to help the baby?


Some methods allow us to determine the beginning of the teething process in infants. specific symptoms. Thanks to them, you can prepare for changes in your baby’s behavior and start using various tricks and aids to facilitate this process.

The first signs may appear as early as 4-5 months after birth. They are mainly associated with changes in the child's behavior.

First of all this:

  • loss of appetite;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • increased amount of saliva;
  • restlessness, especially at night;
  • frequent crying for no apparent reason.

Also, in some cases, newborns exhibit the following symptoms:

  • bowel disorder (diarrhea or constipation);
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • temperature;
  • vomit;
  • diathesis.

In general, if these signs relate to the appearance of teeth, there is no need to worry. However, consulting a doctor will not be superfluous, because long-term disorder health can lead to complications. In addition, these symptoms are not always a consequence of the baby's teething.

One of the most bright manifestations When children finally get their first teeth, they start putting everything they can get their hands on into their mouths. This is primarily due to the fact that their gums hurt and they try to scratch them. To do this, the baby needs to chew some object. This also allows you to speed up the process, because when baby teeth are cut, they need to break through the soft gum tissue, and chewing facilitates this. Therefore, as soon as you notice this behavior in your child, buy him a special chew toy and wait for the first tooth to appear.

When babies are teething, they put everything in their mouth

Procedure and terms

Often, babies' first teeth appear at about six months of age. It is worth noting that the development of girls and boys is different; the latter are slightly behind due to the characteristics of their bodies. In addition, babies have been cutting their teeth for more than one year. Normally, children under the age of one year have 8 teeth. All other dairy products appear in the next one and a half to two years.

The order of cutting is also important. It is also worth noting that both baby and molar teeth appear in parallel. It is precisely in order that their natural arrangement is not disturbed, it is important that correct sequence tooth growth.

The following cutting pattern can be derived:

  • The central incisors of the lower row begin the process, the start occurs at 6-10 months.
  • Central incisors of the upper row - from 8 months to a year.
  • Upper lateral incisors – from 9 months to 13.
  • Lower lateral incisors take longer to cut, from about 10 to 16 months.
  • First molars. For upper jaw– 13-19, for the lower – 14-18 months.
  • Canines – 16-22 and 17-23 months, respectively.
  • Second molars - the lower molars are the first to complete their growth, at approximately 23-31 months, and the upper - at 25-33.

The order of eruption may coincide with the appearance of several teeth at the same time. Paired growth is predominantly observed.

Unfortunately, not all children go through this stage without problems. Not only may the order of teeth growth be disrupted, but some other complications may also arise. The most common ones are:

  1. Edentia. Milk or molar teeth do not grow, since their rudiments are missing in the gums. This is due to impaired fetal development in the womb. The development of supernumerary teeth may also occur.
  2. Retention. In this case, the teeth do not grow due to delays. This can be caused by tooth extraction, displacement, or disruption of the position of the rudiment.
  3. Early eruption. In this case, the process begins at about 3 months. In more rare cases, a newborn is born with already cut incisors. This is an individual feature of the body and this phenomenon does not pose any threat, other than an increased susceptibility to caries.

In order to be calm, it is better to contact a pediatrician if failures in timing or other problems are identified.

If you have questions about your baby's teething, associated symptoms etc. you can always seek help from a specialist

Help the baby

To ease the teething process and reduce baby's anxiety, parents can use various techniques and methods. The first of these is mother-child contact. Especially it concerns infants. They need to breastfeed more often, pick him up and talk to him in a gentle tone. Try to distract the baby from discomfort. This could be a song, a game, an interesting object or a toy.

Since babies especially often put their hands in their mouths during this period and chew on any objects they come across, try to keep the house clean and monitor the child’s hygiene. In order to speed up the growth of teeth, you can buy special teething toys. They are mainly made from silicone. They can be different levels rigidity, be smooth or have soft massage spikes. Such devices are not only interesting for the child as entertainment, but also allow you to massage the gums, scratch them and improve blood circulation.

To make it easier for your baby to survive the teething period, you should buy him special teething toys. There are many types of them: with a cooling effect, with massage spikes, etc.

If the purchased toy turns out to be not interesting to the baby, you can replace it with other items. For example, you can give your baby a boiled carrot to chew. Very often parents give them dry food. In any case, children should not be left unattended, as they may manage to break off a piece and choke on it.

Also, parents should not forget to massage the gums. To do this, you need to wash your hands beforehand. You can use clean medical gloves or finger pads. The essence of the massage is tapping and circular movements on the gums.

You can also use an ointment or gel with a cooling effect to reduce pain. Additionally, such preparations allow disinfection of the oral cavity. This is very important, because during this period it is very easy to get an infection, especially if the child constantly scratches his gums.

When children cut their first teeth, it is customary to give a silver spoon. This tradition has a completely rational explanation. The fact is that with the help of such a spoon you can not only cool sore gums, but also disinfect them thanks to the properties of silver.

Various folk remedies can also come to the rescue. The most popular are:

  1. Honey They lubricate swollen gums. Make sure that honey does not provoke an allergic reaction in the baby.
  2. Soda. The gums are treated with a water solution to disinfect and relieve inflammation. To do this, you need to moisten a gauze swab in it. Under no circumstances should the powder be used undiluted.
  3. Roots. Mostly chicory or strawberries are used. You need to thoroughly clean the roots and let your baby chew them a little.
  4. Motherwort. Based on it, a decoction is prepared that relieves pain.

Before giving any of the presented products to your child, as well as before using pharmaceutical drugs, necessary in mandatory consult a pediatrician. Some herbal ingredients may be contraindicated due to the characteristics of the body. As for medications, they may cause allergies or contain paracetamol, which you need to be very careful with.

First Toothbrush must be for the baby High Quality and have soft pile

Hygiene rules

When a child has already formed a set of teeth, you will need to take care of oral hygiene, because caries can reach here too. At first, parents will have to brush their child’s teeth themselves. To do this, you need to purchase a baby brush with soft bristles and a special toothpaste.

The doctor will show you the correct technique and teach you what movements to make with the brush for maximum effect. When the child grows up, he needs to be taught to independently perform all personal hygiene activities.

Maintaining cleanliness is the main guarantee of health. Do not allow infection to enter the baby’s body and ensure that the baby’s teething timing is consistent.

With the advent of a newborn, a lot of reasons for joy appear in the lives of young parents: the child’s smile, his first words and steps. Among important points child development A special place is occupied by the period when a child is cutting teeth, the symptoms of which often frighten adults to the point of horror. The baby becomes restless, cries constantly, sometimes his temperature rises or diarrhea begins. It is much easier to survive this time if you know how babies teeth erupt and what can be done to alleviate the baby’s condition.

How children teeth grow


At the age of 4-8 months, the first symptoms of teething in infants begin to appear. They usually look like this:

  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • the child’s desire to keep something in his mouth all the time, to gnaw and bite toys;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • tearfulness;
  • temperature increase;
  • restless sleep;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nasal congestion, cough;
  • diathesis.

Each baby deals with teething teeth differently. Some children experience digestive upset when teeth start to appear. lower jaw, and the temperature rises when at the top.

It would seem that the body reacts too violently to such a natural process as teething: the symptoms may indeed resemble an incipient disease. But the pain that accompanies this “happy” event is so strong that adults could withstand it no better. Before “showing itself to the world,” the tooth must grow through bone tissue and mucous membrane of the gums.

Dangerous signs of teething in a baby

Although indigestion, fever, stuffy nose and cough are frequent companions teeth creeping, some doctors do not consider these symptoms so clear-cut. The explanation for this opinion is very simple: the first years of a child’s life are marked not only by growing teeth, but also high risk get an infection. Therefore, ordinary diarrhea can be either a completely harmless “incident” or a manifestation dangerous disease. In this case, how can you understand that teeth are being cut and pathology is not making itself known?

Moist cough

When teeth are being cut, symptoms like profuse salivation And mild cough quite normal. Saliva collects in the throat area, and the lying baby wants to get rid of it by coughing. In a sitting position moist cough also appears, but much less frequently. It usually goes away in 2-3 days and does not require special treatment.

It’s another matter when a child coughs very hard and often, and there is also excessive phlegm. The cough lasts more than 2 days and is accompanied by wheezing and shortness of breath, causing the baby to suffer. In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Runny nose

During the period when children are teething, the amount of mucus secreted in the nose increases significantly. It is transparent, liquid and does not look painful. Normally, a runny nose is not severe and goes away in 3-4 days. Treatment can be limited to simple rinsing nose from accumulated mucus.

Parents should be alerted to a profuse runny nose, which produces cloudy white or greenish mucus. If such nasal congestion does not go away within 3 days, you should consult a doctor.


Teething in infants is accompanied by the active production of bioactive substances in the gum area. This process provokes an increase in temperature to 37-38 C for 1-2 days. Then the baby's condition returns to normal. Parents can bring down the temperature with the help of antipyretic drugs that are harmless to children.

But sometimes the child’s well-being does not improve, and the temperature lasts more than 2 days. This serious reason visit your doctor. A visit to the pediatrician is also required if the temperature rises above 39 C.


The body noticeably increases salivary activity when children begin teething. Because of this, the baby constantly swallows saliva, which speeds up intestinal motility. The result is diarrhea, characterized by watery stools. The act of defecation in a child does not occur too often - 2-3 times a day. Diarrhea usually goes away within 2-3 days.

You should consult a doctor if diarrhea is prolonged, very frequent and intense, as it can provoke a dangerous state of dehydration for a small child. Parents should also be wary of mucus or blood in the stool.

Sometimes the opposite of diarrhea is a digestive disorder - constipation. It should not be allowed to last more than 3-4 days. It is necessary to discuss with your doctor how you can help your baby’s intestines cleanse.

Parents who observe symptoms of teething in infants for the first time should consult a pediatrician in all unclear situations. It is better to bother the doctor once again than to allow the child to develop the disease. With your second baby it will be much easier, and the signs of teething will not seem so scary.

When do children start teething?

The date of appearance of teeth, like other statistical information, is determined approximately rather than accurately. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child: some become a “nibbler” much earlier than expected, others later. It is noticed that boys are slightly behind girls. On average, children begin to erupt teeth at this age:

In today's infants, the first tooth appears at approximately 8.5 months, which slightly delays the growth period of the rest. Before the first year of life, the baby can boast of at least one tooth. As a rule, by the age of 3, a child will have a full set of 20 baby teeth.

Many children have 2 or even 4 teeth coming out at once. Such a load can be difficult for the baby to bear, but paired teething is a completely normal phenomenon.

It is not so important at what month the teeth begin to cut and in what order: this does not affect the “quality” in any way. Therefore, there is no need to worry that the child is a little behind or ahead of his peers - he simply develops at his own rhythm.

It is necessary to carefully care for your child’s oral cavity:

  • For a baby up to 1-1.5 years old, wipe his teeth with a special silicone brush;
  • from 1.5 years of age, buy your child a baby brush;
  • From the age of 2, teach your child to rinse his mouth after eating.

The first visit to the dentist with a child should be made upon reaching 1 year of age.

How to help your child

What to do to relieve your baby's teething symptoms

Babies react very sensitively to the behavior of their parents, especially their mother. Therefore, you can brighten up the teething period by simply giving your child maximum friendly attention. Need to:

  • hold the baby in your arms more often;
  • talk kindly to the child, sing to him;
  • distract the baby with toys;
  • do not quarrel in the nursery, avoid screaming in the presence of the child.

Breastfed babies, when teething begins, tend to have contact with their mother's breast as often as possible. During this period, there is no need to set a strict feeding schedule: this will only worsen the child’s condition. In 2-3 days everything will return to normal, but in the meantime you should breastfeed your baby as often as he asks. This will calm him down and reduce his level of irritability.

During the period when teeth are being cut, children have a strong need to scratch their gums with something. As a rule, they use their favorite toy for this purpose. But there are also special teethers made from safe materials that help the baby survive difficult period. Their prices vary significantly:

  • Curababy girl teether – 1450 rub. In fact, it is a combination of a rattle, a massage toothbrush and a teether. Material: soft rubber and hard plastic;
  • Curababy boy set – 2000 rub. Boy's version of the previous model. Also included is a children's toothbrush;
  • cooling teether “Eight” from Canpol – 270 rub. Made from a polymer frame and filled with distilled water;
  • “Eight” teether from Nuk – 160 rub. Made of polyvinyl chloride, it has a textured surface that allows you to massage your gums. The set includes 2 pieces;
  • Bright Starts teethers – 350 rub. for 3 pcs. They have a textured surface that develops motor skills in children. Made from soft polymer and filled with water;
  • combined teethers from Nuk – 520 rub. for 3 pcs. Their main difference is that each teether varies in degree of rigidity and is suitable for a certain period of tooth growth.

Naturally, when a child is actively teething, you want to remove the symptoms of what is happening as quickly as possible. But you shouldn’t place too much hope on teethers: babies often refuse them, preferring a regular rattle to such “specialized” items. In this case, you need to make sure that the child puts only a safe object in his mouth: without sharp corners and small parts that can be chewed off. Many parents “slip” a chilled spoon or pacifier to the baby, or even make do with ordinary drying.

Medicines that relieve teething symptoms in babies

Some parents are sure that their child should not be given any medications. But this opinion exists only until the moment of learning how babies teeth cut. Under the influence of the child’s suffering and relatives tired of his screams, the parents decide to go to the pharmacy. What medicine can relieve teething symptoms in children?

  1. Dantinorm baby. Homeopathic medicine in the form of a solution. It relieves pain for a long time and also reduces the severity of digestive disorders. Estimated cost – 300 rubles.
  2. Dentokind. Homeopathic medicine developed specifically for children. On average, its cost is 700 rubles. for 150 tablets. The medicine removes everything unpleasant symptoms teething in infants, including nasal congestion, diarrhea and fever. Children are supposed to swallow the tablets, but they are often too young to do so. So the pill can be dissolved in a teaspoon of water and given to the baby to swallow.
  3. Kamistad. Gel. It has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic effect. Basic active ingredients– lidocaine and chamomile extract. average price– 150 rub. for 10 g. Not recommended for children under 3 months.
  4. Dentinox. Gel or solution. The average cost is 180 rubles. for 10 g/ml. Relieves pain and inflammation of gums. Safe even if the child swallows a little of the gel.
  5. Holisal. Gel. Cost – 330 rubles. for 10 g. Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and kills germs. May cause an allergic reaction in the form of a short-term burning sensation.
  6. Kalgel. Gel. The main component is lidocaine. Suitable for children over 5 months. It has a weak analgesic effect and can provoke an allergic reaction.

Homeopathy and gels do not always alleviate teething in children, the symptoms of which are almost always accompanied by pain. Therefore, you can give your child age appropriate painkiller:

  • Paracetamol for children. Suspension. Relieves pain, lowers temperature. Do not take for more than 3 days in a row;
  • Panadol. Candles, suspension. It is based on paracetamol. Candles are convenient to use if the child is very small;
  • Nurofen for children. Suspension. Contains ibuprofen. After a single dose, it relieves pain for a long time.

During the period when a child is teething, symptoms cannot be relieved with Aspirin. It is completely unsuitable for children as an antipyretic or analgesic.

Folk remedies

All unpleasant signs Teething in children was known even when medicine was not so developed. Therefore, there are many ways to alleviate the child’s condition with the help of folk remedies. Among them:

  1. Cold. You need to keep a spoon or pacifier in the freezer and give it to your baby. The cooled item will relieve pain and soothe the gums a little. For older children, you can offer vegetables, fruits, and juices from the refrigerator.
  2. Massage. You should soak a small piece of gauze in peroxide or chamomile decoction. They need to carefully wipe the area where the tooth began to cut.
  3. Motherwort decoction. You need to pour 1 tsp. herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water. Allow the drink to cool slightly, add some sugar and offer it to your child. You can also use valerian root tea.
  4. Honey. You should carefully smear your gums with honey. It perfectly calms and relieves irritation.
  5. Chicory or strawberry root. You just need to let the baby chew on the root. This way the child will massage the gums and soothe the pain.
  6. Soda solution. When teeth are being cut, 1 tsp will help relieve symptoms. soda diluted with a glass of water. You need to moisten a piece of bandage in the solution and wrap it around index finger and treat your gums with it.

It is also necessary to carefully wipe away any saliva that has accumulated around the mouth. If teething is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, the child should be fed liquid pureed food and given plenty of fluids to drink.

There are a few folk ways used when teeth appear, which must be abandoned:

  • press firmly on the gums with your finger. This will only increase pain and irritation;
  • giving your child stale bread or cookies. He may choke on crumbs. Teethers are much safer in this sense;
  • wipe the gums with undissolved soda or pick them. There is little benefit from this, but there is a risk of infection.

During the period when the baby is teething, the symptoms are difficult to bear not only for the child, but also for his parents. Baby cries are not one of the classic “joys of motherhood,” but you can’t do without them. But when the baby survives the painful days of teething, he will successfully go through another stage of growing up.

What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this topic?
