Removal of the fallopian tubes: progress of the operation, consequences for the body and rehabilitation. What are the consequences of removing one fallopian tube?

Now there are techniques that allow, in the presence of other favorable conditions do not remove the fallopian tube. In this case, the consequences of an ectopic pregnancy, such as difficulties conceiving a child, are less likely to occur. However, there is a minus in saving the operated fallopian tube still there is - the risk of developing again an ectopic and again in this tube increases. Any, even diagnostic, surgical intervention in the subtle reproductive world of a woman can have dire consequences. However, doctors believe that one should try to preserve the fallopian tube in SB, if possible (if there is no significant damage), and the woman subsequently plans to become a mother. The risk of recurrence of the situation is lower than the risk of infertility. Doctors can remove the fallopian tube and ligate the second one if a patient who is over 35 years old and has 2 or more children so desires. This is called female sterilization.

Even less out intrauterine pregnancy may have consequences if it is possible to interrupt it NOT surgically, but conservatively. You can do this using medicine, which was initially prescribed only for treatment oncological diseases. It's called methotrexate. The drug is quite harmful to the body, and before using it, the doctor must make sure that the woman is not pregnant. If everything goes well, the drug stops the growth of the fetus, it dies and is absorbed within 1-2 menstrual cycles, it is necessary to carefully protect it, since the effect of the drug is to block folic acid- a substance, the deficiency of which causes children to be born with severe congenital pathologies, if they do not die in utero.

But, be that as it may, the consequences of an ectopic in this case not as serious as with surgery. However, when using methotrexate there may be dangerous complications in the form of bleeding. Therefore, one should prescribe this drug and then monitor the woman’s condition experienced specialist. Efficiency conservative treatment largely depends on the hCG level at the time of drug administration; the lower it is, the greater the chance of success. Possible consequences from taking methotrexate: severe pain, bleeding. The operation is performed if hCG does not fall, but rather increases after taking methotrexate according to the protocol.

The first thing is to find out why this happened to you. Most often, the cause of tubal pregnancy is obstruction or adhesions. Which means next pregnancy you definitely need to plan. And before that, be sure to get medical treatment and check the pipes (or there is a pipe left, depending on what the consequences were ectopic pregnancy previous). Often the adhesive process is activated under negative impact various infections sexually transmitted diseases - which means you need to get everything checked necessary tests and if something is found, get treatment. You should not overcool, as this provokes inflammatory processes.

The rationale for the approach to treating this category of patients is based on the fact that the authors, based on their clinical and morphological studies of the ovarian appendage, which is removed along with the fallopian tubes during tubectomy, found out the role of the latter in the occurrence of neuroendocrine disorders in operated women associated with specific functions of the female body. The anatomy, histology, and electron microscopy of the ovarian epididymis were studied and secretory granules and the Golgi complex were found in its epithelial cells (see Figure), which indicates synthetic and secretory function ovarian appendage. The relationship between the ovarian appendage and the ovary has been revealed, suggesting the role of the ovarian appendage in hormonal system women.

New technical result- prevention of neuroendocrine disorders of the female body through correction of hormonal status - is achieved in a new way of rehabilitation of women who have undergone removal of both fallopian tubes, and along with carrying out a resolving treatment for 14-21 days in two courses with an interval of 1 month, taking adaptogens determines the degree of ovarian dysfunction by tests functional diagnostics and the level of serum peripheral hormones of the ovaries in both phases of the menstrual cycle and are prescribed accordingly hormonal treatment for 6 months, and women with a two-phase menstrual cycle are prescribed homeopathic medicine"Gynekohel", for patients under 45 years of age with symptoms of hypoestrogenism, functional cysts ovaries are prescribed oral contraceptives, patients with symptoms of hyperestrogenism are prescribed gestagens in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and patients over 45 years old with neuroendocrine complaints are prescribed hormone replacement therapy.

Prescription of absorbable - tampons with Vishnevsky ointment in the vagina, suppositories with ichthyol or Betiol in the rectum, injections of biostimulants ("Aloe", "Fibs", " Vitreous body", "Humizol"), physiotherapy - ultrasound in pulsed mode according to standard methods - 10 procedures daily - makes it possible to reduce the development adhesive process in small gas, soften the severity of postoperative ovarian dysfunction after removal of both fallopian tubes. The administration of adaptogens (tincture of Eleutherococcus or ginseng) increases protective forces the woman’s body, which is necessary in the postoperative period. Resorption is necessary within 14-21 days, since a shorter period is ineffective for this category of patients when significant intervention is performed on the internal genital organs, and more than 21 days is an extra burden on the body. Carrying out a course of treatment twice with a break of 1 month is necessary to consolidate the positive anti-adhesive and supportive effect.

The method of rehabilitation of women who have undergone removal of both fallopian tubes differs in that, along with carrying out resorption over 14-21 days in two courses with an interval of 1 month, taking adaptogens, the degree of ovarian dysfunction is determined using functional diagnostic tests and the level of serum peripheral hormones of the ovaries in both phase of the menstrual cycle and, accordingly, hormonal treatment is prescribed for 6 months, and women with a two-phase menstrual cycle are prescribed the homeopathic drug "Gynekohel", patients under the age of 45 with hypoestrogenism, functional ovarian cysts are prescribed oral contraceptives, patients with hyperestrogenism are prescribed gestagens in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and patients over 45 years of age with neuroendocrine complaints are prescribed hormone replacement therapy.

The main causes of obstruction of the fallopian tubes with hydrosalpinx are salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tube) and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). Most often, the inflammatory process affects both segments and is called salpingoophoritis. According to statistics, 20% of women who have suffered salpingoophoritis have a high risk of infertility. Anatomical structure the fallopian tubes are such that they are a very vulnerable area reproductive system. Bacterial infection can enter them both from below (from the uterus) and from above (from the abdominal cavity). Salpingitis begins with swelling of the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube. As the disease develops, the lumen of the tube is filled with exudate (liquid that oozes from small blood vessels as a result of inflammation). Gradual fibrosis occurs - pathological change fabrics. As a result, the normal patency of the fallopian tubes is disrupted and adhesions are formed. Sometimes the fimbriae at the ends of the fallopian tubes are pulled inward and cause blockage at the outer ends. With hydrosalpinx, the size of the affected area may vary. Pathologies in short areas can be eliminated using laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes. At complete defeat- they need to be removed.

The consequences of hydrosalpinx can be very serious. The inflammatory process can spread both to the upper organs (ovaries) and downwards (to the uterine cavity). This increases the risk of infertility. Heavy advanced stages hydrosalpinx is fraught acute inflammations when urgent hospitalization is necessary. In such cases, the accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube can lead to rupture of the pyosalpinx and peritonitis. Then the main task of doctors becomes the fight for the patient’s life. Saves reproductive function fades into the background.

Laparoscopy refers to all operations and procedures that are performed through small punctures in the abdominal wall under the control of a tiny video camera inserted inside. Laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes allows you to accurately determine the location and phase of development of hydrosalpinx; the tubes can be damaged in varying degrees. When performing laparoscopy, you can immediately move from diagnosis to treatment of the disease. Using special instruments, adhesions in the fallopian tubes are eliminated. At the same time, you can diagnose the condition of nearby organs: ovaries, uterus. If necessary, combine several operations.

In some cases, with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the symptoms are similar to most inflammatory diseases female genital organs: pain in the lower abdomen, pain when the uterus is displaced, when palpating, enlarged uterine appendages are noticeable, in severe cases - increased content leukocytes in the blood, fever.

Removal of fallopian tubes during formation inflammatory in nature. In this case, first the part of the uterus to which the tube is attached is cut out. The end of the tube located next to the uterus is fixed with a clamp. The wound on the uterus is closed with Zhgutov sutures. After this, an incision is made on the anterior wall of the connection, through which the surgeon tries to remove the appendages. Clamps are applied to both ovarian ligaments. After this, the ovarian connections are cut and fixed. Thus, there is a gradual advance towards the vessels that carry the appendages nutrients. These vessels are tied up, always remembering that in these vessels it is closely adjacent urethra located in the abdominal cavity near posterior ligament ovary.

Removal of the fallopian tubes is performed according to the following scheme. Once the section of pipe covered is determined inflammatory process, special clamps are applied to the pipe. Gradually passing to the uterus, repair the tube by cutting between the clamps. Closer to the uterus, the fallopian tubes are finally cut, stopping any bleeding that has occurred. Instead of clamps, ligatures are placed on the tube, after which peritonization is performed using the round ligament.

Sometimes tubal removal is performed in combination with ovarian removal. The appendages are cut off after being pulled out of the adhesions. The clamps are strengthened from the ovary and grasp the ligaments of the ovary towards the uterus. Then a part of the pipe is cut into a wedge shape. The ovarian ligaments are tied with a tourniquet. Sutures are placed on the wound near the uterus, and peritonization is performed using the round ligament.

In the presence of significant violations of the abdominal cavity, as a rule, surgeons resort to excision of a piece of the omentum, which is fixed surgically in the abdominal cavity. Which will subsequently be subjected to peritonization. This scheme gynecological surgery has been performed for more than 30 years and is considered quite effective when performing surgery to remove the fallopian tubes.

Removal of the uterus and fallopian tubes, the consequences and complications of which are considered by all obstetricians-gynecologists and reproductive specialists in the world, in some cases - the only possibility save a woman's life. What to do after removal of the uterus or tubes, how to behave and live on?

Removal of the fallopian tube is quite common, the reasons for this are:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • hydrosalpinx;
  • pyosalpinx;

Moreover, when malignant neoplasm Usually the uterus and ovaries are also removed. Removal of the fallopian tubes leads to disruption of a woman’s reproductive function, even if the ovaries are preserved after the operation; it is impossible to become pregnant in a natural way a woman can't, but she's normal healthy uterus makes it possible to have children using assisted reproductive technologies, IVF. The consequences of removing the fallopian tube are a decrease in the likelihood of conceiving a child. When the tube is removed from only one side, there is a chance to get pregnant, but resection of both tubes is a reason to contact an IVF clinic.

Many women are interested in: “After removal of the fallopian tubes, when can IVF be done?” Recovery period after laparoscopic surgery is 1-2 months, but sometimes it is necessary to wait until the menstrual cycle returns to begin preparing for IVF. For laparotomy, it is recommended to wait 6 months and only then do in vitro fertilization.

How does the postoperative period proceed after removal of the fallopian tube? You can get up after laparoscopic surgery within 5-6 hours, if the anesthesiologist allows it. You can drink water if there is no nausea or vomiting, which occurs in the first hours after surgery. If surgery is performed by laparotomy, the patient begins to be lifted out of bed on the second day. Very important point is adequate pain relief, because pain in the surgical area prevents the patient from moving, and this is necessary to prevent the occurrence of adhesions and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the first two days, it is better to limit liquid food, pureed soups with vegetable and chicken broth, liquid cereals, lactic acid products. Then, if the intestines function normally, there is no nausea, vomiting, bloating, and gases pass normally, then you can eat steamed or boiled food. Temporarily required to be excluded fresh vegetables and fruits, flour, sweets, as they increase gas formation.

Within 3-4 weeks it is necessary to limit physical activity, do not lift heavy objects (over 3 kg), do not get too cold. From water procedures after the stitches are removed you can take warm shower, hot baths are prohibited. After a shower, treat the scar with brilliant green, a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and alcohol. Sexual activity is allowed from 3-4 weeks in the absence of pain and discomfort.

Hysterectomy is a more serious surgical procedure that is performed for:

  • malignant and benign tumors uterus;
  • precancerous conditions;
  • endometriosis complicated by bleeding;
  • uterine bleeding and anemia;
  • hyperplasia;
  • uterine prolapse.

In each specific case, the issue of hysterectomy is decided individually, for example, complications after removal of a uterine polyp - bleeding, detection of malignancy during histological examination of tissue can also become an indication for amputation of the uterus.

Of course, gynecologists try to maintain reproductive organ, and resort to organ-preserving operations, if possible. Interventions have been developed that make it possible to reduce the myomatous node by embolization of blood vessels, which will make it possible to remove it while preserving the uterus. For neoplasms in young women, additional histological examination tumor to confirm the need for radical surgery.

Many people are interested in: “What is the name of the operation to remove the uterus?” There are two types of surgical interventions:

  • Hysterectomy or supravaginal amputation of the uterus, when the body is removed, but the cervix remains. on her internal os stitches are placed. This operation is preferable because it does not injure or weaken the muscles. pelvic floor.
  • Extirpation is the removal of the uterus along with the cervix. The hole in the muscle layer of the pelvic floor is sutured and, if possible, strengthened. Extirpation is done if the cervix is ​​involved in the oncological process and cannot be left.

There are also variations if the appendages are removed along with the uterus (hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy) or radical hysterectomy, if part of the vagina and surrounding tissue with lymph nodes are also removed.

The postoperative period after hysterectomy is 6-8 weeks, during which time you should follow the same recommendations as for tube removal, but sex life prohibited for 1.5-2 months, especially since for a month, and sometimes more, a woman has bloody issues from the vagina.

How does the life of a woman without a uterus change? Removal of the uterus, the consequences of which are infertility, reproductive dysfunction, stress, one must accept and move on with life. A hysterectomy is a strong psychological trauma, a feeling of inferiority, because a woman will never be able to bear a child again. This is not so relevant when surgery is performed in old age, but for a young childless woman it is a tragedy. There are several ways to get out of this situation.

If the ovaries are preserved, then surrogacy will help, and the child born by the surrogate mother will be genetically his own. When the ovaries are removed, you can use donor egg, many choose their relatives as donors, which allows them to feel a kinship with the baby, and fertilization is carried out with the sperm of a loved one.

Well, in the end, you can adopt a baby, because there are so many children who are waiting for this. Therefore, women who have had their uterus removed should not despair and lose hope; life is not over and can bring you the happiness of motherhood. It’s not without reason that they say that a mother is a woman who raised and raised a child.

Fallopian tubes are one of the most important internal organs women. It is because of the pathologies that appear in this organ that infertility occurs, so it is difficult to underestimate the importance surgical treatment fallopian tubes The point is that after plastic surgery on the fallopian tubes in 40-90 cases out of a hundred occurs long-awaited pregnancy. But sometimes the fallopian tubes have to be removed. When it is indicated to remove the fallopian tubes is the topic of our conversation.

Some time ago, salpingectomy was performed using the cavity method. Surgery to remove the fallopian tube is currently underway. laparoscopic method, in this case, the mesentery is dissected using an electrocoagulator. After laparoscopy, the surgeon uses a special stapler or ligature. The laparoscopic method is much easier for women to tolerate than the traditional abdominal method.

Indications for removal of the fallopian tube

The operation to remove the fallopian tube is called -. The operation is performed in cases where there is severe damage to the fallopian tube and when continuous heavy bleeding occurs due to salpingotomy. The operation is also performed in cases where a woman does not plan to have children in the future. In addition, if an ectopic pregnancy develops after tubal ligation, then surgery to remove the fallopian tube is also indicated in this case.
In some cases, surgery to remove the fallopian tube is indicated mandatory. Such cases include:
severe deformation or severe damage to the fallopian tube/tubes;

  • filling of the fallopian tube with fluid;
  • dilation of the fallopian tubes;

The operation is sometimes also indicated in cases of subsequent IVF - artificial insemination.

Why do you need to remove the fallopian tubes in these cases?

The necessity of removing the fallopian tube or fallopian tubes is explained by the fact that when fluid accumulates in them, it enters the uterine cavity, and the embryo is washed out. In addition, the death of the embryo in the uterus may be due to the influence of pathogenic microflora that forms in the inflamed fallopian tube. And therefore, if the affected fallopian tube is not removed, the likelihood of developing normal pregnancy after artificial insemination. While removal of an inflamed fallopian tube presupposes success in the offensive and normal course pregnancy and childbirth, which occurs in 60 cases out of a hundred.

Negative consequences of fallopian tube removal

Removal of the fallopian tube/fallopian tubes primarily affects the process of follicle maturation, which complicates the ovulation process. Therefore, for each patient the individual need for such an operation is determined. But if the damage to the fallopian tube is very significant and extensive, it is indicated mandatory operation Anyway. Using ultrasound, the presence and size of the inflammatory process is determined.

The likelihood of conceiving a child after removal of the fallopian tube decreases. However, a woman should not despair, because a lot depends on the level of health of the woman herself. Having undergone surgery, it also depends on the patency of the pipe - the one that remains. And therefore, a very important point is to follow all medical recommendations and carry out all prescribed procedures. All this will allow a woman to fully experience the happiness of motherhood in the near future.

According to statistics, from 3 to 12% of women have had their fallopian tube removed. As a rule, the organ is removed on one side, but there are cases when both have to be removed. Doctors express the opinion that the fallopian tube is a kind of guide for the egg, and their removal does not carry any consequences. negative consequences for the female body. However, there is an increase in patients with menstrual irregularities and other postoperative abnormalities.


The Fallopian tube is an organ involved in the process of fertilization of the egg. It has a number of functions that cannot be restored after damage. Plastic is not done, as they are very thin and too self-sufficient.

How many pipes are there in the body? A woman has two thin tubes that connect her ovaries to her uterus. The fimbriae of the fallopian tubes are located at the end on the ovarian side. They catch the egg and direct it inside the tube.

Removal of the fallopian tube is surgical intervention and is called salpingectomy.

How do fallopian tubes work? When the fimbriae have captured the egg and carefully guided it through the organ, it meets the sperm there. Fertilization occurs. The inner surface of the oviduct is covered with special cells.

A layer of cells helps the embryo enter the uterine cavity. If fertilization fails, the egg dies. Then the rejection of the endometrium begins and the turn of menstrual bleeding comes.


Salpingectomy is a surgical procedure to female body, in which the fallopian tube is removed. It can be one or two-sided. Such operations are carried out as planned or emergency.

Adhesions provoke infertility, complete obstruction and further removal oviduct. Doctors say that adhesions are the main enemies of tubes.

In what cases is the fallopian tube removed:

  • ectopic pregnancy - the oviduct ruptures, intra-abdominal bleeding opens;
  • inflammatory processes that provoked changes in the shape and integrity of the oviduct;
  • unsuccessful salpingostomy - in case of bleeding after unsuccessful restoration of organ patency;
  • repeated ectopic pregnancy in the same tube;
  • pyosalpinx - purulent inflammation;
  • IVF is a recommendation for organ removal. The operation is performed to make IVF more effective;
  • neoplasms of various types;
  • inflammation of the appendages, the infection first enters the fallopian tubes, then into the ovaries. This process leads to strong changes in the body, as a result, the futility of work.

Hydrosalpinx - accumulation liquid substance in one or two tubes. After this disease, the woman often becomes infertile. The accumulation of fluid in the oviducts occurs due to chronic inflammation, which gets worse from time to time.

The uterus in women is performed after endoscopy of the fallopian tubes has been performed. Gynecologists use endoscopy for more than just examination. That's it now more operations carried out using this technique.

Basis of operation

The operation to remove an organ is performed by two methods: laparoscopic and laparotomy. When using laparoscopy, the woman is made with incisions of about 1.5 cm. This allows for less trauma to the body and promotes rapid recovery. This technique is almost always used, the only exception being the presence inside abdominal bleeding. The doctor must be fluent in the method and, accordingly, have all the required equipment. This means that the consequences for the body after removal of the fallopian tubes will be minimal if the laparoscopic method is used.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the tube sometimes ruptures. This causes severe bleeding in abdominal cavity. Major blood loss leads to fatal outcome. Therefore, in case of such complications, emergency surgery is performed using the laparotomy method. Recovery after removal of the fallopian tubes in this case will be quite long.

Before surgery The patient undergoes tubal diagnostics. Based on the results obtained, gynecologists decide how to treat the woman. Sometimes instead complete removal Doctors perform resection of the fallopian tube (removal of a certain part).

In case of ectopic pregnancy, salpingectomy is not always performed. If the embryo has not stretched or damaged the tube, then doctors can push it out. But reproductive specialists do not have a consensus on this procedure. According to statistics, if there was such a pregnancy in the organ, then in 95% it will happen again. Therefore, if the patient has one healthy fallopian tube, then the tube in which the pregnancy develops should be removed, since it loses all reproductive functions.

How long does tubal removal surgery take? If a representative of the fairer sex does not have any complications, namely abdominal bleeding, adhesions, infectious and inflammatory lesions, then the operation lasts 40 minutes.


Rehabilitation after removal of the fallopian tubes begins immediately after the operation with the introduction intravenous injections antibiotics. This is the prevention of inflammatory processes.

To reduce the likelihood of formation of adhesions into the abdominal cavity at the end surgical intervention gel is injected. The substance dissolves organs in the immediate vicinity. To prevent adhesions from forming, the woman is advised to lie down less and move more, and physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed. A woman can also use folk remedies to treat fallopian tube adhesions at home.

After the operation, the menstrual cycle is restored as before. The day of surgery is considered the first day of the last menstruation. Presence of endocrine dysfunction or stressful state does not work after surgery menstrual cycle normalize. Therefore, he recovers only after 2 months.

When can you get pregnant after having your fallopian tube removed? After just 6 months postoperative treatment, a woman is allowed to plan a pregnancy. However, doctors recommend postponing the fulfillment of the desire for a year or two. During this time the body expectant mother will finally recover, the neuroendocrine system will stabilize.

The laparoscopic method for removing the oviducts is performed in all cities. But despite this, in many clinics the cost of this operation is quite high. Of course, in municipal hospitals it is done free of charge under PMS. The woman herself decides where to do it and what method to use.

The operation to remove the oviducts is prescribed only by specialists after full examination. For some, this is an opportunity to live fully. Someone, after organ removal, does IVF and gets the long-awaited baby. The final decision always remains with the woman.

During the operation, only the body of the uterus can be removed, while the cervix remains.

This operation is called supravaginal uterine amputation (USA). Removing the cervix along with the body is called hysterectomy.

Reasons for having a hysterectomy

Surgery to remove the uterus is performed in the following pathological conditions:

  • cancer of the uterus or other organs involving the uterus in the tumor process;
  • uterine fibroids of large size or with a pronounced clinical course;
  • endometriosis of the uterus, accompanied heavy bleeding and the development of anemia;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • obstetric hemorrhage, when other measures to stop it are ineffective.

There are other indications for removal, but in each specific case, doctors take into account the patient’s age and desire to have children, and in non-life-threatening conditions they try to carry out organ-preserving intervention.

Methods for removing the uterus

There are several methods of this intervention, which differ in access to the organ and the use of endoscopic equipment.

Laparotomy– an abdominal version of the hysterectomy operation, which is used for large sizes uterus or if a tumor process is suspected, since the doctor has the opportunity to conduct an audit of all organs in the pelvis. The postoperative period after this type of operation is the most difficult and the rehabilitation is the longest. This happens because during the intervention the anterior abdominal wall. The healing of muscle tissue is accompanied by long-term pain, which limits a woman’s mobility and can cause a number of complications.

Vaginal hysterectomy is an operation that is performed on a gynecological chair, and is usually used for various options prolapse of the uterus and vagina. IN postoperative period in this case, the woman is prohibited from sitting for a long time to prevent complications in postoperative sutures.

Laparoscopy– a low-traumatic operation to remove the uterus using special instruments through small incisions in the abdomen. This is the least traumatic operation, however, it is limited by the size of the uterus and the availability of special equipment. The advantage of this technique is fast recovery after removal of the uterus and minimal amount consequences.

The choice of method depends on the pathology, presence necessary equipment(laparoscope), physician qualifications.

Consequences of hysterectomy

Complications that may arise in the postoperative period include:

  • postoperative bleeding;
  • suppuration of the surgical wound;
  • formation of adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

A special feature of this intervention is changes affecting the reproductive function of women. This could become psychological trauma for her, but it’s not worth worrying and worrying about this. You need to correctly evaluate the pros and cons of the operation.

So, after surgery to remove the uterus, the following consequences are possible:

  • cessation of menstruation - surgical menopause or amenorrhea;
  • absolute infertility - it is possible to obtain offspring only through IVF with a surrogacy program;
  • reducing the risk of developing ovarian cancer;
  • increased risk of prolapse pelvic organs.

The cessation of menstruation does not indicate a loss of femininity. It is important to understand that when the uterus is removed, the ovaries remain in place and continue to function as usual, only the visible sign their work is menstruation. Therefore, removal of the uterus or removal of the fallopian tubes is not equivalent to the onset of menopause.

Menopause occurs in women with a removed uterus at the age at which it would have occurred if the uterus had not been removed.

Inability to give birth serious problem, especially for those who do not yet have children. But there is a surrogacy program in which your eggs can be used for fertilization. This will be genetically your child. IN as a last resort, you can adopt a baby, many children from the orphanage need affection and care.

There is, of course, a risk of pelvic organ prolapse, but there are a number of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. Additionally, exercising can also help. You need to monitor your weight, as obesity can be a provoking factor.

The big plus is that the things that bother you will disappear unpleasant symptoms diseases. In addition, studies show that when the uterus is removed, the likelihood of developing ovarian cancer decreases.

After the rehabilitation period, the woman can lead a normal life and have sexual intercourse.

Sexual life after surgery

Sexual desire may be reduced by depression, which often occurs after such surgery.

A woman may consider herself inferior. This is the only obstacle to a normal sex life. WITH physiological point In terms of vision, the absence of an organ does not affect sex in any way, because the level of hormones in the blood remains the same, and this does not affect the feelings of the partners.

During supravaginal amputation, the cervix is ​​not removed, therefore, when interviewing the husbands of patients, they do not notice any changes in sensations. Moreover, sexual relations may improve. Before surgery, the woman suffered from pain, bleeding or urinary incontinence.

Now these symptoms are gone. In addition, there is no need for contraception. Usage barrier method worsens the experience of sex for both partners, but since the woman becomes infertile after surgery, condoms are no longer needed.

Possible obstacles to intimate relationships:

  • period physical rehabilitation after the intervention (usually no more than 2 months);
  • decreased desire in a woman due to depression;
  • decreased desire in the husband due to awareness of the fact that his wife lacks some genital organs;
  • a woman’s fear that during sexual intercourse the sensations will be different;
  • religious beliefs of one or both spouses that do not allow further sexual activity.

Problems in the intimate sphere, according to statistics, are not observed in approximately 75% of women. Their sex life remained the same or improved after surgery.

About 20% note a slight deterioration, which is associated more with a violation of the psycho-emotional status than with the condition physical health. Only 4-5% of women stop being sexually active after surgery altogether, or do so extremely rarely.

If it is difficult for you to understand your situation and continue to live in your usual rhythm, you can contact a psychologist. Psychotherapy sessions help to look at the situation correctly and overcome the complexes that have arisen.