Functional ovarian cyst and pregnancy. Ovarian cyst and pregnancy: causes, symptoms, consequences. Treatment of ovarian cysts during pregnancy

Planning pregnancy is one of the important stages for starting a family and having a healthy child in the future. Most pathologies interfere with the normal course of pregnancy, so it is recommended to eliminate them before the expected date of conception. It is often discovered during pregnancy, but we will find out in this article whether it poses a danger to the fetus and the expectant mother.

A cystic cavity on the ovary has little effect on reproductive function. Only some formations significantly affect hormonal levels. With functional changes that occur as a result of rupture of the follicle or discharge of the corpus luteum, there are no contraindications to conception. Such ovarian cysts during pregnancy are insignificant, and in most cases they resolve on their own after preparing the reproductive system for further gestation.

Cyst on the ovary: is it possible to get pregnant?

If the tumor was not detected before the woman decided to become a mother, then its treatment is postponed to the postpartum period.

Ovarian cysts during early and late pregnancy are constantly monitored. The woman undergoes additional tests and periodically visits the ultrasound room to identify possible tumor growth.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a paraovarian cyst?

If you have an ovarian cyst and are planning a pregnancy, you undergo a full examination, and doctors determine the type of tumor process. Another formation that is often found in women during pregnancy is the paraovarian capsule. If an accurate diagnosis has been established, then conception should be delayed. The patient may ignore the doctor’s opinion, and this entails various complications.

During pregnancy with a paraovarian cyst, the risk of suppuration, rupture of the walls, and compression of the fetus increases. There is a general deterioration in health, the skin turns pale, the heart rhythm is disturbed, trips to the toilet become more frequent and gas formation in the intestines. It grows quickly during pregnancy, increasing the risk of rupture of the walls and twisting of its legs in the later stages and during childbirth.

Most women do not plan for the upcoming birth, which leads to sad consequences. In half of the cases, the capsule is removed in the early stages along with the embryo. To avoid such disastrous consequences, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist and pay attention to the slightest changes in the reproductive system.

A paraovarian ovarian cyst during pregnancy and before conception can be suspected by the following symptoms:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the area between the uterus and the appendage;
  • with increased cyst growth, pain occurs;
  • feeling of a constantly full bladder;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • pain in the lower abdomen if the capsule exceeds 2 cm;
  • Scanty spotting is possible.

Menstruation should not come from the uterus during pregnancy, but there are exceptions with a cyst. The first signs of the slightest bleeding are a reason to urgently visit your gynecologist or call an ambulance.

The course of treatment for the paraovarian capsule is up to 1 year if the doctor suggests conservative treatment. There are also radical methods - instrumental operations. It is recommended to plan to conceive a child only after the cyst has been removed and there is no recurrence.

With a corpus luteum cyst

The simultaneous development of pregnancy within 4 weeks after conception is not excluded. The tumor has no contraindications for bearing a child, and helps stabilize hormonal levels. Also, an ovarian cyst in the fetus does not cause developmental disorders. In 95% of cases, tumors of this type resolve in the second trimester, closer to 9 weeks. Sometimes a gynecologist cannot determine whether a woman is pregnant or pregnant. The activation of hormones in both cases is similar, and the test shows two stripes.

Very often, expectant mothers perceive a corpus luteum cyst as a sign of pregnancy. Its absence in the early stages negatively affects further pregnancy. Hormonal imbalance provokes the threat of miscarriage and causes improper formation of the systems and organs of the unborn baby. After conception, when the placenta has not yet formed, the capsule of the corpus luteum becomes the main source of nutrition for the embryo. After some time, this cyst resolves and is replaced by the placenta.

If the size of the cystic capsule exceeds 6 cm and it does not disappear before 18 weeks, it develops into a pathology. The case requires surgery to preserve the health of the expectant mother and the ovary for another pregnancy.

With endometrioid cyst

This type of tumor is formed due to genetic disorders or during infection of the genital organs. The uterine cavity is lined with endometrial cells, which play an important role before and after conception. During ovulation, they increase in size, and in the absence of fertilization, they come out along with the blood.

The formation of an endometrioid cyst during pregnancy begins when reproductive function is disrupted even before conception. Inflammatory processes, abortions and other negative factors provoke the release of endometrial cells outside the uterus into the ovary. The chances of conception are significantly reduced.

Pregnancy after removal is unlikely, since changes in the endometrium are the main cause of infertility. Advanced forms in 50% of cases lead to persistent reproductive impairment. The growth of the cystic cavity causes pressure on neighboring tissues and organs.

The ovary and accessory tube do not function fully, the follicles mature poorly, and the egg is not formed. An endometrioid tumor can become large and prevent the release of an egg into the uterus. Then the pregnancy develops in the fallopian tube.

You cannot take risks and strive to conceive a child with such ovarian damage. The dynamics of tumor growth may become threatening over the next 9 months. Endometrioid formation is prone to growth and atypical development, which increases the risk of developing cancer.

For follicular cyst

Follicular cavities in the ovary are the most common formations in the reproductive system. These cystic capsules are the safest, most of them stop growing when they reach 0.5 cm.

Does such a cyst interfere?

It does not affect further pregnancy in any way, but it is recommended to play it safe and postpone conception until a full diagnosis has been made. Sometimes tumors of this type give a positive result for pregnancy, although the egg has not been fertilized. To accurately determine a woman’s condition, it is important to undergo an ovarian ultrasound and other studies.

It is known that every woman’s body is individual. In some patients, fertilization occurs without prior hormonal therapy. And sometimes there is no conception for a long time until the cavity with fluid on the ovary is removed.

For dermoid cyst

This type of tumor is benign; in rare cases, growth of atypical cells is observed. The basis of dermoids is embryogenesis, where cysts develop from rudimentary cells of the skin and appendages. The cavity of the dermoid capsule contains skin derivatives - hair, teeth, fat. In most cases, ovarian dermoid is unilateral and develops in women over 40 years of age. Therefore, pregnancy with such a tumor is not a common occurrence.

The cystic cavity does not affect the development of the fetus. But as the embryo grows, the nature of the ovarian dermoid cyst changes. It is pinched, displaced or twisted under pressure. A complication is a rupture of its walls or a necrotic process. If the cavity is identified during pregnancy up to 16 weeks, then this is not an obstacle to surgical intervention. Dermoid formations must be removed while they are at optimal size. Such capsules cannot be absorbed; they are removed through surgery.

How to get pregnant after tumor removal?

After surgery to remove the capsule on the ovary, a large percentage of women plan pregnancy again. Before this, a long stage of rehabilitation must go through, which sometimes lasts at least 1 year.

Surgical treatment is carried out so that healthy ovarian tissue is not affected. It is important to prolong the functionality of the organ and the ability to conceive. Advanced pathology leads to the death of ovarian tissue, so it is completely removed if the woman has not been treated for a long time.

After removal of an ovarian cyst, the chances of conception are reduced, but not excluded. Due to the paired arrangement of organs, the second ovary is capable of forming mature eggs. Its activity can be enhanced with the help of hormonal drug therapy. Treatment lasts about 3-6 months. Difficulties in conceiving cannot be ruled out, so IVF comes to the aid of married couples.

Is it possible to do IVF with a cyst?

The specialist decides on artificial insemination for an ovarian tumor individually with the patient. Important factors include health status, the presence of chronic and autoimmune diseases, and age. IVF is not performed for cysts that exceed 2 cm in size.

After examining the woman and conducting a thorough diagnosis, a puncture of the formation is performed. It will allow you to establish the contents of the cavity and calculate the nature of wall subsidence. Even if the doctor decides on an IVF protocol for a cyst, this is not a guarantee of success. A cystic cavity in the ovary reduces the quality of the material, and the frequency of egg fertilization decreases.

What cysts make pregnancy impossible?

The concepts are incompatible. The pathology is based on endocrine disorders, which affect more than 10% of women of childbearing age. Gradually, the ovaries increase in size, their protein shell thickens, and a large number of follicular cysts are observed on the surface and inside.

Sclerocystic ovary and pregnancy are incompatible concepts.

Sometimes girls experience ovarian cysts during pregnancy. The physiological mechanisms of pathology formation have not yet been fully studied. Many experts believe that the problem most often appears during apoptosis and inflammatory processes. According to statistics, the disease occurs in approximately seven percent of sexually mature women. Including after menopause, but this is rare, since the pathology is associated with the menstrual cycle, and health and age do not affect its course.

Pregnancy Ovarian Cyst Disease
Laparoscopic surgery performed by a specialist on a pregnant woman
scrum level clothing

When the problem appears even before conception and is accompanied by certain risk factors (abortion, sexually transmitted infections), the following are possible:

  • decreased reproductive function;
  • infertility;
  • tumor processes;
  • miscarriage.

Many people think that if a cyst and pregnancy occur at the same time, it is very scary and dangerous to health. But it all depends on the type of neoplasm. Surgery is not always required.

The risk of developing the disease is determined by the following factors:

  • obesity;
  • smoking;
  • surgical interventions on the reproductive organs;
  • treatment of breast cancer with Tamoclifen;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • the appearance of early menstruation;
  • Irregular menstrual cycles.

Signs and types of pathology

Usually girls during pregnancy do not feel the symptoms of a cyst. A benign formation rarely makes itself felt and decreases over several monthly cycles. It can be diagnosed by performing an ultrasound examination.

The main symptoms of this formation

But sometimes the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • pressure, heaviness in the pelvic area;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea after intercourse;
  • pain in the vagina, bleeding;
  • pressure when emptying the rectum and bladder.

An ovarian cyst can appear during early pregnancy. If you consulted a doctor, but after that the following signs appeared, you need to run to him again.

  1. A lump in the abdominal cavity that can be felt.
  2. Abnormal blood pressure.
  3. Temperature is about 38 degrees.
  4. Intense thirst, accompanied by copious urination.
  5. Facial hair growth.
  6. Dizziness, weakness.

The disease looks like this:

There are several types of the disease. Each of them has its own characteristics.
FollicularWith pathology of the menstrual cycle, a functional type of neoplasm appears at the site of the follicle. It is safe and does not require active intervention or treatment. Usually, simply observing the disease is sufficient. Most often, the problem may disappear after about three menstrual cycles. The pathology is most common in girls of reproductive age.
DermoidA common type in which the cavity is filled with tissues that are not characteristic of it. When a dermoid cyst occurs in conjunction with pregnancy, the pathology requires careful monitoring by specialists.
EndometrioidEndometrioid tissue is the tissue of the lining of the uterus. That is why this species appears in the cavity of the tissues of the reproductive organ. The disease is also called “chocolate” because the cavity of the neoplasm is filled with dark red blood.
Corpus luteum cystThis type is observed extremely rarely and is formed at the site of a follicle that burst after the mature egg was released. The formation appears when the corpus luteum begins to fill with fluid. It does not always have symptoms and can reach 70 mm in diameter.

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Any deviation from the norm during pregnancy causes panic in the woman. Moreover, the specialist’s words about the lack of treatment and observation only frighten us even more.

The unknown is depressing even in the presence of a harmless pathology. In fact, we can talk about ovarian cysts for a long time, since its occurrence entails many questions.

What is an ovarian cyst?

We are talking about a pathological process, which is a benign neoplasm.

It can originate from neighboring tissues, the follicle or the endometrium. In this case, it makes absolutely no difference which ovary, right or left, the pathology chooses for its localization.

Oddly enough, the size of the tumor varies greatly. Sometimes cysts can be less than a centimeter, but there have been cases when they reached 20 cm in volume.

Moreover, each of them requires therapeutic therapy due to the possible risk of degeneration into cancer.

During pregnancy, this problem does not pose a danger to the female body. After all, formations of this type begin to regress after the 1st trimester. Of course, in another situation you will have to resort to the help of a surgeon and remove the problem.


There are the following types:

  • Cystic. It can be of three types: serous, mucinous or dermodal. The mucinous type of formation has a special difference from other types; its cavity contains a mucous substance. During the growth period, this cyst can reach gigantic sizes, and there may be several additional ones in one capsule. Cystic formation of the dermoid type contains several types of connective tissue. Cysts of mucinous and dermoid types can lead to the formation of a malignant process.
  • Functional. The presence of such a problem is usually caused by a malfunction of the ovaries. The patient may be diagnosed with a follicular or corpus luteum cyst, also called a luteal cyst. It has a detrimental effect on reproductive function and a woman has problems conceiving. Provided that these neoplasms are localized in the abdominal cavity, their size can become enormous.
  • Paraovaryl. These cysts affect the epididymis, located at the top of the ovary. In this case, the cystic capsule has a thin wall and there is a colorless liquid inside it. A feature of a paraovarian neoplasm can be called a pronounced pattern of capillaries over the entire surface. Such cysts are most often diagnosed in women who have reached the age of 40. There are no problems with reproductive function.
  • Endometrioid. This cyst poses the greatest danger, as it is classified as endometriosis. Typically, these cysts appear in wounds that can occur in areas of inflammation. If the disease has a long course, bloody cavities may occur. Damage to the ovaries with an endometrioid cyst is characterized by the presence of severe pain. In most cases, women with this problem are subsequently unable to conceive. Since the risk group is quite young, the issue of pregnancy is very acute for them.

Therapy for cystic formation of the type described is not advisable; only complete removal of the node solves the problem. At the same time, the chance of relapse remains incredibly high, despite a good treatment outcome.


The following symptoms occur:

Diagnosis of cysts during pregnancy

When carrying a fetus, a woman needs to undergo regular ultrasound examinations. With their help, you can easily identify the presence of a cyst, since it is clearly visualized on the monitor. It is difficult to encounter pronounced symptoms in this pathology; rare patients complain of ailments.

If a woman has warning signs, then most likely she has a history of severe inflammation.

The main methods for determining the presence of a cyst in the ovary are:

  • CT scan;
  • ultrasound examination using a transvaginal sensor;
  • laparoscopic technique.

It is these manipulations that will bring enough information about cystic formation. In addition, the specialist will advise taking tests to determine hormonal levels, tumor markers, and biochemical studies. Sometimes it is not superfluous to perform a puncture.

When using laparoscopy, a specialist can immediately carefully remove the cyst. In this case, tissue injury will be minimal, and the further outcome will be positive.

Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

Every woman worries about her reproductive function, so the presence of a tumor on the ovaries frightens her incredibly. The ability to conceive depends on the type of cyst, as each has its own characteristics.

With follicular pathology, there is completely no barrier to pregnancy. During pregnancy, this cyst was not detected. But “chocolate” cysts are already dangerous, since conception does not occur with them.

After all, this cyst is considered part of a disease such as endometriosis, with which fertilization of an egg is impossible. There are exceptions that require careful medical supervision without prescribing additional treatment.

Dermoid cysts do not affect hormonal levels in any way, which means that pregnancy occurs without any problems. The pathological process may occur due to the pronounced volume of the cyst.

By the way, the paraoval type of formation, which has volumes that do not exceed the norm, will not affect the patient’s reproductive function.

Do not forget that if there is some kind of failure, the functional cyst grows to a huge size, which can provoke a miscarriage. With a different clinical picture, the woman has no risk to her health and fetus. After the first trimester, a lack of progesterone is noted, which contributes to the resorption of the problem.

Causes of cysts during pregnancy

Reasons for appearance:

How does an ovarian cyst manifest itself during pregnancy?

Usually there are no symptoms of a problem, but if it suddenly arises while carrying a baby, then we are talking about the growth of education. In addition, twisting of the cyst stalk, its rupture, or inflammation in the peritoneum may be detected.

The first thing you should pay attention to is a sharp pain syndrome that covers the entire lower abdomen. In this case, the strongest sensations are localized in the area of ​​one of the ovaries.

In some cases, spasms occur in the lower back or pelvic area.

The clinical picture is always accompanied by the following signs:

  • swelling in various parts of the body;
  • attacks of nausea, profuse vomiting, which is difficult to control;
  • temperature rise beyond 38 degrees;
  • disruption of intestinal function due to severe pressure from a cystic formation or an enlarged uterus.

Doctors note that when palpating the abdomen, it is quite hard, and there may be pronounced bloating at the site of the cyst. A woman at any stage needs hospitalization if she has a similar condition. There is a risk to the mother's health and the threat of fetal loss.

Is a cyst during pregnancy dangerous for the expectant mother and baby?

In practice, any cystic formation can harm the health of a woman and her fetus. The condition is especially dangerous when the volume of the capsule becomes gigantic and exceeds 6 cm.

There is a high probability that such a neoplasm can rupture or twist at the base.

In such a situation, the patient suffers from heavy bleeding, and the general condition noticeably worsens. In the early stages, a miscarriage may occur or premature labor may begin.

If we focus on cysts, based on their type, then, as in other situations, cystadenomas and endometrioid ones are recognized as the most dangerous.

The latter will have a very dark liquid in the capsule, which is distinguished by its viscousness. Typically, these neoplasms are detected with endometriosis. Patients with this problem require treatment, because an increased level of estrogen will provoke cysts to grow.

Cystadenomas can reach 30 cm in size and greatly complicate the lives of patients. The patient's general condition is deteriorating, she constantly feels pain at the location of the problem. There is excess pressure on the fetus, which negatively affects its development. Constant discomfort due to the large volume greatly affects the psychological state of the patient.

Dermoid or follicular cysts are almost harmless as they do not require surgery.

In addition, therapy can be prescribed after labor. But, often, functional cysts regress without outside help. Dermal cysts are not as simple as increased growth can also lead to rupture.

In the first part of pregnancy, a woman may have a corpus luteum cyst, which disappears on its own by the second trimester. The risk of rupture is minimal; it can only be caused by excessive physical activity or sexual intercourse. For this reason, when confirming the diagnosis, it is better to exclude these 2 risks from the patient’s life.

No differences in the development of cysts depending on the location of the ovary were found. Symptoms may be affected by the location of the capsule, its size, or the characteristics of the clinical picture.

Is pregnancy possible after removal of an ovarian cyst?

Women who are still of childbearing age should understand that the possible presence of postoperative adhesions can put an end to their reproductive function.

It is possible to correct the picture if the cystic neoplasm is eliminated using endoscopic techniques.

Abdominal operations are quite dangerous, since after them the help of a surgeon is required to separate the adhesions. They can cause infertility in a woman.

Thanks to the development of new technologies, high-quality instruments remove the capsule precisely, while the ovary itself continues to function perfectly.

After the operation, you will have to be observed by a doctor and undergo laboratory tests. To improve the functioning of the reproductive organs, it is recommended to prescribe medications that have a beneficial effect on women's health.

As practice shows, cystic formations cannot become a problem for further pregnancy. It is important that they are diagnosed in time and do not affect the functioning of the ovaries. Under the supervision of gynecologists, patients with this pathology successfully bear and give birth to offspring.

Treatment of ovarian cysts during pregnancy

Functional type cysts do not require surgical removal; moreover, they do not require therapy. It is enough to observe them, monitoring possible growth based on ultrasound results.

But, in most cases, such cystic formations resolve over a certain period of time. By the end of the first trimester, not a trace remains of the pathology.

The question of surgery may arise if a cyst rupture, twisting of its stem, or possible blood loss is detected. The doctor opts for the laparoscopic technique, which allows not to terminate the pregnancy.

Cystic neoplasms of other types require more careful monitoring. If some signs are present, the question of inducing labor is raised, usually after the 3rd trimester.

If the cyst is not global in size, and its presence does not in any way interfere with natural childbirth. Then therapy for the treatment of pathology can be postponed until the birth of the baby.

Large volumes require a cesarean section with joint removal of the cyst. It is impossible to delay in such a situation because of the risk of rupture of the tumor.

Conventional methods for treating the problem in this case are not suitable due to the threat to the life of the fetus. Oral contraceptives, which are commonly used, contribute to miscarriage.

Laparoscopic technique during gestation

For up to 16 weeks, it is possible to use this medical procedure to eliminate a cystic neoplasm:

Contraindications for surgery:

  • excess body weight;
  • asthma or breathing problems;
  • various infectious processes in the body;
  • anemia, malfunction of the cardiac system;
  • surges in blood pressure.

This operation has the only drawback; it is used to eliminate cysts that have not grown more than 6 cm. Provided that the tumor has reached an impressive volume, the question arises about prescribing a laparotomy.

When should you urgently seek medical help?

As soon as the patient experiences any of the following signs, she should call an ambulance:

Prevention of disease occurrence

It is important to know that diagnosing a cyst during pregnancy is not a prerequisite for abortion. With such a pathology, it is possible to go through the entire stage of pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child. The only condition for this is considered to be an intensive examination of the patient, which will exclude the presence of serious complications.

To avoid this problem, doctors advise:

  • monitor your health and promptly combat ailments of internal organs;
  • carefully select food products, follow the regime;
  • forget about tobacco and alcohol products;
  • try not to carry out abortions and pharmaceutical termination of pregnancy;
  • be more active, engage in physical therapy;

Since during pregnancy the load on a woman’s body doubles, it is worth planning this important event in advance.

This measure will avoid the presence of serious diseases of internal organs that can be accidentally diagnosed during pregnancy.

Provided that the cyst was detected already during pregnancy, it should be observed. Don’t panic, just find a good specialist who will care for the patient for 9 months. In most cases, complications rarely arise from this pathology, and its relief occurs successfully after therapy.

An ovarian cyst can form at any time in a woman’s life, including during pregnancy. Ovarian cysts are diagnosed in one patient out of a thousand pregnant women. They are not a reason to have an abortion, but require close attention.

Ovarian cyst when planning pregnancy

During each woman's monthly cycle, follicles grow. After the dominant follicle reaches a certain size, it bursts and the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. It enters the fallopian tube, where fertilization occurs.

But sometimes, for some reason, the follicle does not rupture, and it turns into an ovarian follicular cyst. Sometimes a cystic formation also forms in place of the corpus luteum. Is an ovarian cyst an obstacle to pregnancy? Doctors believe that as long as there is a cyst in the ovary, further growth of follicles is impossible, which means that subsequent ovulation will not occur. It may recur after two months if the cysts lyse on their own during this period of time. Only after this will conception become possible.

Other cysts (endometrioid and dermoid) also form in the ovaries. They do not in any way affect the development of follicles and the ovulation process. However, their indirect effect is that such a cystic formation, if large, creates a mechanical obstacle to the conception process, puts pressure on the follicles, and also changes hormonal levels.

As you can see, in one patient the ovarian cyst is unlikely to create an obstacle to pregnancy, but in another it interferes with conception. If a woman suffering from infertility has no potential reasons for the inability to become pregnant, after several unsuccessful attempts to conceive, experts recommend performing laparoscopy to remove pathological cysts.

Causes of ovarian cysts during pregnancy

Can an ovarian cyst develop during pregnancy, and for what reasons? Today doctors cannot answer this question unambiguously. There are certain factors that contribute to the development of ovarian cysts during pregnancy:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • congenital predisposition of the body;
  • diet disorders that provoke hormone imbalance;
  • post-traumatic disorders and stress;
  • psycho-emotional lability;
  • taking contraceptives for a long time;
  • early puberty;
  • disorders of the monthly cycle;
  • overweight or underweight;
  • excessively frequent abortions;
  • lack of coitus;
  • early cessation of lactation;
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • bad habits;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.

Signs of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy

Does an ovarian cyst manifest itself in any way during pregnancy? As a rule, uncomplicated ovarian cysts do not manifest themselves in any way and are an accidental finding on an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. The presence of specific symptoms depends on the location and size of the ovarian cyst, as well as its origin.

An endometrioid cyst does not have pathognomonic symptoms. If it is present in the ovaries, then the woman may experience dysfunction, as well as pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies on the eve of menstruation or in the first days of menstruation. There may also be problems with conception and intestinal disorders (constipation followed by diarrhea). Patients often notice the appearance of spotting “chocolate discharge”.

If the ovarian cyst is small in size, it may not show any signs during pregnancy. It is also impossible to predict its growth - it can be slow or too rapid. Such an ovarian cyst during pregnancy can pose a threat if it ruptures, since this causes peritonitis, requiring abdominal surgery.

A follicular ovarian cyst during pregnancy can cause pressure and a feeling of heaviness in the projection area of ​​the ovary. As it increases, pain may appear, which intensifies when bending over and running fast. An additional indirect symptom of a follicular ovarian cyst may be a decrease in basal temperature after ovulation.

Paraovarian ovarian cysts can be detected both during pregnancy and before it. It is usually found by accident. If the cystic formation is small, the patient has no complaints. In the case when an ovarian cyst reaches sixteen centimeters in diameter during pregnancy, the woman’s stomach does not correspond to her due date, it becomes large, and the internal organs experience pressure.

If the paraovarian ovarian cyst is large, pregnancy may not occur, and the woman begins to experience dysfunctional uterine bleeding. She experiences periodic pain in the abdomen and sacral area. Due to pressure on nearby organs, women experience digestive disorders, pain during sexual intercourse and bladder dysfunction.

Consequences of ovarian cysts during pregnancy

If a woman is diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and becomes pregnant, she can only rejoice. However, the cystic formation must be monitored, undergo an ultrasound examination and be examined by a gynecologist. If an ovarian cyst begins to increase in size during pregnancy, it puts pressure on the uterus, disrupts the natural position of the ovaries, and creates preconditions for early miscarriage or premature birth.

If during pregnancy there is torsion or volvulus of the ovarian cyst, its necrosis, then an inflammatory process may develop. In this case, it is necessary to perform urgent surgical intervention. In some cases, laparotomy is indicated.

If you have an ovarian cyst, the risk of complications during childbirth increases. If a woman has intense contractions, then excessive tension of the rectus muscles of the anterior abdominal wall can cause rupture of the cystic formation. This situation requires immediate surgical intervention.

If the ovarian cyst is small in size and grows slowly during pregnancy, and there is no effect on the woman’s body, she is monitored, but no measures are taken.

Is it possible for an ovarian cyst to rupture during pregnancy?

Of course, if an ovarian cyst grows rapidly during pregnancy, it may rupture. A pregnant woman experiences acute pain in the lower abdomen on the affected side. She is bothered by nausea and often vomiting. There is a sharp rise in body temperature and an acceleration of the pulse. In the blood, ESR and the number of leukocytes increase. During a vaginal examination, the most intense pain is noted on the side and in the posterior surface of the uterus.

A ruptured ovarian cyst is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sudden sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • hyperthermia not eliminated by antipyretics;
  • sudden weakness;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • hypotension, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Treatment of ovarian cysts discovered during pregnancy

As a rule, functional cystic formations such as follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts do not require surgical intervention. It is enough to monitor them during pregnancy using ultrasound. Surgical treatment of large ovarian cysts is advisable to carry out at the stage of pregnancy planning.

This refers to ovarian cystic formations that do not regress within three cycles or are pathological. If the ovarian cyst becomes large, it must be removed, as it will undoubtedly pose a threat during pregnancy. There is no doubt about the need to perform laparoscopy or laparotomy in case of torsion and rupture of an ovarian cyst.

It is considered advisable to perform laparoscopic removal of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy only if necessary. As a rule, they first wait until the baby is born, and only then, if necessary, perform laparoscopy and remove the cyst. If the laparoscopic method of treating a cyst in a particular case is unacceptable, then a laparotomy approach is used to remove the cystic formation. During laparotomy, the anterior layer of the uterine ligament is dissected, then the cyst is carefully removed within healthy tissue. In this case, the ovaries are not damaged.

In order to reduce the risk of miscarriage after removal of the cyst, the patient in the postoperative period is prescribed therapy aimed at maintaining pregnancy.

Laparoscopy for ovarian cysts during pregnancy

During pregnancy, they strive to perform laparoscopy no later than the sixteenth week. Intravenous anesthesia is used for pain relief. Three punctures are performed: one in the umbilical region and two in the areas of projection of the ovaries. Instruments are inserted into the abdominal cavity, with the help of which gas is first pumped in and then the cyst is removed. After this, hemostasis is performed and left the abdominal cavity. Sutures and aseptic dressings are applied to the incision sites.

Depending on the size of the ovarian cyst and the stage of pregnancy, laparoscopy can last from half an hour to two hours. If there are no complications, the patient is discharged from the clinic on the third day. To prevent premature termination of pregnancy, she is undergoing further treatment in a gynecological hospital.

The following contraindications to laparoscopy for ovarian cysts during pregnancy are known:

  • excess body weight;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • infectious diseases;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • anemia of pregnant women;
  • cardiac dysfunction.

We must remember that during laparoscopy it is possible to remove an ovarian cyst with a diameter of no more than six centimeters. If its size is larger than this, then a laparotomy approach is used.

Methods for preventing ovarian cysts during pregnancy

It is known that during pregnancy a complication of an ovarian cyst can occur. To avoid this, a woman at the stage of planning conception needs to undergo a comprehensive examination and find out if she has any neoplasms. If you have an ovarian cyst, it must be removed before pregnancy.

If doctors discovered an ovarian cyst in a woman only during pregnancy, then further management of the patient must be approached in a differentiated manner. For small cystic formations, it is enough to observe them. If they cause concern, then the operation should be performed in the first trimester of pregnancy.

What is the prognosis for having an ovarian cyst during pregnancy? It is no different from what it was before conception. As is known, cystic ovarian tumors can behave unpredictably: either do not cause any harm, or at any moment provoke an urgent situation requiring immediate surgical intervention.

An ovarian cyst during pregnancy requires special treatment of the patient, but it is not a reason for abortion for medical reasons. It should be remembered that if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and receive adequate treatment, pregnancy in most cases ends in successful birth.

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