Bleeding. Signs of internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity: symptoms, causes, treatment methods, reviews

With internal bleeding, blood accumulates in organs and body cavities. It cannot be determined visually!

First aid for internal bleeding:

If there is internal bleeding into the pelvic cavity or abdomen, you can help by pressing the abdominal aorta against the spine with your fist. It is advisable to place a handkerchief or several layers of gauze between the skin and the hand.

In case of gastrointestinal bleeding, the patient is given pieces of ice to swallow.

Do not heat the injured area, give laxatives, give enemas or give medications that stimulate heart activity!


Internal bleeding is the flow of blood into the body cavity or human organs and into the interstitial spaces. The cause of this condition may be related to injury or chronic pathologies.

The following diseases and conditions can lead to internal bleeding:

  • injuries with damage internal organs(liver, lungs, spleen);
  • peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach;
  • rupture of an internal cyst;
  • closed fractures;
  • dissecting aortic aneurysm;
  • gynecological diseases (ovarian apoplexy, ectopic pregnancy);
  • varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach;
  • decaying malignant tumors.

These conditions can be triggered by accidents, strong blows, fall from height, active physical exercise, alcohol abuse, generous reception food.


With internal bleeding, the following symptoms develop that require first aid. Clinically, the condition is accompanied by objective ( external manifestations) and subjective (feelings of the victim) symptoms. The first of these includes:

  • pointed facial features;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • low performance HELL;
  • hand tremors;
  • tachycardia (pulse more than 100 beats per minute);
  • cold sweat, perspiration;
  • dyspnea;
  • muscle tension;
  • cold extremities;
  • fainting.

Subjective signs:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness, weakness;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • yawn;
  • nausea;
  • noise in the head;
  • dry mouth;
  • tinnitus;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • confused consciousness.

With hemorrhage in abdominal cavity there is pain during palpation (palpation) and heaviness in the abdomen, the “Vanka-Vstanka” symptom is the development of pain in the left or right shoulder, neck in a lying position, sitting, the pain disappears, but dizziness appears.

For gastrointestinal bleeding characterized by the absence of abdominal pain, melena (black feces), brown vomit (coffee grounds).

When breaking abdominal aorta, injury to the kidneys and adrenal glands, blood accumulates in the retroperitoneal space, pain occurs in the lower back, and when tapping on this area it becomes unbearable. Red blood cells may also appear in the urine.

When blood leaks into the muscles, bruises and hematomas occur in the area of ​​injury. In this case, the main help is cold.

If bleeding is caused gynecological diseases, then the general symptoms include hyperthermia, pain, heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, pressure on anus, a feeling of swelling of the mucous tissues inside.

Injury to a vessel in the lungs is usually accompanied by a cough, along with which foamy blood or blood streaks come out.

When cerebral bleeding occurs, organ tissues are compressed, resulting in unbearable headaches, vomiting, speech impairment and motor activity, convulsions.

The severity of the condition can be judged by pulse and blood pressure readings. Systolic pressure below 80 mm Hg. Art. and pulse above 110 beats per minute. points to serious condition and the need for assistance and urgent hospitalization. With blood loss of more than 2-3.5 liters, coma develops, followed by agony and death.


Diagnosing internal bleeding can be quite difficult; for this, first of all, an examination is carried out, measuring blood pressure and pulse, tapping and palpating the abdominal cavity, listening chest. To assess the severity of blood loss and volume necessary assistance perform laboratory tests of hemoglobin levels and hematocrit (red blood cell volume).

Diagnostic methods depend on the cause of internal hemorrhage:

  • For gastrointestinal pathology: esophagogastroduodenoscopy, finger examination rectum, colonoscopy, gastric intubation and sigmoidoscopy;
  • If the lungs are affected, bronchoscopy;
  • In case of illness Bladder- cystoscopy.

Ultrasound, radiological and x-ray techniques are also widely used. If bleeding into the abdominal cavity is suspected, laparoscopy is performed, and for intracranial hematoma, echoencephalography and skull radiography are performed.

Specialized medical care

The victims receive full assistance and are treated in a hospital. The department of which depends on the type of bleeding, the therapy is carried out by doctors of different profiles: gynecologists, thoracic surgeons, neurosurgeons, traumatologists, etc.

Basic goals medical care:

  • urgent stop of internal hemorrhage;
  • restoration of microcirculation;
  • replacement of lost blood;
  • prevention of empty heart syndrome by replenishing blood volume;
  • prevention of hypovolemic shock.

In all cases, infusion therapy is performed (the volume depends on internal blood loss): transfusion of polyglucin, saline solution, stabizol, gelatinol, glucose, blood and its preparations (albumin, fresh frozen plasma, red blood cells), plasma substitutes. At the same time, blood pressure, central venous pressure and diuresis are monitored.

If blood pressure does not rise due to infusions, norepinephrine, dopamine and adrenaline come to the rescue. For hemorrhagic shock, heparin, trental, steroid hormones and chimes.

In some cases, internal hemorrhage is stopped by cauterization or tamponade of the bleeding area. But more often, emergency surgery under anesthesia is necessary. If you suspect the development hemorrhagic shock Transfusion measures must be carried out.

At stomach bleeding Resection is indicated; for duodenal ulcers, vagotomy and suturing of the vessel are indicated. The outpouring of blood from the fissure of the esophagus is stopped endoscopically in combination with cold, taking antacids and hemostatic drugs. If the assistance provided does not bring results, the cracks are sutured.

In case of internal bleeding from the lungs, it is necessary to pack the bronchus. The accumulated blood from pleural cavity removed using a puncture, in severe cases thoracotomy with suturing of the site is required lung damage or ligation of the vessel. Emergency laparotomy is performed in all cases of ruptures of abdominal organs, and craniotomy is necessary in intracranial hematoma.

For internal gynecological hemorrhages, vaginal tamponade or surgical intervention, sometimes with removal of the ovary, fallopian tube or uterus.

Probably everyone has come across such a concept as “bleeding”. It would seem that recognizing him would not be difficult for anyone. But everything is always clear only with external bleeding, but if internal bleeding occurs, the symptoms of which may be hidden, everything can be much more complicated. After all, no one will immediately understand in which tissues and organs it occurred. And it depends on this further treatment affected tissue.

Bleeding - what is it?

Bleeding refers to any situation where blood escapes from the blood vessels. There are external and internal bleeding. External are those in which blood flows into the external environment through natural openings or wounds, for example, uterine or from the final sections of the intestine. Internal bleeding occurs when the blood does not come out, but remains inside the body, forming hematomas in the organs - accumulations of blood. An example is when blood flows into the pleura, abdominal cavity, joints, and cardiac lining.

In addition to dividing into external and internal, as well as hidden or obvious, they are divided according to which vessel is damaged:

  • capillary;
  • venous;
  • arterial;
  • parenchymal;
  • mixed.

Capillary bleeding is characterized by saturation. Blood is released rather slowly in the form of droplets that resemble dew. Capillaries are the most small vessels person. This bleeding can be stopped by tightly bandaging the wound. If there are no problems with the coagulation system, then medical attention is not needed in this case.

For venous bleeding from wound surface dark flowing blood is released. Serious blood loss is possible. The victim must be taken to medical institution, as the first medical care use tight bandaging.

When bleeding from an artery, the blood pulsates and flows. It is scarlet in color and quickly flows out of the wound. It is necessary to apply a tourniquet above the damaged area. Apply a tight bandage to the wound. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than an hour.

Parenchymal bleeding can occur with injuries to the cancellous bone, cavernous tissue and parenchymal organs. Such bleeding is very life-threatening; the victim must be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible. You cannot stop this type of bleeding on your own; it can be profuse.

At mixed bleeding blood can flow from various vessels, and also be combined with parenchymal ones. Most often, such blood loss occurs due to injuries to organs in which the vascular network is well developed.

Types of internal bleeding

Internal bleeding, the symptoms of which are very insidious, pose a great danger to human health and even life. The severity of the victim’s condition with this pathology directly depends on how large vessel suffered, that is, from its diameter. The larger the affected vessel, the bleeding is more dangerous, and the greater the blood loss may be.

There are the following types of internal bleeding:

  • into the abdominal cavity, when internal organs rupture - spleen, liver - abdominal bleeding;
  • from the pelvic organs: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes;

All these pathologies have their own signs and characteristics that allow the doctor to suspect something is wrong inside the body.

Causes of internal bleeding

Internal bleeding, the symptoms of which can be erased, never occurs as the main pathology. They are caused either by an underlying disease, or an injury, or a whole series of various circumstances. Internal bleeding can occur due to the following reasons:

  • abdominal injuries, both open and closed, which may damage internal organs such as small intestine, spleen, liver;
  • a ruptured ovary can lead to internal bleeding;
  • ruptured pelvic or ovarian cyst;
  • traumatic injuries of the lower back;
  • intestinal and stomach ulcers;
  • varicose veins of the stomach or esophagus;
  • aortic dissection (with an aneurysm);
  • malignant tumors of the abdominal and retroperitoneal space of the stomach, intestines in the stage of decay;
  • esophageal damage.

Intestinal bleeding

Intestinal bleeding may occur when various diseases intestines (both large and small). Most often it is caused by an ulcer duodenum. Bleeding can also be caused by tumor rupture and simple trauma. The patient may feel dizzy, spots flashing before the eyes, and sticky cold sweat. If bleeding is in the upper intestines, you may vomit coffee grounds and have black or dark cherry-colored stools. Intestinal bleeding most often requires urgent surgical intervention. Anyway, stop internal bleeding and treatment of its consequences is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of medical personnel.

Symptoms of bleeding of internal organs

If a person suddenly turns pale, he has a sticky sweat, blood pressure has dropped sharply, the pulse has increased, internal bleeding may be suspected. The symptoms of this pathology will leave no doubt if you are careful. Drowsiness and indifference to the outside world may also occur literally five minutes after the person has been sociable and active.

Bleeding in the stomach

Internal bleeding of the stomach is one of the most dangerous conditions. Man feels general symptoms, characteristic of internal bleeding. In addition, he most often vomits coffee grounds and black feces. This bleeding can be caused by a stomach ulcer, a malignant tumor that has disintegrated, or an abdominal injury.

What to do if bleeding of internal organs occurs?

If a person experiences a deterioration in health, indicating that he has internal bleeding, the symptoms of which are generally similar to each other, he should immediately call ambulance. Before paramedics arrive or if the patient has to be transported independently, you must first of all place him on his back. Apply cold to the suspected area of ​​bleeding. You should not try to stop internal bleeding on your own; treatment should only be carried out by a doctor.

Methods for stopping internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity

At the first symptoms of internal bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should not console yourself with the illusion that it will stop, because such a condition is life-threatening. After compiling a medical history, specialists collect a small amount of feces and emetics to send them for analysis. This test is done to check for the presence of blood in them.

After diagnosing the disease, doctors provide assistance with internal bleeding - diagnostic procedures, for example, endoscopy, x-rays, rectomanosigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and some others. All these measures are carried out in order to determine where exactly the source of bleeding is located. In some cases, a therapeutic and diagnostic injection of a sclerosing agent is used, and electrocoagulation can be used. Also effective method is laser radiation.

But the most effective is radical method- surgical. This procedure is especially often used when the bleeding is acute and there is no time for unnecessary actions. But after surgery there is no guarantee that it will not open again. Therefore, the patient is observed in the hospital for some time.

All therapeutic measures are aimed at achieving several goals during bleeding.

  1. Application medicines, which reduce the activity of gastric secretion.
  2. The bleeding is stopped as quickly as possible.
  3. Additionally, blood is injected if the loss is large.
  4. There is a fight against DIC syndrome.
  5. It is also important to bring a person out of a state of shock; the fight against collapse is carried out.

Who is susceptible to such bleeding?

Exists certain group risk - people who have more likely Internal bleeding may occur. We have already discussed the symptoms of this condition. These are patients who have pathologies such as:

  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • oncological diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • intussusception;
  • any gastroenterological hypertrophic diseases;
  • polyposis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • some benign tumors gastrointestinal tract.

But these diseases are not necessarily accompanied by bleeding. You should not give in to panic; you must remember that the bleeding in these cases can almost always be stopped. The main thing is to implement necessary measures to stop it and do not delay contacting a doctor. Having diseases that are at risk, you need to remember all medical prescriptions. For example, about strict adherence to a diet, correct mode eating, necessary organization healthy image life. It is important to monitor your health and contact specialists in a timely manner.

Signs of internal hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity in women are not always acute, which makes it difficult to diagnose. This condition is serious danger for life. A favorable outcome is possible only if assistance is provided in a timely manner and treatment is carried out correctly.

Causes of internal bleeding

Intra-abdominal bleeding occurs when blood is shed in the retroperitoneal space or into the abdominal cavity. This problem occurs as a result of exposure various factors traumatic and non-traumatic nature.

Causes of traumatic nature

Internal bleeding in women in the abdominal area can occur after injury to the chest. This group includes a large number of injuries to bones or organs caused by the action of bone fragments. Open or closed damage belly. They occur as a result of falls, impacts, and tissue compression. Similar injuries can occur in the presence of gunshot or stab wounds. The development of bleeding is explained by the rupture of hollow organs and large vessels.

Sometimes the problem arises against the background of ongoing operations:

  • appendix removal;
  • resection of part of the stomach or liver;
  • removal of the gallbladder;
  • performing nephrectomy.

Severe blood loss after such operations is associated with improper suturing of the vessels or removed organ. The problem can also arise as a result of excessive physical activity.

Non-traumatic causes

Development intra-abdominal bleeding in women is associated with the following factors:

  • oncological diseases of the pelvic and abdominal organs;
  • rupture of aortic aneurysm;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • varicose veins localized in the stomach or food tube;
  • rupture of an ovarian cyst, fallopian tube with ectopic pregnancy;
  • multiple liver hemangiomas;
  • rupture of the mucous membranes of the food tube or cardiac parts of the stomach.

The appearance of symptoms of intra-abdominal bleeding is associated with the development of diseases accompanied by deterioration of blood clotting. These include obstructive jaundice, malaria, hemorrhagic diathesis. Slowing blood clotting can also occur when taking certain medications (anticoagulants or fibrinolytics).

Symptoms of hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity

Signs of abdominal hemorrhage depend on the amount of blood lost and the location of the problem. There are general symptoms and those characteristic of a particular type of pathology.

General symptoms

TO general manifestations blood loss in the abdominal area refers to sudden weakness, blurred vision, dizziness, cold sweat, thirst. The woman may lose consciousness. The severity of symptoms depending on the volume of blood loss:

  • Minor. Usually it doesn't show up at all. Possible weakness, decreased performance blood pressure, increased heart rate.
  • Moderate weight. Characteristic signs are heart rate 100 beats per minute, systolic pressure up to 80 mm Hg. Art. There is shortness of breath, dry mucous membranes, and cold sweat. Dizziness, weakness, fainting, and slow reaction are sure to appear.
  • Severe blood loss. Systolic pressure is below 80 mmHg. Art., heart rate increases to 110 beats per minute. Shortness of breath, severe thirst, and trembling of the limbs appear. Some patients experience pallor of the skin and cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.
  • Massive hemorrhage. There is bluishness of the skin and mucous membranes, the appearance delirious state. In this case, the eyes droop and facial features change. Heart rate increases to 160 beats per minute, pressure decreases to 60 mm Hg. Art.

With blood loss, which poses a direct danger to a woman’s life, the pupils dilate and convulsions develop. There is a decrease in the number of heart contractions to 10 beats per minute. Spontaneous separation of urine and feces is possible. As a result, the woman falls into a coma, which ends in agony and death.

Symptoms of hemorrhage in the organs of the urinary and digestive system

In case of internal bleeding, which is associated with the urinary or digestive system, the following symptoms are observed:

  • the stool acquires a rich black color and a pungent odor;
  • vomiting with blood clots or coffee grounds;
  • the appearance of bright blood along with stool;
  • detection of bloody clots in the urine.

Signs of uterine bleeding

If your lower abdomen hurts and aches, there is a possibility of developing uterine bleeding. Unpleasant sensations pronounced and acute in nature. It can hurt not only the lower abdomen, but also in the lumbar region and anus. Appear false urges to defecation, a feeling of swelling of the mucous membranes.

Internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity is extremely dangerous, especially if it is not diagnosed in time. In this condition, it is important to begin treatment immediately to prevent the development of dangerous complications:

  • massive bleeding that is not stopped in time ends in the death of the patient;
  • upon loss large quantity blood compresses the internal organs in the abdominal cavity, which poses a danger to life;
  • the development of intra-abdominal infection is possible, which leads to inflammation of the peritoneal layers;
  • Acute anemia develops, as a result, heart function deteriorates, blood pressure drops, which leads to hemorrhagic shock.

To prevent these complications, the patient must undergo diagnostic testing, including abdominal radiography. An external inspection must be performed and analyzed developing symptoms. In addition to X-rays, it is shown ultrasonography, general blood analysis. Accurate clinical picture provides diagnostic laparoscopy.

First aid for bleeding into the abdominal cavity

If internal bleeding is suspected, the patient must be hospitalized. Eating food and water is prohibited, as this may worsen the situation. Transportation is carried out in a lying position. Apply on the stomach cold compress to reduce bleeding.

In order not to complicate the diagnosis of the pathological condition, it is forbidden to take painkillers. From the moment of admission to the hospital, the doctor constantly monitors the patient’s condition, blood pressure, heart rate, changes in general analysis blood.

If minor blood loss is detected, treatment is carried out in a conservative way. Saline solutions and drugs are administered intravenously to stop bleeding. If a serious pathology is detected, a number of anti-shock and anti-hemorrhagic measures are carried out.

- leakage of blood into the peritoneal cavity or retroperitoneal space due to a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels, parenchymal or hollow organs. When bleeding into the abdominal cavity, weakness, pallor, cold sweat develop, rapid pulse, drop in blood pressure, abdominal pain, fainting or shock. The main role in the diagnosis of bleeding in the abdominal cavity is played by examination of the patient, dynamics of hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, laparocentesis and laparoscopy. Treatment of bleeding into the abdominal cavity is surgical - laparotomy with revision of internal organs; Antishock, hemostatic and transfusion therapy are carried out in parallel.

Bleeding into the abdominal cavity (intra-abdominal bleeding, hemoperitoneum) in gastroenterology can be a symptom of a disease or damage to internal organs and tissues. The danger of bleeding into the abdominal cavity, like any internal bleeding, is its hidden nature, which can pose a threat to the patient’s life. As a result of bleeding into the abdominal cavity, hemoperitoneum occurs - accumulation of blood in the peritoneal cavity and retroperitoneal space. Bleeding into the abdominal cavity is complicated by the development of hypovolemic and neurogenic shock. Hypovolemic shock is associated with a rapid decrease in circulating blood volume (by 25% or more) and hemodynamic disturbances, neurogenic (traumatic) shock is associated with excessive pain impulses.

Causes of bleeding into the abdominal cavity

Bleeding into the abdominal cavity is based on traumatic and non-traumatic causes. Bleeding into the abdominal cavity may be due to mechanical injury chest and abdominal injury: closed - due to impact, compression; open - with a gunshot or stab wound, as well as injuries associated with abdominal operations. In this case, a traumatic rupture of the parenchymal or hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, genitourinary system, as well as blood vessels located in the folds of the peritoneum, thicker than the mesentery and greater omentum. Bleeding into the abdominal cavity in postoperative period usually associated with slipping (cutting) of a ligature applied to the vessels of the mesentery or organ stumps.

Bleeding into the abdominal cavity of non-traumatic origin develops spontaneously in the complicated course of certain diseases and pathological processes internal organs. Bleeding can be observed with tumors of the abdominal organs; conditions leading to decreased blood clotting; ectopic pregnancy; rupture of an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, rupture of the spleen due to malaria, rupture of a cyst and ovarian apoplexy. Bleeding into the retroperitoneal space is much less common.

Symptoms of bleeding into the abdominal cavity

The clinical picture of bleeding into the abdominal cavity is determined by the severity of blood loss - its intensity, duration and volume.

Signs of intra-abdominal bleeding include pallor skin and mucous membranes, general weakness, dizziness, cold sweat, a sharp drop in blood pressure, severe tachycardia (pulse rate - 120-140 beats per minute), local or diffuse abdominal pain, aggravated by movement. A patient with bleeding into the abdominal cavity tries to take a sitting position to relieve abdominal pain (the “stand up” symptom).

When the diaphragmatic peritoneum is irritated by accumulated blood, pain can radiate to the chest, shoulder blade and shoulder; When bleeding into the retroperitoneal space, back pain is noted. In case of profuse bleeding into the abdominal cavity, the pain becomes intense and loss of consciousness is possible; for acute massive blood loss collapse develops.

Diagnosis of bleeding into the abdominal cavity

A patient with suspected bleeding into the abdominal cavity is subject to urgent examination in a hospital. The abdominal area is examined to identify characteristic features injuries ( open wounds, abrasions, bruises).

Superficial palpation reveals softness and slight soreness of the anterior abdominal wall, its limited participation in breathing, weak severe symptoms peritoneal irritation. Deep palpation is carried out carefully, as it causes sharp pain in the area of ​​the damaged organ or the entire abdominal wall. Percussion of the abdomen in the presence of bleeding into the abdominal cavity is very painful; due to the accumulation of blood, dullness of sound is noted in sloping areas. Auscultation of the abdomen reveals a decrease in bowel sounds. When a hollow organ ruptures local manifestations bleeding into the abdominal cavity may be masked by signs of incipient peritonitis.

Digital rectal and vaginal examinations reveal bulging and severe pain in the anterior wall of the rectum and posterior arch vagina. If you suspect a broken tubal pregnancy, it is important to diagnostic value puncture of the abdominal cavity is performed through the wall of the posterior vaginal fornix. Laboratory research blood during bleeding into the abdominal cavity shows an increasing decrease in the level of hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells and hematocrit.

In case of internal bleeding, plain radiography helps determine the presence of free fluid (blood) in the abdominal cavity. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity reveals the source of bleeding in the internal organs and the accumulation of anechoic fluid. The main methods for diagnosing bleeding into the abdominal cavity are endoscopic examinations— laparocentesis (puncture of the abdominal cavity with the connection of a groping catheter) and diagnostic laparoscopy.

The differential diagnosis of bleeding into the abdominal cavity is carried out with a perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, retroperitoneal hematoma and hematoma of the anterior abdominal wall. If necessary, narrow specialists are involved in the diagnosis - a gynecologist, traumatologist, thoracic surgeon, coloproctologist, hematologist, etc.

Treatment of bleeding into the abdominal cavity

A patient with suspected bleeding into the abdominal cavity is immediately hospitalized, observing general rules: position - lying on your back, cold on the stomach, exclusion of water and food intake. In the surgical hospital, careful dynamic monitoring of pulse rate and blood pressure, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels is carried out. Before establishing accurate diagnosis The use of painkillers (narcotics) is contraindicated.

At acute blood loss And sharp drop Antishock and antihemorrhagic infusion therapy measures are carried out: transfusion of blood substitutes (or reinfusion of recently leaked blood into the abdominal cavity), administration of analeptic drugs. This helps to increase and replenish BCC, improve rheological properties blood and microcirculation.

If the fact of bleeding in the abdominal cavity is established, emergency surgical intervention (laparotomy) is indicated, including inspection of the abdominal organs to detect the source of bleeding and stop it, eliminating existing damage.

The prognosis for bleeding into the abdominal cavity is quite serious, depending on the cause and intensity of the bleeding, as well as the speed and scope of surgical care.

One of the most insidious acute life-threatening conditions is internal bleeding. They represent pathological condition, accompanied by the release of blood from the vessels into the free abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space or hollow organs (stomach and intestines). The whole complexity of the situation is that usually most diseases cause concern in a person in connection with the signaling pain syndrome. With any bleeding there are no such signs. This leaves this problem went unnoticed for a long time. They begin to pay attention to it only when the condition of patients sharply worsens. But there are specific symptoms internal bleeding, knowledge of which can help in timely diagnosis this complex problem.

Signs of internal bleeding

By paying close attention to all changes in the body, you can notice seemingly ordinary changes. Over time, they gradually worsen. Immediate signs of internal bleeding:

  1. Poor health and general weakness;
  2. Dizziness and fainting;
  3. Drowsiness and apathy (lack of interest in anything);
  4. Unnatural paleness of the skin;
  5. A decrease in blood pressure below those figures that are typical for a particular person in normal times ( arterial hypotension);
  6. Increased heart rate (tachycardia).

All listed symptoms are considered general. They are typical for any type of internal bleeding. There is another group clinical manifestations, which relate to specific signs one or another type of this disease. About them we'll talk in other sections of the article.

The only thing worth focusing on is the speed of development and progression of symptoms. Sometimes all the signs grow so quickly and spontaneously that neither the patients themselves nor the people around them can understand what is happening. But it happens that the situation develops gradually with a gradual deterioration of the general condition and worsening symptoms. This option clinical course internal bleeding is more favorable, as it makes it possible to notice threatening symptoms and promptly seek help.

The intensity of internal bleeding and the rate of increase in its symptoms depend on the cause of its occurrence and the diameter of the bleeding vessels. The larger the vessel is damaged, the heavier it is!

Types of internal bleeding and their manifestations

If we consider this issue globally, we can say that internal bleeding is one in which the spilled blood does not have direct contact with external environment. Therefore, many do not classify bleeding from the stomach and intestines as internal. But, if we take into account that they may not cause specific symptoms for a long time, then it is advisable to consider them in the context of internal ones. After all, the main thing is to suspect a problem as early as possible, and everything else will be clarified during the process of observation and diagnosis in a medical facility.

All types of internal bleeding and their corresponding specific symptoms are shown in a visual table.

Type of bleeding How to spot internal bleeding
Bleeding into the free abdominal cavity (ruptures of internal organs: liver, spleen)
  1. General symptoms (weakness, dizziness, pale skin, arterial hypotension and tachycardia);
  2. Heaviness in the abdomen;
  3. “Vanka-Vstanka” symptom – the appearance of pain in the right or left shoulder, neck, horizontal position. When sitting, the pain goes away, but dizziness occurs;
  4. Soreness upper sections abdomen upon palpation.
Bleeding from pelvic organs(ruptures of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes)
  1. General symptoms;
  2. Pain and discomfort in lower parts belly;
  3. Pressure on the anus;
  4. Pain over the pubis upon palpation;
  5. The “Vanka-Vstanka” symptom occurs only with massive bleeding and severe general condition sick.
Bleeding into the retroperitoneal space (ruptures of the abdominal aorta, kidneys and adrenal glands)
  1. Symptoms general. Always expressed moderately;
  2. Lower back pain;
  3. A positive symptom of tapping is tapping on the lower back causes increased pain.
Gastrointestinal bleeding (diseases of the stomach, small and large intestines, leading to exposure of blood vessels)
  1. Vivid general symptoms;
  2. Vomiting blood or brown matter (coffee grounds);
  3. Bloody diarrhea, dark cherry or black stools;
  4. Lack of any pain in a stomach.

Laparoscopy is the most modern method diagnosis and treatment of internal bleeding

Immediate causes

The following diseases and conditions can lead to internal bleeding:

  1. Closed and open injuries abdomen with damage to internal organs (liver, spleen, mesentery of the small intestine);
  2. Ovarian apoplexy (ovarian ruptures);
  3. Rupture of an ovarian or pelvic cyst (most often occurs during sexual intercourse);
  4. Active physical activity (can provoke ruptures of cystic ovaries or enlarged internal organs);
  5. Injuries of the lumbar region;
  6. Aortic aneurysms that begin to dissect;
  7. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  8. Ruptures of the mucous membrane of the esophagus (Malory-Weiss syndrome);
  9. and stomach;
  10. Disintegrating tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space.

There can never be internal bleeding independent disease. They are always either the main manifestation or a complication of a number of pathological conditions.

What is the danger and what to do

It is very important to know how to behave correctly in case of internal bleeding. After all, a person’s life often depends on it. Undifferentiated tactics boil down to the following activities:

  1. Place the patient with the slightest signs internal bleeding. All further actions must be carried out in a strictly horizontal position of the patient;
  2. Cooling the abdomen (ice pack or cold heating pad on the lower abdomen, hypochondrium or lumbar region, depending on the presumed location of the source of bleeding);
  3. Transport the patient in this position to the nearest medical facility.

If you neglect the rules of first aid, this can lead to increased bleeding and massive blood loss. Similar conditions are always very dangerous and pose a direct threat to human life.

In a surgical hospital setting, specialists can choose the following tactics.

Situation What actions
Minor bleeding with signs of self-stopping and moderate blood loss. The diagnostics revealed no severe injuries and no significant accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity. Observation, infusion therapy intravenous administration saline solutions(Ringer, saline, reosorbilact, refortan), hemostatic drugs (aminocaproic acid, etamsylate).
Severe blood loss of any origin, regardless of the causes and damage to organs Emergency surgery with parallel infusion therapy to maintain the most important vital parameters.

In the vast majority of cases of internal bleeding, emergency treatment is required. surgical treatment. This is the only way to save lives and prevent complications.