Tobacco business: how to start a cigarette production. Cigarette production technology and a list of necessary equipment. What are cigarettes made from?

The cigarette production business, subject to all serious requirements, including excise taxes, continues to be one of the most profitable types. By equipping a mini-factory with all the necessary mechanisms, you can quickly achieve a stable profit.

Manufacturing process

The most convenient option for an independent cigarette production business is an automated mini-factory, which does not require large staff.

Cigarettes, what is the difference between cigarettes, what are they made from

The cigarette production process is simple and includes several stages. The raw material is leaf tobacco, dried after collection using certain technologies. Different varieties require separate preparation, so this stage should be studied in detail in order to decide on a specific type of cigarette. After this, the process of their production proceeds in the following sequence.

  • Cutting tobacco.
  • Wrapping shredded tobacco in a sheet of tissue paper to form a rod - a long cigarette.
  • Cigarette cutting.
  • Filter installation.
  • Quality control and regulatory compliance.

Packaging involves several technological operations:

  • placing cigarettes in packs;
  • gluing excise stamps;
  • wrapping the packs with polypropylene film containing a tear strip;
  • laying packs in blocks, which are then wrapped in polypropylene film;
  • gluing a marking sticker to the block;
  • placing the blocks in a corrugated cardboard box and then gluing a marking sticker on it.

General description, features and differences from large productions

You can start a business producing one or more types of cigarettes by purchasing individual units. An analysis of opinions on this issue shows that it is more rational to immediately purchase a single technological line, which will allow you to quickly start operations.

Such a relatively small and fully equipped cigarette factory has a number of advantages when compared with largest companies, producing cigarettes.

  • Compactness, allowing you to install a mini-plant in relatively small spaces.
  • Cost-effectiveness, expressed in the absence of the need to build large production workshops. A small staff contributes to savings thanks to significant automation.
  • Mobility, facilitating quick movement of the installation to another location, if such a need arises.

Materials and equipment

An integrated approach to the production of cigarettes assumes that a mini-factory with all the necessary equipment is immediately installed. The conveyor line includes the following mechanisms.

When opening a cigarette business, you need to focus on products with a filter, since they are in great demand. It is also taken into account that varieties of cigarette products without a filter may be prohibited for sale, so their production must be treated with caution.

Business plan

When developing a business plan, it is advisable to focus on production lines for cigarette brands from the category of inexpensive varieties that are the most popular among quite a few people. wide range consumer who has no high income. In order for a fairly large financial investment in a specialized mini-factory to pay off, and for the cigarette business to begin generating income, it is important to develop a respectable external design style.

An obligatory step is to go through the registration procedure, for which the necessary package of documents is collected. Only with all approvals in hand supervisory authorities, the production process can begin.

Since advertising of cigarette products is prohibited, it is necessary, even before purchasing equipment, to conduct detailed marketing research and conclude agreements and contracts with trade organizations that have permission to sell this product. To avoid downtime, reliable suppliers of raw materials of the required grade and quality will be required.

Due to the fact that in fully equipped mini-factories, many processes are automated, a lot of personnel will not be required. However, you will need a traffic controller, an operator, maintenance personnel, a forwarding driver, and an accountant.

Cost, payback

It should be noted that a mini-factory focused on the production of cigarettes will require serious capital investments. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out preliminary detailed calculations of all necessary expenses and projected income to eliminate financial losses.

To quickly resolve issues with obtaining permits, it is advisable to purchase a fully equipped line from a reliable manufacturer, who necessarily provides a guarantee for all equipment. In this case, capital costs will be as follows:

  • equipment ≈ 36,500 thousand rubles.

It is more convenient to rent premises for the first years of business development. Monthly operating costs for the production of tobacco products will consist of several items.

  • Raw materials. It is necessary to calculate the need for leaf tobacco based on the predicted productivity of the mini-plant. On average, it can be 2000-2500 pieces/min or 120,000 pieces/hour. If the work is carried out in one eight-hour shift for 23 days, then the following will be produced per month:

120000 ∙ 8 ∙ 23 = 22080000 pieces. This will amount to 1,104,000 packs.

The production of one pack requires about 20 g of tobacco, therefore, total the required raw materials will be equal to:

20 ∙ 1104000 = 22080000 g = 22080 kg.

At an average price of one kilogram of tobacco of 100 rubles, you will have to pay for raw materials per month:

100 ∙ 22080 = 2208000 rubles = 2208 thousand rubles.

  • The excise tax is determined from its cost per thousand cigarettes, which since 01/01/2016 is approximately 1.68 thousand rubles. Therefore, you will have to pay in total:

1.68 ∙ 22080 = 37094.4 thousand rubles.

  • Wages per ten employees, including taxes, this expense item per month will average 375 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses (packaging materials, utility and transportation costs, rent and depreciation) can amount to 3,200 thousand rubles.

The total cost of production per month will be 42877.4 thousand rubles.

Income will be determined from the average price for a sold pack of cigarettes of 55 rubles. It will be:

55 ∙ 1104000 = 60720 thousand rubles.

60720 – 42877.4 = 17842.6 thousand rubles.

Net profit is calculated without 15% tax:

17842.6 – 2676.4 = 15166.2 thousand rubles.


36500 / 15166.2 ≈ 2.5 months.

Video: Everything about cigarette production

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What business is considered one of the most controversial, certainly profitable, but still unpopular among Russian businessmen? This is the production of cigarettes.

However, the demand for these products is very high. This is evidenced by at least the annual increase in smokers in our country. This is not affected by any efforts of the government or non-state foundations to combat this bad habit.

Judge for yourself, the number of people committed to smoking remains stable at 44 million people. Even though tobacco production is strictly controlled by the state and big amount excise taxes imposed on this business, the production and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products is a highly profitable business.

The possibility of success in this area is shown by the fact that all the leaders of this market started their business from tiny factories that supplied goods to a small, narrow market. And look at them now? Having withstood all the tests from the state, competition and other troubles, these corporations cover the entire country, and sometimes even foreign countries. Everyone has a chance to take their place in this market, subject to the production of cigarettes good quality at a low price.

Profitability of filter cigarette production

Such complex and expensive production scares off many novice businessmen - after all, the cost of the factory equipment is approximately 7 million dollars, and the cost of the conveyor line is approximately 800 thousand dollars.

But there is an option to start your own tobacco business much cheaper by purchasing used equipment. IN in this case the risk of losing a lot of money is small: if you feel that this business is “not yours,” you can safely sell the purchased equipment for almost the same money as you purchased.

A fully equipped, used cigarette production line (producing 125 packs, or 2,500 cigarettes per minute) will cost about 12 million rubles. There are also cheaper analogues - for example, equipment for the production of cigarettes without a filter will cost only 23.5-28 thousand euros (990 - 1,180 thousand rubles). But it’s better not to mess with this kind of production - in last years legislators have raised the issue of banning these tobacco products several times.

Let's calculate the profitability of the presented equipment. The price of 1 kg of tobacco is from 1.8 to 2.5 euros (76 - 105 rubles). Counting 20 g of pure tobacco per pack (taking into account shrinkage, spillage and other inevitable losses), we obtain the daily requirement for raw materials at the level of 1200 kg, or (at the maximum price) 126 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses (counting a 24-day working month with an 8-hour working day) on tobacco are about 3 million rubles. with a productivity of 1.44 million packs - thus, the cost of tobacco alone is 2.08 rubles. for 1 pack. This is the cost basis. Next comes the excise tax on tobacco products. On this moment it is 270 rubles. per 1000 cigarettes.

1.44 million packs contain 28.8 million cigarettes, or in terms of excise tax rubles - 7,776 thousand rubles, or 5.4 rubles per pack of cigarettes. Thus, the cost of a pack rises to 7.48 rubles.

But this, of course, is not all - after all, there are still costs for cigarette paper, filters, packs, foil, workers' compensation, utility bills, etc.

In order not to go deep into complex calculations, we will take the amount of costs for packaging products equal to, for example, double the amount of previous costs - approximately 14.96 rubles. For the purity of calculations, the resulting amount was 22.44 rubles. Let's round up to 25 rubles.

The cost of producing 1000 cigarettes before 1998 was about $10. Using modernization and “new technologies”, according to an association member Environmental safety, today the cost of 1000 cigarettes has dropped to $1.

Your own cigarette manufacturing business: counting profits

The price of cigarettes using first grade tobacco reaches more than 100 rubles. per pack, but for greater realism let’s compare the cigarettes produced by our factory with analogues such as, for example, Marlboro or Parliament, priced at 50-60 rubles. per pack.

Let's take the arithmetic average price - 55 rubles. We will also introduce the concept of a wholesale price, 25% lower than the maximum allowable price (according to the law, all cigarettes are marked with a number - the maximum allowable price). In our case, the wholesale price will be 41.25 rubles, and the net profit per pack will be 16.25 rubles.

Based on these figures, we get a net profit equal to 23.4 million rubles. Of course, this figure is slightly higher than the real one - minus taxes and other obligatory payments, it will be approximately 75% of the indicated amount - i.e. about 17.5 million. Of course, part of the amount will go to purchase raw materials for next month and other similar expenses, so that the entrepreneur will have less than half of the specified amount in his hands. However, the payback of production, all other things being equal, does not exceed six months.

The state of the tobacco business in Russia

Now average price A pack of cigarettes in Russia is about 90 rubles. Director of Corporate Relations at BAT Russia Alexander Lyuty emphasized that in 2017 Russian consumers awaits the highest in modern history increase in cigarette prices.

BAT Russia also notes that in other member states Customs Union Cigarette prices are not growing as rapidly as in Russia. On average, tobacco products are 30% cheaper there. In Belarus it is 29 rubles per pack; in 2017 the price there will rise to 34 rubles. In Kazakhstan, the minimum retail price in rubles will increase from 51.4 to 57.1 rubles per pack.

Thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs concludes, the flow of illegal products from partner countries will increase, which is already observed in the regions bordering Belarus.

Every year the number of smokers in the world increases. In proportion to this figure, the number of deaths from diseases caused by smoking is also growing. It is known from school days that bad habit harms the cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive and other systems of the body. Unfortunately, few people think about how cigarettes are actually made and what is included in their composition. the main objective modern production– to reduce the cost of your product, so various tricks are used. Usually, all actions for this purpose cause even greater harm to the health of a person and his offspring.

The components of a tobacco product usually vary depending on its price. In more expensive copies Great chance meet quality ingredients, and vice versa.

Composition of a regular cigarette:

  • tobacco leaves;
  • exploded tobacco;
  • exploded tobacco vein;
  • reconstituted tobacco;
  • flavorings, sauces;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • dye;
  • filter.


It grows on slopes and is harvested in late summer. After harvesting, the leaves of the plant are placed in a drying chamber for a short time, after which they continue to dry in the open air under the influence of sunlight.

Real tobacco has beneficial properties for the body: analgesic, anthelmintic. With its help they fight the manifestations of sea sickness, scabies, and epilepsy. It sounds paradoxical, but it is even used to quit smoking. The composition of tobacco contains a large amount nicotinic acid, which is widely used in medicine, dermatology. Nowadays, real raw materials can only be found in expensive cigarettes and cigars.

Exploded Tobacco

For its production, porous varieties are used - Virginia, Burley. The purpose of expanded (its second name) tobacco is to use less raw material for one cigarette without losing volume. One way to get this type of leaves is to fill their pores liquid nitrogen and sudden heating. During this process, the structure loosens, becomes more voluminous, and smolders faster. This is another move by the manufacturer, because the sooner a cigarette burns out, the sooner the smoker will reach for a new one. Hence the increased financial expenditure on the “maintenance” of their bad habit, which turns into profit for the tobacco manufacturer.

The leaves of all plants are similar in structure - they all have a hard vein in the center. It is specially separated from the sheet at industrial enterprises and disposed of so as not to spoil the product. Previously, this part of tobacco was not used in production at all, because it does not contain nicotine and tar, in other words, it is useless for the consumer. Now all companies are trying to reduce the cost of their raw materials by filling the cigarette with whatever they can find, including the vein, which is processed according to the same principle as blasted tobacco.

Reconstituted Tobacco

It has very little in common with a real plant leaf. They produce a restored type from waste - scraps of leaves and tobacco dust. Their for a long time cooked in special containers. The resulting mushy mass is dried and something like multi-layer paper is obtained. Low quality. The liquid that remains after catching the mush is called “tobacco liqueur.” It is also used in production.

Reconstituted tobacco has a very low concentration of tar and nicotine, so it is mainly used to produce lightweight cigarettes. Most of active substances remains in the “liquor”, which is used to regulate their concentration in the finished product.

Reconstituted tobacco is used in the manufacture of the cheapest low-grade lightweight cigarettes with a large addition of chemical flavors and enhancers. taste qualities. They have nothing in common with tobacco products.

Sauces and flavors

Each smoker prefers a certain brand of cigarettes, believing that the others have a different smell and taste, and therefore are made from different raw materials. Actually this is not true. The taste and aromatic qualities of tobacco are influenced by many factors - the amount of rain during the growing period, storage conditions, transportation and harvesting. Therefore, the same taste and aroma is achieved through processing of raw materials chemicals.

Sauces are aqueous solutions containing flavorings, sugar and other compounds. They are necessary to improve the organoleptic properties of tobacco, better preservation, smell, and increase elasticity.

Their composition differs in the number of ingredients. In cheap cigarettes these are usually sauces with 2-4 chemicals, while in expensive ones they are multi-component ones. To speed up the absorption of nicotine into the blood, sugar and urea are used in supplements.


The production of tissue paper also involves chemicals that improve it appearance and other qualities. Chlorine is used for bleaching, and saltpeter is used for better combustion. Not much can be said about the dangers of paper in cigarettes. It is also clear that during smoldering a large amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, which enters the smoker’s lungs with smoke.

IN expensive brands used as much as possible natural composition paper – wood pulp and flax. This type reduces the amount harmful substances, released under the influence high temperatures.


Many smokers believe that using filter cigarettes they do not harm their body, since it absorbs all the toxic substances from the smoke. Of course, this is a big misconception. The filter is made of acetate fiber; in more expensive brands, carbon layers are added. But not a single small filter can eliminate the toxic effects of cigarettes. It retains only a small part of the toxins, and the rest goes straight into the lungs.

Urea in cigarettes

The experience of tobacco manufacturers back in the 50s showed that in order to enhance the effect of nicotine, tobacco should be soaked in cow urine. It is not customary to talk about this publicly, but facts prove that animal urine is contained in large quantities in cigarettes.

With its help, tobacco is alkalized. When smoldering, it quickly penetrates the bloodstream, is absorbed into organs and tissues, enters the brain, causing addiction and a slight feeling of euphoria.

IN modern life Urea (carbamide) can be found in various products of the cosmetic, agricultural, and even food industries.

Chemical composition of tobacco smoke

Research and scientific experiments show that when a cigarette smolderes, more than 4,000 thousand chemical compounds. 400 of them belong to the group of potent toxins, and 40 have carcinogenic properties, causing the growth of malignant tumors.

The list of the most harmful substances includes:

  • Nicotine. An alkaloid that, when entering the body, increases the level of adrenaline in the blood. This leads to increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, concentration bad cholesterol, its accumulation on the walls of blood vessels in the form of fatty plaques. Nicotine is physically and psychologically addictive;
  • Hydrocyanic acid. A potent poison that provokes the death of cells in the gray matter of the brain, destroys the kidneys, liver and heart;
  • Piren. Toxin with high carcinogenic properties;
  • Nitrobenzene. Oxidizes hemoglobin in the blood, causing severe oxygen starvation all body tissues;
  • Nitromethane. Its properties are similar to narcotic substances– causes a false sense of euphoria. Strengthens addiction, destroys internal organs;
  • Stearic acid. Irritates the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, lungs;

  • Methanol. A dangerous chemical that causes severe intoxication and is used in the production of rocket fuel;
  • Acetic acid. Causes burns of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • Cadmium. Destroys blood cells. Used to make rechargeable batteries;
  • Arsenic. A highly toxic substance;
  • Ammonia. A toxin that is used in household chemicals;
  • Acetaldehyde. Disturbs the functioning of the central nervous system, hormonal background, provokes development gene mutations in the embryo and poses a huge danger to a pregnant woman;
  • Benzene. Inhibits hematopoietic processes, provokes oncological diseases bone marrow. Used in the oil refining industry for the production of varnishes, paints, plastics, gasoline;
  • Acetone. Destroys the liver, spleen and kidneys. Causes severe narcotic intoxication;
  • Radioactive isotopes. Radium, lead, cesium, polonium and thorium provoke degeneration healthy cells organism into malignant ones;
  • Lead, mercury. Accumulates in the kidneys, bone and muscle tissue. Destroy nervous system. Mercury in cigarettes is extremely dangerous due to its fumes, which settle in tissues and cells and kill the body.

This list is only small part those components that poison the human body. The table of harmful substances includes much more poisons and toxins that make up a cigarette.

The quality of tobacco largely depends on the environmental situation in the area in which the plantation is grown. The plant is capable of absorbing and accumulating all toxic substances and radiation from the earth and the environment.

Making cigarettes

Each tobacco company makes its products according to its own recipe, but most of it is similar to each other. In factories, all production is automated - all the work is done by cigarette collection machines.

Production cycle:

  • Excerpt. Raw materials are stored in warehouses to remove excess moisture and ripening;
  • Slicing. The tobacco mixture in cubes is cut into thin slices;
  • Conditioning. The finished plates are crushed and exposed to hot steam with the addition of aromatic substances;
  • Ripening in silos. Chopped raw materials are stored in special bins;
  • Run through shredder. The product passes through a machine that thoroughly grinds it;
  • Drying. Tobacco is placed in special drying chambers, where, under the influence of high temperatures and infrared radiation dried;

  • Aromatization. Raw materials are impregnated with chemical liquids to impart taste, aroma and strength;
  • Twisting. To make a finished cigarette, the flavored mixture is placed in a machine that cuts tissue paper, rolls a dose of tobacco into it and inserts a filter;
  • Package. Cigarettes are stacked in packs, covered with plastic film and packed into blocks by an automated machine.

In this entire process, it is the human's job to control the machines and add ingredients.

The finished raw material in production is called “tobacco bag”. It consists of different varieties tobacco, depending on the type of product. Premium Cigarette Products Bag Contains Raw Materials High Quality With minimum content blasted vein and reconstituted tobacco.

To manufacture cheap look cigarettes, the manufacturer makes a mixture from industrial tobacco waste, large quantity tasteless vein, saturated with chemical sauces and flavorings. Answering the question of how much tobacco is in a cigarette, we can say – very little or none at all.

Tobacco industry in Russia

Compared to Europe and America, our country has fewer restrictions on the use of chemical additives in all industries. For example, those substances that in other countries are under strict ban, in Russia can be added to food, household and tobacco products.

Many smokers wonder why the quality of products has deteriorated significantly in recent years. The answer is completely simple - what cigarettes are made from in Russia is not tobacco at all.

Since the main task of tobacco industry magnates is profit, they are constantly looking for options to reduce the cost of raw materials. With the advent of the 2000s, legislation on product quality control in this area became much more flexible than before. Today's cigarettes are used to wrap all waste from the tobacco industry, which was previously disposed of in factories. Now, if you cut a cigarette, you can see pieces of brown paper, hard pods. This is reconstituted tobacco, which is compressed from dust and remnants of tobacco leaves, and a plant vein that does not have any taste.

This whole mixture is impregnated with chemicals and acquires a taste and smell similar to tobacco. But these products can no longer be called real cigarettes, which were before. Even the ashes in them have a different unpleasant smell.

Smoking harms the entire body. It destroys the respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems. It affects the appearance of the smoker, taking away youth and beauty, wears out the heart faster and provokes the development of many life-threatening diseases.

Considering what cigarettes are made from nowadays, this harm increases several times. Smoking fills the body with hundreds of toxic chemicals that accumulate and slowly kill it from the inside.

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Despite the targeted fight against smoking, 30% of the country's population are smokers. It is quite possible to cover the high demand by producing cigarettes ourselves, but entrepreneurs are often deterred by high investments and the need to resolve many bureaucratic issues. But, despite the control, licensing and excise taxes, the business is highly profitable. Therefore, it makes sense to take a risk and try to launch own production cigarettes.

Production requirements

First, let's figure out what conditions must be observed during the manufacture of cigarettes. The state strictly regulates the following stages of production:

  • raw materials and their storage - there are specific requirements for the storage of raw materials, as well as their composition;
  • the actual production of cigarettes - the nicotine and tar content should not exceed established standards;
  • product packaging – a cigarette pack must be designed according to specially developed rules.

But what frightens entrepreneurs is not so much the requirements for production as the requirements for production costs. The investments that need to be made in a cigarette business at the start cannot be covered by bank loans for small businesses. To buy good quality equipment you will need about 6 million dollars. Of course, you can reduce costs by purchasing Chinese equipment or used equipment. But this will invariably affect the quality of the product.

And these are not all the expenses that a business will require. Include here the preparation of the premises, payment of staff services, advertising, logistics, raw materials, etc. If you are ready to invest huge amounts of money in this business, you can take a risk - the return on it will also be considerable.

We arrange production

Since cigarette production is a business based on harmful products, such activities are licensed. To obtain a license, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Documents that confirm the qualifications of personnel hired to produce cigarettes.
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state fee for reviewing documents for opening proceedings.
  • Registration certificate legal entity, as well as copies of documents on registration in all necessary organizations, constituent documents and others.
  • The conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor that the production conditions meet all standards.
  • Application for a license to produce cigarettes.

The entire package of documents is prepared in two copies, which should preferably be certified by a notary. A week after submitting your documents, you should receive an answer.


Building a cigarette production plant from scratch is a great luxury. Therefore, it is recommended to rent or buy premises of former factories or other industrial buildings that have already been built to all necessary requirements. True, in this case a lot of money will be spent on repairing the premises. On average, rent with repairs and subsequent payment of utilities will cost 10 million rubles per year. But final figure depends on the condition of the premises and the rented area.

Cigarette production technology

The production of cigarettes is not particularly difficult - the process is almost completely automated. First prepared tobacco leaf The tobacco is fed via an automatic conveyor to the tobacco cutting machine. The device grinds it into particles of the desired fraction. Another special machine forms filters and sleeves, which are then filled with crushed tobacco by another machine.

In general, a machine for making cigarettes consists of the following units:

  • filter assembly machine;
  • machine for making inserts;
  • machine for collecting and stuffing cigarettes.

To manufacture the product, additional equipment will also be required. This includes settings for:

  • packing cigarettes in foil;
  • making packs;
  • packing cigarettes into packs and then into blocks;
  • cellophaneization of packs, blocks;
  • excise stamp sticker on each pack.

Purchase of equipment and raw materials

Used, minimally equipped equipment with a capacity of 7.5 thousand packs per hour will cost no less than 15 thousand rubles. In addition, it is necessary to purchase at least four cars to transport products and employees to production - this is another 4 million rubles.

But equipment is not the only expense item. It is impossible to build a business without the supply of necessary raw materials. This includes:

  • tobacco;
  • cigarette paper;
  • aromatic additives;
  • cardboard for cigarette packs;
  • foil for packaging;
  • cellophane for packaging.

It is better to give preference to foreign suppliers, since their raw materials will help to manufacture quality product. On average, they will cost about 3 million rubles. every month.

Factory staff

The factory will need not only machine operators, but also workers for unloading and loading operations, maintaining cleanliness in the area, as well as specialists who will maintain the equipment in working condition. To produce a capacity of 2-2.5 thousand cigarettes per minute, approximately 40 personnel will be required.

Production profitability

As already mentioned, you will have to allocate at least 15 million rubles for equipment. up to $6 million depending on productivity, manufacturer and condition of the machines. Tobacco costs 80-110 rubles/kg depending on the type and quality. One cigarette uses about 20 g of raw materials. That is, with a productivity of 1.44 million packs per month, about 3 million rubles will be required. for production. The cost of a pack will be a little more than 2 rubles. To this figure we must add other expenses and excise tax, which amounts to 270 rubles. per thousand cigarettes. Then the cost of a pack will increase to approximately 15 rubles.

On average, the retail price of one stove is 55 rubles. If you sell them in bulk, it will be a little more than 40 rubles, that is, the profit per pack is a little more than 16 rubles. This means that a cigarette business can bring in about 23 million rubles. net profit per month. All taxes and mandatory payments must be subtracted from it - approximately 75%. From the remaining amount, funds must be allocated for the purchase of raw materials, wages for workers, public utilities and other expenses. But even with such figures, the payback for the project is about six months.

The fight against smoking and high excise taxes do not deter smokers. The changes planned by the authorities, which involve an increase in the cost of cigarettes by almost 3 times, are unlikely to radically change the situation. Today in Russia 30% of the population smokes. The demand for cigarettes is still high. But entrepreneurs are scared off by the tobacco business due to its high costs. Only high income is always high risk, so it's worth a try. Let's take a look at an example of a business plan for "Mini-production of cigarettes" in Voronezh.


It is planned to open a factory for the production of tobacco products in Voronezh. Why will part of the production and storage facilities one of the closed factories not far from the city. The factory will produce tobacco products for the middle strata of the population. Premium products are also planned to be included in the assortment.

The total cost of creating a tobacco business will be 206,700 thousand rubles. According to the calculation made, the investment will pay off within a few months, despite the fact that for the first 2 months the enterprise will operate at dumping prices.

The Voronezh tobacco factory will monthly produce 1.26 million cigarettes per day. Its clients will be Russian smokers who want to be successful and look the part. The presentable appearance of the packaging is designed to make just such an impression on others.

Business environment

The regional market is filled with imported tobacco products. Only non-filter cigarettes are produced in the region. Therefore, a priori, the new manufacturer has a competitive advantage. If you sell cigarettes in the city and region, the price will be lower than that of analogues due to the absence of transportation costs. Thus, for the first 2 months, cigarettes will be sold at 30 rubles per pack (wholesale price), and subsequently at 40 rubles per pack. This is the cost for production of 1,260 thousand units. per month will allow you to earn 579,600 thousand rubles per year. This is income from which you still need to subtract costs and taxes.

Since advertising of tobacco products is prohibited, the product is promoted to the market by dumping. In order to attract customers, the products will be sold at reduced prices for the first months. A discount of 20-25% in 1-2 months will allow you to form a circle of admirers.

The mini-production of cigarettes will produce several brands of goods. All of them are aimed at buyers with average incomes. In addition to the price, which will allow promotion, cigarettes will be promoted through the design and website. Product design is focused on respectable style or the desire for it. Each brand should emphasize the status of the owner in its own way. You also need to draw up a competent commercial proposal for the retail outlets through which you plan to distribute the product.

Operational plan

Premises for tobacco production in Russia should not be rented. Building a plant from scratch is expensive, and therefore the best option will be the purchase of space. Moreover, the city has many empty industrial buildings that can be converted. We decided to purchase part former factory. The company is located on a short distance away from the city. It requires repairs, which will require significant costs. The purchase of the building, repairs and ongoing maintenance, including utilities, will cost 10 million rubles per year.

Investments in the production of cigarettes from scratch are measured in tens of millions of rubles. The minimum amount with which you can start this business is about 15,000 thousand rubles, if you buy used cars. Such a kit will allow the production of 7.5 thousand packs per hour. The line performs most of the operations automatically. The first machine shreds the dry tobacco leaf and transfers it to the next device, which wraps the tobacco in special paper and glues the filter. Next, the cigarettes are placed into a pack without human hands. The next machine affixes a tax stamp. The last machine wraps the pack in film.

The factory will also need 4 cars, which will cost 4 million rubles. The vehicles will deliver products and bring staff to work in the morning. Automotive equipment will also be needed for other household chores.

After purchasing fixed assets, you should purchase inventories. It's mostly tobacco average cost which is about 3 million rubles per month. You will also need aromatic additives, work clothes for workers, etc.

Workforce plan

To create a factory you need quite big number employees. Personnel must maintain machines and premises, order and deliver raw materials, ensure sales, and maintain operational and accounting records at the enterprise. To start, we will need 80 people. Labor costs will be the largest after the equipment is paid off. Most of the employees are service personnel, since the tobacco line is almost completely automated and does not require many people to service it.