Divigel break between doses. Instructions for using Divigel when planning pregnancy. Surgical menopause and Divigel

IN last years The list of drugs used in gynecology has expanded significantly. Doctors especially often prescribe hormonal drugs. One of these is Divigel. For what pathologies is it indicated?


The active ingredient of Divigel is synthetic 17β-estradiol. In its structure and action, it is a complete analogue of the female sex hormone - estradiol. Estradiol, estrone and estriol are grouped together under the name “estrogens”. Without these substances, the functioning of the female reproductive system becomes impossible. This is especially noticeable after the onset of menopause, when symptoms of estrogen deficiency may develop:

Divigel is available in the form of a gel in bags of 0.5 and 1.0 g. It is used transdermally, that is, the drug penetrates into the blood vessels through the skin after it is applied to certain areas of the body.

There are strict indications for using Divigel.


Since Divigel is a synthetic estradiol, the indications for its use will be the same as those of the natural hormone. These include:

  1. Symptoms of estrogen deficiency.
  2. Menopause - natural or artificial.
  3. Osteoporosis that develops after menopause, when it is impossible to treat with other drugs.

Indications for treatment are determined only by a gynecologist. Because this medicine is hormonal drug, the consequences of self-prescription and uncontrolled use can be disastrous. You cannot use Divigel on the advice of friends or articles from the Internet.

Estrogen deficiency

Estrogen deficiency can develop due to various reasons. Most often, modern gynecologists encounter this when conducting in vitro fertilization, or IVF.

Why does a woman planning a pregnancy need Divigel?

During normal conception, from the first day of fertilization, the hormonal background in the body changes, this is especially true for the ratio of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Their balance is controlled by processes occurring in the body from the moment of conception.

However, with IVF the situation is different. Conception is carried out in a test tube, and the woman’s body does not receive the signal under the influence of which production will start necessary hormones. Therefore, estrogen levels are often too low for pregnancy to progress. This is determined by the thickness of the endometrium.

The effect of estradiol on the endometrium

The endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus, rich in blood vessels. This is where implantation of the fertilized egg occurs. If the thickness of the endometrium is small, then attachment most likely will not occur. And, therefore, pregnancy will not occur. This condition is called endometrial hypoplasia and is a contraindication for embryo transfer because the chances of success are too low.

Thus, the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus is today considered as the main diagnostic criterion its condition and allows us to predict the attachment of the embryo during IVF.

It is the thickness according to ultrasound data that demonstrates how prepared the endometrium is by estrogens for implantation.

If this value is less than 5 mm, there is no practical sense in transferring a fertilized egg - it will not take root in the uterine cavity.

IN medical literature Only a few cases have been described in which pregnancy did occur at such rates.

An endometrial thickness of 5–7 mm is considered suboptimal. The chances of success are higher, and implantation is possible. However, the best prognosis is considered when, according to ultrasound, the thickness of the inner layer is from 9 to 12 mm.

As a rule, few women can boast of such indicators, which is why preparation with Divigel is carried out during IVF.


Because the hormonal treatment prescribed by a gynecologist, who also determines the treatment regimen. It includes the following parameters:

  • The day of the cycle from which the use of the drug begins.
  • Duration.
  • Combination with other hormones.

For each patient, schemes are calculated individually, taking into account the thickness of the endometrium, condition reproductive health, concomitant diseases.

Divigel is often combined with drugs such as Utrozhestan and Duphaston. This synthetic analogues progesterone.

It also belongs to the female sex hormones and is necessary for the secretory activity of the endometrium, maintenance and further progression of pregnancy.

Utrozhestan and Duphaston are often prescribed for a long period.

If a doctor has written a patient a prescription for Divigel, she should know that this drug cannot be discontinued abruptly. Even if she changes doctors or discovers that she has a suspected side effect medications, withdrawal should occur gradually and under the supervision of a specialist.

Estradiol is prescribed not only for in vitro fertilization, but also when planning a natural pregnancy.

Planning a natural pregnancy

Today, difficulties with conceiving a baby in gynecology are not uncommon. And very often the reason lies precisely in hormonal disorders. If a woman has endometrial hypoplasia on ultrasound, it is very likely that implantation will not occur.

When planning a pregnancy in such a situation, Divigel is often prescribed; the treatment regimen is developed individually.

Sometimes this medicine is used in combination with other hormonal drugs to treat anovulatory cycles. It would be incorrect to talk about a direct connection between Divigel and ovulation, however combination therapy has a stimulating effect on the maturation and release of the egg.

But even if ovulation has occurred, this is not an indication for discontinuation of the drug. As a rule, doctors recommend taking hormones both after the release of the egg and during early stages pregnancy. However, it should be remembered that the treatment regimen is within the competence of the treating gynecologist, and it is he, and not the planning woman, who decides how much Divigel should be taken


Menopause is natural - due to the physiological decline of a woman’s reproductive function. But sometimes artificial menopause also happens - for example, when the ovaries are removed for malignant neoplasms. However, in both the first and second situations, a woman may suffer from a decrease in estrogen levels.

This is especially true for those patients whose artificial menopause occurred in at a young age. Female sex hormones have a significant effect on the entire body, and a decrease in their concentration does not pass without leaving a trace.

In this case, gynecologists prescribe Divigel as a replacement hormone therapy.


During menopause, osteoporosis to one degree or another is observed in almost all patients. This is due to hormonal disorders and primarily with a decrease in estrogen levels. As a rule, this pathology is treated with calcium supplements. Sometimes more serious medications are required - bisphosphonates.

If osteoporosis is left untreated, the risk of bone fractures increases significantly. The most dangerous fracture is the neck femur, since in most cases this leads to disability of the patient.

In case of insufficient action regular medications, their intolerance, or in order to enhance the effectiveness of therapy, women are prescribed Divigel. It helps reduce the manifestations of osteoporosis and slow down the loss of calcium in the skeletal system.


Since Divigel is a sex hormone, the list of contraindications for its use is quite extensive. First of all, these are the following conditions:

  1. Breast cancer. This may be a confirmed tumor or only a suspicion of such a pathology. A neoplasm that has been operated on in the past is also a contraindication.
  2. Increased endometrial thickness is untreated hyperplasia.
  3. Malignant tumor of the endometrium, estrogen-dependent.
  4. Unspecified bleeding from the genital tract.

Since many malignant neoplasms The female reproductive system is sensitive to the level of certain hormones; excess estrogen can accelerate an already existing process or cause a relapse. Before prescribing Divigel, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination of the patient, especially her mammary glands and internal genital organs. It is in them that estrogen-dependent tumors most often arise.

In addition, estradiol negatively affects overall health.

Accompanying illnesses

Before prescribing a hormonal medication, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination of the blood coagulation system, heart and blood vessels, and liver.

The following diseases are contraindications for the use of Divigel:

  1. Damage to veins (thromboembolism pulmonary artery history of deep vein thrombosis).
  2. Myocardial infarction and angina associated with arterial thromboembolism.
  3. Increased blood clotting, laboratory confirmed.
  4. Acute liver damage.
  5. Metabolic disease - porphyria.

Also a contraindication to substitution treatment Divigel is associated with increased sensitivity to estradiol.

Side effects

Like any hormonal drug, Divigel has an impressive list of side effects.

First of all, you should be wary of the effect of excess estrogen on the body and their ability to cause the growth of benign and malignant tumors and polyps.

In addition, during treatment with Divigel, breakthrough bleeding (at the beginning of treatment), thickening and discomfort in the mammary glands.

Side effects of Divigel also include:

  • Weight gain.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Itching at the site of application of the medicine.
  • Headache.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Apathy and depression.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Tides.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Bloating.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Acne.
  • Contact dermatitis.

Divigel is an effective medicine and can be successfully used when planning pregnancy and symptoms of estrogen deficiency. However, this hormonal drug is prescribed and discontinued only by a doctor.

Divigel is used when planning pregnancy when the patient has endometrial hypoplasia. Inner layer The uterus is too thin for a fertilized egg to attach to it. And even if the zygote is complete, conception still does not occur. Divigel helps to achieve a given goal - to conceive a child. The drug must be used under the supervision of a physician, in otherwise it can provoke strong uterine bleeding, which will further delay the desired goal.

The drug is available in the form of a gel-like substance intended for external application. Having bought a package of Divigel at a pharmacy, you can find portioned sachets of 500 or 1000 mg. The active substance is estradiol - female hormone, produced healthy body in the first phase menstrual cycle.

Divigel is prescribed when planning pregnancy, when the condition of the endometrium is unsatisfactory. The main indicator that prompts a doctor to prescribe hormonal medicine, becomes ultrasonography. A woman who consulted a gynecologist about long absence pregnancy, undergoes a detailed examination.

If within several cycles an ultrasound is diagnosed thin endometrium, then the reason for the failure may be precisely this. Hormonal deficiency confirmed by laboratory diagnostics. The egg cannot attach to the uterus when the nutrient medium for the subsequent development of the embryo is hypoplastic. Even if pregnancy takes place, if the endometrium is thin, it will be interrupted in the first days. To prevent these circumstances, the patient is prescribed Divigel.

The drug is absorbed through the skin and increases estradiol levels. Thanks to the hormonal agent, the following occurs:

  • active increase in endometrial thickness;
  • stimulation of uterine development;
  • beneficial effect on work fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • increased blood levels of thyroxine, copper and iron;
  • antiatherosclerotic effect;
  • formation of the body’s correct response to the production of progesterone.

Divigel is prescribed primarily for endometrial growth. The drug is also used for treatment climacteric syndrome and other conditions caused by estradiol deficiency.

An analogue of this drug is Estrogel gel.

How to take Divigel when planning pregnancy

The hormonal drug is prescribed by the doctor taking into account the patient’s individual health indicators. Standard scheme involves applying Divigel once a day to the area of ​​the lower abdomen, lower back, buttocks or forearm. The average dosage is 1 gram of gel. If necessary, the doctor adjusts it by 500 mg up or down.

To grow the endometrium as effectively as possible, do not wet the treated area for 1-2 hours. Coverage area: 1-2 palms. The period of use is determined individually. Usually, Divigel when planning pregnancy (provided that no other medications are used) begins to be used one day after the end of menstrual bleeding.

Sometimes patients complain that their endometrium does not grow on Divigel. However, to fully evaluate the treatment result, it is necessary to use the gel for several cycles. If, after the time specified by the doctor, no positive dynamics are visible, then alternative treatment and a thorough search for the cause of failure is carried out.

Divigel for IVF

Divigel during IVF is used for the same purpose as during normal conception - to build up the endometrium and thereby increase the chances of a positive outcome. The drug should be used no later than two weeks before the procedure. The doctor may prescribe hormonal treatment in advance. natural cycle to anticipate the patient's body reaction.

The in vitro fertilization procedure is quite complex and includes many nuances, so you should calculate possible steps in advance. If, in response to the use of Divigel in the natural cycle, the endometrium has grown well, then it is used in the IVF protocol.

In support of the IVF protocol, the drug is taken daily. It is unacceptable to skip the application of the hormone. After embryo transfer, the drug is continued to be used, adding additional supporting agents. Divigel promotes better influence progesterone on smooth muscles, which reduces the likelihood of embryo rejection.

Cancellation of Divigel after IVF is carried out according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. If the procedure is successful, you should not stop using the medicine abruptly. The dose of the drug is reduced gradually. Divigel should be discontinued during pregnancy after IVF at 6-7 weeks.

Interaction with other drugs

Divigel is hormonal agent, regulating the level of substances produced in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Theoretically, there is no need to use the drug after ovulation. However, as prescribed by a doctor, the medication can be used for a long time.

When planning a pregnancy, it is also recommended to take other medications that help ensure the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Among them, the most common are follicle growth stimulants, drugs to maintain the second phase, as well as drugs that cause the direct release of the egg from the ovary. It's important to choose suitable scheme application and take into account possible problems combinations. This once again proves that Divigel cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription.


Divigel and Duphaston can be used in one cycle when planning pregnancy. These drugs are responsible for the production different hormones. Divigel builds up the endometrium, and Duphaston maintains it in a state favorable for implantation. The drugs combine well and do not suppress each other's effects. The same can be said about Utrozhestan; the action of Duphaston and Utrozhestan is similar.

It is important to take Duphaston only in the second half of the cycle. You can determine the release of an egg using an ultrasound or home ovulation tests. In the IVF protocol, Duphaston is started after egg puncture, while the use of Divigel is continued.

Thyroid hormones

Drugs that replenish hormone deficiencies thyroid gland, are taken by women who often require endometrial augmentation. Question about simultaneous administration Divigel and levothyroxine-based products are decided by the doctor individually. Estrogen-containing medications increase levels of thyroxine-binding globulin, which may result in an increased need for thyroid hormone in some patients.

The use of the gel in women with thyroid diseases is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


Patients who have problems with ovulation are prescribed Clostilbegit and Divigel in one cycle. They should not be used at the same time, since together the drugs have less healing effect than separately. During stimulation, Divigel is usually taken at the moment when Clostilbegit is discontinued. This technique allows you to get the maximum positive properties both hormones.

Stimulation of ovulation begins in the first days of the menstrual cycle. For example, from the fifth day Clostilbegit is taken. The last dose of the medication is taken on the tenth day from the last menstruation. From this moment on, the regimen includes Divigel, which is used in the event of pregnancy for several weeks. Clostilbegit suppresses the growth of the endometrium, therefore, during its use, estrogen-containing products are recommended even for those patients whose endometrium grows well in the natural cycle.

Does it affect ovulation?

The drug Divigel is used to obtain a “lush” endometrium, into which a fertilized egg can easily be implanted. The medicine has no effect on follicle growth and ovulation. If the drug is used alone, without additional stimulants, then its use begins from the first days of the cycle. By the time the follicle opens, the thickness of the mucous layer of the uterus reaches the desired level. The use of the drug with stimulants involves alternating use, as a result of which the patient requires an increase in the dose of the estrogen-containing drug.

Contraindications and side effects

The first thing to be wary of when using the gel is uterine bleeding. It occurs as a result of uncontrolled use of the drug. The medication can also cause allergies, dyspeptic disorders, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Excess estrogen can increase sexual desire, increase body weight. If the above circumstances occur during use, you must seek medical help.

The following situations are contraindications to the use of Divigel:

  • malignant tumors;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • lactation;
  • thrombosis;
  • recent stroke;
  • endometrial hyperplasia, uterine bleeding;
  • anemia;
  • liver diseases;
  • inflammation of the genital organs.

If the problem is identified correctly, the gel significantly increases the chances of an infertile woman becoming a mother.

It does not come with the desired ease.

In such cases, couples turn to specialists to identify possible obstacles.

One of them may be the unsatisfactory condition of the woman’s endometrium.

To whom and why is it prescribed?

In many ways, the successful fixation of the embryo and its subsequent development depends on the condition of the endometrium - the inner mucous membrane of the uterus. Interfering with the implantation process ovum It can be either hyperplasia, that is, thickening of the endometrium, or hypoplasia, that is, its insufficient thickness. The condition of the endometrium is regulated by the female hormone estrogen. Its thinning occurs when there is insufficient production of this hormone. Thin endometrium is easily detected on, in this case, doctors prescribe the woman drugs containing estrogen, one of which is Divigel.

Did you know? The probability of pregnancy is only 1% if the thickness of the endometrium is up to 5 mm.

Its active ingredient is synthetic 17β-estradiol. This drug is prescribed at the stage of pregnancy planning to women with diagnosed hypoplasia.

Reduced estrogen levels are also a reason for prescribing Divigel during the IVF procedure. Due to artificial insemination eggs in a woman’s body do not trigger natural processes, including an increase in the production of this hormone.
Therefore, the prescription of Divigel during early pregnancy due to IVF is a common practice. An artificially implanted fertilized egg has a significantly higher chance of implantation.

In addition to its main purpose, Divigel is able to reduce cholesterol levels and increase the concentration of copper in the blood.

Important! The drug is also prescribed during menopause as hormone replacement therapy.

How to use

Since this is a hormonal drug, it must be used with extreme caution. “Divigel” is produced in the form of a gel and packaged in sachets of 1 g (1 mg estradiol). The standard regimen for taking Divigel when planning pregnancy involves applying the recommended dose at the same time every day.
An important factor is the day of the menstrual cycle from which therapy should begin. The drug is applied to the buttocks. The application area should correspond to the area of ​​1-2 palms, the gel is absorbed within a couple of minutes.

You can wet the treated areas after 2 hours. The dose of the drug is determined individually by the attending physician and can range from 0.5 to 2 mg per day. Thus, we figured out how to apply Divigel for endometrial growth. Now let's talk about precautions.

Precautionary measures

First of all, it is worth noting that this drug should absolutely not be used without a doctor’s prescription. After applying Divigel, you should wash your hands thoroughly, avoid getting it in your eyes.

Important! Abrupt withdrawal can cause a miscarriage.

It is forbidden to apply the drug to the mammary glands, genitals, face, and damaged skin. When pregnancy occurs, Divigel is not discontinued immediately; the dose must be gradually reduced.

Possible side effect

Adverse reactions are usually not very pronounced and can occur in the following conditions:

  • weight gain;
  • , migraine;
  • increased arterial;
  • formation of blood clots in lower limbs, pelvis;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • decreased libido;
  • neoplasms in the mammary glands;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • colic, nausea, vomiting;
  • poor liver function;

After fertilization, the egg attaches to the walls of the uterus. But the inner mucous membrane (endometrium) of this organ must be prepared to receive the embryo.

The hormone estrogen is responsible for thickening the uterine walls. With its deficiency in the body, the endometrium remains too thin and unsuitable for the growth and development of the embryo. In this case, the egg does not attach to the uterus and pregnancy does not occur. Doctors call this condition hypoplasia. Discover this violation possible with ultrasound. Women who have hypoplasia are prescribed drugs that compensate for the lack of estrogen. Divigel is one of them.

In what cases is Divigel prescribed?

Divigel is prescribed to maintain normal course pregnancy with IVF.

The drug helps eliminate climacteric syndrome after menopause (natural, surgical) or radiation castration. Divigel can also be used to prevent the development of osteoporosis after menopause.

Most often, Divigel is prescribed when planning pregnancy for patients with hypoplasia. If the endometrium is thinner than 5 mm, the chance of pregnancy is only 1%. Estrogens are produced by follicles at the end of the early phase (follicular) of the menstrual cycle.

Effect of Divigel when planning pregnancy

Divigel is a gel. Main active ingredient this drug is a synthetic estradiol, biological and Chemical properties which are identical to the natural female hormone. This component acts like estrogens, thickening the walls of the endometrium.

Estradiol affects the female genital organs, mammary glands, the synthesis of certain proteins, cholesterol levels, health of cardio-vascular system, determines the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

Divigel lowers cholesterol and increases the concentration of iron and copper.

This drug stimulates the development of the uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, mammary ducts, epiphyses of long tubular bones.

The drug can slow down the growth and maturation of follicles, suppressing ovulation. The synthesis of hormones that stimulate ovarian function can be significantly disrupted if estrogens enter the blood from the outside.

Therefore, Divigel should be prescribed very carefully when planning pregnancy.

Mode of application

The drug should be used once a day prescribed by a doctor time. Application area - Bottom part front abdominal wall, forearms, shoulders, lower back, buttocks. The skin should be clean, this will speed up the absorption of the gel to 1-2 minutes. The optimal application area is one or two palms. After applying the product, the treated area should be kept open for 2-3 minutes to allow the gel to dry. This area of ​​skin can be wetted with water only an hour or two after treatment. After the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Do not apply the gel to the face, chest, genital mucosa, or irritated areas of the skin.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage of the gel prescribed by the doctor. When determining the dosage, the doctor takes into account the severity of symptoms. The standard dose at the beginning of treatment is 1 gram of gel per day. After 2-3 courses of therapy, the amount of one-time application of the product can be adjusted. The doctor also determines from what day of the cycle the patient should start using the gel.

If the product has not been applied within 12 hours from the time prescribed by the doctor, carry out the procedure the next day. In case of a shorter period of missed time, the gel should be rubbed into the skin as soon as possible. If you often skip the procedures for applying Divigel, this can cause uterine bleeding.


Once in the blood, the gel begins to act very quickly.

The therapeutic effect will be enhanced by simultaneous administration of thyroid hormones and folic acid. Also assimilation

Divigel is promoted by barbiturates, analgesics, anesthetics, and preparations with St. John's wort extract.

Some types of antibiotics (Rifampicin, Ampicillin, Nevirapine) and Phenylbutazone, on the contrary, reduce the effectiveness of the gel. This effect is due to changes in intestinal microflora.

Estradiol may weaken the therapeutic effect of hypoglycemic, antihypertensive drugs, drugs containing analogues of male sex hormones, diuretics, anticoagulants.


Divigel has numerous contraindications. Besides hypersensitivity its components include endometrial hyperplasia, breast cancer, tumors of the genital organs and pituitary gland, since the drug enhances tissue growth. Taking the drug is also prevented by:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (endometritis, oophoritis, salpingitis);
  • diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorders;
  • uterine bleeding, tendency to thrombosis;
  • liver diseases;
  • strokes;
  • lactation period.

When pregnancy occurs, the drug is usually stopped, but the final decision on this matter is made by the doctor.

Women suffering from arterial hypertension, edema syndrome, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, insufficient function of the heart, liver, kidneys, migraine.

Side effects

The drug rarely causes side effects if chosen correct scheme treatment. The consequences of using the drug can be thrombophlebitis, dizziness, depression. Sometimes observed stomach colic, vomiting, flatulence. Such unpleasant consequences, such as cholestatic jaundice, stone formation in gallbladder. Long-term use can cause retention of water, calcium, sodium in the body, which results in edema. After pregnancy, you should stop taking Divigel gradually. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug can cause spontaneous miscarriage.

Divigel and Duphaston when planning pregnancy

The doctor may also prescribe Duphaston, Utrozhestan. These are gestagenic drugs.

Duphaston, Utrozhestan are additionally prescribed to patients with an unoperated uterus. Data medicines take 10-12 days in each cycle. A lack of progesterone can negatively affect the outcome of pregnancy planning, and Duphaston and Utrozhestan make up for the deficiency of this hormone.

It is preferable to take Duphaston, since Utrozhestan has a tranquilizing effect on nervous system. Duphaston practically does not cause side effects and does not have an androgenic effect. In addition, Duphaston increases the ability of brain tissue to maintain its integrity.

Duphaston and Divigel are prescribed quite often when planning pregnancy, since the correct balance of estrogen and progesterone is a necessary condition successful conception. Duphaston compensates for the lack of progesterone, and Divigel compensates for the deficiency of estradiol.

According to patient reviews, Duphaston and Divigel with complex therapy significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant. During such treatment, it is recommended to periodically test the blood for the concentration of progestogens and estrogens.

Not every woman can get pregnant quickly and without problems, even if her desire to become a mother is great. There could be many reasons for this outcome. Reproductive system women are sensitive. Even the slightest hormonal disbalance can lead to the formation of pathologies during fetal development and increase the risk of miscarriage. The most active female sex hormone is estradiol. You can bring it back to normal using the drug Divigel.

The principle of action of the drug, its composition and release form

Divigel is a hormonal drug that acts as an anti-climatic agent. It is designed to compensate for estrogen deficiency in female body. As the main active ingredient acts as synthetic estradiol. He plays key role in the development of the fallopian tubes, as well as the uterus and vagina. Most often, Divigel is prescribed to patients who are planning to conceive. Indication for consumption: the thickness of the endometrial layer is below normal, which does not contribute to the normal fixation and development of the fertilized egg.

The endometrium is the inner mucous membrane of the uterus (mucosal layer), supplied with numerous blood vessels and the cavity lining it.

Divigel is a hormonal drug that helps compensate for the deficiency of the hormone estrogen in a woman’s body.

Normally, the function of the endometrium is preserved and maintained by the hormone estrogen. It prepares the lining of the uterine wall to receive the embryo.

Please note: pregnancy cannot occur if the endometrium is too thin. The pathology is usually called hypoplasia. The disease can be diagnosed exclusively with the help of ultrasound and tests.

A diagnosis is not a death sentence. Restore hormonal balance will be possible through special medicines. Divigel is recognized as one of the most effective, since it directly affects the growth of the endometrium. The main element of the composition (synthetic estradiol) promotes normal operation female reproductive system. Divigel is also responsible for normalizing the menstrual cycle, reducing the percentage of cholesterol in the blood, normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system and is actively involved in protein communication. Divigel can also be prescribed for the purpose of preventive measures bone diseases during menopause and to compensate for estrogen deficiency during menopause.

Divigel has the following composition:

  • synthetic estradiol (500 mcg);
  • auxiliary components (carbopol, propylene glycol, ethanol, water, trolamine).

Divigel is used exclusively externally. The alcohol contained in the drug evaporates immediately after it hits the surface skin. A small amount of estradiol may accumulate in subcutaneous tissue and subsequently enter the circulatory system.

Note: synthetic hormone Due to the external method of application, it does not undergo hepatic metabolism. The concentration of the drug components, which is established in the blood plasma (serum) when they enter the body at a stable rate, occurs earlier if we draw an analogy with oral administration.

Divigel is produced in the form of a gel and is sold exclusively by prescription. The price per package, depending on the region and dosage, can vary from 400 to 1000 rubles.

Indications for use, Divigel for IVF

Divigel promotes the normal course of pregnancy during IVF by replenishing estrogen levels

According to the instructions, Divigel is prescribed to women who suffer from a lack of estrogen during the artificial period (cessation of the menstrual cycle using medication, radiation or surgical impact, to solve the series gynecological disorders related to hormonal levels) or natural menopause. The gel can also be prescribed for the development of osteoporosis during menopause.

Divigel is prescribed to women to maintain pregnancy, as well as its normal course during IVF. After “transferring” the embryo in a laboratory, responsibility for its further development takes over the endometrium. If the latter is not properly prepared for embryo implantation or has insufficient thickness (less than 5 mm), then the fertilized egg will most likely be rejected. To avoid such a fate, women are recommended to use estrogen-containing drugs until the embryo is “transplanted.” Divigel is able to replenish estrogen levels and thereby thicken the uterine mucosa.

Contraindications and side effects

If you use the gel under the strict supervision of a specialist, then negative effects appear extremely rarely.

  • If used incorrectly or overdose, the following adverse reactions may occur:
  • internal poisoning of the body or intoxication;
  • migraine and frequent dizziness; increased arterial pressure
  • (hypertension);
  • change in body weight;
  • redness and rash in the area where the gel is applied;
  • mental disorders;
  • bloating and colitis;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision;


If you use the gel under the strict supervision of a specialist, then negative effects are extremely rare.

  • There are also contraindications to the use of Divigel. These include:
  • high blood sugar; benign or malignant formations
  • in the genital area;
  • tumor of the breast or pituitary gland;
  • endometriosis (appearance of endometrial cells in unusual places: on the peritoneum, in the ovaries or fallopian tubes);
  • thrombosis (formation of blood clots inside blood vessels);
  • impaired metabolism of lipids (organic compounds);
  • bleeding in the uterus; pregnancy (taking medicinal product
  • during pregnancy can cause congenital deformities in the fetus, various defects and anomalies. The use of Divigel during gestation is possible only in case of estrogen deficiency after IVF, when the lack of therapy can lead to interruption of pregnancy);
  • stroke;

allergy to certain components of the drug.

Important: in order to increase the effectiveness of the gel, it is recommended to combine it with drugs that contain folic acid.

During the course of treatment, taking antibiotics is strictly prohibited, due to the possible aggravation of negative symptoms.

Preparation for therapy with Divigel

  1. Before starting therapy, the patient must undergo a complete medical examination:
  2. Donate blood for hormones.
  3. Conduct a blood test (biochemical) for bilirubin (bile pigment, which reflects the condition of the liver).
  4. Take a blood sugar test.
  5. Check the blood for clotting using a coagulogram.
  6. Submit a smear of mucus from the cervix for oncocytological examination.
  7. Get an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Get a mammogram. Using the data obtained, it will be possible to identify possible illnesses

, which are incompatible with taking Divigel.

Women who are planning a pregnancy need to use Divigel gel daily, at the same time.

One application of gel per day is enough. The drug must be distributed to the area of ​​the lower abdomen, as well as the lower back, shoulders and forearms. The product is absorbed within 2 minutes. It is not advisable to wet the gel-treated areas with water for 2 hours after application. The course of therapy should begin the next day after the end of menstruation. Its duration is also determined by a specialist, based on the health status of the potential mother. Important: the dosage is determined by the doctor (the average dose is 1 mg of estradiol per day, which is equivalent to 1 gram of gel); it is prohibited to increase it yourself. The amount of the drug directly depends on existing problem

and symptoms. Contact of the gel with the mucous membranes of the internal genital organs should be avoided.

The same applies to the mammary glands and face. Other drugs can only be taken in consultation with a specialist; amateur activities are completely excluded.

Important: if pregnancy occurs while using the drug, therapy should be discontinued. This should be done gradually, since abrupt withdrawal is fraught with spontaneous miscarriage. The algorithm for completing the course must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Video: technique of applying Divigel

Structural and functional analogues of Divigel gel By active substance , and therapeutic effect

The drug Divigel has analogues.

Table: Divigel gel analoguesName of the drugCompoundRelease formContraindications
Reception featuresEstrogel
1 gram of gel contains 600 mcg of estradiol - the main ingredient.
Additional substances: carbomer, ethanol, trolamine, purified waterEstrogel is produced in the form of a gel in 80 gram tubes, dispenser included
The use of Estrogel is recommended to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of menopausal syndrome (including artificially induced menopause), as well as for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis during the postmenopausal period.
It is recommended to apply 1 dose once a day, in a thin layer to the skin in the lumbar region, abdomen, as well as forearms or shoulders, until absolute absorption. The gel should be applied to an area of ​​skin that is no larger than the area of ​​the patient’s palms. It is advisable to use the drug in the morning or evening. It should be applied to clean skin.
Estrogel is contraindicated for use in:
  • ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute thrombophlebitis or thromboembolism;
  • Rotor syndrome;
  • bleeding in the uterus, when their etiology is not determined;
  • renal failure;
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome;
  • estrogen dependent malignant tumors or suspicions of their presence;
  • breastfeeding;
  • benign or malignant tumors of the pituitary gland;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • serious liver pathologies during their exacerbation, jaundice or liver tumors
KlimaraThe drug includes estradiol in the form of hemihydrate in a volume of 3.9 mg.
Additional substances: glyceryl monolaurate, isopropyl myristate, acrylate copolymer, ethyl oleate
Klimara is produced in the form of an oval-sized patch (4.5 cm x 3.3 cm). Inside there is a film with a homogeneous matrix, which is transparent and contains the active substanceThe purpose of the drug: to reduce the severity of negative symptoms against the background of estrogen deficiency in the body after surgical intervention or after the onset of natural menopause.
The Klimara patch is applied weekly, regularly and is not removed for 7 days, after which it must be replaced with a new one
  • thromboembolic diseases;
  • mammary cancer;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • malignant formations;
  • pregnancy;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • neoplasms in hepatic system benign or malignant;
  • lactation
EstrofemOne tablet includes 2 milligrams of estradiol, blue paste, titanium dioxide, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, talc, gelatin, corn starch, lactose monohydrateAvailable in the form of blue, round, film-coated tabletsEstrofem is used as hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women with signs of estrogen deficiency, including after a history of hysterectomy. It is also prescribed for the prevention of osteoporosis in the postmenopausal period and when planning pregnancy.
continuous course. If the desired effect is not observed within 3 months or the drug is poorly tolerated, the dose can be reduced or increased
The drug is contraindicated in:
  • bleeding from the genitals;
  • estrogen-dependent tumor or endometrial cancer;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • recently suffered thromboembolic diseases;
  • thromboembolic diseases or thrombosis in the active phase;
  • porphyria;
  • breast cancer;
  • acute liver diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother, but no one is immune from problems with conception and pregnancy. Trouble can arise for many reasons. One of them is thin endometrium. The author of the article was no exception to the rule. The pathology was discovered as a result of contacting a specialist due to repeated unsuccessful attempts get pregnant. The doctor prescribed an ultrasound of the uterine and pelvic organs, as well as tests to determine hormone levels. The study showed the presence hormonal imbalance. The drug Duphaston was prescribed. Afterwards, the doctor prescribed Divigel to restore estrogen deficiency from days 5 to 25 of the cycle, 2 sachets at a time. I smeared the area in the lower abdomen and lower back for a month. Side effects include bloating and colic in the abdomen, as well as heaviness in the chest and aching pain lower abdomen. I decided to stop the course. However, a month later she discovered that she was pregnant. I assume that the drug played its role and was effective.