Sanatoriums and camp sites of the Ministry of Defense. The procedure for obtaining a preferential voucher to a military sanatorium. Necessary documents submitted to the sanatorium upon arrival

Being a soldier in our country is not easy at all. People in this profession experience increased psychological and physical stress. This can reduce the functionality of a person. To maintain the body of military personnel in the norm, military sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will operate in 2019.

Our state takes into account that military personnel serve the Fatherland, sparing no effort and health, and therefore in our country there are a number of benefits for this category of citizens. Among them: early, resort and sanatorium services and preferential transport.

Providing military personnel with sanatorium treatment

As for spa services, it is regulated by a number of laws, including:

  • number 76 dated 05/27/98 - the law clarifies the status of a military man;
  • number 5 dated 01/12/95 - explains who is considered a veteran of the Moscow Region.

Some legislative acts regulating the rest and treatment of military personnel have recently changed due to the crisis. At the same time, the Defense Ministry gives a lot of strength to maintain the health of servicemen. The following figures testify to this:

MO has health-improving organizations that are located throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. In them you can both relax and improve your health. Last year over 350,000 people rested and received treatment in rest houses, boarding houses and sanatoriums.

In recent years, many institutions of this kind have been renovated. Now they meet the latest requirements. Most sanatoriums, in addition to the medical base, have:

  • gym;
  • volleyball and tennis courts;
  • swimming pool;
  • sauna;
  • cinema;
  • the library;
  • dance hall.

It should be noted that in addition to military personnel and military pensioners, members of their families can also relax and improve their health in them.

Vouchers are provided in accordance with the recommendations and direction of doctors. The military has a certain list of benefits. Their full list can be found by visiting the official website of the MO. In the same place in the section "social sphere" you can find a list of sanatoriums and their contact details. Knowing the latter, you can always check prices and availability.

Variety of sanatoriums

It should be noted that not only sanatoriums, but also sanatorium-resort complexes are under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Region.
Depending on the services provided, sanatoriums are:

  • balneological - as a rule, they carry out procedures using various mineral waters. They are usually located near natural springs;
  • climatic - here, in the treatment, the climatic features of the region are used. It can be healing mountain air, relaxing on the beach with sea bathing, or the natural resources of the area (huge forests, remoteness and silence) can also be used. Sometimes loneliness has a beneficial effect on the body;
  • mud - in such medical institutions, the emphasis is on various mud procedures. Treatment is carried out using baths, applications using silt, peat, etc.;
  • mixed - they can use all of the above methods of treatment.

Each sanatorium specializes in a certain profile of treatment. In the sanatoriums of the North Caucasus, they mainly treat the musculoskeletal system.

Focused primarily on the treatment of respiratory organs.

In sanatoriums near Moscow, they treat the nervous system and heart disease.

In order to effectively choose a medical institution, you need to go to the official website of the sanatorium and see how many services are provided in it. Here you can contact the administration and find out prices and availability.

What services do sanatoriums provide?

Any sanatorium is interested in being visited by as many clients as possible. Therefore, for all comers, the medical institution provides:

  • complete complex balanced nutrition;
  • housing that meets hygiene standards, other requirements and prices;
  • conducting a full examination using modern equipment;
  • treatment that meets modern requirements;
  • interesting leisure time for rest or treatment;
  • the attention and responsiveness of the staff.

Who is eligible for spa treatment

In 2019, the following people will be able to purchase vouchers to military sanatoriums:

  • military personnel arriving to serve in the Russian army;
  • military retirement age;
  • their relatives.

All of them legally have the right to:

  • rest in any medical institution of the Moscow Region;
  • be treated in any amount;
  • undergo any type of rehabilitation.

The state can fully or partially compensate for the cost of services.

To get a ticket, you need to go to the official website of the Moscow Region and make a corresponding request there. The General Military Directorate will notify you of the decision after a while. You can contact the medical institution you like and resolve the issue with the voucher with the administration. To do this, you will have to collect certain documents.

Resort service for military pensioners

Vouchers for military pensioners are issued in accordance with medical indicators. Treatment in a certain sanatorium can be carried out if there are no contraindications. You can use spa treatment once a year.

To receive a ticket, a military pensioner needs to write an appropriate application. This can be done sixty days before leaving for the sanatorium.

The pensioner must also obtain a medical certificate of sample No. 070 / y-04. He can issue it at the medical institution at the place of registration.

These and other necessary documents should be sent by e-mail to the website of the State Military Medical University of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Pension certificate and passport are accepted in scanned form.

It is worth noting that in addition to the application, passport, pension certificate, medical certificate and SNILS, disabled people must provide a medical examination. This is done if there are contraindications.

Prices for treatment for military pensioners

Military pensioners and members of their families enjoy benefits for rest and treatment in health-improving institutions of the Moscow Region. All tickets are sold with significant discounts:

A large group of military pensioners do not pay for spa services at all. A complete list of them can be found on the official website of the MO.

All military personnel, regardless of rank and position, are legally given the opportunity to get a ticket to any sanatorium and resort institution of the Ministry of Defense. But after the monetization of benefits, this type of recreational vacation for most of them has gained full value.

Today, getting a free ticket to a departmental sanatorium for active servicemen, unfortunately, means only one thing - to get there through the referral by the decision of the military medical commission (VVK) "to continue hospital treatment." This decision is made by the IHC after inpatient treatment of serious diseases, for example, myocardial infarction. And this is the only free option. For a soldier, but not for his family, who can go to the sanatorium together with the full price in agreement with the military health resort.

Another option - on a personal initiative, on a voucher, on the basis of a sanatorium card in the absence of contraindications - is paid. For active military personnel, payment is full, 100%. Thus, it can be beneficial, probably, only for retired officers, midshipmen and warrant officers (25% of the total cost), and members of their families, since only they retained the right to preferential payment for sanatorium treatment. The total cost of staying in sanatoriums is high and does not compete with the market prices of private holiday homes in the resort area. It can also be beneficial for the civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense, who also receive preferential vouchers (for 30% of the cost) “through the trade union line”. For members of the Trade Union of Workers and Employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, about five percent of the total number of places in the sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense are allocated annually. But for those who are still "in the ranks", prices remain "biting".

Mechanisms for obtaining permits for different contingents of citizens

Today, the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is responsible for the sanatorium and resort provision. The legal procedure for obtaining a ticket for treatment in the institutions of the Ministry of Defense for any applicant is subject to a single algorithm, which can be written as a 3-step instruction.

Step 1. Medical examination at the place of residence.

Former and current military - in military medical institutions.
Civilian - in medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
A sanatorium card is issued in the form N 072 / y-04, or a health certificate when sent to rest homes.
For children - in the form N 076 / y-04.

Step 2. Submission of the Application

To the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, or to a sanatorium and resort organization (30 days before arrival at the sanatorium):

  • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, and members of their families;
  • military personnel undergoing military service on conscription;
  • family members of retired servicemen (officers);
  • cadets;
  • by civilian personnel of the Armed Forces;

To the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, or a sanatorium and resort organization (60 days before arrival at the sanatorium):

  • officers (with more than 25 years of service on a preferential basis, regardless of the reason for dismissal, or 20 years + OSHM, state of health, age limit), members of their families. Ensigns and midshipmen, dismissed from military service (with more than 20 years of service, dismissed for OSHM, age limit, state of health);
  • family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner;
  • spouses and parents of servicemen who died in the line of duty;
  • parents of fallen or deceased officers;
  • widows (widowers) of dead or dead military personnel - until remarriage;
  • Heroes from among the military personnel and pensioners of the Moscow Region and members of their families;
  • spouses and parents of deceased or dead Heroes;

The already received sanatorium-resort card is attached to the Application.
You can apply directly or send the Application by mail, fax or electronically. Moreover, applications submitted in the form of an electronic document are considered on a general basis, within 10 days.
There is also an electronic booking mechanism. A personalized accounting system makes the procedure for distributing vouchers transparent.
Application: Appendix 1

Step 3. Receipt of the Notification of the provision of a voucher to a sanatorium-resort institution

The notification is sent to the email address specified earlier in the Application,
Notice: Appendix 2
That's all! Registration, payment and issuance of the Voucher is made already in the sanatorium - on the day of admission, upon presentation of the Notification.

Civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation draws up documents for obtaining a ticket to a military sanatorium in the manner determined by the agreement between the trade unions of the State Civil Confederation of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense. In any case, you will have to start with a medical examination and a heart-to-heart conversation with the chairman of the trade union committee.

For military personnel who have ended up in a hospital and who want to continue rehabilitation for free in a sanatorium and resort after the end of treatment, it’s not a bad idea to make friends with the attending physician. If there are indications and a positive decision of the VVK, all relevant documents will be duly executed by the medical institution in which the treatment was carried out.

Necessary documents submitted to the sanatorium upon arrival

First of all, for issuing a Voucher, a previously received Notification is presented.
In addition to it, patients transferred to sanatoriums to continue hospital treatment should also have on their hands:

  1. passport (identity card or military ID)
  2. conclusion of the military medical commission of the hospital
  3. an extract from the medical history
  4. food certificate (for military personnel undergoing military service on conscription)

All other potential patients of the sanatorium, along with a notification of the provision of a ticket, must present:

  • Identification document (passport, birth certificate, military ID)
  • Sanatorium-resort card in the form N 072 / y (for children - a sanatorium-resort card in the form N 076 / y)

Officers retired from military service:

  • pensioner's ID
  • compulsory health insurance policy

If a family member of a serviceman or a pensioner of the Ministry of Defense arrived at the sanatorium-resort institution together with him and is entered in his identity card, then presentation of a certificate of kinship is not required.
When you take with you not your child, you must have the notarized consent of his parents.
If the patient needs individual care, then his accompanying person is also provided with a bed and food. More about documents for various contingents

Military sanatoriums are a way to relax in Russia 3 times cheaper for preferential contingents.

Obviously, it is not so difficult to get a ticket to a military sanatorium. But the prices of rest in the sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the disadvantaged contingent are not competitive with private rest houses in resort areas.
The website of the Ministry of Defense provides approximate calculations of the cost of staying in a departmental sanatorium for a family of three servicemen. In one case, a three-week joint vacation, a family of 3 people will cost 50,041.45 rubles, in the other - 124,233 rubles (excluding travel costs). If the institution is the same, the composition of the family is similar and the prices for vouchers are the same (48,300 rubles for parents, and 27,633 rubles for a child), so what's the "trick"?
In the first case, this is a calculation for the family of an officer dismissed from service due to
with the achievement of the age limit, which enjoys a preferential right to pay only a quarter of the cost of a ticket for a former soldier and only half for members of his family:

Pensioner of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (48,300 rubles * 25%) + Wife (48,300 rubles * 50%) + Child (27,633 rubles * 50%) = 50,041.45 rubles.

In the second example, the family of a serviceman serving under a contract. In accordance with the law, payment for the stay at the resort for all its members is made in full (however, according to information on the websites of Sochi military health resorts, a small discount is still made for “their own” - about 10-20%). And after all, even if they decide to shorten their “journey to the warm sea” to two weeks, they still have to pay more than the family of a military pensioner for a full recovery period:

Soldier with wife and child

(48,300 rubles * 2 + 27,633 rubles) / 21 * 14 (days) = 82,822.

The conclusion to use military resort organizations for recreation and treatment is beneficial for the following contingents:

  • Officers dismissed from military service with 20 years of service (preferential), dismissed for OSHM, health status, age limit. Or 25 years of service, regardless of the reason for dismissal ;
  • Ensigns and midshipmen, dismissed from military service with a length of service of 20 years, dismissed for OSHM, health status, age limit for being in the service ;
  • Family members of the officers referred to in the first paragraph. As well as all persons who are dependent on him and living with him. (The right is retained even after the death of a reserve officer for persons who used this right during his lifetime);
  • Widows and widowers of the officers referred to in the first paragraph shall enjoy the right until remarriage;
  • Spouses and parents of those killed on the Kursk nuclear submarine, who died in the North Caucasus after August 1999, in connection with the performance of official duties;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, full cavaliers of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory from among the military and pensioners of the Ministry of Defense;
  • family members (spouses, parents, children under the age of 18 and children under the age of 23 studying in educational institutions full-time) Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, full holders of the Order of Glory from among the military personnel and pensioners of the Ministry of Defense;
  • spouses and parents of the deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, full holders of the Order of Glory from among the military personnel and pensioners of the Ministry of Defense;
  • persons of the civilian personnel of the Armed Forces (in the event that an industry agreement between the trade unions of the civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense establishes such obligations for the relevant period in the manner and on the terms determined by this agreement).

Discussion: 8 comments

    Why is it interesting in order 333 p.b where it is indicated that a preferential voucher for family members of reserve officers (military pensioners) for wives and children under 23 years old studying full-time is NO link "except for children studying in higher military educational institutions! My son, a cadet who came with me as a member of the family of a military pensioner, was accepted at the commercial price of a sanatorium!


    1. Active military personnel pay the full price in the sanatoriums. I think this is how the sanatorium interprets the law. However, your son is also a full-time student (but not the fact that cadets fall into this category). An interesting question for the court, but not the fact that you will win.


    I sent an application to the Saki sanatorium on November 1, 2017 at 00:15, .a month later the answer came - a lot of applications, a LIMITED number of PREFERENTIAL vouchers, the order of different groups of vacationers (I am the widow of a colonel), etc. January, February, December 2018 offered. I am sure that commercial tours are in full order, any time, any comfort, any treatment. We are entitled to 3 procedures for free - walks around the territory, gymnastics in the room, air baths on a bench. Exorbitantly valuable, service ... ! Why keep MO these sanatoriums? Let them switch to full commerce! But who will go there for these prices? You interpret everything correctly, but I am the widow of a general, so I sent an application to the military sanatorium Saksky named after. Pirogov, they will only consider it, but sent it on October 12, I received a refusal, now I will try to send it on November 1, and you write 30 days before arrival, this is definitely a complete failure.


    1. Everything is correctly stated, BUT you need to send documents to receive a ticket for 2018 on November 1, 2017. I sent to the Aurora sanatorium on November 2, 2016 on September 1, 2017 and received a response in December 2016 that the nearest arrival time is October 24, 2017, I called the sanatorium to find out how it happened? the answer was simple: “In one day on November 1, two thousand applications were received!! If you don’t like the date, you can refuse.” We arrived two days ago, yesterday we managed to swim in the sea, water + 16, air +25. It started raining today, +18, so we will breathe sea air for 46 thousand rubles for two) by the way, the promised pool with sea water is still under repair)) all procedures until 12:00)) Greetings from Khosta!!


    The author described everything well, but forgot to indicate a small detail (the most important) - booking tours for 2018 starts from November 1, 2017. » Submission of application 30 days prior to arrival at the resort » is a clear failure.


They pay significant attention to the sanatorium and resort provision of military pensioners. Vouchers are distributed by advance booking.

To improve the state of health, there are specialized sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners.

Conditions for purchasing a ticket

The direction to the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners is subject to three main conditions:

  • Medical indications.
  • No contraindications.
  • You can get a ticket once a year.

The procedure for obtaining a ticket

The application must be submitted 60 calendar days before the day of the start of stay in the institution.

In addition to the application, a military pensioner must also receive a certificate from the medical organization where he is provided with medical care (form No. 070 / y-04).

The decision to satisfy the request or refuse it is made within 20 working days from the date of submission of the application and documents.

With a positive decision under Russian law, a corresponding notification will be sent to the citizen by mail.

Tickets are received on a first-come, first-served basis.

Places for submitting original certificates and applications for a voucher to the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners

  • Regional receptions.
  • Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Documents are submitted in accordance with the established procedure by mail.
  • In the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners and rest homes by mail.
  • Using the website of the State Military Medical University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by sending documents by e-mail.

Before leaving an application for a ticket, it is mandatory to check the availability of unreserved places in the selected health facility.


To obtain a ticket, you must provide the following documents:

  • Statement.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Retirement Certificate.
  • SNILS.
  • A document confirming the benefit.
  • Reference form No. 070 / y-04.
  • A medical examination may also be required. This condition applies to persons with disabilities who may have some contraindication to the treatment methods used in the institution.

How often can you vacation on preferential terms?

In accordance with the law "On State Social Assistance", military pensioners can rest once a year. In the presence of certain medical indications, a voucher may be provided more often.

Fringe benefits

In addition to the voucher, the state pays for travel to the recreation facility in both directions using rail transport.

Disabled people of the first group can go to the sanatorium for the second time free of charge, as well as get a railway ticket for the person who will accompany them and take care of them during treatment.

Ticket price

For military pensioners, a preferential procedure for paying for vouchers is provided: 25% of the total cost.

Children of military pensioners under the age of 3 can rest for free, 3-6 years old without treatment pay 30% of the price, 6-18 years old, and full-time students under 23 years old without treatment must pay 50% of the cost.

The spouse (wife) of a military pensioner also belongs to the preferential category. For them, the price will be 50% of the price.

Right to travel

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia.
  • Full Cavaliers of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory.
  • Heroes of social work.

Widows of military pensioners, who were Heroes and holders of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory, can rest at the price of 25% of the total cost of the tour.

List of sanatoriums

  • The Gulf of Finland and the Karelian Isthmus: "Zelenogorsky", "Priozersky" and "Tarhovsky" sanatoriums.

These institutions are located near St. Petersburg. They specialize in diseases of the respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal and nervous systems of the body. As the main methods of therapy are used: climate, hydro and physiotherapy, exercise therapy, a special diet, in the "Tarhovsky" sanatorium - mud therapy.

  • Baltic. Svetlogorsk military sanatorium.

Military pensioners are sent here with diseases of the nervous, circulatory, endocrine, musculoskeletal systems, respiratory organs, as well as in the presence of gynecological diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The main methods by which treatment is carried out are climate and pelotherapy, exercise therapy, and a special diet. There are two mineral springs on the territory of the institution. Not far from the sanatorium is the Curonian Spit - a unique nature reserve. The air here is unusually clean thanks to the pine forest, which is adjacent to the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon.

Moscow region and the center of the European part of Russia

  • Sanatorium "Arkhangelsk".

Specialization: diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, bone systems. There is a department for recovery after a heart attack and major operations on the heart and other organs.

  • "Borovoe", a recreation center for the military - a great place for lovers of excursions and active recreation.
  • Zvenigorod sanatorium, which deals with the treatment of circulatory, central nervous system, respiratory organs.
  • "Cosmodrome", rest house. Rehabilitation methods: massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic baths.
  • "Marfinsky".

The institution offers the same methods of treatment as other sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners. "Marfinsky" (sanatorium) is engaged in rehabilitation for diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, endocrine and urinary systems, as well as for problems with the spine and skeletal system.

  • Mozhaysk rest house, where a relaxing holiday is combined with active activities.
  • Moscow region, a rest home, where you can also undergo a treatment course, including physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, massage, speleotherapy and other procedures.
  • Sanatorium "Slobodka", where they treat the circulatory, digestive, respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
  • Solnechnogorsk military sanatorium.

Indications are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, digestive and nervous systems, respiratory organs.

Black Sea coast

  • South Coast, sanatorium "Yalta" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners.

Here you can improve your health in diseases of the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Methods of therapy: climate-, hydro-, physiotherapy, mud therapy, special diet, exercise therapy. The sanatorium "Yalta" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners has been especially popular in recent years due to the unique climate and the unusually beautiful area in which it is located.

  • Anapa: "Paratrooper" and "Gold Coast".

Here they treat diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous systems, problems with the spine. Sanatorium "Zolotoy Bereg" also deals with the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal problems. Methods of rehabilitation: climatotherapy, mud therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, special diet.

  • Gelendzhik: military rest houses "Barguzin" and "Betta", military sanatorium Divnomorskoye.

In the latter, special attention is paid to the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lungs and nervous system. "Barguzin" is located in an incredibly picturesque place: a low chain of mountains surrounding the village of Divnomorsk, in which it is located, provides a unique mild climate. There are many vineyards and orchards here.

  • Sochi sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners.

"Aurora" is a place with an extraordinary nature, where the main methods of treatment are: climate, hydro and physiotherapy, exercise therapy, proper nutrition, hydrogen sulfide baths.

Sanatorium "Adler" is recognized as one of the best recreation facilities in the Moscow region.

In the sanatorium "Cote d'Azur" you can use such procedures as thalasso, balneo, hydro, peloid and physiotherapy, exercise therapy and proper nutrition.

Sanatorium "Sochi" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners practices, among other things, mud therapy and sulfide Matsesta baths.

In the sanatorium "Chemitokvadzhe" there is a pump-room for dispensing healthy drinking mineral water, which is provided by the Lazarevsky spring.

Sanatorium "Yantar" is distinguished by its location in a beautiful park.

In Sochi sanatoriums, attention is paid to the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory, nervous and bone systems. The Sochi sanatorium also treats gynecological and skin diseases. And the specialization of the sanatorium "Aurora" includes urology. Tours are regularly held in all of these institutions.

  • Sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners (Abkhazia): "Gagra", "Gudautsky", "Sukhum".

The treatment program of "Gagra" and "Sukhum" involves the treatment of diseases of the circulatory, musculoskeletal, nervous and digestive systems. The Gudauta military sanatorium specializes in diseases of the central nervous system and circulatory organs. In the city of Gagra, you can admire the subtropical park with many fountains and ponds.

Caucasian mineral waters

  • Kislovodsk sanatorium, dealing with the treatment of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs.

Basic methods: climate-, balneo-, hydro-, physiotherapy, exercise therapy.

  • Essentuki and Pyatigorsk central military sanatoriums.

Specialization: diseases of the nervous, endocrine, digestive, musculoskeletal systems, gynecology and urology.

  • Volga and Ural: "Volga" and Chebarkul sanatorium, which specialize in diseases of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.

In the sanatorium "Volga" pensioners with diseases of the spine, skin, urological and gynecological problems can also improve their health.


  • "Yeltsovka"

The resort is located on the banks of the Ob River. Here, military pensioners with diseases of the spine, heart and blood vessels, respiratory and nervous systems can improve their health. Rehabilitation is carried out after a heart attack and major operations.

  • Darasun and Molokovskiy military sanatoriums

The institutions are located in Eastern Siberia and specialize in the treatment of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive and endocrine systems, gynecological and skin diseases.

Far East

  • Primorsky Krai.

Kuldur sanatorium is located in the valley of the Kuldur river. The mountains are covered with deciduous and coniferous forests. The ocean resort is located in a beautiful landscaped park. Particularly beneficial to the state of health is the area covered with mixed forests, where the Khabarovsk sanatorium is located. A beautiful view of the Amur-Ussuri floodplain opens from the bank of the Amur River.

The Shmakovskiy sanatorium is surrounded by the Sikhote-Alin ridge.

Holiday house "Sokol" will be of particular interest to lovers of outdoor activities. A sports complex is equipped here, various excursions are constantly organized.

  • Military sanatorium "Paratunka", Kamchatka.

The main specialization is diseases of the spine and central nervous system, skin and gynecological problems. "Paratunka" is surrounded on all sides by hills. Thermal springs are the main healing factor.

Thus, before applying for a vacation, it is imperative to study the proposed list. The sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners in each case is selected based on the availability of places, specialization, methods of therapy and the personal wishes of each patient. Rest in picturesque places with a pleasant climate and clean air will help enrich the body with vital energy for the whole year, and various therapy options will restore health. In addition, a varied excursion program will help you acquire new knowledge and visit the most beautiful places in Russia. All military sanatoriums provide a specially designed diet, as well as physical therapy courses, which will help keep the body in shape.

Mytishchi district

Treatment resort hotel

Available rooms

Krasnogorsk district

average price: 3 163 rubles.


Available rooms

Every year, such a familiar and close suburb of Moscow opens up new facets of its magnificence and truly limitless opportunities for recreation and treatment. The Moscow region was formed on January 14, 1929 and is located in the center of the European part of Russia, between 54 and 57 s. sh. and between the 35th and 40th c. e. Area (excluding Moscow area) 46 thousand km2. The population (as of January 1, 2004) is 6622 thousand people (4.6% of the population of Russia). The Moscow Region borders Smolensk Region in the west, Tver Region in the northwest and north, Yaroslavl Region in the northeast, Vladimir Region in the east, Ryazan Region in the southeast, Tula Region in the south, and Kaluga Region in the southwest. The administrative center of the Moscow region is Moscow. The geographical position of the territory of the Moscow region determines the generally flat nature of the relief with alternating hilly uplands and flat lowlands.

The poet William Blake claimed that the whole world can be seen in one flower bud. In the Moscow region, many generations of Russians collected and painstakingly preserved the best artifacts of world culture, famous historical landscapes were repeated, world-famous palaces and castles were copied. Here you can visit, without leaving the expanses of our northern Motherland, the holy land. In the 17th century, the banks of the Istra River miraculously repeated the bends of the Jordan River with their bends, and our Jerusalem near Moscow was reflected in its waters. Mounts Zion, Tabor, Eleon and Calgotha ​​grew. For its beauty and genuine luxury, the Arkhangelskoye estate has been turned into a Versailles near Moscow, and in the south of the Moscow Region, in the steppes of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, real bison graze freely. And if you like the overseas exoticism of a tropical hotel, the hospitable and zealous suburbs will offer it to you. Because the Moscow region is one of the most developed regions of the Russian tourist industry. The list of resort complexes exceeds 1000 items and is able to provide any level of comfort. Health resorts, known for their unique medical facilities and highly qualified medical staff, will help you restore and improve your health. And how many active entertainments in boarding houses and recreation centers near Moscow! The surroundings of the capital are famous for their rare natural beauty. The land of pensive forests, ancient rivers, magical lakes and even man-made mountains will provide you with the richest choice of entertainment for spring, summer holidays and recreation on


The climate of the Moscow region is temperate continental. The warm period (average daily air temperature above 0°C), starting in early April and ending in early November, lasts 205-215 days. The warmest month is July (average temperature ranges from 16.5 C in the northwest to 18.5 C in the southeast). The absolute maximum temperature - 39 C was recorded in Kashira and Zaraysk. Annual rainfall in the region ranges from 450 to 650 mm.

Natural healing factors and treatment profiles

The basis of the resort resources of the Moscow region, along with the climate, is made up of drinking mineral waters and brines, which are used for baths. Many sanatoriums near Moscow, such as Mozhaysky, Dorohovo and Erino, have their own pump rooms. In the Moscow region there are several deposits of therapeutic peat mud, which are effectively used in treatment in sanatoriums. The possibility of conducting spa treatment and recreation in the Moscow region is determined by the following factors: the lack of acclimatization reaction, adaptation and readaptation for residents of central Russia; all-weather; developed recreational and medical-diagnostic infrastructure of sanatoriums near Moscow; proximity to leading medical centers.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, nervous system, digestive organs, musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases, metabolic disorders.

The excursion program is very diverse, and usually in rest houses and sanatoriums they offer excursions around the area of ​​​​the Moscow region where they are located. Do not forget that sanatorium treatment is perfectly combined with excursions, especially since such a concentration of interesting places, as in Central Russia, still needs to be looked for. There are more than a thousand archeola in the Moscow region. monuments (settlements, settlements, mounds), many ancient Russian cities, the age of which sometimes exceeds the age of Moscow. Mozhaisk, Vereya, Ruza, Volokolamsk, Zvenigorod, Dmitrov, Kolomna, Serpukhov, Zaraysk largely preserved the historical buildings of the 18th-19th centuries, and some of them - kremlins and ramparts. There are more than 500 religious buildings in P., among which are Orthodox shrines - the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Savvino-Storozhevsky, Joseph-Volotsky, New Jerusalem, Nikolo-Ugreshsky monasteries, and others. 150 estates and several dozen manor parks. More than 100 museums and other objects reflecting the history and culture of Russia: Borodino; house-museums of P. I. Tchaikovsky in Klin, S. I. Taneyev in Dyutkovo, A. A. Blok in Shakhmatovo; estates Abramtsevo, Muranovo, Yaropolets, Arkhangelsk.


Museum of M.M. Prishvin(village Dunino).

Savvino-Storozhevsky stauropegial monastery, date of foundation of the monastery - 1398

Church of the Intercession(Akulovo village, Shkolnaya st., 88G). Built in 1807 through the efforts of V.P. Razumovskaya - Sheremetyeva.

Church of the Transfiguration(v. Golitsino). Built in the 1590s by order of Boris Godunov.

Church of the Savior(p. Headwear). Built in 1694–1697. An example of Moscow baroque architecture.

Church of the Transfiguration(village Bolshiye Vyazemy). Built in 1598. The temple, consecrated in 1600 in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity, after 1702 was renamed in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Church of the Assumption on Gorodok (Zvenigorod). Built at the beginning of the 15th century.

Manor Muranovo(v. Artemovo). House, outbuilding, children's house, driver's house, barn, park, gatehouse, linden alley, ironing board, church. Built in 1840–1842. according to the plan and under the leadership of the famous Russian poet Yevgeny Abramovich Baratynsky. The guests of the estate were: N.V. Gogol, S.T. Aksakov, V.F. Odoevsky, E.P. Rostopchina, F.I. Tyutchev.

Manor Sofrino(2 km from Ashukinskaya square). Smolensk church, remains of a park with a pond. In the 70s. XVII century the property is listed as a "sovereign village", and by the 90s it becomes the patrimony of the boyar F.P. Saltykov near Moscow. His daughter, Praskovya, married Tsar Ivan Alekseevich, the elder brother of Peter I.

Manor Tsarevo(Pushkinsky district). Nicholas Church, ancient tombstones.
In the last quarter of the XVII century. here was the yard of N.I. Sheremetev, then F.A. Golitsyn, in the middle of the XVIII century. the estate was owned by P.N. Shcherbatov, then landowner A.I. Durasova and her heirs, in the middle of the XIX century. - A.F. Zakrevskaya, in 1911 - V.I. Smirnov. St. Nicholas Church in Tsarevo was built at the expense of the owners of the village Durasovs in 1812–1815.

Museum Reserve A.A. Blok(v. Shakhmatovo). Created in 1984

Neolithic site(left bank of the Klyazma River, Lyalovo village). One of the oldest Neolithic sites in the Moscow region, dating from the middle of the 3rd to the beginning of the 2nd centuries. BC e.

Slavic burial mounds(village of Myshetskoye, south of Lake Krugloye). They belong to the XI-XII centuries.

North- Dmitrovsky, Mytishchinsky, Taldomsky

Northeast- Pushkin, Sergiev Posad, Shchelkovsky

Northwest- Krasnogorsk, Lotoshinsky, Solnechnogorsk, Khimki

South- Domodedovo, Podolsky, Kashirsky, Serpukhov, Stupinsky, Chekhov

Southeast- Voskresensky, Egorevsky, Kolomna, Zaraisky, Lukhovitsky, Ozersky, Ramensky, Serebryano-Prudsky

Southwest- Leninsky, Narofominsky

West- Volokolamsky, Istrinsky, Mozhaysky, Odintsovsky, Ruzsky

East- Balashikhinsky, Noginsky, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Pavlovo-Posadsky, Shatursky.

The military profession requires a huge psychological and physical load. This leads to a rapid decrease in the functionality of the body. To restore health in our country, military sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are operating in 2018.

The state has always valued the ability of the military to fully deploy its forces and their readiness for various non-standard situations in order to maintain the country's defense capability. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in our country the military has some advantages for their hard work:

  • a sufficient amount of pension provision;
  • early retirement;
  • benefits in public transport;
  • resort service.

Material base for the treatment of military personnel

The resort and sanatorium provision of current and former military personnel is regulated by many legislative acts. For example, document No76 dated May 27, 1998 tells who has the status of a military man. Law No5 of January 12, 1995 clarifies who should be considered a military veteran. Given the difficult state of the economy, some of the laws governing the sanatorium provision of military personnel may change. Officials of the Ministry of Defense speak about this without hiding.

Now in our country there are more than fifty military resort and sanatorium organizations, both for current military personnel and for military pensioners. Thirty-seven sanatorium-type institutions, eight rest houses and seven tourist bases are now subordinate to the RF Ministry of Defense. Health organizations are located throughout Russia. They treat:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory system;
  • nervous system.

Resorts are divided according to medical factors:

  • Climatic institutions produce treatment at the expense of the climate within which they are located.
  • Balneological organizations treat mainly with mineral water.
  • Mud sanatoriums base their treatment on therapeutic mud.
  • Mixed organizations combine the various types of treatment listed above.

Recreation facilities include: skiing, rafting, cycling, walking, etc.

Sanatorium organizations for military pensioners

Podmoskovny region:

  • Solnechnogorsky;
  • "Arkhangelsk";
  • "Marfinsky";
  • "Slobodka";
  • "Zvenigorod".

Anapa region:

  • "Divnomorskoye";
  • Golden shore";
  • "Paratrooper".

Sochi region:

  • "Amber";
  • "Chemitokvadzhe";
  • "Sochi";
  • "Aurora".

North Caucasian region:

  • Central children's sanatorium;
  • "Essentuki";
  • "Pyatigorsky";
  • "Pyatigorsky";
  • "Kislovodsk".

Western region:

  • "Svetlogorsky";
  • "Tarkhovsky";
  • "Priozersky".

Privolzhsky district:

  • "Volga";
  • "Yeltsovka";
  • Chebarkulsky.

Far East region:

  • "Paratunka";
  • "Molokovsky";
  • "Ocean";
  • "Darasunsky";
  • "Kuldursky";
  • "Khabarovsk";
  • "Shmakovskiy".

Military sanatoriums of Crimea

There are six military sanatoriums on the peninsula. The resort factor of health resorts located on the South Coast is the unique Crimean climate. The sanatoriums of the eastern part are famous for their healing sand and mineral water. Military hospital them. N. Pirogova became famous thanks to the famous peloid of the Saki deposit. Prices for treatment in these institutions are formed based on the benefits of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

Military medical institutions of sanatorium type Prices for 21 days
"Sevastopol" from 31962 rub.
"Yalta" from 41600 rub.
"Zander" from 36750 rub.
"Feodosia military sanatorium", from 39900 rub.
"Crimea" from 39726 rub.
"Saki sanatorium named after N. Pirogov " from 22200 rub.
Evpatoria sanatorium for children named after E. Glinka " from 25515 rub.

Availability of places for a certain period can be found on the official websites of these institutions.

Free trips

According to the legislative act of the Russian Federation No178 17.07.99, the following have the right to free vouchers:

  1. pensioners who served in law enforcement agencies;
  2. Afghans and families of those who died in the Afghan events of 1979-89;
  3. blockade of Leningrad;
  4. WWII invalids and their families;
  5. families, citizens who died in the Second World War;
  6. WWII veterans.

The procedure for obtaining a ticket

If you are a military pensioner, then in order to receive a sanatorium voucher you will need:

  1. Collect the necessary documents: passport, pension certificate, military ID.
  2. If you are going to rest with your family, make sure that all family members are included in the "special marks" of the pension certificate.
  3. It is also necessary to obtain a certificate of form No070 / U-04 on the need for rehabilitation or treatment in a sanatorium. This document is obtained from the local therapist.
  4. To get a ticket, you will also need a personal account (SNILS).
  5. If you are disabled, you will need an expert medical opinion.
  6. Appropriate medical certificates must be prepared for all family members.
  7. It will also be necessary to confirm the relationship of all your companions. On hand you need to have a marriage certificate and the birth of a child.
  8. To obtain a voucher, you should contact the regional department of the Moscow Region, which is engaged in sanatorium provision, where you should write an application about the desire to undergo sanatorium treatment for the whole family.

The Department of Defense, having considered your application, must issue you an order to issue a voucher. The right to receive treatment is already issued directly at the sanatorium. The address of the Department of the Ministry of Defense involved in sanatorium provision can be found in your military unit or on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

How to reimburse travel

Travel expenses can be reimbursed immediately. A military pensioner is issued tickets that allow him to get to the place of treatment free of charge.

Reimbursement of the cost of the ticket can be made after the stay in the sanatorium. To do this, you need to provide all the tickets that were required to arrive at the sanatorium. It is worth remembering that only tickets that meet the following requirements will be paid for:

  • buses must be of a general type or have folding soft seats;
  • travel documents in a reserved seat railway carriage are subject to compensation;
  • air tickets can only be of economy class;
  • if river boats were used to arrive at the place of treatment, then travel documents in the third class cabin are taken into account. If these were ships of the marine type, then tickets to the cabins of the fourth and fifth groups are compensated.