Instructions for using MCC tablets for weight loss and reviews. How to take the drug MCC correctly for weight loss: instructions for use and real reviews

MCC is microcrystalline cellulose, which is made from natural, plant-based raw materials.
MCC is considered one of the effective drugs that promote weight loss. This dietary supplement is made from natural cotton, which is similar to the fiber in fruits and vegetables. Like fiber, cellulose is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing the intestines and promoting the formation of feces.
Thanks to products based on MCC, you can improve the functioning of the digestive system and normalize stool. Such fibers have no nutritional value, but have great potential as an active assistant in the fight against extra centimeters. The drug is available in the form of powder or capsules.
- a source of indigestible dietary fiber;
- absorbs excess moisture and adsorbs toxins;
- normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
- stimulates natural cleansing of the body;
- allows you to effectively fight extra pounds;
- removes harmful substances;
- reduces the risk of developing pathologies (including cancer);
- has a stimulating effect, strengthening the immune system;
- widely used for the correction of pathological conditions - for poisoning, diabetes, gastroenterological diseases, atherosclerosis and for the prevention of kidney stones.

Indications for use:
MCC prescribed and permitted when:
- obesity;
- atherosclerosis;
- diabetes;
- ischemia;
- intoxication (including food and heavy metals);
- gastroenterological diseases;
- as well as for effective prevention of neoplasms.
If your case is not from this list, it is better not to take MCC as a means of losing weight. After all, it is probably for this reason that some people who want to lose weight do not lose their appetite at all when taking microcrystalline cellulose. Although doctors say that this does not in any way affect the healing effect provided by the drug.

Mode of application:
Accept microcrystalline cellulose for weight loss is very simple - you can simply take the tablets with water, or you can crush them and add them to any food. At the same time, the usual taste of porridge or jelly will not change at all - MCC has neither taste nor smell. If you are going to take the tablets whole, then you need to do this half an hour before meals.
Experts recommend starting a weight loss course using microscopic cellulose by taking one tablet per day. After five days, increase the dose to five tablets and so on, up to 25-35 tablets per day. This amount should be divided by the number of meals and the tablets should be taken in equal portions. The weight loss course lasts 2-3 months, during which time you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight.
In order for the tablets to swell in the stomach faster, they can be crushed and taken in powder form before taking. Each serving of tablets should be taken with plenty of water - at least one glass. Between taking pills and food, it is recommended to drink additional plain water - the daily norm should be 2-2.5 liters. If you do not follow this drinking regime, then the tablets simply will not swell in the stomach to the desired state.

Side effects:
Cramping pain in the abdomen.

Taking medications with MCC pregnant and lactating women.
If you have a history of colitis and flatulence or a tendency to constipation, you need to be careful with cellulose and monitor the amount of liquid you drink.
Long-term intake of dietary fiber allows you to remove from the body not only “cellular debris”, but also microelements important for life. Therefore, it is very important to strictly follow the drug dosage regimen and take a break if necessary.
You cannot replace one of your meals with MCC capsules.
Before starting the course, be sure to consult with a therapist, he will assess your individual characteristics, correct this one or help you choose another method.

A drug MCC strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Storage conditions:
A drug MCC should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 C.

Release form:
MCC - tablets, 100 pieces in a package.

1 tablet MCC contains: microcrystalline cellulose - 500 mg.

Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is registered as a dietary supplement - it is used to cleanse the body, and also as an auxiliary component of a weight correction program. How to take MCC for weight loss, what results should you expect?

Helpful information

MCC is used for weight loss due to its cleansing properties. The food supplement is obtained by thoroughly purifying cotton cellulose. The drug is produced in the form of powder or tablets. The supplement is prescribed for poisoning, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and obesity. In addition, it is used as a prophylaxis for urolithiasis, gastroenterological diseases, and ischemia. The nutritional supplement benefits people with diabetes and atherosclerosis.

MCC is an analogue of natural fiber present in many food products. This product is harmless and has virtually no contraindications. You should not take MCC for weight loss in case of individual intolerance. You should use the supplement with caution during pregnancy (you may feel heaviness in the stomach and other unpleasant symptoms). Under no circumstances should cellulose be substituted for a full meal (this product should only supplement the diet menu). In case of an overdose, problems with bowel movements and the functioning of the digestive system may occur.

Operating principle of the MCC

Cellulose fibers have sorption properties - they are not absorbed by the body, do not dissolve, but they actively absorb liquid. They are excreted in their original form, having managed to absorb harmful components (toxins, waste, excess liquid). Cellulose, swelling in the stomach, neutralizes the feeling of hunger, “deceiving” it (fiber has no nutritional value). Thus, microcrystalline cellulose is doubly useful for weight loss - about 2-5 kg ​​are lost by removing toxins, and due to lack of appetite, the weight continues to gradually decrease.

How to take MCC drugs?

MCC tablets for weight loss are washed down with plenty of clean water - the liquid allows the cellulose to increase in volume and fill the stomach. Throughout the day you need to drink about 2 liters of free liquid. The dose of MCC is increased gradually, starting with a small amount (4-5 tablets of 500 mg each) and monitoring your well-being. Gradually, the dose can be increased to 10-30 tablets per day (depending on individual tolerance and goals). The maximum dose of MCC is 25 g (50 tablets). Usually the total number of tablets is divided into 3 equal parts and taken before main meals (20-30 minutes before meals). To get a quick effect, some people prefer to use MCC as a snack or instead of dinner (the latter option is not the right step in terms of diet, but it promotes rapid weight loss). When using the maximum dose (50 tablets), cellulose is not only taken before meals, but also added to food by slightly soaking and grinding the tablets. An acceptable rate is 10 tablets per 100 g of product (minced meat, flour, etc.) and 3 tablets per 500 ml of sauce. To avoid constipation, it is recommended to supplement the diet with laxative foods (dried fruits, beets, etc.). The most correct way to lose weight is a combination of MCC tablets and diet (the average daily caloric intake is 1000-1800 kcal, depending on the initial data and the degree of physical activity). Course duration is 3-4 weeks. After 10 days, the course can be repeated again.

MCC is microcrystalline cellulose extracted from plant products. This drug differs from others in its exclusively natural composition. Reviews about the MCC for weight loss are mostly positive, and their addressees are people who have managed to lose weight and doctors. If you are planning to take pills, you should consult a nutritionist or endocrinologist, especially if you have chronic diseases.

The impact of MCC on the process of losing weight

The MCC weight loss drug is made from natural cotton, so its composition is similar to vegetable or fruit fiber. Once in the stomach, the tablets begin to have a double effect:

  1. Carry out mechanical cleansing of the body. The drug acts as a cotton ball, filling the space of the stomach. Dietary fiber is not digested, but passes directly into the intestines. Moreover, the product has zero calorie content, which means it does not contribute to the accumulation of lipids (fats) under the skin. Thanks to its appetite-suppressing effect, the product serves as a natural meal replacement during strict diets.
  2. MCC tablets for weight loss act as a sorbent. They are able to absorb waste, toxins, heavy metals, fecal stones, and free radicals accumulated on the intestinal walls, removing them through stool. So the weight loss drug normalizes intestinal function, improving metabolism. During the use of MCC, the blood is cleansed of toxins that have entered it from the intestines. Due to this property of the tablets, they are used as an alternative to activated carbon.

How to take MCC for weight loss: instructions and dosages

  • Dosage. MCC should be taken before meals, starting with 1 tablet per day. Gradually the dosage increases to 5-10 tablets, then up to 15 tablets. The maximum permissible dose of the drug is 25 grams per day. At the end of the course, the amount of the product is slowly reduced to 1 tablet.
  • How to drink MCC for weight loss? The drug is ground into powder and dissolved in a glass of water. The drunk solution is washed down with a portion of clean water. In addition, the product can be mixed as a food additive to minced meat or other semi-finished products that you will prepare soon.
  • Duration of the drug course. The weight loss process lasts 21-30 days, followed by a break.
  • What else you need to know about MCC? It is recommended to drink plenty of water throughout the diet. The optimal daily volume is 2-2.5 liters.

Important: Strict adherence to the instructions for use of MCC guarantees the effectiveness of weight loss and the absence of side effects. Despite the benefits and effectiveness of the cellulose included in the product, remember the existing contraindications that prohibit the use of the drug for weight loss.

Pros of use

  1. Purification with crystalline cellulose. MCC removes toxins, waste and other harmful substances from the intestines.
  2. MCC is a valuable source of dietary fiber, which we need for digestion and normal metabolic function.
  3. The weight loss drug normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.
  4. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  5. Reviews from doctors about MCC indicate an increase in the performance and tone of patients who took the pills.
  6. The weight loss product is hygroscopic, that is, it is destroyed under the influence of water that it absorbs. Microcrystalline cellulose serves as an active sorbent.
  7. Microcrystalline cellulose has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of cancer (research results were published in the authoritative medical publication Lancet).

Important: the main advantage of MCC is the ability to stabilize a person’s weight. However, in this matter you should not self-medicate - it is better to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Contraindications to the use of MCC tablets

Losing weight with the help of MCC occurs quite quickly, since the product has a powerful effect. This explains the existence of a list of contraindications to the use of diet pills.

Microcrystalline cellulose should not be consumed:

  1. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. For constipation.
  3. While taking other medications, since drugs may reduce the effectiveness of each other.
  4. In case of vitamin deficiency, since MCC, together with decay products, removes some useful minerals and vitamins from the body.
  5. With flatulence, tendency to bloating.
  6. If the intestinal microflora is disturbed.
  7. If you have anorexia or bulimia.
  8. In childhood and old age.

Other disadvantages of regularly taking MCC include the ability of cellulose to stretch the walls of the stomach. The increased size of the organ stimulates severe bouts of hunger after completion of the course and, ultimately, leads to overeating. In addition to the listed contraindications, there are some side effects of using diet pills:

  • Disorders of the digestive tract (constipation, etc.).
  • Heaviness in the stomach, bloating.

Side effects are often a consequence of taking a weight loss drug incorrectly. When they appear, it is recommended to drink 300-500 ml of water every 30-40 minutes. Sometimes the doctor prescribes a laxative to alleviate the patient's condition.

Where to buy tablets

Where to buy microcrystalline cellulose for weight loss? The drug is sold in pharmacies in many countries, including Russia. You can buy MCC in online stores.


How much does a weight loss product cost? The price of MCC is low, its limits depend on where you buy the tablets, what kind of packaging, who the manufacturer is.

Approximate cost of a weight loss drug:

  • MCC "Dvornik" 100 tablets - from 85 to 150 rubles.
  • MCC "Cortes" 100 tablets - about 150 rubles.
  • MCC Evalar "Ankir-B" 100 tablets - 90-100 rubles.

Among the products that are used in the fight against excess weight, there are those that, because of their name, are not very clear to the buyer. In this case, we are talking about losing weight with MCC. Reviews about this product are mostly positive, but quite often they are full of questions: what kind of MCC is this, how to take it for weight loss, is it dangerous to health, and what effect does the drug have on the body?

Cellulose for weight loss - principle of action

First, we note that MCC for weight loss (microcrystalline cellulose) is the most effective remedy, since it has a lot of useful properties, for example:

  • Reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Safe and natural colon cleanse.
  • Getting rid of allergic reactions, strengthening the immune system.
  • Normalizes digestion, eliminates constipation, enhances intestinal motility.

As you know, the body is not able to digest cellulose fibers, so it is excreted from it almost in its original form. Once in the stomach, it increases in size and forms a dense lump, which, moving along the digestive tract, pulls out and pushes waste, toxins and undigested food debris accumulated in the intestines.

An intestine freed from harmful substances can not only digest food more thoroughly, which in turn improves metabolism, but also helps increase the body's defenses. In addition, the benefit of cellulose for weight loss also lies in the fact that it has the ability to cause a feeling of fullness in the stomach and satiety, therefore, it relieves a person of an imaginary and uncontrollable feeling of hunger.

How to take MCC?

Many women wonder: how to take MCC for weight loss? Nutritionists answer it unequivocally - you must follow some rules, otherwise the supplement will not bring the expected effect.

First, the supplement should be taken in sufficient doses. Most manufacturers write too low single doses in the instructions. You can't fill your stomach with that much cellulose. Sometimes such doses are only 1.5 g - it is obvious that this amount of ballast substances cannot guarantee a lasting feeling of satiety. Accordingly, you need to take at least 10 tablets at a time.

Secondly, you should take nutritional supplements instead of a meal or 20-30 minutes before meals. To choose the most suitable regimen for yourself, you must first decide which method you want to reduce your daily diet:

  • To reduce the number of meals, consume MCC instead of food.
  • To reduce portion size, consume MCC approximately 20-30 minutes before meals.

If your first meal took place at 9 am, lunch is scheduled for 1 pm, and you take the MCC at 11 am, there will be no benefit from it. At this time, there is no point in reducing your appetite, since you have already eaten, and the next meal is still far away.

The third rule regarding how to take MCC for weight loss is that each dose of the drug should be combined with plenty of drinking. Cellulose can only expand in volume if there is sufficient moisture present in the stomach. This will make the feeling of fullness stronger. If MCC is taken without water, it will have virtually no effect on the feeling of hunger, and can also cause prolonged constipation.

Microcrystalline cellulose is presented in pharmacy chains in the form of tablets and powder. The duration of the course of use of the drug is about one month, no more. The instructions for the MCC for weight loss also provide the recommended dosage: 6 tablets up to 3 times a day, but let us remind you once again that this is not an insufficient amount. It is advisable to drink at least 10 tablets per day.

According to the prescriptions of nutritionists, the volume of liquid drunk throughout the day should be 2.5 liters. If you follow this condition while taking MCC for weight loss, you can reduce the risk of side effects. The course should be repeated after a ten-day break.

Losing weight with MCC - reviews from doctors

Nutritionists classify MCC as foods like fruits and vegetables, because the fiber it contains helps the body cleanse itself. However, according to them, there is a fundamental difference between the fiber from these products and MCC. The fact is that the first one does not swell in the stomach, causing the notorious feeling of fullness. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain calories and are better absorbed by the body, unlike cellulose, so they cannot change the total number of calories taken per day. Also, in reviews of MCC for weight loss, experts primarily note the drug’s ability to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and the fight against excess weight is a pleasant bonus. It is also important to pay attention to numerous studies that have shown that taking microcellulose for weight loss can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing bowel cancer.

If we consider the reviews of women losing weight themselves, their opinion about the drug is also positive. They notice positive changes in their bowel function and overall well-being. Some, more attentive patients, quite logically reasoned that the effect of taking microcrystalline cellulose would only be if they additionally adhered to a diet, and they were not mistaken. The main task of the drug when losing weight is to muffle the exhausting feeling of hunger during periods of low-calorie nutrition. The drug is not capable of reducing kilograms and directly influencing the amount of fat.

Those who like to eat heavily are looking for medications and biological supplements that help block their appetite. Reviews of those who have lost weight about the drug MCC “Ankir-B” can help with this, which should also be used taking into account indications, contraindications and the opinion of doctors.

An action that blocks appetite is called anorexic. In drugs with such properties, some find a magical panacea for obesity, not realizing that many such drugs are synthetic. When losing weight with their help, there is a risk of causing severe harm to health.

Therefore, natural pharmaceuticals whose fundamental component lies in microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) should be considered. In fact, it is a dietary supplement, and the MCC in it is similar to plant fiber, which naturally blocks appetite and the desire to snack.

But you cannot make your choice only on the basis of instructions for use and reviews - specific cases require medical advice on taking Ankir-B.

The mechanism of action of the drug MCC Ankir-B for weight loss

A lot of dietary fiber has a positive effect on the functioning of the body:

  • digestion improves;
  • the metabolic process is normalized;
  • the intestines are cleansed efficiently;
  • waste and toxins are removed;
  • cholesterol levels are normalized;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • the course of atherosclerotic and diabetic symptoms is alleviated;
  • increased energy and performance;
  • used as preventive measures for benign and malignant neoplasms.

All this is achieved due to the gentle effect on the body of natural ingredients. It does not contain an enzyme that converts microcrystalline cellulose into glucose, and therefore this component remains unchanged in the intestines.

Let's celebrate! The mechanism of action begins in the stomach. In it, it “swells” due to the absorption of moisture, and a person’s appetite decreases. He is satisfied with less food. Afterwards, the cellulose is sent to the intestines.

Composition of the drug

Pills are used for weight loss, and powder is used to reduce the calorie content of food. Both forms of release either consist of 100% cellulose, or with rose hips, kelp or other additives.

Cellulose is a product obtained from waste during the production of cotton fabrics. It is of plant origin and serves as an analogue of vegetable fiber, which is also not absorbed by the digestive system.

This product will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of the sweets have a gentle effect on the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the effectiveness will be maximum, and the result will be noticeable on your face.

The effectiveness of the product for weight loss

The effectiveness of the product aimed at losing weight has been confirmed by clinical studies in leading medical organizations of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

When using MCC, the calorie content of food does not increase, but Anchir-B fibers accumulate harmful substances in the intestines and are naturally eliminated. This is a fundamental property for weight loss.

Note! The cellulose contained actually swells, thereby neutralizing hunger. This factor, together with the removal of toxins, helps to get rid of extra pounds. They are not deposited in the intestinal tract due to the rapid absorption of cholesterol in the body.

Buckwheat, kefir diets, fresh squeezed juices and others did not give the desired effect. As a result, after reading a review about “Ankir-B” on a friend’s Instagram page and analyzing the “before” and “after” photos, I decided to purchase it too. I was pleased with the price - 140 rubles for 100 tablets. I took 5 pieces daily, 30 minutes before meals, with a couple of glasses of water.

I immediately felt a decrease in hunger. I didn't experience any side effects. I initially understood that this was an aid for weight loss, but based on it alone, I lost 6 kilograms of excess weight in the first month. I recommend microcrystalline cellulose and rate it 5 stars.

I liked its mechanism of action. I have been taking it for several months now without any side effects. The tablets are easy to swallow. From the first day I strictly followed the instructions. The result is minus 5 kg in the first month. The drug is worthy of 5 stars.


Ankir-B is an excellent drug, the price of which is extremely low. I cured gastritis, and then lost weight. I did not base my choice solely on reviews - I was advised by a doctor to MCC. I experienced abdominal pain for the first week, but the prescribing specialist said it was normal. By the end of the month course I lost 8 kg. The dietary supplement copes with its assigned functions, and my rating is 5 stars.

I doubted the effectiveness of MCC, but still bought it for myself and my friends. And in vain. Absolutely useless pills. It didn’t help anyone, and thank God there were no side effects. Don't buy, you'll waste your money. Rating: 2 stars.

I took Ankir-B according to the instructions and drank more than 2 liters of liquid per day. Lost appetite. I managed to get rid of excess weight without any side effects. These are cheap and effective pills that deserve attention. I give it 5 stars.

Vernich Inna Mikhailovna

Mom worked at a chemical plant for quite a long time, and constant intoxication had a negative impact on her health. She constantly had headaches, and being overweight caused many problems with her general well-being.

As a result, she turned to a gastroenterologist, who prescribed Ankir-B. After 30 days, my mother began to feel better. Her stool returned to normal. It became clear that it was dietary fiber that removed a considerable part of toxins and significantly improved the digestive process. Thanks to the manufacturer, I rate Ankir-B 5 stars.

And MCC helped me get rid of terrible rashes. Cosmetics didn’t help at all, so I came up with this product on the advice of my sister. As she said, I definitely won’t hurt my stomach. And 30 days have not passed since I started taking it, and my skin became clear again! Delight! 5 stars is an appropriate rating!

Doctors' opinion about the drug

  • long courses require breaks between them, which are determined by the doctor based on the clinical picture;
  • Those suffering from constipation should take MCC with caution, and at the same time they should consume not the usual one and a half liters of water per day, but more than two;
  • in most cases, it is appropriate to use dietary supplements together with exercises or other physical activities in order to enhance the effect of losing weight;
  • antibiotic therapy and other factors that worsen the intestinal microflora are direct contraindications to the use of the Ankir-B MCC;
  • an overdose, at best, will lead to disorders of the digestive system, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor regarding the use of the drug, because he will prescribe the correct dosage;
  • The diet cannot be reduced, otherwise the resulting effect will not last long and problems with the gastrointestinal tract are guaranteed.

Do you want to lose excess weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, excess weight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and significantly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases

Instructions for use of the drug MCC Ankir-B

There are 2 forms of release of MCC "Ankir-B": tablets for oral administration and a food supplement. The wellness course can be up to 4 weeks before and after breaks.

Obtaining the desired effect depends primarily on the regularity of use, and only secondarily on the daily dosage itself. It is increased gradually.

For the first five days, take up to 5 tablets per day, after which the dosage is gradually increased to 15, and sometimes up to 30, but only with appropriate medical recommendations.

Use for pathologies and diseases:

  1. Obesity. Prescribe 10-30 tablets per day, provided they are taken three times a day 20 minutes before meals, washed down with a small amount of water. In this case, a low-calorie diet should be followed (no more than 1800 kcal). It is possible to replace the afternoon snack with the drug. During therapy, the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates is normalized, and performance improves.
  2. GERD and other gastroenterological ailments. Doctors prescribe from 10 to 20 tablets per day along with appropriate diets and drug therapy. Microcrystalline cellulose itself helps improve the structure and function of the gastric mucosa, significantly reduce gas formation, bursting sensations in the abdomen, as well as eliminate pain in the pancreas and other characteristic symptoms.
  3. IHD and vascular diseases. The number of tablets taken per day also varies from 10 to 20. This is achieved by improving lipid metabolism, normalizing cholesterol levels and blood supply to the heart. And reduced weight increases endurance to physical activity.

Note! Tablets are stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees and for no more than 3 years. When consuming, it is important to control your well-being. To avoid constipation, the diet includes dried fruits, apricots or other laxative foods.

Stories from our readers!
“I don’t have a lot of excess weight, only about 5 kilograms. But these kilograms are located in very unpleasant places that cannot be corrected with exercise. Conventional diets also did not produce results - completely different parts of the body lost weight!

A friend advised me to speed up my metabolism and ordered these sweets. I was very pleased with the natural composition, pleasant taste and ease of use! Combined with a light diet and plenty of fluids. I recommend!"