Plant foods rich in zinc. Healthy skin and vision. Things to remember

With the modern pace of life, stress cannot be avoided, so it is very important to supplement your diet with foods rich in zinc. Products containing zinc help maintain vital important functions our body.

Zinc is essential for the good functioning of most internal organs, nervous and cardiovascular systems, it is involved in the most important metabolic processes, affects protective functions body.

Mostly, the necessary norm People get zinc from food. Therefore, it is useful to find out which foods are rich in this mineral and, if necessary, review your diet.

In fact, the presence of this trace element in sufficient quantities improves well-being. And its deficiency can lead to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, causing a person to feel tired and nervous.

To find a zinc supplement, after registering using the referral link, enter the name “zinc” in the search box on the iHerb website and select the one that suits you. Before ordering, read customer reviews.

Let's consider more benefits zinc in the body, symptoms of its deficiency or excess, food products containing zinc in tables.

Products containing zinc in large quantities - benefits

Knowing which foods contain zinc that is beneficial for humans is very important. After all, the presence of zinc in foods performs many important biological functions. Let's list some useful purposes zinc:

  • Improves. It is part of most enzymes, participates in the formation and breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and affects protein metabolism.
  • Strengthens the immune system. Responsible for building the body's resistance to infections and colds, affects antibodies to diseases, leukocytes and hormones.
  • Participates in the process of hematopoiesis.

  • Regulates the process of division, reproduction and growth of cells. Slows down cell aging. Necessary for the growth of the child, as well as for the formation reproductive system, sperm and egg production during adolescence.
  • Promotes the absorption of vitamin E and is needed for the metabolism of vitamin A.
  • Removes heavy metals and toxins from the body.
  • Improves the condition and growth of hair, nails and skin.
  • Accelerates the healing of integumentary tissues, wounds, burns.
  • Responsible for the functioning of taste and olfactory receptors.
  • Participates in the process of alcohol processing. Therefore, a lack of zinc may contribute to the development of alcoholism.
  • Necessary for gland function internal secretion who are responsible for hormonal background.

Thus, zinc is necessary for the development and functioning of all organs and systems in our body; DNA synthesis cannot occur without it.

Zinc deficiency is extremely rare with a properly planned diet. Products containing a lot of zinc fully satisfy its need.

If a person suffers from certain diseases or is exposed to certain negative factors, then the absorption of this microelement decreases.

Products such as caffeine, alcohol and dairy products wash away the element, preventing its absorption. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, long-term use Some medications (corticosteroids, estrogens, diuretics) cause zinc deficiency.

Excess lead, cadmium, copper in the body, vegetarianism, lack of foods rich in zinc in the diet, too much physical activity and increased sweating also lead to zinc deficiency.

Its deficiency threatens serious health problems, causing disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems of the body.

Symptoms of microelement deficiency include brittle nails, bowel movements (diarrhea), intense hair loss hair and dandruff, inflammation and cracks in the corners of the lips, decreased sense of smell and taste sensations, as well as appetite. Wounds and scratches heal poorly, increased fatigue and constant fatigue.

Characteristic signs that the body contains insufficient zinc:

  • Disruption immune system, frequent colds.
  • Impaired and decreased blood circulation, anemia.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Skin diseases, dermatitis.
  • Mental and nervous system disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, depressive states.
  • Menstrual irregularities, infertility, risk of fetal growth retardation and development of fetal pathologies, premature birth and miscarriage.
  • Development of cancer.
  • Destruction of the retina, cataracts.
  • Decreased concentration, absent-mindedness, memory impairment, irritability.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

Products containing zinc for men

The largest amount of zinc is found in men's genital organs. Therefore, its deficiency leads to the risk of prostate adenoma, impotence and erectile dysfunction in men over 50 years of age.

What foods contain zinc - daily allowance

Zinc is best absorbed together with a large amount of vitamin A and proteins. It is also necessary to avoid consuming foods containing iron, calcium and lead for better absorption of zinc. These microelements should be separated in order to increase the level of metabolism in tissues and organs.

Since zinc plays a huge role in the development and growth of the fetus inside the womb, women during pregnancy need higher doses of this element.

In addition, you should increase your consumption rate during active sports, physical activity, severe stress and mental tension. Thus, the daily intake of zinc in these cases increases by 0.6–1 mg.

An adult's need for zinc differs depending on age and gender. Daily norm is:

  • infants up to six months: boys need 3-4 mg, girls 2-3 mg;
  • children from one to three years old up to 5 mg per day;
  • preschoolers from 4 to 8 years old need 5-8 mg;
  • schoolchildren from 8 to 12 years old – 8-10 mg;
  • adolescents 13–18 years old: for girls about 9 mg, for boys about 12 mg;
  • adult women from 20 to 59 years old need 12-13 mg, men of this age need 15 mg per day;
  • elderly women over 50 years old - 10 mg, men at least 13 mg;
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers need at least 15-17 mg.

What does zinc contain?

So, first, let's briefly list which foods contain the most zinc. Then a table will be given indicating the microelement content in milligrams per 100 grams of product.

What foods contain zinc? large quantities- food of animal origin, especially chicken and beef liver, red meat, oysters, shrimp, boiled fish. In oysters the content exceeds daily norm 4-20 times!

Also among the undisputed leaders are legumes, grains, nuts, wheat bran, dry and pressed yeast, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.

What foods are rich in zinc among fruits and vegetables: green vegetables, garlic, beets, sweet peppers, cabbage, onions, carrots, potatoes, radishes, apples, citrus fruits, berries, figs, dates.

The top table lists foods that contain high levels of zinc. In addition, there are many other products that contain this element in smaller quantities, but they must be present in the diet. These are various fruits and vegetables.

Zinc content in food - table

Causes and consequences of zinc poisoning

Excess zinc is quite rare; it is almost impossible to be exposed to zinc poisoning from food. This is possible in the case of uncontrolled use of zinc-containing drugs and disruptions in the body’s metabolism.

It is also dangerous to store and cook food in galvanized containers, especially sour foods. Possible zinc poisoning through Airways in industrial production and permanent residence in an environmentally unfavorable place.

Symptoms of zinc excess include vomiting, nausea, dizziness, pain in the abdomen, chest and muscles, headache, severe sweating and weakness, rapid heartbeat, convulsions, shortness of breath, metallic taste in the mouth.

Zinc in excess can lead to the development of many pathological processes, for example, to the appearance autoimmune processes and dysfunction of the immune system, deficiency of iron, copper and cadmium, disruption of the liver, pancreas and prostate glands, deterioration of the condition of hair, skin and nails.

If a deficiency or excess of zinc is detected, appropriate measures must be taken immediately. IN serious cases you should consult a doctor.

Every person needs to know which foods contain a lot of zinc, since a lack of this important substance in the body is quite dangerous and can cause irreparable harm health. Properly organized nutrition helps to compensate for the deficiency, since products containing this microelement are available to everyone.

In addition, the food route is one of the main ways this substance enters the body.

If you eat a lot of foods with zinc, your immune system will be fine, and you won’t be afraid of hair loss, depression and reproductive dysfunction.

Benefits for humans

Tsienk controls and influences many processes in the human body. When experiencing a deficiency, a person develops unpleasant, but at the same time, nonspecific symptoms and clinical manifestations. During the diagnostic examination, the doctor is unlikely to suspect a lack of this substance. Therefore, it is best to eat foods that contain this important element in sufficient quantities.

Functions of the element in the human body:

  • Activation of many enzyme systems (almost 300 enzymes are known that are activated by zinc ions. If the latter are missing, then the enzyme does not have biological activity).
  • Improving cell growth (the effect of the substance on the human body is especially great during periods of intensive growth, namely during pregnancy, in childhood).
  • Maintains the stability of genetic material (the role of zinc in the human body controls the process of division of nucleic acids and subsequent division of the cell nucleus. If genetic damage is detected, they are eliminated with the participation of enzyme systems that include zinc).
  • Controls the metabolic transformations of proteins in the body, which are building material for any cell.
  • Improves the absorption of tocopherol and retinol. These vitamins are necessary for the normal synthesis of sex hormones, as well as for normal operation organ of vision.
  • Helps hormones bind to their receptors located on the cell membrane or inside the cell. Hormonal role and the influence of zinc on this in the human body is undeniable, since with its deficiency certain endocrine disorders develop.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. A lack of zinc in the body very often leads to infertility, both male and female. It is associated either with impaired sperm motility or with impaired ovulation processes.
  • Improves hematopoietic processes by influencing the functions of the synthesis of factors that activate various sprouts of hematopoietic cells.
  • Zinc improves skin condition - it normalizes the functioning of sebaceous and sweat glands. Therefore it is often used zinc ointment from acne, especially in adolescence.
  • Stimulates the growth of hair and nails, preventing their fragility and loss.
  • Improves the body's immune defense, affecting both the cellular and humoral immunity. Zinc for the body is an excellent remedy in the fight against various infectious diseases, especially colds.
  • It has an effect on the neutralization of toxic substances that enter the body from the outside or formed during its activity.
  • Improves the functioning of the senses, primarily the functions of taste and smell.

With insufficient intake of zinc into the body, serious disruptions in the functioning of any system in the body develop.

For hair

Zinc has important antioxidant properties that are essential for preventing hair breakage and hair loss. Thanks to this effect, neutralization occurs free radicals which have a detrimental effect on hair. In addition, it will help you better absorb nutrients preventing the formation of acne.

According to epidemiological studies, it was found that products containing zinc effectively suppress lipid peroxidation and improve digestibility necessary substances for growth and development healthy cells, including those that promote hair growth. Therefore, zinc and selenium are prescribed by dermatologists to combat alopecia (baldness). The effectiveness of this conservative therapy is 30%, in 30 out of 100 people it is possible to achieve activation of hair growth.

Hair is nourished through hair follicles, to which beneficial substances are delivered through the bloodstream. Here they undergo metabolic transformations that make them available for nutrition. This process is controlled by enzyme systems that include zinc. Therefore, products rich in elements make hair healthier and more beautiful, and also eliminate cosmetic imperfections - get rid of acne and pigmentation on the face.

This trace element is also involved in the synthesis of amino acids necessary for normal height and hair development. Amino acids allow the horny scales that form the hair to fit tightly to each other, which prevents splitting of the hair along its entire length.

Shortage in the body

Microelement deficiency in the body can develop as a result of various reasons.

They lead to him:

  • Improperly organized nutrition with the formation of rashes and pimples on the skin, when the diet is dominated by foods that contain little zinc.
  • Various processes of malabsorption, primarily we're talking about about adherence to vegetarian food.
  • The period of life when the need for zinc increases. This occurs during pregnancy and childhood, as well as puberty.
  • Pathological processes with chronic course, in which the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are affected (diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, etc.).
  • Anemia in which red blood cells are sickle-shaped.
  • Diabetes mellitus with impaired absorption processes in gastrointestinal tract and circulatory disorders in organs.
  • Oncological diseases in the body.
  • The period after operations, especially abdominal ones.
  • Burn disease with massive tissue damage, when a large amount of toxic substances enter the body that disrupt the absorption of zinc in the intestines.
  • Taking some medicinal substances, which disrupt the absorption of the element or increase its excretion from the body. These substances are corticosteroids, hormonal contraceptives, diuretics.
  • Helminth infections - in the background helminthic infestation is happening increased consumption zinc, therefore, increase the amount of foods high in zinc in the diet, for example, it is recommended to consume pumpkin seeds.

As a result of any of these reasons, deficiency and clinical symptoms lack of substance in the body. They are not specific, which makes the diagnostic search difficult in the presence of other diseases. But if a person is a vegetarian, which predisposes him to the development of zinc deficiency, then he should definitely inform a nutritionist about this.

Symptoms of microelement deficiency appear as follows:

  • Fatigue that cannot be explained by clearly defined causes
  • General weakness
  • Irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Impaired memory
  • Insomnia or excessive sleepiness
  • Increased excitability
  • Depressed mood
  • Reduced growth rates in childhood
  • Sexual desire disorder
  • Slow motion sexual development in puberty
  • Hair loss
  • Loss of hair shine
  • Increased brittleness of nails
  • Skin rashes, acne formation
  • Decreased vision
  • Reduced immune defense body, manifested by frequent infections
  • Disturbed carbohydrate metabolism, manifesting diabetes mellitus(therefore, vitamins with zinc are prescribed to all patients suffering from diabetes)
  • Infertility caused by decreased sperm motility or disruption of the ovulation process in women
  • The ability to prevent the teratogenic effect during pregnancy, that is, zinc prevents the development of genetic mutations
  • Anemia that develops due to suppression of the growth of red blood cells
  • Decreased taste and smell (most people with zinc deficiency report that food becomes tasteless and unappetizing)
  • Weight loss that cannot be explained by other reasons
  • Reduced regenerative capacity of tissues, that is, wounds on the body do not heal for a long time
  • Nails peel and white spots appear on them
  • The likelihood of developing prostate adenoma in men increases
  • Increased risk of various allergic reactions varying degrees severity
  • Premature aging, including poor skin condition (many wrinkles appear)
  • Large amounts accumulate in the body harmful substances, which can lead to various pathological processes.

If during pregnancy foods with zinc and selenium are practically absent from the diet expectant mother, the risk of premature birth and mutations in the fetus increases. A child may also be born with developmental delay syndrome.

Excess in the body

An excess of a substance in the body is as dangerous as its deficiency. Therefore, it is important to observe the daily intake of this substance. The daily requirement for this microelement is 12 mg. If a person consumes foods with Zn in large quantities, then a number of serious clinical manifestations develop:

  • Reduced immunity
  • Possibility of developing autoimmune diseases
  • Appear pathological processes on the skin with characteristic rash acne
  • Nails are peeling
  • Hair begins to fall out, split ends appear
  • Epigastric pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Belching
  • Iron and copper content decreases
  • The function of the pancreas and liver is impaired
  • The secretory activity of the prostate gland decreases.

In food

What foods contain zinc? It is found in both animal products and plant origin. Plant foods contain more of the element, so vegetarians are at risk, as they almost always experience a deficiency.


per 100 g of product Zinc mg
Oysters 10-25
Yeast 9.97
Sesame seeds 7.75
Pumpkin seeds 7.44
Chicken hearts 7.3
Peanut 6.68
Cocoa 6.37
Sunflower seeds 5.29
Liver 5
Beef tongue 4.8
Cheese 4.7
Pine nuts 4.62
Popcorn 4.13
Turkey meat 4.28
Brain 3.5
Yolk 3.44
Beef 3.2
Wholemeal flour 3.11
Sausage 3
Mutton 2.8
Walnuts 2.73
Chicken 2.1
Sardines 1.4
Beans 1.38
Lentils 1.27
River fish 1.2
Green pea 1.19
Eggs 1.1
Peas 1
Salmon 0.92
Tuna in oil 0.9
Boiled mushrooms 0.87
Spinach 0.76
Dried apricots 0.74
Rice 0.63
Wheat porridge 0.57
Vermicelli 0.53
Oatmeal 0.49
Corn 0.48
White rice 0.45
Milk 0.39
Green onions 0.39
Brocolli 0.38
Cauliflower 0.31
Carrot 0.3

Contrary to the generally accepted opinion that vegetables and fruits are rich in various microelements, they contain little zinc. You should know that the microelement is excreted from the body due to excessive consumption of very salty or sweet foods. Therefore, those with a sweet tooth and lovers of salty foods need to increase foods containing this substance in their diet so that the body does not experience its deficiency.

With selenium

Selenium enhances the effects of zinc in the body such as:

  • Fight free radicals
  • Strengthening the immune response
  • Fighting autoimmune processes
  • Control of hormone synthesis thyroid gland(with a lack of selenium, hypothyroidism develops)
  • Selenium is a component of many enzymes and hormones
  • Control over metabolic processes in the body
  • Reduces the toxicity of some chemical elements, for example, mercury, cadmium and others.

Selenium can be found in fish and other seafood, whole grain cereals, live brewer's yeast and other foods. Often these elements are contained in the same food products at the same time.

For a long time, selenium was classified as strong poisons, and only in the middle of the 20th century (in the 60s) was its most important role in the physiological processes occurring in the human body proven.

Without selenium, the normal functioning of almost all systems is impossible - cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, nervous, immune, reproductive. Since most of it (up to 90%) comes from outside (with food), nutritionists recommend that you carefully prepare your diet, including plant and animal products rich in selenium in the daily menu.

Considering that a deficiency, as well as an excess of a substance in food, can lead to serious health problems, it is worth carefully studying the information below. Today we will look at the role of the microelement selenium in life human body, the daily requirement of the body of different ages for it and find out in which products the selenium content is maximum.

Why does a person need selenium?

According to numerous studies, selenium is present in almost all hormones and enzymes that our body produces. This connection belongs to the most powerful antioxidants, protecting cells from the effects of dangerous free radicals and prolonging the youth of our body.

In the presence of selenium, vitamins C and E are activated ( ascorbic acid and tocopherols), which belong to the group of antioxidants, and greatly enhances them biological value. By preventing oxidative stress in the body with the help of these compounds, the aging process is slowed down and the formation of malignant neoplasms and constant renewal occurs at the cellular level.

Without this microelement, normal functioning of the immune system is impossible. It activates the body's defenses in the fight against negative environmental factors and increases its resistance to infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, microbes, fungi). Also chem. the element catalyzes the hormones produced by the thyroid gland, and, as is known, human health directly depends on its normal functioning, especially in old age.

Selenium has a beneficial effect on the condition skin, nails and hair, improves visual perception, activates all types metabolic processes, supports reproductive functions men.

A sufficient supply of the substance with food ensures the activity of sperm in the male seminal fluid, and therefore is responsible for reproductive functions male body, allowing you not to lose sexual activity over time.

The trace element is involved in the neutralization and removal of toxic compounds and breakdown products, as well as toxins and carcinogens. Part of the amino acid called selenocysteine, which is important for the biological function of protein compounds, selenium counteracts the destructive effects of radionuclides and salts heavy metals, in particular mercury, lead and cadmium.

In modern oncology, selenium is given an honorable role as an oncoprotective substance involved in the prevention of malignant degeneration of cells. Optimal portions of selenium in food help prevent the development of cancer pathologies.

  • Our motor, the heart, needs selenium, especially after a myocardial infarction.

Knowing which foods contain the most selenium will allow you to enrich your diet daily healthy food. Since portions of the micronutrient in its food sources are not so large, to ensure daily requirement in the compound, the given figures of selenium content in mcg for every 100 g of product should be taken into account.

How much should you eat?

The adult body contains only 10 to 14 mg of selenium. Most of it is found in the liver, kidneys, pancreas, spinal cord, lungs, testicles and spermatic cords (in men), ovaries (in women). Also, high concentrations of selenium are found in the skin and its appendages - in the nail plates and hair shafts.

The daily requirement of an adult body for selenium ranges from 20 to 100 mcg. Maximum permissible dose selenium should not exceed 400 mcg/day. For children, the amount of substance required per day is calculated based on body weight - approximately 1 mcg per kilogram.

Refusal of refined sugar, canned food, flour, semi-finished products and an increase in foods rich in tocopherols (avocado, flaxseed, pumpkin, nuts, sesame, corn, sunflower oil, unroasted nuts and seeds), allow the microelement to be preserved and absorbed much better.

The need for connection increases with serious illnesses, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Athletes, people involved in physical labor, and people working in heavy and hazardous industries also require increased selenium content in their food.

Products containing large amounts of selenium (table)

Which foods contain the most selenium? (photo)

Let’s take a closer look at the question “The microelement selenium, which products contain it.” The table below will allow you to get full view about the food that should be included when compiling a therapeutic and preventive diet for adults and children.

Selenium-rich foods Microelement content in mcg/100 g
Dried oyster mushrooms111
Dried white and Polish mushrooms100
Fresh pork lard, bacon100
Coconut (milk, pulp, dried shavings)80
Brazilian nut1917
Boiled squid and octopus77
Seafood (mussels, rapana, shrimp, crabs, oysters)From 25 to 50
Garlic (bulbs and herbs)From 20 to 40
By-products (beef heart, veal and pork kidneys, spleen)From 25 to 45
Wheat cereal, sprouted wheatUp to 40
Marine fatty fish(tuna, salmon, flounder, mackerel, herring, haddock)Up to 45
Bread products made from wheat flour20
Cheese cheese, suluguni, mozzarella, cheddar20
Corn and corn grits18
Chicken and turkey fillet16
Hard cheeses such as Dutch, Gouda, Swiss12
Wheat bran11
Fresh olives and olive oil10
Legumes, including peanuts9
Yolk of a soft-boiled egg8
Sunflower seeds7
Mother's milk (breast)From 1 to 3

Although in smaller quantities, selenium is present in all types of nuts not listed in the table (cedar, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), seeds (flax, pumpkin seeds, sesame), seaweed, baker's and brewer's yeast, mushrooms (chanterelles, boletus, champignons, rows, russula), sprouted grains, cereals (oats, eggs, millet, millet, pearl barley, brown rice).

The lowest selenium content is found in berries, fruits and vegetables, but they can be safely replaced with nuts and seeds, especially as healthy snacks between main meals.

Something to keep in mind that plants grown on fertile soils without the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides, and animals that eat meadow grass, accumulate significantly more selenium in tissues than fruits grown on mineral fertilizers and treated with chemicals, and living organisms fed on feed with the addition of antibiotics and growth stimulants.

Selenium preparations - a replacement for products?

Currently, you can find many drugs containing selenium on the pharmacological market. The most famous include: Selenium Active, Selenium + zinc, neoselen, antioxycaps, bioselenium. Biologically active additives to food, vitamin-mineral and mineral complexes various manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, also contain certain fixed portions of this compound.

Taking such medications should be started after consulting a doctor and establishing an imbalance of mineral compounds through blood tests. You should not self-medicate and self-diagnose - this can only aggravate existing health disorders.

Carefully read the instructions and the amount of microelements in the capsule/tablet, which should be indicated on each package, so as not to exceed the daily dosage and not cause organ failure.

There are a number medicinal plants, rich in bioavailable selenium: spirulina algae, all parts of silver birch, eucalyptus (including Eucalyptus oil), licorice, sweet clover, horsetail. There are many folk recipes for preparing decoctions, infusions and tinctures from them.

An excess of selenium - why is it dangerous for humans?

Hair problems or excess selenium?

An overdose of the substance most often occurs when taking inorganic selenium compounds. Intoxication of the body manifests itself when taking doses exceeding 800 mcg for a long time, and manifests itself nervous disorders, vomiting, nausea, liver pathologies, development inflammatory processes, drying and cracking of the skin, destruction of the nail plates, hair loss, chipping of tooth enamel.

A sign of excessive presence of selenium in the body can be a strong garlic smell emanating from the skin and mouth when there is no fresh or dried garlic in the menu.

Excess selenium can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. The exact content of a particular microelement can only be determined by laboratory research blood.

What does a lack of selenium lead to, symptoms of deficiency

Insufficient intake of selenium from food can cause many ailments, including: thyroid disease, metabolic disorders, cataracts, oncological pathologies, exudative diathesis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. IN severe cases Doctors can diagnose hepatitis, liver necrosis, and in men, reproductive dysfunction.

About the lack of selenium in the body The following signs may indicate:

  • tendency to inflammation;
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • deterioration of skin, hair and nails;
  • slower growth and development in children;
  • impaired absorption of vitamins, in particular tocopherols;
  • development of iodine deficiency;
  • Keshan's disease;
  • Kashin-Beck disease.

Everyone knows that microelements in the body are closely interconnected. Insufficient intake or excess of any of them can provoke various ailments and failures in the coordinated operation of all systems. For example, when the condition of hair and nail plates deteriorates, the body requires B vitamins, as well as magnesium, zinc, silicon, and selenium in food products.

Best in in this case enrich the diet with brewer's yeast, seafood, seaweed, unrefined grains and add 2 to 5 cloves of fresh garlic to your food daily as a seasoning.

As you can see, selenium is vital for the body. Please note that the foods listed in the table are ideal sources of not only of this microelement, but also many much-needed biologically active compounds - vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, organic acids, mineral salts, bioflavonodes, etc.

Take a responsible approach to choosing products to create a diet for yourself and your loved ones, and your health will always delight you with excellent condition.

The oxidation mechanism works sensitively, according to the principle of dynamic equilibrium. Therefore, an excess of antioxidants in drugs can cause harm by turning the antioxidant into an oxidizing agent. This has long been written about in the scientific literature, debunking 20th century attitudes about the benefits of exaggerated doses of synthetic vitamins.

But through nutrition it is much more difficult to get a regular overdose. But here's the drawback antioxidant minerals easy to form. Therefore, a harmonious diet with a reasonable amount of key antioxidants is so important for humans.

Already know about the role of zinc in the body and are looking for a list of healthy foods?

If you want to buy a supplement, read one of the last comments after the article, where we answer our reader’s question about the most digestible forms of the mineral.

Quick navigation through the article:

What are the benefits of zinc for the body?

The infographic will quickly introduce you to the beneficial properties of the mineral. After it, we will tell you the most interesting details about the benefits of zinc for the body.

Up to 2 grams of zinc is concentrated in many tissues of the human body, especially in the liver, pancreas and muscles.

The role of this mineral in human health is enormous. Molecules of more than 350 hormones and enzymes are formed with the participation of zinc. It is needed for 80% of every second processes.

It is especially interesting that our hero is necessary for the synthesis and stabilization of DNA, and this has multiple effects on health. Therefore, zinc is deservedly included in the top ten vital microelements.

Immunity and fight against viruses

Remember one of the most effective recipes nutraceuticals:

At the first signs of a cold or ARVI, it is beneficial to increase the intake of vitamin C, zinc, selenium and the amino acid lysine by 1.5-2 times. The same method speeds up recovery from herpetic infections- from a “cold on the lip” to shingles.

The mechanisms of zinc’s participation in the formation of strong immunity have been well studied.

T-lymphocytes require thymulin (thymus hormone), and it is zinc-dependent. There is a zinc deficiency - there is no large number of T-lymphocytes. These are cells that suppress bacteria and viruses, and also regulate the immune response to prevent the body from destroying its own cells.

In addition, when zinc is low, the phagocytic activity of neutrophils decreases. These are kamikaze cells that capture and destroy bacteria.

Cancer prevention and longevity

This beneficial property is especially pronounced in people over 50-55 years old. Zinc directly affects the process of cell mutation and the rate of growth of tumor tissues.

Today, American gerontologists (scientists who study aging) are deeply studying the possibilities of our hero for mass nonspecific prevention cancer and the fight against early aging.

For example, the University of Michigan recently completed a 50-person, placebo-controlled study that collected information on markers of oxidative stress when taking zinc supplements. Inflammatory cytokines, endothelial cell adhesion molecules, other plasma markers—virtually all indicators of inflammation were lower in people taking the supplement. ()

Such observations confirm the significant contribution of zinc to the reduction of systemic age-related inflammation. This is what removes old age and its fatal diseases- cancer, heart attack, stroke, aggressive senile dementia.

Men's reproductive health

Only a person far from the Internet has never seen information about the direct connection between “zinc and testosterone”. The statements “zinc is a building material for testosterone” are unlikely to touch knowledgeable people. Testosterone molecule C19H28O2. Do you see zinc (Zn) in it? We don't see either.

But zinc does have a direct effect on reproductive health.

First of all, its benefits are enormous for men. Thousands of reactions determine the process of formation of sperm and the secretion of the seminal vesicles and prostate, which are necessary for high activity of germ cells. Many of these reactions require zinc.

Several key mechanisms.

  • Zinc regulates the production of the aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen. This ensures a higher concentration of testosterone in the blood.
  • Supports the effectiveness of signals from the pituitary gland to the testicles to produce high-quality testosterone.
  • Increases sperm count and sperm motility.
  • Actively participates in the healing of the genital organs after infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In a recent Wayne State University study, a group of young adults with a low intake of zinc-containing foods were given a zinc supplement (a total of 50 mg daily) for 20 weeks. And it increased testosterone levels in most participants.

Women Health

Zinc is also important for a woman’s body and her ability to conceive, as it is involved in the formation of a mature, viable egg.

During pregnancy, our hero insures against miscarriage and fetal growth retardation. Today, doses from 20 to 60 mg per day are considered a useful and safe increase in zinc in the diet of pregnant women.

The hypothesis about special taste preferences and the severity of PMS in women due to a lack of zinc has also been substantiated. Zinc deficiency - low progesterone - craving for salty and sweet foods.

Healthy skin and vision

Almost all skin diseases recede faster when the diet is enriched with zinc. At a dose of 100-150 mg, our hero is often used by dermatologists in the treatment of acne and psoriasis. The mineral also helps with allergic dermatitis after food challenge and in children with acute allergies for insect bites.

The contribution of zinc deficiency to common reason loss of vision - degeneration of the macula. To slow down the destruction of the retina, daily medication is recommended - from 150 to 200 mg of the mineral.

Muscle and bone growth, nutrient absorption

Testosterone, growth hormone, insulin: synthesis of three essential hormones depends on enough of our hero. It is also needed for the proper metabolism of vitamin E and for the production of digestive enzymes that break down proteins and carbohydrates.

And even when drinking alcohol, our body actively uses zinc: it is part of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol.

Having listed only the main reactions involving zinc, we see its widespread need. Without it it is impossible quality digestion in the intestines, and further reactions to form fundamental processes in the body.

Possible causes of zinc deficiency

Daily intake of the mineral from food is the key to good health.

Zinc deficiency can occur for various reasons.

  • Features of the diet (for example, vegetarianism, or lack of meat and fish products, eggs).
  • Long-term excess consumption of dairy products and coffee.
  • Pathologies in which the absorption of zinc in the intestines is impaired (diarrhea, inflammatory diseases pancreas, liver cirrhosis).
  • Increased and unmet need (teenagers, athletes).
  • Active loss of zinc due to systemic conditions (alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, long-term and/or severe restrictions in dietary diversity, including for the purpose of losing weight, uncontrolled use of laxatives “at random”, bulimia, treatment with corticosteroids).
  • Decreased ability to absorb zinc in old and senile age.
  • Reception oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy.
  • Taking other medications: aspirin, AZT (azidothymidine), enalapril, penicillamine and thiazide diuretics.
  • Any severe stress(emotional or physical).

Important! Up to 1 mg of zinc is excreted from a man’s body during any ejaculation (sexual intercourse or masturbation).

Daily requirement for children, women and men

It is always worth remembering that zinc and iron are three minerals whose deficiency occurs more easily than other microelements.

The average person needs 10 to 25 mg of zinc per day.

The daily norm is higher for men than for women. Adolescence, active sport, bearing a child and breast-feeding- natural prerequisites for increased consumption zinc

In the USA, average daily norms are adopted by age.


  • 0-6 months - 2 mg/day
  • 7-12 months - 3 mg/day
  • 1-3 years - 3 mg/day
  • 4-8 years - 5 mg/day
  • 9-13 years - 8 mg/day

Teens and adults:

  • Men 14 years and older - 12 mg/day
  • Women 14 to 18 years old - 9 mg/day
  • Women 19 years and older - 8 mg/day
  • Pregnant women - 11 mg/day
  • Nursing mothers - 12 mg/day

If you are interested effective forms zinc for oral administration, pay attention to the comments under the article. We answered this question in detail from our reader.

What foods contain zinc?

The main sources of zinc are foods of animal and plant origin with a high protein content. Nuts, seeds, animal and poultry meat, oysters, cheese, legumes and cocoa are foods where zinc is found in large quantities.

IN small quantity(up to 1.5 mg per 100 grams) zinc present:

  • In vegetables and fruits (broccoli, beets, potatoes, black currants, bananas, figs, dates, canned corn and green peas);
  • In fish caviar and popular types of fish (carp, herring);
  • In rice, wheat flour and bread;
  • In honey, ice cream, yogurt and milk.

Separately, we note that the bioavailability of zinc is generally low. Only 1/3 of the total amount eaten is absorbed.

  • In addition, excess calcium, coffee, alcohol, iron supplements and phytic acid in cereals reduce the absorption of zinc.
  • The ability to absorb zinc from food also decreases with age. In 80% of elderly people over 55-60 years of age, zinc deficiency can be assumed, regardless of nutritional status.

The conclusion is obvious.

The best sources of zinc in the available diet of our latitudes are beef, beef liver and chicken, accompanied by vegetables, as well as seeds and nuts.

For better absorption of substances from nuts and seeds, it is beneficial to eat them raw and soak them for at least 6 hours before eating.

At long-term use food additives with zinc, a decrease in copper concentration should be taken into account. It is necessary to consult a doctor and carefully check the indications, doses and timing.

All zinc salts can be harmful if consumed in excess over a long period of time. Zinc sulfate even in an amount of 1 gram can cause severe poisoning. Protection against overdose - absence of galvanized kitchen utensils and proper use of food additives.

Signs of Deficiency

Our hero has a lot of functions, so the signs of deficiency can be very different. Here is a short list of the most common manifestations of zinc deficiency:

  1. Changes in appetite, including cravings for salty or sweet foods;
  2. Long wound healing times and persistent skin infections (including acne);
  3. Reduced glucose tolerance;
  4. Decreased libido and infertility, especially in men;
  5. Hormonal problems in women (severe PMS or severe menopausal symptoms);
  6. Weak immunity (for example, ARVI more than 3-4 times a year);
  7. Hair loss;
  8. Digestive problems, especially diarrhea;
  9. Chronic fatigue and apathy;
  10. Poor concentration and memory.

When writing the article we used:

  • PubMed publications (about clinical trials effectiveness of zinc);
  • Recommendations of the Institute of Medicine of the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (consumption standards);
  • Data from the US National Department of Agriculture (product composition).

We hope you were interested in learning about the important functions zinc performs in the body. What products contain it in large quantities and how to suspect a deficiency condition in order to correct your health in time with the help balanced nutrition or food additives.

Thank you for the article (10)

Zinc is second only to iron in its concentration in the body. The microelement is contained in the cells of the whole body, continuously participating in vital important processes. Support normal level Zinc levels in the body are helped by certain foods, such as meat, offal, nuts and other foods that are present on our tables every day.

The role of zinc in the human body is difficult to overestimate. It is responsible for immunity, actively forming lymphocytes and protective antibodies, increasing the antimicrobial activity of cells. The antioxidant properties of zinc have also been scientifically confirmed. The trace element is involved in the synthesis of enzymes responsible for digesting food, increases visual acuity and is an excellent means of preventing myopia.

Zinc is also required for people suffering from diabetes. With its direct participation, insulin is produced and, thereby, normalizes blood sugar levels. A sufficient amount of zinc in the body is a preventive measure joint diseases- arthritis, rheumatism and others. Without zinc, normal muscle contraction is impossible, which makes its use mandatory for athletes.

The cause of prostate adenoma and male infertility Often there is a lack of zinc. For the male body, the microelement plays a leading role. It improves sperm activity, prevents hormonal disorders, caused by the undesirable activity of certain enzymes, is involved in the formation of male genital organs. That is why it is important to monitor a boy’s nutrition during puberty, enriching his diet with foods containing essential zinc.

Lack of this microelement in female body first of all reflected in the mirror. Dull, brittle hair, brittle nails, dry skin - all this indicates a lack of valuable microelements. It is especially important to support it normal amount during pregnancy. Zinc normalizes the hormonal levels of a woman in “ interesting position", helps to cope with the stress that arises during this period. Among the complications that can arise due to its lack are gestosis, which disrupts the functioning of vital important organs and systems of the pregnant woman and fetus.

The formation largely depends on zinc bone tissue. It is important to monitor the diet of a child whose body is just forming, saturating his diet with essential microelements, which are found in sufficient quantities in familiar products nutrition. At the first symptoms of a microelement deficiency in the body of a child or adult, you should consult a doctor, get tested and review your diet, supplementing it with zinc-containing products.

Interaction with other microelements and vitamins

For better absorption of zinc, it is necessary that the body receives other microelements and beneficial substances in sufficient quantities. First of all, it is phosphorus and calcium. Increases the absorption of vitamin A, as well as various amino acids. The combination of microelements with B vitamins is used in medicine to restore normal functioning of the nervous system - increasing concentration, improving memory and even treating schizophrenia. An excess of zinc makes it difficult to absorb other microelements, such as calcium.

Table of foods containing zinc, copper and selenium

The effect of selenium on the body is almost the same as the effect of zinc. That is why it is important to saturate the menu with products that contain both of these elements. Copper is also responsible for maintaining human health and beauty. Many pharmaceutical drugs often combine zinc, copper and selenium. Knowing the amount of these microelements contained in food, you can adjust your daily diet, making it truly nutritious and healthy.

Product Microelements content /100g
Zinc, mg Selenium, mcg Copper, µg
Oysters 60 77 15.7
Acne 12 25 4.8
Wheat bran 16 11 6.3
Veal liver 15.9 5 3.8
Dry yeast) 8.0 - 2.7
Sesame 7.8 - 4.08
Beef 7.6 2.5 0.3
Pumpkin seeds 7.5 9.4 1.8
Chicken hearts 7.3 4.3 3.4
Pine nuts 6.5 0.7 1.32
Cocoa powder 6.4 - 3.9
Chicken breasts 4.4 26.3 0.2
Egg yolk 3.9 5.6 0.7
Pork 2.7 33 0.5

This table contains foods that contain the maximum amount of zinc. In combination with copper and selenium, these products will help normalize the functioning of the body, maintain health and beauty, and prolong youth. The norm of copper per day is from 1.5 to 3 mg, the norm of selenium consumption is 10-50 mcg.

The range of products containing these microelements in quantities necessary for any organism is quite wide. It also includes many vegetables (beets, broccoli, potatoes) and fruits (apricots, persimmons, watermelons). Contains the necessary microelements of cereals and wholemeal dishes. Only proper nutrition, based on sufficient consumption useful substances, will allow you to avoid problems associated with the lack of one or another valuable element.

Products with high zinc content

As follows from the table, various seafood, beef, lamb, pork, dark chicken meat and offal have the maximum content of valuable microelements. It is also found in sufficient quantities in products of plant origin - pumpkin and sunflower seeds, peanuts, pine nuts, sesame seeds. Yeast, cocoa powder, tahini and popcorn are rich in zinc.

But valuable substance, which enters the body from plant foods, is not as well absorbed by the body as microelements from animal proteins. That is why people who practice vegetarianism or regularly fast are more likely than others to suffer from problems caused by a lack of the most important micronutrient. If there are no seafood or meat on the table, it makes sense to contact a specialist who will prescribe effective complex microelements.

Daily intake of zinc

Zinc intake rates depend on the age and gender of the person. Doctors recommend consuming the microelement in the following dosage:

  • newborns (from 0 to 6 months) - 2 mg/day;
  • children (from 7 months to 3 years) - 3 mg/day;
  • children (from 4 to 8 years) - 5 mg/day;
  • adolescents (from 9 to 13 years) - 8 mg/day;
  • boys over 14 years of age and men - up to 15 mg/day;
  • girls from 14 to 18 years old - 9 mg/day;
  • women over 18 years old - 12 mg/day.

Often the microelement enters the body in sufficient quantities with food. If you adjust the diet, saturating it with containing essential microelement products is not possible and there is a lack of zinc in the body, the doctor may prescribe zinc-containing drugs in an individual dosage.

The following symptoms may suggest that foods rich in zinc are not being consumed in sufficient quantities by the body:

  • various skin diseases, acne, skin peeling;
  • hair loss and alopecia;
  • fragility, brittleness of nails and the appearance of white spots on them;
  • weakened vision in dark time days;
  • loss of familiar taste and smell sensations;
  • long healing of cuts and wounds.

Problems with well-being can be caused not only by a lack of vital important microelement. Its significant excess, which can only be achieved through the use of zinc-containing preparations in large quantities, also negatively affects well-being. Among the symptoms that a person experiences when poisoning with a trace element are the following:

Chronic excess of the element can lead to slow bone growth and weakening tendon reflexes. The functions of the liver and prostate gland are weakened, and all sorts of autoimmune diseases develop. It is important to know that zinc that enters the body from food does not accumulate, so you can eat foods rich in this valuable element without the slightest restrictions.

About the effects of zinc on the human body in the following video:

The consequences of a lack of zinc in the body are quite serious. That is why it is important to balance your diet by filling it with foods with high content of this microelement.

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