D vision complex for vision. What are D-Vision discs for vision: scam and truth. Eye drops instead of surgery

Thanks to the ability to see, we receive most of the information about the world around us. Therefore, deterioration of vision for people is akin to a disaster - we are ready to give any money for the opportunity to again clearly distinguish everything that surrounds us. That's just even expensive operations are not a guarantee that your visual acuity will not fail you again. Unfortunately, it is impossible to wear glasses and contacts around the clock. Doctors advise paying more attention to prevention and prescribing drops, vitamins and other substitutes for full treatment. The developers of a vision aid called D-Vision are ready to come to the aid of people desperate to regain clarity of vision. According to them, these drops help in the treatment of myopia and farsightedness, protect the eyes from harmful radiation and reduce fatigue. In addition, D-Vision supposedly stabilizes intraocular pressure, improves blood circulation in the eyeball and strengthens the retina. Is this a scam or true? Will this product help you regain clarity of vision?

What causes vision loss?

U modern man there is practically no chance of preserving it until old age perfect vision. Everywhere we are surrounded by flickering screens - phones, tablets. computers, televisions. Even books we mostly read in electronic format. It's no wonder that our eyes get very tired, and over time constant pressure leads to deterioration of vision.

First symptoms

Do you close your eyes and see spots and circles floating in front of them?

Do you experience a feeling of dryness and stinging in your eyes?

Do you get headaches often?

Has the world lost its former clarity?

Are your acquaintances offended that you don’t notice them on the street?

Do you have to squint to see better?

If you are familiar with at least some of these phenomena, you have vision problems!

Something needs to be done

Don’t lose your head and despair if your vision begins to worsen. But we cannot sit idly by. After all, if you don’t correct poor eyesight, this is fraught with many problems:

  • bad feeling;
  • complexes;
  • regular visits to the ophthalmologist;
  • inability to obtain a driving license;
  • early wrinkles due to constant squinting;
  • further deterioration of vision and much more.

Don't want to deal with everything listed above? Look where you can buy natural remedy for vision restoration D-Vision (D-Vision)

D-Vision (D-Vision) - regain clear vision

The natural complex-action drug D-Vision (D-Vision) contains several powerful components necessary to maintain excellent vision:

  • Blueberries enhance visual acuity, strengthen retina;
  • The milky juice of barley removes toxins, eliminates boils, inflammation, and other diseases;
  • Vitamins A, C, B - nourish eye cells, improve blood circulation in capillaries, normalize intraocular pressure.

What do you get by regularly taking D-Vision?

  • Treatment of myopia and farsightedness.
  • Treatment of eye infections.
  • Protection from harmful radiation.
  • Relieving eye fatigue.
  • Strengthening the retina.
  • Normalization eye pressure and improvement of blood circulation in the tissues of the eye.
  • Fast recovery after exercise.
  • Restoring previous visual acuity.

If you believe real reviews from the Internet, then D-Vision (D-Vision) truly has no analogues in the breadth of its impact.

Instructions for use

The method of using D-Vision (D-Vision) involves applying a disc to sore eyes. To use the upper phase of the drug, pipette 10 drops of the solution and apply it to the disc. When using a mixed phase, you must first shake the bottle. To use the lower phase, spray the contents of the bottle onto the disc.

What is better: to have eye surgery or take drops orally, if these two procedures give the same results? Most people will answer without hesitation that drops are preferable. After all, surgery is expensive, risky, and unpleasant. And drops are cheap, fast and not at all scary. But can drops really replace surgery and provide a similar therapeutic effect?

Eye drops instead of surgery

Optivision are eye drops sold online. They are not dropped into the eyes, but taken orally. Optivision is proposed to be used instead surgical interventions for the treatment of many diseases. Promised effects:

  • prevention of cataracts;
  • restoration of vision;
  • strengthening the retina;
  • treatment of glaucoma.

Mechanisms of therapeutic effect:

  • Normalizes capillary blood circulation, restoring the retina.
  • Moisturizes the eyes and protects them from excessive strain.
  • Strengthens eye muscles and prevents myopia.

Instructions for use

Adults take Optivision drops 2 times a day. Single dose – 20 drops. You need to dissolve them in 20 ml of water.

Children drink Optivision 4 times a day, 20 drops. As you can see, this is one of the few remedies where the child dose exceeds the adult dose.


Optivision contains:

  • blueberry– the main component of the composition, which improves capillary blood circulation, reduces intraocular pressure, strengthens the eye muscles;
  • zinc– to prevent retinal detachment and prevent age-related vision deterioration;
  • vitamins– prevent eye aging and protect against all diseases;
  • linseed oil– moisturizes eyes, treats stye;
  • lutein and zeaxanthin– increase visual acuity and protect the lens.

Doctor's review

Optivision will definitely not replace you surgery. Most likely, you will not get even minimal benefit from taking this remedy, and here’s why:

Unrealistic promised effects. There are no medications that can replace surgery. It’s only in jokes that you don’t have to cut your finger, but give a pill to make it fall off. There is no such pill in life. All structural abnormalities are corrected only on the operating table.

It is claimed that Optivision restores the retina of the eye. This is a lie. The retina cannot be restored at all. Even surgical treatment will not help with its degeneration.

Bad composition. Although sellers of Optivision drops call the composition of this product “powerful,” in fact it is ordinary. Dozens of other supplements that are sold on the Internet or in pharmacies have the same composition. Most likely, the product contains only blueberry extract. And everything else is part of this plant (vitamins, fatty acid, zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin).

Blueberry tablets or tincture can be bought at a pharmacy several times cheaper than Optivision costs. But that's not the main thing. It is important that with this composition you should not expect to eliminate cataracts or improve visual acuity, reduce intraocular pressure or radiation inflammatory inflammations eye. Neither blueberries nor the vitamins included in their composition have properties that can provide the listed therapeutic effects.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that may provide some eye benefits. If taken for life, the risk of nuclear cataracts may be reduced. But this is hardly worth constantly buying Optivision drops for. You won't get any other benefit from them.

Sellers of drops throw loud slogans. It is argued that Optivision helps when other means are powerless. Sellers claim that the product restores vision without surgery. But all these statements have no scientific basis. Behind them is only the desire of sellers to sell as many bottles of useless drops as possible. They don’t care what happens to your vision after that.


Optivision costs 99 rubles. But don't rush to rejoice at such a low price. It is only valid when ordering the full course. And on full course you will need to buy Optivision in the amount of 2 packs of full price– 990 rubles per bottle. In this case, you will receive the third package for 99 rubles. Thus, general course therapy will cost approximately 2.5 thousand rubles including delivery.

Where can I buy?

You can buy Optivision on the official website: . Drops are ordered via the form feedback. You should order first back call and discuss with a consultant all the details of purchasing Optivision: number of packages, delivery method and timing, payment procedure, etc. You can consult this person about the properties of the product. After a week, don’t forget to pick up the drops at the post office. Usually they are paid by cash on delivery.

Drops make life easier

Grade: 5

The drops were able to solve big problem- inability to open my eyes normally in the bright sun, I squinted like a mole all the time. After a month of regular compresses in accordance with the instructions, I began to perceive bright light much more calmly, I can not constantly go to the sunglasses. And it became easier to drive a car in the dark, as the headlights of oncoming cars don’t dazzle so much.
I didn’t have any particular problems with my vision, but it seems to me that its sharpness has improved, I see the world, so to speak, more clearly. During the day, your eyes get tired much less, even if you have to sit at the monitor all day. The drops also save me when I have an important event coming up and my eyes are very red. I use them as an express remedy, after 20 minutes my eyes are normal, the red blood vessels disappear.
I cannot call the consumption of drops economical, since 10 drops are needed for each eye of each phase. But I will still buy them, since I have not found analogues in terms of efficiency for myself. I make compresses only with ordinary cotton wool of good purity (so as not to damage the eyes with small debris), drops are absorbed into the cotton pad somewhere without a trace and there is no use.

The result is excellent

Grade: 5

Drops are convenient because they do not need to be dripped directly into the eyes, and the medicine does not irritate the mucous membranes. They are applied in three stages: on the disc, which is applied to closed eyes. You rest, no discomfort, no stinging or burning. After some time the second time and after the third. I went to the ophthalmologist, intraocular pressure was normal. I am pleased.

Helped cure farsightedness

Grade: 5

I treated farsightedness with D-Vision. The doctors said that only surgery would help me, but I decided to try without it. After a month, my vision improved so much that I was able to completely stop wearing glasses. In addition, my eyes stopped getting tired. In the evening I don’t feel pain, although it used to torment me a lot. Now I can clearly see objects and text at any distance.

Compresses helped restore visual acuity

Grade: 5

Although I started using the drops only recently, I can already boast of my first successes. Dryness has disappeared eyeball and pain, the contours of objects stopped blurring, and the letters stopped dancing before my eyes. It’s as easy as shelling pears to use: apply to a cotton pad, put on your eyes and lie down with these compresses for a while, relaxing. Double benefit: both the body relaxes and the eyes get healthier at this time. The product does not burn, does not bake or dry out mucous membranes.

The best remedy for nursing mothers

Grade: 5

My vision was already not one hundred percent, slight myopia, but the situation worsened after childbirth - due to the extreme stress, the vessels of the eyeballs burst, which almost completely stopped seeing clearly. Saved a wonderful remedy D-Vision, which does not harm either mother or baby. And the treatment takes a minimum of time - just hold soaked cotton pads over your eyes a couple of times a day. And after this you will have no lacrimation, pain, or discomfort. Due to the moistening of the eyeball, the compress immediately removes the feeling of sand in the eyes, and the red “mesh” disappears. I used the drug for two weeks in a row and the situation with the blood vessels returned to normal. I even noticed that I began to see better.

Alternative to glasses and contacts

Grade: 5

For several months now I have been suffering from the fact that by the end of the day I begin to see poorly. And it really hurts your eyes, it hurts even to blink. Glasses are inconvenient to wear, lenses are uncomfortable and expensive, but D-vision drops are good in every sense. The price is very attractive, the consumption is small, it will last for a long time, the method of application is simple - all you need to do is apply the lotion to your eyes and hold them for a few minutes. But the result is very good: fatigue is relieved, vision becomes clearer. And no discomfort neither for the eyes nor for the skin around: the drug does not cause any irritation, redness, or rash.

good and effective remedy

Grade: 5

I am already finishing my course of taking D-Vision and I can say with confidence that the drops really help improve my vision. But this is not their only merit, the product completely cured me of annoying styes, my eyes get less tired when working at the computer, there is no redness or spots before my eyes, my vision has improved by 1.5 diopters.

Drops not only treat symptoms, but restore vision by relieving tension optic nerves, reducing eye pressure and improving blood circulation, this helps relieve congestion and improve vision.

An indispensable tool

Grade: 5

The drops help me out a lot, they have become a real salvation for the eyes. After daily long work At the computer they relieve all unpleasant sensations in a quarter of an hour. My visual acuity has returned to its previous levels, and I no longer think about glasses.
It is convenient that the product does not need to be dripped into the eye; it is intended for compresses. The delicate skin around the eyes does not suffer from this, does not dry out, and there are no unpleasant sensations at all. The drops do not have a pronounced aroma, something barely perceptible herbal.

Expensive, but slowed down the loss of visual acuity

Grade: 4

I'm using D-Vision complex was able to slow down the loss of visual acuity by age reason. If six months before using the product, vision dropped from 1 to 0.9-0.8, then after 4 months of use it remained at the same level, although there is a downward trend. True, it hasn’t gotten better either, but the main thing is that it doesn’t fall any further.
In terms of money, it comes out to about 3,000 rubles for 2 months - a little expensive. Another disadvantage is complex procedure application, it is necessary to go through 3 phases, since the product is heterogeneous and is divided into upper and lower. After use, the eyes feel rested and fresh, much like after waking up, only without sleepy state. Light perception is increased for the first 10 minutes, better at sources bright light Don't look, your eyes are watering.
In principle, the complex can probably be replaced with some kind of eye drops, but personally I can’t use them calmly; applying discs to my eyes is easier and more convenient. Well, as for restoring vision, it may help, only to a greater extent. early age, at my 47 years old, when my vision goes down on its own, the sharpness will not return for sure.

Relieves irritation and fatigue

Grade: 5

This stuff is quite expensive, but it lasts for a long time, because the bottle is quite large, 50 ml, I’ve been using it for two months now, there’s still enough in there. Consists of disks and the solution itself. The discs are ordinary; in fact, you can use ordinary cotton pads; the main thing is to wet them with the solution and apply them to your eyes. First, drop the drops onto the disc and apply them to your eyes; you don’t need to drip a lot. Then the bottle must be shaken and the procedure repeated, and then a sprayer is used, the product is also applied to the disc and applied to the eyes. You end up lying there for about 30 minutes and it relieves tension perfectly. Once a day, after work - and until the end of the next working day you don’t even think about your eyes.

Relieves fatigue, helps eyes

Grade: 5

I use the product to relieve tired, irritated and red eyes.
After it, my eyes feel very comfortable: rested and fresh. Most often I use the product in the evening. However, there are times when it becomes necessary to use it in the morning. In both cases, the drug works equally effectively.

The kit includes the solution itself and special discs. To use it must be applied to the disc a small amount of solution and apply the disc to the eye. On average, I keep the discs on for 15-20 minutes. I don't experience any discomfort from the product. I'm satisfied with the action.

D Vision for vision – effective and quality product for improvement visual function. Its effect is not only to relieve uncomfortable symptoms such as redness, cloudiness of the eyes, soreness, dryness, but also to directly influence the cause of vision loss. A unique three-phase drug is indicated for complex treatment and prevention of ophthalmological problems. The healing original product is today sold exclusively on the official website, where anyone can purchase it at a discount. Usually delivery is fast, so you won't have to wait long for your package. In our review, we will share basic information about the new product, its main properties and advantages. You can leave your reviews about D Vision in the comments.

Where to buy a D vision complex?

It's safest to order fromto avoid purchasing counterfeits from scammers!

IN this moment 50% discount applies.

Our D vision review


So, we present to your attention a special complex program D Vision for vision. An innovative product based on a biogenic concentrate of active plant structures and high-quality discs. The activator solution is in a convenient and ergonomic 50 ml bottle, has a liquid consistency, and is consumed economically thanks to a well-thought-out dispenser. Special discs are pleasant to the touch and do not injure delicate skin eyelids and are comfortable to use. The main task of the product is to restore and correct vision and prevent complications.

D Vision drops are based on natural plant extracts. Natural active ingredients in the activator solution contribute to the normalization of visual function and have a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes. Main ingredients of the product formula:

  • Blueberry has long been considered one of the most effective and best natural ingredients for enhancing visual acuity, strengthening the retina, as well as eliminating discomfort and fatigue.
  • Barley milky juice – has a powerful nutritional effect on cellular level, cleanses of toxins, prevents the appearance of barley, furunculosis and other lesions.
  • Useful vitamins– the presence of vitamins A, B, C in drops helps improve blood circulation in the capillaries and normalize fundus pressure.

Operating principle

D Vision for the eyes acts comprehensively; according to statistical data that was collected based on studies of the drug, vision improvement is ensured by 100%. In 95% of cases, redness and eye pressure decrease, in 87% visual acuity is restored. Main functions of the complex:

  1. Indicated for inflammatory and infectious processes.
  2. Restores visual functions.
  3. Relieves fatigue from the eyes.
  4. Prevention of myopia and farsightedness.
  5. Protecting the retina from radiation from gadgets and the sun.
  6. Improved visual acuity.
  7. Stabilization of eye pressure.
  8. Strengthening the retina.
  9. Eye protection during increased visual stress.
  10. Improves light perception and condition of the skin around the eyes.

How to use

D Vision for vision can be used at home easily and simply. But, it is advisable to consult a specialist before the procedure. Features of the complex:

  • Using the top phase: Using a pipette, apply ten drops to the disc and apply to the eye requiring treatment.
  • Mixed use: shake the bottle and apply ten drops to the disc, apply to the eye.
  • Application of the bottom: distribute the activator onto the disc and apply to the eye.

Detailed instructions are contained on the drug packaging. Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation.


D Vision complex is not a panacea for all vision problems, but it helps to significantly improve and restore visual function. Its main advantages are:

  1. Natural formula.
  2. Discs and solution included.
  3. Convenient to use at home.
  4. Healing complex effect.
  5. Affordable price.
  6. High quality.
  7. An effective product with a lasting effect.
  8. Cares for the skin of the eyes.
  9. Prevention of complications.
  10. Reliable eye protection.

Expert opinion

Alexey Olegovich, ophthalmologist: If your vision deteriorates, I recommend immediately contacting an experienced ophthalmologist. Additionally, I advise you to use D Vision for vision, this natural preparation for therapeutic and preventive procedures for various ophthalmological problems. Just one course of such a complex will significantly improve visual function.

OptiVision is a herbal complex that helps strengthen the retina and improve visual function. Safe drops are approved for use with childhood. The drug can be taken in for preventive purposes those who spend a lot of time at the computer, abuse TV and have hereditary predisposition To eye pathologies. The Internet presents the most various reviews about the OptiVision eye complex, someone says that they noticed the result only after several weeks of use, someone confirmed the effectiveness after 5 – 7 days. It is important to take the drops at the same time. For achievement therapeutic effect The drops are taken in a course without missing a single day.

The manufacturer recommends buying drops for OptiVision vision when the first signs of eye dysfunction appear. Doctors have recorded many cases where the patient complained of discomfort and the presence of sand in the eyes, and upon examination, a diagnosis of dry eye syndrome was established. At the slightest violations eye function, vision decreases, the risk of developing dangerous diseases. Don’t delay your visit to the ophthalmologist or buy the Opti Vision vitamin complex. The uniqueness of the drug lies in complex action. With its help you can improve your vision, strengthen muscle fibers and normalize intraocular pressure.


The manufacturer highlights the following pharmacological effect from taking OptiVision:

  • Restoration of the retina;
  • Strengthening the eye muscles;
  • Hydration;
  • Protection from voltage and UV rays;
  • Normalization of capillary function.

The only drawback is that OptiVision for eyes cannot be purchased at the pharmacy. This step by the manufacturer is associated with increasing cases of sales of counterfeit products. The original product Opti Vision for eyes at the manufacturer's price is available only in official store. Let's look at how the vitamin-mineral complex works and how to use it correctly.

Video: OptiVision eye drops. Review of OptiVision.

How OptiVision works

A distinctive feature of the complex from its analogues is its direct impact on the cause of weakened visual function. Herbal components act comprehensively, providing long-term protection against eye pathologies and possible relapses.

Carotenoids and vitamins B high concentration help restore and strengthen the retina. The active components act on the muscle fibers of the eye, bringing them to work.

Natural substances protect the mucous membrane from drying out, restoring the process of natural hydration. Opti Vision normalizes the tone of the blood vessels in the eye, strengthening capillaries and normalizing blood pressure.

Reviews from doctors about the drug OptiVision for the prevention of eye diseases indicate high efficiency means and work for results. Over the course of use, visual acuity increases to normal levels.


The unique composition of Opti Vision for improving vision does not contain artificially synthesized components. The drug has no contraindications for use and works without the development of third-party reactions.

The formula contains active ingredients that have a beneficial effect on eye health. The basis was:

Acquainted with real reviews You can learn more about the Opti Vision complex of vitamins for vision on the official website.

Comparison with other drugs

You can find many eye medications on the shelves of pharmaceutical companies. The manufacturer of each promises to restore vision in 1 course of use. Is it really?

According to the annotation, drops for Opti Vizin normalize blood circulation, relieve tension and maintain natural hydration of the mucous membrane. The drug can eliminate myopia, relax and moisturize the mucous membrane. Action of others known drugs aimed at stabilizing blood circulation and moisturizing the eye.

Compared to analogues, Opti Vision does not need to be dropped into the eyes, which means there is no risk of developing dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes. Thanks to natural ingredients, the product quickly relieves eye tension, normalizes blood pressure, maintains muscle tone, reduces the risk of developing myopia and replenishes vitamins. An important aspect is the cost of OptiVision to restore visual acuity. It does not exceed the price of pharmacy analogues.

Clinical researches

The drug was tested in European clinics, with the participation of more than 30 thousand people. A third of the participants were children.

According to the data received:

  • Vision has improved to normal - 95%;
  • Symptoms of hypermetropia disappeared – 91%;
  • Completely cured of cataracts early stage – 83%;
  • Able to avoid surgery for glaucoma – 92%;
  • Cured from conjunctivitis and stye - 87%;
  • Recovered physiological process eye hydration – 98%.

The data obtained impressed ophthalmologists. After carefully studying the composition, doctors began to recommend the product to patients.

Expert opinion

Oculists share that after prescribing drops to their patients, the latter showed positive dynamics. Israeli scientists managed to discover a drug that really works. According to doctors, no other eye preparation contains such an amount of vitamins and microelements. Drops can be taken even by children without prior consultation with an ophthalmologist.


Plant complex:

  • Relieves most vision problems;
  • Helps stop degenerative processes in eye tissues;
  • Rich in plant components;
  • Does not require instillation;
  • Pleasant to the taste;
  • Ophthalmologist approved;
  • Children are allowed.

According to clinical trials, the drug is also effective for infectious diseases, such as conjunctivitis.


More than 17 thousand Russians have already appreciated the quality of the drug. Everyone was pleased with the results of use and shared reviews of Opti Vision retinal drops.

What awaits you after using the product?

After completing the course, you will be able to refuse contact lenses and glasses. You no longer need to worry about your eyesight when working at a computer.

Your gaze will become clear and open, you will stop squinting and straining to look at an object from a distance.

Mode of application

Take Opti Vision myopia remedy according to the instructions:

  1. Dilute 20 drops in half a glass of water and drink;
  2. Frequency of administration: children – 4 times a day, adults – 2 times a day.

How long you need to take drops to restore vision and the price of OptiVision can be checked with the managers of the official website.

Where can I buy?

The price for OptiVision can be found on the manufacturer’s website.

Please note that payment for the order occurs only after the funds are issued at the post office or delivered by courier.