What does bloody diarrhea look like in a dog? What to do if there is bloody discharge in your dog's diarrhea. When to contact a veterinarian

A dog is man's most faithful and devoted friend. Only at first glance it seems that they do not require careful care and are healthier compared to other pets. These animals can also have a considerable number of different diseases. Symptoms of many diseases include diarrhea with blood and vomiting.


The reasons may vary. Among them:

Mostly, diarrhea with blood and vomiting are signs of viral diseases. More often enteritis. This is a very dangerous viral disease of the intestinal mucosa, which is accompanied by the appearance of erosions on the intestinal mucosa, and subsequently a complete disruption of the functioning of the small intestine.

This disease is especially common in puppies aged two to ten months. Older dogs rarely get this disease. The disease is transmitted through contact with other animals. There is also a high risk of infection due to improper care, stress, gastrointestinal disorders and the presence of worms in the body. In addition to the above symptoms, dogs with this disease experience:

  • Lack of appetite.
  • Lethargy.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes.
  • Fast heartbeat.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Bad breath.

The incubation period lasts from four to ten days. Unfortunately, very often this disease in puppies ends in death, because the weak body cannot withstand such stress. Therefore, if you find any symptoms of this disease, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Presence of tumors could also be the reason. Some of them, being in the intestine, can damage its integrity. This is very dangerous for the life of the pet, because pus is formed mixed with feces and enters the abdominal cavity, causing inflammation and subsequent death of the animal.

First aid

What should you do if your dog has bloody diarrhea and vomiting? If the animal’s condition is satisfactory and there are no complications such as lethargy, high fever, very frequent bowel movements and vomiting, it is necessary arrange a fasting day for your pet. Lasts 24 hours. The dog should be provided with clean drinking water and given water frequently, but in small portions. In case of poisoning, activated carbon and Smecta are recommended to cleanse the body. In traditional medicine, you can give a decoction of oak bark, which improves the functioning of the digestive system.

To relieve pain and relieve spasms, you can give No-shpa or other painkillers.

If the symptoms recur very often and any complications arise, diarrhea and vomiting do not stop within one or two days, you should immediately go to a veterinary clinic for an accurate diagnosis and further treatment. Because dehydration may occur and the animal may die.

All necessary tests should be taken at the veterinary clinic. The veterinarian must use medications or droppers, depending on the dog’s condition, to relieve spasms and relieve pain, remove all toxic substances, improve blood clotting and, without fail, restore the water balance in the body. Then, depending on the identified cause, prescribe appropriate treatment to eliminate the disease.

If this is necessary, the dog should stay for several days in the clinic under the supervision of a doctor. During the recovery period, the animal needs rest:

  • Any emotional or physical stress is strictly prohibited
  • Follow a special low-calorie diet, which includes minimal consumption of fat, salt and spices in your pet's food.


Diarrhea in a dog (or diarrhea, in scientific terms) is a phenomenon that, perhaps, every owner of a four-legged friend has encountered. After all, just like people, our mustaches can have an upset stomach and poisoning - yes, you never know. But what should you do if your dog’s diarrhea is bloody or accompanied by vomiting or other troubles? It happens that the stool has a strange color or just a terrible smell. It is obvious that the animal is sick, so it is important to quickly identify the symptoms of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment for diarrhea in a dog at home.

A veterinarian in his practice is constantly faced with the problem of diarrhea in dogs. The pathology can occur from time to time and end quickly, but there are frequent cases when acute diarrhea can last up to 4 weeks. Diarrhea can occur in a dog once without unpleasant consequences - then there is no reason to worry. But it may take several days. A week's worth of diarrhea in a dog and its accompanying symptoms, such as frequent loose bowel movements, the appearance of mucus, blood in the stool, vomiting, general lethargy and others, is a reason to contact a veterinarian for consultation.

The choice and method of treatment for diarrhea will depend, first of all, on the color of the diarrhea. Treatment usually takes place at home and consists primarily of changing diet and water consumption. An animal with watery stool loses a lot of nutrients, and drinking plenty of fluids helps prevent dehydration and restore electrolyte balance. Adsorbents are used to combat intoxication. In severe cases, a course of antibacterial drugs is recommended.

If your dog has diarrhea without other symptoms

If the dog simply has diarrhea without complications, then the reasons most likely lie on the surface. Usually the dog defecates 2 to 4 times a day, its feces are formed, moderately soft and moist. When an animal visits the toilet more often and the stool loses its shape, becoming thin and watery, a problem appears - diarrhea.

Possible reasons

  • Stale or low-quality food;
  • Unsuitable food for dogs;
  • Switching from one type of food to another (for example, from homemade food to special dry food);
  • A sudden change in brand of dog food;
  • Allergy to any food ingredient;
  • Accidentally eaten foreign object;
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract due to medications taken;
  • Infection with helminths.


Before you begin treating an animal, you need to analyze the food it received the day before. If a suspicious eaten product is detected: raw meat, sour milk, new food, etc. low-quality or unsuitable products, simply exclude them from the dog’s diet. If you overeat something, try to reduce the portion or increase the interval between meals.

If, apart from diarrhea, the dog is not bothered by anything, but the stool remains liquid after the measures taken, it is necessary to do home treatment.

What to do?

  • Do not let the dog eat for 24 hours;

    Give her clean water as often as possible to replenish the lack of fluid and electrolytes in the body;

  • If necessary, administer intravenous infusion solutions;
  • Give the animal adsorbents that collect toxic poisons, which will then be released through the intestines;
  • For prolonged diarrhea, use antibiotics;
  • If worm eggs are detected in stool tests, take anthelmintic drugs.

The dog has diarrhea and vomiting

With the causes and treatment of uncomplicated diarrhea, everything is extremely simple. The situation is more complicated when the dog begins to experience vomiting in addition to diarrhea. In this case, the pet may lose some of the liquid, digested or not completely digested food, sometimes with the addition of mucus from the pharynx or stomach. Most often, if you vomit once, there is no need to worry too much. But if your dog vomits several times, is depressed and refuses food, or has a fever, rush to the doctor. Diarrhea and vomiting in a dog can sometimes be a symptom of a dangerous illness or severe food poisoning. Profuse foamy vomiting, sometimes with particles of blood or mucus, may indicate the presence in the body of a foreign body stuck in the intestines. So, what should you do if your dog has diarrhea and vomiting?

Possible reasons

  • Common overeating;
  • Poor quality or stale food;
  • Food that is too fatty, difficult to digest or not fully digested;
  • Switching to a new food or another nutrition system;
  • Swallowing an inedible object - a piece of fabric or hard material, or a small part;
  • Prolonged inhalation of chemicals or other harmful substances;
  • Abdominal bloating, in which vomiting is accompanied by shortness of breath, excessive salivation, and the abdomen is hard to the touch;
  • Helminthiasis: a dog can become infected with worms at any age, and remain ill for several long months and even years, it vomits immediately after feeding, and there is a sharp loss of weight;

The most severe causes of diarrhea and vomiting in dogs are dangerous diseases or viral infections:

  • (known as canine distemper, although some tend to distinguish it as a separate disease): affects puppies aged 2 months and young animals up to six months. Diarrhea and vomiting are accompanied by nasal and eye discharge. Erosion forms on the intestinal mucosa. Within a week, the dog, in a fading state, refuses to eat or drink. In addition, interruptions in heart rhythm occur and body temperature decreases. After a few days, recovery may occur, but very often the weakened and exhausted animal dies.
  • Rotavirus and coronavirus: they affect dogs of different ages, but it’s hardest on fragile puppies. The symptoms are almost the same as with parvovirus. But, in most cases, the animal recovers within seven days.
  • Adenovirus: Causes diarrhea and vomiting in dogs of any age. Body temperature ranges from normal to very high. The mucous membrane of the eyes becomes inflamed. The disease lasts up to 14 days. All this time, the liver becomes enlarged.


With a single or even three-time attack of vomiting with diarrhea, you can get by with general treatment, taking the same measures as with normal uncomplicated diarrhea. It is recommended not to eat for about a day, drink plenty of fluids in small doses, take sorbents: activated carbon or smecta, for pain relief and relief of intestinal spasms - no-shpa or papaverine, or other drugs prescribed by a veterinarian. Sometimes changing the food or nutrition system or following a diet for 3-5 days helps. Frequently recurring diarrhea with vomiting in a dog requires additional administration of water-salt solutions. To support the gastric microflora, fermented milk products are introduced into food and probiotic preparations are used for animals.

What to do if a dog has diarrhea with blood and (or) mucus, or only with blood or mucus, you should immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic, where they will conduct the necessary examination, provide immediate assistance and advise on further treatment. For mechanical damage and tumors, surgery may be prescribed. Based on blood test results, the degree of anemia and the cause of inflammation in the animal’s body will be revealed. To clarify the diagnosis, a stool sample will also be taken and an x-ray of the abdominal cavity will be performed.

Possible reasons

Possible causes of bloody diarrhea in a dog:

How to treat a dog that has diarrhea with blood and/or mucus? Of course, such a symptom cannot be ignored, even if it disappears after some time. Scratched intestinal walls, even if the cause goes away on its own, can lead to the development of serious inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo examination and take wound healing agents. Severe injuries and tumors may require surgery.

Often the color of an animal’s diarrhea is determined by the food eaten the day before, for example, colored vegetables: orange carrots, beets. If this is not the case, then you should be concerned.
The color of a dog's diarrhea is an important factor in determining the cause of the disease.

Possible reasons

Diarrhea color What could be causing it?
Black diarrheaBlack diarrhea in a dog occurs when there is bleeding in the stomach or duodenum (can also be colored due to ingestion of activated charcoal)
Yellow diarrhea

Yellow diarrhea in a dog may be a sign of:

  • indigestion;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • helminthiasis;
  • jaundice in the blood;
  • if yellow diarrhea is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and a drop in temperature, parvovirus enteritis is evident.
White diarrheaWhite diarrhea in a dog indicates a lack of bile in the stool, which is often a sign of blockage of the bile ducts
Red diarrheaRed diarrhea, usually caused by blood in the stool, is a sign of intestinal injury or severe inflammatory and viral diseases
Green diarrhea

Green diarrhea in a dog is caused by the processes of fermentation and rotting in the intestines due to the ingestion of stale, spoiled food, and may also indicate the presence of diseases:

  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Viral and bacterial infections;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


In addition to general therapy at home, recommended for all types of diarrhea, when a diagnosis is made in a veterinary clinic, drug treatment is prescribed.
A specialist, depending on the identified disease, in addition to adsorbents and antibiotics, may prescribe treatment with appropriate antiviral drugs.

General recommendations for treatment. As is already clear, for various types of diarrhea in a dog, certain treatment will be prescribed.
But there are general rules for treating diarrhea that you need to follow at home. This:

  • Dietary restrictions: complete exclusion of food for a day, subsequent diet;
  • Normalization of the animal’s diet: selection of suitable food, exclusion of low-quality and spoiled food;
  • Compliance with the drinking regime: drink plenty of fluids in frequent but small portions to prevent dehydration and restore electrolyte balance in the blood;
  • Application of adsorbents;
  • Compliance with medical prescriptions, use of medications in accordance with the instructions.

What medications are appropriate for a dog to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea?

It is safe to say that “human” medications for the treatment of dysentery are also suitable for diarrhea in dogs, but in each specific case it is better to consult a veterinarian. Suitable popular drugs:

  1. Activated carbon. This time-tested and absolutely harmless remedy can be safely given to your pet to eliminate toxic manifestations. When dosing, you need to take into account the dog's weight. The analogue, enterosgel, acts more successfully and gently.
  2. Smecta. It also helps well with simple diarrhea and mild poisoning, alleviating the condition of a sick animal and helping to remove toxins from the body. The drug, diluted in warm water, is given to the dog from a syringe. It is better to consult a specialist first about the dosage.
  3. Enterofuril. This sweet suspension is enjoyed by dogs and is excellent in treating intestinal infections, as well as relieving diarrhea. Do not take it on your own without your veterinarian's approval.
  4. Furazolidone. If a dog's diarrhea is caused by intestinal disorders, then, along with other means, furazolidone can be given to the pet to restore the microflora.
  5. Loperamide. One of the most popular and accessible human remedies for diarrhea. If your dog has severe diarrhea, this remedy can be taken once in the form of 1 tablet. Although many veterinarians advise to completely avoid this remedy.
  6. Levomycetin. This synthetic antibiotic, active against various types of microbes, is popular in the treatment of infectious diarrhea in both humans and animals. When treating diarrhea in dogs caused by severe infections, the “animal version” is usually used - Levomycetin 250 tablets. The human drug can be given to the dog once, in case of emergency.

As you can see, almost all “human” drugs are suitable for treating dogs. But they should be used with caution, after consulting with a veterinarian. It is best to use veterinary drugs to stop diarrhea and restore microflora. Among them, the often recommended one is Vetom 1.1 and any other veterinary drug prescribed by a specialist.

In addition to medications, folk recipes and remedies are often used in the home treatment of canine diarrhea. Popular among them are decoctions and infusions of St. John's wort, oak bark, and chamomile, which have astringent and soothing properties. If you have diarrhea, you should not give your dogs vegetable oils - they will act as laxatives. Although flaxseed oil is useful for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is better to exclude it from the diet during diarrhea.

Feeding a dog with diarrhea

What to feed a dog with diarrhea? First of all, you should remember that it is better to remove the dog from food for several hours, up to a whole day. The main thing is to drink often. After fasting, you can give your pet infusions of medicinal herbs and rice water. Feed with rice boiled in water, and after diarrhea stops - with beef or chicken broth, which will give the body additional strength. You need to feed in small portions, gradually increasing them, 5-6 times a day.

On the 2nd day, or the next after the diarrhea ends, you can feed the dog fermented milk products to restore the stomach microflora. If you feel better, it is recommended to add a little low-fat cottage cheese to your daily diet. On the 3rd day, if the pet has noticeably become more cheerful, you can please him with boiled eggs, white chicken meat - that is, low-fat food cooked in steam or water.

Take care of your pet’s body: try to prevent it from being poisoned by low-quality and stale food, if necessary, replace the food or nutrition system, get vaccinations on time, and deworm.

Often, diarrhea that occurs in your pet often causes you only irritation and discomfort and rarely worries and worries about its health. Which is not true. Let's try to look at the most common and dangerous cases of why a dog develops diarrhea.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

Lyudmila 08:03 | 21 Sep. 2019

Good morning. The dog is 6 years old, Cane Corsa breed. We've been on pills for a year now and have heart problems. Royal Canin Cardiac food. A week ago, in the morning before a walk, I vomited. And after that I had diarrhea for a week. Walk three times a day. In the morning, diarrhea in the afternoon, nothing, and in the evening, diarrhea again. And it can still get diarrhea at night. I give entofuril every evening and in the morning.. Proplan.. veterinary diets.. Fortiflora. There is no opportunity to go to the vet yet. Tell me what to do.

Anna 16:33 | 18 Sep. 2019

Good afternoon. Puppy 9 months. He has had diarrhea for 2 weeks after eating raw meat. The diet is as follows: dry food in the morning, raw meat in the evening. In the morning, loose stools. Enterofuril helps, but not for long. Wormed about a month and a half ago. The dog is playful and feels good.

Good afternoon, we are faced with the following problem: a dog of the Miniature Pinscher breed, after the first heat, without any reason or change in behavior, began to refuse food, nausea, vomiting appeared, and after 12 hours of refusing food, diarrhea with a strong odor. At the same time, the dog is playful, the temperature is normal. A day later it all stopped suddenly, normal appetite, no problems with digestion or energy, but a few days later it suddenly happened again.
Moreover, according to observations before this happened, the animal was “guarding” food from another dog, a stressful situation, could this affect its well-being?
There is no way to go to a veterinary clinic yet. How should we proceed?

    Hello! Your pet is a miniature breed. I conditionally “equate” them to cats. Therefore, the development of a wide variety of health problems against the background of stress cannot be ruled out. Yes, perhaps diarrhea due to nervous feelings (during the first estrus, refusal to feed is not a rare occurrence). But if you write that the animal was guarding food from another dog, it means there was contact with another animal. Therefore, an infectious disease cannot be ruled out (a sick animal releases the virus into the external environment during the incubation period, i.e., during a period when there are no clinical signs yet). Were the vaccinations done on time? How are you doing with deworming? What exactly do you feed the animal?

    Dana 23:34 | 13 Sep. 2019

    Hello, Daria. Please advise what to do. We have a Spitz puppy, 4.5 months old. Adopted from the breeder at 2 months. There was poor appetite, vomiting, loose stools, and lethargy. We didn’t leave the veterinary clinic for almost 1.5 months. They eventually made a diagnosis: coronavirus gastroenteritis, which sounded like a death sentence. As far as I understand from the words of the veterinarian, it is not curable, that one of the familiar symptoms is possible one time and there is no need to sound the alarm. Due to the peculiarities of the breed itself (manipulation) and refusal of food, we had a swing: initially we were given Royal Canin pate junior pappy, then he refused it, we were advised to take dry food from the same manufacturer from the same line. I didn’t eat even 1 kg, I started to refuse again, I also had an allergy (tears). We switched to natural food: boiled chicken, veal, a small amount of vegetables (I only ate cucumbers, not really a fan), boiled eggs, cottage cheese. I didn’t eat porridge on the water. Then he refused this too, and I still followed his lead. On Grandorf’s advice, we took pate and drying. At first I ate and refused again. On August 12, 2019, we were dewormed and, on the advice of the veterinarian, only on August 30, 2019, we received the last vaccinations (the next ones only a year later). On the morning of September 3, 2019, he ran away from us due to the negligence of my household and I found him only after lunch that same day. After a couple of days, we started having problems with stool (liquid, sometimes with brown mucus). The temperature is normal, I took him to the vet. He told me to give smecta and enterosgel. He said that he might have picked up something stale on the street. Does not help. And again we have a swing with food. I tried to return it to drying (I put it on - it doesn’t eat - I removed it). The confrontation went on for 24 hours, and I started vomiting twice a day. I was afraid that we were on a drip again and again followed his lead: we switched to straight. But at the same time the puppy is active and eats. I also give smecta and enterosgel. I dewormed it again on the advice of the veterinarian. What is this possible and how to cure it?
    Thank you in advance.

    Daria - veterinarian 17:07 | 15 Sep. 2019

    Hello! Yes, the coronavirus will remain with your pet for the rest of its life (carriage of the virus). And as soon as the immunity weakens, the disease will make itself felt (that is, clinical signs characteristic of this disease will appear). Your puppy is allergic, and you give him chicken. Allergy sufferers should not eat poultry! Alternatively, have you tried wet food? It’s kind of like natural food, but at the same time a balanced industrial food. Choose a treatment series for sensitive digestion. Look, maybe Royal is made in Russia, then change it to another series. But any transition to another type of food is carried out gradually! Not in 1 day.

    Daria - veterinarian 17:08 | 15 Sep. 2019

    Now about therapy. To begin with, I would recommend a course of probiotic/prebiotic (FortiFlora has proven itself to be excellent) - feed it for a month, pour it into the food (especially if there was a course of antibiotics). You can also give a little Pancreatin or Creon to help the pancreas. Perhaps sudden changes in the diet provoke problems with stool (the intestines are after serious inflammation, they need to recover, and you give one type of food, then another). As a result, the endocrine system “goes crazy”, fermentation cannot be restored (the body does not understand what enzymes need to be produced, because dry food requires only one, and completely different quantities are needed to digest natural food, especially meat).

    Daria is a veterinarian 17:09 | 15 Sep. 2019

    Let's drink salt solutions (from a spoon, often, but a little at a time) - Vetom 1.1, rehydron is the same (this will help restore the water-salt balance after loose stools, and salt is an appetite stimulant). And if you want to “wake up” your appetite and strengthen your immune system a little, inject catozal/phosphosal/vitozal/yuberine (any of your choice). The drug is painful (it contains vitamin B12), but it helps a lot. If poisoning was suspected, then it was necessary to pierce for a couple of days (the scheme “works” well on the first and third days) - Antitox/detox and their analogues. A course of vitamins and minerals is required (pay attention to vitamins A and E, they help regenerate mucous membranes faster)

Hello. Mongrel dog on a leash. She has become inactive (does not bark, lies in the kennel), eats everything that is given by hand (from the table), but does not eat anything specially prepared (porridge, pasta with bone broth). He drinks water, his nose is wet and cold. No vomiting. Loose stools once a day, and then sits down several times (urge), but no feces, sometimes a small amount of mucus comes out. What to do?

A dog, a cross between a shepherd and an Armenian, ate the head of a frozen fish for 8 months, and now vomited red-brown loose stools 2 times in 7 hours. No vomiting, they gave charcoal, absorbin, chamomile, it was difficult to pour in. No appetite at all. It's a long way from the city and there are problems with transport. Please advise whether it is possible to give nifuraxizide? Which of the wound healing agents do I suspect is an injury to the esophagus?

Hello! I have a 12 year old dachshund. Treatments for worms have not been carried out for a long time. He eats both natural and liquid food (pate, food with pieces of meat Raf, Monge, Caesar). For the last 4 days, loose stools every 2-4 hours, there was a drop of blood a couple of times. I decided that it would be buckwheat porridge in a strong chicken broth with meat, skin, and spongy bones. We changed the food to dog food, the picture didn’t change much, we gave it chamomile and waited for a reaction. Please advise what to do.

Hello. Labrador puppy, 5 months old, vaccinated, last dewormed in February, and at that time there were worms. Last night the dog developed brown and light brown diarrhea and passed it three times before morning, the last time with mucus. He eats Brit dry food and once a day also Brit, but soft from cans. The day before they gave me a couple of steamed cutlets to eat instead of a soft brit, the puppy also eats feces on the street, the day before he also ate it. The dog is active, has a good appetite, but the diarrhea is very scary. Tell me what to do?

Irina 02:01 | 26 Mar. 2019

Hello, the dog is a Spitz 2-2.5 kg, 10 months.
Vomits water with foam for 3 hours (looks like bubbling drool), diarrhea - at first it was yellow with a nasty smell, now it also smells like ichor. The only thing I can eat in the morning is something delicious. Dry food is not touched. She doesn’t drink water herself, she looks at me as an enemy. I gave him an activated carbon tablet and filled it with water. Helminthization took place in July 2018.
What to do? Thank you in advance.

Anonymous 17:55 | 22 Mar. 2019

Hello! German Shepherd puppy, 2 months old. On March 17, we got the first vaccination, my appetite was good, not like before the vaccination, I began to eat everything. On the 4th day, the stool became soft, not the same as always, the color was normal, I pooped a little, but often, more than 5 times. By evening, the stool became loose. On day 5, I pooped 4 times in the morning, but it was liquid, the color was normal. I didn't poop after 10am. I ate a boiled egg and just boiled rice, but just a little. Before the vaccination, I ate rice porridge and continued to eat it until day 4. On the 4th day, we cooked another, light wheat (we added to the porridge for taste: finely grated carrots, half a small onion, a sprig of dill - everything was fine, cooked well, everything was soft), the puppy ate the porridge. The puppy's stool was not as usual in the morning, before the porridge. Almost every day he eats 1 boiled egg for breakfast. Activity and playfulness remained. He bites, barks, chases the domestic cat - as always.

Marina 05:49 | 22 Mar. 2019

Good afternoon. The Russian Spaniel dog had no appetite for 2-3 days, hardly ate, but was active, walked and played. On the third day I ate and at night I vomited several times and diarrhea began, which did not end for the second day. What is better to give?

Julia 13:36 | 11 Mar. 2019

Hello! Tell me, please, what to do? The dog has had diarrhea for four days. Breed Cocker Spaniel (half-breed), weight about 10 kg. Two days before the illness, they gave the Prazitel tablet, because the rabies vaccination was coming soon. The first day of diarrhea was accompanied by watery, yellowish stools. I gave smecta 10 ml 2 times a day. The stool became mushy up to 10 times a day. Appetite is not affected. He willingly ate buckwheat and rice in water, boiled chicken, as well as purina food for small breeds.

Julia 14:57 | 15 Feb. 2019

Good afternoon Siberian Husky dog, 9 years old. For 3 months he has had bouts of diarrhea. Maybe you eat the same thing for a week and everything will be fine, but on the 10th day, for example, diarrhea begins. At some point he just takes it and shits right at home while we are at work. If the attack occurs at night, he begins to rush around the apartment and whine. We had blood biochemistry done and the analysis was good. We worm regularly once every six months. We feed him buckwheat with boiled beef. We rarely get tasty treats from the table, and in recent months we haven’t given anything at all. At first we thought maybe it was indigestion of natural food and perhaps he should be switched to artificial food. But I read that after 5-7 years of age, dogs can no longer be switched to another type of food. Please tell me what can affect the dog’s gastrointestinal tract?

Elena 22:01 | 08 Feb. 2019

good afternoon...help...our dog has prolonged diarrhea...were treated with antibiotics...probiotics but there is no improvement...the appetite is good, but as soon as he eats he goes straight to the toilet...we live in a village, there are no veterinary clinics...I feel sorry for the dog to the point of tears...he has lost a lot of weight

    Daria is a veterinarian 22:29 | 08 Feb. 2019

    Hello! Feeding? vaccinations? Deworming? What exactly did you treat with (name of antibiotic)? The same applies to probiotics. Temperature? There is no information about the maintenance and feeding of the animal. Before making a recommendation, you need to know as much as possible about the animal.

    Elena 11:07 | 09 Feb. 2019

    good afternoon Daria...vaccination and deworming strictly according to the seasons...antibiotic tetracycline for 5 days...they also tried Linex...we also gave Vetom 1.1 to drink...the diarrhea could not be stopped...the diet is also strict...nothing fatty.... now I give him pancreatin before lunch....at first it helped, now it doesn’t

    Daria - veterinarian 01:32 | 10 Feb. 2019

    Hello! What is strict nutrition? write down the menu, what you give and when, what exactly you feed. It is not clear: natural or industrial food, if natural, then what kind of products.
    What does seasonal deworming mean? Quarterly, as expected, or only in the fall and spring?
    Did you prescribe tetracycline yourself? And this is not the antibiotic that is prescribed in such cases (for diarrhea). Enrofloxacins, tylosins, and at worst, give amoxicillin. What dosage of pancreatin was given and in what frequency? Have you tried Creon (it has more action units)? Did you take them to the doctor at all or did you prescribe everything yourself?

    Elena 14:46 | 10 Feb. 2019

    Daria, good afternoon...thanks for your answer...honestly, all the treatment is from the Internet...the food is rice porridge with chicken or beef broth...or mixed buckwheat, millet rice, all in one...his appetite is excellent...plus it's cottage cheese, eggs, well, that's all clear...pancreatin before meals 2 tablets... we did everything quarterly, we have a veterinary book... we didn’t try Creon... Daria, before his problems started, he went to the toilet with white feces... we didn’t take him to the doctor, we live in a village far from the city... I’m writing to you and tears are flowing I feel so sorry for him

    Daria - veterinarian 23:55 | 10 Feb. 2019

    Hello! So white feces are clearly not the pancreas! And pancreatin will not help here at all. Discolored stool is a clear sign of liver damage (low bilirubin levels - hence the lack of color in feces and urine). This requires both biochemistry and ultrasound of the liver. The reason could be intoxication, a previous illness (viral hepatitis, bacterial diseases), or damage from medications, or anything (the liver is a kind of blood filter, everything settles in it). Millet is not given to dogs - it is not digestible.

    Daria - veterinarian 23:06 | 12 Feb. 2019

    Hepatoprotectors can be given, you can use Liv-52, Essentiale Forte. B vitamins are a must to maintain function. Ascorbic and nicotinic acid should also be supplied. Holagol, hofitol - as choleretic (but provided that there is no obstruction of the bile ducts, but this cannot be confirmed without ultrasound). Continue to give enzymes (pancreatin, Creon). Droppers with physiological saline solutions are desirable (you need to be careful with glucose, since the inflamed liver does not “perceive” it well). It was not tetracycline that should have been used, but sulfonamides (prescribed for infectious hepatitis). Do not use glucocorticoids! But my advice is to undergo a full examination. Because this approximate scheme is suitable for hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), but anything can happen to it or to the gastrointestinal tract, and the damage to the liver is secondary

    Daria - veterinarian 22:56 | 12 Feb. 2019

    I cannot say this with 100% confidence, especially since there are no additional studies (biochemistry, ultrasound). I only suspect from the symptoms you described: diarrhea and white feces. There may also be vomiting. Treatment from the Internet will not lead to any good (especially since the animal does not have a diagnosis). You are now prescribing medications, who calculates the dosage? But where the liver problems come from - this question remains open. And is this a primary (main) disease or a symptom of something else? Without an examination and a complete history taking, it is impossible

Good afternoon. Dog, 4 years old, cross with Alabai. The dog has been experiencing diarrhea periodically for the past month. We feed buckwheat porridge with beef heart broth. Everything else was excluded from the diet. They gave me enterosgel and my stool improved. And here it is not known why the severe diarrhea again. The dog is cheerful and cheerful. What could be the reasons and what should we do?

    Hello! and again standard questions that for some reason owners immediately forget to answer: vaccinations and dewormings, when was the last time and with what? Give Fortiflor (probiotic) as a course. Secondly, get tested. Rule out enteritis. Why was everything else removed? Allergic? Why are there no vegetables in the diet? Do you give meat or is it only in the form of broth in the diet?

    Good afternoon. Thank you very much for your answer! 03/16/2018 Nobivac Lepto and Nobivac DHPPi, last wormed in September. He doesn't eat vegetables. Sometimes he'll just nibble on carrots. Cottage cheese, kefir, boiled liver, special dog treats were removed from the diet because we don’t understand why there is diarrhea. Not allergic. We serve the boiled heart in pieces with buckwheat. Please tell me what kind of examination I need to undergo - we do not have the opportunity to undergo any tests at our place of residence, I will find out in neighboring cities.

    Good afternoon An American Akita puppy (8 kg) had diarrhea for the 3rd day due to a change in food (he was allergic to the previous one). We give enterozoo 3 times a day, smecta, they gave 1 tablet of loperamide, the symptoms do not disappear (What can you recommend? Thanks in advance!

    Hello! How can you tell if your dog has diarrhea or constipation? For about 4 days the dog has the urge to go to the toilet, she sits down, but except for a few drops of liquid feces there is nothing else, i.e. sometimes vomiting occurs. The dog has an appetite, runs and plays, and the temperature seems to be normal. The abdomen is not swollen, and the animal behaves normally during pulpation.

    Yorkie dog, 7 years old, has vaccinations, we can’t cope with diarrhea, loose, yellow stools with mucus, even lumps of mucus. First, they added Vitom 1.1 to the food, gave them smecta, went to the doctor, did blood tests, stool tests, and an ultrasound. There are no special deviations, the protein is below normal, the temperature is normal, the dog eats, but after each meal there is liquid bowel movement. A course of treatment was given: an antibiotic. Gastroprotectors, drug for the pancreas intravenously, droppers with saline solution - 5 days. The stool remains liquid. This condition has already lasted 5 weeks, several days before the course of treatment there was vomiting, but now it has passed. I don’t know what to do, help me, I’m very worried, the dog has lost weight

    Hello, I have a 3.5 kg Spitz. Diarrhea for 3 days, but only drop by drop. All vaccinations have been completed and I was given Milbemax for worms 2 weeks ago. Drinks, eats, plays. What to do? He's straight, he ate boiled rabbit with buckwheat

    Good afternoon, we have a boy Jack Russell Terrier, almost 2 years old, he eats at home and does not pick up anything on the street
    But now I've had diarrhea all day, yellowish at first, mixed with blood all evening
    The dog is vaccinated, we recently visited the vet, everything was fine
    We can’t understand what happened, before going to the doctor how to make the dog feel better, thank you

    Hello. We have a 6 month old Yorkie. At first he was fed dry food, but recently he refused it. They started feeding him boiled chicken and fresh vegetables. Today we got a rabies vaccination and he started having diarrhea and strong gas. What should we do, wait or take him to the vet (gas has been going on for 3 days)

If a pet gets sick, the whole family worries and worries. One of the most serious health problems in dogs is bloody diarrhea. The causes of the problem can be different: from damage to the intestinal mucosa to a very dangerous disease - leptospirosis. In any case, you cannot hesitate; you need to go to the veterinary clinic as quickly as possible.

Bloody loose stools are a health hazard

Loose stool in your pet is a signal to closely monitor his well-being. Owners should pay attention to important accompanying circumstances. It is necessary to try to establish whether food could have led to diarrhea, whether there have been any changes in behavior in recent days, in what places they walked the day before. All these details will help the specialist quickly determine the diagnosis.

Additional symptoms play an important role in determining the nature of the disease. Often with diarrhea, the stool becomes an unusual color. Black discharge may indicate bleeding in the intestines, white - liver disease, green - canine distemper. If your dog has diarrhea with blood and mucus, it may be due to parvovirus enteritis. This situation is quite dangerous, and its additional identifying signs are a decrease in temperature, cardiac dysfunction, and reluctance to drink.

Veterinarians advise seeking help if your dog has bloody diarrhea or bloody diarrhea and vomiting repeated at least 2 times. The clinic will conduct a comprehensive examination, determine the essence of the problem and select effective treatment. At this time, it is important to give your pet enough water to prevent dehydration.

Diarrhea with blood in a dog: causes

What could provoke such a serious problem? The reasons are as follows:

Experts determine what to do if a dog has bloody diarrhea based on research. To determine the nature of the underlying disease, diagnosis and further treatment, the following steps are usually performed:

  • blood analysis. This allows us to draw a conclusion about the characteristics of the inflammatory process. At the same time, pay attention to the number of red blood cells: if they are much less than normal, it means that the bleeding area is large or there are several such foci;
  • stool analysis. Makes it possible to identify the causative agent of infection and assess the general condition of the intestinal microflora;
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity. Shows the condition of internal organs, violations of the integrity of elements of the digestive system, and enlarged liver. It will also be determined whether there is fluid in the abdominal cavity.

When it is determined what disease is accompanied by bloody diarrhea in a dog, the doctor prescribes treatment. Sometimes it is carried out with the help of medications, in some cases surgery is required (for example, in case of intestinal obstruction, tumors, violations of the integrity of the intestinal walls). Typically, your pet will need to be on a special diet for effective treatment.

Read also:

  • Dogs in the house: pros and cons
  • Distemper in dogs: treatment
  • What to do if your dog's eyes are infected?

Most often, bloody diarrhea in pets is a symptom of a serious illness. This problem should never be ignored and you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Timely actions by a specialist will allow you to quickly determine the cause of the ailment and cure your beloved pet.

Diarrhea can occur in any dog, and there can be many reasons for it. Often these are simply errors in the pet’s diet or an allergy to a new food. In these cases, the owner can cope with diarrhea on his own by changing his pet’s diet. However, when a dog experiences bloody diarrhea, many dog ​​owners want to know what to do in this case.

Diarrhea with blood in a dog - causes

Diarrhea in a dog mixed with blood is a sign of a serious condition that requires mandatory consultation with a specialist.

  1. Often on the street, a dog can pick up and eat something poisonous. In this case, poisoning occurs, the intestines are affected so severely that diarrhea with blood appears. If it is impossible to determine the type of poison that is used, then treatment is prescribed based on the general signs of the disease.
  2. Bloody diarrhea can occur with illness or salmonellosis. Most often, puppies under one year of age are susceptible to such diseases. In this case, severe inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and its complete desquamation occurs.
  3. If a dog eats a stick core, bone, or other inedible object, it may develop traumatic enterocolitis. A sharp object mechanically damages the intestinal mucosa, causing the dog to experience diarrhea with blood.
  4. For various diseases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in combination with glucocorticoids. In this case, side effects very often occur in the form of intestinal damage with bleeding.
  5. An atypical form of rabies, occurring in the form of enteritis, causes the appearance of bleeding lesions in the intestines.

Treatment of bloody diarrhea in dogs

Owners of a sick dog are especially concerned about the question: how to treat bloody diarrhea in a dog. First of all, you should remember that it is necessary to treat any type of diarrhea with blood in a dog only in a veterinary clinic. Before starting treatment, specialists must take blood and stool tests from the dog, and also take an x-ray of the abdominal organs. It should also be remembered that if there is black blood in the discharge, then the bleeding is occurring in the upper intestine or in the stomach, and if the bloody diarrhea is scarlet in color, then the blood is coming from the rectum.

Treatment of bloody diarrhea is most often carried out using droppers. Through them, drugs that remove toxins are introduced into the dog’s body. Droppers are used to feed the animal or replenish blood volume in case of significant blood loss. In addition, treatment involves the use of drugs that improve blood clotting. If the doctor discovers a tumor, intussusception or rupture of the intestinal wall, then treatment should only be surgical.

What to feed a dog with bloody diarrhea?

Bloody diarrhea in a dog is always serious, so you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic where specialists will take care of your pet. In addition to treatment, the veterinarian will prescribe a diet appropriate for the animal’s condition.

Most often, at the beginning of a disease that occurs with bloody diarrhea, experts recommend refraining from feeding the dog for 1-2 days, and sometimes they advise not even giving it water. All the nutrients necessary for life will be infused into the dog using a dropper. Subsequently, with the permission of the veterinarian, it will be possible to give her rice water, and then fermented milk products.

The best way to prevent diarrhea in a dog is to carefully care for your four-legged friend, high-quality and fresh food and an adequate drinking regime.

Diarrhea is quite common in dogs. The reasons for its occurrence are varied and can be associated both with the intake of incompatible foods and with serious health problems.

Causes of bloody diarrhea in a dog, why does the puppy have bloody stool?

Diarrhea with blood in itself is an alarming sign of disturbances in the functioning of the animal’s body. Weakness and lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting, fever and weight loss only worsen the situation. If these symptoms, along with diarrhea, in any combination, appear in a pet, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. Examination and tests will help determine the cause of the disorder. One should also take into account the possibility that a disorder of this kind in a dog, just like in a person, may be one-time in nature.

If your dog has loose, bloody stools for 24 hours or longer, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. When monitoring the progression of stool problems in a dog, it is important to notice all the details, in particular, pay attention to the color and other characteristics of the stool. Black stool in a puppy or dog indicates the presence of internal bleeding, most often due to an ulcer, infestation or injury. Yellow or gray feces in a dog are a sign of inflammation in one of the areas of the gastrointestinal tract. White stool is a symptom of liver dysfunction caused by toxic poisoning or leptospirosis.

Infectious infections are indicated by the mucous or watery consistency of stool during diarrhea, which has greenish inclusions and a foul odor. The dog's stomach has a very high sensitivity to food, its composition, structure and temperature. Your pet's food should be rich in proteins and contain the optimal amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The predominance of dry food irritates the intestines and has a toxic effect on the liver, often causing vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Abuse of liquid and juicy treats can also cause diarrhea in an animal, as it significantly increases the amount of fluid in its body. Therefore, an important task for the owner is to maintain a balance between the types of food he feeds the dog.

Why does a dog have diarrhea with blood, what illnesses or illnesses could there be?

The digestive system of puppies and adult dogs is affected by many negative factors that can cause bloody diarrhea:

Irritation and mechanical damage to the stomach in a puppy or dog

Mechanical damage to the tissues of the stomach and intestines. Most often, injuries are caused by objects that the animal swallows during play or through negligence, for example, children's toys, pebbles, nuts, wood chips, etc. Such objects can be clearly seen on an x-ray.

Colitis, enteritis, ulcers are the causes of bloody diarrhea in dogs

Erosion, ulcerative formations, colitis, enteritis, salmonellosis. With these disorders, the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines becomes inflamed and may bleed. Getting food into wounds accelerates the development of inflammation and can cause suppuration and rectal bleeding.

Injuries in the rectal area, infectious jaundice

Injuries to the rectum and anus due to ingestion of bones caused by fights, bruises or accidents. Leptospirosis or infectious jaundice. A dangerous disease that affects not only animals, but also humans. When it is diagnosed in a pet, children should be immediately removed from it and contact should not be allowed until the dog is completely cured. The effect on the body of leptospira bacteria, which cause disease when they enter the liver, kidneys or spleen, manifests itself through an increase in body temperature, an increase in the size of the liver, nausea and vomiting, the appearance of yellowness in the whites of the eyes, muscle spasms, diarrhea, and poor urination.

Protozoa and atypical form of rabies

An atypical form of rabies. Infection of the intestines with the formation of bleeding lesions. The dog's feces become black and contain blood. Additional symptoms are severe salivation and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Infection with protozoan microorganisms through consumption of contaminated meat. This disease is also called sarcocytosis. It affects the heart, muscles, and liver, forming worm sacs in them. In most cases, it is asymptomatic, and in case of severe infestation it manifests itself through decreased appetite, vomiting and blood inclusions in the stool. It can spread to humans.

Tumor diseases and intussusception in the intestine

Intussusception is an interaction in which one part of the intestine penetrates into another. It is observed in puppies with improper feeding. As a result of this disease, the lumen of the rectum closes, causing intestinal obstruction. Tumors in the intestines that cause pain, vomiting and obstruction. When a tumor grows inside the intestine, it damages its walls, which causes diarrhea with blood, and there is a danger of peritonitis.

Blood inclusions in puppy stool

Blood in puppies' loose stool indicates a dangerous condition. Small pets are not as strong as adult dogs, and therefore require increased attention from their owners, especially in matters of nutrition and health. If a usually playful and active puppy has become lethargic, moves little and refuses to eat, and also if his temperature has risen, vomiting and there is blood in his stool, these are direct indications of the need to immediately show the animal to a veterinarian.

Before this, you should remove all food from your pet’s reach and ensure he drinks plenty of water, giving him only warm water. To prevent the absorption of toxins, you can give your puppy activated charcoal. When intoxication has been eliminated, it is allowed to add small portions of complementary foods to the pet’s diet, gradually returning the diet to normal. The puppy can be given chicken broth, boiled breast, low-fat cottage cheese and boiled rice. As a drink, you can use herbal decoctions of sage, St. John's wort and nettle.

How to treat bloody diarrhea in a dog or puppy depending on age?

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carefully analyze the age and physiological characteristics of the dog. The most careful approach should be taken when caring for puppies and pregnant females, as well as old and weak dogs. In addition to controlling nutrition, it is necessary to ensure comfort and warmth for keeping a sick pet.

How to treat diarrhea in a dog, what to do if a dog has diarrhea with blood?

Diagnosis of the cause of bloody diarrhea in a dog or puppy, what tests to take?

A general urine test is performed to check the functioning of the kidneys, identify processes of tissue inflammation or dehydration. This method is most effective in diagnosing leptospirosis. Blood biochemistry is aimed at analyzing the correct functioning of internal organs. An x-ray of the peritoneal organs is used to check the presence of foreign objects in the body and the effect on its functioning. PCR analysis makes it possible to identify the course of a number of invasive and viral diseases.

If general tests fail to obtain a complete picture of the disease, a full examination of the pet is carried out. If necessary, the veterinarian may prescribe additional tests, including cellular analysis of the biomaterial (determines the nature of inflammation), ultrasound, colonoscopy (hardware examination of the internal state of the intestine), which allows to exclude or confirm ulcerative and tumor diseases, etc.

After diagnosis, the doctor individually prescribes treatment. In case of diarrhea, the dog is first of all limited in food for the first day, giving it only water. This is necessary to speed up the process of cleansing the body of toxins. An excellent assistant in this case is activated carbon, which is given to the animal crushed to a powder and mixed with water.

When the pet begins to recover, boiled dietary meat, broths, low-fat cottage cheese, and boiled rice are gradually introduced into its diet. If the animal's stool does not worsen, you can gradually transfer the dog to a normal diet. In case of severe dehydration, the dog is given a drip to restore water-salt metabolism and replenish electrolytes. If the intestines become infected with infectious diseases, in particular if hemorrhagic enteritis is likely to occur, the veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to the sick animal. If a dog's bloody diarrhea is caused by worms, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at getting rid of the worms. Among the traditional medicine that can be used for diarrhea in an animal are decoctions of sage and St. John's wort, infusion of blueberries, etc.

Preventing diarrhea in pets

The most important thing for a pet is the care and concern of the owner, who, in turn, must make every effort to ensure comfort, proper nutrition for the pet and regular provision of qualified medical care. It is necessary to monitor the quality of food and its composition, give the animal the opportunity to get the necessary amount of time for activity in the fresh air, and be sure to issue and pass a health passport. If alarming symptoms appear, the dog should be taken to a veterinarian for examination and treatment.

Minimizing your dog's contact with other animals from which they can become infected will also help reduce the risk of disease. If there is diarrhea that includes streaks of blood, you need to show the animal to a specialist.