When testosterone is produced. Which organ produces testosterone in a man’s body and what affects the production of the hormone. Healthy lifestyle

Androgens are steroid hormones that are responsible for masculinity: the growth and functioning of the reproductive system. male system, maintaining normal sperm levels and distinctive male characteristics in appearance.

Where is testosterone produced?

The main source of testosterone in the body is the testicles. This organ produces testosterone directly (5-12 mg/day) and small amounts of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), androstenedione and estrogens.

Any hormone, any enzyme or secretion is synthesized from a certain substance that enters our body with food. The basis of testosterone is cholesterol. Leydig cells take cholesterol from the blood as acetate or low-density lipoprotein. A certain sequence of reactions occurs with the transformation of substances: cholesterol → pregnenolone → 17-hydroxypregnenolone → androstenediol. After passing chemical reactions 2 molecules of androstenediol combine with each other and the final product → testosterone comes out.

Hypothalamic-pituitary system

The normal constant level of the hormone in the blood is controlled hypothalamic-pituitary system. This works on the principle of negative feedback. The hypothalamus produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which, in turn, controls the constant secretion of gonadotropins (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones) by the pituitary gland.

Controls the maturation of Leydig cells and their further production of steroid hormones. That is, he plays main role in triggering testosterone synthesis by the testes. monitors the complete maturation of the spermatogenic epithelium and enhances affinity for LH (by increasing the number of receptors for LH).

Principle feedback lies in the fact that testicular cells send a signal to the hypothalamus about the amount of hormones produced. The notification is carried out using testosterone-affinity receptors on the hypothalamus. If the hormones are in normal quantities, the pituitary gland continues to produce the same amount of gonadotropins as before. If there is more testosterone than needed, less of the latter enters the blood; if there is less testosterone than needed, correspondingly more.

Circadian rhythms of testosterone

Testosterone production does not occur at the same level around the clock. The hormone has circadian rhythms (see Figure 2). It is synthesized around the clock in small quantities. Highest doses are released into the blood from 6 to 8 am, when minimal secretion is observed in the evening hours (from 20 to 22 pm).

Rice. 2 - Circadian and annual rhythms of testosterone:
schedule 1 - circadian rhythm testosterone depending on the time of day;
graph 2 - circadian rhythm of testosterone depending on the time of year.

Metabolism of testosterone in the male body

Forms (fractions) of testosterone

Testosterone entering the blood can be in 2 states:

  1. Connected;
  2. Free.

Testosterone binds in the blood to various proteins. It can bind to and albumin. This globulin is similar to all sex steroids, so not only testosterone, but also estrogens, estradiols and other sex hormones are susceptible to its contact. The androgen associated with GSPC is about 57%. It is no longer considered active, but only circulates in the blood.

The remaining 43% of the circulating hormone has biological activity. 40% active testosterone bound to albumin, and 3% are in free bound form. The bond with albumin, unlike globulin, is very weak, and with any impact it can weaken, and testosterone will break away from the protein.

The role of SHBG in hormonal levels

The concentration of SHPS can increase in the blood under various conditions:

  • taking glucocorticoids orally or parenterally;
  • protein deficiency;
  • obesity.

If the concentration of SHPS increases, the ratio of active testosterone to estrogen will be lower. In this case, the main ones will be, which will negatively affect the direct functions of testosterone.

Physiologically, GSPS increases with age. Redistribution after age 40 can lead to 2 opposite conditions:

  1. Or estrogen will begin to predominate, which will general condition the body will be affected by (depositing fat on the hips, legs and abdomen), a change in mood to a more tearful one.
  2. If the body takes a different path, then an increase in the concentration of GSPS will provide normal content and long-term maintenance of its level with a decrease in the quantitative indicators of free testosterone.

3 Testosterone Metabolism Pathways

There are 3 metabolic pathways in relation to biologically active testosterone:

  1. Gain biological activity- after combining with 5α-reductase, testosterone is converted into a more active hormonal unit - (this occurs in the prostate gland, skin, epididymis, seminal vesicles);
  2. Change in biological activity - under the influence of aromatase, the hormone is converted into (this occurs in the brain, muscles, adipose tissue, mammary gland);
  3. Decreased biological activity - when testosterone enters the liver, 5β-reductase converts the hormone into inactive 5β-dihydrotestosterone and its derivatives, sulfates and glucuronides.

Rice. 3 - Change in testosterone activity as a result of metabolic transformations (the androgenic activity of each steroid is indicated in parentheses; testosterone activity is taken as 100).

Half-life of the hormone

The circulation of the hormone is short, and the half-life occurs in 2 stages.

  • Stage 1 - takes place in 20 minutes. During this time, almost the entire amount of active testosterone is utilized from the blood. It is absorbed by tissues that are metabolized using a sex steroid.
  • Stage 2 - lasts up to 3 hours. A large number of The hormone is absorbed by adipose tissue, where a kind of depot of sex hormones is located. The remaining amount of the hormone in the blood is utilized by various metabolites through the kidneys and liver.

Almost half of the secreted testosterone is excreted in the urine by metabolites: androsterone, etiocholanolone. These metabolites represent separate group 17-ketosteroids. Testosterone is also excreted in the form of inactivated testosterone - glucuronide.

Effects of Testosterone

It’s not for nothing that testosterone is called “the hormone of kings - the king of hormones.” After all, it controls almost all functions in the male body. The hormone can do this directly - directly penetrating the cell nucleus, or indirectly - by controlling the work of other hormones.

Testosterone in the male body performs the main classical functions:

  • Androgenic function - testosterone ensures the manifestation. Due to the high content of testosterone, which predominates over estrogens, hair growth occurs according to male type(hair on the face, chest, buttocks and genitals). Ensures the growth and development of the male reproductive gonads and external genitalia, a male-type physique (distribution of adipose tissue). Bald patches and baldness are also controlled by testosterone. I wonder what body fat are also controlled by testosterone. If in women obesity is superficial, due to subcutaneous fatty tissue, then in men fat is deposited in parenchymal organs and on the greater omentum.
  • Anabolic function - the sex steroid ensures the growth of muscle fibers and the necessary density bone tissue, takes part in the production of necessary organ-specific proteins in the kidneys, liver, sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Antigonadotropic function - high testosterone levels inhibit gonadotropins. In progress general principles implicit feedback between the gonads and the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
  • Reproductive function - without required quantity testosterone, sperm formation is impossible. The hormone is the “motor lever” of spermatogenesis. It also provides erectile function and sexual desire.
  • Psychophysiological function - thanks to the male sex steroid, it is formed stereotypical behavior, some character traits. It is testosterone that provides the necessary libido, increased aggression in behavior, the desire to fight, and the attenuation of the feeling of fear. The hormone has a psychostimulating effect.
  • Hematopoietic function - indirectly affects hematopoiesis. Testosterone may affect erythropoiesis in red bone marrow, strengthening it. Also has an effect on the production of erythropoietin in the kidneys. The ratio of erythropoietin to testosterone works on the principle of a direct positive relationship - the more testosterone, the more erythropoietin is produced.

Testosterone is a hormone produced by the male body that has great value for the development of primary secondary signs. IN different periods life, its concentration is different. The production of testosterone in men is a process that occurs in the testicles, pituitary gland and adrenal glands.

Breaking this chain leads to serious consequences. How does production occur? How does it work? Is it possible to increase it? This is what our article is about.


Testosterone - main hormone, necessary for the formation and development of masculine qualities. It is also produced in women, but its concentration is very low.

The indicator differs at different periods of life. Until the age of 11, it is at a low level. Puberty - increases significantly.

Secondary signs develop - the voice changes, the muscle, genitals, sexuality appears. Duration from 11-18 years. Highest concentration for an adult it is 35-40.

Functions of testosterone:

  • In the womb, it determines the sex of the child.
  • Puberty - the amount of hormone is responsible for the growth of the genital organs.
  • The presence of body hair also depends on the level of the hormone. Excess affects the appearance of baldness (early age).
  • Developed muscles - occurs due to the stimulation of protein necessary for muscle growth.
  • Distribution of adipose tissue in the upper torso. Increased metabolism.
  • Supports low cholesterol, which helps neutralize vascular sclerosis.
  • Regulates blood sugar, helps prevent diabetes.
  • It is part of bone tissue and strengthens it. Promotes the accumulation of calcium in bones.
  • Stabilizes nervous system, protects against stress and breakdowns.
  • Increases libido and sexual activity.
  • Regulates the production of seminal fluid.
  • Increases the functioning of sweat glands.

Availability normal amount from representatives strong half humanity affects appearance. Figure healthy man with good hormonal levels- these are narrow hips, slim stomach, broad shoulders, well-developed muscles.

What does the level depend on?

Which organ produces testosterone? It is carried out by Leydig cells located in the testicles of a man, under the guidance of the pituitary gland, which gives commands. This is where the main production of the hormone occurs.

5-12 mg are produced per day. But another part is the adrenal cortex. For a full cycle, each organ must work without interruption.

Testosterone is essentially a protein that is formed from cholesterol. Leydig cells take it from the blood as a basis, a reaction occurs, after which two new molecules (androstenediol) combine to form testosterone.

A high level in men prevents formation cholesterol plaques. Why does the hormone level change? It is known to be modified even throughout the day. In the morning, much higher than in the evening.

The time of year also influences. It is especially high in the fall. A decrease of 1-2% annually, after 40, is considered normal occurrence, not requiring treatment.

When is the most testosterone produced:

  • The time of day has important for hormone production. The largest release occurs during sleep at night, which is confirmed by morning erections.
  • In progress sports training and competitions “the air smelled of testosterone.”
  • Reception spicy food causes the body to intensively release the hormone.
  • While viewing erotic literature, talking with beautiful woman(excitement) testosterone increases.

If you want to know your level without testing, measure your waist.

  1. Volume less than 94 cm indicates high.
  2. Up to 102 cm - average.
  3. Above 102 - low rate. Fat disrupts testosterone formation by producing female estrogen.


After the hormone is produced, 96-97% of it binds to blood plasma albumin and beta globulins, entering the tissues, the rest is excreted from the body.

While there, it becomes dihydrotestosterone (prostate, testicles). The one that does not get into them is converted by the liver and excreted in bile or urine.

There are three main ways:

  1. Conversion of hormone into active form- dihydrotestosterone, under the influence of 5a reductase, which occurs in the organs of the reproductive system. (testicles, prostate gland, seminal vesicles). This form is 5 times more active.
  2. Changing the male hormone to the female one - estrogen. The transformation occurs in adipose tissue, mammary gland, and brain. The need for this hormone is minimal. Excess leads to changes in female type(enlarged abdomen, hips, decreased muscle mass).
  3. Weakening of the hormone, its breakdown into androsterone and etiochonalonol. These forms are easily excreted and do not have androgenic activity.

Free testosterone is metabolized and exits through the urinary system. Up to 80% of the hormone is processed by the liver, where metabolic processes take place.

The male body also produces female estrogen. Its amount is minimal, but plays a very important role in spermatogenesis.

Produced from testosterone by Sertoli cells. If the level is exceeded, then external changes female-type figures.

Symptoms and causes of the disorder

A decrease in testosterone levels occurs primarily when testicular function is impaired. Secondary - the pituitary gland malfunctions. Both types lead to pathological changes men's body.

A low level is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Changing muscle mass to fat mass, or reducing it.
  2. Pain skeletal system, susceptibility to fractures.
  3. Mental disorders, memory problems, insomnia.
  4. Decreased libido, worsening erection.
  5. The hair becomes thinner (head, chest).
  6. Obesity of varying degrees.

The appearance of such symptoms should alert men. To improve the condition, you need to change your lifestyle. Many problems can go away without medical intervention.

What helps reduce testosterone:

  • Unhealthy diet (fast food, fatty, spicy foods).
  • Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs).
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, promiscuity.
  • Insufficient sleep among workaholics.
  • Nervous work, stress.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, no motor activity.
  • Lack of sexual relations.
  • Injuries, operations on the genital organs.
  • Harmful working conditions, poor environmental conditions.

How to increase testosterone levels

When signs appear low hormone, you should contact medical care see an endocrinologist. Before you start drug treatment You need to try to change your lifestyle, your attitude towards your body.


Proper diet is important in order to produce the necessary testosterone. The products contain minerals and vitamins, everything you need.

All foods are divided into good and bad. By giving up the latter, you can improve your hormonal levels.


  1. Fast foods, provisions with preservatives, chemical additives. You should eat only natural food.
  2. Caffeine is harmful for men; it converts testosterone to estrogen (especially soluble). Green tea is more beneficial.
  3. Soybeans cause damage to immune system, reducing hormone production (scientifically proven).
  4. Avoid sweets (replace with honey), limit salt.
  5. You can't drink carbonated drinks. They contain sugar and carbon dioxide, which poison our body.
  6. Artificially smoked products. Liquid smoke is poison for the genital area.
  7. Vegetable oil, except olive oil, and mayonnaise contain harmful polyunsaturated fatty acids.

What should be in the diet:

  • Seafood is very healthy. Various fish, shrimps.
  • Carbohydrates in the form of porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal).
  • All vegetables, especially cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli).
  • Nuts, pumpkin seed oil and seeds.
  • Proteins (eggs, meat).

Useful for men mineral complexes containing zinc and selenium. Without these minerals, testosterone production is disrupted.

Food should be high in calories, but you cannot overeat. Overweight, without exercise and physical activity, they can become fat rather than muscle.

Sports nutrition and bodybuilding are inseparable concepts. To increase volume, many resort to special foods that help build muscle mass.

Among them are testosterone boosters, which help stimulate the natural hormone. There are also anabolic drugs that have many contraindications. They must be taken very carefully so as not to cause harm.


Extra pounds are an indicator low testosterone. If problems with kg appear, this indicates a drop in hormone levels. Adipose tissue transforms male into female.

Signs appear: abdominal enlargement, mammary glands. Muscle - replaced by fat. The balance of hormones is disrupted. It leads to various ailments. Ischemic disease heart, stroke, diabetes, hypertension.

To correct the situation you need to lose weight. This can be done through diet and exercise. Sometimes hormone therapy is used.

It is possible to visually determine low hubbub by the waist. A volume above 95 cm should alert a man and force him to act.


A sedentary lifestyle is harmful for any person. Physiology requires a change in activity for normal well-being. Daily workouts, running, physical exercise(jumping, squatting) increase testosterone levels.

Having received a charge of vivacity, the body works with redoubled force. Exercising on exercise machines, swimming, group games (football, basketball), skiing, skating - all this will bring moral and physical satisfaction, strengthen the body, and normalize hormonal levels.

If it is not possible to exercise on exercise machines, morning running will give you energy for the day. The load should charge, not exhaust. Do it for fun. The body will show you how much you need to run.

For the form you need:

  • Follow your meal plan.
  • Exercise.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Maintain a sleep and rest schedule.
  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Get rid of excess weight.
  • Have sex regularly.

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Testosterone is the main male hormone. Below we'll talk About:

  • What is testosterone?
  • What negatively affects him?
  • What ways are there to increase it?

The essence of the concept of “testosterone”. Not just a scientific approach

Testosterone is the primary male hormone that produces primary and secondary sexual characteristics in men. He is also present in female body, but in significantly smaller quantities.

If we talk about testosterone with scientific point vision, then its total amount in the body consists of bound and free, which results in the indicator total testosterone(FROM). OT includes:

  • Hormones that are in a free state (about 2%);
  • Hormones that are associated with globulin (about 44%);
  • Hormones that are associated with proteins, such as albumin (54%).

Most of the testosterone in a man’s body is in a bound state (proteins slow down its action). The active hormone is free and is responsible for the appearance of secondary signs of maturation and sexual desire. If there is less testosterone in the body than necessary, this leads to the following consequences:

  • Weak erection;
  • Risk of impotence;
  • Muscle and bone degradation;
  • Disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
  • Risk of heart and vascular disease.

This male hormone performs a number of important functions things you need to know:

  • Promotes the development of reproductive organs and the production of seminal fluid;
  • Forms “masculine” behavior and attraction to the opposite sex;
  • Helps increase skin thickness and protein synthesis;
  • Increases the functioning of sweat glands;
  • Accelerates the metabolic process;
  • Helps strengthen the pelvic bones;
  • Helps accumulate calcium.

The presence of a sufficient amount of this hormone in the male body can be determined even externally: broad shoulders, a more active metabolism (when compared with women), narrow hips. Another indirect method for determining a sufficient amount of testosterone in the male body is the hands and fingers, as well as the distance from upper lip to the tip of the nose.

There are known symptoms that indicate testosterone deficiency:

  • worsening mood, depression;
  • insomnia, irritability;
  • decreased hair growth on the face and body;
  • increased sweating;
  • decreased muscle mass and strength;
  • anemia;
  • decreased libido, erectile disfunction, infertility;
  • obesity (especially in the abdominal area);
  • constant fatigue.

There are a number of factors that negatively affect total number testosterone in the male body. These include:

  • Reception harmful drinks and products (carbonated drinks, beer, butter, milk with high content fat, salt and sugar, fatty food high in cholesterol, fast food, etc.);
  • Stress and any psychological disorders;
  • Drug use and smoking;
  • Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Diseases ( diabetes, diseases of the endocrine system).

Important to remember:

A clear sign of low testosterone concentration in the male body is a waist circumference of more than 94 cm, as well as a total body weight that exceeds the norm by 30%. In this case, the body blocks natural production testosterone and switches to generation female hormones- estrogen and progesterone.

Biochemical component of testosterone and the mechanisms of its action. How to increase testosterone in men - natural ways

Testosterone is steroid hormone, which is responsible for growth. In the male body it is produced in the testes (by Leydig cells), and in the female body - in the ovaries. During the day male body produces about 7 mg of the hormone. The rate of formation largely depends on how quickly cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone. In organism healthy person The chain of transformations looks like this:

Cholesterol -> pregnenolone -> dihydrosterone/progesterone -> testosterone

After this, the hormone enters the blood, where it binds to proteins, forming globulin and albumen. Almost all of the synthesized hormone is used for this (up to 98%). The rest remains in a free state, being able to interact with other cells and influence them.

There are several natural ways increase the concentration of the hormone testosterone in the body. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all harmful factors that inhibit the production of the hormone. For better effect necessary:

  1. Get rid of bad habits(drinking alcohol, smoking);
  2. Switch to a healthy and balanced diet;
  3. Sports activities (not necessarily bodybuilding).

The effect of eliminating bad habits is clear to everyone and there is no need to dwell on this point. But let’s focus on the last two.

Secrets of a balanced diet

The first thing you need to pay attention to is vitamin and mineral complexes, which should be present in the daily diet. Most likely, you are deficient in zinc, magnesium and vitamin D.

For normal condition and functioning, the body needs to consume the following amount of these elements per day:

  • Zinc - 20 mg;
  • Vitamin D - 500-1000 IU;
  • Magnesium - 350 mg;
  • Calcium - 2g.

To fill the gaps in essential microelements, include in your diet foods such as:

  • Broccoli;
  • Salmon;
  • Eggs;
  • Lemon;
  • Strawberry;
  • Potato;
  • Lettuce leaves.

Also great amount necessary substances For testosterone production found in products such as:

Also, don’t forget to include in your daily diet healthy treats like various kinds dried fruits.

Proper nutrition- that's good, that's all useful material that they contain must compensate for their lack in the body. A the best way to create an energy deficit are physical exercises. lasts at least 7-8 hours.

- Get rid of stress

Nervous tension contributes to the release of cortisol into the blood. And he, in turn, suppresses the effect of testosterone in every possible way. Forget about worrying about little things, stop getting upset over trifles and smile more often.

- Use cardio training

Include jogging regularly in your workouts. This type of exercise helps to quickly burn fat in the abdominal area. IN otherwise all these deposits will convert testosterone into female sex hormones.

- Positive emotional background

Not only muscle tone contributes to the healthy functioning of all body systems. Don't forget to keep your mind sharp. Rejoice more, create vivid memories and extreme situations that will accelerate your psyche to the desired state to create the one positive attitude. Sign up for classes at a fitness club, after all, where representatives of the fair sex live, or take a pretty friend with you for company.

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Testosterone is the name of the male sex hormone (one of the androgens), which is synthesized by glands internal secretion- male testes and adrenal glands.

Many men wonder how to increase testosterone production to improve potency and give a more masculine appearance.

Contrary to popular belief, testosterone is produced not only in men, but also in women. In representatives of the fair sex, this hormone is in small quantities produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Testosterone in men is responsible for the process of masculinization in boys and affects male puberty, regulates spermatogenesis, promotes the development of secondary male sexual characteristics. Thanks to normal level androgens in men form traditional sexual orientation and correct sexual behavior. In addition, testosterone in men affects metabolism, supporting phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism.

Testosterone synthesis is regulated by pituitary hormones. In women, testosterone in the body is normally produced by the endocrine glands - the ovaries, turning into estrogens (female sex hormones) in the follicle cells, which help increase the growth of the mammary glands and regulate menstrual cycle, and adrenal glands. Increased secretion of testosterone by the adrenal glands and its increased level in women leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and the appearance of a masculine appearance.

Medical norms for testosterone in men are considered to be 11-33 nmol/l in men and 0.24-3.8 nmol/l in women.

Symptoms of low testosterone in men

  • low libido;
  • impotence;
  • the appearance of female-type fat deposits;
  • decreased muscle mass;
  • osteoporosis;
  • decreased skin and muscle tone;
  • irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, depression;
  • prostration;
  • loss of genital hair (groin, legs, chest, armpits, face);
  • decreased testicular density;
  • effeminacy, softness, sensitivity;
  • decreased immunity.

Properties of testosterone

  • enhancing metabolism, burning fat, increasing muscle mass and strengthening bones;
  • formation of male secondary sexual characteristics;
  • influence on spermatogenesis;
  • influence on potency;
  • formation of interest in the female sex;
  • increasing immunity and strengthening blood vessels;
  • influence on male character traits: aggressiveness, initiative and courage.

What determines testosterone levels?

  1. Times of Day. In men, increased testosterone in the blood is observed in the morning after waking up; in the evening, the concentration of androgens in the blood decreases, reaching a minimum before bedtime.
  2. Exercise stress. It has been proven that after sports activities there is increased testosterone in the blood. But with strong physical exertion and overwork, on the contrary, there is a decrease in the sex hormone.
  3. Age. Age significantly affects the endocrine glands, decreasing over the years. Increased levels of male sex hormone occur in young men during puberty. After 25-30 years, testosterone production begins to gradually decline by about 1% per year.
  4. Lifestyle. The production of testosterone in the body depends on the lifestyle of a man. Proper nutrition and sports activities help, and alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity and sedentary lifestyle life, on the contrary, have bad influence on the production of testosterone in the body.
  5. Physical health. Some endocrine and oncological diseases seriously affect the production of androgens. Therefore, we must not forget that a sudden, unmotivated decrease in male sex hormones is a reason to consult a specialist doctor. A sharply increased level of testosterone can also indicate illness.
  6. Psychological condition. Stress and depression can negatively affect testosterone levels in the blood. The reason for this is the stress hormone cortisol, which blocks the synthesis of testosterone in the body.

Testosterone level determination

A man with low level A specialist doctor can determine sex hormones in the blood by characteristic external signs(reduced male pattern hair, decreased muscle mass, decreased testicles, impotence, effeminacy and adipose tissue deposition). However, to more accurately determine the sex hormone, it is necessary to take a blood test. It is advisable to take the analysis in the morning on an empty stomach. Before the procedure, it is recommended to limit physical activity for a day and quit smoking for 8 hours.

How to increase testosterone in the blood?

If you notice signs of a decrease in male sex hormone, then first of all you need to determine the cause of these hormonal changes.

To do this, it is advisable to consult an endocrinologist to rule out serious illnesses. If the specialist sees no reason for concern and the decrease in testosterone does not go much beyond the physiological age standards, then you can try to increase testosterone production on your own, without resorting to chemical hormonal drugs.

How to produce testosterone naturally?

Proper nutrition

  1. Compliance with the regime. will help correct mode nutrition. How to develop the habit of eating healthy? Very simple. Try to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions, distributing greatest number calories in the morning.
  2. Refusal harmful products which negatively affect testosterone production.

These include:

  1. Can help improve testosterone production healthy foods nutrition, which include:

Exercises in the gym

Basic strength exercises with gradual increase loads in gym or at home with dumbbells can significantly raise. Suitable complexes can be found on the Internet or undergo initial training with an instructor. It is important not to overexert yourself in training and alternate exercise with rest, otherwise the training may have the opposite effect.

Healthy lifestyle

Quitting alcohol and smoking, following a daily routine, good sleep, no stress, regular sex life, as well as the fight against overweight and prevention of testicular overheating significantly contribute to improvement men's health and help in developing own testosterone naturally.

Testosterone is the leading androgenic hormone in the male body, which is responsible for sexual functions and the regulation of spermatogenesis. It stimulates muscle gain, physical activity, provides protection to the body from stress. Testosterone deficiency negatively affects both physical and mental health. emotional condition. How to increase testosterone in men?

The hormone is produced in the adrenal cortex and testicles. The norm is 11-33 nanomol/liter. How does testosterone affect the male body? Its impact occurs in two main directions:

  • androgenic: regulation of the processes of sexual development of the body. Progesterone activity promotes the development of sexual characteristics in boys during puberty,
  • anabolic: synthesis of proteins, insulin, endorphins occurs, formation muscle fibers, happens physical development body.

In addition, testosterone performs a number of vital functions functions:

  • takes an active part in metabolic processes,
  • regulates weight gain and formation anatomical shape bodies,
  • controls blood sugar levels,
  • stimulates resistance to stress,
  • supports the level of libido and activity of a man.
Testosterone is responsible for sexual function men, his appearance, masculinity, character

Testosterone is a natural anabolic substance that is absolutely safe for the body, unlike its synthetic analogues. The maximum concentration of testosterone levels is observed at the age of 18, and after 25 years it begins to gradually fall. By the age of 35-40 years, hormone production decreases by about 1-2% every year. This decrease in hormone levels is a natural process and does not require treatment.

The influence of testosterone on the body during different periods of male development:

Embryonic period Under the influence of testosterone, the sex of the child is formed, then the fetus develops a prostate and seminal vesicles.
Puberty ( transitional age in boys) · Expanding rib cage, shoulders, chin, forehead, jaw increase.

· Increases muscle mass.

· Sebaceous glands can work in an intense mode, which often causes a rash.

· Hair appears in the pubic area, armpits, and on the face. Gradually, hair appears on the chest, legs, and arms.

· The genital organs become enlarged and libido increases.

· The ability to conceive increases.

Mature men · After 35 years, the level of the hormone gradually decreases, libido fades away.

· Along with a decrease in testosterone levels, heart and vascular diseases develop, osteoporosis and disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic system may develop.

· As you age, your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increases.

But the process of testosterone production can be disrupted under the influence of unfavorable factors:

  • smoking, alcohol abuse,
  • inactive lifestyle,
  • chronic diseases,
  • some drugs
  • unfavorable environmental situation,
  • excess weight, constant stress.

Testosterone levels: normal and abnormal

With age, the amount of testosterone gradually decreases; by the age of 60 it can drop by 50%. Moreover, an increase or decrease in hormone levels is noticeable even with a deviation from the norm of 5-15%. The total content of the hormone in the blood consists of the free part - 2% and the part that is bound to proteins - 98%.

Causes and consequences of decreased male hormone levels

A decrease in testosterone levels can be primary (testicular damage) and secondary (pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system). Unfortunately, reduced level hormone is a common phenomenon in modern young men. What is the reason for this shortage? The following may influence the decrease in testosterone: various diseases, and a way of life.

A decrease in hormone levels immediately affects metabolism and has typical symptoms:

  • aching joints, decreased muscle mass,
  • memory problems,
  • erection problems, premature ejaculation,
  • breast enlargement, excess weight,
  • insomnia, decreased libido,
  • reduction of hair.

Hormone deficiency provokes excess weight gain, a man becomes irritable and prone to depression, and the risk of developing various diseases increases. Factors, helping to reduce the level of sex hormones:

  • stress,
  • unbalanced diet,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • STI,
  • taking certain medications
  • genital injuries,
  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • irregular lovemaking,
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

If you see an overweight man, you know that he definitely has low testosterone levels in his blood.

How to increase testosterone levels in men? Of course there are effective drugs for such cases, but only a specialist can prescribe them after an examination. First, let's look at natural and safe methods.


Hormone production difficult process, which implies the joint work of organs and systems. What foods increase testosterone in men? For normal androgen production, you must first provide the body with useful substances:

Minerals To increase testosterone levels, it is important to consume enough zinc. With its deficiency, a drop in testosterone levels is observed. Zinc is found in the following foods:

· seafood (shrimp, squid, oysters, crabs),

· fish (herring, anchovies, carp),

· nuts (pistachios, walnuts, almonds).

It is important to provide the body with sufficient amounts of selenium, magnesium and calcium.

Vitamins For full health, the body requires vitamins:

· vitamin C - powerful antioxidant, is responsible for protective forces body, inhibits the production of cortisol,

Vitamin E – helps insulin in the fight against high blood sugar levels,

Omega-3 and omega-6 are essential acids necessary for the production of testosterone,

B vitamins

Proteins and fats The basis of nutrition and testosterone synthesis. It is important to balance your diet in such a way that there is no deficiency in either protein or fat.

Healthy fats: flaxseed, peanut, olive oil, bananas, salmon, egg yolks.

Water Sufficient consumption clean water necessary for the smooth functioning of the body.

Seafood is known for its ability to increase potency.
  • include parsley, spinach, dill in your menu - plant forms of testosterone,
  • Dried fruits are very useful, they contain lutein,
  • be sure to eat porridge - fiber is necessary for the body,
  • avoid soy products,
  • exclude beer, fast food, carbonated drinks, fast carbohydrates (baked goods, sweets),
  • limit the amount of salt
  • You can drink no more than one cup of natural coffee per day,
  • products that increase testosterone in men should be natural, so try to buy meat in the markets, as imported meats can have the opposite effect. The fact is that to increase body weight, large cattle fed with supplements containing hormones. And 80% of the hormones that are added to pig feed to quickly increase the amount of fat are female.

Weight normalization

How to increase testosterone production in men? Overweight men need to get rid of extra pounds. It has been proven that obese men have reduced levels of testosterone production. Male sex hormones are converted into female hormones in adipose tissue. Therefore, sports and proper nutrition are the companions of a real healthy man.

Physical exercise

Strength training with weights has been shown to boost testosterone production. Basic recommendations:

  • The optimal duration of training is an hour,
  • number of workouts – 2-3 per week,
  • you need to train the large muscles of the back, legs, chest,
  • take the weight so that you can do the exercise 8 to 10 times, the last one with effort.

Get rid of bad habits

Under influence alcoholic drinks testosterone is converted to estrogen. Any type of alcohol negatively affects the process of hormone production, and beer contains analogues of some female sex hormones. The exception is high-quality dry red wine, which in moderation healthy.

Physical exercise increase the level of male hormones.

Limiting the amount of sugar in the diet

Elevated sugar levels lead to decreased testosterone production. In addition, excessive consumption of sweets leads to excess weight gain. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the amount of sugar and fast carbohydrates(this is pasta, bakery products).

Normalization of sleep

Healthy sleep is very important for men's health. Interestingly, most of the hormones are produced in the phase deep sleep. This is why lack of sleep leads to sharp decline testosterone levels.

Avoid stress

Stress negatively affects the body as a whole and also contributes to the production of the hormone cortisone, an antagonist of male sex hormones. Try to maintain a stable emotional state.

Regular sex life

An active sex life stimulates the production of male hormones and has a beneficial effect on the entire body, it is pleasant and effective method increase testosterone in men. If you do not have a regular sexual partner, do not forget about safety, since STIs are dangerous to men’s health and often cause complications. It is also noted that simple communication with the fair half of humanity significantly increases testosterone levels.


The sun is not only a source of vitamin D. Research has proven that Sun rays stimulate testosterone production. Therefore, in summer, do not forget to sunbathe.


Testosterone is the hormone of winners. Rejoice even in your minor achievements, enjoy life in all its manifestations.

A little about drugs

Only a doctor can prescribe medications containing hormones!

Medicines that increase testosterone in men are prescribed by specialists when the level of the hormone is below 10 nanomoles per liter:

  1. Testosterone injections are prescribed for disorders of the gonads. Side effects– retention of fluid and salts in the body, swelling, increased libido.
  2. Oral medications (tablets).
  3. Gels.
  4. Testosterone patch.

Drugs that increase testosterone levels in men can only be prescribed by a doctor, since long-term use similar drugs may provoke development complications:

  • inhibition of hormone production by the body,
  • development of gynecomastia (this is a pathology in which the mammary glands swell),
  • the risk of developing heart and vascular pathologies and cancer increases.

Increased testosterone levels

Signs increased testosterone for men:

  • increased body hair,
  • well developed muscles,
  • increased libido,
  • impulsiveness, such men are very aggressive,
  • On the head, unlike the body, a bald spot may appear.

The consequences of increased testosterone in men can be testicular tumors and infertility. Causes higher level hormone:

  • tumors in the testicles,
  • pathological processes of the adrenal glands,
  • heredity,
  • taking medications containing hormones,
  • excessive physical activity.


  1. Gladkova A. I. “Hormonal regulation of sexual function in men.” Kharkov, 1998.
  2. S. Krasnova. " Hormone therapy", 2007.