What is the effect of increased testosterone in men? The effect of testosterone on the female body. Active lifestyle to increase testosterone levels

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Testosterone is a “sex” hormone in men, responsible for the quality of their intimate life and sexual development of the body. It is synthesized in the testes by Leydig cells and the adrenal cortex from cholesterol. Throughout life, its quantity usually decreases, and by the age of 90 there are practically no “native” reserves left.

The effect of testosterone on potency

Testosterone can be free and biologically active, which is at least 2 times less, and the first has better bioavailability. It takes a direct part in the development of the pelvic organs, including the genitals. Thanks to testosterone, sperm has good quality indicators, high libido is maintained, sexual desire and libido are preserved. It also helps prevent erectile dysfunction.

With a lack of this androgen in a man’s body, a craving for intimate relationships decreases. At the same time, the orgasm may no longer be as bright as before. In addition to this, sometimes there are problems with ejaculation, which is achieved either too slowly or too early.

How better potency and the higher the level of testosterone in the blood, the greater the chances of successfully leading a full intimate life and conceiving a child. Thus, this hormone may be responsible for the development of infertility. This is especially common in older men over 60 years of age, since their levels of this androgen are usually not very high.

During puberty, this hormone affects the size of the penis and its final volume. In adulthood, its impact also affects the process of sperm production, which, due to a lack of testosterone, can become less and less, until a diagnosis of infertility is made.

Note! When trying to understand how testosterone affects potency, one must not forget that its amount undergoes some changes throughout the day. The concentration of this hormone in the blood is highest in the morning, after waking up, and in evening time It's at its smallest before bedtime.

Why do testosterone levels decrease?

There has long been no doubt about whether testosterone affects potency, because the older a man gets, the less of it remains in the blood. This occurs both as a result of natural aging of the body and as a result of negative impact stress, bad ecology, chronic lack of sleep. A sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition have a strong impact on the level of this hormone in the body.

That's all possible reasons decreased testosterone levels:

  • . Both “strong” and “weak” drinks with a low alcohol content such as cider, beer, and ale can worsen the situation. It is harmful to drink them even in small quantities and from time to time.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke negatively affects blood flow and its composition, as a result of which the amount of testosterone in it gradually decreases. Nicotine destroys this hormone and impairs its synthesis from cholesterol.
  • Climate. Sudden changes in temperature, excessive heat or frequent cold weather, increased air humidity. This applies primarily to those who live in the subtropics, in the North and in areas with big amount reservoirs.
  • Diseases genitourinary system . First of all, we are talking about infections in urinary tract and testicles, which quite often make it difficult to restore normal hormonal balance in men. It is also negatively affected by injuries to the scrotal organs, as well as the inflammatory process in this area.
  • Cardiovascular diseases . Atherosclerosis, varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis and other similar pathologies are always accompanied by high vascular permeability and poor blood viscosity. All this, in particular, is one of the reasons for hormonal imbalances.
  • Depression. Constant emotional and physical fatigue can lead to apathy, worsening mood and decreased vital energy levels. In this state, all processes in a man’s body slow down, including the production of testosterone.
  • Nutrition. You can harm yourself by overusing flour and meat products, fatty, spicy, too salty and fried foods. Coffee, strong black tea, large amounts of eggs and butter also interfere with testosterone production.

High concentrations of testosterone and deterioration of potency are almost always mutually exclusive concepts, and the first is observed in the body of men at the age of 18, after which it gradually decreases, by about 2% per year. A clear deficiency of this hormone occurs at the age of 40-50, and the peak of deficiency occurs at the age of 85, when there is practically no trace of it left in the blood.

How to check your testosterone levels?

In addition to deterioration in potency and other intimate problems, a decrease in the level of this hormone can be recognized by the presence of a large amount of hair on the stomach and chest, a low timbre of the voice, decreased performance, deterioration in concentration, slowness metabolic processes and increased sweat production.

Before assessing the harm of low testosterone for male potency, you need to take blood from a vein and determine its level. She is taken in the morning, in the first half of the day, on an empty stomach. When studying the biomaterial, the amount of free and bioactive testosterone is determined. To ensure the results obtained, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times every 3-4 days at different times.

Testosterone norm taking into account a man’s age, nmol/l:

  • From 15 to 20 years - 2.37-38.5;
  • 30 years - 8.64-29.0;
  • 40 years - 8.04-28.1;
  • 50 years - 7.76-27.0;
  • 60 years old - 6.68-25.7.
Low testosterone levels are confirmed when deviations from the norm are detected at 2-3%.

Note! Analysis results may differ in different laboratories, so it is better to take a repeat test in the same place.

How to increase testosterone levels?

To solve the problem, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, become more active, replace harmful products useful and pay attention to special drugs containing testosterone or stimulating its production. All of this works best when combined within one treatment regimen. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an andrologist.

Foods to Boost Testosterone Levels

It is recommended to include red fish in the menu, rich in fatty acids- coho salmon, salmon, trout, pink salmon. Moreover, it is advisable to eat all this only in steamed or salted form, in as a last resort- baked. Various spices are also great here - cinnamon, cardamom, anise, oregano. Also worth adding a small amount of chicken, beef or turkey.

In order to increase testosterone levels for potency, men need to introduce vegetables, legumes and fruits rich in zinc into their diet - beans, lentils, green peas, chickpeas, mung beans, kohlrabi, cauliflower, bananas. The diet should also be rich in greens, which are a source of selenium - cilantro, sorrel, spinach, lettuce, dill.

A special place in the menu should be given to nuts - pine, walnuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, hazelnuts and pistachios, since the concentration of selenium is also quite high here. Among porridges, oatmeal and buckwheat of organic origin are very useful. Among dairy products, kefir, whey and low-fat cottage cheese deserve attention.

Instead of white bread It is better to eat oatmeal or made from whole grain flour. Black tea should be replaced with green or herbal tea made from lemon balm and mint. It will be equally useful to go from sunflower oil to olive oil, saturated with fatty acids.

Active lifestyle to increase testosterone levels

Exercising a lot and often is not recommended, but exercise in the morning will be just right. It is enough to do it every day after sleep for 10-15 minutes.

If this option is not suitable, it can be replaced with an easy 20-minute jog at fresh air in the forest, cycling, swimming or skiing in winter. As an alternative to all this, you can consider rowing, which is an excellent cardiovascular workout.

You can buy a jump rope and jump with it at least 300 times a day. In the warm season, you should think about playing badminton, volleyball, table tennis outside; absolutely anything that improves blood circulation will come in handy here.

You can also visit the gym, but for this to help, you need to go there 3 times a week and train for 30-40 minutes. Here it is worth taking a closer look at the exercise bike, orbitrack and treadmill. In this case, you should walk more and replace the elevator with climbing stairs.

Loads should be alternated with rest; it is important to go to bed on time, no later than 23:00, and get up around 7-8 in the morning. Don't forget about the weekends mandatory should be held 1-2 times a week.

Medications to increase testosterone

All these medications are divided into those that compensate for the deficiency of the hormone, and those that stimulate its production in the male body. The former are relevant when the amount of testosterone in the blood is very small, and the latter are suitable when its deficiency is small. Depending on this, you can select injection solutions, tablets, capsules, and external use.

Injectable drugs

They are administered only intramuscularly, slowly, in small volumes. The injection is given on average 1-2 times every 14 days; one procedure requires about 2-4 ml of solution. The course of maintenance therapy should last at least 6 weeks. The interval between injections can be reduced if there is a pronounced deficiency of this hormone.

One of the pretty effective means here is Nebido, available in 4 ml ampoules. The drug is available with a prescription and long-term use may cause a number of side effects- acne, skin rash, weight gain. The basis of the composition here is testosterone undecanoate.

If necessary, it can be replaced with Sustanon 250, which is an oily injection solution. It belongs to the group of androgens and must be administered intramuscularly using a syringe. The generally accepted dosage is 1 mg every 3 weeks.

Tablets and capsules

To enhance production own testosterone Proviron is usually prescribed. Mesterolone is used as the main substance here, and the additional ones are: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, corn starch. To purchase it you need a doctor's prescription. Treatment should be carried out for 2-3 months. Optimal daily dose in the first weeks - 4 tablets, after which this amount can be reduced to 2-3 pieces.

An analogue of Proviron is Paritet, produced in the form of capsules by the Evalar company. This dietary supplement contains only natural ingredients- ginger root, maral antlers, yohimbe bark extract. The package contains 15 and 30 capsules, which should be taken 1 piece at a time. per day during meals. The duration of the course of treatment should be at least two weeks, otherwise there will be no special results.

Viardo Forte, which contains Selexen, zinc lactate, and wheat germ oil, also helps produce its own hormone and reduce the effect of testosterone on potency. The package contains 18 capsules, which should be taken in 1-4 pieces. per day with food.

External products

An excellent product is Androgel, packaged in individual 5 g sachets. Each of them contains 50 mg of testosterone. Before using it, it is necessary to exclude oncological pathologies, especially tumors in the prostate gland. The product should be applied in a thin layer to the skin in the abdominal area (not on the genitals!) and left until absorbed. The maximum daily intake is 10 g, the minimum is 5 g. After this, you should not shower for 6 hours. The duration of treatment is on average 2 weeks.


With their help, not only is it restored hormonal balance, but also improves potency, enhances libido, and intensifies orgasm. All this is due natural composition, which contains guarana extract, glycine, magnesium. The drops are taken about 3-4 weeks before or after meals, the dosage is determined by the doctor.


They begin to act literally 1-2 days after the first use. Such products need to be fixed either on the penis or on the back, depending on the type.

One of the popular patches is Androderm, which is available with 2.5 and 5 mg of testosterone. The daily norm is usually 1-2 pcs. They must be worn for a maximum of 24 hours, after which the effect of the patch wears off. Treatment should be carried out for about 2-3 weeks.

How testosterone affects potency - watch the video:

The connection between testosterone and potency is so obvious that when the first problems with erection appear, you should first of all pay attention to it. An increase in the amount of the hormone in the blood almost always leads to stabilization of intimate life or, according to at least, to improve men's health.

It provides complete sex life and the ability to reproduce, stimulates the growth of specific “male” muscles. It affects character and sexual orientation, promotes faster metabolism and affects men, causing him to have a certain look psycho-emotional reactions characteristic of this gender.

High and low are not normal. In the first case, a man may experience unmotivated aggression, dulling of the sense of self-preservation, and in the second he develops a psychotype according to female type.

In sports medicine, methods are constantly being researched to increase testosterone levels, because most athletes owe their strong muscles and endurance to it. In particular, research is constantly being conducted on which foods increase testosterone.

What interferes with testosterone production?

The number one enemy of normal testosterone production in the body is alcohol.

A small dose of alcohol can even slightly increase testosterone levels, but exceeding it, just like regular drinking, on the contrary, increases production female hormones. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption poses a risk of carcinogens that affect our nervous system. You should also avoid any stimulants like coffee, strong tea and energy drinks - it causes exhaustion nervous system.

Another dangerous obstacle is smoking, as well as excess excess weight- when the weight exceeds the norm by more than 30%, testosterone synthesis slows down significantly and the man becomes like a woman. Therefore, overeating can negatively affect the entire male apparatus. It is also worth noting that often a decrease in testosterone occurs due to a decrease in its carrier - cholesterol. This most often occurs as a result of strict diets or excessive training in the gym. Sexual abstinence also negatively affects testosterone levels.

What increases testosterone?

Firstly, strength exercises with dumbbells contribute to the full production of testosterone. Testosterone levels can also be affected by temperature. So, you should avoid overheating men's reproductive organs- do not wear tight underwear or tight, uncomfortable and too warm trousers. Regular cool souls and dousing with cold water.

Increased testosterone levels can also be influenced by certain foods that you regularly need to include in your diet. First of all, these are foods containing zinc and selenium - wholemeal bread, seafood and fish, honey, seaweed, green leafy vegetables, fresh herbs(especially celery, parsnip, horseradish, dill, ginseng). Meat must be included in daily diet. Consume more products containing vitamins B6 and B12 - these are different cereals and nuts, for example, Brazil - purest source many useful substances and squirrel. An increase in testosterone levels is also observed with regular use vitamin C. You should also constantly consume foods that are natural antioxidants - for example, green tea.

Another important point- Avoid foods that stimulate the production of female sex hormones. This is beer soy products, legume products, fatty foods, salt and sugar, vegetable oil (except olive).

When especially severe cases testosterone levels increase due to the introduction into the body hormonal drugs, however they often have Negative consequences- suppression of the body's own production of testosterone.

There is a strange belief that a bodybuilder, or any other gifted athlete, turns out to be stupid when tested by intelligence. Let's figure it out, imagine that you are taking a physics exam and you need someone's help. It’s unlikely that you’ll call that huge guy with arms over 50cm! Most likely you will choose a nerd from reading room, whose foot had never set foot in the gym, and who, moreover, generally limited himself in every possible way in terms of physical development.

The classic dumb jock persona has been played out in countless films, TV shows and cartoons. As if there is a direct relationship between the number of muscles and brains. If there are many muscles, then there are few brains. Many people find it difficult to believe that a developed mind and big muscles can be combined in one body.

The brain contains thyroid hormone receptors and six classes steroid hormones, which are synthesized from cholesterol: androgens (testosterone), estrogens, progestins, glucocorticoids, mineral corticoids and vitamin D. Receptors that have been found in some neurons of the brain are also present in other systems of the body. These hormones bind to receptor proteins, which in turn bind to DNA and regulate the action of genes. This process can lead to far-reaching consequences that affect the structure and function of the cell. Hormones play an important role in adaptation and protection, but stress hormones such as cortisol can alter brain function, including the ability to learn. Severe and prolonged stress can impair the brain's ability to function normally over a period of time. The way the brain responds to hormone signals shows that the brain is able to adapt to its environment without the brain tending to change its performance in response to changes. environment. The changes that are caused by increased cortisol levels are obviously not very beneficial for the body, but other hormones can still create a favorable environment for the brain and body.

Testosterone, estrogens and progesterone are often referred to as sex hormones. Increased levels of sex hormones can lead to changes in cellular structure and chemistry. There are also changes in various functions brain, such as attention, motor function, pain, mood and memory. Reduced testosterone levels in older men also affect cognitive function. Low testosterone levels are observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.

Twenty-five healthy men, aged 50 to 80 years, completed a randomized trial. One group of experiment participants received a weekly injection of 100 mg of testosterone enanthate, while the other simply received a placebo in the form of saline solution. Cognitive function was tested at weeks 3 and 6 using various psychological tests. By the third week, testosterone levels were 130% higher than the initial numbers, and by the sixth week, by about 116%, in the testosterone group. Significant improvements in cognitive function were observed in spatial memory (memorizing a walking route) and verbal memory (retelling a text). Thus, in the group receiving testosterone enanthate, the cognitive functions of the brain became significantly more effective compared to the group receiving placebo.

Testosterone has confirmed its effectiveness as a neuroprotective agent that slows down the aging of nerve cells in the brain, as well as blood vessels. Oxidative stress and cerebrovascular disease are key mechanisms leading to cognitive impairment when aging. A recent study assessed a possible mechanism by which testosterone may act as an inhibitor of cognitive decline through its effects on nerve cells and vessels. For the experiment, mice with congenital hypogonadism (low testosterone), whose cognitive functions were significantly impaired, were selected. It was found that testosterone treatment led to a reduced risk vascular diseases and problems with cognitive functions. The key enzymes SIRT1 and NAD are dependent on acetylase induced by testosterone therapy, resulting in a reduction in oxidative stress in the brain.

As we age, learning new knowledge becomes more difficult, new information is processed less carefully, and details become blurred. These changes “gain momentum” at older ages, even in relatively healthy people, which leads to cognitive impairment and various dementias. Despite the fact that the conditions of this process are determined age-related changes, one of the main factors remains a decrease in the level of sex hormones, in particular testosterone.

Numerous studies have shown that low levels testosterone can lead to memory loss and deterioration in thinking. They also showed that normal testosterone levels may act as a shield against Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.

While we know that testosterone can slow down negative mental changes, it is currently believed that this hormone may be involved in the method of determining a person’s intelligence, even before his birth. People have argued for centuries whether intelligence levels depend on nature or nurture. Parents often read manual books and conduct various genetic studies in an attempt to create a real child prodigy from their child. Some experts of our time have begun to argue that it is testosterone that is behind the development of a man’s intelligence.

Researchers from the University of Alberta, together with Rider University colleague Martin Mrazik, recently conducted a study that examined the effects of testosterone in children with high mental abilities in the prenatal period. Testosterone affects right hemisphere brain, exactly the place that is responsible for understanding mathematics, various sciences and even abstract thinking. In children whose intelligence is developed above average, the neural network responsible for transmitting nerve impulses. It is this area that testosterone affects. Mrazik also stated that excessive influence testosterone can lead to the development of high intellectual abilities, although all this is still a theory. Previous studies have shown that different negative traits development, such as physical and mental health, take their origins back in the womb. It is currently believed that if in the womb of a mother can be created unfavourable conditions development of the child, then it is possible to create an environment that would contribute to the development of abilities exceeding standard frames. We are talking about creating conditions under which a child could predictably be born with the abilities of a child prodigy. It was also found that children with high intellectual abilities are often susceptible to developing myopia and allergies, which many scientists believe may be associated with excess testosterone levels in the prenatal period. Research data is still being developed early stages development, but there are still quite a lot of various uncertainties. But nevertheless, it is already becoming clear how strongly testosterone can influence the development of the brain and its protection from diseases caused by natural aging.

When we think about the power of testosterone, we usually don't consider mental processes. However, evidence suggests that medium to high testosterone levels are directly linked to increased intelligence and longevity of mental health.

Hormones control the activity of all body systems and help maintain a man’s health and well-being at the proper level. Testosterone is considered the main male hormone, and although absolutely all hormones in the body are very important, there is a rational grain in this. After all the role of testosterone in the male body– this is primarily the maintenance of male libido and fertility.

In simple terms, testosterone is the main hormone that distinguishes a man from a woman. If a man's testosterone decreases, he becomes more like a woman both in behavior and appearance. If a woman's testosterone increases, she becomes more aggressive, her facial features and body silhouette change, and facial hair begins to grow, like a man's.

Testosterone is produced in the testicles, hence the name of the hormone (Latin testicula - testicles). A small part of the hormone is produced in the adrenal glands.

With a sufficient concentration of testosterone in the body, the hormone performs the following functions:

  • maintaining sufficient muscle and fat mass;
  • development of secondary sexual characteristics and their performance of necessary functions.

Usually, functions of testosterone in the male body directly reflect the gender characteristics of men's behavior. Therefore, it is important to consider the role of the hormone not only from the point of view of pathologies that changes in its concentration can cause, but also from the point of view of human behavior and mood.

Testosterone and character

A man is characterized by less emotionality than a woman, greater restraint and a tendency to be straightforward and open solution conflicts. Testosterone plays a significant role in this.

What happens if testosterone in the blood decreases? In this case, the man’s character becomes more “effeminate.” He becomes sentimental, whiny, and has a tendency to emotional lability, touchiness, hysteria.

By this analogy, we can assume how does testosterone affect male body at increased concentration. “Male” qualities become hypertrophied, he becomes aggressive, strives for conflict.

It is known that the trend also works in the opposite direction. That is, achieving a goal, a sense of self-worth and attractiveness, competition, and a feeling of falling in love can increase testosterone levels. A low self-esteem, constant feeling guilt, frustration in the sphere of love, ridicule from others lower testosterone. There is no exact scientific data confirming this information. But numerous studies by psychologists confirm this interesting fact.

Testosterone and appearance

High testosterone has virtually no effect on a man’s appearance (apart from the tendency to lose hair on his head), but low testosterone can significantly change a man’s appearance.

His voice becomes thinner, like a woman’s, the hair on the body thins or completely disappears, muscle mass decreases, and fat mass, on the contrary, increases, mainly in the area of ​​​​the hips, sides, and chest.

Testosterone and libido

The effect of testosterone on the male body can also be considered from the point of view of libido. Healthy sexuality and fertility (the ability to conceive) are characteristic of a man with normal level testosterone. If the hormone increases, a man’s need for sex becomes more pronounced, he becomes hyperactive, he is constantly bothered by thoughts about sex, and arousal is almost permanent.

Some men perceive this phenomenon positively, especially if up to this point they were in sexual frustration (reduced interest in sex). But as the problem progresses sex life becomes difficult: the prostate increases in size, the quality of sperm in terms of the possibility of conception deteriorates.

With a reduced concentration of testosterone, a man’s fertility also decreases, but his lack of interest in intimate life makes him indifferent to this problem. In addition, if the hormone is below normal, a man often experiences erectile disfunction, which can develop into impotence. According to statistics, this is the symptom with which men most often go to see a doctor.

Hormone norm

Before considering the normal concentration of testosterone in the body, it is important to know in what form testosterone exists in the body.

Testosterone can be divided into free and bound (with globulins and proteins). Free testosterone and the hormone associated with globulin perform an active function in the body, and protein testosterone, on the contrary, is an antagonist of these substances.

Free hormone from total number testosterone is only 2%, and specific indicators depend on the age of the man:

  • 18–70 years: 46–224 ng/dL;
  • 70 years and older: 6–73 ng/dL.

The rest of the testosterone bound is about 98% of the total hormone concentration:

  • 18–70 years: 250–1100 ng/dL;
  • 70 years and older: 90–890 ng/dL.

Printed medical analysis blood, the result can be seen in other units of measurement, and the hormone norm will be 5.7–28.4 nmol/l.

It can be noticed that the range normal values testosterone is quite broad. It depends on what is affecting the hormone levels great amount factors: a man’s lifestyle, his state of health, frequency of stress, and so on. However, there are pathological conditions when testosterone levels fall below the limit or rise above normal.

Testosterone deficiency: causes

Testosterone deficiency is a condition of the body in which laboratory tests show low concentration hormone in the blood. In medicine, this phenomenon is called hypogonadism.

The causes of male hormone deficiency can be two factors:

  • the testicles produce insufficient amounts of the hormone;
  • The pituitary gland produces insufficient amounts of the hormone that controls the activity of the testicles.

In the first case, we will be talking about primary hypogonadism, in the second, accordingly, about secondary hypogonadism.

A whole list of external and internal factors that are worth considering in more detail:

  1. Age over 30 years - it is almost impossible to influence this factor, since after 30 years a man’s body begins to produce 1.5 percent less testosterone. But when satisfactory condition health, no signs of this phenomenon can be detected, and it does not cause any harm.
  2. Stress - testosterone is called the “winner hormone”, that is, it is especially actively produced at the moment when a man sets a task for himself and achieves it. Stress is a consequence of a state of internal conflict, when the desired and the real are very different. Therefore, when a man sets unrealistic goals for himself, for which the psyche does not release energy due to the futility of the activity or experiences apathy (which can also be a consequence of the disease), testosterone levels drop.
  3. Poor nutrition is the cause of almost all deviations from the norm at work hormonal system person. Depleting diets, an abundance of fatty and sweet food, alcohol abuse - all this leads to hypogonadism.
  4. Injuries to the genital organs that affect the ability of the testicles to produce testosterone.
  5. The cause of a decrease in testosterone in the body may be the use of medications, including steroid hormones. In some cases, such a measure is necessary, in others it is worth consulting a doctor to find an analogue of the drug that does not have such side effects.

Speaking about diseases that most often cause hypogonadism, the following pathologies can be distinguished: diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypotension, obesity, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis, HIV infection, alcoholism.

Signs of low testosterone

Clinical picture low testosterone is quite vague. The symptoms listed below may be present in various combinations. In addition, almost all symptoms overlap with signs of other hormonal disorders in organism.

Symptoms of hypogonadism are:

  • obesity with fat deposition mainly in the abdominal area;
  • increased sweating;
  • hot flashes: feeling of heat in the face;
  • muscle weakness;
  • dry skin;
  • insomnia, absent-mindedness;
  • irritability;
  • decreased libido, impotence;
  • infertility.

Most often, men complain about bad things general health, depression, up to clinical form, in which the patient experiences complete indifference to everything, and which can only be cured with medication.

Excess testosterone

An increase in testosterone levels in the blood can be triggered by many factors, from poor diet and irregular sleep to a serious illness. In medicine, this phenomenon is called hyperandrogenism.

Today this pathology is very common due to the popularity of bodybuilding. In order to pump up a large amount muscle mass, many athletes take anabolic steroids, due to which the production of testosterone in the human body increases. It has been observed that in such people the level of aggression increases to such a level that they are capable of committing suicide. Also, under the influence of the male hormone, people more often fall into addictions - drug addiction, alcoholism, and gambling addiction.

Symptoms of high testosterone

High testosterone levels can be recognized not only by individual clinical signs, but also the development of serious pathologies:

  • acne;
  • mood swings, aggression;
  • apnea (holding your breath during sleep);
  • baldness;
  • liver pathologies;
  • prostate cancer;
  • infertility.

Due to the high amount of testosterone in a man, the destruction of brain cells begins, so it is difficult for such a person to concentrate on mental activity. That, How does testosterone affect the male body?, proves that diagnosis and subsequent treatment of this phenomenon is necessary.


Although clinical picture both reduced and increased testosterone does not differ in accuracy, a man can understand by a decrease in general tone and poor potency that there is some pathology in his body that needs to be fought.

The first stage of diagnosis is a visit to a therapist, who will find out what symptoms are troubling the patient, how long ago they arose, and what factors predispose them to their occurrence. And great importance has information about chronic human diseases, even those that are in remission. The therapist examines the patient, and then prescribes tests and functional (instrumental) studies.

The level of testosterone itself is determined using a fasting blood test. To ensure maximum accuracy of the data, the patient should carry out simple preparation before blood collection in the laboratory:

  • avoid stress;
  • do not follow strict or vegetarian diets;
  • protect yourself from respiratory infections;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • avoid heavy physical activity.

If an analysis carried out according to all the rules shows a reduced or increased level testosterone is prescribed additional list research to determine the cause of the deviation. Depending on the result, the doctor is faced with the task of confirming or ruling out the following diseases:

Testosterone is increased:

  • tumors;
  • adrenal hyperplasia;
  • tumors of the adrenal cortex;
  • early puberty;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

Testosterone is low:

  • hypogonadism;
  • cryptochism;
  • prostatitis;
  • Kallmann syndrome.

Each of the pathologies can be diagnosed using tests:

  • general blood test (detects inflammatory processes in the body and hematopoietic function);
  • biochemical blood test (detects pathologies of the liver, kidneys, pancreas);
  • complete urinalysis (detects kidney function);
  • cardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

The doctor may also prescribe other hormonal tests, since the activity of all hormones in the body is interconnected, and a decrease in one hormone entails an increase in another.


The easiest way to positively influence the normalization of testosterone in the blood is to change your lifestyle. It is known that it is possible to bring testosterone levels to normal if:

  • completely give up bad habits;
  • avoid stress;
  • eat properly and balanced;
  • support normal weight bodies;
  • exercise regularly;
  • have regular sex life;
  • observe the work and rest schedule, do not overwork.

If these tips do not help get rid of the problem, the doctor will prescribe hormonal (drug) treatment to treat the root cause of the disease.

Testosterone is the most popular of the hormones. Doctors, athletes love to talk about him, family psychologists and even nutritionists. But not everything they say about testosterone is true.

Testosterone and aggression

The idea that the level of aggression in a person correlates with the level of testosterone in his body was established in medicine in the 1980-1990s, when many studies were conducted around the world on this topic.

Thus, testosterone measurements in 600 American prison inmates showed that those who had higher levels of this hormone were in first place in prison, had more conflicts with the prison administration, and the crimes they committed were more often violent.

Other studies have been conducted on this topic. Most of them confirmed that testosterone and aggression are interrelated. Testosterone levels correlate with aggression even in 9-11 year old boys.

Testosterone overdose

Testosterone, no matter how much men's magazines try to glorify it, is quite dangerous hormone. An excess of testosterone in the body can lead to undesirable consequences, such as baldness, breast growth, shrinkage of the testicles in men, deepening of the voice and growth of body hair in women. Artificially increasing testosterone levels is especially dangerous in old age, when it can lead to problems with cardiovascular activity.

Testosterone and stinginess

Research conducted in 2009 by Ernst Fehr, a neuroeconomist at the University of Zurich, showed that testosterone influences almost all aspects of human behavior. In people with reduced content Testosterone in the blood can increase such qualities as stinginess and a tendency to hoard. Formally speaking, people with low testosterone levels are ideal money savers, ideal bankers.

In confirmation of the above: the eunuchs were very prosperous. The idea of ​​hoarding was one of their main ones. One of the skoptic songs directly says: “We don’t get married and don’t get married, that’s why we are rich. Do the same as we do, stop believing your stallions, then life will be easier, you will be rich, you will be holy.”

Testosterone and long life

The effect of testosterone on life expectancy has been repeatedly confirmed in various studies. One of them, conducted in 1969 among patients psychiatric hospital in Kansas, showed that castrated men lived 14 years longer.

Interesting data on this issue were recently published by the Korean scientist Kyun-Chin Min. He studied the book "Yang-Se-Ke-Bo", in which the genealogical information of 385 families of court eunuchs can be traced. Comparing the life expectancy of 81 eunuchs with confirmed life dates, Kyun-Chin Min saw that average duration The life of the eunuchs was 71 years. That is, eunuchs outlived their contemporaries by an average of 17 years.

Testosterone and baldness

There is an idea that if a man is bald, then his testosterone level is certainly high. However, this is a misconception. There is no direct correlation between these indicators: analysis medical records Many thousands of men (both bald and those with a lot of hair) showed that testosterone levels have no effect on the presence of hair on the head. There can be dozens of reasons for baldness - from genetics to past illnesses, use medical supplies, stress and diets.

Testosterone and victory

Winners in sports competitions have increased testosterone levels in their blood. It is interesting that he and the fans of the winner rise. This was established by Italian scientists who measured testosterone in a control group of fans after a football match between Italy and Brazil.

Testosterone and libido

Of course, libido depends on testosterone, but not to the same extent as we used to think. In this matter, the male hormone plays far from main role. Libido is more strongly influenced by other factors - both physical and psychological. Ideas about sex, health, stress levels, emotional condition and even other hormones influence the need for sex much more than testosterone.
Thus, a study conducted in 2012 by scientists from the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine showed that libido, for example, is extremely negatively affected by “excessive consumption of content from porn sites,” while the study participants were young and healthy, with normal levels of testosterone in the blood plasma .

Eunuchs in politics

Over the course of more than 2000 years of Chinese history, eunuchs occupied first places in its politics, were “close” to the emperors, and during their childhood they were actually in power. The lack of testosterone made eunuchs obedient and faithful servants, but the same factor made them ideal intriguers who could remain " gray cardinals"under the ruler. As recent studies have shown, the importance of eunuchs was also so strong due to the fact that they lived much longer than simple people of its time.

Testosterone and organoleptics

The Japanese are the best tasters in the world. Due to their low (compared to Europeans) testosterone levels, they have better developed taste buds. On November 4 last year, The Guardian magazine published the ranking of the famous annual whiskey guide World Whiskey Bible, in which the Japanese single malt whiskey 2013 Yamazaki was recognized as the best whiskey.

Testosterone and diet

Changing the Japanese diet and increasing the share of fast food in the diet is already having social consequences. It's about about school aggression and increased incidence of depression. By 2003, the share of aggression increased by 5% in high school and by 28% - in primary.

Testosterone and children

The chances of having a child for a man with high testosterone above, but his further behavior may be perceived controversially by society. According to a study conducted by scientists at the School of Natural Sciences in Stirling (UK), men with low testosterone levels show more care towards the child than macho men. The higher a man's testosterone level, the less time he spends with the child, and the less desire he has to do so.

Testosterone, saliva and professions

A research group led by Professor Pavel Sapienza conducted a study in 2009. Saliva samples were taken from 550 MBA economics students at the University of Chicago Business School to determine testosterone levels. Hormone concentration data were compared with previous surveys. It turned out that men's propensity to take risks has almost no correlation with the level of testosterone in saliva. In women, a direct relationship was noticed: the propensity to take risks directly correlated with testosterone levels. That is, regardless of testosterone levels, men behave similarly in risky situations, while women are divided into “adventurous” and “quiet.”

Estrogen Double

Testosterone, oddly enough, is practically a double of its antagonist in the world of hormones - estrogen. They have almost identical structural chemical formulas. The difference between them is one carbon atom. Scientists jokingly call it the "Androgen Penis." Therefore, testosterone is easily converted into estrogen through the adrenal enzyme aromatase.

Testosterone and fingers

Determine what the level of testosterone was in a person during the period intrauterine development very simple. Just look at the right hand. In boys forefinger on right hand shorter than their ring finger. This has even been found in other five-fingered creatures such as rats. The higher the testosterone level before birth, the more difference between ring finger and index.

Testosterone and marriage

Testosterone levels directly depend on a man’s social status. A study conducted by Professor Peter Gray from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and his colleagues from the University of Wisconsin and Harvard University examined the effect of married status on the level of the sex hormone testosterone in a man's body.

It turned out that married men have lower testosterone levels than their single peers. It was also found that men who had several wives had even lower levels of the sex hormone than those who entered into a monogamous marriage.

Testosterone and years

It is not an axiom that testosterone levels decrease over the years. In men with good health testosterone levels remain the same even in old age. It was previously believed that from the age of 40, men's testosterone levels decline by 1 percent per year. And you have to live with this. Australian researchers have refuted this opinion. In the journal Clinical Endocrinology The Healthy Men Study was published, which stated that the "subjects" were over 40 years of age with good or excellent health“there is no evidence of testosterone decline with age.” These conclusions were made based on an experiment in which 325 people took part. healthy men over 40. Each of them took blood tests 9 times over the course of 3 months.