What does low testosterone mean? Increased testosterone in men: symptoms, causes and consequences

Testosterone is main hormone, responsible for the male essence. Thanks to him, a man becomes strong, resilient, sexually active, fertile and confident in his abilities. Testosterone formation begins in the womb and decreases with age.

However, it happens that in middle age a man’s hormonal background becomes unstable and the hormone level drops. This problem indicates the presence of serious diseases in the body that should be treated urgently. In turn, a decrease in hormone levels leads to even more serious illnesses Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health and monitor your testosterone levels.

The age-related decline in testosterone in men begins at 30-35 years of age. The level of hormone decline every year can be 1-5%. These parameters depend on the lifestyle a man leads, as well as various diseases.

Among the reasons causing low hormone production, the most common is organ dysfunction internal secretion: changes in the functioning of the testicles, as well as various abnormalities in the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Currently registered sudden jump decrease in testosterone in men whose age does not exceed 25 years. Constant stressful situations and a fast pace of life have led to the fact that the male body cannot cope with the production of the required amount of the hormone.

The reasons leading to a lack of testosterone in men include the following factors.

Bad habits: alcohol, smoking, drugs, they have a big Negative influence on the work of sex hormones. According to statistics, children born to fathers of drug addicts have testosterone levels from birth low performance, which are equivalent to the age of a 50-year-old man.

Severe stressful situations at work and in personal life, as well as nervous tension, lead to the release of large amounts of adrenaline, which impedes the production of testosterone.

Not proper nutrition. The male body must receive all the vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements necessary for its vital functions. It is known that people who eat only vegetarian food experience a significant decrease in testosterone, which is quite natural.

The male body needs not only “grass”, but also animal products that stimulate the production of testosterone. No less healthy are seafood, all types of nuts, vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices. The menu for a man should be thought out with special care: exclude foods that provoke a decrease in testosterone, and include those that increase it.

From excess weight- the scourge of testosterone. As a rule, excess weight causes not only poor hormone production, but also the release of estrogens, which, in turn, suppress the testosterone already present in the body.

Uncontrolled reception medications, which include: painkillers, antidepressants, as well as medications that increase potency.

Other reasons. Testosterone deficiency in men is often associated with bad environment, prolonged sexual abstinence, excessive physical activity, deficiency sun rays, as well as the office lifestyle.


A decrease in testosterone may be due to the presence of such pathologies in the body:

  • High arterial pressure provokes insufficient production of the sex hormone. This process is a kind of reaction of the body to excessive stress.
  • Tachycardia, shortness of breath, diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, and musculoskeletal system.
  • Increased levels of bilirubin, which retains estrogens in the body and also prevents their further destruction;
  • Testosterone deficiency can be caused by excess blood sugar. Problems with hormone production begin to occur if the sugar level exceeds 7 units;
  • At elevated level leukocytes in the blood - 4000. As a rule, this indicates the presence of infections in the body.
  • High cholesterol levels cause a lack of testosterone.
  • At high temperature Testosterone production completely stops in the testes.


It is not necessary to undergo tests to detect that you have insufficient production of the sex hormone. A man can identify a lack of testosterone on his own; the main thing is to listen carefully to his body.

Decreased sexual desire and potency. A decrease in erotic fantasies, any avoidance of sexual intercourse, as well as complete or partial erectile dysfunction may indicate low testosterone.

Bad mood. The sex hormone is responsible for stability psychological state men, resistance to stressful situations and depression. When a man falls into hysteria, is on the verge of a breakdown, interspersed with gross anger, one should suspect a lack of testosterone in the body.

Decreased activity, endurance and muscle mass. The sex hormone is responsible for the anabolic functions of the body:

  • rapid growth of muscle mass;
  • strength and endurance;
  • high activity and performance.

Many sports require building a lot of muscle mass by doing heavy lifting. physical exercise. If, after intense physical exertion, a man’s muscles remain flabby, it means that a process of destruction of muscle tissue is occurring in the body, which causes insufficient testosterone levels.

Obesity. The sex hormone promotes accelerated metabolism, so men are less likely to become obese than women. If the level of androgens in the male body is sufficient, he may not worry about obesity. Problems should be expected when fat begins to be deposited on the sides and abdomen of a man, since this process is one of characteristic features low testosterone.

Drowsiness and frequent fatigue. Low testosterone levels cause weakening of the body, a person becomes lethargic, sleepy, and excessively tired, although at the same time he sleeps 8 hours a day. It is worth noting that the man completely loses interest in life, he abandons his favorite activities and treats everything with apathy.

Predominance of female characteristics. Testosterone deficiency in men causes an increase in the level of female sex hormones - estrogens. Female sex hormones completely shift male characteristics and replace them with female ones:

  • female-type weight gain;
  • impaired hair growth on the face and body;
  • breast growth: breasts swell and nipples increase in size.


Having noticed signs of testosterone deficiency, a man should consult an endocrinologist or andrologist. The doctor will immediately prescribe tests, and then, if the diagnosis is confirmed, prescribe correct treatment. Great contribution to own treatment The man himself can contribute. To do this, you need to normalize your lifestyle:

  • Get rid of bad habits: smoking, alcohol and use of illegal drugs. In nutrition, great importance plays and beer, it contains female hormones, which suppress testosterone production, so men should avoid it completely.
  • Play sports and do strength training.
  • Avoid whenever possible stressful situations. They will help with this herbal infusions with a calming effect.
  • Sleep 8 hours a day, as lack of sleep causes low testosterone in men.
  • Eat right: eat foods that stimulate the production of sex hormones.

The consequences of a lack of testosterone can be catastrophic for a man. His body loses masculinity, strength and endurance, external female characteristics, muscles become flabby and bones become fragile, sexual desire and erectile function disappear.

A stable level of androgens in the blood is a guarantee of the full functioning of the genitourinary and reproductive system in the male body.

Testosterone is considered the most important and active of the androgens. steroid hormone, produced by testicular cells. But what to do if testosterone levels in men are low and what consequences can such a deficiency have for the male body?

Used to treat testosterone deficiency A complex approach, combining the use of hormonal medicines, compliance special diet and a complete lifestyle change. The treatment method is selected individually in each case and depends on what reason provoked the decrease in testosterone levels.

Causes of low testosterone levels

Testosterone is called the main hormone in the male body.

It performs extremely important functions:

  • Ensures the development of secondary sexual characteristics in boys - voice timbre, hair growth.
  • Regulates spermatogenesis, ensuring sperm activity.
  • Affects the growth and formation of muscles.
  • "Responsible" for sexual desire and good potency.
  • Normalizes the level of adipose tissue in the male body.
  • Regulates the processes of nitrogen and phosphorus exchange.

Decreased testosterone levels can have the most adverse consequences for the body. In most cases, hormone deficiency occurs due to age factor– many men over the age of 50 face similar problem. For some representatives of the stronger sex, this process begins at the age of 40-45. This phenomenon negatively affects erectile function and is called “male menopause.”

Androgen deficiency can also provoke regular use alcoholic or low alcohol drinks- especially beer. It contains phytoestrogens, which are analogues of the female sex hormone estrogen. Frequent use beer leads to hormonal imbalance and insufficient testosterone production.

Other causes of low testosterone levels:

  • Malnutrition with deficiencies useful vitamins and microelements.
  • Obesity – due to excess weight, the production of estrogen increases and the production of male sex hormones slows down.
  • Pathologies of internal secretion organs.
  • Smoking or using drugs.
  • Frequent stress and emotional turmoil.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity.

Long-term use of anabolic steroids and certain medications - such as antidepressants or anabolic steroids.

Also, insufficient testosterone levels can develop against the background of various diseases of the internal organs:

  1. Diabetes mellitus and pathologies of the endocrine system.
  2. Severe disturbances in the functioning of the heart and vascular system.
  3. Arterial hypertension.
  4. Kidney diseases.
  5. Increased cholesterol or bilirubin levels.

Experts believe that a lack of testosterone in men may be caused by a hereditary factor.

Symptoms in men

What symptoms are typical for low testosterone levels in men? This depends on the level of hormone deficiency in each case.

Most often, the problem manifests itself in the form of a significant deterioration in erectile function. A man's sexual desire weakens, the number of morning erections decreases, and potency deteriorates. All this negatively affects the quality of intimate life.

With insufficient testosterone production, the body slows down metabolic processes, which leads to accelerated fat deposition. Most often, the fat layer rapidly increases in the abdomen and thighs. In some cases, a man may experience breast enlargement.

The hair on the face, armpits and groin area becomes thinner and sparser. Male menopause manifests itself similarly to female menopause - in the form frequent hot flashes, increased sweating, sharp fluctuations mood, irritability.

Other symptoms of pathology also appear:

  • Shortness of breath, weakness, sleep disorders.
  • Deterioration in physical strength, decreased endurance.
  • Reduction in muscle tissue volume.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of insufficient testosterone production appear quite clearly and cannot but go unnoticed by a man.

Hormonal imbalance in the male body can occur at any age.


If previously it was believed that a decrease in testosterone levels was exclusively an age-related problem, today the pathology is diagnosed in 30-year-old men.

In order to determine the hormonal state of the body, you need to contact medical assistance and pass full examination body.

The doctor must listen to all the patient’s complaints - this helps him thoroughly study the clinical picture of the pathology and establish the cause of the hormonal imbalance. If necessary, the patient is sent to comprehensive examination to other highly specialized specialists.

To determine hormone levels, a man needs to undergo blood and urine tests, as well as undergo other laboratory tests, which the endocrinologist will tell you about. It is not recommended to have sex or drink alcohol 24 hours before the test.

The normal level of testosterone in the male body is 11-33 nmol/l. If the results obtained laboratory research show a deviation from these readings, this indicates a reduced level.

Drugs that have a negative effect on testosterone levels

Doctors identify a number of drugs that help lower testosterone levels in the male body.

In most cases we're talking about about drugs to increase potency that are taken uncontrolled or not according to instructions.

Antidepressants, psychotropic and antiulcer drugs, as well as painkillers have a similar effect.

Negative impact on the condition hormonal balance the use of anabolic steroids affects the male body. Experts recommend replacing them with dough boosters. If steroids are still taken, upon completion of treatment it is necessary to undergo a course of hormone therapy to restore normal testosterone production.

An overdose of potency stimulants often leads to hormonal imbalance in the body.

Increase testosterone levels

Increasing testosterone levels is carried out in two ways - lifestyle correction and the use of hormonal drugs.

In most cases, the first method is quite enough to restore the body's hormonal levels.

You should reconsider your diet, excluding foods rich in cholesterol, fried, spicy, pickled and smoked foods, and sweets. Also an important condition is to avoid drinking alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks.

Hormone therapy is most often used for severe forms pathology. Drugs are used in the form of tablets or injections, the effect of which is aimed at restoring normal level testosterone.

Low testosterone levels are a problem that every man can face. In order to restore hormonal balance, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, include sports, and give up bad habits.

Video on the topic

Testosterone is a steroid, or “male” hormone, which belongs to the anabolic androgenic group. Physical strength depends on its level in the blood. The work of many organs is also associated with the content of this hormone and its activity. Even on mental and emotional condition testosterone influences. Its deficiency entails serious consequences. To eliminate the existing deficiency, some men have to radically change their lifestyle. Others need to take medications prescribed by their doctor.

What is testosterone?

This is a hormone that large quantities produced by Leydig cells in the testicles of men. This substance is produced in small quantities by the adrenal cortex. Among its main functions, doctors note the following:

  • regulation of spermatogenesis;
  • increased sex drive;
  • influence on muscle growth;
  • providing nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism in organism;
  • formation of secondary sexual characteristics.

There are two types of testosterone: biologically active and free. Its indicators change throughout a person’s life. However, there are certain parameters according to which a full-fledged man's health any age. A fluctuation within 12-22 nmol/l is considered normal.

Free testosterone has greater influence on the body. It is responsible only for secondary sexual characteristics and attraction to opposite sex. Its level also depends on age. IN healthy body in men under 50 years of age, the norm is 5-30 nmol/l. After 50 years - 5-19 nmol/l. Low level free testosterone in men (less than 5 nmol/l) is a reason to consult a doctor.

It is worth noting that these indicators may vary depending on external factors and the conditions of the laboratory where the analysis was taken. For example, after intense exercise and before sexual intercourse, the level of testosterone in the blood usually increases. Its decrease sometimes indicates serious problems health issues that cannot be ignored. About the reasons low level testosterone levels in men will be discussed below.

Prevalence of pathology

With age, testosterone levels in the body gradually decrease. This condition V medical practice known as andropause.

For most representatives of the stronger sex, the so-called physiological decline begins at the age of 30-35 at a rate of 1-3% per year. This process stops after 50 years. Like hormonal disbalance can happen at any age. Today, doctors are especially concerned about the fact that a decrease in androgens is already observed in young men. In this case, the process speed is up to 5% per year.

The development of andropause occurs gradually. Therefore, the first symptoms of low testosterone levels in men go unnoticed. If at this stage you consult a doctor and tell about the existing disorder, the situation can still be corrected. It is corrected by regular physical activity, proper nutrition and taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Reasons for the shortage

All the reasons for the development of andropause can be divided into three conditional groups: age, hereditary and influence of external factors.

Age-related decline in testosterone is considered a natural process. If the failure occurred before the age of 30-40, you should look for other causes. Most often they are hidden in a violation of the basic functions of the endocrine system.

Pathologies of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, testicular dysfunction - these disorders affect the synthesis of testosterone. They are usually characterized by congenital etiology. For example, many boys are born with underdeveloped testicles. The organ may be completely absent or have pronounced deviations. Sometimes the testicles are located outside the scrotum, which also causes disruption of their function.

Low testosterone levels in men can be caused by external factors. Among them special attention deserve:

  1. Unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol abuse, smoking).
  2. Low physical activity. Moderate load and strength exercises promote synthesis Excessive activity influences in the opposite way.
  3. Deficiency of proteins, vitamins and minerals in the diet.
  4. Sexual abstinence, lack of a regular sexual partner.
  5. Frequent emotional turmoil. Stress contributes increased production adrenaline, which inhibits testosterone production.
  6. Excess body weight. Excess weight not only suppresses the production of androgens, but also stimulates the production of female sex hormones.
  7. Taking certain medications (analgesics, antidepressants, potency stimulants).

Certain medical conditions can also contribute to the development of andropause. These include hypertension, kidney pathologies, and increased bilirubin levels.

What does a man with low testosterone look like?

For strong half of humanity, this hormone plays an important role in life. It affects the development of the genital organs, libido levels and sexual performance. Testosterone can turn a man into a real superhero who can do anything. Social and physical activity, happy fatherhood, willpower and muscle power - all this depends on the content of this hormone in the blood.

A decrease in its indicators always indicates health problems. This hormone has a strong external influence on the body, its deficiency always manifests itself very clearly.

The main signs of low testosterone levels in men are:

  1. Permanent or temporary lack of sexual desire.
  2. Decreased quantity and quality of erections.
  3. The appearance of depression, worsening mood for no apparent reason.
  4. The development of gynecomastia, accompanied by abnormal growth of the mammary glands.
  5. Lack of pleasure from sexual intercourse.
  6. Increased frequency of urination, but the process itself becomes less pronounced.
  7. Physical weakness.
  8. Impaired cognitive functions (absent-mindedness, memory impairment).
  9. Insomnia, constant fatigue.

In men, low testosterone levels negatively affect quality of life. Therefore, hesitate with medical care not worth it. At the first symptoms of the disorder, you should consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect hormonal imbalance You will need to undergo a comprehensive examination. It begins with studying the complaints of a potential patient. In most cases, a qualified endocrinologist understands preliminary diagnosis after studying clinical picture. However, symptoms alone are not enough to prescribe competent treatment. Therefore, the patient is prescribed blood and urine tests. Additional examination may be required bone tissue, since low testosterone levels in men are often accompanied by osteopathy.

Blood sampling is carried out in the morning. At this time the indicators hormonal levels most consistent real picture general well-being. The day before the examination, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity and sexual intercourse.

Treatment at home

Early detected low testosterone levels in men can be raised naturally. If the changes are minor, it may be enough to follow a diet for a while, limit alcohol consumption and smoking.

It is recommended to diversify the diet with seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid, seaweed). It is better to avoid animal fats. They can be replaced with vegetable ones. IN large quantities they are found in pistachios, hazelnuts and other types of nuts. In general, such a diet is based on the principles of proper nutrition, when everything is prohibited. unhealthy food. Your daily diet should include lean fish, vegetables and fruits, and cereals.

You can increase testosterone through moderate sports activity. Some men enjoy running, others prefer to spend free time in the hall. As for the latter, it is better to work out with a trainer and try not to overload the body.

Taking medications

Drug treatment for low testosterone levels in men is prescribed by a doctor. Medications are usually used to treat neglected form disorders. They contain the hormone testosterone itself. Among these medications, the most effective are: “Nebido”, “Androgel”, “Andriol”, “Omnadren”. They go on sale both in the form of tablets and capsules, and in the form of an injection solution.

"Vitrix", "Tribulus", "Evo-Test" are also used in the treatment of andropause. However, they do not contain testosterone, but the action is aimed at activating natural production hormone.

The duration of such therapy, as well as the dosage of drugs, is determined by the doctor. Usually, after 2-3 weeks of treatment, the patient is asked to take tests again. Based on their results, one can judge the dynamics of recovery, and, if necessary, adjust the dosage of medications. In some cases, the medications presented are prescribed for life.

Consequence of hormonal disorders

The symptoms presented just above show how dangerous the consequences of low testosterone levels in men can be. Absence adequate treatment always leads to a decrease in the quality of human life. Over time he develops arterial hypertension, osteoporosis cannot be ruled out. Many representatives of the stronger sex have to hear the diagnosis of “infertility”.

When hormonal disorder its development begins in the prenatal period, and the genital organs are formed incorrectly. Some children develop female-type genitals.

Prevention methods

To restore hormonal balance, doctors advise reconsidering your lifestyle. Dosed physical activity, proper nutrition, lack of bad habits- all this allows you to normalize the condition of the body. A good night's rest will also benefit.

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the body of every man. It is thanks to him that representatives of the stronger sex have more developed muscles, a low voice and some behavioral features. In addition, this substance provides complete sex life and has an antidepressant effect. Few people know that when sharp decrease levels of the hormone in the blood, the risk of developing a persistent decline in mood, which is difficult to treat with medication, increases significantly.


Testosterone is present in both men and women. However, its concentration in the serum of representatives of the stronger sex is significantly higher than that of beautiful ladies. With age, natural changes occur in the body, which lead to a gradual decrease in the amount of biologically active substance in the human body. According to research by American scientists, after 35 years, its concentration decreases by 2-3% annually. Doctors call this period “andropause,” drawing parallels with the female body.

However, if an earlier drop in hormone levels is detected in men, it is worth considering drug treatment. As practice shows, the first signs of a problem are rarely noticed by patients, which leads to the progression of the pathology. On this moment There are quite a variety of ways that will help increase the low supply of biologically active substances.


On early stages almost no man gives special significance the first symptoms of a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. Because all pathological process proceeds very smoothly, they attribute the problem to emotional stress, overwork at work, or bad dream. However, it is worth remembering the most important signs lack of substance in the body:

  1. Fall in libido. There is no scientific evidence that directly links low levels of testosterone in the body with poor erections. The hormone does not affect blood flow to the external genital organ in men. However, he is responsible for the transmission nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex, where the necessary reflexes and attraction to the opposite sex are formed. It is this androgen that is responsible for the primitive desire to continue one’s family. Too little supply of the hormone leads to a gradual loss of interest in sex, which causes poor erection, insufficient ejaculation and other problems.
  2. Weakened muscle tone, obesity. Testosterone is the main natural anabolic in men and women. It was his high level provides speed dial muscle mass. Many bodybuilders take it to improve their results. synthetic analogues. With a low amount of this substance in the body, the muscles “deflate”. In addition, the growth of adipose tissue progresses, which further inhibits androgen activity. A “vicious circle” is formed.
  3. Sleep rhythm disturbance. The most common point that men for a long time They ignore it, attributing everything to personal problems. Low levels of the substance lead to insomnia and nightmares. Representatives of the stronger sex become nervous and cannot rest well and calmly, which contributes to an even greater drop in androgen concentration.

These symptoms are the most characteristic of pathology. Don't neglect them. It is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Additional manifestations

In addition to the signs described above, you need to know that there are also characteristic symptoms, which point to reduced level testosterone. These include:

  • Reduced ejaculate volume. Not many men monitor this parameter, however, it can reliably indicate the presence of a problem. The less sperm is released at the peak of sexual intercourse, the lower the supply of the hormone in the body.
  • Nocturnal erection. Normally, a healthy representative of the stronger sex should experience similar condition. This is not at all connected with the specifics of dreams, but with the cyclic release of a biologically active substance.
  • Feeling of "hot flashes". Here we need to draw an analogy with female menopause. The manifestations are very similar - there is a feeling of warmth in the head and shoulders, which then spreads lower and lower.
  • Dulling of aggressiveness. If a previously very active and hot-tempered young man begins to avoid conflicts, stops arguing and simply shows signs of apathy, then you should worry about his health. It is possible that he has a hormonal imbalance. Most likely, its main androgen is reduced in this situation.

It is important to understand that a simple drop in testosterone concentration does not oblige a representative of the stronger sex to take medications or carry out appropriate treatment. The key point, which is worth paying attention to, remains the general well-being and presence characteristic symptoms. Often, guys with partially reduced levels of this substance are gigolos or “alpha males.” The main thing is the interaction of androgen within the body. If its concentration is sufficient for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, then there is no need to interfere.

However, if you have at least some of the manifestations of the disease described above, you should contact a specialist as quickly as possible.

The effect of testosterone on the body

Many doctors and scientists associate a number of chronic diseases with deficiency of the main androgen. Does not currently exist evidence base, which could clearly confirm or refute such an opinion, but personal observations of doctors suggest a relationship between a decrease in testosterone concentration and the following chronic ailments:

  1. osteoporosis,
  2. depression,
  3. diabetes,
  4. obesity,
  5. cardiovascular pathology.

It is precisely known that synthetic analogues of this substance cannot be prescribed to patients with prostate cancer or prostate adenoma. They significantly enhance the growth of malignant cells and lead to the progression of the disease.

Patients who noticed characteristic manifestations deficiency of an important hormone followed by adequate therapy, noted in 90% of cases a significant improvement in sex life and normalization of general well-being. This confirms the need timely diagnosis and treating the problem. There are currently many active clinical trials, which are designed to improve scientists' understanding of all aspects of this issue.

Low testosterone levels in older and middle-aged men are not uncommon, and age-related changes are often the cause. At about 35-40 years of age, testosterone production begins to decline by 1-2% per year and by the age of 50, androgen deficiency is observed. If androgen deficiency occurs in more early age, which means the reasons for the decrease in testosterone are not age-related changes.

The most common causes of low testosterone

Age. After a certain age period(40 years old) there is a decrease in testosterone production. The decrease in testosterone is caused by age-related changes and is an irreversible process. Due to severe androgen deficiency, hormonal therapy is necessary.

Nutrition. An incorrect diet that does not contain the necessary nutrients may be main reason low testosterone levels. It is important to provide the body building material to form a testosterone molecule. It should be included and excluded in the diet.

Excess weight. One of the most dangerous reasons decrease in testosterone. What are the dangers of being overweight in men? Firstly, production is suppressed male hormones. Secondly, the production of female sex hormones - estrogens - is launched. further suppress testosterone production.

Bad habits. Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs help reduce testosterone.

Lack of physical activity. Class physical culture and resistance exercise helps increase testosterone. This applies to a moderate training plan (3-4 per week). Conversely, excessive exercise stress and daily grueling workouts can cause low testosterone.

Low testosterone in men is a consequence

  • Decreased muscle volume and strength. Testosterone has an anabolic effect, i.e. responsible for muscle growth and strength. Therefore, with low testosterone, there is a decrease in muscle mass and strength.
  • Decreased libido and erectile disfunction. Since testosterone is responsible for sexual desire, along with its decline, a weakening of sexual desire is observed.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Increased deposition of excess fat. A lack of testosterone slows down your metabolism, subsequently leading to fat storage.
  • Reduction of hair. Hair on the body and face is one of the sexual characteristics of a man.
  • Gynecomastia (breast growth in men). It is observed with a strong and prolonged decrease in testosterone.

If testosterone is not reduced to critical level, You can also try