Colostrum LR. Reviews from practicing doctors. Colostrum in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and for collagen synthesis Colostrum reviews from doctors

Colostrum (colostrum): capsules, powder, chewable tablets, liquid

Colostrum: Capsules, Powder, Chewable Tablets, Liquid

Protect your health and stop aging with Colostrum PLUS ® from Symbiotics

Colostrum is the first food produced in mammals at birth. It is often called the “ideal food for life.” It contains an excellent combination of immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids to protect the body and stimulate the baby's immune system. As we age, the number of immune and growth factors in our body decreases and we become more susceptible to fatigue, unwanted weight gain, and loss of skin firmness and muscle tone. Additionally, we become vulnerable to pollutants and allergens.

Colostrum PLUS ® is a source of powerful, natural antibodies and immune factors that help strengthen the immune system and play a key role in health:

– Gives strength, increases endurance and the formation of lean muscle mass;

– Promotes the formation of healthy intestinal flora and supports the entire gastrointestinal tract;

– Stimulates cell regeneration for healthy skin, bones, muscles, nerves and cartilage.

Remember, not all colostrum is created equal. Make sure your family gets the full benefit from Colostrum PLUS®.

Colostrum – Frequently asked questions

Why cow colostrum?

Research has shown that the immune and growth factors in bovine colostrum are almost identical to those in human colostrum. Because cow's colostrum is not species specific, it is effective in both humans and other animals.

Why do adults need Colostrum?

Immediately after puberty, our bodies begin to age, gradually producing fewer and fewer immune and growth factors that help us fight disease and heal damaged tissue. Colostrum is the only natural source of these vital components. According to research, colostrum not only supports the functioning of the immune system, but also increases the consumption of fat for fuel and optimizes cell reproduction. As far as is known, no substance on earth has such miraculous benefits.

How safe is it?

Colostrum is a natural product that has long been used as a dietary supplement.

What if I am lactose intolerant?

What if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

Talk to your healthcare professional before taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs, herbs, or dietary supplements. The same applies to colostrum.

Is it possible to give Colostrum to children?

For children who have not been breastfed, pediatricians recommend adding colostrum to infant formula. Be sure to consult your pediatrician about dosing.

What about pets?

Cow's colostrum has a wonderful effect on cats, dogs and other mammals because it is not species specific. In powder form, it can be added in small quantities to food and water. Most pets enjoy the taste of colostrum. It is advisable to drink it with water.

How much should I take?

Can Colostrum be taken at the same time as other supplements/medicines?

Colostrum acts in the digestive tract in such a way that all substances taken orally (food, medicinal herbs, medicinal substances, medicines) are better absorbed by the body. Although there are no known drug interactions with colostrum, check with your doctor first as other supplements and medications you take may have significant effects.

What is the difference between powder and capsules?

Research suggests that to get the maximum benefit from colostrum, it should be taken in both powder and capsule form. Colostrum capsules must be taken on an empty stomach with a glass of water so that it reaches the small intestine, where immune factors are most active. To experience the beneficial effects of growth factors, colostrum should be taken in powder form,
which will allow it to mix with the acid in the stomach or mouth. The powder can be diluted with water or juice (preferably orange).

Does Colostrum have side effects?

Side effects are very rare. If you experience serious side effects, stop taking the drug immediately and call your doctor. Due to the detoxifying properties of colostrum, some side effects may occur. Before leaving our body, toxins can cause a slight rash, changes in the intestines and flu-like symptoms. Most side effects occur due to
taking other active supplements or medications together with colostrum. In this case, consult your doctor.

I am a vegetarian. Colostrum is not an animal food?

Although colostrum is an animal food, it has been an integral part of the strict vegetarian diet of rishis (spiritual leaders in Hinduism) for thousands of years. In modern India, dairymen supplied colostrum to wealthy vegetarians. It is interesting that in India, the birthplace of vegetarianism, the cow is considered a sacred animal.

Is Colostrum a Natural Antibody?

Colostrum has demonstrated beneficial effects on health. However, taking colostrum cannot change a person’s innate genetics. Colostrum does not change our DNA - our genetic makeup is determined by our parents. The goal of any nutritional support is to improve the health of the body and prevent the proliferation of diseased cells. Numerous scientific papers have written about the health benefits of colostrum.

Why is some Colostrum low-fat?

There are no growth factors in the fatty part of the colostrum. They are proteins and are not found in fat. Degreasing the colostrum prevents the development of a rancid taste.

How safe are gelatin capsules?

Gelatin capsules are generally considered safe and are made from connective tissue from healthy animals.

Undoubtedly! Cow manure can get on the udder and introduce E. coli, salmonella and pathogenic bacteria. This threatens contamination of dairy products. To kill pathogenic microorganisms, dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurized. There are two ways to pasteurize colostrum: flash pasteurization (15 seconds) and long-term 30-minute pasteurization in a bath. Flash pasteurization uses expensive, high-tech equipment that does not destroy the natural properties of colostrum. During the long half-hour pasteurization, a huge bath of colostrum is heated from the outside. It takes a lot of time to heat a cauldron of colostrum to the desired temperature. During this time, bacteria multiply in the colostrum. They feed on colostrum, destroying its natural properties and reducing its effectiveness. Most colostrum sold today is destined for the animal feed market and is not pasteurized.

Should colostrum be pasteurized?

Undoubtedly! Cow manure can get on the udder and introduce E. coli, salmonella and pathogenic bacteria. This threatens contamination of dairy products. To kill pathogenic microorganisms, dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurized. There are two ways to pasteurize colostrum: flash pasteurization (15 seconds) and long-term 30-minute pasteurization in a bath.
Flash pasteurization uses expensive, high-tech equipment that does not destroy the natural properties of colostrum. During the long half-hour pasteurization, a huge bath of colostrum is heated from the outside. It takes a lot of time to heat a cauldron of colostrum to the desired temperature. During this time, bacteria multiply in the colostrum. They feed on colostrum, destroying its natural properties and reducing its effectiveness. Most colostrum sold today is destined for the animal feed market and is not pasteurized.

When is the best time to harvest colostrum?

High levels of immunoglobulin are very important for newborn calves, as they are the only source of immune protection at birth. However, for people taking colostrum as a supplement, the level of immunoglobulin in colostrum does not serve as a quality criterion. The first milk yield contains a large amount of immunoglobulin, and, accordingly, there is not enough other useful substances such as lactoferrin and platelet-rich plasma. To obtain a perfectly balanced product, colostrum must be harvested within the first 48 hours.

Does colostrum contain estrogen?

Cow colostrum contains tiny amounts of estrogen. In this form - when taken orally - it is not absorbed by the human body. There is evidence that growth factors in colostrum balance sex and growth hormone levels. Women receiving hormone replacement therapy are advised to adjust their intake of medications and active supplements that increase levels
estrogen. Colostrum – Superfood

Colostrum Mt. Capra, CapraColostrum, Goat Milk Colostrum

March 16, 2013

Symbiotics Colostrum for Children + Thrush Supplement

I’m writing again about vitamins for children, my hero of the day is colostrum: cow’s colostrum concentrate! This supplement is needed during the cold season, because colostrum strengthens the immune system! =)

Colostrum has a high concentration of immunoactive substances and contains a number of unique components that are not found in any other food product!

Among the substances in colostrum, the most active are: immunoglobulins(antibodies that protect against bacteria and viruses) and lactoferrin(powerful antiviral and antibacterial, antioxidant effect).

Which colostrum should I buy?

I think Symbiotics is the best for the production of colostrum (colostrum). The company specializes only in its production, producing various additives. I buy supplements from this brand - they have never let me, my daughter and the children of all my friends down. It does not cause allergic reactions or stains!

The brand's assortment includes options in capsules and powder, chewable tablets for children with fruit flavors. Therefore, if the question arises, which colostrum to buy, I recommend this brand.

Colostrum for children

Colostrum is a natural stimulant of the immune system, it does not cause adverse reactions! In fact, I found out about this supplement even before fame in Russia, this happened more than a year ago!

I'm telling you. My friends who live in the UK told me about colostrum, where it is mega popular for children during cold seasons!

Then I ordered my first jar, and got all my friends hooked on it. I enjoy drinking it myself and giving it to my child, the usual dosages from autumn to spring, increasing the dosage at the first symptoms of the disease.

Wherein the children on the colostrum never got seriously ill (although they used to get sick for almost a month every winter), and a cold goes away easily in a few days, no more than three. These are my reviews and those of at least five other friends =))

Supplement for children in the form of chewable tablets. The tablets are milky white in color and have a pleasant taste; you can choose orange or cherry.

The composition of the supplement in capsules differs from chewable tablets. The capsules contain more colostrum, but do not contain valuable lactoferrin!

Lactoferrin is a key factor innate immunity (it provides infants who do not have their own immunity with antibacterial protection). Therefore, it is better for children to buy chewable tablets.

Colostrum instructions

As you can see, the composition of chewable tablets and capsules varies, so I recommend tablets for children and capsules for adults.

For an adult, dosage for prevention: 2 tablets twice a day, children: 1 tablet twice a day. For cold symptoms, double the dosage. I personally give my child 5 tablets a day for a week for a cold.

Where can I buy

In Russia, colostrum is very expensive and the brands do not inspire confidence (I want to order pure, proven without additives), so I buy it on iherb, where I also order probiotics and vitamins, organic food and healthy sweets.

Where can I buy:

  • Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus, Orange Creme(chewable tablets with orange)
  • Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus, Wild Cherry(chewable tablets with cherries)
  • Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus (capsules)

SUPER remedy for thrush Candida Balance

And I’ll tell you about one more wonderful supplement - it’s simply SUPER effective against thrush in women!

A friend told me about him who suffered from chronic thrush for a long time and bought myself a complex based on colostrum Candida Balance. This mixture of colostrum with probiotics in high concentration.

If you are concerned about thrush, or want to combine colostrum with lactoferrin and probiotics, then there is no better than this Candida Balance.

Pay attention to the composition, now my friend drinks it 2 times a year in courses and has completely forgotten about thrush, which previously did not allow her to live in peace.

This is the supplement:

  • Candida Balance Symbiotics, Candida Balance with Colostrum Plus

Big post, it contains a scheme of reception.

This is such a wonderful supplement, colostrum based on cow's colostrum. I will be waiting for your feedback and results from the appointment =)



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My review today will be devoted to taking a dietary supplement such as Colostrum for autoimmune diseases, namely rheumatoid arthritis.

This diagnosis was made very late, when exhausting night pain significantly worsened the quality of life. At first they bothered me only a few times a year, then a couple of times a month (usually on new and full moons), then most of the month. Rain, snow, north wind, south wind, etc. and so on. - all this did not let me sleep until the morning - I was “twisted”, “twirled”, “hooked”... I managed to fall asleep only at 6-7 in the morning, I woke up in the afternoon with terrible stiffness in my joints, a feeling of weakness. NSAIDs did not help at all (neither injections nor pills), hospitalization loomed. But there were already serious drugs with a bunch of side effects, so I decided to try dietary supplements first.

My first drug in the line of fighting rheumatoid arthritis was Colostrum from California Gold Nutrition. If you are reading this review, you are probably aware that Colostrum is colostrum, the first secretions of the mammary glands, for the first time hours after the birth of a mammal with a high content of immune factors. This is a well-researched and beneficial supplement that is safe even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Colostrum contains dozens of components essential for health, mainly for supporting the immune system and growth. Colostrum consists of various macro and micro components such as cytokines, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, growth factors and hormones, etc. These components perform various biological functions that are essential for maintaining health and immune function.

Here is a link to one of the scientific studies proving the effectiveness of Collostrum for a variety of autoimmune (and other) diseases: [link]

For autoimmune diseases, Collostrum helps in the following ways:

Immune factors (lactoferrin, proline-rich polypeptides, etc.) regulate the body’s immune response;
- growth factors restore damaged cells;

Anti-inflammatory substances help relieve inflammation characteristic of autoimmune diseases.
How is the immune response regulated? Transforming growth factors alpha and beta have been found in colostrum. Growth factor beta suppresses the functions of cells involved in immune defense when the infection is eliminated and the immune cells are no longer needed. It is under the influence of this factor that collagen synthesis and the production of immunoglobulin IgA during wound healing are enhanced, and memory cells are generated (we are talking about “immune” memory).

The growth factors in bovine colostrum repair the damage caused by autoimmune diseases. Transforming growth factor can reverse protein breakdown, which promotes tissue repair. For example, epidermal growth factor may help reverse cell destruction associated with autoimmune diseases. IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) helps stimulate the transport of glucose molecules in patients with type 1 diabetes.
Growth factors have an anti-inflammatory effect, and inflammation is a consequence of autoimmune diseases.
Research shows that colostrum contains components that can positively influence the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), and TNF-a is considered by modern medicine as one of the most important areas in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Growth factors restore damaged cells of the gastrointestinal tract. They can also reduce the cellular distance of the gastric epithelium, which prevents the leakage of toxins from the intestines into the body (leaky gut syndrome, or leaky gut). This is especially true for patients with autism and psoriasis.
Research shows that colostrum is effective in treating a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions, including GI symptoms caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Colostrum is also used in the treatment of diseases associated with Helicobacter pylori and infectious diarrhea.

I chose Colostrum from California Gold Nutrition because of good reviews (Colostrum also comes in different varieties) and ease of use (capsules are more convenient for me, although the same jar of powder is more affordable). On the IHerb website the price for the promotion was about 700 rubles. (now - about 1000).

I started taking Collostrum in the winter with a severe exacerbation. I took 2 capsules 2 times a day (strictly on an empty stomach) - already on the third or fourth day I felt relief - the night pains were dulled. This package should have been enough for 2 months, but it was not always possible to drink 4 capsules a day, so it lasted for about 2.5 months.

And then, a miracle happened! The night pain has stopped and has not bothered me for several weeks now. Today I woke up, it was raining outside (it turned out it had been raining all night), and my back, which always “felt” the approach of rain or strong wind 2-3 days in advance, did not feel it at all.

Of course, I still have a lot to do. Chronic sleep deprivation led to constant fatigue, because of which I was not only unable to do physical therapy (which is very desirable), but also simple household chores (after sleeping, after 2-3 hours I was terribly hungry again). After Collostrum I start taking other supplements (sulfur, boswellia, etc.). I’m also going to take a new (for myself) type of collagen type II.

Let me note that I have been taking collagen types I and III for a long time and am very pleased (about this in the review Magic Collagen, or how to look 16 at 40).

What is the difference between type 2 collagen? Collagen of the first and third types helps to maintain youthful skin (95% of all collagen in the human dermis is collagen of these types), and type II collagen is the main protein that forms the structure of cartilage, i.e. more suitable for joints. I’m not sure that it is indicated for rheumatoid arthritis, because this is still an inflammatory disease and here you need to make the main effort to relieve inflammation, but still, I’m finally going to do physical therapy or yoga - so at least some benefit for joints, I hope this type of collagen will bring me.

I’ll write about the results later.

What is colostrum?

Colostrum (Colostrum or Latin Colostrum) or “first milk” is a high-protein yellowish liquid that all mammalian mothers secrete during the first few days after the birth of their baby(s). This is an intermediate form of feeding a newborn until the mother produces mature milk, for which the baby’s immature internal organs (kidneys and digestive organs) are not yet ready to absorb. Compared to milk, colostrum has a O higher energy value, richer in nutrients.

Composition of colostrum (colostrum)

Colostrum contains several times more vitamins and minerals than regular breast milk - essential regulators of all vital processes of the body. In addition, colostrum contains a number of biologically active substances that are not only absent in milk, but also not found in any other food product.

The most valuable components of colostrum include:

  • Immunoglobulins (antibodies) are the main protein molecules that help destroy bacteria, viruses and other foreign objects that enter the body.
  • Interferons are low molecular weight proteins that have antiviral activity.
  • Growth factors are natural compounds that regulate the growth and development of a newborn. Growth factors can have a positive effect on the body of an adult, while providing a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect.
  • Transfer factors are unique “information molecules” responsible for transferring information between immune cells and participating in the formation of the immune system.
  • Endorphins are the so-called “hormones of joy”, which increase our body’s resistance to stress and heavy physical activity, reduce pain, and have a positive effect on our emotional state.
  • Digestive enzymes that stimulate digestion and increase the efficiency of nutrient absorption.
  • Prebiotics are food components that ensure the normal composition of intestinal microflora and the health of the immune system.

So, colostrum or colostrum is a substance rich in nutrients and natural antibodies. This is a product that has an immunomodulatory, restorative and rejuvenating effect.

Video review of doctor Stepanova M. about the dietary supplement Kolostrum NSP

Colostrum NSP

Colostrum NSP is a biologically active food supplement with a strong immunoprotective and adaptogenic effect. In addition to colostrum, this dietary supplement contains medicinal herbs and mushrooms and has the following composition:

  • Colostrum powder, obtained through the process of lyophilization of bovine colostrum. This technological process allows you to preserve all the biological activity of the raw material, in this case colostrum, the valuable properties of which we have already discussed.
  • Astragalus– a medicinal plant rich in selenium, flavonoids and organic acids, with a pronounced immunostimulating effect. By enhancing the production of interferon, astragalus increases the body's resistance to viral infections; effective in secondary immunodeficiency conditions, including cancer; increases the body's endurance under high physical and mental stress.
  • Maitake mushroom And Shiitake mushroom– edible mushrooms with medicinal properties. These mushrooms strengthen the body's immune system, resist viruses and infections, and inhibit the development of cancer processes. In addition, mushrooms can normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Inositol– vitamin B8, which regulates fat metabolism and is a component of lecithin. Inositol is a substance that can activate metabolism in various tissues, especially in nerve cells.

Application of Colostrum

Colostrum NSP is a complex preparation consisting of several complementary components and has a wide range of applications. It can be used independently to increase the overall tone of the body, as well as in almost all treatment programs to enhance the effect. So, Colostrum is used:

  • for the prevention of colds and infectious diseases;
  • in immunodeficiency conditions;
  • for autoimmune diseases;
  • for allergic reactions;
  • to stimulate tissue regeneration (ulcers, injuries, fractures, surgical interventions);
  • to prevent postoperative complications;
  • for chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • in complex therapy of inflammatory processes of various etiologies;
  • in complex therapy of oncological diseases;
  • during the period of acclimatization;
  • during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten or school;
  • for a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Colostrum contraindications

Despite the fact that reviews of Colostrum are mostly positive, you should consult your doctor before using it. And not because it has many contraindications, but so that the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment. Remember that Colostrum is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement that should be taken for preventive purposes or as a means of increasing the effectiveness of recommended treatment.

The instructions for use of Colostrum NSP warn that the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Individual intolerance to the components of this dietary supplement is possible.

The question arises: can Colostrum be taken by people who are intolerant to cow's milk? The fact is that only a small proportion of people are actually intolerant to lactose (milk sugar) contained in cow's milk. Very often, an allergy occurs not to the milk itself, but to the antibiotics and preservatives present in it. Such people may be advised to start taking Colostrum with small doses and at the same time as taking

Instructions for use of Colostrum

Colostrum NSP, although in small quantities, contains such an immunostimulant as astragalus root. As you know, all immunostimulants are taken in courses. Therefore, Colostrum NSP should be taken for no more than one month, 1 capsule 4 times a day. If necessary, re-administration is possible after a break of 1-2 months.

Attention! Colostrum NSP, which is sold in Ukraine, differs in composition from that available on the markets of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc., and contains only colostrum powder and cellulose. This Colostrum can be taken for a long time.

Colostrum for children

Colostrum NSP can be given to children in the following dosages:

– from 6 to 9 years – 1 capsule 2 times a day

– from 9 to 12 years – 1 capsule 3 times a day

Colostrum, available in Ukraine, can be given to children from an earlier age.

Before use, consult your pediatrician.

Where to buy Colostrum?

You can buy Colostrum at any NSP service center convenient for you or place an order on this website.

Presentation about the product NSP Colostrum NSP

Composition of 1 capsule (510 mg):

  • Colostrum powder (from milk) - 250 mg,
  • Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus) - 80 mg,
  • Inositol - 40 mg (8%),
  • Whole maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa) - 20 mg,
  • Shiitake mushroom, mycelium (Lentinus edodes) - 20 mg

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding +25 C.