Inflammation of the bladder symptoms causes. Inflammation of the bladder: treatment, symptoms in women, men, drugs. Clinical manifestations of cystitis

Inflammatory lesion mucous membrane lining the walls of the bladder. This insidious disease- a real scourge modern woman. It robs a woman of her confidence and makes her dependent on the washroom.

Men also suffer from cystitis, but much less often: it’s all about the structure of the genitourinary apparatus. Untreated bladder inflammation leads to serious complications, which is why the problem cannot be ignored.

Causes of bladder inflammation

There are at least a dozen possible reasons inflammation of the bladder in women.

Hypothermia. Hypothermia itself cannot directly lead to cystitis. The bottom line is that as a result of exposure to cold on the body, the protective forces of the immune system are sharply reduced. This great occasion to activate the activity of pathogenic microflora of the bladder, which is present in all people without exception.

Infectious lesions body. This is not only about inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. The source may be located far away and come, as they say, from where you didn’t expect it. Any unsanitized source of infection, up to carious teeth may cause cystitis.

Physical inactivity. When sitting for a long time, stagnation begins in the pelvic organs. The result is inflammation.

Rare visits to the toilet. This is especially true for women. The urethra, the urethra, is short and wide in the fairer sex. This is a gateway for infection. With rare urination, an ideal environment for the proliferation of various pathogens is created in the bladder.

Wrong diet. The predominance of animal fats in the daily menu and the lack of vitamins lead to a decrease in protective systems body.

Metabolic disorders.

Abuse of products that irritate the bladder mucosa.


Peak hormonal states(this includes periods of menstruation, pregnancy, menopause).

Unprotected sexual intercourse. Pathogens venereal diseases often affects not only the genitals, but also the urethra. Especially often we're talking about about gonococci.

Kidney problems. Along the descending route, kidney infections can flow down into the bladder with a stream of urine.

These are the main causes of bladder inflammation in women.

Signs of bladder inflammation in women

Cystitis is characterized by its manifestations:

Pain syndrome. Refers to the first symptoms of bladder inflammation in women. Both acute and chronic cystitis are accompanied by pain. In the acute phase, the intensity of the pain syndrome is higher. Patients describe their discomfort, as “aching”, “dull pulling”. The pain intensifies when urinating, as well as immediately after it.

Frequent urge to perform urination. They also appear as the first symptoms of bladder inflammation in women. The urge is false, there is no urine or it flows out drop by drop. The source of the problem lies in inflammation of the mucous membrane and its irritation. IN in good condition irritation of the organ lining occurs due to the accumulation of urine. The frequency of false calls is up to 20 times a day.

Polyuria. IN in some cases possible increase daily diuresis. The normal volume of urine passed per day is 1.5-2 liters. Anything above that is polyuria.

Urinary urgency.

Hematuria (blood in urine). It is not always observed, only when hemorrhagic form diseases when the vessels of the organ are affected.

Unpleasant smell of urine. The reason is the active proliferation of bacteria.

Cloudy urine color.

Symptoms general intoxication , such as: headache, hyperthermia (up to 39 degrees), nausea, dizziness.

The specific signs of bladder inflammation in women vary from patient to patient. Cystitis may not make itself felt until the last minute. In some patients, the symptoms are blurred, especially when it comes to chronic process.

Diagnosis of bladder inflammation in women

Diagnosis begins with a visit to the doctor's office. Urologists treat cystitis. If in pathological process The kidneys are also involved; you cannot do without consulting a nephrologist (not to be confused with a neurologist).

First of all, the doctor asks the patient questions about his condition, then conducts palpation (physical examination). This is enough to make a primary diagnosis, because the symptoms are characteristic. In order to exclude more serious illnesses, such as an oncological lesion of the bladder and to confirm cystitis, the doctor prescribes a series of instrumental and laboratory tests.

Instrumental studies include:

Ultrasound examination with contrast agent. Allows you to identify structural changes in the organ.

MRI/CT diagnostics. Prescribed for suspected cancer.

Cystoscopy. It consists of inserting an endoscope into the urethra and visually assessing the condition of the organ from the inside.

Laboratory research allow us to identify the inflammatory process. A general urine test will find protein, leukocytes, and possibly blood (for hematuria). General analysis blood also gives a picture of inflammation: the concentration of leukocytes, monocytes, and ESR is increased.

At infectious origin diseases, urine is also collected for crops.

Fortunately, malignant pathologies of the pelvic organs are not so common. But people over 40 need to be careful.

Treatment of bladder inflammation in women

Treatment of bladder inflammation in women is a delicate procedure. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This is a direct path to chronicizing the process. Drugs prescribed for treatment:

Anti-inflammatory. To remove inflammation.

Diuretics(diuretics) are prescribed to prevent urine from stagnating.

Antibacterial drugs of infectious origin. It is important to prescribe only those antibiotics to which you have pathogenic flora resistance has not developed.

In a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures often used for cystitis natural remedies based herbal ingredients, such as extracts of bearberry leaves, horsetail and cranberry fruits.

For example, the dietary supplement "UROPROFIT®", the components of which have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.*
The complex of biologically active substances included in the dietary supplement "UROPROFIT®" helps to normalize urination, improves functional state kidneys and urinary tract and also reduces the risk of recurrent exacerbations chronic cystitis.*

Complications of bladder inflammation in women

The question arises: why should you go to the doctor? Is there really nothing we can do on our own? Indeed, in the case of cystitis, it is not recommended to delay treatment. Treatment of bladder inflammation in women should begin immediately, otherwise there is a high risk of developing terrible complications:

Pyelonephritis. It involves inflammation of the kidney structures. If cystitis exists long time, from the bladder, pathogenic microflora moves along an ascending path to the kidneys.

Scarring of the bladder walls. Most common. Leads to the inability of the organ to stretch normally. As a result, bladder ruptures are possible.

Return of urine through the ureter to the kidneys. Severe complication, almost one hundred percent leading to kidney problems.

Purulent inflammation of the bladder. They are not encountered very often in doctors' practice. This serious condition requires immediate surgical care.

Bladder oncology. It is the result of a long-term chronic course.

Prevention of bladder inflammation in women

Specific methods prevention include:

Wearing loose underwear. Tight and dense underwear leads to compression of the genital organs and the vessels that feed them. As a result, the normal nutrition of the bladder deteriorates, and with thick underwear it is difficult to maintain hygiene.

Regular (every 2-3 hours) trips to the toilet. Urine should not stagnate.

Avoiding foods that contain substances that irritate the bladder. Onions, garlic, tomatoes, etc.


By adhering to these rules for preventing bladder inflammation in women, you can seriously reduce the risk of getting sick.

Cystitis is a disease that does not go away without a trace. It represents a difficult, but often silent problem that a woman prefers to deal with herself. This serious mistake.

Effective treatment cystitis is possible only in initial period, then, when the pathology has become chronic, you can only relieve symptoms during exacerbations. It is important to see a doctor in time, and even better to prevent the disease itself.

*Instructions for use of dietary supplements UROPROFIT®

With inflammation of the bladder, that is, cystitis, the pathological process covers the mucous layer of the organ, less often the submucosal and muscular layers.

Cystitis can have an acute or chronic course.

Due to the anatomical and hormonal characteristics Bladder inflammation is 5 times more common in women.

Let's look at the main causes, symptoms and methods of treating the disease.

Etiological and provoking factors for the development of cystitis

Depending on the etiology, infectious and non-infectious cystitis are distinguished. In the first case, the disease occurs as a result of pathogenic flora entering the sterile bladder. Most often, the causative agents are Escherichia coli, staphylococci, Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and less often - chlamydia, Trichomonas, ureaplasma, tubercle bacilli and other microbes.

They are able to penetrate the urinary system in one of four ways:

  • ascending - their anus or vagina through the urethra (this path is most typical for women);
  • descending - from the kidneys;
  • lymphogenous - from the pelvic organs;
  • hematogenous - from distant foci of infection through the bloodstream.

With adequate work immune system the vital activity of pathogenic flora is suppressed by defender cells. The inflammatory process usually develops under the influence of one or more provoking factors. The main ones:

  • hypothermia;
  • weakening immune defense as a result of acute respiratory viral infection or other disease;
  • the beginning of sexual activity or change of partner;
  • disruption of urine outflow due to urolithiasis, strictures, diverticula;
  • rare emptying of the bladder;
  • blood stagnation in the pelvic organs as a result inflammatory pathologies– prostatitis, vesiculitis, colpitis, vaginosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • neoplasms in the genitourinary organs;
  • chronic constipation;
  • pregnancy ( hormonal changes and offset internal organs disrupt normal operation urinary system).

Inflammation of the bladder in men develops against the background of urological diseases - prostate adenoma, tumors, urolithiasis, sexually transmitted infections, anatomical abnormalities (strictures, diverticula).

The main microbes and fungi that cause cystitis

Non-infectious causes of bladder inflammation:

  • the effects of acids and alkalis on the epithelial layer;
  • injuries, operations, medical procedures in the area of ​​the urinary organs;
  • taking cytostatics and other drugs that violate the integrity of the mucous membrane;
  • radiation exposure;
  • metabolic disorders - diabetes, hypercalciuria;
  • hormonal changes during menopause.

When it is not possible to establish the cause of cystitis, they talk about idiopathic form diseases. It is believed that it is related to autoimmune mechanisms. Most often, this inflammation has a chronic course.


Acute inflammation of the bladder begins abruptly - immediately after exposure to a provoking factor. Dysuric phenomena caused by increased excitability bladder due to inflammation, swelling of the mucous membrane and compression of nerve endings.

Main symptoms:

  • increased urge to urinate (every 5-15 minutes), up to a constant need to urinate immediately after going to the toilet;
  • allocation small portions urine;
  • feeling incomplete emptying urinary reservoir;
  • incontinence;
  • the need to make an effort to urinate;
  • pain in the urethra during urination, especially at the end, sometimes they are very strong and radiate to the anus;
  • aching pain lower abdomen.

With cystitis, the appearance of urine changes. It becomes cloudy and acquires bad smell due to the presence of pus. At the end of urination, blood may be released. With hemorrhagic inflammation, hematuria is severe. In addition, the temperature rises to 38°C. The person feels weak.

Chronic cystitis is characterized by mild symptoms. The urge to urinate is frequent, but allows you to maintain your usual lifestyle. Pain when passing urine is moderate. At the time of relapse, signs are observed acute inflammation.

Chronic cystitis occurs due to dystrophic changes in the tissues of the urinary system. It can occur in waves with periods of exacerbations and remissions, or be characterized by constant mild symptoms.

As a result of prolonged hypothermia, a child may develop cystitis. , read carefully.

About causes and dangers acute cystitis read with blood.

Cystitis cannot be cured by resorting only to traditional therapy. Basic therapy - reception medicines. This article is about which tablets are used to treat cystitis in women.

Clinical picture of bladder inflammation

In addition to general and specific symptoms troubles, inflammation of the bladder is characterized by a number of diagnostic signs identified during the survey. Palpation and percussion of the area of ​​projection of the bladder onto the anterior wall of the abdomen reveals pain. There is usually no muscle tension, but if it is observed, it may indicate peritonitis, which is an indication for urgent surgery.

Laboratory tests for cystitis give the following results:

  • general urine examination, Nechiporenko analysis - the presence of protein, mucus, salts, red blood cells, increased leukocytes;
  • bacterial culture of urine - growth of pathogenic flora (at the same time its sensitivity to drugs is determined);
  • PCR diagnostics of major sexually transmitted infections, a smear from the vagina or urethra (in men) - can help in identifying primary diseases that provoked cystitis.

Basic instrumental methods to evaluate the clinical picture of cystitis - ultrasound urinary tract and cystoscopy. Ultrasound scanning illustrates the thickening of the walls of the urinary reservoir, a decrease in its volume, and the presence of fine suspension. At chronic inflammation the walls of the organ are uneven.

Cystoscopy is performed in case of protracted course of the disease or its transition to chronic form. The procedure involves inserting a catheter with optical and lighting devices through the urethra to examine the inner surface of the bladder. It is performed under anesthesia. The results of cystoscopy depend on the form of cystitis:

  • catarrhal - swelling of the mucous membrane, vasodilation, the presence of mucopurulent plaque;
  • hemorrhagic – areas of hemorrhage, bleeding of the inner layer;
  • ulcerative (occurs after radiation exposure) - ulcers on the walls, affecting all layers, bleeding, fistulas, scars, wrinkling of the bladder;
  • phlegmonous – purulent inflammation, extending to serosa and the fiber surrounding the bladder;
  • gangrenous – necrotic changes in individual areas.

With chronic inflammation, swelling, redness and thickening of the bladder walls are observed. The epithelial membrane atrophies and its elasticity decreases. Ulcers and microabscesses in the submucosal layer may be observed.

In addition, cystoscopy helps visualize tumors, stones, foreign bodies, fistulas. If tumors are detected in the urinary reservoir, a biopsy is performed.

Cystitis is differentiated from tuberculosis of the bladder, cancer, vulvovaginitis, and urethral syndrome. Women should additionally consult a gynecologist.

Features of inflammation in children

IN childhood Cystitis occurs 3 times more often in girls than in boys.

In future women, the disease develops in an ascending manner due to insufficient hygiene, in young gentlemen - in a descending manner due to kidney pathologies.

The main provoking factors are hypothermia and decreased immunity due to acute respiratory infections.

IN early age It is difficult to recognize cystitis in a child. Parents should be alert to:

  • sharp crying before or during urination;
  • temperature increase;
  • tearfulness, irritability;
  • lethargy.

If the child is more than 3-4 years old, the symptoms of cystitis do not differ from the manifestations of the disease in adults. Among other things, acute urinary retention may occur.

In case of acute urinary retention, the child should be urgently taken to a medical facility, where the bladder will be catheterized and the fluid will be removed.

Local therapy for bladder inflammation

Treatment of cystitis includes several aspects. One of the directions is local therapy.

It can be used during pregnancy, when prescribed system tools limited, or as an addition to a comprehensive program, especially in the case of chronic inflammation.

Local therapy refers to the direct administration of drugs into the bladder cavity.

Solutions of antiseptics (Furacilin, Rivanol), antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs are usually used.

They can be administered by instillation through a urethral catheter.

Another option is electrophoresis (galvanophoresis), when drugs penetrate the organ using electrical or galvanic impulses. The procedures are carried out in a hospital setting.

You can toilet your external organs at home antiseptic solutions. This will help avoid re-infection.

Only with the help local therapy It is impossible to cure cystitis. Other groups of medications must be used.

How to treat inflammation of the bladder with severe pain?

Painful sensations with cystitis may have varying degrees, but in any case the person experiences severe discomfort. Infectious agents release toxins that damage epithelial cells and causing an inflammatory response. The more significant the changes in tissue, the stronger the pain. Patients with ulcerative, necrotic, phlegmous and gangrenous forms feel worst.

As a rule, the pain increases as the bladder fills, as well as at the time of its emptying.

This fact forces many patients to drink less, which is wrong, because consuming a large volume of fluid is one of the conditions for normalizing kidney function.

For minor pain drugs that relax the smooth muscles of the urinary tract help, that is, antispasmodics - baralgin, drotaverine, papaverine.

They can be taken in tablet form or rectal suppositories. Severe pain anti-inflammatory drugs - nimesil, diclofenac - can calm down. They help reduce swelling of inflamed tissues.

Additional measures to help reduce pain:

  • applying a heating pad to the suprapubic area;
  • warm foot baths, after which you should wear woolen socks;
  • taking a shower;
  • wearing loose clothing and comfortable natural linen;
  • bed rest;
  • hot drink;
  • physiotherapy – short-pulse electroanalgesia, laser therapy, magnetic therapy.

The main treatment for bladder inflammation is the use of antibiotics (tablets). The drug is selected taking into account the sensitivity of the infectious agent. The main groups are fluoroquinolones, fosfomycins, nitrofurans, cephalosporins. Duration of treatment – ​​from 3 to 10 days. It is important to strictly adhere to the dosage and duration of therapy.

Additionally, herbal remedies can be prescribed - “Cyston”, “Urolesan”, “Canephron”, “Fitolysin”.

They help relieve spasm and inflammation in the urinary tract, have a diuretic and antiseptic effect, and also promote regeneration. normal operation kidneys and bladder.

It is advisable to continue taking them for several weeks after the end of the main course of therapy.

When treating cystitis, it is important to exclude from the diet all foods that can irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary tract - fried, smoked, salted, pickled, fatty, sour, spicy.

It's important to drink a lot - clean water, herbal teas, lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks. Alcohol is contraindicated.

Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies

Drug treatment for bladder inflammation can be combined with folk recipes, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Herbal infusions and decoctions help increase the amount of urine, relieve inflammation and pain, speed up the restoration of the mucous membrane, and also increase local and general immunity.

They should be consumed within 5-10 days. At chronic course Cystitis therapy can be increased to 2-3 months.

At urological diseases(for inflammation of the bladder) herbs such as horsetail, bearberry, lingonberry leaves and berries, cranberries, birch leaves, corn silk, St. John's wort, chamomile, parsley, knotweed, agrimony, celery seeds, yarrow and others.

To prepare the drink you need:

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 25-30 g of dry raw materials from one or more plants.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat.
  3. Leave for 1.5-2 hours. Filter and drink warm 3-4 times a day, 50 ml.

Cystitis is a disease that is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and can lead to serious consequences. Increased urge to urinate, pain, change appearance urine is a reason to see a doctor.

Self-medication can lead to the pathology becoming chronic and gradual atrophy of bladder tissue. The basis of therapy is taking antibiotics. It is complemented by the prescription of antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal remedies and physiotherapy. After completing the course of treatment, it is advisable to take a urine test to ensure that the infectious process has been successfully stopped.

Some foods and drinks increase inflammation in the bladder. For successful treatment you need to know and, if possible, avoid such products.

We will consider the symptoms of chronic cystitis in men, features of diagnosis and treatment.

Video on the topic

Bladder inflammation requires mandatory and timely treatment, otherwise serious complications are possible.

Symptoms of the disease

Disease caused by streptococci, staphylococci, coli, enterococci, gonococci, has different character, occurs in the form of lesions on the surface of the mucosa or affects the internal walls of the bladder. In the acute form of inflammation, the patient comes with the following complaints:

  • purulent discharge in the urine;
  • pain when urinating;
  • the presence of epithelial particles in the urine;
  • blood in the urine;
  • cloudy discharge as a result of bacterial insemination of urine;
  • fever, chills.

In the chronic form, inflammation spreads to the walls of the bladder, connective tissue, areas of tissue become granular, bleeding and non-healing. Symptoms are accompanied by:

  • pain when urinating;
  • frequent urges;
  • pain in the perineum, urethra.

Inflammation is more common in women due to the shortened urinary tract, urethra, close proximity of the anus and vagina to the external opening, so bacteria penetrate inside the bladder more often. Cystitis is a common occurrence after childbirth or defloration.

In men, cystitis is also possible; the epididymis, prostate gland, testes or urethra. Often inflammatory processes develop against the background of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, pregnancy, childbirth, decreased immunity, stagnation in the pelvic area, impaired urine flow, with hormonal, emotional failure, long-term use antibiotics, cytostatics, strong radiation effects on the body.

The provocateur of female cystitis can be bacterial vaginosis during the postmenopausal period.

If the acute form of the disease is quickly and successfully treated without significant consequences, then in the chronic form relapses cannot be avoided for the following reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • anatomical features in women;
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • sexual transmission of infection - cystitis is inevitable in the presence of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia;
  • abnormal location of the urethra (close to the external opening);
  • failure to maintain personal hygiene, in particular during sexual intercourse;
  • frequent and early sex life, permanent shift partners.

How to treat bladder inflammation

When similar symptoms You need to contact a urologist as soon as possible, otherwise a chronic form of inflammation cannot be avoided, which will complicate treatment. Relapses and exacerbations in the future are inevitable. The main treatment is aimed at relieving inflammation and preventing further development inflammatory processes and defeats nearby organs. Antibiotics, bed rest, copious amounts of warm drink diuretics, juices, fruit drinks, warm foot baths to relieve pain and discomfort.

Live healthy! Cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder.(04/13/2017)

Inflammation of the bladder: Symptoms and treatment of the disease

In the chronic form, you must first eliminate primary focus infections, which often include dental caries and sore gums. Bacteria, getting inside, affect the rectum and do not particularly harm other organs. But if the inflammation spreads to the bladder or urethra, cystitis develops, then treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist, while in case of inflammation of the bladder mucosa, treatment is carried out by a urologist.

If an attack occurs, you need to be able to properly provide first aid yourself. During an attack, you need to drink at least 1 liter of water to reduce the acidity in the urine, after which every half hour you drink weak tea, or juice.

If you have pain, you can take a painkiller. Make a warm foot bath. Next, you need to lie down with a heating pad between your legs to warm the urethra. Along with a heating pad, it is good to take medications that relieve inflammation. Treatment is advised herbal infusions from goldenrod, lingonberry or bearberry leaves. The disease is serious, so self-medication is only possible as first aid. Seeing a doctor and taking a urine test is necessary.

Most microorganisms accumulate at night, so urine for analysis should be collected in the morning, after examining it, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment with antibiotics, auxiliary drugs to maintain immunity, general well-being sick.

Cystitis must be treated completely, otherwise it will lead to complications, for example, chronic pyelonephritis. It is also important at the time of treatment to review your diet, give up spicy, fatty and salty foods, as well as accidental hypothermia, and intimacy.

In addition to antibiotics, cystitis is treated with antispasmodics, uroseptics, immunostimulants, and physiotherapy.

In addition to bacterial culture to determine the number of bacteria, leukocytes and red blood cells in the urine, a doctor may prescribe voiding cystography or cystoscopy. Treatment and dosage of drugs is prescribed only by a urologist. It is important to stop inflammation and not give it a chance to develop.

Ciprofloxacin, nitroxoline, ampicillin, and gentamicin can be prescribed by injection or by introducing a solution into the bladder. The course of treatment with antibiotics is 14 days, followed by vitaminization of the body, physiotherapy, electrophoresis, paraffin applications. To reduce spasms and pain, No-shpa, Baralgin, Papaverine, and non-fluorinated quinolones are prescribed.

Non-steroidal drugs are rarely used in treatment; they penetrate poorly into the mucous membrane, can put a strain on the liver, and lead to an exacerbation of an existing ulcer or gastritis. As an anti-inflammatory therapy, the doctor can only prescribe Naproxen or Indomethacin, but there will be more benefit from pharmaceuticals herbal medicines that give good results for treating cystitis at home.

At home, it is good to drink decoctions of calendula, coltsfoot, nettle, and St. John's wort. Found as diuretics and antispasmodics wide application for cystitis Urolesan, Cyston, Canephron.

What you need to know to prevent cystitis

Inflammation can be avoided if:

  • empty your bladder in a timely manner;
  • don't neglect physical exercise, in an active way life;
  • avoid stagnation of urine in the pelvic organs, irritation of the urinary tract by taking salt in large quantities, spicy dishes, canned food, alcoholic drinks.

Cystitis requires diet. Eating cheeses, raisins, tomato juice, chocolate, carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, orange juice, vinegar, nuts, apples, peaches, grapes should be temporarily excluded. It is important for women to wash themselves daily, sanitize the vagina, and keep it clean.

The disease brings many inconveniences: in the area of ​​the urethra, in the perineum it is felt constant discomfort, burning, itching. More details about this.

Urination becomes frequent and painful, the temperature rises, which indicates the spread of infection, and it is unlikely that available remedies and medications can provide all possible help. Cystitis quickly becomes chronic, relapses become constant, along with this, kidney treatment is often required, the recovery process becomes longer and more difficult.

It is better not to delay treatment of bladder inflammation; treating the disease with antibiotics and home remedies, this can only slow down the process.

Cystitis requires diagnostics and tests, so adequate, correct and effective treatment Only a urologist can prescribe it. It is important to know preventive measures and not neglect them, especially for women, then there will be problems with bladder will become much smaller.

Inflammation of the bladder is a common disease, but due to certain characteristics of the body, women experience it much more often than men. Late diagnosis And incorrect treatment may entail unpleasant consequences, so you need to know what the causes and first symptoms of bladder inflammation in women are.

About the causes and development of the disease

Most often the cause of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms– bacteria, protozoa or microscopic fungi. It is much less likely to have to deal with non-infectious inflammation, which is caused by allergies, effects on the bladder mucosa chemical substances or radioactive radiation.

There are a number of predisposing factors that can provoke the inflammatory process:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • menopause period;
  • physical inactivity;
  • epithelial injuries;
  • urodynamic disorders;
  • other diseases of the bladder or nearby organs (presence of a tumor or calculus in the bladder, chronic or);
  • the presence of other foci of infection;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • decline protective forces body.

In girls and women disdain personal hygiene causes illness more often than in boys and men. The urethra in females is much shorter and wider, so pathogens from the perineum easily penetrate the bladder through the ascending route.

With the onset of menopause genitourinary system women undergo anatomical and topographical changes. The elasticity of the ligaments that secure the genitourinary organs decreases, and their prolapse is observed. Hormonal changes cause atrophic processes in the epithelium of the bladder, which makes it especially vulnerable to cystitis pathogens.

Low physical activity and a “sedentary” lifestyle lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic vessels. Deterioration of blood supply genitourinary organs– one of the reasons for their dysfunction and the development of inflammatory processes.

Injuries to the lining of the bladder can occur as a result of a fall, certain medical procedures, or the presence of a stone. The damage is an entry point for infection.

Disturbances in urodynamics are often caused by cicatricial strictures (narrowings) of the urethra that have formed against the background, neurological disorders or neoplasms.

Incomplete emptying and the constant presence of residual urine in the bladder leads to the active proliferation of bacteria.

Very often, inflammation of the bladder neck in women develops against the background of infectious diseases. gynecological diseases– vulvitis, vaginitis, . Thus, the causative agent of these diseases is often the same. Inflammation can be caused by gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia or fungi of the genus Candida. However, the most common cause of inflammation is E. coli.

The infection can enter the bladder not only through the ascending route, but also through the blood or lymphatic fluid.

In this regard, the presence of even distant foci of infection (for example, in the pharyngeal tonsils) increases the risk of developing the disease. Women who have this condition often experience this disease. The infection spreads in a descending manner - from the kidneys to the bladder.

Hormonal pathology, in particular diabetes, leads to an increase in the level of glucose in the urine, which is a good breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.

Unbalanced diet, hypothermia, constant stress and non-compliance with the daily routine entail a decrease in local and general immunity. In such conditions, inflammation can occur even in the absence of other predisposing factors.

Signs of acute inflammation of the bladder are typical, so diagnosing the disease is usually not difficult. But it must be remembered that, along with urological problems women often have gynecological diseases. Symptoms of bladder inflammation are as follows:

  • frequent urges (up to several times an hour, more than 4 – 7 times a day);
  • pain in the act of urination (pain at the beginning and end, which can radiate to the rectum);
  • allocation small quantity urine every time you go to the toilet;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying;
  • cloudy urine, blood or pus;
  • the appearance of a pronounced ammonia odor;
  • the appearance of mucous or mucopurulent discharge from the urethra;
  • constant aching pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by urination;
  • increase in body temperature to 37.5 degrees;
  • general malaise (weakness, headache, loss of appetite).

With chronic inflammation, the symptoms are much less pronounced. The most common cause of chronic pelvic pain is discomfort in the pelvic area or lower abdomen, which are combined with increased irritability, sleep disturbances and decreased performance.

To confirm or refute the presence of cystitis, the doctor conducts a diagnosis:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • urine test according to Nechiporenko;
  • three-glass samples;
  • bacteriological examination of urine (culture on a nutrient medium);
  • gynecological examination and vaginal smear analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • cystoscopy.

Based on the results obtained, a course of therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of bladder inflammation: medications and drugs

During treatment acute form inflammation of the bladder in women, it is recommended to follow bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, refusal to drink alcohol, salt and spices.

It is recommended to drink diuretic teas - decoctions of lingonberry, bearberry, goldenrod. Warm baths or using a heating pad can help relieve pain. If pain syndrome severely expressed, the doctor may prescribe medications that relieve spasm.

The main role is given to treatment with antibiotics, which help destroy infectious agents. The most commonly used drugs to treat bladder inflammation are quinolones and fluoroquinolones.

However, only a specialist can prescribe such tablets for the treatment of cystitis in women after diagnostic tests. The choice of drugs is made depending on the nature of the pathogen and its sensitivity to various drugs.

In the absence of proper treatment, pathogens may spread up the ureters, penetrate into the kidneys with the development of pyelitis, etc. In addition, infection may enter reproductive system, which leads to vulvitis, vaginitis, etc.

Prevention of cystitis involves eliminating risk factors. It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene, avoid physical inactivity, hypothermia, stress and dietary errors. Treatment of the disease should begin immediately, since otherwise there is a high risk of chronicity of the pathological process.

Inflammation of the bladder currently is a fairly common disease, and most often it occurs in the fair half of humanity. In this article we will look at the main methods of treatment, and also talk about the primary symptoms.

general information

Most often, bladder inflammation is diagnosed, as noted above, in women. In most known cases, the cause lies in an infection that penetrates the body. This situation, in turn, is determined by pregnancy, the restructuring of the body to hormonal level, hypothermia, etc. In fact, experts are confident that if followed elementary rules, and also when timely diagnosis the development of the disease can be prevented.

Signs of bladder inflammation

There are a number of features that can be seen primary symptoms and start a course of therapy on time. We list them in detail below.

Cystitis. Treatment


Surely today everyone will agree that in our country it is customary to try recipes first alternative medicine rather than seeking help from a specialist. Indeed, in in this case many resort to the help of herbs and tinctures. However, doctors do not recommend engaging in so-called self-medication. The whole point is that if ethnoscience does not help, patients go to the hospital late, when it is already somewhat difficult for the doctor to correctly identify the causative agent of the disease. Clinical picture will be smeared. Better with traditional therapy and after the doctor's approval, follow the methods of our grandmothers.