Eating excrement by humans. Why do some people eat poop, is it normal. and is it harmful? Due to the neglect of the owners

Coprophagia refers to the unusual phenomenon of eating excrement. Probably everyone has seen something devouring at least once. feces a dog is not a very pleasant sight. Why does this happen?

What is coprophagia?

Literally, a coprophage is an organism that feeds on feces, most often from mammals. The word has Greek origin. “Khopros” translates to “feces” or “dung,” and “phagos” means “devourer.”

The causes of coprophagia can be different: it often develops against the background of a lack of nutrients and microelements in the animal’s body. For some individuals, under certain conditions, this is the norm. There are species of insects that are natural coprophages.

Some worms individual species insects and mites belong to the group of natural coprophages, for which the described phenomenon is just a way of feeding. For some representatives, food is both the droppings themselves and the microorganisms rapidly developing in them.

“Coprophagia” eating method - what is it?

Some butterflies, ants and bees eat the sweet excrement of aphids, scale insects and the like. Almost a third of their secretions consist of various types of sugars and are otherwise called “honeydew.”

Autocoprophagy is a separate concept: it is characteristic of arthropods that devour excrement exclusively of their own species. The waste products of the queen and drones are absorbed by the worker bees of the hive. The larvae of a special wax moth are able to digest the wax contained in their own excrement up to several times.

A coprophage is an organism that actively participates in the natural cycle of substances. Their representatives contribute to a more intensive destruction of organic matter, the return of nutrients to the soil, and significantly increase the fertility of the land. Their benefits for nature are obvious.

Specialization of coprophages

A coprophage is an organism that uses elements for food that have already passed through the intestines. Some representatives of the fauna are distinguished by a fairly clear specialization in the type of excrement used for nutrition. Some dung beetles, for example, absorb only cow feces, others exclusively horse feces.

Food passing digestive tract, is not completely freed from nutrients. Poorly soluble and digestible particles remain almost unchanged. It is for this reason that many true coprophages are equipped with a long intestine, which facilitates more intensive digestion of food, which is feces.

Many rodent species also occasionally eat their own feces, thus increasing the digestibility of food that is not completely digested the first time. In captivity, almost all rodents exhibit coprophagy due to a poorly balanced diet.

Coprophagia in pets

In relation to pets, the meaning of the word “coprophagous” may be somewhat different. This phenomenon occurs more often in dogs, somewhat less frequently in cats. It does not go beyond the norm if the bitch eats the excrement of her puppies from birth until about one month old, thereby ensuring cleanliness in the nest.

It is considered natural behavior, although not entirely normal, for a dog to consume the feces of ungulates. In the absence of her usual food, this helps her not to go hungry. Inexperienced dog owners who do not know what a coprophage is become panicky when they catch their pet doing such an unsightly activity. Such a habit looks extremely disgusting in their eyes.

Some pets prefer the excrement of herbivores, others prefer cat feces, while others adore the frozen feces of their fellow pets. They don’t shy away from human ones either. There are several different theories to explain such disorders: improper metabolism, boredom, pancreatic insufficiency, certain infections, etc.

People and coprophagy

In people this phenomenon usually associated with various mental problems. This could be bulimia due to dementia, iron deficiency, or encephalopathy of various etiologies. In some cases it may have the character of a special sexual perversion.

Coprophagia, in the form of a kind of fetishism, can be classified as a form of coprophilia. Eating feces or being forced to do so can be considered a certain element of sadomasochistic perversion. Coprophagia of this kind is not an obvious sign of mental disorder.

But coprophagy is not necessarily a deviation. Eating excrement is common in infants and young children. Most often, this process is one-time in nature and takes the form of an experimental action.

Interesting fact. A well-known elite variety of expensive coffee is made from beans that have passed through the intestines of a palm civet. They are collected along with excrement, cleaned, washed and dried. The influence of mammalian intestinal enzymes gives it a special exclusive note. A cup of this drink can cost about $50.

Many, of course, do this unconsciously. As an adult, few people would think of eating poop. And actually, why do this? After all, shit is waste food and there is nothing useful in it, and it stinks. IN general parameters There are practically no things that make it appetizing. With all this, the topic of our article is how to eat poop and in it you will learn how to do it correctly and whether feces actually do not contain any nutrients for our body?

Eating poop - stages of preparation for consumption

Of course, not everyone has the endurance to eat fresh poop. This is mainly due to the color and smell. While it is warm, the smell is strong, as it cools it will decrease. Therefore, first of all, we need to process the shit and rid it of the smell. How to do this?

The smell of feces is given by the gas that saturates the shit in our intestines; it is released during the life of our intestinal bacteria. This same gas penetrates into the stool, since the structure of stool is porous. The result is saturation of feces with odorous gases. In order to get rid of them, you need to let the poop sit for a while. To prevent it from drying out, put it in the freezer. This way you will get rid of gases and reduce the smell.

But this step is not able to completely remove the smell and you still cannot eat such poop. The fact is that odorous gases, more correctly called caustic, have the ability to be absorbed directly into tissues. Herbs will help add flavor to our poop. Perfect fit Bay leaf, dried dill and parsley, allspice, also add fresh parsley.

Next you will need gauze or sterile bandage. For one poop with a diameter of 3 cm and a length of about 10 cm, we will need a 6x20 cm canvas. required amount gauze or bandage, place a bay leaf on it, scatter dried herbs. Then place the poop on one edge and start wrapping. This way you should end up with a kind of roll. The poop should be completely and generously covered with the above ingredients.

Now we need to expose our delicacy heat treatment. We will steam the poop like manti for about 30 minutes. The gauze will prevent it from falling apart. When steamed, feces will absorb the aromas of herbs and lose their original odor. When steamed, all remaining gases will come out and eating poop will be much more enjoyable. Also, liquids will come out of it, and it will acquire a more solid consistency.

When ready, pull the gauze by the edges, thereby once again squeezing it further and making it drier and denser.

Now the shit is ready and you can eat it.

Food is served - poop to the table

The prepared shit can be served either hot or chilled. You can do cold snack from shit or serve it as a main course. To serve this dish cold, it must be placed while still hot in a container, sprinkled with mint and put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

You can eat poop with a spoon or fork, whichever is more convenient for you. Place the stool sausages on a plate. You can serve either whole sausages or pre-cut into slices.

About the nutritional value of poop

Feces are not just processed waste products of our body. They still contain nutrients and at the same time in large quantities. They are low in calories and at the same time have a lot of protein and carbohydrates. Perhaps soon our own shit will become one of the most expensive dishes in prestigious restaurants.


Japanese scientists have invented a technology that allows them to produce meat from sewage waste that is superior in performance to natural meat. Today it is more expensive than its natural counterparts, but mainly due to the fact that there is no mass production. All that remains is to resolve the issue psychological perception product by consumers.

This concludes our article about how to cook and eat poop. It is worth noting that the information is for reference and educational purposes only. We, in turn, do not recommend preparing such products at home and eating them.

Although on this moment, perhaps, will not be able to satisfy the feeling of hunger and satiate our stomachs for many reasons, but at the same time its usefulness is nutritional value doesn't end. The shape and color of your feces can determine your health. Therefore, check these indicators regularly.


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Most people are disgusted with body secretions, especially to urine and feces. And it’s completely in vain: these products are a natural part of the life activity of any living creature. Moreover, they have been scientifically proven to be very beneficial. I suppose every half-literate person has heard about urine therapy. Some people perceive this with disgust, others with laughter, but this is absolute reality. Urine is used both fresh and old, both in pure form and evaporated to a certain portion of the volume, including in the form of a nutritious urine oil. Urine therapy saved even in such cases when official medicine gave up: laryngeal cancerIVdegrees, paroproctitis, breast cancer, diabetes . Treatment only stopped the disease, but treatment with urine healed.


Kalotherapy has roots in ancient times. Ancient Indian Veda "Mahabharata" includes treatise "Srimad-Harbamatam", which describes in detail the treatment with one's own excrement. This treatise remained unknown until the first third of the twentieth century. Subsequently, during the War of Independence, the original was lost, only a translation made by Rajeev Chanjava. This is how this sacramental process is described there: "...together with the secretions of a Man, his vital forces come out... for the body of a Man should not live forever. "..." When he [Man] falls ill and is possessed by Lakshminatra (Evil demon), then Energy is lost... So that replenish your reserves of vitality... it is best to return the strength lost with Smarati (feces) by absorbing Smarati..." Great hermits Kshumaites it was said that Shivambu (urine) and, in particular, Smarati (feces) are the basis of all medicines. Well known mumiyo , which helps with countless diseases, is nothing more than the excrement of high-mountain artiodactyl argali that live in the foothills of Tibet. Calotherapy is widely used in Africa. This is confirmed by ethnographic research. So, during a trip to West Africa, the Soviet naturalist A.I. Landovsky wrote in his diary: "Several small peoples of the Fulani group... have an interesting tradition - to use their own feces to treat and prevent many diseases... This is amazing healthy people... compared to its neighbors. "..." They suffered epidemics of Ebola and others that destroyed many tribes around. "..."Low infant mortality was also noted." (A.F. Martov, A.I. Landovsky “Peoples” West Africa", Moscow, 1983). The scientist further noted that this is not related to religious traditions - local residents assured that treatment with feces really helps. Landovsky himself did not experience the effects of feces on himself. Similar phenomena of calotherapy are described in their "Africa of dreams and reality"Czechoslovak travelers I. Hanzelka and M. Zikmund. Feces are used by many animals, for example, elephants, to replenish the missing plant foods, substances. Amphibian tadpoles, if excrement is removed from their diet, are significantly delayed in development compared to the control group.

Basics of calotherapy.

If you look from scientific point sight, then there is nothing surprising: human feces actually have healing properties. Judge for yourself. Chemical composition feces 100 grams contain: * 10 g fat(same amount in sour cream) * 7-12 MEQ potassium* 1-5 MEKV sodium* 400-900 mg calcium(not every toothpaste has this much) * up to 3 g nitrogen ( Source: "Practitioner's Handbook" ed. NOT. Vorobyov, St. Petersburg, 1996) Lost with feces amino acids, which can be re-absorbed by the body, just like lactic acid bacteria(bifidum, coli, etc.), taking an active part in the digestion process and bringing the intestinal microflora back to normal. Feces are very useful for dysbiosis. They cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, which promotes the discharge of excess weight (feces - low calorie product) and improved well-being.

Calotherapy practice.

It is best to consume your own stool unless you have helminthic diseases or disorders. In such cases, feces from other healthy people are suitable. The best feces are brown or black in color - they contain greatest number useful substances. Smell- characteristic, perhaps sweetish. Taste- varies from bitter to sweet (from an excess of mono- and polysaccharides), most often - cloyingly minty. The smell and taste do not affect the usefulness. Consistency- soft, excrement is shaped like cylinders. ATTENTION! Do not use liquid feces under any circumstances - their acid-base balance is disturbed. You should eat fresh stool, preferably morning stool. It can be frozen at a temperature of 10 degrees, and subsequently reheated over low heat or in the microwave. Consumption rate: Prevention- up to 50 g per day, in the morning on an empty stomach Therapeutic dosage - 50-100 g before meals 3-4 times a day Kalotherapy helps with the following diseases Gastrointestinal tract: -cholecystitis, pancreatitis (acute and chronic) -dysbacteriosis -constipation -diarrhea (chronic and acute) -stomach ulcers and duodenum -gastritis (with increased and decreased secretory function stomach) Kalotherapy for dermatovenerological diseases. Stool dressings are used for eczema, trophic ulcers, acne, acne, dandruff. Fecal baths are good for calluses And ingrown toenail(can be applied in a thick layer to your finger, wrapped in polyethylene and steamed for 24 hours). To improve the effect you need to add honey, ichthyol ointment and aloe extract. Indispensable feces and stool soap (1/3 laundry soap+ 2/3 of feces are poured a small amount water and put on water bath for 3-4 hours) with gonorrhea (gonorrhea) and initial stage syphilis. The wives of Chinese mandarins used feces in for cosmetic purposes- fecal face masks with the addition of herbs. (

When a pet eats excrement, it is unpleasant for the owner. After all, he lives in a family, often licks all family members, sometimes even his face. Therefore, imagining that he had previously eaten poop, creates unpleasant feeling. This article will help you find out why dogs eat feces and how to wean them off it.


What is coprophagia?

Coprophagia, the eating of excrement, is one of the main problems faced by dog ​​owners. Eating the feces of other animals, especially herbivores, is a common phenomenon in the animal kingdom.

Exist different kinds coprophagia:

  • autocoprophagy – eating one’s own feces;
  • intraspecific coprophagy - eating the feces of relatives;
  • interspecific coprophagy - a dog eating the feces of other animals, for example, cats, deer, rabbits, etc.

This behavior is not considered abnormal, just undesirable.

Many dog ​​owners, seeing their pet grabbing excrement, begin to scream and run to him so that he stops eating, which is not worth doing. The pet, instead of stopping, on the contrary, tries to eat what it found as quickly as possible. Dogs perceive eating feces as a reward.

When the owner tries to punish the dog, it may not understand the reason for the punishment and may become afraid. Therefore, before dealing with this phenomenon, you need to find out why it does this, and then apply appropriate measures.

The dangers of eating poop for your pet

Organisms such as Toxoplasma may be present in cat poop. In dogs, these organisms can cause various problems: hit the center nervous system And muscle tissue. If feces have been lying in the ground for a long time, fly larvae can be deposited in them, and infection is possible. pathogenic bacteria and fungi. It is better to avoid such sources of infection. If possible, feces should be removed from the yard as quickly as possible.

Diseases such as hepatitis and parvovirus infection can be transmitted through feces. Vaccinated animals have a much lower risk of disease.


Feces eating is a more common behavior in bitches and puppies. In females, these are more sanitary and hygienic measures than a manner of behavior. Thus, she keeps the habitat clean. In addition, a natural instinct is triggered: by eating feces, the female destroys the smell, which can attract predators.

A puppy, observing a female eating his feces or a human cleaning up his poop, may similarly eat his own feces to earn rewards. Also, in a puppy, the consumption of feces may be associated with the formation of the intestines. This behavior goes away as the puppy grows up, unless it becomes a habit.

Feces contain many unprocessed nutrients, minerals and vitamins. A lack of them in the diet can cause pets to eat poop. In this case, their diet should be reconsidered. Malnutrition, dietary food may make you want to fill your stomach with something to feel full. Possible reason eating feces can be very fatty food: organism four-legged friend may not be able to process such food.

By consuming feces, pets sometimes want to attract the attention of their owners in this way, without receiving it in full. Everyday life. The dog may eat the excrement of the dominant animals in the house.

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Ways to correct unwanted behavior in dogs

Besides, veterinarian will be able to correctly adjust your pet’s diet, find out what is missing, and create a new diet so that it contains all the necessary nutrients and minerals. If the cause of coprophagia is a disease, then you must first cure the animal and then wean it off the problem. bad habit.

To wean pet from eating feces, various behavioral strategies can be used, even if the cause is related to her health.

The most effective ways can be identified:

  1. Eliminate the opportunity for the dog to eat feces. If there are other animals, then clean the yard from feces before walking the pet, and take it out for a walk only on a leash. A muzzle can be used for these purposes.
  2. If the owner sees that the pet is about to eat its feces, you need to switch its attention, for example, to a toy, give it a treat, or involve it in some kind of game. The same strategy should be followed if the reason for eating feces is to attract the attention of the owner. You need to try to pay more attention to your furry pet, not only on walks, but also at home.
  3. Puppy with early age you need to teach him to obey, teach him to understand prohibiting commands: “fu,” “you can’t,” “quit.” In this case, you need to walk with him on a short leash. If you see that the puppy is about to eat feces, you should sharply pull the leash and say a prohibiting command. As soon as he moves away from the group that interested him, the pet should be rewarded with a treat or praised. Such exercises should be done as often as possible so that the puppy learns the lesson. But in the future you need to pay attention and keep an eye on the dog during walks.
  4. You can treat the feces with pepper, mustard, horseradish, or any drugs that will make the feces less attractive to your pet and discourage the desire to eat it.

When weaning your pet from a bad habit, you need to show patience and love; you cannot punish him, shout at him, or poke his muzzle in the feces. This will only complicate the relationship with him; the owner may lose mutual understanding with his furry friend. The next time, having found its own feces, the dog can, on the contrary, eat it as quickly as possible so that the owner does not notice and scold him.

To prevent coprophagia, you need to make sure that the dog eats properly, remove worms on time, pay as much attention to the pet as possible, and monitor its health.

Video "Why do dogs eat feces"

This video explains why dogs eat their own poop and the poop of other animals.

Poop eating, or coprophagia in scientific terms, is an unpleasant but common occurrence among dogs. In addition to the fact that this is disgusting for you, it is very harmful and dangerous for your pet, and this behavior needs to be corrected. This behavior is also called “perverted appetite.”

There are too many viruses and bacteria in the feces and urine of sick animals to allow such a risk: worms are the most harmless thing you can catch. In any case, do not forget to carry out preventive treatment once every 3 months. For example, the toxoplasmosis virus can cause negative changes in the central nervous system in dogs.

Before treatment for coprophagia, you need to find out why your dog has an unhealthy urge to eat feces. The most common reasons:

Lack of microelements in feed

Lack of your attention

Pancreatic failure

Various infections in the body

Lactation period

Monitor your dog's daily diet: does it have enough vitamins and microelements? If you prefer home-cooked foods, fortify them with a multivitamin. If it is difficult to keep track of the balance of the diet, it is best to switch it to high-quality dry food, which contains everything necessary for health and wellness. Carry out the translation smoothly, a more detailed article on this topic is here. Choose super premium or holistic food, they are more expensive, but in the end you won’t save on your health.

If the pet does not have enough attention, then she begins to eat feces or dirty things. It has its own logic - after all, punishment is also a form of attention. Sometimes a dog repeats after its owner, who cleans up after it on the street.

Issues of pancreatic insufficiency can only be reliably assessed in a veterinary clinic, where the doctor will collect tests and prescribe the necessary medications. For example, if you overfeed your dog fatty, this will negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas.

Once you know the reason, you can begin to eliminate the habit.

1. Eliminate the prerequisites for coprophagia: change food, pay more attention and play.

2. If eating excrement is due to a lack of communication, do not punish her, because perhaps the dog is trying to achieve this, albeit in negative form. Call the dog if he approaches the pile. The dog obeyed and came running - encourage, caress, play.

3. Train the commands “come to me” and “near” - it’s better in advance so that she obeys before she starts eating feces. And wear a muzzle, at least for the first time...

4. More extreme, but also effective method weaning - add foods that will cause obvious negativity to the feces that you encounter along the way: hot spices and sauces, Tabasco and the like. During the walking process, specifically approach the feces with additives and allow them to be eaten, and then say: “ugh”. Always be vigilant when walking with your pets!