A decoction of pine cones is contraindicated. Treatment with pine cones - folk recipes

A walk through the forest fills you with strength, relieves stress, and helps overcome irritability. All this happens thanks to the phytoncides and essential oils contained in the needles. The maximum is found in cones, which are effectively used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. This makes them indispensable in folk health recipes.

Use in folk medicine

Traditional healers make potions from pine fruits to treat problems of the respiratory system and joints. Preparations from cones perfectly cleanse the blood.

From the cones you can prepare a decoction, tincture,... All remedies help fight inflammation, strengthen the body’s protective functions, and promote rapid tissue restoration.

Pine medicines are effective for the following diseases:

  • all types of cough - from colds and bronchial to tuberculosis. The biologically active substances of the cones destroy the Koch bacillus;
  • stomach diseases - and intestinal infections;
  • joint problems – rheumatism;
  • vitamin deficiency and low hemoglobin.

Important! Cones that do not exceed 4 cm in length are easily cut with a knife. They should be collected in May–June. Herbalists believe that the best days for harvesting are June 21–25.

Against cough

Various medicines can be made from pine cones. Many of them are not only healthy, but also very tasty. It is much easier to treat children with such drugs.


  1. Sort and rinse the raw materials thoroughly.
  2. Cut the cones into thin circles. Place in a transparent container.
  3. Add sugar. For 2 parts of cones you will need 1 part of sugar.
  4. Place the medicine in a dark place for 14 days.
  5. After settling, place the jar in the refrigerator.

Children can be given 4 ml of syrup three times a day along with water or tea. Or 5-6 pieces of candied cones.


Cone jam has a specific taste. But it is a powerful natural immune booster.

Important! The preparation process is the same as for other types of jam.

Prepared and crushed cones must be covered with sugar (proportion 1:1). Leave until juice appears. If little juice comes out, you can add 400 ml of water. This will not affect the medicinal properties of the jam in any way. The drug should be cooked over low heat for at least 90 minutes. Remove foam as it appears.

To treat cough, you need to add 7 ml to tea at least 3 times a day. To protect against flu and colds, you need to take 5 ml of the medicine every morning before breakfast.


Good for inhalation. You can use tougher fruits for cooking. This medicine softens and disinfects the nasopharynx, removes swelling, and helps thin sputum.

  1. Fill the cut cones completely with water and close tightly. After boiling, keep the medicine on the fire for at least a quarter of an hour. Do not open the lid.
  2. Breathe pine steam for no more than 5 minutes. Inhale should be done through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

This decoction recipe is considered a classic. Effective for getting rid of many ailments.

Important! Natural remedies are not used during an exacerbation of the disease.

For stroke

Alcohol tincture is the most effective remedy in.

  1. To do this, 6 cones should be completely filled with alcohol or vodka.
  2. The mixture should mature in the dark for 10–14 days.
  3. It should be shaken as often as possible. This will help transfer the maximum amount of useful substances into the tincture.

The resulting solution must be treated for at least 6 months. Take 6 ml of medication three times a day.

Important! For preventive purposes, you can take 5 ml of the drug every morning after breakfast. In addition, it can be prepared for treatment if there is no alcohol.

Scientific experiments were conducted that showed the effectiveness of pine tincture:

  • the death of neurons slows down;
  • the body becomes less susceptible to ischemia (oxygen starvation), the risk of stroke is reduced;
  • the drug effectively copes with both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke;
  • restoration of incompletely destroyed brain cells occurs.

If drinking alcohol is contraindicated, then a classic decoction will help. The daily dose is 150 ml, it should be divided into 3 equal portions. Take after meals.

For vessels

The buds contain large amounts of pycnogenol. This substance removes excess blood from blood vessels and improves blood supply. The pressure is normalized, the load on the vessels is reduced. Recommended as a prophylactic for atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Tincture components:

  • pine cones – 4 pcs.;
  • alcohol – 190 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar – 4 ml.

The fruits must be placed in a glass container and filled with alcohol. After 10 days, strain and add vinegar.

Before taking, mix 5 ml of tincture with the same amount of honey, stir in weak herbal or black tea. The medicine should not be taken on an empty stomach.

From pressure

Tincture of pine cones effectively helps with high blood pressure. After just a few days of use, the indicators decrease noticeably even with advanced forms of hypertension. This medicine improves the permeability of capillary vessels, cleanses them of slag masses.

Pour pine fruits (32 pcs.) with alcohol (970 ml). The medicine needs 17 days to mature.

The tincture should be taken for 62 days. Then you need a break for a week. After which you can repeat the cycle. Take the medicine three times a day, 5 ml, not on an empty stomach.

Pine fruits help to quickly and for a long time keep it within normal limits.

Alcohol tinctures should not be used for this disease. Treatment should be carried out using a classic decoction. It should be consumed three times a day, 70 ml.

For bronchitis

Pine cones help with various bronchitis and asthma.

  1. Fill a small thermos with the prepared crushed fruits.
  2. Add about 2 cm of pine resin.
  3. Pour hot milk (470 ml).
  4. Stir and leave for 4 hours.
  5. Free the infusion from sediment.

Take 210 ml twice a day. Course – 1–2 months. To treat asthma you will need 2 courses.

For chronic bronchitis

Throw 14 young cones into 500 ml of water. Leave for 3 weeks. No need to strain. Twice a day, dilute 5 ml of infusion in 50 ml of water.

Place 20 cones in a basin and add 3.5 liters of water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Place your feet in the slightly cooled solution and cover with a woolen cloth. Steam your feet until the liquid cools completely.

Contraindications for use

You should not use these medications in the following cases:

  • any ;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

You should not give medications to infants. For children under 7 years of age, the dose should be reduced by 2 times.

Pine cones are an affordable and effective treatment method. Self-medication can lead to negative results. Even natural medicines must be taken in consultation with your doctor.

Medicinal tincture of pine cones For health and longevity

The needles are taken in winter on frosty days, when the largest amount of active, medicinal substance is present in the pine needles. Pollen is collected in early spring, during the period of pollination and the birth of new life, and green pine cones are harvested in the summer, during their active growth and accumulation of useful, medicinal properties, and in the summer a tincture is prepared from them.

When preparing alcoholic tinctures from pine trees, biologically active, medicinal and necessary substances for the body, including bioflavonoids, are transferred into tinctures and preserved in them with alcohol, while retaining their unique healing properties.

Pine tinctures (especially from young pine cones) have antimicrobial, deodorizing and disinfecting properties. When these tinctures are used together, the best therapeutic effect is achieved: the body’s defenses (immunity) are strengthened, waste and toxins are removed, and pathogenic microflora is suppressed.

These tinctures, including those from young pine cones, are used for respiratory diseases, both cold and infectious: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, pneumonia, tuberculosis.

Tincture of pine pollen, tincture of young pine cones and tincture of pine needles have an expectorant effect, help cleanse the respiratory tract and remove mucus. Tinctures are an effective wound healing agent for ulcers and wounds. For bronchial asthma they are used as an anti-asthmatic agent.

These tinctures are an excellent medicine for the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Young pine tops with pollen are the best restorative, anti-scorbutic and balsamic remedy for scurvy or scurvy - which literally means “mouth with ulcers”. Good results are achieved in the treatment of advanced pulmonary tuberculosis using tinctures of young pine cones, pine pollen and pine needles.

Tincture of young pine cones, tincture of pollen and pine needles are the main components in the preparation of medicinal pine balms. Pine tinctures are compatible with almost all medicinal plants, which makes it possible to produce balms with various medicinal effects.

For example: if you add sweet clover tincture, tincture of chestnut fruits or flowers, and verbena tincture in a ratio of 5:1:1:1 to the tincture of young green pine cones, you will get an excellent balm for the treatment of thrombophlebitis with an immunomodulatory effect.

Also: add honey (100 g) and 100 ml of aloe juice to the tincture of young green pine cones or tincture of pine pollen (500 ml), mix well, close and put in a dark place for a day. We get an excellent balm for boosting immunity and treating lung diseases.
Ingredients: ethyl alcohol 40, young green pine cones or young pine shoots, or green pine needles.
Directions for use: to prevent colds and other diseases, drink 1 teaspoon of any of the tinctures once a day. For treatment, drink 1-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals for 20-40 minutes for three weeks.

Treatment will be more effective if you drink pine tinctures with hot tea or herbal infusion. Externally: apply bandages to wounds and ulcers 1-2 times a day or as needed.

Pine cone tincture recipe

For a medicinal tincture, pick green pine cones away from roads. They can be collected from May to July, while they have not yet gained hardness. The best tincture is obtained from cones collected in late May early June.

recipe for making tincture of young pine cones: 100 g of crushed young pine cones, pour 500 ml of 70% alcohol or vodka, leave for 14 days, filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day with water (50 grams) for a month for gastritis, peptic ulcers and respiratory diseases.

Video: Treatment of blood vessels (stroke) with tincture of pine cones 1 channel ORT

Recipe for treating goiter with tincture of pine cones

Cut the harvested green pine cones into 2–4 pieces and place them in a jar (preferably made of dark glass). Fill with 90% alcohol so that it completely covers the buds.
Close the jar with a tight lid, wrap it in paper and leave in a dark place for a month, shaking occasionally.
Then strain the tincture of the cones and store in the refrigerator.

Take pine cone tincture to treat goiter:

– for the first three days, drop three times a day.
– then, for a month, three drops three times a day.
Then take a month's break and repeat the course of treatment. Continue treatment until recovery.

Tincture of green pine cones after 2 weeks of infusion, take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for a month for gastritis, peptic ulcers and the treatment of cough, respiratory diseases and tumors.

Rules for taking herbal medicines from medicinal plants

When treating with products made from medicinal plants, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Herbal treatment should always be started after consultation with your doctor and with small doses;
  • It is not recommended to carry out treatment with preparations of the same medicinal plants for a long time;
  • Medicinal herbal preparations that have a strong effect should be taken for 7–20 days. Then, after a 10-day break, the course of treatment can be resumed;
  • Herbal preparations that do not have a strong effect can be taken for no more than 2 months;
  • the doses indicated in the prescription are intended for adults, therefore, for children, adolescents, the elderly, and patients with low weight, the dose of the drug should be reduced in accordance with the recommendation of a specialist;
  • If there are no other instructions in the recipe, it is advisable to take the drugs 20–30 minutes before meals.

Medicinal tinctures with green cones

In Rus', tinctures appeared around the 10th century AD. A certain man named Erofey tried to use an ancient oriental recipe to prepare a strong alcoholic drink.
He insisted on vodka, anise, mint, and crushed nuts. He poured all the products included in the future tincture into a bottle, filled it with vodka and placed it in a warm place. The vessel stood in a warm room near the stove for more than 12 days.
When Erofey decided to see what exactly he had come up with, he discovered a qualitatively new drink. Now we can say with certainty that it was a tincture.

  1. Tincture “Coniferous aromatic”. Compound:
    1 liter of vodka, 50 g lemon zest, 1 nutmeg, 7 - 10 pcs. cloves, 10 - 15 young pine cones.

    Pour dry lemon zest, nutmeg, cloves and pine cones with vodka and leave for 1 month. Strain and bottle;

  2. Tincture “Healing”. Compound:
    10 – 15 young green pine cones, 10 g anise, 10 g chamomile, 10 g dill, 1 liter of vodka.

    Pour young pine cones, anise, chamomile and dill with vodka and leave for 5 weeks, then strain and bottle;

  3. Cherry tincture. Compound:
    3 green pine cones, 0.5 l of vodka, 0.5 kg of cherries, 5 tbsp. spoons of honey.

    Pour vodka over cherries, pine cones and honey and mix thoroughly. Leave to infuse in a dark place, shake periodically. After 20–25 days, drain the tincture, pour into bottles and seal;

  4. Recipe with pine cones and honey. Tincture composition:
    3 liters of vodka, 20 young pine cones, a glass of honey, 5 pcs. bay leaf, 5 pcs. allspice, 5 pcs. black pepper, 1 piece of hot capsicum, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mint or lemon balm, vanilla on the tip of a knife.

    Finely chop the pine cones, mix all the ingredients, add vodka and keep in a dark place for 30–40 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain the drink and bottle it;

  5. Another tincture recipe. Compound:
    3 liters of vodka, 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark, 15 - 20 pine cones, 1-2 peppercorns, 2 pcs. bay leaf, a pinch of St. John's wort, lemon balm and tarragon, 2 slices of dry citrus peels, vanillin on the tip of a knife, 10–15 pcs. walnut partitions.

    Preparing the tincture
    Place walnut partitions into the vodka and let it brew for 3-5 days. Strain the infusion, add all the ingredients (chop the pine cones) and keep in a dark place for 30-40 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain the drink and bottle it;

Be healthy, don't get sick!

Pines are considered one of the most common types of trees on the globe. Walking in a coniferous forest has a beneficial effect on a person, improves mood and well-being. People use all parts of this plant: wood, needles, shoots, pine tar. Beneficial pine cones are also widely used - the medicinal properties and contraindications for their use are described in detail in many traditional medicine recipes.

What are the benefits of pine cones?

Botanists divide Scots pine fruits into male and female. Yellow-green male cones, concentrated in small groups, are located at the base of the shoots, and reddish female cones are at the tops. Both varieties contain vitamins B, C, carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, trace elements, organic acids, tannins, and also have a rich amino acid composition:


Green pine cones have a beneficial effect on the immune system, have phytoncidal properties, and products based on them have a general strengthening and tonic effect. They stimulate the process of hematopoiesis, enrich with calcium, provide vitamins, and benefit the digestive system. In addition, green pine cones - their medicinal properties and contraindications are well studied - are used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals: they are added to toothpastes, face masks, creams, lotions, and bath salts.

Tinctures made from red cones are indispensable in treating the consequences of a stroke. Due to their high content of tannins and tannins, they are able to stop the process of death of brain cells. In folk medicine, a decoction of red cones is used as a means of raising low hemoglobin, cleaning blood vessels, and preventing heart attack. An infusion of red cones with the addition of pine pollen is used as a means for the prevention and treatment of certain types of cancer.

Medicinal properties of pine cones

It is better to collect pine fruits in the forest area, away from cities and major roads, so they can reveal the whole bouquet of their healing properties, including:

  • Antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral.
  • Sedative (due to high potassium content and essential oils).
  • Blood purifying properties - the ability to remove toxins, radionuclides, and heavy metal salts from the body.
  • Choleretic (reduce the level of lipid compounds in the blood) and hepatoprotective (protect and restore liver cells).
  • Anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic (for the treatment of polyarthritis and arthritis).
  • Diuretic (in this case, pine cone preparations not only get rid of excess fluid, but also maintain electrolyte balance).
  • Expectorants (thin the mucus during bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis).
  • Antiscorbutic (the high content of vitamin C allows them to be used as a cure for a specific vitamin deficiency - scurvy).


An alcohol infusion of pine cones combines the antibacterial properties of alcohol with the entire range of healing properties of the plant. The tincture is used internally for ulcers and gastritis, as it heals damaged gastric mucosa; for diseases of the thyroid gland, thrombophlebitis, recovery after a stroke. The drug is considered an effective antiseptic, immunostimulating agent, and is used for anemia and respiratory diseases. The tincture can be used for inhalation in the treatment of respiratory diseases.


When the use of alcohol tincture is undesirable (for example, when treating children), you can use a cone decoction. It helps against inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, strengthens the immune system, and removes toxic compounds from the body. The decoction is used as a sedative, diuretic and choleretic agent. In addition, it is used for cosmetic purposes - for baths, wiping the skin of the face, rinsing hair.


The benefits of pine cones boiled with sugar are widely known in folk medicine. For example, in Bulgaria this syrup is called “hog honey” and is widely used to treat colds. In addition to combating acute respiratory infections, this remedy can be used to restore immunity, relieve pain from rheumatism, gout, speed up metabolism and even increase potency. The sweet medicine has no contraindications and is liked by children, so it can be used to prevent viral infections in children's groups.

Treatment with pine cones

You can experience the healing effect already at the stage of collecting raw materials. The air of a coniferous forest contains a large amount of phytoncides, the concentration is 5 times higher than that of a deciduous forest. This atmosphere kills bacteria and makes breathing easier, and essential oils create an aromatherapy effect: dispel bad thoughts. In folk medicine, green pine cones are recommended to be collected before mid-July, mature ones - at the end of summer, beginning of autumn. Sometimes pine buds are used in recipes called cones; they are collected in April-May.

From a stroke

The ability to cleanse the blood, diluting blood clots, makes pine fruits useful for post-stroke conditions. A complex of vitamins and bioflavonoids promotes tissue restoration, including damaged brain and nervous system cells. It is important to remember: a stroke is an acute condition that requires emergency medical care. Tincture of pine cones for stroke is good only at the recovery stage, after professional actions of doctors.

To prepare an alcoholic infusion, you will need open cones that have ripened two or three years ago and fall off the tree in early spring; the ideal time for collection is March, when such cones fall on the snow. A 0.5 liter jar is filled with 6-7 cones, filled with vodka to the brim and left to infuse in the dark under a closed lid for two weeks. The resulting medicine is drunk one teaspoon three times a day until the tincture runs out. The course must be carried out every 6 months.

Against cough

Cone jam is used as a remedy for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchial asthma, and sore throat. Soft green cones collected no later than mid-July are suitable for this. For 1 kg of raw materials you will need 1 kg of sugar and a little water, so that it only lightly covers the fruit. All three ingredients must be mixed, put on fire and cooked, stirring, for at least one and a half hours. Then the jam is poured into clean jars.

If you wish, you can prepare jam for the winter, then the container will need to be sterilized and use screw caps. If you strain the product after cooking, you will get a cone syrup. Opening such a jar in winter, you can feel the aroma of sun-warmed boron. Pine cones for cough for children in the form of syrup are added to warm tea, one tbsp. spoon per glass, drink three times a day, more often if possible. The product thins mucus, relieves inflammation, facilitates breathing and strengthens the immune system.

For vessels

Traditional healers recommend carrying out preventive cleaning of blood vessels using green pine cones, because they contain a lot of tannins. 5-6 soft fruits should be crushed, poured with 250 ml of medical alcohol (can be replaced with high-quality vodka), and kept in a dark room for 2-3 weeks. For preventive purposes, an infusion of pine cones for blood vessels is used one teaspoon in the morning, before breakfast. If the goal is to destroy cholesterol plaques, you need to drink the product three times a day, also one spoonful.

From pressure

For an alcohol tincture against hypertension, you will need red (female) cones collected at the beginning of summer, these are the so-called pine buds. A liter jar is loosely filled with the collected raw materials, topped up with vodka, and left for three weeks. The resulting solution should be brownish-red in color. When blood pressure rises, you need to dilute warm tea with one teaspoon of this medicine. Pine cones in vodka for blood pressure can be used in a course until the condition generally improves.

For the thyroid gland

Pine male (light green) buds are collected in May, crushed, and filled with medical alcohol in an amount equal to the volume of the collected buds. The medicine should be infused for 30 days, away from sunlight. Treatment takes three weeks: the first three days, one drop 3 times a day after meals, from the 4th day until the end of treatment, the dose increases to 5 drops. This remedy is recommended to treat goiter and other thyroid pathologies, but nodules are a contraindication for its use.

For gastritis

The soft green cones must be finely chopped, then filled into a three-liter jar in layers one and a half centimeters thick, alternating with the same layers of sugar. When the jar is filled to the top, place it in a cool, dark place so that the buds release the juice. Stir the contents of the jar periodically. When all the sugar has dissolved, pour the syrup containing resins and enzymes into a separate container and add a tablespoon per glass of water. Take the medicine three times a day after meals until gastritis subsides.

For headaches

There can be many reasons for a headache, one of them is fluid stagnation. A decoction of pine cones has an anti-edematous, diuretic effect. For 6-7 pieces you will need half a liter of water. In the evening you need to fill the crushed material with water, and in the morning turn on the heat and cook for 10-15 minutes. Cool and strain the solution. Half a glass of pine decoction twice a day will improve kidney function and relieve headaches.


To ensure that the treatment does not cause harm, before collecting pine cones, their medicinal properties and contraindications should be discussed with a doctor. Forest gifts will not be beneficial if a person has one of these conditions:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding in women;
  • children's age (up to 12 years, and alcohol tinctures are not suitable for children under 18 years of age);
  • individual intolerance to pine monoterpene compounds;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases and alcoholism.


Article publication date: 04/03/2017

Article updated date: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: do pine cones help against stroke, and how to harvest them correctly. Recipes for making tinctures (vodka, alcohol, water). A combination of buds with other natural ingredients. Beneficial and side effects, contraindications.

Pine cones are an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of stroke. But keep in mind that the herbal remedy cannot completely replace classical treatment and is only suitable as a supplement.

Before using tincture of cones, consult your doctor (cardiologist or neurologist).

Results from treatment with pine cones

Pine cones have an intense hypotensive effect. Blood pressure decreases already on the fifth day of continuous use of the tincture.

It is also noted that in patients who took such tinctures for six months after a stroke, speech and coordination were restored faster than in patients who did not supplement drug treatment with this folk remedy.

Composition and beneficial properties of pine cones

Pine cones are rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen the cardiovascular system and the entire body:

  • Vitamin C – improves immunity and accelerates the restoration of damaged body tissues.
  • Vitamin P – reduces capillary fragility and increases their elasticity.
  • B vitamins are needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system and its faster recovery. Participate in the process of hemoglobin synthesis and the formation of red blood cells.
  • Iron is part of hemoglobin. With a lack of iron in the body (and, as a result, low hemoglobin), tachyarrhythmias may occur.
  • Magnesium is needed for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Selenium – strengthens the myocardium, slows down the aging process of cells.

The cones also contain tannins, which lower blood pressure, prevent blood clots and accelerate the recovery of brain tissue, and a number of flavonoids, which help strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

They contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol levels.

There are also substances with anti-inflammatory properties.

Thanks to such an abundance of useful substances, pine cones can be very effective in preventing stroke. You can also speed up the process of recovery of the central nervous system after a stroke has already occurred.

The tincture can be an excellent addition to treatment:

  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis);
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • arthritis;
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension.

Harvesting pine cones

You need to start collecting them while they are still green. Young cones contain the largest amount of useful substances (magnesium is especially high in them during this period - it is part of chlorophyll, which gives them their green color).

Treatment with green cones will be especially effective for arrhythmias and other heart pathologies.

But even if they are already starting to lose their green color, they can still be collected. This can be done while they have not yet opened. Opened cones have already lost most of their beneficial properties - treatment with them will be ineffective.

The period when plant materials can be collected is from the beginning of May to the end of June.

It is not worth storing cones for a long time. It is better to make a tincture from them immediately after collection. That is why such products are often made with alcohol or vodka rather than with water. Alcohol tinctures can be stored for a long time, so there is no need to store the buds themselves.

If you still want to make a tincture of water or other remedies from the cones, you need to save them. To do this, grind them and dry them in the oven at 40 degrees.

Tincture recipes

The best option is cooking with alcohol. A 70% alcohol solution can be bought at a pharmacy. It, unlike vodka, does not contain any unnecessary additives.

1. Alcohol

To prepare the product, take 10 g of pine cones and 50 ml of alcohol. Grind the plant material. Fill with alcohol. Seal tightly. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Shake well every day. After 2 weeks, strain and pour into a container in which you will store the medicine.

Alcohol tincture is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals (15 minutes).

2. On vodka

If you are preparing a tincture with vodka, you will need twice as much of it as alcohol. That is, for 10 g of cones, 100 ml of vodka. Otherwise the recipe remains the same. When choosing a drink for preparing medicine, pay special attention to its quality. Vodka should be natural and should not contain any harmful additives.

For medicine with vodka, the dosage is the same as for alcohol.

3. On the water

This option is preferable for those for whom alcohol is contraindicated. For long-term treatment, it is better to use a water tincture.

Take 5 medium-sized cones. Grind. Pour in 2 cups of warm water. Place on the fire and wait until it boils. Cook for another 5 minutes. Cool.

Take a quarter glass of water 3 times a day before meals.

4. Combined products

With needles

Pine cones can be supplemented with needles of the same plant. It contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. As well as essential oils, which improve the body’s recovery process after a stroke and normalize heart rhythm, and alkaloids, which help with heart pain. Also contains substances that lower cholesterol.

Treatment with a tincture of cones and needles is effective if the stroke was caused by heart rhythm disturbances or atherosclerosis. In addition to accelerating the body’s recovery process, the risk of a recurrent stroke is also reduced.

  1. Take 10 g of cones and 10 g of needles.
  2. Pour in 100 ml of 70% alcohol.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.
  4. When the product has infused, strain.

For medicine with pine needles, the dosage is 15–20 drops three times a day.

With honey

Another good addition is honey. It enhances the hypotensive and immunomodulatory properties of pine cones. Treatment with this remedy helps well against high blood pressure, which can provoke a recurrent stroke.

  • Take a liter jar of pine cones.
  • Add 400 ml of liquid honey.
  • Close tightly and place in a warm place.
  • Insist for 4 months. During this period, the cones will “give up” their beneficial substances to honey.
  • Shake every day.
  • Strain.

Only young cones are suitable for preparing the product according to this recipe: no more than 4 cm in size, green in color, not hardened. They should scratch easily with a fingernail. Hardened ones have lower permeability, which is why honey is not saturated with useful substances.

Honey, saturated with the beneficial substances of the cones, eat a tablespoon 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

Treatment with pine cones usually does not cause side effects. They can only appear if there is an individual intolerance to this plant. Then a rash appears on the body, itching, and nausea.

Headaches, nausea and diarrhea may also occur with an overdose. In this case, consult your doctor and reduce the dosage or stop taking this folk medicine altogether.

Taking remedies from the cones is contraindicated in case of renal failure and hepatitis of any type. They are used with caution in people over 60 years of age.

Pine cones are familiar and unremarkable, at first glance, shoots of an evergreen tree. But they can give a person healing and create a comfortable environment in the home. Or they can bring trouble to those who carelessly decide to take advantage of the powerful natural power of ordinary pine cones.

Pine cones - beneficial properties: general information

Pine cones contain mainly the following active substances:

Pine essential oil;

Astringent anti-inflammatory substances;

Pinicrin with a characteristic bitter taste;

Mineral salts;

Anti-inflammatory vitamin C.

A whole range of medicinal preparations are prepared from pine cones, among which the most common are young cones dried using a special technology. These cones are called pine buds in the descriptions of traditional healers and classical clinical practice.

Cones are useful as medicine

With expectorant effect;

A drug with diuretic effects;

Destroys infections;

Used for inhalation;

For medicinal baths;


Pine cones: beneficial properties for various diseases

Young dried pine cones are included in the official composition of the chest collection, that is, they are able to fight severe diseases of the respiratory tract. Recipes from traditional medicine practitioners attribute pine cones due to their beneficial properties, even the ability to defeat tuberculosis.

The most common method of treatment with pine cones is their use in the form of a decoction. List of diseases treated with decoctions:


Inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, bronchitis;


Skin diseases.

Traditional medicine claims that inhaling a bath of pine cones can have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and act as a mild sedative.

Young pine cones are included in vitamin infusions in order to replenish missing beneficial vitamins and prevent colds, since they contain large amounts of vitamin C, which is valuable for its properties. The same infusions are used as preventive and therapeutic agents against scurvy.

A decoction of young cones is prescribed for oral administration for the following diseases:

Inflammation of the respiratory tract;



Kidney and urinary tract disease;

Inflammation of the gallbladder.

In folk medicine, healing decoctions of cones are used as a means to improve the condition of the blood and cleanse it.

Traditional medicine speaks of the usefulness of pine cone jam. It is used for weakening of the body, periodic diseases of the respiratory system, to strengthen the gums, and for the treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This culinary masterpiece is very common among the peoples inhabiting the Caucasus, and is a traditional folk medicine for many diseases.

An infusion of pine cones is also used to improve motor functions, in particular, to treat joints. Also in folk medicine, a common recipe for treating pulmonary tuberculosis using alcohol tincture. The beneficial properties that pine cones demonstrate can help the human body cope with many diseases with the help of centuries-tested recipes.

Pine cones - beneficial properties: recipes

Recipes for preparing medicines from pine cones are simple and unpretentious, and among them there are both ordinary decoctions and pine cone jam with very useful properties. Here are ten of the most interesting and proven recipes from the records of traditional healers and classical medicine. There is also a cosmetic recipe.

1. Decoction of young cones (buds)

10 grams of kidneys are scalded with 200 grams of boiling water. The mixture is immersed in a water bath, which boils for half an hour. After just 10-15 minutes, cool and pass through cheesecloth or a sieve. Take a third of a glass two to three times in one day, after meals.

2. Inhalations from kidney decoction

If inhalation is necessary, first prepare a decoction according to recipe No. 1, and then put it on low heat. The hot inhalation is inhaled through the spout of the kettle. The procedure is carried out no more than five times a day.

3. Bathroom made of pine cones

50 grams of kidneys per bucket of boiled water. This proportion must be observed when filling the bath, which usually holds 150-200 liters.

4. Cone jam

Young pine shoots, that is, cones that have not blossomed or hardened, are sorted from parts of the trunk and pine needles. Then they wash it in clean warm (not hot) water and throw it into a container that should not oxidize, preferably coated with enamel. Pour cool water on top. The layer of water should not exceed a few centimeters, that is, no higher than a finger.

5. Antirheumatic tincture of pine cones

Freshly picked cones are divided into several parts. They are poured into a three-liter jar. Then they add half a kilogram of sugar. The mass is poured with cooled boiled water and sealed. The mixture is shaken periodically until the sugar is absorbed and the resulting mixture is fermented. Take one tablespoon half an hour before breakfast and dinner.

6. Anti-inflammatory infusion (bladder inflammation)

One tablespoon of pine buds is poured with 200 grams of boiled hot water. The cones are infused from night to morning and taken three times a day. You can take the tincture after meals, with an interval of 1 - 1.5 hours. The volume of medication taken is a third of a glass.

7. Alcohol anti-tuberculosis tincture

This tincture is collected from cones, which are cut into several parts and placed in a jar. Fill the container with alcohol, which has a strength of at least 40% in a ratio of 1:10. Leave for 2-3 weeks at room temperature and squeeze, straining the mixture. Take the tincture from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon three times a day, after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

8. Decoction of cones in milk.

Pour a teaspoon of young cones with 1 glass of milk and boil the contents for no more than five minutes. Boil over low heat, preferably with a wooden device, stirring. Strain the prepared broth. Take 1-2 tablespoons warmed orally after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

9. Tincture of pine cones without alcohol

Five young cones must be thoroughly washed and divided into parts. The prepared cones are placed in an enamel-coated bowl. The workpiece is filled with water at the rate of 3 glasses of water per serving. Everything is brought to a boil, and then the tincture is boiled over low heat for five minutes. Can be placed in a water bath. After straining, the prepared tincture is poured into a dark glass container. Take no more than 50 grams every morning for preventive purposes and not constantly. When treating diseases - no more than three times a day after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

10. Decoction for strengthening hair against baldness

For hair loss or baldness, boil 500 grams of young buds for half an hour in five liters of water. The broth is infused for 10 minutes and filtered. The resulting preparation is rubbed into the scalp or rinsed after washing.

Pine cones: contraindications

Despite the most beneficial properties of pine cones, they still cannot always be used as medicines or cosmetics. The trouble is that some people are hypersensitive to various drugs, including pine cones. There are also manifestations of allergic reactions. The percentage of such people is small, but still, if you experience itching, redness, or other disorders that immediately disappear after stopping the use of pine cone preparations, then you need to consult a doctor. Hypersensitivity and allergies are a formidable reaction of the body with the help of the immune system and it is better to identify it immediately than to extinguish its consequences later.

Medicine, both classical and folk, does not know any other serious contraindications for obtaining health benefits with the help of the natural powers of pine. Be healthy!