The mammary glands hurt a lot. Diseases of the mammary glands as a cause of pain. Pain not associated with diseases

Many women (more than 70%) have experienced chest pain at least once in their lives. Typically, this condition worries women of reproductive age, but it is also possible during the postmenopausal period. According to statistics, approximately every tenth representative of the fair sex experiences discomfort in the mammary gland more than five days a month. Certainly, similar situation influences a woman’s condition, her mood, work and family life. Why might pain occur in the chest?

Nature of pain

The causes of pain are largely explained by its nature. Unpleasant sensations in the chest there can be two types:

  1. Cyclical. In this case, pain is observed in both glands and spreads over their entire area, most affecting the outer and top part breasts Characteristic features are swelling, irritation of the gland, the appearance of a feeling of fullness and heaviness in it, pain when pressed. Most often, the chest hurts in this way before menstruation, after which the discomfort gradually fades away. Pain of this nature occurs in two thirds of women aged 30-40 years.
  2. Non-cyclical. Sensations of this type are usually localized in only one gland. In most cases, they occur in a specific place; much less often, non-cyclical pain occurs diffuse character, in this case the entire gland is completely affected. The nature of the pain is burning, irritating. Most often it is observed in women after 40 years.

Causes of cyclical chest pain

Knowing the factors that can provoke such a condition will help answer the question of why a woman is diagnosed with cyclical chest pain. Reasons for appearance pain in the mammary gland the following:

  1. Hormonal changes caused by the monthly cycle. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, which entails a sharp increase in the production of hormones designed to prepare the body for pregnancy and childbirth. This cyclical pain is called mastalgia. With the onset of menstruation, all signs usually disappear.

    Dumb, It's a dull pain usually localized in the upper outer quadrants of the chest. It manifests itself especially clearly when pressed. There may be pain varying intensity: Mild to severe, radiating to the arm or armpit. Similar condition diagnosed in approximately 70% of the fair sex in reproductive age. Sometimes cyclic mastalgia is found in postmenopausal women receiving treatment with hormonal drugs.

  2. Mastopathy. This disease is characterized by pathological proliferation of breast tissue. Why does it arise? The cause of mastopathy lies in the violation hormonal levels women. In the first stages of the disease, its symptoms appear before menstruation and then disappear. In advanced cases, they are observed constantly. With mastopathy, the main symptom is pain in the mammary glands, they become swollen and swollen. With palpation, you can feel the seals. A woman's chest hurts when pressed. This condition needs mandatory treatment.
  3. Imbalance fatty acids in organism. Such a disorder usually leads to increased sensitivity of the mammary gland to hormones. Taking primrose oil helps eliminate the problem, the peculiarity of which is to normalize the balance of fatty acids.
  4. Pregnancy. To maintain pregnancy, progesterone is actively produced in a woman’s body. It causes the growth of alveolar tissue, which increases the volume of the mammary gland and is intended to prepare it for lactation. Almost every woman during pregnancy feels that her breasts are sore and swollen. Later the discomfort disappears. Pain may recur at the end of the third trimester. The glands become engorged and painful.
  5. Abortion. After an artificial termination of pregnancy, chest pain may occur. They usually go away within 1-2 weeks. If the discomfort does not disappear for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes they are explained by continued growth ovum due to an error in surgical intervention, sometimes caused by a hormonal imbalance.
  6. Taking a number of hormonal drugs used in the treatment of infertility, as well as some contraceptives. In addition, similar problems can be caused by taking certain antidepressants.

Causes of non-cyclical chest pain

The causes of non-cyclical pain are usually associated not with hormonal imbalance, but with anatomical changes that have occurred in the gland. In most cases, unpleasant sensations are explained the following circumstances:

  • Mechanical damage to the mammary gland. Breast pain can be caused by injury. Squeezing or compression of the gland caused by the wrong choice of underwear can also lead to pain. To avoid the appearance similar problems Every woman needs to carefully select a bra when in transport or in crowded places, try to protect her breasts from shocks and blows.
  • Breast surgery.
  • Fibroadenoma. This is the name of a benign tumor localized in the mammary gland. This is one of the forms of nodular mastopathy. When pressing on the patient, a mobile round formation not associated with the skin can be detected. It can be either small (2 mm) or large (up to 7 cm).
  • Mastitis. With mastitis, inflammation begins in the mammary gland. The chest turns red, the skin over the affected area becomes red, and the temperature of both the local and the body as a whole increases. The disease develops very quickly (within a couple of days). The overwhelming majority of patients are nursing mothers. Why does this disease occur? There are two reasons for the appearance of this pathology: milk stagnation (lactostasis) and infection (it enters the body through damage to the nipples). Mastitis needs immediate treatment, since if left untreated it can lead to extreme negative consequences. IN in rare cases the disease is diagnosed in non-lactating women.
  • Breast cancer. In rare cases, discomfort in the gland is a sign of breast cancer. Usually at an early stage the disease does not cause discomfort. The reason to consult a doctor is the retraction of the nipple, the appearance of discharge from it, enlargement of the lymph nodes, and a palpable compaction in the tissues.
  • Breast abscess. This is a disease in which suppuration occurs in a certain area of ​​the chest, separated from other tissues. This pathology quite rare and of a secondary nature. An abscess is a consequence of some other inflammatory disease mammary gland, for example, mastitis.
  • Cyst. Similar pathology may cause discomfort in the gland. Filling with liquid, the formation begins to put pressure on the surrounding tissues, which leads to discomfort. The pain can be both sharp and aching, dull. If a cyst is detected, the patient must consult a doctor to find out the causes of the disease and undergo treatment.

Chest pain may also not be related to the mammary gland, but is dictated by problems with the muscles, nerves, joints, wall chest. The causes of chest pain lie in diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other disorders skeletal system. Heart disease also often leads to pain (for example, angina).

Every woman should remember that chest pain is a symptom of the most various diseases. Only a specialist can find out exactly why the mammary glands hurt. That is why, if any unpleasant sensations occur, you should consult a doctor. The earlier treatment is started, the more likely it is complete cure.

Why can the mammary glands hurt?

Breast pain can be caused by many reasons. These could be hormonal changes, breastfeeding, muscle pain, infections, breast diseases (tumors), incorrectly selected bra, taking hormonal medications, lack of sexual relations. 70% of women of childbearing age complain of chest pain. Unpleasant sensations during hand movements, pain when touching the mammary gland are signs of mastalgia. Mastalgia can appear during menstruation and go away after it ends; such pain is called cyclical. Systematic cyclical pain covers both breasts, their upper and outer areas become the most sensitive. The woman feels the heaviness and fullness of the mammary glands, the breasts become full and swollen. Resting on your stomach becomes impossible, your favorite bra is pressing. There are changes in the woman's behavior, she becomes irritable and unbalanced. Cyclic pain appears a week before the onset of menstruation and dulls after its onset.

The appearance of cyclical mastalgia can be explained hormonal disorder, occurring during menstruation. Pregnant and menopausal women do not experience similar discomfort, in their body hormonal imbalances not happening. Cyclic pain can be triggered by the use of certain hormonal drugs used to treat infertility and contraceptives. The cyclic type is the most common type of pain in women under forty years of age. But even after forty, cyclical pain may not subside, the reason is the use of hormonal drugs or antidepressants.

Mastalgia tends to bother a woman on other days; pain not associated with the menstrual cycle is called non-cyclical. Non-cyclical pain covers one breast, usually it separate part. Often mastalgia takes over the area armpit, limiting hand movements. Aching sensations when sudden movements and pressure develop into severe pain. The cause of non-cyclical pain is non-hormonal changes occurring in the chest. These are anatomical changes in tissue. According to statistics, women over forty suffer from non-cyclical mastalgia.

Irregular pain may be due to other reasons not related to the mammary gland. Eg, muscle pain may radiate to the chest.

A woman is suspicious; after reading about any disease, she begins to sound the alarm; she observes some of the symptoms in herself. Don’t rush to panic; you can’t deal with the mass of diagnoses on your own. Even if you find a lump, do not despair; be sure to go to an appointment with a gynecologist or mammologist.

To make it easier to make the correct diagnosis, consider answering some questions:

  1. How long have you been in pain?
  2. Does one breast hurt or both?
  3. Does it depend painful sensations from monthly cycle?
  4. When did you notice the lump?
  5. When was the last time you had an ultrasound or mammogram?
  6. Which medical supplies do you use?
  7. Have you noticed any discharge from the nipple?

Having received necessary information, the doctor will do necessary appointments. Be attentive to own health, timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent severe consequences.

Why do breasts hurt in women - causes, symptoms, solution to the problem

Chest pain in women is one of the most common female ailments, always causing concern, anxiety and even panic. It can have a number of causes, not all of which are dangerous and require treatment. Let's look at why chest hurts, listen to the explanation in the video medical specialist and find out how to solve the problems that arise.

Even completely healthy mammary glands sometimes hurt. They are especially sensitive during hormonal changes, they can swell, and sometimes ladies feel painful thickenings under their fingers. The causes of such diseases, in most cases, are not dangerous. However, it is necessary to tell your doctor about them and take immediate measures to eliminate them.

Why does your chest hurt, reasons, what to do

Pain in the mammary glands can signal the approach of menstruation. It usually does not cause alarm, because you know when they are approaching " difficult days", you will experience discomfort in your body. Pain in such a situation is caused by hormonal changes, which caused water retention in the body.

What to do. It is recommended to wear a well-fitted bra with a soft cup during this time. Avoid before difficult period drink strong coffee and tea, avoid chocolate - these products contain ingredients that increase bleeding and soreness. However, when every movement increases pain, you should seek help from a doctor. He will appoint necessary examinations, which will allow you to identify and eliminate the cause.

It is necessary to periodically conduct self-examination of the mammary glands and diagnosis. And a mammologist will teach you how to do this correctly. I specially selected a detailed training video.

Breast pain during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pain is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Just a few days after ovulation, the sensitivity of the mammary glands increases; even a simple touch can cause discomfort.

Take a pregnancy test. If the result is positive, already in the first trimester sensitivity and pain will begin to increase. To solve the problem, avoid lace push-up bras. Massage of the glands will bring relief warm water while showering or using olive oil for babies. When the gland swells and redness appears, inflammation may have begun in it, which requires immediate attention. medical examination and treatment.

Feeding the baby may cause pain. In the first days after childbirth, when the mother begins to feed the baby, the nipples may hurt, which, out of habit, crack and bleed. In more late period A common cause of pain is stagnation of milk.

To fix these problems:

  • lubricate your nipples with your milk or regenerating ointments for nursing mothers (calendula ointment helped me well, sea ​​buckthorn oil and rose hips, which I applied to the nipple after feeding on a piece of cotton wool);
  • if milk stagnation, feed the baby every hour;
  • apply to breast before feeding warm compress;
  • During feeding, use light hand movements to massage the breasts from the base to the nipple, helping the outflow of milk;
  • then apply a cool compress to the mammary gland.

If milk stagnation occurs too frequently, seek medical attention. medical assistance. It is also worth doing when the breasts swell, become hard, hot, and an increase in body temperature is felt. The clinic will prescribe painkillers and antibiotics that will cope with inflammation.

The picture shows other pathological and non-pathological pathological causes chest pains, look at them and remember them.

Pain in the mammary glands with mastopathy and tumors

Mastopathy is changes in the glandular and fatty tissue of the mammary gland that appear on a hormonal background. It is manifested by compaction in one or both mammary glands. Complaints about such phenomena most often occur in women between 30 and 50 years of age. It is recommended to observe and examine the glands every month. Mastopathy is not cancer, but changes in the tissues of the glands should be monitored - the doctor prescribes ultrasound and mammography. People use clay compresses for treatment.

The pain may be caused by a reaction to a pinched nerve when a tumor develops in the chest pressing on it. The pain in such a situation can be stabbing or burning, localized in a specific place. Symptoms may include loss of sensation or tingling around the area ( Blunt pain may indicate the presence of a cyst). In the case of such diseases, painkillers are used, but to find out the cause, you just need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

The picture clearly shows the symptoms of mastopathy and tumor processes in the mammary gland.

Why do breasts hurt during hormonal contraception?

Sometimes it happens that chest pain is caused by some hormonal contraceptives - this is due to the incorrect selection of the drug. A woman who gets a migraine bloody issues between menstruation or chest pain, you need to consult a doctor and change the pills to others. Also, hormonal contraception requires strict adherence to the rules of administration so that it effectively protects you, does not harm your health, and does not cause discomfort in the mammary glands.

Correct use hormonal contraception

What should I take the pills with? Be especially careful with fruit juices, they have a bad effect on the absorption of the drug (especially grapefruit juice). It is better not to drink them with coffee or tea. It's safest to use plain water.

You need more calcium. If you have been using contraception for a long time, it is necessary to monitor the level of calcium in the body. Disturbances in estrogen production caused by medications can increase the body's need for calcium. If it is deficient, problems with metabolism, blood clotting disorders, and the development of caries may occur. If there is a deficiency of this element, the body begins to “steal” the missing amount of minerals from the bones. This condition can result in the appearance of diseases. Therefore, look at which natural products contain calcium and be sure to include them in your diet.

Weakening the effect of drugs

1. If you smoke cigarettes and use hormonal pills, you could seriously harm yourself. This happens because nicotine, in combination with female hormone estrogen, increases blood clotting. This situation affects the formation of blood clots that block blood vessels, promotes thrombosis, blockage pulmonary artery, coronary disease hearts. This is especially true for young women over 35 years of age. If the doctor prescribed you pills without asking if you smoke cigarettes, it’s better not to take the risk and give up the bad habit.

2. If you take contraceptives for a long time, it is important to regularly check how hormones are affecting your liver. There is absolutely no need to wait until she “goes on strike” demanding help. After all, one of possible consequences the use of drugs may interfere with bile secretion.

3. Infection weakens the effect medicines. If, for example, you have the flu, vomiting and diarrhea, and less than an hour has passed since taking the pill, you should be especially careful. There is a possibility that the hormones did not have time to penetrate the blood and were removed from the body. Therefore, you cannot have any confidence that the tablets will remain effective.

4. Applying hormonal contraception while losing weight, it may happen that the opposite effect is obtained and you gain 2-3 extra pounds. It is the fault of estrogen, which promotes water retention in the body, which causes swelling and slight weight gain. Once you get used to the drug, your weight should stabilize. If you continue to gain weight, go to the gynecologist.

5. There are medications that interact with contraceptives, reducing their effectiveness. This is how antibiotics, sedatives, sleeping pills, antifungal and diuretic drugs, and the herb St. John's wort work. Even Activated carbon reduces the absorption of hormones into the blood. Stomach problems and components of antidepressants have a bad effect on the liver, so hormones are eliminated from the body and their insufficient levels do not provide protection against unwanted pregnancy.

In the video, the doctor will tell you in more detail why women have breast pain:

  • what are the pains in the mammary glands;
  • will indicate the most common reasons their appearance;
  • will tell you which specialist to contact;
  • what research needs to be done.

In the article, we looked at a number of reasons why women have breast pain, symptoms of disease, and what to do to solve the problem. But to preserve your priceless women's health In case of any ailments, immediately seek qualified help and examination to avoid serious diseases. Good to know: about the three periods of menopause, how to eat properly during menopause.


Breast pain: causes

Today on the website we will talk about a problem that concerns women of any age: what are the reasons for pain mammary glands? We will tell you not only about the reasons for the appearance of this kind of pain, but also about when it is worth taking some measures immediately.

The causes of chest pain in girls or women can be very different. The female body is designed in an amazing way. During adolescence girls' bodies undergo hormonal changes that affect breast growth, hair growth, axillary region and on the pubis. Such changes can be scary, so the mother should explain to the teenager in advance how the period of growing up occurs. IN puberty pain in the mammary glands is associated with growth and hormonal changes.

The causes of chest pain in girls or women can be very different.

Also, in other periods of a woman’s life, pain in the chest may be associated not with pathology, but with pregnancy and menopause. Nursing mothers often complain of pain. With lactostasis, pain is accompanied by high temperature, redness and other unpleasant symptoms. However, in our time, the number of patients with breast cancer has increased sharply. Due to the fact that women delay visiting a doctor, the process sometimes becomes irreversible. Therefore, you should not engage in self-diagnosis.

For any pain, you should contact a gynecologist or mammologist. If necessary, a number is assigned diagnostic procedures which help to find out the cause of pain. You should immediately consult a specialist if, in addition to painful sensations, lumps or discharge appear greenish color. This may indicate a serious illness. Warning symptoms are a change in the color of the nipple, enlargement of only one breast without apparent reason, the appearance of growths, moles, tumors.

If you have any pain, you should consult a gynecologist or mammologist.

As already noted, pain is not always associated with some disease. Most often, breasts hurt and swell during PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Every month, physiological processes occur in the female breast that can cause discomfort. Cyclic pain during menstruation is called mastalgia. In the middle menstrual cycle changes associated with ovulation begin to occur. The production of some hormones increases and others decrease, for example prolactin, estrogen, progesterone.

This causes swelling and pain in the breasts in women, and discomfort appears when in contact with the nipples. In the ducts of the mammary glands, the amount of epithelium increases. At the same time, blood circulation increases, swelling appears and volume increases. mammary glands. Along with these symptoms, women notice:

  • irritability;
  • depression;
  • tearfulness;
  • anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • pain in the appendages or lower back;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

Most often, breasts hurt and swell during PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

But as soon as the period passes, the pain goes away and relief comes. No treatment is required during this period. Women often experience breast pain when their menstrual cycle is disrupted. This can happen when moving, severe stress, diets.

But this does not pose a health hazard: as soon as the menstrual cycle stabilizes, the pain will go away. To solve such problems, special hormonal drugs are prescribed.

In some women, during menstruation, the breasts may become hard, and nodules can be felt under the fingers. But these lumps disappear a few days after the end of menstruation. With very severe pain in the glands and sharp increase body temperature, you should not wait for the end of menstruation; you should visit a doctor immediately. For healthy women Mastalgia is not dangerous, and this condition occurs monthly. To partially reduce discomfort at this time, a woman should wear a loose bra, use a soft towel, and avoid overheating in the sun.

What are the causes of chest pain (video)

Description of the causes of pain

Besides natural physiological process, situations may arise when a woman needs the help of a specialist. The most common causes of pain in the mammary glands are:

  • constant use of a foam rubber bra with underwire;
  • avitaminosis;
  • rapid growth during adolescence;
  • formation of malignant or benign tumors;
  • use of hard towels;
  • vasospasm;
  • bad habits (smoking, taking drugs);
  • colds, chapping;
  • mastopathy;
  • fungal infection;
  • surgery in the chest area;
  • breastfeeding (sudden flow of large volumes of milk);
  • use of inappropriate hygiene products (gel, soap);
  • Availability skin diseases(contact dermatitis, psoriasis);
  • pectoral muscle strain;
  • breast abscess;
  • cardiac diseases (if the pain is only under the left breast);
  • injuries;
  • improper expression of milk during lactation;
  • lactostasis;
  • hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, menopause;
  • swimming in a cold pond;
  • cosmetic breast augmentation surgery;
  • long-term use oral contraceptives.

Is dangerous long-term pain, the reasons for which have not been established. If a woman does not feel any nodules or lumps when palpated, and the pain persists long time, then this may indicate other pathologies not related to the mammary glands. And sometimes women cannot find tumors themselves. An in-person examination helps determine what diagnostic procedures will need to be done to establish a diagnosis.

In addition to the natural physiological process, situations may arise when a woman needs the help of a specialist

Pain due to a neoplasm in the form of a cyst

Pain in the mammary glands varies in intensity, nature and location. The nature of the pain can be;

  • aching;
  • cutting;
  • acute;
  • dull;
  • pulsating;
  • stabbing.

Sometimes sharp pain occurs only from time to time, and in some women it does not go away a long period what serves alarm signal. In this case, either one or both breasts can hurt at the same time. Therefore, pain is distributed according to localization: unilateral, bilateral, in the upper fourth part and lower.

An accurate description of the sensations, as well as the time of their occurrence, helps the doctor determine the cause of this condition.

A cyst is usually benign. Some cysts occur due to hormonal changes in the body, for example, pregnancy, lactation, menopause. Sometimes small seals in girls they resolve after the start of regular sexual activity. Some occur only during menstruation. The mammary glands hurt when the cyst reaches big size. In this case, drug treatment may not be enough and surgery will be required to remove the cyst.

To determine treatment, it is necessary to do an ultrasound, mammography, and, if necessary, a puncture with collection of material for histological examination, cytological analysis of nipple discharge (if any). Decision on surgical removal cysts are accepted taking into account the results obtained. In the presence of cancer cells surgery may be delayed during chemotherapy.

Manifestation of fibroadenoma in women

Another disease that can cause discomfort in the mammary glands is fibroadenoma. This neoplasm is considered a benign tumor that occurs against the background hormonal imbalance or endocrine diseases. A tumor can occur due to frequent abortions, when the body has to change dramatically. Fibroadenoma usually occurs in young women between 18 and 30 years old. The tumor feels like a small ball that rolls under your fingers when you palpate it. Typically, fibroadenoma does not pose a threat to health or life.

It rarely exceeds 5 cm in size. However, the leaf-shaped form of the tumor can reach huge size. In such cases, deformation of the breast is observed, and the tumor itself is visible from under the skin. Breast pain with fibroadenoma is rare. Usually the tumor does not manifest itself with any painful signs. If a woman feels a lump and it hurts when pressed, then most likely the tumor has a different origin. Discomfort can only occur during menstruation, that is, fibroadenoma in combination with swelling of the mammary glands can give unpleasant sensations.

Benign tumors are sometimes treated hormonal drugs, in other cases the woman is under observation. If the fibroadenoma suddenly enlarges, it may require removal. During pregnancy, the formation of fibroadenoma is usually provoked by hormonal changes. Treatment in this case is postponed until the birth of the child, and the woman should be under the supervision of doctors.

What hurts in the chest (video)

The appearance of pain during breastfeeding

Pain in the first months after childbirth, when a woman is breastfeeding, can be associated with stagnation of milk, improper pumping, a cold or other factors. Stagnation of milk is called lactostasis. It is for this reason that young mothers often experience severe pain in the mammary glands, which is accompanied by high fever, redness, and swelling. To treat this condition they use medications, but the main method is careful expression of milk and massage.

With lactostasis, severe pain is felt during the flow of milk. To reduce discomfort, you need to express some of the milk and then feed the baby. The breast should be given to the baby one at a time at each feeding. At high temperatures, you need to take an antipyretic drug based on paracetamol. While taking antibiotics, it is recommended to switch the child to artificial feeding. In order to alleviate the condition of a young mother, you can use ointments and creams with an anti-inflammatory effect. Before starting drug treatment local purpose, you should consult your doctor.

For severe pain, you can take warm shower, then massage using spiral movements. Some experts recommend showering under a stream warm water Do massage. In this case, the water should be warm, not hot. If it is not possible to take a shower, you can apply a warm lotion and then knead your chest with gentle movements.

With lactostasis, the breasts hurt greatly during the flow of milk

Prevention of breast diseases

If lumps appear in your breasts, do not panic. Many diseases can be successfully treated without surgery. But to achieve the effect of therapy, much depends on the woman’s behavior. The first condition is to follow all the specialist’s recommendations. This means that women need to be examined every six months, especially for those over 40 years old. It is important to regularly examine your breasts yourself. There is a technique for this that is not difficult to master under the supervision of a mammologist.

It is not recommended to wear tight underwear made of synthetic fabric. Experts advise women to remove their bras at home for a while. You should not get too carried away with the solarium. You need to sunbathe at sea in the morning and evening time. It is recommended to refuse bad habits. It should be remembered that bust enlargement operations do not always end successfully. Complications often arise that have to be treated for the rest of life. If any alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor - this is the key to a woman’s health.

Attention, TODAY only!

Breast pain can be caused by many reasons. These may be hormonal changes, breastfeeding, muscle pain, infections, breast diseases (tumors), incorrectly selected bra, taking hormonal medications, lack of sexual relations.

70% of women of childbearing age complain of chest pain. Unpleasant sensations during hand movements, pain when touching the mammary gland are signs of mastalgia. Mastalgia can appear during menstruation and go away after it ends; such pain is called cyclical. Systematic cyclical pain covers both breasts, their upper and outer areas become the most sensitive. The woman feels the heaviness and fullness of the mammary glands, the breasts become full and swollen. Resting on your stomach becomes impossible, your favorite bra is pressing. There are changes in the woman's behavior, she becomes irritable and unbalanced. Cyclic pain appears a week before the onset of menstruation and dulls after its onset.

The appearance of cyclical mastalgia can be explained by a hormonal disorder that occurs during menstruation. Pregnant and menopausal women do not experience such discomfort; hormonal disruptions do not occur in their bodies. Cyclic pain can be triggered by the use of certain hormonal drugs used for and contraceptives. The cyclic type is the most common type of pain in women under forty years of age. But even after forty, cyclical pain may not subside, the reason is the use of hormonal drugs or antidepressants.

Mastalgia tends to bother a woman on other days; pain not associated with the menstrual cycle is called non-cyclical. Non-cyclical pain affects one breast, usually a separate part of it. Often, mastalgia also affects the armpit area, limiting arm movements. Aching sensations with sudden movements and pressure develop into severe pain. The cause of non-cyclical pain is non-hormonal changes occurring in the chest. These are anatomical changes in tissue. According to statistics, women over forty suffer from non-cyclical mastalgia.

Irregular pain may be due to other reasons not related to the mammary gland. For example, muscle pain may radiate to the chest.

A woman is suspicious; after reading about any disease, she begins to sound the alarm; she observes some of the symptoms in herself. Don’t rush to panic; you can’t deal with the mass of diagnoses on your own. Even if you find a lump, do not despair; be sure to go to an appointment with a gynecologist or mammologist.

To make it easier to make the correct diagnosis, consider answering some questions:

  1. How long have you been in pain?
  2. or both?
  3. Does pain depend on the monthly cycle?
  4. When did you notice the lump?
  5. When was the last time you had an ultrasound or mammogram?
  6. What medications do you use?
  7. Have you noticed any discharge from the nipple?

Having received the necessary information, the doctor will make the necessary appointments. Be attentive to your own health; timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent serious consequences.

Any woman at one time or another in her life experiences chest pain. The appearance of pain in the mammary glands is not a reason for panic fear, but also to be taken lightly this state not worth it. To be calm about your health, every woman needs to be able to recognize the symptoms, consult a doctor on time, and undergo timely diagnosis.

Types of breast pain

When a woman has pain in the mammary gland, the sensations range from slight discomfort to severe bloating and painful burning, which significantly reduces the quality of life. The doctor’s primary task is to determine the type and cause of pain in order to prescribe adequate treatment. The most big number complaints are received before the onset of menstruation. This is due to cyclical changes female body that occur during pregnancy or after menopause, at the onset menstrual syndrome or a week before the onset of menstruation.

Non-cyclic mastalgia or mastodynia (breast tenderness) may occur due to mechanical expansion of benign or malignant tumor, local edema, excessive irritation of receptors by pathological nerve impulses, impaired microcirculation or other factors. Non-cyclic mastalgia does not depend on the level of sex hormones and does not change throughout the ovarian-menstrual cycle.

Nature of pain in the mammary gland

Pain or discomfort in the chest does not always indicate pathological disorders. Often this symptom manifests itself during temporary hormonal disharmony of the female body. Less commonly, pain in the mammary glands is a consequence of sclerotic or inflammatory processes in the glandular tissue, a consequence of operations and injuries, or the development of neoplasms. Based on the nature of the pain syndrome, pain is divided into:

  • acute;
  • dull;
  • stabbing,
  • pulsating;
  • burning;
  • shooting;
  • cutting;
  • aching-pulling.

Causes of pain in the mammary gland

Although most often chest pain in women is a normal biological process, sometimes it is a consequence of the manifestation of a disease. More often, pain is noted with mastitis, diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. Less commonly, the mammary gland hurts when touched due to diseases such as herpes zoster (viral infectious pathology), Mondor's disease ( superficial thrombophlebitis) and others.

Sometimes pain is caused by diseases of the heart or spine. For example, pain in the left mammary gland in women occurs when walking or inhaling, often accompanied by nausea - this is angina pectoris, hypertension or rheumatic carditis. Also the cause of functional discomfort in the chest are mental disorders(cancerphobia and others). The pain also appears after mechanical damage- squeezing or swipe leads to disruption of the integrity of the mammary glands. Extensive hematomas strongly compress the surrounding tissues, which leads to severe pain.

During pregnancy

A pregnant woman's breasts undergo multiple changes: they become sensitive, painful, enlarged, and the nipples change color. Sometimes it starts to itch and itch due to stretching of the skin or due to increased hormone progesterone. All these changes are considered normal. If during pregnancy the mammary gland hardens, changes color, becomes very painful, increases unevenly, and blood is released from the nipples, then an urgent consultation with a mammologist is required.

During menopause

Pain in the mammary gland with pressure, deep palpation, and even when wearing a tight bra can be observed during menopause. Mastalgia during menopause is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • distension or heaviness in both or one mammary gland without clear localization;
  • prolonged pain of a burning, burning, aching nature;
  • short-term acute pain (cutting, stabbing);
  • an increase in the volume of one or both glands, swelling;
  • oversensitivity or mild pain when pressed.

Intercostal neuralgia

Damage to the nerves between the ribs, which is accompanied by acute pain, is called intercostal neuralgia. The disease is accompanied by paroxysmal burning or shooting pain in one or several places, depending on the location. Neuralgia solar plexus, as a rule, is accompanied by soreness of the mammary gland. Breast pain in the attachment area. Upon examination, the gynecologist does not find any pathological changes or signs of any female diseases.

If, in addition to breast tenderness, there is cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, muscle tone and/or curvature of the spine, then these symptoms indicate intercostal neuralgia thoracic. With this pathology, a woman may feel pain in one mammary gland, but upon careful examination it turns out that the pain comes from the vertebral region of the back, localized under the scapula on the right. This is a sign of intercostal pinching of the nerves of the thoracic spine.


The disease is characterized not only by pain, but also by the presence of lumps in the mammary gland. As mastopathy develops, the pain becomes prolonged and severe. The most intense pain syndrome is observed during PMS, during menstruation and during palpation of the breast. The main causes of acute pain are the proliferation of connective tissue or blockage of the ducts.

Pain due to mastopathy may vary depending on the type of pathology. At diffuse change Due to the growth of breast tissue, the pain is of the nature of compression, intensifies with PMS, and after the end of the cycle significantly decreases or disappears altogether. With nodular mastopathy there are following symptoms:

  • pain does not go away throughout the menstrual cycle;
  • are felt discomfort in the armpits, back, shoulder, forearm area;
  • The nipple area becomes painful.


Benign neoplasm located in the mammary gland is called fibroadenoma. The tumor is of glandular origin, and its structure is dominated by connective tissue. From malignant neoplasm Benign fibroadenoma is distinguished by the fact that the pathology is not accompanied severe pain and often does not manifest itself at all.

The back and other parts of the body also do not hurt. With fibroadenoma, there is no swelling, hyperemia or weakness. The neoplasm is easily palpable and remains unchanged in any phase of the menstrual cycle. If the fibroadenoma begins to hurt, its structure has changed (no clear boundaries, thickening, etc.) or the breast has become swollen, this is a reason for urgent appeal to the doctor.


The inflammatory process in the tissues of the mammary gland is called mastitis. Pathology occurs more often due to staphylococcal infection. Bacteria enter soft fabrics breasts through the milk ducts or through the bloodstream if the woman does not comply with hygienic standards. Mastitis is often the result of milk stagnation during lactation. Among nursing mothers, the incidence ranges from 1 to 16%, depending on place of residence.

Mastitis is manifested by painful thickening in the gland, peeling and increased skin temperature at the site of inflammation, redness, fever, general symptoms intoxication (appetite disturbance, dizziness, weakness, migraine). As the disease progresses, the pain intensifies and the chest becomes hot to the touch. When expressing, the pain increases, pus and bloody discharge are found in the milk. Purulent mastitis may progress, after which an abscess develops.


Pathology occurs after bacteria penetrate the nipple through cracks or other deformation. The causative agent of the abscess is streptococci or staphylococci. Sometimes staphylococcal infection combined with coli or Proteus. The first signs of an abscess are fever, heat. The gland increases in size, becomes denser, and becomes extremely painful, so the woman cannot use it for feeding. When inflammatory process spreads to adjacent areas of the chest, the skin swells and turns red - this forms a visible abscess (abscess).


According to statistics, 3% of women who find a moving, painful ball in the breast are diagnosed with cancer. Painful sensations occur after normal movements or palpation due to the impact on nerve endings tumors. As cancer grows, healthy tissue is gradually displaced, and the cancer covers an even larger volume of nerves. Breast tenderness is a sign of cancer. It manifests itself in different ways:

  • sudden sharp pain, limiting physical activity;
  • prolonged moderate or mild pain;
  • penetrating pain with increasing intensity for half an hour.

Other causes of chest pain

Pain in the mammary glands in women can have a non-trivial cause, after which the discomfort goes away. The chest can be injured during sudden braking of a car or hurt after excessive physical activity. Causes of pain not related to disease:

  • tight underwear;
  • treatment thyroid gland hormonal drugs;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives.

Risk groups for breast diseases

Among the risk factors for development periodic pain in the mammary gland include environmental danger, emotional balance, lack of constant sex life and others:

  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • feeding period;
  • prolonged stress;
  • abortion;
  • infertility;
  • obesity;
  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • chest injury.

Diagnostic methods for chest pain in women

If the mammary glands are painful, a woman should consult a gynecologist or mammologist. To put correct diagnosis, the doctor needs not only an examination and history taking, but also a number of diagnostic procedures, clinical tests. Sometimes palpation of the gland is enough to identify the cause of pain, but in most cases a serious examination of the woman is necessary. Basic diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound. This is the most common way to identify seals. Ultrasonography mammary glands is completely safe, therefore it is recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Biopsy. It is carried out using three methods: excisional, puncture, trephine biopsy. At first, the doctor excises under local anesthesia the detected compaction and part of the surrounding tissue. A puncture biopsy is the insertion of a thin needle into the thickening and the collection of its particles. Trephine biopsy is also performed under local anesthesia. This is the most progressive method of taking a biopath for histological examination.
  • Mammography. An X-ray of the gland, which is carried out using a mammograph, allows us to identify the most early stages oncology.
  • Ductography. It is carried out if the tumor is not palpable, but is present in the breast ducts.
  • Pneumocystography. Diagnostic method cavity formations(cysts) ranging in size from 2 to 5 mm. The puncture is performed with a thin needle under ultrasound control.

Since the development of malignant and benign tumors in the breast directly depends on hormonal imbalance, the doctor may prescribe a determination of hormonal status to determine the level of prolactin in the blood to select treatment tactics. This is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It stimulates the development and growth of the mammary glands and is responsible for milk production. High level prolactin indicates several diseases of the mammary glands (mastopathy and others).


Why do women’s breasts, which are not only one of the most beautiful and attractive parts of the body for men, hurt, but also the source of many worries? There are many reasons, and therefore you need to treat it very carefully, listen to the signals given and, if something bothers you, consult a doctor in a timely manner. Today we will find out what can cause pain in the mammary gland, and when a possible physiological norm turns into a pathology.

A few words about the reasons why chest pain

It is clear that pain is always an unpleasant, but not always dangerous symptom. Therefore, having felt any discomfort in the breast area, a woman should not immediately give in to panic and imagine the most bad consequences. Most likely this is the norm. However, if the pain becomes constant, increases, and chills and fever are added to the unpleasant symptoms, it worsens general state and is oppressed nervous system, it is best to consult a doctor. Remember that there are various serious diseases, and it is better to be safe than sorry for inaction.

On the other hand, breasts often hurt in the middle of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy or just before your period. Unpleasant sensations can also appear due to hormonal changes, colds, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause. And doctors attribute all this to physiological norm. In such cases, there is no need to panic. Treatment is usually the same, as the pain goes away on its own.

As you can see, the reasons are endless. The task of every woman is to learn to understand and distinguish pain in the mammary gland, and determine whether it is dangerous or not. That's what we'll talk about today.

Why do my breasts hurt before menstruation, or everything related to the cycle?

Let's first understand the terminology. In medical practice names and definitions have long been given various types pain in women's breasts– mastalgia. It can be cyclic or non-cyclic. In the first case unpleasant symptom manifests itself constantly, in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle, and from it the woman understands what is happening inside the body. Such pain is called mastodynia.

The second group is non-cyclic mastalgia. Painful sensations appear spontaneously and have no connection with menstruation. They can be caused by both hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause or abortion), and various pathological processes, including tumors. We'll talk about this below.