Retention formation of the right and left ovary. Cavity formation of the right ovary. Treatment of right-sided ovarian cysts

– a tumor-like liquid formation, but only the appearance connects the tumor with a real cyst. A retention cyst is a kind of sac containing fluid; a cyst does not metastasize. Ovarian retention is the most common, but most harmless type of cyst.

Types of retention formations

Basically, retention formations of the right and left ovaries are benign; in rare cases, some of them can degenerate into cancer. There are two main types of retention formations:

  1. . They are divided into two subtypes - follicular cyst and corpus luteum cyst. This is the most common type of cyst, occurring more often in women ready to bear children, and less often in women after menopause and in newborns.
  2. Endometrioid cyst. Endometriosis is a pathology in which the inside of the uterus is located outside the organ. Such formations are also called “chocolate” because of their dark brown color. Symptoms of such a cyst are nausea and attacks of abdominal pain during menstruation. Loss of consciousness often occurs.

Treatment of ovarian retention cyst

Adequate treatment of retention formation of the left and right ovary can only be prescribed by a gynecologist. There are two effective methods of treating such formations:

  1. Observation - some retention formations can resolve on their own after a few months. If your gynecologist suggested that you come back for a repeat ultrasound in a few months, then he chose a wait-and-see approach. Perhaps, when you visit the ultrasound room again, you will no longer see the cyst in the image.
  2. Removal - this type of treatment is prescribed for pronounced manifestations of symptoms - severe pain, nausea, large size of the formation. A retention cyst of the right and left ovary can also be promptly removed to accurately determine that it is not malignant.

An ovarian cyst is a benign formation - a cavity filled with fluid inside. Such formations can be different, and they are not always safe for health. It is up to the specialist to decide whether the patient needs medication. Let us consider in more detail in what situations a cystic formation of the right ovary can occur, what symptoms accompany this condition, how and when it needs to be treated.

Types and features of formations

Most often, cysts of the right ovary can be diagnosed in girls and women of childbearing age. Moreover, some of them may occur periodically and then resolve on their own. This applies, in particular, to a functional cyst formed from a structure that the right ovary produces during ovulation. Functional follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts can resolve on their own. The remaining types of formations, according to experts, require treatment.

A cystic adenoma, which grows from cells that make up the outer membrane of the right ovary, is considered quite dangerous. A dermoid cyst, which is filled not with fluid, but with different types of tissue, and an endometrioma, filled with blood, also require treatment. And these are not all the options for pathological formations that a woman of childbearing age may encounter.

The reasons for their occurrence

The causes of cystic formations of the right ovary are different. These include:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • diseases classified as venereal;
  • abortions;
  • weight disorders;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • uncontrolled changes in hormonal levels.

That is, almost every woman can develop a cyst, and only after menopause does the likelihood of such a formation decrease somewhat.

Signs of a right ovarian cyst

According to gynecologists, a small cyst can form and exist in a woman’s body asymptomatically. In this case, the patient does not need the help of specialists. You should be concerned if you observe:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the right;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • painful sensations in the right lower abdomen associated with sexual intercourse, urination, etc.;
  • unexplained increase in body temperature;
  • abdominal asymmetry;
  • nausea;
  • periodic appearance of bloody discharge.

All of the above phenomena can be a reason for an unplanned visit to the gynecologist.

Specifics of diagnosis and treatment

A specialist must decide whether an ovarian cyst can be cured without surgery or whether a woman needs surgical intervention. Moreover, it will be based on the results of a bimanual examination, ultrasound, various tests and the characteristics of the patient’s health condition.

As a rule, if a woman has a functional cyst, the doctor takes a wait-and-see approach. She may also be prescribed conservative treatment with vitamins, hormonal and other medications. However, if the size of the formation begins to increase during treatment or its nature changes, conservative treatment can be replaced by surgery.

The operation is also indicated for those women who are diagnosed with non-functional cysts. Moreover, such surgical interventions are carried out, most often, using laparoscopy technology. This is a gentle method of influence that allows you to minimize the negative impact on the female body.

This neoplasm is associated with a tumor only by its appearance. It differs from a tumor in that inside a retention cyst, which has a thin and transparent wall, there is fluid and, what is very important, such a formation is in most cases benign, it does not affect the appearance of metastases in other organs of the female body and only in rare cases can degenerate into cancer. A retention cyst is the most common and, in most cases, harmless type of cyst.

Types of retention formations

Retention formations can be divided into several types:

  • Corpus luteum cyst is a formation of the corpus luteum located in the ovaries, the function of which is to release gestagen (female sex hormone), which is responsible for preparing the uterus for the placement of a fertilized egg, which occurs on one of the days of the menstrual cycle.
  • Follicular cyst is a formation from a follicle. Normally, the follicles containing the egg should rupture when it matures, releasing it from the ovary. Sometimes this process fails, the follicle may not burst, and a cystic formation appears in its place.
  • Paraovarian cyst that occurs in the epididymis. The insidiousness of this cystic formation lies in its slow growth, the absence of any symptoms, and therefore the difficulty of early diagnosis. Such a cyst can reach enormous sizes, its weight can reach several kilograms.
  • An endometrioid cyst, diagnosed against the background of the development of endometriosis - the process of occurrence of benign growths outside the uterus. Characteristic symptoms of such a cystic formation are nausea, pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, and often loss of consciousness.

Causes of retention cysts of the left and right ovary

Symptoms of ovarian retention cysts

There are common symptoms with existing retention cysts in the right and left ovaries. These are changes in hormonal levels, reproductive dysfunction, disruption of the menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen and an increase in its volume. However, there are some differences in the symptoms of retention cysts in the right or left ovary.

Retention formation of the left ovary, symptoms

With an existing retention cyst of the left ovary, palpation of the left iliac region can determine the presence of a tumor-like formation, the rupture of which causes tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall, otherwise called a clinic of acute abdomen and causing acute pain in the left half of the abdomen.

Retention formation of the right ovary, symptoms

The retention mass of the right ovary is also a space-occupying mass palpated on the right in the iliac region. The patient may experience aching pain in the lower right abdomen. This formation of the right ovary, greatly enlarged in size, often leads to indigestion and problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis of retention formations

Retention formation of the right ovary

Symptoms of rupture of the formation of the right ovary may be identical to the clinical picture of acute appendicitis, as well as similar to oncological diseases of the intestine, ovary and ectopic pregnancy. Differential diagnosis in this case involves mandatory ultrasound examination of not only the pelvic organs, but also the abdominal cavity, as well as diagnostic laparoscopy.

Retention formation of the left ovary

The clinical picture of a retention cyst of the left ovary is similar to an oncological formation in the sigmoid colon, ovarian apoplexy, ovarian cancer, and tubal pregnancy. Examinations such as ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, diagnostic laparoscopy and x-ray of the sigmoid colon, previously filled with a barium suspension, otherwise called irigoscopy, are mandatory when carrying out differential diagnosis in this case.

Treatment of ovarian retention cyst

In modern medicine, there are two effective methods of treating cystic formations of this type:

  • An observation justified by the ability of some retention formations to involute, i.e. reverse development and complete disappearance. A wait-and-see approach, in which a repeat visit to the gynecologist and ultrasound examination are scheduled after a few months, can have a positive result and pleasantly surprise the patient with the absence of a previously diagnosed cyst.
  • Removal is a method of surgical intervention prescribed in the presence of pronounced symptoms: severe pain in the lower abdomen, acute abdominal pain, fever, nausea, greatly enlarged and prone to growth in the size of the formation, in order to avoid the contents of a burst cyst entering the abdominal cavity, which is accompanied by aseptic inflammation, as well as if there is a suspicion that it may be malignant.

Today, one of the most common and most effective methods of invasive intervention to remove cystic formations is laparoscopy. Its essence lies in the introduction of the necessary surgical instruments and a video camera through several small incisions in the abdominal wall. Dissections are made in accordance with the location of the cyst. Laparoscopy of the right ovary is performed on the right side of the abdominal wall, the left, respectively, on the left.

How is laparoscopy performed on the right and left ovaries?

After a complete preliminary examination and receipt of the results of clinical tests, provided there are no contraindications, surgery is prescribed. Its duration is short, the trauma is minimal, however, like any surgical intervention, it requires attention and accuracy on the part of the surgeon, since the integrity of healthy ovarian tissue depends on his professionalism and correct actions. Therefore, you should approach the choice of a specialist who will perform laparoscopy with all responsibility.

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Often a woman is unaware of the existence of a cyst on the ovary, and then during her next visit to the gynecologist she learns about the pathology. The cyst is not dangerous as long as it is small. But it is unknown when it will begin to increase, and then the complications can be very serious. More often a cyst is found on the right ovary. This is most likely due to the fact that it is better supplied with blood than the left one. That is why complications arise here more often. During treatment, everything is done so as not to deprive a young woman of the opportunity to become pregnant and give birth safely.

It has been noticed that cysts appear on the right ovary more often than on the left. It functions more actively, as it is better supplied with blood due to its close location to the abdominal artery. With the blood, hormones produced by the pituitary gland (FSH and LH) enter the ovaries, which directly regulate the processes occurring in them. In the right ovary, dominant follicles mature more often. It produces more active hormones.


There are two types of ovarian cysts: functional and non-functional.

Functional ones are directly related to the hormonal processes occurring in the ovaries and are formed in a certain phase of the cycle. These include:

  1. Follicular cyst. It is formed in the membrane of the dominant follicle in the first phase of the cycle.
  2. Luteal cyst. Occurs after ovulation in the corpus luteum, which is formed in the burst follicle after the release of the egg.

The peculiarity is that functional cysts can disappear on their own after the hormonal levels return to normal. As a rule, such cysts form on the right ovary.


Non-functional. Such neoplasms do not disappear on their own; they develop without connection with the processes of the cycle. These include:

  1. Endometrioid. It is formed on the surface of the ovary when particles of the uterine mucosa come into contact with it (the cause is endometriosis, which develops as a result of hormonal imbalance). Due to the uneven structure of the particles, cracks are formed in them, which are filled with menstrual blood. Clotted blood is dark brown in color. Therefore, such an ovarian cyst is also called a chocolate cyst.
  2. Paraovarian. Formed from a rudimentary epididymis. The cyst is connected to the body of the ovary by a stalk and is located near the fallopian tube. This is a congenital pathology that occurs in the embryo at the time of formation of the reproductive organs. Tumor growth occurs after puberty.
  3. Dermoid. It is formed during intrauterine development at the time of the formation of organs from the germ layers. Each of them contains cells of a certain type, from which various tissues of the body are created. Hair, particles of skin, bones, and dental tissue are found inside.

Nonfunctional cysts on the right ovary are found with approximately the same frequency as on the left. Functional and paraovarian neoplasms are classified as retentional (formed by stretching the membrane with secretory fluid).

Video: How functional ovarian cysts form

Reasons for education

The main reason for the formation of functional ovarian cysts is a violation of the ratio of pituitary hormones and, accordingly, a failure in the development of the dominant follicle.

Follicular a cyst is formed when there is an excess of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The dominant follicle does not rupture, secretory fluid accumulates in it, and eventually a bubble with a diameter of up to 10 cm is formed in its wall.

Cyst corpus luteum is formed if the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood, which stimulates its growth, is exceeded. The FSH/LH ratio can independently recover to normal within 2-3 cycles, in which case the functional cyst of the right ovary disappears. If this does not happen, then hormonal treatment is used to normalize the background.

The causes of such disorders are inflammatory and infectious diseases of the uterus and appendages, diseases of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, improper metabolism, exhaustion of the body or obesity. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by stress and bad habits.

Endometrioid the tumor occurs as a result of pathological growth of the endometrium due to excess estrogen in the body. The disorder is facilitated by taking hormonal drugs for the purpose of contraception or replacement therapy. Excessive growth of the endometrium is promoted by damage to the surface of the uterus during inflammatory processes, the formation of scars and adhesions after surgery (abortion, curettage).

Note: Endometrial particles can be carried through the blood into the abdominal cavity if, for example, a woman has sex during menstruation. The reason such particles get on the ovaries may be an increase in intra-abdominal pressure when lifting heavy objects.

Paraovarian neoplasms most often begin to grow against the background of inflammatory processes, after abdominal injuries, operations in the abdominal cavity (for example, removal of the appendix). The cause of tumor growth may be overheating of the lower part of the body (bathing in a hot bath), or impaired development of the genital organs.

Dermoid the cyst is of genetic origin. Its growth begins in a woman of any age. Provoking factors are diseases of the genital organs, the effects of toxins on the body, including nicotine and drugs.

As a rule, a cyst of the right ovary is discovered during reproductive age, when hormonal disorders occur most often. At risk are women suffering from obesity, infertility, menstrual irregularities, bad habits and promiscuous sex.

Complications of cyst formation

The disease occurs in 2 forms: complicated and uncomplicated. Complications arise if the tumor reaches a size of 3 cm or more. The following conditions pose a danger:

  1. Twisting of the leg, cessation of blood supply. Necrosis and blood poisoning are possible.
  2. Capsule rupture. If it swells and bursts, the contents spill into the abdominal cavity, leading to peritonitis. Together with the capsule, the ovarian membrane may rupture, causing apoplexy.
  3. Hemorrhage (internal bleeding). This process is most typical for the right ovary, since it has a direct connection with the abdominal aorta. There may be hemorrhage inside the ovary, as well as into the abdominal cavity. If the hemorrhagic cyst is large and the bleeding is severe, only urgent surgery can save the woman.
  4. Malignization. In some cases, an endometrioid or dermoid cyst degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

As doctors warn, the main cause of complications is usually failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Feeling unwell, women often self-medicate with home remedies without knowing the diagnosis, wasting precious time. Often, on the advice of friends, they warm up the lower abdomen, which is strictly prohibited.

The consequences may be suppuration of the contents, peritonitis, sepsis, disruption of neighboring organs, bleeding, anemia, removal of the ovary and infertility.

Cysts during pregnancy and childbirth

With a significant increase in tumors, pregnancy becomes more difficult. They can provoke menstrual disorders and lack of ovulation. In addition, neoplasms can block the entrance to the fallopian tubes, making fertilization impossible.

If during pregnancy a small ovarian cyst is discovered on the right or left side (less than 3 cm in diameter), then constant monitoring of its development is carried out (a luteal cyst, for example, resolves at 14-16 weeks).

In case of rapid growth and danger of twisting, hemorrhage or other complications, the neoplasm is removed. If this is not done, then even in the absence of pathological processes, an enlarging cyst can put pressure on the uterus, complicating the growth and development of the fetus, impairing blood circulation. This provokes miscarriage or premature birth.

During childbirth, pushing can cause the cyst to rupture and release its contents into the abdominal cavity and birth canal. In this case, a situation arises that is dangerous for the woman’s life. Urgent abdominal surgery is required.

Video: Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy


If the right ovarian cyst has a diameter of less than 2 cm, then the woman does not feel its presence. The growth of the tumor leads to a nagging pain in the groin area on the right side.

Cycle disturbances occur: increased or decreased menstrual bleeding, missed periods, inability to get pregnant. Spotting and spotting appears between menstruation due to leakage of cyst contents.

A large capsule puts pressure on neighboring organs. In this case, the woman experiences constipation, flatulence, and difficulty urinating. Pressure on the intestines leads to nausea and heartburn.

When an ovarian cyst located on the right side becomes inflamed, the same symptoms occur as with appendicitis (cutting pain in the lower abdomen, pain when palpating this area, nausea, vomiting). Therefore, in some cases, an inaccurate diagnosis may be made, and the picture of the disease becomes clearer during the operation.

Symptoms of complications include severe abdominal pain, fever, anemia, and uterine bleeding.

Diagnosis and treatment

Large cysts are detected already on palpation. Ultrasound (external and transvaginal) is used to determine their size, location and type. The presence or absence of pregnancy is also determined.

To find out about the accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity, a puncture of the posterior vaginal wall is performed. The laparoscopy method is used. If necessary, you can immediately remove the cyst during the procedure.

They do blood tests for hormones, tumor markers, blood and urine tests for the presence of infectious agents.

Drug treatment is carried out when functional cysts larger than 5 cm are detected. For this, drugs containing estrogens and progesterone (Janine, Duphaston, Jess) are used, which normalize hormonal levels. If inflammatory processes are detected, antibiotics are prescribed.

Paraovarian, endometrioid and dermoid cysts are removed surgically, as they are not able to shrink or resolve under the influence of drugs. Most often, removal is performed laparoscopically. For young women, attempts are usually made to preserve the ovary and fertility.

Women over 45 years of age can undergo partial or complete removal of the ovary, since the risk of malignant degeneration is higher for them.

Fluid formation in the right ovary occurs more often than in the left.

Causes of fluid formations of the appendages

Most often, fluid in the ovary is found in women after 40 years of age, but can appear at any age. Most scientists believe that pathology occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Moreover, a cyst in the pelvis can form both as a result of natural changes in the body, and as a result of taking hormonal drugs.

Liquid formation of the left ovary can appear as a result of ovulation disorder, when a vesicle filled with liquid does not rupture, its contents do not enter the abdominal cavity, but remain in the follicle, resulting in the formation of a follicular ovarian cyst. This pathology usually goes away on its own. In most cases, women of childbearing age encounter it. A follicular cyst is benign in nature, increases in size due to stretching of the walls (due to the accumulation of internal contents) and is most often accidentally detected during an ultrasound.

Liquid formations in the appendages can appear against the background of a long-term inflammatory process caused by hypothermia. If a woman suffers from weak immunity, then the pathology, as a rule, occurs with complications. A cyst in the pelvis is often formed as a result of endometriosis.

A formation in the ovary in women may appear against the background of congestion in the pelvic area caused by improper functioning of the kidneys. Triggering factors for the development of pathology, if there is a tendency to it, are often: nervous shock, unbalanced diet, violation of work and rest schedule, etc.

Types of fluid foreign bodies in the ovaries

When they say that there are fluid formations in the appendages, we are talking about cysts, which may not manifest themselves for a long time. There are the following types:

  1. Ovarian dermoid cyst often develops in the fetus during the mother's pregnancy. This foreign inclusion is filled with fluid and rudiments of the child’s skin, hair and other tissues. Sometimes it appears during life.
  2. A follicular formation is formed against the background of a hormonal imbalance, in which ovulation does not occur completely, and the follicle is filled with fluid, gradually increasing in size.
  3. Mucinous - filled with mucous contents. Its danger lies in the possibility of malignant degeneration. In most cases, such foreign inclusions are formed during menopause.
  4. A paraovarian cyst is a thin-walled neoplasm that is inactive and most often does not manifest itself in any way, being small in size.
  5. Luteal neoplasm occurs immediately after ovulation due to disruption of circulatory processes in the tissues of the appendage. Factors that provoke its development are a strict diet and significant physical activity.
  6. An endometriotic fluid neoplasm is formed due to the introduction of endometrial cells into the tissue of the appendage, and sometimes leads to the development of infertility. Among other fluid formations of the ovaries, it is quite common.
  7. Numerous ovarian cysts, which are caused by PCOS. Hormonal abnormalities lead to reproductive dysfunction and the appearance of these fluid-filled formations in the appendages.
  8. Serous cystadenoma with watery, transparent contents of light yellow color. It rarely transforms into cancer and is quite common.

Signs of a liquid neoplasm

Remember! Only a doctor can tell you what this fluid formation is in the right or left ovary and how to treat it. However, every patient can undergo a timely ultrasound to detect an adnexal cyst. Unfortunately, small foreign inclusions in the pelvis do not manifest themselves in any way, so it is difficult to suspect them.

As the pathology develops, a woman usually develops the following symptoms:

  • bleeding from the genital tract outside of menstruation;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting and/or nausea;
  • anovulation;
  • feeling of bloating;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • cycle disorders;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • pain in the thigh or lower back segment.

These manifestations do not always indicate the presence of a fluid formation and quite often act as manifestations of other gynecological pathologies, for example, uterine fibroids.

Diagnosis of pathology

A fluid inclusion in the right or left ovary is often detected during an ultrasound. To identify the cause of the pathology, a blood test for hormones is performed. This allows you to prescribe effective drug therapy. Most often, patients suffering from appendage cysts have cycle disorders.

If the doctor believes that the formation can spontaneously resolve within a few months, then he recommends that the woman do a dynamic ultrasound to monitor the development of the pathology. However, if unpleasant symptoms or complications appear, if there is a risk of developing a malignant process, treatment is carried out.

To exclude the presence of cancer, the patient needs to donate blood for tumor markers C-125 and CA-19-9. It should be remembered that positive results of such tests do not always indicate ovarian cancer and may indicate malignant damage to other organs. Histology is considered the most reliable test for detecting adnexal cancer.

How to treat fluid formation in the left or right ovary

If we are talking about a functional cyst, then with a high degree of probability it can disappear on its own within several menstrual cycles. Then, when the formation does not regress, it is treated, the tactics of which are determined by the patient’s age and other factors.

As a rule, the period during which dynamic observation is carried out is 3 months. To speed up the process of disappearance of the cyst, the gynecologist may prescribe hormonal drugs, and in case of pain, painkillers. Foreign inclusions of large sizes, or those that have the potential to transform into a cancerous tumor, are removed surgically.

The fluid formation of the left ovary (or right) is excised laparoscopically or laparotomically. The operation is also indicated when a woman who wants to become pregnant has PCOS, and conservative treatment is ineffective. Urgent surgical intervention is performed for torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst, as well as for other complications.

When there are fluid formations in the ovaries, this indicates the presence of cysts (for example, with PCOS). A single foreign inclusion may indicate the functional nature of the pathology. A comprehensive examination allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment to the patient.

Analysis of ovarian reserve

Causes and treatment of left ovarian enlargement

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Right-sided ovarian cyst: types, symptoms and treatment

A right ovarian cyst is a tumor-like formation that has a delimited capsule and a cavity filled with fluid or other contents. The cyst cavity is covered from the inside with epithelium. Ovarian cystic tumors account for about 25% of all neoplasms of female organs.

Classification of ovarian cystic formations

The most common types of cysts are:

  • functional (luteal and follicular);
  • epithelial (serous and pseudomucinous);
  • endometrioid;
  • dermoid.

The listed formations most often occur during puberty and in premenopausal women, when hormonal changes in the body occur. Dermoids can be detected at any age, even in newborn girls, as they are associated with a violation of embryonic histogenesis.

Causes of right ovarian cystoma

Many women wonder where they got a right ovarian cyst: the causes of this formation are not exactly known. The main role is played by hormonal disorders of the body.

Risk factors

Women who have the following risk factors are most susceptible to the disease:

  1. irregular monthly cycle;
  2. early and late menarche (beginning of menstruation);
  3. the onset of menopause after 50 years;
  4. chronic processes in the genital organs (salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis, chronic venereal infections);
  5. infertility;
  6. habitual miscarriage.

The risk of right or left ovarian cysts is also increased in women who did not breastfeed after childbirth.

Important: If you have any of these factors, you should see your gynecologist two or more times a year.

Symptoms of right-sided ovarian cyst

Most cystic ovarian tumors have no symptoms until they become too large. A woman may complain of pain in the lower abdomen or discomfort, more so on the right side. The pain sometimes spreads to the lower limb. In 20% of patients, symptoms of a right ovarian cyst manifest as reproductive dysfunction. Sometimes infertility is the main reason for going to the doctor.

Another sign of a cyst is irregular menstruation. There may be frequent delays and bleeding between periods. A woman is sometimes bothered by engorgement of the mammary glands, constipation, and frequent urination. Acute abdominal pain occurs with complications of the cyst such as torsion of the leg or perforation of the capsule.

Complications of a cyst in the right ovary

Many cystomas can lead to infertility, especially if they affect both ovaries. Another complication is malignancy. Ovarian cancer most often complicates serous cystadenoma of the papillary type. This type of tumor is distinguished by the presence on its inner wall of small outgrowths or papillae, which represent epithelial hyperplasia.

Acute complications of a cyst in the right ovary include torsion of the base and rupture of the wall with the release of contents and blood into the abdominal cavity. These conditions can lead to the development of inflammation of the peritoneum and the formation of interintestinal abscesses or adhesions.

Important: if you have any symptoms from the reproductive system, you should consult a gynecologist. The earlier a tumor is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat it without any consequences.

Irregular menstruation is one of the signs of an ovarian cyst.

Diagnosis of ovarian cystadenomas and cysts

The gynecologist can already assume the presence of a cyst during a bimanual examination. Upon palpation, a round, elastic, dense formation with a smooth surface is detected near the appendages. It may be slightly painful. To confirm the diagnosis, ultrasound and radiography are performed. Ultrasound can sometimes suggest the type of tumor. For example, a bilocular or multilocular right ovarian cyst may represent a pseudomucinous cyst. Serous cystadenoma usually has a single chamber.

If it is difficult to make a diagnosis, MRI or CT may be performed. If the symptoms of a complicated cystoma resemble appendicitis, then a puncture of the posterior vaginal fornix is ​​performed for differential diagnosis.

Treatment of right-sided ovarian cysts

With cysts of the right ovary, symptoms largely determine treatment. If there are manifestations of a complicated tumor, then the method of choice is open laparotomy. During the operation, the abdominal cavity and its organs are examined, and the contents of the cyst are removed. The formation is excised at the border of healthy tissue. If possible, they try to restore the ovary. When there are signs of malignancy (metastases, papillary growths on the wall), all appendages and nearby lymph nodes are removed. Sometimes the uterus also has to be removed.

If there are no acute manifestations, when choosing a treatment method, the following are taken into account:

  • cyst size,
  • its origin and form,
  • age of the patient,
  • accompanying illnesses.

For small formations (up to 6 cm) without signs of malignancy, hormonal therapy is often carried out. If the cystoma decreases or disappears over the course, then conservative treatment is continued for several more months. When the tumor does not respond to drug treatment and grows in size, surgery is performed. Preference is given to a low-traumatic method of intervention - laparoscopy.

For some cystic tumors, hormonal treatment may not be effective. For example, with dermoid. In the cavity of this cyst there are hair, bones, and fatty tissue that cannot disappear on their own. Therefore, for a dermoid cyst on the right ovary, treatment is always surgical.

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Why is fluid formation in the ovary dangerous?

After undergoing an ultrasound, some women discover that the ovary contains a fluid formation. In such cases, it is not always necessary to sound the alarm, because this kind of cyst often goes away on its own along with the next monthly cycle.

Such formations cause danger if:

  • Pain after and during sexual intercourse;
  • Nagging pain during physical activity;
  • Nausea, etc.

In this case, we can talk about the development of the tumor and the need for its detailed examination. It should be said that a fluid formation in the left or right ovary is typical for women after forty years of age, but can be detected at any age.

Causes of neoplasms in the ovary

Such neoplasms are quite common, but it is still quite difficult to study the nature of their occurrence. However, we can definitely say that fluid formation in the ovary is a consequence of hormonal imbalance. The nature of this failure can be either pathogenic, caused by the body itself, or artificial, arising as a result of taking hormonal drugs.

Regardless of the cause of the pathology, it needs further examination and study, otherwise the following consequences may be observed:

Diagnosis and treatment of formations in the ovary

Basic examinations carried out when a fluid formation in the left ovary is suspected are limited to ultrasound and blood tests for hormonal levels. This approach allows you to obtain general data about the condition of the body and prescribe further therapy. For the most part, in women with this pathology, the menstrual cycle and ovulation are disrupted, first of all, the reproductive and then other human systems suffer.

If the body is prone to the occurrence of neoplasms, then stress, lifestyle, poor nutrition, non-compliance with work and rest schedules, etc. can push it to develop abnormalities. If you have a follicular cyst or fluid formation in the right ovary, you should immediately seek help from specialists.

When you are concerned about the manifestation of certain symptoms of the disease or it is discovered that the ovary contains a fluid formation after an ultrasound examination, then you need to make an appointment with a specialist.

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Right ovarian cyst: causes of formation, types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Often a woman is unaware of the existence of a cyst on the ovary, and then during her next visit to the gynecologist she learns about the pathology. The cyst is not dangerous as long as it is small. But it is unknown when it will begin to increase, and then the complications can be very serious. More often a cyst is found on the right ovary. This is most likely due to the fact that it is better supplied with blood than the left one. That is why complications arise here more often. During treatment, everything is done so as not to deprive a young woman of the opportunity to become pregnant and give birth safely.

Types of Cysts

An ovarian cyst is a cavity formed due to stretching of the membrane in any part of it. There are several types of neoplasms that differ in origin and nature of the contents.

It has been noticed that cysts appear on the right ovary more often than on the left. It functions more actively, as it is better supplied with blood due to its close location to the abdominal artery. With the blood, hormones produced by the pituitary gland (FSH and LH) enter the ovaries, which directly regulate the processes occurring in them. In the right ovary, dominant follicles mature more often. It produces more active hormones.


There are two types of ovarian cysts: functional and non-functional.

Functional ones are directly related to the hormonal processes occurring in the ovaries and are formed in a certain phase of the cycle. These include:

  1. Follicular cyst. It is formed in the membrane of the dominant follicle in the first phase of the cycle.
  2. Luteal cyst. It occurs after ovulation in the corpus luteum, which forms in the ruptured follicle after the release of the egg.

The peculiarity is that functional cysts can disappear on their own after the hormonal levels return to normal. As a rule, such cysts form on the right ovary.


Non-functional. Such neoplasms do not disappear on their own; they develop without connection with the processes of the cycle. These include:

  1. Endometrioid. It is formed on the surface of the ovary when particles of the uterine mucosa come into contact with it (the cause is endometriosis, which develops as a result of hormonal imbalance). Due to the uneven structure of the particles, cracks are formed in them, which are filled with menstrual blood. Clotted blood is dark brown in color. Therefore, such an ovarian cyst is also called a chocolate cyst.
  2. Paraovarian. Formed from a rudimentary epididymis. The cyst is connected to the body of the ovary by a stalk and is located near the fallopian tube. This is a congenital pathology that occurs in the embryo at the time of formation of the reproductive organs. Tumor growth occurs after puberty.
  3. Dermoid. It is formed during intrauterine development at the time of the formation of organs from the germ layers. Each of them contains cells of a certain type, from which various tissues of the body are created. Hair, particles of skin, bones, and dental tissue are found inside.

Nonfunctional cysts on the right ovary are found with approximately the same frequency as on the left. Functional and paraovarian neoplasms are classified as retentional (formed by stretching the membrane with secretory fluid).

Video: How functional ovarian cysts form

Reasons for education

The main reason for the formation of functional ovarian cysts is a violation of the ratio of pituitary hormones and, accordingly, a failure in the development of the dominant follicle.

A follicular cyst is formed when there is an excess of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The dominant follicle does not rupture, secretory fluid accumulates in it, and eventually a bubble with a diameter of up to 10 cm is formed in its wall.

A corpus luteum cyst is formed if the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood, which stimulates its growth, is exceeded. The FSH/LH ratio can independently recover to normal within 2-3 cycles, in which case the functional cyst of the right ovary disappears. If this does not happen, then hormonal treatment is used to normalize the background.

The causes of such disorders are inflammatory and infectious diseases of the uterus and appendages, diseases of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, improper metabolism, exhaustion of the body or obesity. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by stress and bad habits.

An endometrioid tumor occurs as a result of pathological growth of the endometrium due to excess estrogen in the body. The disorder is facilitated by taking hormonal drugs for the purpose of contraception or replacement therapy. Excessive growth of the endometrium is promoted by damage to the surface of the uterus during inflammatory processes, the formation of scars and adhesions after surgery (abortion, curettage).

Note: Endometrial particles can be carried through the blood into the abdominal cavity if, for example, a woman has sex during menstruation. The reason such particles get on the ovaries may be an increase in intra-abdominal pressure when lifting heavy objects.

Paraovarian neoplasms most often begin to grow against the background of inflammatory processes, after abdominal trauma, or surgery in the abdominal cavity (for example, removal of the appendix). The cause of tumor growth may be overheating of the lower part of the body (bathing in a hot bath), or impaired development of the genital organs.

Dermoid cysts are genetic in origin. Its growth begins in a woman of any age. Provoking factors are diseases of the genital organs, the effects of toxins on the body, including nicotine and drugs.

As a rule, a cyst of the right ovary is discovered during reproductive age, when hormonal disorders occur most often. At risk are women suffering from obesity, infertility, menstrual irregularities, bad habits and promiscuous sex.

Complications of cyst formation

The disease occurs in 2 forms: complicated and uncomplicated. Complications arise if the tumor reaches a size of 3 cm or more. The following conditions pose a danger:

  1. Twisting of the leg, cessation of blood supply. Necrosis and blood poisoning are possible.
  2. Capsule rupture. If it swells and bursts, the contents spill into the abdominal cavity, leading to peritonitis. Together with the capsule, the ovarian membrane may rupture, causing apoplexy.
  3. Hemorrhage (internal bleeding). This process is most typical for the right ovary, since it has a direct connection with the abdominal aorta. There may be hemorrhage inside the ovary, as well as into the abdominal cavity. If the hemorrhagic cyst is large and the bleeding is severe, only urgent surgery can save the woman.
  4. Malignization. In some cases, an endometrioid or dermoid cyst degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

As doctors warn, the main cause of complications is usually failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Feeling unwell, women often self-medicate with home remedies without knowing the diagnosis, wasting precious time. Often, on the advice of friends, they warm up the lower abdomen, which is strictly prohibited.

The consequences may be suppuration of the contents, peritonitis, sepsis, disruption of neighboring organs, bleeding, anemia, removal of the ovary and infertility.

Cysts during pregnancy and childbirth

With a significant increase in tumors, pregnancy becomes more difficult. They can provoke menstrual disorders and lack of ovulation. In addition, neoplasms can block the entrance to the fallopian tubes, making fertilization impossible.

If during pregnancy a small ovarian cyst is discovered on the right or left side (less than 3 cm in diameter), then constant monitoring of its development is carried out (a luteal cyst, for example, resolves within a week).

In case of rapid growth and danger of twisting, hemorrhage or other complications, the neoplasm is removed. If this is not done, then even in the absence of pathological processes, an enlarging cyst can put pressure on the uterus, complicating the growth and development of the fetus, impairing blood circulation. This provokes miscarriage or premature birth.

During childbirth, pushing can cause the cyst to rupture and release its contents into the abdominal cavity and birth canal. In this case, a situation arises that is dangerous for the woman’s life. Urgent abdominal surgery is required.

Video: Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy


If the right ovarian cyst has a diameter of less than 2 cm, then the woman does not feel its presence. The growth of the tumor leads to a nagging pain in the groin area on the right side.

Cycle disturbances occur: increased or decreased menstrual bleeding, missed periods, inability to get pregnant. Spotting and spotting appears between menstruation due to leakage of cyst contents.

A large capsule puts pressure on neighboring organs. In this case, the woman experiences constipation, flatulence, and difficulty urinating. Pressure on the intestines leads to nausea and heartburn.

When an ovarian cyst located on the right side becomes inflamed, the same symptoms occur as with appendicitis (cutting pain in the lower abdomen, pain when palpating this area, nausea, vomiting). Therefore, in some cases, an inaccurate diagnosis may be made, and the picture of the disease becomes clearer during the operation.

Symptoms of complications include severe abdominal pain, fever, anemia, and uterine bleeding.

Diagnosis and treatment

Large cysts are detected already on palpation. Ultrasound (external and transvaginal) is used to determine their size, location and type. The presence or absence of pregnancy is also determined.

To find out about the accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity, a puncture of the posterior vaginal wall is performed. The laparoscopy method is used. If necessary, you can immediately remove the cyst during the procedure.

They do blood tests for hormones, tumor markers, blood and urine tests for the presence of infectious agents.

Drug treatment is carried out when functional cysts larger than 5 cm are detected. For this, drugs containing estrogens and progesterone (Janine, Duphaston, Jess) are used, which normalize hormonal levels. If inflammatory processes are detected, antibiotics are prescribed.

Paraovarian, endometrioid and dermoid cysts are removed surgically, as they are not able to shrink or resolve under the influence of drugs. Most often, removal is performed laparoscopically. For young women, attempts are usually made to preserve the ovary and fertility.

Women over 45 years of age can undergo partial or complete removal of the ovary, since the risk of malignant degeneration is higher for them.

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