Greenish, odorless discharge after childbirth. Lochia after childbirth: norm and deviations by day. Possible associated symptoms

Regardless of how the birth occurred (through surgery or naturally), the inner lining (mucosa) of the uterus requires a recovery period. It takes about 5-9 weeks, if everything goes well without complications.

Discharge from the genital tract after cesarean section deserves special attention. They are usually called lochia in gynecology. They include blood cells, plasma, mucus, and dead epithelium. Many women perceive them as a kind of menstruation. However, their color palette, smell, composition, volume change throughout postpartum period and signal whether everything is fine with the young mother’s body.

Any operation, like childbirth itself, is a serious stress for the body, tired after pregnancy. Therefore, a woman needs to listen to him sensitively, feel the slightest deviations and know what discharge should be after caesarean section and what is considered normal. This will allow her to notice warning signs in a timely manner and receive treatment if necessary. Many sources indicate that lochia after a CS is no different from what comes after natural birth. In fact, this is far from the case. Differences still exist.

  1. The wound surface is much more extensive after a cesarean section, so the risk of infection or inflammation of the genital organs is very high. So during discharge after surgery, you need to especially carefully carry out all the prescribed hygiene procedures and not just once a day.
  2. At the very beginning, just after a cesarean section, about 5-7 days, the discharge is not only bloody, but also contains a lot of mucus, which is not observed after natural delivery.
  3. The normal color of the discharge after a cesarean section for several days is bright red, deep scarlet, and it is much juicier than during the natural process of childbirth.
  4. Contraction of the uterus and its healing after cesarean section is a longer and more protracted process, so the duration of the discharge is also different and is 1-2 weeks longer.

These differences should not frighten or worry a young mother, perhaps not yet experienced in such matters, since this is the norm for discharge after a cesarean section, which indicates that everything is in order. But in order to see that something is wrong in time, you need to know about deviations, which will first of all have to be addressed to specialists. Usually they differ little from problematic lochia after.


One of the most exciting issues- how long does the discharge last after a cesarean section, in order to know for sure whether the recovery period is prolonged or the process is progressing within the permitted limits. Information about the deadlines that fit into the norm will allow you to control the present menstrual cycle which is due soon.


The normal discharge period after cesarean section is from 7 to 9 weeks. So discharge 2 months after cesarean does not pose any danger to the health of the young mother.


If after a cesarean delivery the discharge ends too quickly (within 6 weeks) or is very prolonged (up to 10 weeks), this is not yet a reason to panic. Yes, the norms are no longer met, but these indicators can only be determined by the individual characteristics of the body. If the composition, smell, thickness, color, and number of lochia do not indicate complications, there is no need to worry. Although even in this situation, it wouldn’t hurt to tell the doctor about it.


Seeing a doctor is mandatory if the duration of discharge in the postpartum period after cesarean section is beyond the normal range. This is either too quick an end (less than 5 weeks) or too long a process (over 10 weeks). Both are equally dangerous. In the first case, the remnants of the dead endometrium for some reason could not come out and there is a high probability of them festering. If lochia lasts too long, it can be diagnosed or infectious process V abdominal cavity or genitals. A condition when the discharge after a cesarean section ends and starts again is also dangerous: this also indicates some deviations in the process of restoration of the uterus.

Knowing how much discharge there is after a caesarean section during normal process healing, a woman does not have to worry that this period has been very long for her or, on the contrary, has passed too quickly. After all, in both cases, you will have to take appropriate measures: go to see a doctor, undergo additional examinations and, if diseases or complications are detected, undergo a course of treatment, no matter how much you would like it.

be careful. You should not be happy if your discharge has already stopped a month after a cesarean section. Such a rapid process very often ends in inflammation or infection, which requires surgical cleaning of the uterus.

Lochia character

Throughout recovery period After the operation, the nature of the lochia will change. Initially, blood clots will be released, since the uterus at this time is a large, open, bleeding wound. But over time, during the healing process, they will change to mucus, dead epithelial cells and other postpartum debris.

This also needs to be monitored very carefully. If, for example, bloody issues after a cesarean section does not end in any way, this will be an alarming signal that the damaged tissues for some reason cannot regenerate. Such cases require medical intervention and course of treatment. Therefore, monitor the nature of your lochia and its duration.

  1. Presence of blood

At first, the presence of blood in the lochia should not raise doubts among young mothers: this is the healing of broken blood vessels and damaged tissue. However, here important point The timing is exactly how many days the bleeding lasts after a cesarean section: if it’s more than 7-8, then this is already abnormal and you need to sound the alarm.

  1. Presence of clots

This is also quite understandable during this period of time: they are cells of the already dead endometrium and placenta. After 7-8 days they will go away, so the discharge will become more liquid.

  1. Mucus discharge

If in addition to the bloody discharge there is also mucous discharge in the first days after a cesarean section, this is also the norm: in this way the body is cleansed of the products of the baby’s intrauterine vital activity.

  1. Pink discharge

If pink discharge begins a month after a cesarean section, it means that the healing process is not yet complete. Perhaps, under some mechanical influence, the wounded tissues were damaged again. Very often this happens if a couple is impatient and, without waiting for the end of the recovery period, they begin to have sex too early.

  1. Brown shade

After 6-7 weeks, the nature of the lochia will resemble ordinary menstrual smears of a brownish color: the blood will coagulate and will no longer be so bright and scarlet.

  1. Purulent discharge

The danger after cesarean section is represented by purulent discharge, which is the first symptom of the endometrium (inflammation of the uterine mucosa). They are usually yellowish-green in color, have a very unpleasant smell and are accompanied by elevated temperature(due to infection), pain in the abdomen and perineum.

  1. Watery lochia

A young mother should also be alerted to watery lochia, devoid of any shade, almost transparent. This is how transudate - fluid contained in the blood or lymphatic vessels. This is bad, as it indicates poor circulation in this area. Besides, watery discharge after a cesarean section with an unpleasant odor reminiscent of rotten fish - a symptom characteristic of vaginal dysbiosis (gardnerellosis).

If you had to give birth by cesarean section, you must definitely monitor the nature of the discharge that begins. It is the impurities in their composition that may indicate a particular disease that will need to be identified and treated. Often all this threatens the hospital walls again - and this is precisely at the moment when the mother so needs her baby. It is much easier to prevent the problem and enjoy unforgettable moments of communication with the baby. In addition to character, the color of the discharge can tell a lot.


Normally, the color of lochia after cesarean section should be red at first, then it becomes brown discharge(closer to the end). The rest of the color palette should alert the young mother and force her to go to the hospital for additional examination to find out if everything is fine with her body’s recovery.


If yellow discharge begins after a cesarean section, it may indicate the following postpartum processes:

  • pale yellow, scanty lochia by the end of 2-3 weeks is normal;
  • bright yellow, almost orange discharge with a greenish tint, putrefactive odor on days 4-6 - a symptom of pronounced, but just beginning endometritis;
  • copious, mucous, yellow discharge after 2 weeks is a sign of already hidden and, most likely, rather advanced endometritis.

Endometritis cannot be treated on its own: antibiotic therapy or even surgery will be required.


It's not hard to guess that green discharge, which began after cesarean section, are explained by the presence of pus in them. It indicates the occurrence of an infectious, inflammatory process in the uterus. Only medical examination will help determine its cause and diagnose the disease.

White lochia

By itself, without accompanying symptoms, white discharge, which may begin some time after a cesarean section, does not pose a threat. But as soon as certain signs appear, you need to be alert. These include:

  • itching of the perineum;
  • redness in the intimate area;
  • if there is discharge with a sour smell;
  • cheesy consistency.

In such cases it is required bacterial culture or vaginal smear for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


If after a cesarean section there is black discharge without odor or pain, it should be taken as normal. They are dictated hormonal changes in the blood after childbirth. A deviation is if they occur some time after the operation.

To avoid complications after cesarean section, you need to monitor the color of postpartum discharge. She can suggest the problem that has arisen in reality. initial stage. This will make it easier to eliminate it and allow you to quickly return to normal after passing required course treatment.


A young mother also needs to pay attention to how much lochia comes out of her in order to judge how the body’s recovery is proceeding. If after a cesarean section there is little discharge, especially in the very first days, this may be an alarming signal that the tubes, uterine ducts are clogged, a blood clot has formed, etc.

The opposite situation is no less dangerous: profuse lochia that does not stop for too long - alarm signal about the impossibility of full restoration of the uterus after surgery. In both cases you need to go special examination and find out what is the reason for such deviations.

Every woman wants to postpartum lochia ended quickly and nothing overshadowed happy motherhood. However, there is no need to be too hostile towards them. It is they that can serve as that alarming and sometimes the only signal that not everything is in order with the restoration of the body and some measures need to be taken to help it. You should especially be wary of discharge after a cesarean section with an odor and an unrealistically bright hue. This almost always ends with a course of antibiotic treatment, which is highly undesirable during lactation, or another surgical intervention.

What color do you like? Red, yellow, green, white, pink? Or maybe brown? We don’t know your color preferences, but we can say with complete confidence which colors of postpartum discharge gynecologists and obstetricians do not like, and when they see them, they subject the woman to a thorough examination with passion. The least favorite colors of discharge in the spectrum of doctors are yellow and green, as well as their variations.

Yellow discharge after childbirth does not always indicate that something is wrong in the body. First, let's figure out what postpartum discharge should be like immediately after childbirth, after a week and after 1-2 months, when it ends.

Red discharge

After childbirth, all women experience vaginal discharge, which lasts on average from a month to 8 weeks. They are called lochia, from the Greek lochios - “relating to childbirth.” Their composition and process of secretions are similar to those that occur during the healing process of wounds. And no wonder - after all, after childbirth, the uterine cavity is an extensive wound formed after the separation of the placenta, or placenta.

In this way, the endometrium (inner lining) of the uterus is cleansed and restored. Over time, the composition of the lochia changes, as does their color. In the first 2-3 days after birth, lochia is abundant and bloody, and sometimes it is impossible to cope with its volume regular gaskets for menstruation and require special postpartum or urological pads. Such lochia are also called red.

Injured arteries bleed and small vessels, which during the process of uterine contractions are drawn deep into the cavity and thromboses. The composition of lochia during this period is dominated by erythrocytes. After a cesarean section, lochia remains bloody for longer due to the longer recovery process of the uterus.

Serous discharge

After 3–5 days, the lochia lighten and a period of serous lochia of brownish and yellow-gray color begins. They become more similar to blood serum and are a liquid with blood clots. In terms of composition, leukocytes come to the fore, displacing the previously predominant erythrocytes. Blood and mucous clots are parts of the uterine lining that is being shed and epithelial cells lining the shell.

Cleaning after childbirth

White discharge

A week after birth, there are practically no red blood cells in the lochia and they are completely replaced by leukocytes. If blood clots appear occasionally, then this is also a variant of the norm. The amount of mucus secreted partly by the cervix increases significantly. Lochia appears as an opaque yellow-white or grayish-white, sometimes pink, liquid. Pink discharge indicates that a small amount of blood is mixed with it.

Absolutely ideal conditions with complete renewal of the uterine endometrium, lochia stops by the end of the third week after birth. In practice, this process is individual and often takes 6–8 weeks, depending on the speed of regeneration of a particular organism; on average, it takes a month. A few days before the discharge stops, lochia takes on the appearance of glassy transparent mucus.

The smell of lochia is due to the presence of bacteria in them.

Normally, it is moist and musty, reminiscent of the smell of normal menstruation.

Previously, it was believed that after childbirth, microorganisms are contained only in the vagina and partially in uterine cervix. Latest Research showed that the uterus is free from their presence only in the first three days after birth.

After this period of time, bacteria (cocci and other bacilli) freely penetrate into the uterine cavity and do not manifest themselves in any way until favorable conditions. When fluid stagnates in the uterus and genital tract, they begin to multiply and the smell of lochia becomes putrid, which does not indicate an inflammatory process in the absence of fever and good health.

As you can see, liquid yellow discharge after childbirth with blood clots and mucus is a completely natural and harmless phenomenon if it occurs 3-5 days after birth and is not accompanied by any alarming symptoms such as a rise in body temperature, purulent discharge and the addition of strong putrid smell.

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When to be wary

If a month later you have yellow, green discharge after childbirth, or yellow-green, purulent discharge, unpleasant and strong-smelling, then this may indicate the presence of a pathology. Final diagnosis Only a doctor can diagnose it during an examination and based on the results of laboratory and other tests, but we will consider the most likely possible causes.

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The appearance of thick yellow or green discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth is a signal calling for an immediate visit to your gynecologist. Without proper treatment, any inflammation of the genital organs can result in chronic form diseases that subsequently lead to infertility, miscarriage and increase the risk of cancer.

In the practice of a gynecologist great importance in making a diagnosis has a definition of character vaginal discharge patients, changes in which may indicate various violations in a woman's body. These changes must be taken into account in the context general condition organism and analysis additional symptoms observed pathology. The assumption of the diagnosis is most often confirmed laboratory research. What to do if green discharge appears in women?


In women, discharge with a greenish tint is a consequence inflammatory diseases vagina, cervix and uterine body, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Discharge greenish color determined by the admixture of leukocytes in the mucus. However, green discharge is not always due to the introduction of microbial agents.

Many women experience green, odorless discharge. If observed greenish discharge odorless, the reasons for this may be:

  • allergic reaction of the vaginal mucosa to hygiene and care products, underwear, talc, etc.;
  • reaction to wearing tight underwear (thongs, etc.);
  • menstruation, before and after which light white and sometimes greenish discharge from the vagina is often observed.

Changing Hue vaginal secretion can be observed at the beginning of sexual activity or when changing sexual partners. This may serve as a sign of adaptation to a new, unusual microflora. But most often copious discharge are the result of problems in the organs reproductive system. The reasons for the appearance of green discharge are varied. The appearance of pathological vaginal secretion can be provoked by: diabetes, prolapse of the vaginal walls, tumor and immune diseases.

Bacterial vaginosis

This disease causes excess, liquid discharge from the vagina. When vaginosis becomes chronic, the discharge becomes thicker and scantier with yellow or green tint. The mechanism of development of vaginal vaginosis is based on a violation of the normal physiological composition vaginal microflora. The reasons leading to vaginosis are improper douching, allergic reactions vaginal mucosa, immune disorders in the body, intake hormonal drugs and antibiotics, violation of the rules intimate hygiene, hormonal changes in puberty, menopause and intestinal dysbiosis.

In development bacterial vaginosis the normal vaginal microflora is replaced by anaerobic microorganisms: gardnerella is often detected in smears. However, according to the latest data, it has become known that gardnerella themselves do not cause pathology, but have negative impact only in association with other microorganisms.

With vaginosis, corynebacteria, epidermal staphylococcus, mycoplasmas, lactic streptococci and other microorganisms are often detected in the vaginal contents. A special feature of vaginosis is that abnormal microflora does not provoke inflammation and there is no significant increase in leukocyte accumulations. The trigger for the development of vaginosis is a decrease in the population of lactobacilli on the surface of the vaginal epithelium, which normally constitutes 98% of all microorganisms, while the pH varies in the range of 3.5-3.8.

Important! Any interventions, diseases, or manipulations that lead to a change in pH provoke the occurrence of vaginosis and colonization of the vaginal epithelium with microflora that is unusual for it.

During menopause, the concentration of estrogen in a woman's blood drops. This leads to a decrease in glycogen reserves in the vaginal epithelium, which deprives lactobacilli of a nutrient substrate. These events cause a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and provoke vaginosis. Treatment of vaginosis is aimed at restoring normal microflora and pH correction, getting rid of bad habits, treatment of intestinal dysbiosis and other concomitant diseases.

If inflammation develops, yellow discharge or white-green discharge appears. If your symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen and high fever, you should immediately see a doctor. If light green discharge appears, a woman should consult a doctor for prevention. possible complications. The color of vaginal secretion is sometimes light green. His appearance should also not be ignored.


Often, the appearance of yellow-green vaginal discharge indicates sexually transmitted diseases. If you have yellow-green discharge that is odorless, it could be trichomoniasis.

Trichomoniasis is accompanied by a burning sensation, odorless, itching, and a foamy discharge. The clinical picture is similar to vulvovaginitis. The causative agent of trichomoniasis is Trichomonas vaginalis. Infection occurs through sexual contact. In external environment the pathogen does not live. It is necessary to promptly treat trichomoniasis, since in advanced cases it causes infertility, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and pathology of newborns.

Vaginal candidiasis - thrush

With candidiasis, a characteristic green, cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor is noted. The causes of candidiasis are varied:

  • stressful situations;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • decreased body immunity.

After "Terzhinan"

When diagnosing an inflammatory process at the level of the vagina and cervix, the attending physician is faced with the task of how to properly treat this pathology? With absence general symptoms apply local therapy, and often the choice falls on Terzhinan suppositories. Also, Terzhinan suppositories can cause atypical vaginal secretions.

"Terzhinan" is complex preparation, widely used in gynecology. It contains: ternidazole, neomycin, nystatin, prednisolone and Excipients. This composition determines the antibacterial, antimycotic, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effects of this drug.

Indications for use:

  1. Treatment of vaginitis, vaginal trichomoniasis; candidiasis caused by fungi of the genus Candida.
  2. Prevention of urogenital infections and vaginitis. "Terzhinan" is indicated before operations; before childbirth, abortion; before and after installation of an intrauterine device.

A wide antibacterial spectrum, universal targeting against fungi is the answer to the question why this drug is so popular among practitioners. Vaginal tablet put before bedtime, inserting it into the vagina. It is advisable not to get up for at least 15 minutes after this.

Important! The course of treatment is usually 10 days. If necessary, it can be extended to 20 days.

"Terzhinan" is not the only remedy used in the practice of a gynecologist. So, for vaginosis, in addition to treatment concomitant pathology, the patient may be prescribed antimicrobial and antiprotozoal drugs such as Metronidazole, Clindamycin, Ornidazole for oral administration. For local therapy, suppositories are used: Metronidazole, Flagyl, Ornisid, Neo-Penotran and Dalatsin cream. To restore normal microflora, suppositories, gels and tablets are used topically: “Lactobacterin”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Gynoflor”, “Lactocide”, “Vaginorm S”, “Lactonorm”, “Floragin” gel, “Lactozhinal”.

After the pessary

Thrush is often provoked by the installation of a pessary after childbirth: doctors explain this by the quality of the material from which the pessary is made and the peculiarity of the installation procedure itself. Candidiasis is easily diagnosed by microscopy of vaginal smears, in which spores and threads of mycelium of the fungus of the genus are determined Candida albicans. Treatment is carried out with antimycotic drugs.

With gonorrhea, yellow, green discharge in women mixed with pus is observed. These symptoms may be accompanied by:

  • pain during sexual intercourse due to thinning of the vaginal mucosa;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • feeling of fullness of the bladder.

More often clinical picture with gonorrhea it occurs with signs of urethritis and colpitis. Diagnosis of gonorrhea is usually not difficult and is made on the basis of anamnestic data and morphological examination vaginal smear And bacteriological research. In the treatment of gonorrhea, the main thing is to prevent chronic infection and begin treatment as soon as possible. acute stage. Gonorrhea is treated with penicillin tetracycline and cephalosporin antibiotics. Douching is carried out with Miramistin.

Other reasons

IN childhood Mucous discharge in girls begins about a year before the appearance of menstruation. As a rule, they are transparent. A change in the nature of vaginal secretions is a good reason to consult a gynecologist. The appearance of greenish discharge in women is common. If discharge appears after menstruation, this may be a marker of endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, and various cystic formations. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist about treatment tactics, since similar symptoms may lead to infertility.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

During pregnancy, greenish discharge may occur as a variant of the norm. The reason is hormonal changes female body during the period of gestation. However, if there is a smelly discharge with an odor, a burning sensation, irritation, painful urination, you should contact a specialist. All of these symptoms may indicate vaginosis or infections in the vagina and other organs of the reproductive system.

Important! Most common etiological factors there may be gardnerella, mycoplasma, trichomonas, gonococci and other pathogenic microbes. And in this case, you need to discuss therapy with your doctor.

Green vaginal discharge can persist for a long time after childbirth. During the first weeks, the uterus is cleansed and the discharge contains ichor. On average, urinary postpartum discharge lasts 6-8 weeks. After 2 months, green discharge after childbirth may disappear, it all depends on individual characteristics female body. The appearance of yellow-green discharge after childbirth is a sign of the final cleansing of the uterus. In this case, the appearance of yellow-green discharge in a woman should not cause alarm. The appearance of discharge with a greenish tint, mixed with pus and blood, indicates the presence of endometriosis or a sexually transmitted infection.

If pregnancy is resolved by cesarean section, the postpartum period may have its own characteristics. Most often, sections (lochia) are bloody and odorless. As a rule, they completely disappear by 21 days after cesarean section. If you still have bleeding a month after giving birth, you should consult a specialist.

Changes in color and odor are a sign postoperative complications. The cause of complications may be narrowing cervical canal, planned birth, refusal of breastfeeding, violation contractile function uterus.


Indicated for the treatment of candidiasis the following drugs and their analogues:

  • "Ciclopirox" ("Dafnedzhin");
  • "Clotrimazole" ("Antifungol", "Canesten", "Kanizon", "Clotrimazole");
  • "Isoconazole" ("Gyno-travogen Ovulum");
  • "Miconazole" ("Ginezol 7", "Gyno-daktarin", "Klion-D 100");
  • "Natamycin" ("Pimafucin");
  • "Nystatin" ("Makmiror Complex", "Terzhinan").

Flucostat tablets are prescribed orally. After antimycotic therapy, the woman is shown drugs that restore intestinal microflora.

Treatment of gonorrhea is carried out with drugs in tablet form (Cefixime, Ciproflexacin, Ofloxacin) and in the form of intramuscular injections (Ceftriaxone, Spectonomycin), depending on whether it is acute or chronic infection the doctor is dealing. If more than 2 months have passed since the illness, then preference is given intramuscular injections. Drugs are prescribed at the same time local impact, and therapy to correct immunity is carried out.

Important! The impact on other etiotropic factors of inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system is carried out taking into account the type of pathogen, level of damage, stage of infection, the presence of general symptoms and complications.

It is highly undesirable to self-medicate. Inadequate selection medicinal product and its dose can lead to a false choice, which will not harm the pathogen, but will change normal microflora genital tract. An insufficient dose can lead to the formation of a resistant strain of the microorganism, which will subsequently be difficult to treat. And, on the contrary, an overdose can lead to allergies, dysbiosis and complications from internal organs.

How long does lochia last after childbirth?

The mechanism of childbirth is a serious stress for the body. Fetal rejection is accompanied by big amount unpleasant and sometimes dangerous phenomena for the woman in labor and for the baby. Possible:

  • bleeding;
  • incomplete expulsion of the placenta;
  • numerous breaks.

Natural component postpartum recovery are lochia (you can see what they look like in the photo). The contents of the uterus are gradually released, it is cleansed.

It’s worth finding out in advance how long the discharge lasts after childbirth, so that you can be prepared for it and be alert in time if something goes wrong. Note that after artificial birth(by caesarean section) lochia may take a little longer. After the second and third births, the uterus will contract faster.

  1. What should they be?
  2. Discharge after childbirth: normal
  3. Yellow lochia
  4. Green lochia
  5. Brown and bloody lochia
  6. Mucus discharge
  7. Purulent lochia
  8. White discharge
  9. Pink discharge
  10. Lochia after childbirth: norm and deviations (by day)

How long does bleeding last after childbirth?

Immediately after childbirth, the inner walls of the uterus are solid wound surface. It is easy to understand why so much bloody content is released in the first days after birth. The muscle layer of the uterus contracts, naturally under the influence of oxytocin, blood vessels contract, triggering blood clotting mechanisms and stopping bleeding. This natural consequences birth of a baby.

At first, the discharge can be called pure blood - according to at least, they look exactly like this. This is fine. Their duration takes from 2 to 3 days. Everything that begins later no longer seems like bleeding - the nature of the lochia (as postpartum discharge is called) changes.

What kind of discharge should there be after childbirth?

To visualize how long the discharge lasts, how many days it takes, which ones should occur and in what period, let's look at the table. Bloody, bloody, dark brown, spotting, abundant, scanty - how long do they last and when do they stop?

Table 1.

Discharge after childbirth: normal

If a month has passed and nothing comes out of the uterus, you need to go to the doctor, even if wellness. Has the nature of the discharge changed dramatically? Also a reason to visit a doctor. Normal duration lochia departments – up to 8 weeks. Doctors say that the discharge goes away within 5 to 9 weeks - this also falls within the normal range. Lochia that lasts 7 weeks - normal indicator. Normal discharge after childbirth differ from those considered pathological in several ways.

These include:

Discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor

The smell of discharge after childbirth is a significant characteristic of it. If we talk about the norm, then immediately after childbirth the discharge smells like blood. This is natural: the main component is blood. After 7 days, when the scarlet and brown discharge ends, the smell becomes musty.

You should be wary if there is discharge with an unpleasant odor; the reasons for this may lie in the disease. Women rate the smell differently: “Smelly”, “Smells bad”, “Smells rotten”, “Smells fishy”. All these are bad symptoms. Discharge, even light, with an unpleasant odor, is a reason to visit a doctor.

Yellow discharge after childbirth

When the bloody and brown lochia ends, they lighten and gradually acquire yellowish tint. Normally they have almost no odor. Yellow discharge after birth, 2 months later, not at all abundant, gradually becoming transparent, doctors classify it as one of the options for normal healing of the uterus. Isolation of a distinct yellow color, which also bother a woman with an unpleasant odor or some associated sensations - itching, burning - may indicate a disease.

They can be:

  • yellow with a smell;
  • liquid like water;
  • jelly-like;
  • smearing, sticky.

All of them require a medical examination. This kind of discharge can no longer be considered lochia - it is a sign of an infection in the body. Most often in this case they talk about the beginning - inflammation of the uterus. He needs to be treated at the earliest early stages when the temperature has not yet risen and the infection has not taken hold large area inner layer of the uterus.

Green discharge after childbirth

Green discharge after childbirth 2 months or earlier is a sign that something is wrong in the body. Lochia of this color is not normal at any stage. Greenish or yellow-green lochia indicates that there is something in the uterus, vagina or fallopian tubes there is a bacterial infection. If you do not deal with it in time, endometritis may begin - a disease causing inflammation the inner lining of the uterus.

They happen when:

  • gardnellese;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia.

Trichomoniasis often causes discharge of this shade. Trichomonas settles in the vagina, and it is dangerous because if left untreated, the infection rises higher.

The first signs of trichomoniasis:

  • green color;
  • foamy character;

In addition, the woman will feel a burning sensation in the vagina and irritation. The mucous membranes may turn red. If you start treatment immediately, without delaying, you can quickly cope with the disease and prevent the infection from spreading further.

Brown and bloody discharge after childbirth

Bloody discharge should not last long. Bloody and dark red should end within a few days at the latest. The most dangerous hours are considered to be the first hours after the birth of the baby, when the uterus is still, in fact, a continuous bleeding wound. At this time, bleeding may occur. Doctors carefully monitor the condition of the woman in labor and send her to the postpartum ward, place an ice pack wrapped in cloth on the lower abdomen, give an injection of oxytocin, and put the baby to the chest. Intensive observation lasts 1.5-2 hours.

After a caesarean section, just like after a natural birth, bloody lochia is observed. Only the process of uterine involution may be slower due to the suture, and therefore they may last a little longer. After cleaning the uterus, if the placenta did not come out on its own, there will also be spotting.

Brown discharge after childbirth 2 months later is a possible pathological reaction body. This is how the clotted blood comes out. There can be many reasons - from hormonal imbalance to menstruation beginning to recover (if the mother does not breastfeed), the nature of which may be unusual at first, because hormonal background changed. The reason may be .

If two months have passed after delivery and you notice spotting, even if the baby is breastfed, you need to consult a doctor. Either a new menstrual cycle begins, or is going serious inflammatory process. Moreover, it may not even be accompanied by pain.

Possible presence of tumors, polyps, appearance. When the discharge stops and suddenly starts again, this is a reason for examination in any case. If it is confirmed that this is menstrual flow, you need to protect yourself. You need to know that with the restoration of the cycle appear. During menstruation, the amount of milk may decrease. You need to be patient and continue breast-feeding. Use supplementary feeding only in extreme cases.

Mucous discharge after childbirth

Departure small quantity mucous discharge a week after the birth of a child is normal. At this time, the mother’s body, or rather the uterus, continues to cleanse itself, and the work of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, which produce mucus, is restored. During next week their volume decreases.

Further, the appearance of mucous discharge, when the lochia has almost disappeared, may indicate ovulation. Moreover, they are thick mucous, similar to egg white. If the mother is breastfeeding, but has already introduced complementary foods, ovulation can most likely occur within 2-3 months. In non-breastfeeding women, the process of egg maturation begins again after the second month or even earlier. Pregnancy during this period is extremely undesirable - after all, the body has not yet returned to normal, so it is necessary to carefully protect yourself. Yellow mucous discharge may indicate an infection. Has the mucus discharge increased or acquired an unpleasant odor? Contact your doctor.

Purulent discharge after childbirth

Extremely dangerous symptom are purulent discharge after childbirth, whenever they occur: after a month, after 3 months, after 7 weeks. Purulent discharge is one of the leading symptoms of inflammation. Possible endometritis or salpino-oophoritis.

In this case, it is often noted:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • headache;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • hyperthermia – increase in body temperature.

White discharge after childbirth

White discharge after childbirth is a sign of thrush, which tends to worsen with any fluctuations in immunity. The main symptom of thrush is the curdled consistency of the discharge. You should not delay its treatment: in itself it is not dangerous, but it can provoke the penetration of inflammation along the ascending path, and then it is likely to join bacterial infection. Untreated candidiasis causes significant discomfort to the mother.

Thrush is difficult to confuse with other diseases: it manifests itself in addition to the characteristic cheesy discharge With sour smell, itching and burning, as well as constant irritation in the vaginal area. Why doesn't this discharge go away on its own? The body is weakened, it is difficult for it to cope with the multiplying fungus, local immunity can't cope - needs help. The appearance of discharge with the smell of fish indicates dysbiosis and the appearance of gardnerella. Gardnerella is an opportunistic organism that is constantly present on the vaginal mucosa. But in favorable conditions its reproduction is not inhibited, and itching and odor appear. Often its reproduction occurs against the background of thrush.

Pink postpartum discharge

Discharge of a pinkish tint may be due to the presence of erosion, minor injuries to the genital tract that occurred during childbirth, or diseases such as the uterus, suture dehiscence. In any case, you should visit a doctor to determine the cause.

Lochia after childbirth: norm and deviations by day

It may be easier for you to understand whether everything is proceeding within normal limits if you refer to the following summary table.

Table 2.


Color and volume


What do they mean?

First days Bright scarlet, burgundy, abundant Normal bloody odor Norm
Scanty, in small quantities, scarlet Normal bloody odor Dangerous sign: perhaps something is blocking the release of lochia; if the obstacle is not removed, inflammation and purulent itching will begin. Dangerous condition
First week, from 3 to 5-10 days or a little longer There are enough pads used for menstruation. Color brown, grey-brown. Possibly separated in “pieces”. Sometimes a slight increase. No rise in body temperature Rotten smell The uterus contracts - everything is going well, clots come out - normal
35-42 day Brown, gradually lightening, at the end of the period beige - will soon end. After which there will be ordinary transparent Without smell Norm
At any time Green, yellow with an unpleasant odor, purulent. Most often with an unpleasant odor, possible itching, pain, rise in body temperature Pathology – consultation with a doctor is required
Possible at any time after 3 weeks Transparent mucous membranes, abundant transparent Without smell Ovulation is a variant of the norm

When does the discharge end after childbirth?

A woman must know when the discharge passes after childbirth - then she will be able to detect any problems in time. Normally this happens after 8, in as a last resort– 9 weeks. Discharge for more than 2 months is rare. Usually by this time doctors lift the ban on sex life. At the same time, nothing should be released from the woman’s reproductive tract. Any strange leucorrhoea or blood that appears during or after sexual intercourse is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

In order to reduce the likelihood of infection entering the uterus, a woman should maintain careful hygiene throughout the postpartum period:

  • wash yourself daily (you can wash with plain water);
  • change pads every 2-3 hours;
  • do not use tampons.

Bloody lochia and the duration of its appearance should not be scary; rather, the sudden cessation of discharge and the appearance of an unpleasant odor should be alarming. Be patient a little: it just seems like it’s taking so long. Soon (in a month and a half) your body will recover, you will feel better, and you will be able to calmly enjoy the happiness of motherhood.

After the baby comes out, a bleeding wound forms on the surface of the uterus, from which blood, placenta particles, clots and remnants of the fetal membrane eventually come out. At this moment, the uterus contracts intensively and removes everything unnecessary. Doctors call this process lochia, it lasts several weeks and resembles menstrual periods.

A young mother should not be afraid of such a phenomenon. Upon completion, the uterus will return to its previous size, and the separation of fluids will stop after a while. Lochia initially has a bright scarlet tint without odor, and in last days- cream or transparent. But sometimes a girl may notice green discharge after childbirth, which may indicate the presence of disorders and abnormalities.

A number of the following factors provoke a similar illness in the form of a green tint:

  • infectious diseases;
  • Availability inflammatory processes in the uterus, due to injury or incomplete release of the fetal membrane;
  • the process of suppuration due to the accumulation of discharge after cesarean section.

This sign may mean dangerous consequences, That's why

It is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist and not self-medicate.

What do the symptoms mean?

Green lochia indicates malfunctions and are quite dangerous for the mother’s health. Under no circumstances should you ignore a visit to the doctor. A similar shade of secreted liquid indicates the presence of pus in it. This symptom often accompanied by a rotten odor from the vagina, as well as itching and burning. This causes extreme inconvenience for the girl in everyday life.

Green discharge in women after the birth of a child may indicate the appearance of serious and sometimes dangerous diseases.

If greenish discharge is accompanied high temperature And painful sensations, medical Such a disease manifests itself feeling unwell and is extremely difficult to treat.

A sluggish form of endometritis can be suspected when green discharge makes itself felt after childbirth after 2 months or a month later. The girl may not feel any discomfort, but contact a diagnostician at in this case definitely necessary.

Greenish discharge may indicate several other diagnoses:

  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • thrush.

In order to accurately understand the cause of light yellow-greenish discharge and diagnose correct diagnosis, you need to consult an experienced gynecologist and undergo a series of examinations.

Discharge after cesarean section appears very often among women in labor. This problem arises due to the inability of the uterus to contract intensively and remove excess fluid. As a result, clots, blood, and tissue particles remain inside and the process of putrefaction begins. During this period, the mother may also be bothered by painful trips to the toilet, as well as itching, redness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the intimate area.

Treatment options

After a thorough examination, a qualified diagnostician prescribes effective methods therapy. From the many options, you should choose the one that suits you best. Among effective means treatments are applied:

  • antibiotics;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • suppositories (anti-fungal or antibacterial).

In order not to harm the baby, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding during treatment.

If the case is advanced or a serious diagnosis has been made, then simple trick pills are not enough. The specialist has the right to appoint planned surgery and by surgical intervention remove excess tissue particles, remaining clots and rotten tissue. Such an intervention does absolutely no harm and will only benefit the young mother. The operation takes little time, and its results appear immediately. Recovery of the body will occur much faster after such manipulation.

Prevention methods

This problem can be prevented.

  1. Doctors recommend keeping active image life. As soon as the opportunity arises, you need to move more. Movement will provoke improved blood circulation and speed up the release of everything unnecessary. A woman who has just given birth should not ignore this rule. It is not necessary to visit the gym and exhaust yourself; walking with a stroller during the day is quite suitable for this purpose.
  2. It is important not to forget about the rules of personal intimate hygiene. Doctors strongly advise rinsing the vagina with warm boiled water or a decoction of herbs after each visit to the restroom. For this purpose, it is better to use herbs against skin irritation; chamomile, sage, and calendula work well. Also, do not forget about regular changes hygiene products (postpartum pads). Failure to promptly change such products may cause the development of bacteria or microbes.
  3. While taking a shower, you need to temporarily forget about fragrant gels and foams. It's better to give preference antibacterial agents without fragrances and dyes.
  4. It is also necessary to wear underwear made from natural fabrics (cotton), and ignore synthetics.
  5. The girl and report all suspicions and unpleasant symptoms.

You need to listen to advice medical workers and get diagnosed on time, since self-medication can only worsen the well-being of a young mother.