When can mesotherapy be done after blepharoplasty? Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty: how to care for your face. Natural consequences of upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Taking into account the development of modern technologies, it is no longer possible to call blepharoplasty a risky procedure. This kind of surgery has become almost completely safe for a wide range of people who are tired of pointlessly applying expensive creams and waiting for them to start working miraculously. Therefore, women decide to realize their dream of a beautiful and fresh look through plastic eyelid lifting, which is why the question of how rehabilitation after blepharoplasty proceeds becomes relevant.

The essence of the operation is to excise excess skin and remove the fat underneath it. The procedure is aimed at the superficial tissues of the upper and lower eyelids, which is why there is practically no recovery period. For some time after the operation, you will still have to follow certain recommendations, which we will discuss in our article.

Everyone wants to see the result of the operation as soon as possible. To do this, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations. As a rule, after the procedure is completed, the patient remains in the clinic for 24 hours. Recently, same-day discharge has become increasingly common.

There is no need to rush to evaluate the surgeon’s qualifications while recovery is underway. All bruising and swelling after blepharoplasty is a natural and completely normal process. Even the doctor cannot say for sure when the postoperative period will end, but, as a rule, it lasts no more than 1.5 months. Its duration depends on various parameters: the patient’s age, skin condition and overall health. Discipline is also important: if you strictly and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, the rehabilitation period ends much faster and without complications.

Blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids simultaneously lasts no more than 1.5 hours. The intervention is usually accompanied by local anesthesia, sometimes general anesthesia is used at the patient’s request. After the operation is completed, the doctor must perform certain actions.

  1. A sterile bandage is applied to the incision sites. It lasts for three days.
  2. Immediately after surgery, ice is applied to the skin of the lower and upper eyelids.
  3. When the patch is removed, it is necessary to treat the wounds and stitches with antiseptic ointment.
  4. If a non-self-absorbable thread was used, the stitches should be removed 4-7 days after the procedure.
  5. After another 10-14 days, the doctor will schedule a consultation to examine and monitor the situation.

This is where the doctor’s work and treatment ends, and the woman will need to do subsequent eyelid care herself. During the first two weeks, monitoring is also necessary.

  1. Until the treatment is completely over, you should not watch TV, work at the computer, read or bend over.
  2. In the first three days, do the exercises prescribed by your doctor and use special eye drops.
  3. During the rehabilitation period you should not drink alcohol, smoke or use cosmetics.
  4. Taking a hot shower, going to baths, saunas and solariums is also not recommended.
  5. All care and treatment must be strictly agreed with your doctor.

It would be wrong to judge the effectiveness of the procedure based on photos of women who have just undergone surgery on the skin of the upper and lower eyelids. Swelling, swelling and hematomas are a natural reaction to surgery. If you properly care for your eyelids after blepharoplasty, rehabilitation will go as quickly as possible.

Further healing after blepharoplasty

When the stitches are removed after blepharoplasty, it is not yet time to go back to work and start living as usual. Treatment will continue for a month, of which the first 10-14 days will have to be spent at home.

Recovery after blepharoplasty is usually successful. Once you see the first positive changes, do not stop leaving. You will have to apply the creams prescribed by the doctor strictly according to the instructions, despite the fact that you may already be going to work. Also, for one and a half months, carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the lower and upper eyelids and visual acuity.

If you experience the slightest deterioration in your health during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty, consult a doctor immediately. During the restoration of the skin of the lower and upper eyelids, discomfort is possible:

  • a feeling of tension caused by high skin sensitivity;
  • burning and itching due to microscopic injuries in the eye area;
  • dry eyes resulting from transient dysfunction of the lacrimal gland;
  • increased reaction to light, resulting from a large accumulation of blood under the eyelids.

In order for scars after blepharoplasty to heal faster and swelling to subside, the doctor may prescribe physical procedures. This treatment is especially useful in the postoperative period to maintain skin tone.

Possible complications after the procedure

Like any surgical intervention, blepharoplasty can lead to complications, despite the fact that it is not classified as a complex operation. Among these phenomena, the following points most often appear:

  • bleeding from surgical incisions;
  • severe hemorrhages into surrounding tissues;
  • non-healing scars;
  • drooping or eversion of the eyelids;
  • visual impairment (double image, blurred, blurred contours);
  • narrowing of visual fields;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • persistent dry eyes;
  • seam divergence;
  • suppuration on wounds;
  • spread of infection in the eye area.

All of the listed complications after surgery appear within one and a half months. They are always associated, as a rule, with 3 main factors.

  1. Incorrect care.
  2. Doctor's mistake.
  3. Presence of contraindications to surgery that were not provided for during the preparation period.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to unquestioningly follow the doctor’s recommendations, smear the treated areas according to the scheme and avoid sunlight, you also need to not make a mistake when choosing a clinic and a specialist.

Blepharoplasty can only be performed efficiently by an experienced and qualified doctor. Therefore, read reviews about the specialist, look at photos of patients who have undergone surgery, and also study other information that demonstrates the doctor’s professional qualities.

In most cases, women undergo lower eyelid blepharoplasty. After it, you can return to your normal life much faster than with correction of the entire skin around the eyes. In addition, the procedure significantly changes the appearance: the face looks younger and fresher. In conclusion, we bring to your attention a very interesting video, thanks to which you can observe the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty using the example of a specific patient.

Allows you to quickly and radically get rid of wrinkles, swelling, fat bags under the eyes, drooping eyelids. The surgery is fairly easy, but requires several weeks of recovery. Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty takes about a month. If you follow all the doctor’s instructions, then after four weeks the reflection in the mirror will bring only joy and pleasure.

Recovery depends on the individual characteristics of the body, skin structure, age, and the primary problem for which rehabilitation is being done.

What to prepare for

Blepharoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis, so within a few hours after the operation the client will go home. True, only if the operation was performed under local anesthesia. If general anesthesia was used, you will have to spend at least a day in the clinic.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the first day after surgery will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dry cornea;
  • pain;
  • swelling under and above the eyelids;
  • feeling of heaviness of the eyelids;
  • bruises in the affected area.

Painkillers in tablet form or as a solution help relieve the condition. Careful eyelid care will be required to restore the condition of the skin. The postoperative period is quite long: complete rehabilitation will take from two weeks to two months.

Early postoperative period

During the first 24 hours after surgery, severe swelling occurs around the eyelids. He will disappear in a week, in a maximum of ten days. An indispensable companion of the postoperative period are bruises - subcutaneous bruises. They form around the eyes and completely disappear only after three weeks, although in some cases (if metabolic processes occur quickly), the natural color of the skin is restored in two weeks.

The rehabilitation period is accompanied by increased eye sensitivity. Patients may complain of pain and discomfort. There is no need to worry, such sensations are natural, but after surgery, careful eye care and a number of preventive procedures are required. They are carried out as follows.

Once the operation is complete, the surgeon will cover the eyelids with a special plaster. It must cover surgical sites for at least three days. After this time, the patches are removed.

During the first hours after surgery, it is imperative to apply cold compresses to reduce swelling of the eyelids and the risk of complications.

Your doctor will prescribe eye drops to relieve corneal dryness.

As soon as the patch is removed, the postoperative sutures should be smeared with special agents with an antiseptic effect. This will help avoid inflammation due to infection.

Additionally, during the first three days, the patient will have to, despite the discomfort, perform special gymnastics for the eyes.

If the operation was performed using self-absorbable suture material, the sutures will need to be removed. There is no set deadline for this procedure; it all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the speed of its recovery.

If the skin reacts well, inflammation does not begin, and pain does not appear, then the sutures are removed on the fourth day. But when there are any problems, you have to wait. In any case, the sutures should be removed no later than seven days after the operation.

From this moment on, the postoperative period enters a new stage. The patient must take extreme care not to damage the healing sites. The risk of bleeding remains high. Any pressure or careless movement can cause deformation of the cuts and damage to the seams. You will need to use special healing agents, for example, Contractubex gel.

Once the stitches are removed, there will be significant relief for the eyes. But during this period the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. completely eliminate physical activity (no gym!);
  2. to avoid blood flow to the eyelid area, you should not lower your head down;
  3. For the same reason, you can only sleep on a high pillow;
  4. It is prohibited to use skincare and decorative cosmetics for ten days;
  5. despite some deterioration in vision, it is not permissible to use contact lenses for the entire rehabilitation period;
  6. You cannot strain your eyes; therefore, television, computers, and reading are prohibited;
  7. “hot” procedures are prohibited: bath, sauna, steam bath;
  8. in order not to provoke swelling and not to aggravate the situation, you need to carefully monitor your diet, exclude salty, spicy, smoked foods, and alcohol;
  9. To eliminate any pressure on the eyes, you will need to quit smoking for the entire recovery period.

The skin will need special care throughout the postoperative period. Effective cosmetic procedures, for example, darsonval, will help cope with swelling of the eyelids. Darsonval has been used in cosmetology for a long time and successfully, including for postoperative eye care. During the procedure, metabolic processes are activated, blood supply and tissue nutrition are improved, and eye swelling disappears. Darsonval does not cause discomfort; ten to twenty procedures are required to obtain a positive result.

There are other procedures: lymphatic drainage massage, deep moisturizing sessions, lifting programs, laser resurfacing. The admissibility of each procedure should be discussed with the surgeon.

Special care for seams

Seams require special care. There are several remedies that a doctor can prescribe. Often, Contractubex gel is prescribed for the entire period of late rehabilitation.

The essence of care is to prevent severe scarring of the tissue in the incision area. Stitches, even those made by a top plastic surgeon, will not disappear without a trace. In some cases, the body may react negatively to the operation: the tissue becomes deformed, excessive tension and a rough scar appear. Such consequences in the eye area are simply unacceptable. And the point is not only that it is unaesthetic. The formation of a scar under the eyes can provoke ectropion of the eyelids, which will require a new operation and long-term treatment.

The composition of the Contractubex gel includes several highly effective anti-inflammatory components. It reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction and accelerates tissue regeneration processes.

That is why post-operative care must necessarily include the use of Contractubex gel. It is prescribed for the entire recovery period. Contractubex is used twice a day; it should be applied in a light layer over the entire surface of the seam. The scar will not disappear completely, but the seam will become completely invisible. The period of application is from one to three months.

At the very beginning of use, Contractubex may cause discomfort: tingling, itching. But gradually they will pass, and literally in two weeks they will completely disappear. However, if the use of the drug causes severe pain, this may indicate an individual skin reaction. In case of allergy, Contractubex is replaced with another drug of similar action.

After a blepharoplasty procedure, a recovery period is inevitable, and this should be taken calmly. Complications are extremely rare if the operation is performed by an experienced doctor. Yes, you will have to carefully care for your eyes while the stitches heal. But then for ten years you can enjoy the amazing rejuvenating effect of blepharoplasty.

The skin of the upper eyelid undergoes aging much faster than other areas of the face and, as you know, the eyes and eyelids are the first to reveal the age of women and men. Eyelid lift surgery – blepharoplasty – can help with this problem.

Let us consider in more detail what care should be like after blepharoplasty surgery, so that the result does not make a person regret his decision to undergo surgery.


Indications for this operation are:

  • bags under the eyes;
  • excess skin that protrudes on the upper (lower) eyelids;
  • sagging skin;
  • drooping of the lower corner of the eye;
  • tired look;
  • bulging fat layer of the lower eyelid;
  • the presence of rough wrinkles on the lower or upper eyelid.


To prevent blepharoplasty from causing any complications in the future, it is not recommended for the following contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • severe pathologies of the heart or liver;
  • AIDS;
  • chronic dry eyes;
  • diseases of the orbital region;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • the patient's age is up to eighteen years;
  • hypertension;
  • presence of oncological pathologies;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • period of the infarction field;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • period of menstruation;
  • acute respiratory diseases.

Video: How the operation works

The general rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty lasts no more than two weeks.

In order to recover as quickly as possible after this operation, you should adhere to these recommendations during the first two weeks:

  1. To refuse from bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol).
  2. Do not take a hot bath or use a sauna to avoid infection in the eyes and cause inflammation. It is best to take a warm shower.
  3. Avoid heavy physical activity(lifting weights, playing sports, etc.).
  4. It is very important to maintain the correct water-salt balance. This means that during the rehabilitation period it is better to avoid eating too salty, spicy and fatty foods, as they can cause swelling of the eyes.
  5. It is advisable to wear tinted sunglasses outdoors to protect the irritated retina from bright light.
  6. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Avoid watching TV and working at the computer, as they greatly tire the eyes, which is strictly prohibited after blepharoplasty.
  8. You should sleep on high pillows to relieve post-operative swelling.
  9. Do not make sudden movements of your head, and do not tilt your head down so that the pressure on your eyes does not increase.
  10. Eliminate coffee consumption.
  11. Eat right to avoid indigestion.

In addition, to alleviate your condition in the first days after surgery, you should follow these tips:

  1. Avoid stress and psychological tension.
  2. Do not read. It's better to listen to music with your eyes closed.
  3. Eat lean meats (meat broth). It will support strength and be easily digestible.
  4. Avoid direct contact with ultraviolet rays on the skin.
  5. Stop using lenses for at least two weeks.
  6. Maintain a sleep schedule (sleep eight hours a day).

The final result after the operation will be visible no earlier than a month and a half later, when the swelling and redness of the eyes subsides.

Photo: Before and after surgery

Immediately in the first days after surgery, you should not do any cosmetic procedures, including washing, as this can only increase swelling and introduce germs into fresh wounds.

Over time, the following cosmetic procedures are allowed:

  • Facial washing can be done on the third day after surgery, if the patient has not developed complications. It is important to try not to get water into your eyes;
  • You can do a light facial massage a week after surgery. It is advisable to have it performed by a specialist;
  • Application of medicinal cream or ointment can only be carried out as prescribed by the attending doctor. This can be done already on the first day after eyelid correction;
  • Face masks can be done after a week. However, it is still better not to apply the mask directly to the seam and eyes;
  • You can use decorative cosmetics to apply makeup no earlier than two weeks later, as it can cause irritation and redness of the eyelids;
  • You can use scrubs and cleansing lotions no earlier than after three weeks, as they often contain small particles that can get into the eyes and cause pain.

Also, the following cosmetic procedures are allowed (they can be done no earlier than two months after the operation):

  • lymphatic drainage facial massage;
  • lifting procedures;
  • Botox;
  • Dysport

Proper care after blepharoplasty surgery

How quickly the patient recovers largely depends on the correct care after surgery on the upper and lower eyelids (blepharoplasty).

The general care regimen is divided into care for:

  • seams;
  • skin;
  • eyes;

Behind the seams

Immediately after eyelid correction, a sterile bandage will be applied to them. There is no need to be afraid of this, as it will be removed in a few days.

In order for newly formed sutures to heal faster, it is advisable to apply ointments and creams prescribed by a doctor to them daily.

One of the best drugs in this medicinal group is Levomekol ointment. It will improve the healing process and disinfect the wound.

You should also treat the seams with antiseptic solutions so that germs do not get into them and cause suppuration.

Subsequently (after removal of the sutures), the patient is recommended to apply a absorbable gel to completely remove the redness.

Behind the skin

The skin care regimen after surgery requires compliance with the following rules:

  • in the first three days, apply a special plaster to the eyelid;
  • in the first days, it is advisable to apply cold compresses to the eyelids to relieve swelling;
  • In order to speed up the healing process of the skin, it is recommended to apply special hypoallergenic products to it.

Cream with Chinese mushroom extract also helps well. It should be applied evenly to the eyelids twice a day for two weeks. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Behind the eyes

As mentioned above, it is not recommended to wear lenses for two weeks. This is explained by the fact that the eyes are inflamed and swollen after eyelid correction.

It is not advisable to add additional load in the form of lenses to them.

To relieve this inflammation and get rid of possible dryness, special drops should be instilled into the eyes. Your doctor will prescribe them for you.

Why do you need a set of eye exercises?

A set of eye exercises is useful when a person experiences swelling of the eyelids after blepharoplasty.

Special exercises will not only help get rid of excess swelling of the eyes, but will also normalize poor blood circulation, increase muscle tone and help relieve inflammation.

The method of performing eye massage includes the following set of exercises:

  1. Acupressure. Use the second and third fingers to make light circular movements along the eyelids (preferably clockwise).
  2. Apply gentle point pressure on the edges of the lower eyelid, gradually moving towards the inner corner of the eyes.
  3. Apply light pressure in the inner corners of the eyes, gradually moving to the center of the eyelids.
  4. Make circular movements with your fingers along the edge of the eyelid and under the eyebrow
  • apply cold to the eyelids for three days after surgery;
  • use Lyoton ointment for seven days;
  • Observe bed rest for the first two days.
  • wear an aseptic blindfold for the first two days;
  • remove stitches on the fourth day;
  • lubricate scars with Levomekol.

In order for blepharoplasty to meet your expectations, doctors advise following these basic rules:

  • even after completing the rehabilitation period, you should try to place minimal stress on the eyes;
  • do not eat salty foods before going to bed, otherwise bags may appear under the eyes and swelling on the eyelids in the morning;
  • wear sunglasses in sunny weather;
  • It is advisable not to sunbathe in direct sunlight;
  • you should refrain from blinking too often, as this provokes increased swelling;
  • in the future, it is advisable to refrain from those physical exercises that contribute to swelling and increased intraocular pressure (push-ups, pull-ups, complex physical training);
  • try to refrain from stress and nervous strain, as this will cause excessive strain on the eyes and may increase swelling of the eye tissues.

It is important to know that, like any operation, blepharoplasty requires serious consideration.

For this reason, it is better not to agree to eyelid correction if there is at least one contraindication, as this may cause complications in the future.

It is believed that the ideal technique for performing plastic surgery guarantees a quick and painless recovery. However, not all so simple. There are many direct and indirect factors that influence the effectiveness of the procedure. Therefore, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty should be carried out in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Any deviation from the rules can complicate the recovery period and worsen the result.

How should recovery proceed?

The technology for performing eyelid blepharoplasty has long been well established, so the procedure rarely causes serious adverse reactions and complications. Despite this, it is necessary to pay special attention to the first days after surgery. The quality and speed of rehabilitation depends on them.

The following factors may affect the length of the recovery period:

  • patient's age;
  • technique and scope of blepharoplasty;
  • the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer (the denser it is, the slower the swelling goes away).

The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. If the intervention was minimally invasive (or), the woman goes home the same day, preferably with an accompanying person. The patient remains under medical supervision until the next morning or longer.

On days 4–5, cosmetic sutures are removed from the eyelids (if they are not self-absorbing), and on day 7, antiseptic patches are removed. By this point, most women's bruising and swelling have resolved and they can return to work.

Scarring of the postoperative wound continues for 10–30 days. New connective tissue appears at the site of the incision and after 1.5–2 months only a barely noticeable scar remains.

The first days after blepharoplasty

No matter how well blepharoplasty is performed, it is always accompanied by early side effects. These include bruising, swelling, problems with the incision, and an unattractive appearance.


Sutures after blepharoplasty are applied only in the case of classical intervention. With transconjunctival access, when the incision is made from the inside of the mucosa, a bandage and mesh bandage are used.

If blepharoplasty was performed through a skin fold and the suture is torn, the wound is re-sutured and an antiseptic sticker is applied. The cause of the complication is incorrect alignment of the wound edges during surgery, severe swelling, mechanical damage, or early removal of surgical sutures.

Dehiscence of sutures is dangerous due to an increased risk of infection and the formation of a rough scar.


Swelling is considered a completely normal reaction of the body to injury, so it does not cause concern on the first day. If tissue swelling lasts more than a week, this is a complication that needs to be treated.

Avoiding spicy, salty and too hot foods and applying cold to the eye area will help reduce the intensity of swelling.


As you know, scar tissue is a capricious thing. It is very difficult to predict or prevent its occurrence. Rough scars, granulomas and cysts are formed due to an individual predisposition to or improper suturing of the incision.

Small fibrous seals resolve on their own over time, the rest have to be treated or polished.


Hematomas may appear immediately after blepharoplasty or several days later. Many women consider them the most unpleasant complication - indeed, with such “decoration” it is difficult to go to work or to the store.

How long do bruises last? Usually the resorption period lasts up to 3 weeks. With a longer process, the bruises thicken and form persistent infiltrates, which are difficult and take a long time to resolve.

The safest and easiest to treat is subcutaneous hematoma. Despite its frightening appearance, it is easily eliminated with local remedies. Tension and retrobulbar hemorrhages require more active therapy.

Bags under the eyes

One of the goals of blepharoplasty is to remove excess skin and hernias under the eyes. If the surgeon did not try hard enough and did not completely remove the fat layer, sagging skin will still be noticeable, and swelling will make it more pronounced.

How to speed up rehabilitation

On average, the recovery period after blepharoplasty lasts 14–30 days and depends on the type of intervention, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. Various manual and physiotherapeutic procedures, taking medications and applying ointments will help speed up the process.

Do not prescribe treatment yourself under any circumstances. This should be done by the doctor who performed the blepharoplasty. If you have doubts or questions, contact him or go to a dermatologist.

Compliance with the regime, a balanced diet and careful care of the skin of the eyelids will significantly speed up the period of full recovery and reduce the risk of complications.


The pain that appears after the anesthesia wears off is usually not too pronounced. But if unpleasant sensations become obvious and interfere with life, it is better to stop them.

For this, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Baralgin;
  • Nise;
  • Ketonal.

Decongestant therapy includes taking potassium-sparing diuretics: Hypothiazide, Veroshpiron, Triampur. To prevent infection, the eyelids are treated with antiseptics - Furacilin or Chlorhexidine.

To get rid of colloidal scars, a step-by-step approach is necessary.

First, a corticosteroid drug (Diprospan or Kenalog) is injected into the thickness of the fibrous compaction, making the scar soft and accelerating resorption. It is very important to choose the exact dose and depth of administration.

Then, using a laser, the surface of the skin is smoothed and the scar is “painted” to match the color of the surrounding tissue. In this way, if you do not completely remove the scar, you can significantly reduce it and make it invisible.

Local therapies

External remedies will also help get rid of the unpleasant consequences of blepharoplasty. To combat bruises and swelling at home, ointments and creams are most often used:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Indovazin;
  • Lyoton;
  • Lokoid.

To reduce itching and speed up wound healing, Blefarogel or Imoferase cream are prescribed.

To prevent the growth of fibrous tissue and form a soft and even scar, use silicone-based ointments: Clearvin, Kelofibraza, Dermatix gel or Contractubex.

Drops will help eliminate dryness, irritation and redness of the eyes:

  • Katinorm,
  • Innoxa,
  • Oksial,
  • Artificial tear
  • Systane.

Apply the solution to the inner surface of the lower eyelid, pulling it slightly to the side.

Traditional methods are also well suited for tissue restoration, but they can only be used after the wound has completely healed. To reduce swelling, make a compress of raw grated potatoes, and rubbing with ice from chamomile or sage will not only restore attractiveness and shine to your eyes, but will also tighten sagging skin under the eyes, smooth out wrinkles and folds.

Gymnastics for the area around the eyes

Eye exercises are one of the components of the recovery period. Exercises will eliminate swelling in the periorbital area, improve blood circulation, tighten sagging skin and reduce the severity of wrinkles. You can start exercising 36–48 hours after blepharoplasty.

Gymnastics should not cause feelings of pain, fatigue, tension and other unpleasant sensations. A set of exercises should be performed daily, spending 15–20 minutes on it.

Massage after blepharoplasty

Manual and hardware massage activates blood circulation, accelerates the outflow of lymph, restores muscle tone and promotes the removal of waste products from the body. The procedure improves nutrition and healing of injured tissues, eliminates pain in the infraorbital area.

Laser resurfacing

If colloid scars still form after blepharoplasty, you should resort to hardware correction methods. One of the most reliable and effective ways to get rid of fibrous seals is considered to be.

The beam evaporates sections of connective tissue layer by layer, gradually smoothing and leveling the surface of the scar. At the treatment site, active synthesis of collagen fibers begins, filling the burned areas and forming a new dermis.

Other physiotherapy

To speed up the healing process and reduce unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to begin physical therapy already 3-4 days after blepharoplasty. The following procedures have the best restorative effect:

  • UHF therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • Darsonval.

During exposure to electromagnetic waves, postoperative tissues absorb a huge amount of heat, which significantly accelerates metabolism and creates a rapid regenerative effect. But it is very important to prevent overheating, since the body does not always feel an immediate burn.

Do not forget to inform your doctor about the presence of metal connections under the skin (crowns, bone overlay, jaw joint prosthetics).

Ultrasound treatment gives a good lymphatic drainage effect, improves blood circulation and has an analgesic effect. Microcurrents gently stimulate the dermis and underlying vessels, restore cell activity, improve contraction of facial muscles and eliminate fluid stagnation in the subcutaneous layers.

The Darsonval apparatus has proven itself very well. High-frequency currents soften fibrous tissue, accelerate regeneration and tighten weak skin. The therapeutic course can be carried out both in the clinic and at home.

After the stitches have healed, it is a good idea to carry out mesotherapy. The procedure will reduce the severity of postoperative scars, eliminate skin tightness, and as a pleasant bonus, smooth out wrinkles.

What not to do during the rehabilitation period

So, how to care for the skin of the eyelids after blepharoplasty, what can and cannot be done during this important period?

Basic prohibitions:

  1. For 5–7 days, do not wash your face and protect your eyelids from water.
  2. Avoid any activities that dry out the cornea and cause fatigue (reading, working on a computer, watching TV).
  3. Reduce any physical activity to zero for the first three days after surgery.
  4. Stop wearing lenses for a week;
  5. Postpone your visit to the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool to a later date.
  6. Don't drink alcohol and stop smoking.

For 3 months after eyelid surgery, try not to sunbathe and wear dark glasses. When going outside, be sure to protect your skin with cream with SPF of at least 30, drink less, and avoid stress and overwork.

Perform various eye manipulations (eyelash extensions, tattooing of the interlash area) only after complete rehabilitation.

If the recovery period is complicated, do not forget to take the recommended medications and visit the physiotherapy room, but if cryodestruction is prescribed, refuse the procedure. Why can't you use liquid nitrogen? The fact is that scars under its influence do not disappear - they only smooth out and spread in breadth, spoiling the appearance of the skin.

Why is blepharoplasty dangerous?

Like any surgical procedure, eyelid correction carries certain risks and complications. Some of them are the result of non-compliance with post-operative instructions, others arise after a doctor’s error or are considered as a feature of the body of a particular woman.

If we talk about the risks associated with blepharoplasty, they can be very different, both purely aesthetic and medical.

Complications after surgery

Complications and side effects after blepharoplasty can not only ruin your appearance, but also undermine your health.

What plastic surgeon patients face:

  • lacrimation. The cause is swelling or abnormal scarring;
  • diplopia (double vision) in the eyes. The disorder occurs due to swelling, exposure to an anesthetic, or severe hemorrhage;
  • chemosis (edema) of the mucous membrane. May appear due to infection, an allergic reaction to irritants, or extensive blepharoplasty;
  • ectropion (inversion of the lower eyelid). Occurs infrequently. The cause of the complication may be non-compliance with the surgeon’s instructions or the removal of a large amount of skin. As a result, the eyelids stop closing and an open area of ​​the cornea appears between them;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis. Considered to be an individual patient's response to the intervention;
  • retrobulbar hematoma. One of the most severe complications of blepharoplasty. Its symptoms are blurred vision, eye pain, and protruding eyeball.

In some cases, there is numbness of the skin in the infraorbital area, thinning of the eyelashes on the lower and/or upper eyelids, and a slight fever may rise, especially in the first day after the intervention.

And try not to have eyelid blepharoplasty in the summer. During this period, rehabilitation is more difficult, and consequences occur more often.

Aesthetic complications include:

  1. Eye asymmetry.
  2. Hypercorrection. It is a surgeon’s mistake and leads to distortion of the palpebral fissure and lagophthalmos.
  3. Excessive removal of fat during blepharoplasty. Creates a characteristic dip in the intervention area (sunk eye effect).
  4. Blepharoptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid).
  5. Round (fish) eye.
  6. Hyperpigmentation of the skin in the periorbital zone.

Most of these complications require repeated surgical intervention.

Consequences of unsuccessful blepharoplasty

An unsuccessful operation can change the face beyond recognition, give it a sad or comical appearance, and disrupt aesthetic proportions. In addition, many ladies do not realize that an open and rejuvenated look is not always combined with flaccid and sagging cheek skin, a double chin and wrinkles.

How to fix the situation

An unsatisfactory result of blepharoplasty is not a reason to panic. Today, in any plastic surgery clinic, the shortcomings of previous interventions can be easily and quickly corrected. Of course, you will have to pay for re-correction of the eyelids, but you will get the result you dreamed of.

The only difficulty is to find a good surgeon with a steady hand and trust him. After all, most women with negative experiences begin to fear repeated failure and suffer with the problem for years. Therefore, collect information, read reviews, talk with friends who have received excellent results - and you will find your doctor.

Alternative blepharoplasty options

If you want to get rid of bags on your cheekbones and fatty hernias under your eyes, but are afraid of a scalpel, use alternative correction methods. All of them involve non-surgical intervention, have a short and easy recovery period and are rarely complicated.

Surgical intervention can be replaced with the following hardware procedures:

  • eyelid thermage;
  • lymphatic drainage massage;
  • photoexposure.

The latter technique does an excellent job of removing pigmentation around the eyes, tightening and rejuvenating the skin, but if done incorrectly, it can leave you without eyelashes, since it affects the hair follicle. Tattoos present in the periorbital zone will also evaporate.

You can replace eyelid surgery. This is a low-traumatic and relatively painless method of contour correction, but its effect does not last longer than 12 months.

Blepharoplasty is a popular plastic technique aimed at restoring the shape of the eyelids, getting rid of bags, hernias and wrinkles. Considering the high popularity of this technique, before carrying out it, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the most common complications of the procedure and methods of rehabilitation after it - exercises, massage, the use of special medications.

Complications of blepharoplasty

  • swelling - after plastic surgery, it increases to the maximum on the second day, and should completely go away in ten to twelve days;
  • hematomas and hemorrhages – small hemorrhages always occur after surgery. The threat is posed by large hematomas that require repeated surgery;
  • discomfort in the eyelids - associated with swelling, dry eyes and skin tension after suturing;
  • dry eyes – occurs after the procedure due to incomplete closure of the eyelids and changes in their shape;
  • photophobia and lacrimation are also common in the postoperative period;
  • Eversion of the lower eyelid - most often occurs with excessive tissue excision or severe scarring. Manifests itself in the incomplete connection of the lower eyelid to the eyeball, incomplete; closing the palpebral fissure;
  • diplopia – double vision.

To prevent complications after blepharoplasty surgery, strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations and special rehabilitation measures are required.

Why do you need a massage after blepharoplasty?

One of the main ways to quickly get rid of edema and hematomas in the postoperative period is lymphatic drainage massage. This type of massage allows you to improve circulation and drainage of lymph from damaged tissues, due to which swelling goes away much faster than with normal postoperative management.

In addition, lymphatic drainage massage, carried out in a course after the procedure, improves blood flow in the facial tissues - due to this, hemorrhages resolve much faster, and the healing of postoperative sutures is better, scars after surgery are practically invisible.

Usually the rehabilitation course begins on the second day. Recovery after blepharoplasty is carried out by the clinic where the plastic surgery was performed. You can also use the services of an independent cosmetologist - but you should choose him carefully, since the overall effect of blepharoplasty depends on the quality of lymphatic drainage performed after surgery.

In addition, massage is indicated for such a complication of blepharoplasty as drooping of the lower eyelid. This is a distant complication; this defect becomes noticeable after the postoperative wounds have healed. Typically, drooping of the eyelid is a consequence of an incorrectly chosen volume of surgery - when too much tissue is removed and, subsequently, deformation of the eyelid occurs. Facial massage with this complication allows you to increase the tone of the orbicularis oculi muscle after surgery (blepharoplasty); this muscle lifts the eyelid and keeps it pressed against the eyeball.

If facial massage is ineffective to correct a drooping eyelid, a repeat operation is performed to correct the defect.

Thus, various types of massage, actively used in postoperative rehabilitation for blepharoplasty, can significantly speed up recovery and reduce the incidence of complications after this popular plastic surgery.