How to test a cream for allergies. Allergy when using face cream. Effective Treatment Options


Thanks to modern cosmetics, women can look attractive and young even in adulthood. However, the use of creams does not always lead to positive changes: sometimes they cause rashes, redness, swelling and other manifestations of allergies.

Causes of allergies to cream

The main reason why an allergic reaction appears on the skin after using the cream is the effect of the substances included in its composition. A significant part of cosmetics contains secondary additives that can increase the allergenicity of the product. The following factors can provoke allergies:

  1. Hormonal level. Hormones have a great influence on the body's tendency to allergic reactions. Violation of their levels increases sensitivity to allergens, so it is extremely important to treat hormonal imbalances in a timely manner.
  2. Skin type. Often, negative skin reactions to creams occur in women with increased sensitivity of the dermis. Some representatives of the fairer sex may exhibit high sensitivity not only to cosmetics, but also to wind, frost, sun, etc.
  3. State of immunity. A well-functioning immune system actively fights allergens. With reduced immunity, all organs of the body are more vulnerable, including the skin. This condition requires treatment with immunomodulators.
  4. Metabolism. The more active metabolic processes occur, the lower the likelihood of allergies. A good metabolism ensures the rapid removal of toxic substances from the body before they have time to cause harm. The course of metabolic processes is influenced by the composition of the blood and the drug treatment performed.

Composition of creams that provoke allergies

When the body’s defense system finds harmful substances in the cosmetics used, an allergic reaction begins. This provokes the production of an increased amount of histamine, the excess of which causes itching, swelling, and rashes. Allergies to cosmetics on the face more often occur if the product contains the following components:

  • propylparaben, methylparaben (preservatives);
  • tocopherol acetate, butyloxytoluene (antioxidant substances);
  • lanolin (provides deep hydration);
  • diethanolamine, triethanolamine (these emulsifiers can cause dryness and irritation);
  • arachidonic acid (softens the skin, but can disrupt its flora, reducing the protective level);
  • fragrances, dyes.

When choosing cosmetics, it is important to carefully study the composition indicated on the packaging, giving preference to products containing predominantly natural ingredients. Often women are allergic to foundation, and pathological symptoms can occur due to prolonged skin contact with chemicals in cosmetics. Those with oily skin are advised to minimize the use of foundations and oil-based products.

For many people, allergic reactions are triggered by facial sunscreens: such products contain many additional ingredients such as oxy- or avobenzone, which protect the skin from UV radiation.

Regular facial moisturizers are much less likely to provoke allergies, but products with an anti-aging effect or intended for the area around the eyes are much more likely to cause unpleasant symptoms such as itching and hyperemia. An allergic reaction can also be caused by prolonged use of the same product due to the gradual accumulation of the active substances included in its composition.


It is important to be able to differentiate an allergic reaction on the skin of the face from the symptoms of other diseases. Signs characteristic of an allergy to the cream are:

  • rash in the form of pustules, regular rashes, papules (worsens after face masks);
  • redness of the skin, which can be localized not only on the face, but also on the neck and scalp;
  • erosive formations;
  • itching (provokes scratching and creates a risk of infection);
  • burning (the area under the eyes is especially sensitive);
  • peeling (usually appears 2-3 hours after applying the cream);
  • swelling of varying degrees of intensity (localized around the eyelids, eyes).


To prevent complications, when the first signs of an allergic reaction appear, it is important to begin therapy immediately. Sometimes, when characteristic symptoms appear, you should simply wash your face thoroughly with baby soap and avoid products containing the allergen. In other cases, the use of medications cannot be avoided. Allergy to face cream is treated with the following medications:

  1. Antihistamines. Regardless of the cause of the allergy, you should immediately take an antihistamine. It can significantly improve your well-being and reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms in a short period of time. Doctors, as a rule, prescribe medications of a new generation (without sedative effect) such as Zodak, Claritin, etc.
  2. Corticosteroids. In case of severe allergic manifestations such as Quincke's edema or other life-threatening symptoms, it is necessary to use drugs of this group, for example, Hydrocortisone or Prednisolone.
  3. Elimination drugs. They help not only relieve symptoms, but also prevent their reoccurrence. The advantage of such drugs is their complete safety. To eliminate the consequences of an allergy, you need to completely eliminate contact with the pathogen (cream) and wait until the pathological signs disappear.
  4. Products for external use. Gels, ointments, creams accelerate the regeneration of facial tissues, eliminate itching and burning. Among them there are hormonal and non-hormonal. The latter are extremely safe and can be used for a long time, since they rarely cause side effects. This category includes Actovegin, Videstim. However, such drugs do not act immediately, but only after several days of use, which makes it advisable to choose hormonal drugs if the body has a strong reaction to the allergen. Hormonal ointments and creams provide a quick effect and eliminate symptoms in a few hours. These medications include Advantan and Elcom. It is prohibited to use them for a long time, since hormonal drugs are addictive.
  5. Disinfectant medicines. In case of extensive tissue damage, Fucidin, Levomikol, Levosin are used to prevent infection.


To speed up the process of tissue restoration, it is recommended to simultaneously use folk remedies along with drug therapy. Some of the most effective natural medicines that can disinfect and have an antihistamine effect include the following:

  1. Chamomile decoction. Eliminates rashes, relieves swelling, reduces the intensity of inflammation caused by the cream. To prepare the decoction, 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 30 minutes, then filter and treat the affected areas of the skin with the liquid using a clean cotton swab. The procedures are done 3-4 times daily until the tissues are completely healed.
  2. Nettle decoction. Helps quickly remove rashes and redness, eliminate itching. To prepare the medicine, pour a tablespoon of ground leaves (dry or fresh) into a glass of boiling water, leaving to steep for 1 hour. Afterwards, the broth is filtered and used as a facial tonic, rubbing the skin with it 2-5 times a day. In addition, the product can be used as a base for lotions: cotton pads soaked in the broth are applied to the affected areas of the body for 15 minutes.
  3. Kefir. A fermented milk product helps cleanse and moisturize your face. To speed up tissue healing and relieve unpleasant symptoms caused by an allergy to the cream, the skin is wiped with cotton swabs soaked in fresh low-fat kefir.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Every person has an allergic reaction to cosmetics at least once, and some “lucky” people experience it regularly. How to recognize a potentially dangerous product and what to do if it was not possible to do so in time?

There is a widespread misconception that allergies to cosmetics are a problem exclusively for people with sensitive skin. In fact, the hormonal background of our body, metabolic rate and blood composition are “responsible” to a much greater extent for it.

That is why cases of unexpected allergies to a proven product from a favorite brand that a woman has been using for many years are very common. Reason: internal problems in the body, a general decrease in immunity (for example, as a result of stress, illness, taking potent drugs or seasonal factors).

The risk of an allergic reaction also increases after changing the diet and composition of the diet. This is especially true for lovers of strict diets - along with fat deposits, the body loses many useful substances, including those that protect the skin from external influences.

How does an allergy to cosmetics manifest itself and what does it look like - main symptoms and photos

Experts divide our skin’s reactions to cosmetics into 2 types:

  • simple allergic dermatitis and
  • allergic contact dermatitis

In the first case, the problem occurs immediately after applying the product to the skin. Symptoms can range from mild itching to bright red rashes and even blistering. Contact dermatitis begins almost imperceptibly, but gradually gains strength: the same symptoms mentioned above appear, which gradually become more acute. If you do not wash off the cosmetics that triggered the allergy in time, the situation may end in anaphylactic shock., which poses a direct threat not only to health, but also to life!

In addition, dermatologists are increasingly identifying the so-called reactive skin condition as a separate category. There are no visual signs of this condition. Upon contact with allergens, tingling and tightening are noted.

A special type of allergy is photosensitivity. Appears after exposure to the sun. The weaker the allergen, the later symptoms will appear. The reaction to weak stimuli is formed over several days or weeks of constant contact.

In some cases, allergies to cosmetics can take years to develop. Most often - with direct contact of a cosmetic product with an area of ​​skin (eczema of the eyelids with intolerance to mascara). Less often - when applying the product to other areas (hand cream provokes a runny nose) and by airborne droplets (perfume, aromatherapy session).

What might an allergic reaction to cosmetics look like?
Photo 1 - various manifestations on the face

Photo 2 - eczema of the eyelids

Photo 3 - rash around the eyes

What cosmetic products cause allergies and why?

The absolute record holder for the number of allergic reactions is decorative cosmetics. In the first row is waterproof mascara. Particles of the product getting on the mucous membrane of the eye cause irritation. Those with sensitive skin will have to avoid it. Reason - ingredients:

  • animal fat (lanolin),
  • beeswax,
  • vegetable resins and
  • black iron oxides (CI77499)

In this case, mascara is suitable, where beeswax is replaced with vegetable or mineral. Be careful with lipsticks - they contain the most caustic dyes. The effect of increasing lip volume is achieved due to the content of strong allergens (chili pepper, menthol and mint). The lighter the tone, the more harmless the product.

Face masks and serums are considered treacherous due to the content of active ingredients. They can also cause allergies if the rules of use are not followed: left on the face for longer than the specified time, applied in too large a quantity, or removed poorly. The least dangerous are body creams, shower gels and shampoos. But their bright colors (especially green and blue) and strong smell are cause for concern.

Often allergies are caused by expired cosmetics:

  • dry products such as powder, blush and eye shadow can be stored for up to three years
  • creamy ones last no more than a year
  • mascara and foundation are not resistant to time: the shelf life is most often three months, less often - six months
  • Lipstick is not recommended to be stored for more than a year, lip gloss - six months
  • biocosmetics do not last longer than three months.

To prevent products from becoming unusable ahead of time, store them correctly: at room temperature, normal humidity and in a place protected from light. Place in refrigerator if instructions instruct. A shelf in the bathroom is an unlucky place for permanent residence of cosmetics due to high humidity and temperature changes.

Hypoallergenic and “allergen-tested” cosmetics

The packaging of the drug may be marked “hypoallergenic” or “tested for allergenicity” (100% allergy tested) - they do not guarantee the safety of the cosmetic product.

  • “Hypoallergenic” means that the product was created with ingredients that cause minimal reactions. Make sure that the composition does not contain seafood extracts, citrus fruits, cocoa beans - the strongest allergens. Buy a product with extracts of chamomile, witch hazel, panthenol and other soothing ingredients. Although there are isolated cases of allergies to them.
  • The inscription “Tested for allergenicity” is a different level of quality control. A focus group is created of allergy sufferers who try the finished products. If at least one case of an allergic reaction is recorded, the product is sent to the laboratory for revision, since it does not have the right to bear the “100% allergy tested” label. But even here there is no complete guarantee of safety: a focus group can consist of 5 people and, by coincidence, none of them are allergic to the substances being tested.

How to treat allergies to cosmetics

The main rule is not to try to solve the problem yourself. Of course, it is necessary to immediately wash off the problematic product, but it is extremely undesirable to engage in further self-medication. In order to guarantee yourself against allergic reactions, you need to accurately determine their cause, and this is a task for a specialist: a dermatologist or allergist.

In each case, the doctor will give an individual set of recommendations that will help you avoid troubles in the future - this includes a list of “dangerous” ingredients, various drugs that increase the body’s resistance, and nutritional recommendations.

What to do if you have an allergy to cosmetics, but it is not possible to see a specialist in the next few days? First, completely stop using any cosmetics. Secondly, take an antihistamine (for example, Suprastin or Diazolin).

It is undesirable to use various kinds of ointments to relieve itching or rashes (and even more so to mask them with foundation), however, if the sensations are completely unbearable, you can apply a small amount of cortisone ointment to the problem area.

Every woman has a large number of cosmetics in her arsenal, and a special place is given to face creams. These can be nourishing, tightening, to combat wrinkles. However, often the use of such products has a negative impact, causing unpleasant symptoms. Allergy to face cream is quite common today. The thing is that most cosmetic products have a multi-component composition, including various chemicals, fragrances, dyes and preservatives, which often cause undesirable consequences.

The most allergenic types of creams

An allergy to the cream manifests itself in situations when the body’s defense system identifies the substances included in the product as harmful. This reaction provokes the production of large amounts of histamine, an excess of which causes rashes, itching and swelling.

Among the most dangerous chemical components included in creams are:

  • lanolin, used to provide a moisturizing effect;
  • methylparaben and propylparaben, used as a preservative;
  • butyloxytoluene and tocopherol acetate components that provide antioxidant protection.

When choosing a cream, you should carefully study the composition given on the packaging, giving preference to products containing the maximum amount of natural ingredients.

Most often, women complain of allergic reactions after using foundation creams (Maybelline affinitone, L'oreal, Black Pearl). Pathological symptoms can occur due to prolonged contact of the skin with the chemical components included in the product.

Important! For oily skin types, you should minimize the use of foundation or use cosmetics labeled “oil free.”

Also, allergies to sunscreen often occur (Nivea Sun SPF 50+, Biocon "Maximum Protection" 50). Since such products contain many additional components (PABA, oxybenzone, avobenzone) necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

After using a regular facial moisturizer, allergies are much less common. But products with active anti-aging components, as well as products intended for the delicate skin around the eyes, cause unpleasant manifestations much more often (Clarins Eclat du Jour, Nevskaya Cosmetics, Black Pearl and others).

Also, prolonged use of the same product can provoke allergies due to the gradual accumulation of substances included in the cream.

Does the reaction depend on skin type?

Despite the fact that the process of developing allergies to various substances is individual in nature, several general factors can be identified, the presence of which increases the risk of unpleasant symptoms:

  • the presence of a hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal changes;
  • sudden change in climate and diet;
  • skin type.

It is the latter factor that often plays the main role. Experts identify a special type of skin that is sensitive. In this case, a pathological reaction can develop even upon contact with water, during prolonged exposure to the sun, frost, or windy weather. The chemical components included in facial skin care products often cause allergic manifestations. This type of skin requires special attention. Preference should be given to natural cosmetics, using creams containing a minimal amount of chemical additives (Dr. Hauschka, Weleda, Josie Maran Cosmetics).


Despite the fact that the cause of an allergy to a cream most often lies in its composition and is determined by skin type, experts identify a number of factors that also have a negative impact, provoking the development of a dangerous reaction.

  • Hormonal changes. Often, a lack or excess of hormones has a significant impact on the body's tendency to allergies. It is for this reason that during pregnancy, unpleasant reactions to previously used medications often appear for the first time.
  • The speed of metabolic processes. Experts note that the faster the body’s metabolism, the lower the tendency to allergies and the shorter the time of contact with toxins and other harmful ingredients. Dangerous components do not linger in the blood, so they do not have a negative effect.
  • Blood composition. This parameter directly depends on the speed of metabolic processes. The higher it is, the fewer harmful substances in the blood, therefore, the lower the risk of developing various pathologies.
  • The body's defense system. Normally, the immune system is able to cope with the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. In the presence of chronic diseases and frequent stress, allergies can develop even to familiar remedies.
  • Change of climate and season. Some women experience a pathological reaction to the cream only during frost or, conversely, in hot weather.
  • Strict diet and poor nutrition. In this case, the body often experiences a lack of various vitamins and microelements, which leads to a sharp decrease in overall immunity and protective functions of the skin.

Important! Any of the above factors can trigger the development of allergies when using the cream. At the same time, a reaction often occurs not only to a new product, but also to proven products.


The main signs of an allergy to the cream most often occur within a short time after skin contact with the irritant. However, there are cases when pathological reactions appear only after two days. Experts distinguish two main types of skin manifestations in response to an irritant: allergic and contact dermatitis.

The first type develops directly after contact with a hazardous substance. Among the most common manifestations, the following symptoms of allergy to the cream can be identified:

  • itching and burning of the skin;
  • redness at the site of contact, small rash;
  • small blisters;
  • acne, pimples.

In this case, the rashes can be located only at the point of contact or throughout the skin on the face and neck.

Contact dermatitis may initially be asymptomatic and will only appear as a result of a high concentration of dangerous components that have accumulated as the cream is used. The main symptoms of dermatitis in this case are similar to how an allergy to face cream manifests itself in the above situation, but differ in intensity. That is why, if contact with hazardous substances is not eliminated, there is a high probability of developing serious complications in the form of anaphylactic shock.


To prevent the recurrence of an allergy to the cream, you should find out which component caused the specific reaction of the body. To do this, you need to seek help from a specialist who will prescribe diagnostic procedures and determine what caused the unpleasant symptoms and what to do to get rid of them.

First of all, the allergist will examine the patient, interview him and study his medical history. However, a number of additional procedures, including special tests and tests, are often required to make a final diagnosis.

Blood analysis

A general blood test allows you to obtain the necessary information about the state of the body, as well as talk about the presence or absence of allergies. The specialist is primarily interested in the total amount of immunoglobulin E and lymphocytes. If the values ​​are outside the normal range, this indicates an allergization of the body. It should be understood that it is the increased number of antibodies in the blood that provokes the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms that accompany allergies.

Allergy tests

If a blood test only allows you to establish the presence of a pathological reaction, then with the help of special skin tests you can accurately identify the substance that caused the allergy. After analyzing many factors, a specialist is often able to identify several components that could most likely cause unpleasant manifestations. In this case, possible irritants are administered subcutaneously and a reaction is observed. If redness, itching or swelling is observed at the site of contact, an allergy to this substance is indicated.

Important! No more than fifteen allergy tests can be done in one session.


In order not to aggravate the situation and prevent the development of complications, treatment should be started immediately at the first signs of an allergy. Sometimes, if characteristic symptoms occur, it is enough to simply wash your face thoroughly with water and baby soap and no longer use this cream. In other situations, you cannot do without the use of special medications.


Regardless of what caused the development of a pathological reaction in the body, it is necessary to immediately begin antihistamine therapy. Such antiallergic drugs can quickly improve your well-being and reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms. Today, modern drugs that do not cause drowsiness (Zodak, Claritin and others) are most often prescribed. In severe situations, when the symptoms are life-threatening for the patient, products containing corticosteroids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone) are used.


Elimination treatment allows not only to get rid of allergy symptoms, but also to prevent their reoccurrence. Another advantage of this therapy is that it is completely safe, painless and does not require medication. In this case, you should completely avoid contact with all facial skin care products, the use of which caused a pathological reaction, and wait until the symptoms disappear. After this, you can gradually return the used products at intervals of at least a week, carefully observing the body’s reaction. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, eliminate alcohol, tobacco, and spicy foods.

other methods

When treating allergic manifestations on the skin, along with antihistamines, external agents (ointments, gels, creams) are used to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. There are non-hormonal and hormonal drugs. The first option is considered the safest, since such drugs can be used for a long time and, as a rule, do not have side effects (Videstim, Actovegin).
However, such drugs do not show their effect immediately, but only after a few days. Therefore, when the body reacts strongly, it is often recommended to use more effective hormonal drugs (Elkom, Advantan). They help eliminate unpleasant symptoms in a short time, but should not be used for a long time, as they are addictive.

If extensive damage to the skin is observed, ointments such as Levosin, Levomikol, Fucidin are used for disinfection.


In the complex treatment of allergic reactions, it is advisable to use traditional medicine recipes together with drug therapy. Among the most effective natural remedies that have an antihistamine effect and the ability to disinfect and accelerate the healing of damaged skin are:

  • Chamomile decoction. This remedy not only helps to quickly eliminate rashes and relieve swelling, but also has the ability to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. To prepare the decoction, pour a tablespoon of the dry substance into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter and treat the affected areas of the body with a cotton pad.
  • Nettle decoction. To prepare, pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of plant leaves, leave for an hour, filter and use as intended. Lotions with this remedy help quickly eliminate the rash, and when taken orally regularly (500 ml per day), pronounced antihistamine activity is observed.
  • To moisturize and cleanse the skin, wipe the face with a cotton pad soaked in regular kefir.
  • You can reduce irritation and itching using compresses based on medicinal herbs: string, sage, chamomile.
  • To dry the affected area, use a powder of regular potato starch.

In order to minimize the risk of developing negative consequences after using the cream, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • Before purchasing and using a cosmetic product, you must carefully study the expiration date indicated on the packaging. It should also be remembered that most creams are stored for no more than six to twelve months after opening.
  • Careful examination of the cream's composition for the presence of dangerous components also significantly reduces the risk of developing a pathological reaction.
  • Before using a new product, especially if there is a predisposition to allergies, it is necessary to conduct a special test. To do this, a small amount of the substance is applied to the skin in the elbow area for half an hour. After which it is washed off and the local reaction is observed for 24 hours. If there is no redness, itching or swelling at the application site, you can safely apply the cream to your face.
  • If possible, you should give preference to creams whose packaging is marked “hypoallergenic.” Such products most often contain fewer hazardous substances, however, they do not guarantee complete safety.

Every woman tries to look attractive at any age. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to go to a professional salon, so most take care of their skin at home. For this, various procedures can be used to restore the correct metabolic process, while maintaining youth and beauty. A wide variety of cosmetic products allows a woman to choose a product suitable for her skin type.

Often, a hasty or incorrect choice of a new cream causes an allergic reaction. The search for a solution to a problem, as a rule, begins only after it arises. Therefore, in this article we will answer frequently asked questions from our readers:

  • I have an allergy to face cream. What to do?
  • How to test a face cream for allergies?

Why is there an allergy to face cream?

An allergic reaction to face cream occurs for a number of reasons. The main ones are consumer health problems and the wrong choice of the type of cosmetics. Hypersensitivity can also occur when two or more cosmetics are combined incorrectly. In this case, the concentration of certain substances in their composition increases, or different components affect each other’s action. All this can negatively affect the overall condition of the skin.

Risk factors

The following factors can cause an allergic reaction:

  • hormonal background;
  • skin type;
  • the immune system;
  • some chronic diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

All of the above factors are internal causes. Therefore, in most cases, with the correct individual selection of a particular cosmetic product, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of developing an allergy.

Hormonal background

Hormones play an important role in the health of every woman. If at least one of them increases or decreases, malfunctions occur in the female body. For example, hormonal imbalance causes increased sensitivity to influencing substances. Therefore, the usual cream or tonic that girls use every day can suddenly cause an allergic reaction.

IMPORTANT! Any hormonal imbalances should be treated promptly.

Skin type

Each woman has individual skin characteristics, so it is very important to choose the right cosmetics that will suit not only her skin type, but also her age category. Many people experience increased sensitivity in certain areas of the body, especially where the skin is delicate (such as the skin around the eyes). Because of this, it is not recommended to use eyelid cream or ointment that is applied to the hands. The cause of changes in skin type can be an unbalanced diet, as well as the influence of external factors: sun, temperature, humidity, wind.

Metabolic activity

Metabolism directly affects the tendency to develop allergic reactions. This is due to the fact that with accelerated metabolic processes, substances are eliminated from the body faster, so the skin of such people is less sensitive to allergens. However, the rate of chemical reactions may decrease during illness or treatment with a particular drug.

Immunity status

The general condition of the immune system directly affects the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Once the immune system weakens, the body cannot fully cope with external stimuli. In addition, chronic diseases contribute.

Causes of allergies

The main cause of allergies lies at the genetic level. It is individual intolerance that becomes the main factor in the development of the disease. In addition, it should be noted that an allergic reaction can be caused by:

  • simultaneous use of two different cosmetics;
  • overdose of certain substances that may be allergenic;
  • expired goods;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • the cream contains a large amount of dyes and odors, which have an aggressive effect on the skin;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • constant stressful situations and lack of sleep.

ATTENTION! Buy only proven cosmetics. Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

When an allergy to a face cream occurs, symptoms can develop rapidly or be delayed. This primarily depends on the sensitivity of the skin to the cosmetic product used.

First signs

The first symptoms of an allergic reaction may be observed within the first minutes after application.

The symptoms of an allergy sufferer are as follows:

  • burning at the site of application of the cream;
  • redness of the skin, the appearance of red spots;
  • severe itching.

Complications may also occur, which may manifest as swelling of the skin. This mainly affects the eyelids and lips, where the skin is most delicate. If the allergy is acute, then angioedema may develop, which is most dangerous to human health and life. It is accompanied not only by severe swelling of the face, but also by swelling of the respiratory tract, as a result of which the allergic person begins to choke.

Delayed manifestations

If we talk about delayed symptoms, they appear within 24 hours or after a few days. Therefore, in such cases, it is not immediately possible to establish the true cause of the allergic reaction.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include:

  • the appearance of skin rashes, which can be in the form of ulcers;
  • dryness of the affected areas of the skin and their peeling are noted;
  • severe itching in the areas where the ointment was applied.

ATTENTION! If you experience symptoms of an allergy to a cosmetic face care cream, you should contact your doctor so that he can prescribe the correct treatment.

How to check what you are allergic to?

If you use several cosmetic products at the same time, then each should be tested for the body's response. Check the cream using a simple method. The test consists of applying the ointments used to the wrist, since the skin in that place is delicate and sensitive. After 1-2 days, a reaction must appear if the cream contains allergenic substances.

If it is not possible to identify allergens in this way, then it would be more advisable to seek help from a specialist. Using skin tests, it will be possible not only to identify allergenic cosmetics, but also the allergen itself.

IMPORTANT! Before performing skin testing, refrain from consuming potential allergenic foods to avoid erroneous results.

What to do if you have a reaction to the cream - treatment

If an allergy occurs on the face from a cream, what to do first worries many allergy sufferers. This is not surprising, since timely measures taken can not only avoid complications, but also stop the progression of the disease.

The first thing to do is stop using the cream, which is a potential allergen. You should also stop using decorative cosmetics and any other facial skin care products during the manifestation of an allergic disease. The face mask must be hypoallergenic.

During the allergy period, reduce the consumption of foods that are potential allergens, for example, citrus fruits. Also, choose hypoallergenic powders for clothing to reduce the likelihood of complications of the disease.

Antihistamines can be taken to relieve symptoms. The safest for the body are third-generation antihistamines, such as Zyrtec or Erius, since they have no side effects. In cases where allergies develop rapidly, first generation antihistamines (Diphenhydramine or Suprastin) will be the most effective, but such medications are more aggressive.

Any other therapeutic actions should be symptomatic.

ATTENTION! Do not self-medicate. It may be dangerous to your health.

What to use if you are allergic to cream?

  1. Traumeel;
  2. Clean line.

They help not only restore facial skin, but also effectively treat various types of rashes, since such creams are made from natural ingredients.

IMPORTANT! If you use Clean Line brand products to treat allergies, you should opt for those that have a dispenser. They protect the cream from contact with oxygen, which can negatively affect the action of the components.

Prevention recommendations

  1. Before purchasing, carefully study the composition, make sure there is no allergen, and also pay attention to the expiration date of the product.
  2. Before applying the cream, clean your face thoroughly.
  3. Do not use cream that contains propylparaben. This makes the cream dangerous.
  4. Strengthen your immune system, avoid stressful situations.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

Any cosmetics must be used with caution, and face creams are no exception. Before choosing a new product, you should carefully study not only its composition and features, but also check the skin's reaction to this drug.