How to stabilize your heart rate at home. How to lower your heart rate at home. Rapid reduction of elevated heart rate

Pulse is a periodic oscillation of the walls of blood vessels that occurs under the influence of contractions of the heart muscle. The pulse is characterized by two indicators - the number of oscillations per minute and the rhythm of the shocks. In a healthy person in a state of emotional and physical calm, the pulse should not go beyond 60-90 vibrations per minute.

The reason for the increase in the frequency of oscillations of the arterial walls may be diseases, including coronary heart disease, pathologies of the heart valves, vascular atherosclerosis and others. However, there are factors in which an increase in heart rate is considered normal. These include intense physical activity, stress, exposure to cold or sun, drinking alcohol, feeling hungry or eating. However, after completing the workout or stopping other factors, the heartbeat should quickly return to normal. If this does not happen, measures must be taken to normalize it.

Methods for reducing heart rate are divided into 4 groups:

  • taking medications;
  • use of traditional medicine;
  • breathing exercises;
  • psychological techniques.

The choice of method is determined by the age and health status of the patient, as well as the reasons that led to increased heart rate. If a person is in good health, and the increase in heart rate was caused by natural factors, you need to calm down, lie down on the bed and drink still water. After 20 minutes, the pulse should return to normal. In a situation where the frequency of strokes does not decrease, additional measures are taken to normalize it.

If after the measures taken the condition does not improve, but continues to worsen, you should immediately seek medical help by calling an ambulance.

A constant increase in heart rate indicates a high probability of pathological changes in the body, and therefore requires diagnosis and treatment of the disease that caused the deviation.

Is it possible to reduce high heart rate?

Reducing your high heart rate is not only possible, but also necessary. The need to normalize cardiac activity is due to the fact that increased heartbeat indicates the existence of a health hazard. With frequent contractions, the heart loses its ability to supply all parts of the body with blood, which impairs the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues.

The result of disruptions in the functioning of the heart can be both minor discomfort and more serious disorders. A rapid heartbeat can cause chest tremors, dizziness, headaches, and feelings of fear and anxiety.

A high heart rate can cause irreversible consequences, such as:

  • the formation of blood clots in the heart area, which creates a risk;
  • development of cardiac ventricular failure;
  • the occurrence of arrhythmic shock; fainting;
  • death due to sudden cardiac arrest.

Lowering heart rate at home

It is necessary to reduce the heart rate regardless of whether the increase in heart rate is observed regularly or is caused by the influence of short-term external factors.

Reducing heart rate with drugs

The modern pharmaceutical market is saturated with natural and synthetic drugs that can be taken by a person seeking to reduce their heart rate as quickly as possible at home. The action of some medications is aimed at eliminating symptoms, while others are aimed at combating diseases that cause rapid heart function.

The most well-known drugs that reduce the frequency of strokes are:

  • Valerian is a medicine produced from the root of the plant that provides a sedative effect.
  • Persen is a sedative that affects the nervous system and pulse.
  • Motherwort tincture is a strong sedative made from natural ingredients that affect heart rate.
  • Phenobarbital is a sleeping pill that normalizes sleep and the nervous system, which should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Relanium is a heart-slowing antidepressant that should be taken if severe symptoms occur. This medicine lowers the pulse to the minimum permissible value and is recommended for use only if prescribed by a doctor.

Reducing heart rate using traditional methods

Traditional medicine offers proven recipes that can both reduce heart rate and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Most recipes use medicinal herbs, sold in any pharmacy.

To prepare a soothing mixture of medicinal herbs, take one teaspoon:

  • valerian;
  • lemon balm;
  • hops;
  • dill seeds

The prepared dry mixture is poured with 300 ml of boiling water, left for half an hour and filtered. The decoction is taken three times a day before meals for 14 days. The herbal mixture helps normalize the pulse and has a calming effect.

You can also prepare an infusion of motherwort and calendula flowers. To do this, you need to take each component in equal proportions, pour boiling water over the herb and let it brew. The prepared infusion, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, is taken before lunch. The course of admission is two weeks.

A healing decoction that can reduce heart palpitations, calm nerves and improve heart function can also be prepared from valerian root. To do this, take one tablespoon of crushed rhizome, pour one glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour at low boil and infuse. Take the decoction three times a day, one tablespoon.

Rosehip decoction has proven itself well in the fight against increased heart rate. To prepare the decoction, two tablespoons of dry berries ground in a mortar are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered through several layers of gauze and consumed one glass daily.

Black currants, which should be present in the diet every day, also have a beneficial effect on the heart. Blackcurrant berries can be consumed raw, ground with sugar, and also in the form of jam. In addition, a decoction can be made from the dried leaves of the bush for oral administration. This will strengthen your nerves, get rid of a high pulse, and will also have a healing effect on the body and increase immunity.

Psychological techniques for reducing heart rate

You can slow down your heart rate at home using methods developed by psychologists. In fact, any program aimed at calming can affect not only a person’s mental state, but also the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lowering the heart rate. For this purpose, it is recommended to visit psychotherapists and participate in group and individual trainings.

One of the simplest psychological methods to find peace is to communicate with pets. It has long been known that cats and dogs have a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Petting a four-legged pet or watching aquarium fish, a person calms down, distracting himself from life’s problems.

You can also use visualization to calm you down. To do this, you need to create comfortable conditions, relax and lie down, taking a comfortable position. Next, close your eyes and try to regulate your breathing so that it becomes calm and even. Psychologists say that the human nervous system is best calmed by pictures that depict water and the color white, so it is necessary to visualize slowly flowing white water. You should imagine how water slowly pours from above, washes your entire body and flows down to your feet on the floor, and then goes into a funnel for draining water on the floor. Along with water, all problems, negative thoughts and troubles in life go away, and in their place come peace and a sense of comfort.

Breathing exercises to lower heart rate

To lower the heart rate, use the asymmetric breathing technique, in which inhalation takes 2 seconds and exhalation takes 4 seconds.

Good results can be achieved by holding your breath for 5 seconds, repeated 5-7 times. With a simple exercise, you can change the pressure in large blood vessels, which will lead to a slower heart rate and reduce a high heart rate.

The sniper exercise, in which air is inhaled through the nose, held for 10 seconds and exhaled slowly through the mouth, will help reduce the heart rate. The exercise is performed 5 times.

How to help a person with a high pulse in emergency situations before the ambulance arrives?

Each of us should know how to lower the pulse at home and provide first aid. If there are no drugs at hand to lower the pulse, you need to help the person take a horizontal position and ensure air flow by opening the windows. If you are wearing uncomfortable items that make breathing difficult, you should unfasten the zippers and buttons or get rid of the item completely.

A piece of cloth is moistened with cool water and placed on the patient’s head. In order to prevent dehydration, drink still water. A light neck massage in the area of ​​the arteries will help improve a person’s condition.

Preventing high heart rate

In order to reduce the risk of increased heart rate, a person must get rid of harmful addictions and lead a healthy lifestyle. Often the factor that provokes an increase in heart rate is extra pounds. Therefore, a person must keep his body weight and the amount of food under control. Also, foods that stimulate the cardiovascular system, in particular alcohol, are excluded from the diet.

If the patient cannot cope with his emotions, sedatives prescribed by the doctor are taken to stabilize the nervous system. As a preventative measure, you can use soothing herbal decoctions. Insomnia cannot be ignored, since the lack of adequate sleep reduces immunity and is fraught with deterioration of health and serious complications.

It must be remembered that exercise therapy and fresh air will provide a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

Cardiovascular diseases remain widespread. The first symptom of such diseases is usually an increase in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. If a rapid pulse is observed frequently, not only in response to stress, physical activity or, for example, overeating, it is recommended to consult a cardiologist. In addition, you definitely need to know ways to lower your heart rate yourself. This can be done not only with the help of medications, but also with folk remedies or physiological methods.

Heart rate norms

Before asking the question: “How to lower your heart rate with normal blood pressure?”, you need to make sure that the indicators are too high and pose a threat. The fact is that the norms for the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle for each age group differ, in addition, in women, the heart usually beats a little faster than in men. So, for newborns the norm is 140 beats per minute, for younger schoolchildren this figure can be 100 beats per minute, and for adults (over 18 years old) - from 60 to 80 beats over the same period of time.

The heart rate can be influenced by the individual characteristics of the body. But too high a pulse, accompanied by malaise, is a symptom of tachycardia and requires treatment. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a therapist or cardiologist, because the disease, if left untreated, can cause a deterioration in the functioning of the heart.

In some cases, the doctor diagnoses physiological tachycardia. This is a rapid pulse, which the heart and blood vessels cope with without problems. Physiological tachycardia is not accompanied by symptoms of pathology. But even in such a situation, it is necessary to monitor your heart rate.

Causes of high heart rate

To understand how to reduce an elevated heart rate, you must first understand the reasons for this phenomenon. Knowing the cause, you can try to eliminate it. There are many factors that can cause the heart rate to be higher than the optimal norm established by doctors.

The main reasons for increased heart rate are as follows:

  • chronic or short-term, but excessive fatigue;
  • pregnancy period;
  • staying on your feet for a long time;
  • various diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • vitamin deficiency, especially this point concerns the lack of B vitamins;
  • intense physical activity;
  • release of adrenaline into the blood for any reason;
  • use of certain medications;
  • prolonged exposure to the scorching sun, heat stroke;
  • use of narcotic substances;
  • emotional overstrain, excitement, stress, fear;
  • overeating, eating fatty foods in large quantities;
  • being overweight.

In some cases, the pulse may decrease for no apparent reason. The heart rate is influenced by gender (in women, the heart normally beats a little faster than in the stronger sex), age (young children are characterized by a high pulse), physiological characteristics (during pregnancy, the heartbeat of the expectant mother increases, especially in the third trimester - This

Clinical picture

An increase in heart rate is easy to determine, even if you do not specifically measure its frequency. Usually this condition is accompanied by general weakness, which can occur suddenly and be accompanied by dizziness of varying strength, ringing in the ears, cold sweat, pronounced pulsation of the arteries in the temples, neck, and arms. Even for relatively healthy people, such symptoms can be dangerous, so this condition should not be ignored. It is not recommended to start treatment on your own; it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Treatment approaches

How to lower your heart rate? If this is not a physiological norm for a particular organism (and whether this is true, only a doctor can determine after diagnosis) or is not caused by a pregnancy condition (in this case, a high pulse is also normal, the condition stabilizes after childbirth), then it is necessary to return the pulse to normal values . There are many methods to lower your heart rate at home. You can eliminate the problem using medicinal, physiological and folk methods. Also, the doctor often recommends that patients adjust their diet and change their lifestyle. Next, we will consider in detail ways to help lower your heart rate.

Drug therapy

How to lower your heart rate? Medicines with a sedative effect (that is, calming) are sold at any pharmacy without a prescription. The patient can choose from a huge number of offers that differ in composition (synthetic drugs or natural, herbal), manufacturer (domestic or imported drugs), cost (for any budget), release form (tablets, drops), effectiveness (some can only be purchased with a prescription from a doctor) and so on.

But with a high pulse, it is important to choose not just a sedative, but a drug that affects the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. Cardiologists, who know better than anyone else how to lower the pulse, when the heart rate jumps, recommend taking:

  1. "Validol". One tablet should be dissolved by placing under the tongue.
  2. Valerian. Take 20-30 drops of tincture (for adults), diluted with a small amount of water.
  3. "Corvalol". Mix 20-30 drops with cold water and drink.
  4. Motherwort. Drink 30 drops mixed with water.
  5. "Valocordin". Take 30 drops, diluted with cold water.

These drugs do not affect the cause of the rapid pulse, but will help remove the symptom itself.

It is important to remember that no pill starts working immediately. You cannot take the medicine again after a few minutes without feeling improvement. The effect of tablets or drops can be felt only 15-35 minutes after administration. If you take a large dose, the frequency of contractions will drop significantly, so it will be necessary not to lower the pulse, but to increase it.

Physiological methods

And if there is no medicine at hand, then how to lower the pulse? You can use one of the physiological methods. This is especially true with normal blood pressure, since most people not only reduce their heart rate, but also lower their blood pressure. How to lower your heart rate with normal blood pressure? Here are some ways:

  1. Close your eyes and press on them with your fingers for thirty seconds. You don't need to press very hard, but quite noticeably.
  2. Neck massage. You need to massage in the area of ​​the carotid artery, there are many receptors there that will help cope with an increased heart rate.
  3. Squat down and tense your muscles.
  4. Provoke a cough or gag reflex.
  5. Lie on a flat surface on your stomach (face down) and remain in this position for 20-30 minutes.
  6. "Diving Dog" Inhale and hold your breath so that your mouth is closed and your nose remains open. Then wash your face with very cold water, strain as if you need to exhale with effort.

Folk remedies

  • drink tea with honey and black currant leaves; it is also beneficial to eat black currant berries;
  • drink a medicinal decoction of rose hips;
  • consume 20 drops of hawthorn (infusion from the fruit) three times a day;
  • drink tea from hop cones, valerian, lemon balm leaves, dill seeds;
  • use an infusion of calendula flowers with motherwort (you need half a tablespoon of the raw material, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, drink thirty minutes before meals two to three times a day);
  • drink other infusions and decoctions of herbs that have a calming effect, instead of tea and coffee.

These are methods of treatment that people have used for a long time, they are very effective, but require long-term use. You can drink decoctions to prevent tachycardia; it is useful to replace at least one tea with them during the day for those who have already had an accurate diagnosis.

Traditional medicine recipes will also be the answer to the question: “How to lower a child’s heart rate?” Many parents are afraid to give their children medications in large quantities, so with the permission of a doctor, therapy with folk remedies can be carried out.

Lifestyle change

Medicines will, of course, help lower your heart rate, but not in all cases they will be able to influence the cause of the problem, so you need to change your lifestyle a little so that your heart rate doesn’t go off scale. If your heartbeat quickens when walking, running, climbing stairs or doing light physical activity, this indicates a weak heart. In this case, it is useful to engage in feasible sports. You need to devote at least 15-30 minutes to sports every day. Swimming and walking are very useful.

You also need to get rid of excess weight. Increased body weight creates additional stress on the spine and cardiovascular system. To cope with many diseases, it is enough to normalize your weight. It is also important to avoid foods high in cholesterol, as they cause heart problems. It is important to avoid stress and physical fatigue. It is necessary to give up smoking and systematic drinking of alcohol. These bad habits lead to vasoconstriction and cause heart palpitations. If you do not give up alcohol and cigarettes, then drug therapy will probably not bring results.

Diet correction

How to lower your heart rate at home so that the problem disappears altogether? This requires an integrated approach, including correction of the diet. First, you should avoid drinking strong coffee or tea and other foods that stimulate the nervous system (for example, hot spices). You can replace them with clean water, compotes, herbal teas, and choose dried herbs from spices. Secondly, it is important to reduce your salt intake. This product retains water in the body and increases systolic blood pressure. As a result, the load on the heart increases and the pulse quickens. There is no need to eliminate salt altogether; it is enough to refuse or limit pickles and dishes that contain a lot of salt.

At normal pressure

How to lower your heart rate with normal blood pressure? As a rule, palpitations in this case are associated with overeating, intense physical activity or stress. If you overeat, you can take enzymes to help the digestive system; if you are nervous and stressed, you can take sedatives. If the increased heart rate is caused by physical activity, then the condition goes away on its own, you just need to wait.

If you experience chest pain and dizziness (except for a rapid pulse), then you need to remove tight and constricting clothes or unbutton them in the chest and neck area, apply a towel moistened with cold water to your forehead, hold your breath for a while and lie down for a while. If attacks occur frequently, you need to consult a doctor and change your lifestyle. You may need to undergo a course of medication.

For high blood pressure

High pulse and blood pressure are symptoms of hypertension. You can reduce your heart rate with medications prescribed by your doctor. This will also reduce your heart rate.

At low pressure

If the pulse is 100, how to reduce it in this case? Typically, a rapid pulse with low blood pressure is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, excitement, headaches, fear, and there may be nausea and vomiting. The most effective treatment is the use of tinctures of motherwort and valerian. You can take Validol or Valocordin, drink a cup of tea with rose hips or currant leaves and honey.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, heart palpitations are a common complaint. The symptom is caused by an increase in the body weight of the expectant mother, a deficiency of vitamins and an increase in the overall load on the body. If it is necessary to lower your heart rate during pregnancy, it is not recommended to use medications (unless they have been prescribed by a doctor). Breathing exercises, such as the “Diving Dog” exercise described above, will help you cope with the problem. Proper rest and sufficient sleep are also important. If the pulse does not decrease, or such attacks recur frequently, you should report the symptom to your attending physician. He will select a suitable therapy for the expectant mother.

Emergency situations

To quickly lower your heart rate in emergency situations when heart rates reach 200 beats per minute, there is no time to hesitate. You need to call an ambulance, and before the doctors arrive, try to induce vomiting in the patient. You need to take a deep breath, and then quickly exhale with your mouth closed, and then press your fingers on the inner corners of your eyes for a few seconds. It is useful to give a light neck massage. These techniques will help you quickly reduce your heart rate to acceptable levels.

An increase in heart rate, increased heart rate and pulse occurs in a variety of situations: during physical exertion, emotional stress, excitement, fear and, sometimes, for no apparent reason. A constant increase in heart rate, accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain or a feeling of lack of air, occurs with diseases of the cardiovascular system, endocrine disorders or other diseases of the internal organs. In such a situation, you cannot do without specialized examination and treatment, but if increased heart rate appears periodically and is not associated with serious illnesses, you can lower your heart rate at home.

Causes of increased heart rate and ways to reduce it

The pulse depends on the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle and should normally be approximately 60-80 beats per minute for an adult, 140-120 for a newborn and infant, and approximately 100 beats per minute for 6-7 year old children. Also, the pulse rate changes with age; in older people, especially those suffering from hypertension and excess weight, the pulse rate is higher than generally accepted norms.

An increase in heart rate may be associated with increased physical activity - the heart cannot cope with the work and begins to contract more often, emotional stress, fatigue, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or drinking alcohol, strong tea, coffee or smoking.

That's why To lower your heart rate at home you need:

  • Change your lifestyle - shortness of breath, increased heart rate and weakness that appear when climbing to the 2-3 floor while walking quickly indicate a weakening of the heart muscle and the need to urgently engage in physical exercise, at least 15-30 minutes a day;
  • Lose excess weight - the more a person weighs, the higher the load on the heart and blood vessels; the most effective way to get rid of shortness of breath and increased heart rate is to remove extra pounds. It is very important to reduce the consumption of foods high in cholesterol, since its increase in the blood also significantly affects the functioning of the heart. Fatty, fried, sweet, eggs, butter, animal fats and flour should be excluded from the patient's diet;
  • Avoid strong coffee, tea and substances that excite the cardiovascular system - caffeine, theine and spices excite the nervous system and increase the heart rate. If your heart rate regularly increases, it is recommended to completely abandon these drinks and the use of seasonings, replacing them with green tea, compote, water and dried herbs;
  • Reduce salt intake - sodium chloride causes water retention in the body and increases systolic pressure, which means it increases the load on the heart and increases heart rate. When your heart rate increases, there is no need to follow a completely salt-free diet; it is enough to give up pickles, smoked meats and other foods with a high salt content;
  • Avoid stress and overexertion - strong emotional experiences and nervous fatigue cause an increase in adrenaline and other stress hormones in the blood;
  • Get rid of bad habits - smoking and regular drinking of alcohol causes a sharp narrowing of blood vessels and increased heart rate. If you do not give up these addictions, any treatment for cardiovascular diseases will be useless;
  • Take sedatives - long-term regular use of tincture of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn or lemon balm helps with frequent heart palpitations. Extracts of these plants not only have a calming effect, but also have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and normalize vascular tone. It is necessary to take tinctures and decoctions of herbs daily for 1-2 months.

How to quickly and effectively lower your heart rate at home

If you need to quickly lower your heart rate at home, you can use one of the following methods:

  • take a deep breath and, holding your nose and mouth, try to exhale - this will stimulate the vagus nerve and, as a result, reduce the heart rate;
  • close your eyes and press your fingers on the eyeballs - light pressure on the eyelids for 20-30 seconds is enough to normalize the heartbeat;
  • lie down on a flat surface, face down and lie there for 30-40 minutes;
  • provoke a gag reflex - just like the methods described above, this leads to activation of the parasympathetic nervous system and causes bradycardia;
  • A tablet of validol, valocordin or valoserdin, which is placed under the tongue or 20-30 drops of Corvalol with cold water, helps to reduce the pulse and heart rate.

Traditional methods of lowering heart rate

  • Honey– regular consumption of a small amount of honey or honey massage at the base of the 7th cervical vertebra helps lower pulse and blood pressure;
  • Black currant– reduces heartbeat and pulse rate;
  • Rose hip– a decoction of berries strengthens the cardiovascular system and reduces the frequency of contractions;
  • Herbal decoctions to reduce blood pressure– they are no less effective in reducing heart rate.

Regular increase in heart rate can only be cured with the help of special heart medications: beta blockers, cardiac glycosides, diuretics or ACE inhibitors, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

A high pulse is the first signal that the body is unwell. The cause could be anything: the heart, the endocrine system, neuralgia, so in any case you should consult a doctor. But to quickly lower your heart rate, follow one of the following instructions.

Medicines to lower your heart rate

Cardiologists recommend a number of proven remedies that reduce heart rate; they are sold in any pharmacy:

  • Validol – 1 tablet;
  • Valerian – 1-3 tablets;
  • Valocordin – 1 tablet;
  • Motherwort 1-2 tablets.

The effect of the medicine will not occur earlier than in half an hour, so you should not take another portion until the required time has passed.

Call an ambulance if your heart rate is high

If your pulse approaches the threshold of 200 beats per minute, call an ambulance immediately! While you are waiting for the doctors, follow these steps:

  • For people in middle age: induce vomiting; press on the inner corners of the eyes; give your neck a massage.
  • For older people, give medicine, wash with cold water, rub your fingertips.
  • Tightening your abdominal muscles will slow down the blood flow slightly.
  • Feel the pulse on your hand and press this point every 2 seconds, continue the process for 2-3 minutes.
  • Breathe in the aromatic oils of rose, chamomile, grapefruit, sandalwood.
  • Drink lightly brewed green tea.

Folk remedies to lower heart rate

If an increased heart rate is a constant trend, you can try to get rid of the disease with the help of folk remedies that need to be taken constantly. Their effectiveness can be judged a week or two after the start of therapy.

Honey to lower heart rate

This is a known remedy that has a beneficial effect on the heart, endocrine and nervous system, thereby eliminating the main causes of high heart rate. It contains various simple sugars that are easily digested and provide the heart with enough energy to function well. It is enough to eat 5-10 tablespoons of honey a day to improve its functioning and eliminate deviations in the form of an increased heart rate.

Blackcurrant to lower heart rate

This berry contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Rutin, also present in it, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to other beneficial substances, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and eliminates the cause of pulse irregularities. Eat black currants in the form of berries, fruit drinks and compotes.

Rosehip tea to lower heart rate

You can brew rosehip tea. To do this, grind 20 grams of berries in a coffee grinder/blender and pour 200 grams of them. boiling water Infuse the tea for 10 minutes, add sugar/honey to taste.

You can also mix regular tea with chopped rose hips in a ratio of 1:3 and brew as you always do. This tea is not only good for the heart, but will also be enjoyed by everyone in the family.

Herbal decoctions to lower heart rate

To reduce your heart rate, try taking the following herbal decoctions daily before meals:

  • Peppermint, motherwort, St. John's wort, oregano.
  • Melissa leaves, hop cones, dill seeds, valerian root.
  • Valerian root, lemon balm.
  • Chamomile flowers, valerian root, lemon balm, buckthorn, hop cones.

Choose one of these recipes (or you can use any herb from the above), mix all the ingredients in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and leave for 20-40 minutes. Take three times daily before meals.

Hawthorn tincture to lower heart rate

This folk remedy is sold in any pharmacy, has a calming effect, improves the condition of blood vessels and blood circulation. Place 20 drops of hawthorn tincture into a spoon, drink and follow with water.

Prevention of increased heart rate

Several factors influence an elevated heart rate. By getting rid of them, you will protect yourself from this problem in the future.

  1. Avoid stress, or take vitamins that strengthen the nervous system and increase stress resistance.
  2. Try to avoid excessive physical activity.
  3. Avoid excessive consumption of fatty foods.
  4. Try to get rid of excess weight.
  5. In spring and autumn, when the body is susceptible to vitamin deficiency, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, take vitamins.

The article is for informational purposes only; if you feel unwell, it is best to consult a doctor.

Increased heart rate is a common problem. It occurs as an independent deviation, due to stress or too much physical activity, and as an additional symptom of serious pathologies.

Regardless of the cause of the problem, a high pulse is a symptom, and it can only be normalized by eliminating the cause. In addition, it is important to remember that each of the methods of lowering heart rate has a number of contraindications.

Among the reasons that influence the increase in heart rate indicators are physiological and pathological. They can be distinguished by their characteristics:

  • physiological - cause an increase in indicators only during their direct impact (stress, high temperature, overeating, the effect of certain medications). After the influence of these factors ceases, the pulse returns to normal;
  • pathological - characterized by a systematically increased frequency. Indicates the presence of diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels (,), kidneys or the development of oncological processes.

Other reasons that can trigger the development of the problem include metabolic failures, pulmonary failure, or problems with the thyroid gland.

Indicators of normal heart function are individual and depend on gender and age. However, they should not exceed 90 contractions per minute.

In a normal state, the intervals between contractions of the heart muscle should not differ. Violation of this rule is the first signal of problems in the functioning of the endocrine, neurohumoral systems, anemia or cancer.

If the intensity of contractions exceeds 100 contractions per minute and is due to pathological reasons, it is important to know how to lower the heart rate at home. In this case, lowering the frequency is vital. If this is not done in a timely manner, the risk of disruption of cerebral circulatory processes with the subsequent development of a stroke increases.

Important! Systematically elevated levels are a sign of serious pathology. Self-medication can be dangerous to health and life. It is necessary to urgently contact a specialist.

In addition to the negative effect on the brain, prolonged failure to correct the problem can provoke the formation of acute ventricular failure of the heart.

How to lower your heart rate at home?

There are a number of ways to lower a high heart rate at home. If you don’t have medications on hand, you must:

  • get rid of tight clothes that interfere with breathing;
  • open the windows to provide fresh air;
  • inhale and hold your breath for a short time;
  • place a damp towel on your face;
  • lie down.

If you have a first aid kit at home, you can take motherwort tincture, validol, corvalol or valerian root tincture. However, the action of these drugs is aimed at relieving symptoms, and not the essence of the problem.

Important! If an increase in heart rate is accompanied by severe pain in the sternum, a feeling of weakness, stuffy ears and shortness of breath, you should immediately call an ambulance. These are symptoms of a heart attack.

Many people are concerned about the question of how to lower their heart rate at home quickly without pills. It is important to remember that not all types of tachycardia (increases in heart rate over 90 per minute) can be normalized without medications. So, after the first manipulations, it is recommended to measure the pressure. Based on the results obtained, treatment methods differ.

Algorithm for measuring pulse on the radial artery

At normal pressure

In addition to medications, there are a number of other ways to lower your heart rate at home with normal blood pressure. To do this you need:

  • free your chest from tight clothing;
  • ventilate the room;
  • inhale and exhale slowly;
  • apply a cold compress.

If an increase in heart rate at normal pressure occurs systematically, you should pay attention to your health and visit a doctor. This problem may be a symptom of anemia, osteochondrosis, improper functioning of the thyroid gland, and neurosis.

Often the problem occurs after nervous stress or physical work. However, if tachycardia bothers you systematically, you need to change your lifestyle: give up nicotine, alcohol, and harmful foods. It is recommended to engage in moderate physical activity. This will help avoid the development of pathology in the future.

For hypertension

If you have high blood pressure, it is important to know how to quickly lower your heart rate at home. To do this, you need to determine the cause of the pathology:

  • anemia;
  • or coronary sclerosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland.

People who abuse alcohol should also know how to lower their heart rate at home. Alcohol can lead to pressure fluctuations and the development of tachycardia.

To prevent an increase in heart rate, it is recommended to minimize coffee consumption and replace it with decoctions of currants, hawthorn or sweet clover. It’s a good idea to pay attention to your weight. Extra pounds also negatively affect heart rate.

For hypotension

An equally common question is: how to lower your pulse to normal at home with low blood pressure. A drop in blood pressure is often associated with taking certain medications. However, if the problem occurs systematically, it is worth undergoing a medical examination. This may be a sign of a serious pathology.

  • take a horizontal position;
  • ventilate the room;
  • drink a glass of strong sweet tea.

If there is no improvement, you need to call an ambulance.

If we talk about how to lower the pulse during hypotension, then in this case it is recommended to take tincture of motherwort or valerian root. As a preventative measure, it would not be a bad idea to consume honey, rosehip or blackcurrant decoction.

How to normalize heart rate quickly without pills and medications?

In addition to drug therapy for increasing heart rate, there are a number of ways to lower your heart rate without drugs. The most famous and effective include:

  1. Having taken a comfortable position, you need to take a strong breath, close your mouth and nose and strain. This will stimulate the activation of the vagus nerve and help normalize heart rate.
  2. Another way to normalize the rate through breathing is the diving dog method. To do this, close your mouth and nose and dip your face in a basin of cool water. After this, as in the previous method, you need to strain. This also helps to activate the vagus nerve.
  3. The Aschner test is no less effective. To do this, you need to close your eyes and gently press on them for 20-30 seconds.
  4. Lie down with your face down. Spend about half an hour in this position.
  5. As a last resort, if other ways to lower your heart rate at home are not available, you should induce a gag reflex or cough heavily.

However, if all measures do not bring any effect, it is recommended to take medicine. If this does not help normalize the heart rate, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Useful video

For useful tips on lowering your heart rate at home, watch the following video:


  1. Lowering your heart rate without using medication is a common practice.
  2. In some cases, drug therapy and specialist help are mandatory and vital.
  3. You should not ignore tachycardia if its attacks become systematic, because this may be a sign of a serious illness.