Symptoms of pre-infarction condition. Signs of a pre-infarction condition in women: first symptoms, treatment, prevention

The development of myocardial infarction is usually preceded by a pre-infarction state, which appears due to the cessation of blood flow through the coronary vessels. However, a heart attack does not subsequently develop in all cases: if the signs of the disease are recognized in time and treatment is started, the condition will stabilize and become safe for the body.

One of the most pronounced signs of a pre-infarction state in women is pain that appears in the chest area and is similar in nature to angina pectoris. A distinctive feature of pain is the impossibility of eliminating it with Nitroglycerin or Nitrosorbide, as well as an increase in attacks up to 22-25 times a day. The pain appears in most cases at night and lasts about half an hour. A long stay in this state often leads to gradual necrosis of the heart muscle. Acute pain spreads to the right side of the body and radiates into the arm and under the collarbone.

The main signs of a pre-infarction condition in women:

  1. Restlessness and sudden excitement.
  2. The appearance of cold sweat.
  3. Pain in the area of ​​the shoulder joints.
  4. Difficulty coordinating movements.
  5. Inability to take a deep breath.

Read also: First aid for myocardial infarction

The signs of a pre-infarction condition listed above are not typical for everyone. Some patients have atypical manifestations that are absolutely similar to those listed, among them:

  • general weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • periodic dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • irritation and aggressiveness of women.

The pre-infarction state is accompanied by compressive pain in the left hypochondrium. The sensation of pain manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation and occurs against the background of intense physical activity, stress, and sometimes minor anxiety.

The asthmatic pre-infarction condition in women has similar symptoms with causeless cyanosis and difficulty breathing.

A pre-infarction condition often leads to a heart attack, which in some cases is fatal, so if you notice the first symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor.

The pre-infarction state is characterized by signs of angina pectoris accompanied by additional symptoms. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of:

  • attacks of angina pectoris that appeared for the first time;
  • increased frequency of attacks that last longer;
  • paleness of the face against the background of an attack;
  • unexplained fatigue;
  • shallow breathing and sudden interruptions in heartbeat;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • chest pain at rest.

A pre-infarction condition appears due to local spasm of the coronary artery occurring at the site of formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Also, spasm of a vessel can occur due to damage to its inner lining - this provokes the formation of a blood clot, which further narrows the lumen of the vessel, which leads to myocardial infarction.

Diagnosis of pre-infarction condition in women

Only a cardiologist can diagnose a pre-infarction condition or the development of a heart attack, having studied the entire clinical picture in detail. When assessing the patient's general condition, symptoms, examination findings, and laboratory tests will be taken into account.

To confirm the diagnosis, the following is prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasonography;
  • magnetic resonance therapy.

After carefully studying the data, the cardiologist will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment of pre-infarction condition

All therapeutic measures for pre-infarction conditions in women are carried out in a hospital setting. The patient is relieved of the symptoms according to the same principle as during a heart attack. Bed rest is prescribed until the pain completely disappears and the electrocardiogram indicators return to normal levels. As drug therapy, drugs are prescribed that reduce the oxygen demand of the heart muscle, such as:

  • Sustonite;
  • Trinitrolong;
  • Sustak;
  • Sustabukkal;
  • Nitroglycerine.

Heparin is used to prevent thrombosis. This remedy will reduce the likelihood of angina attacks and improve lipid metabolism. In some cases, medications that improve blood flow may be prescribed, these include:

  • Isoptin;
  • Nifedipine;
  • Corinfar, etc.

Read also: How to increase platelet levels in the blood

If medications do not give the desired result, surgical treatment may be prescribed. Coronary artery bypass grafting is usually used. The operation does not provide a guaranteed cure.

Preventive actions

To prevent a pre-infarction condition in women, it is recommended first of all to change their lifestyle, give up alcohol and smoking, and also establish a rest and physical activity regimen. Partially avoid fried, smoked foods and confectionery products. In addition, it is necessary to introduce regular use of cardiovascular medications.

Alarming symptoms

There are certain signs that indicate an approaching heart attack.

Basic premise: narrowing of the coronary vessels due to a chronic disease, for example, coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis.

If you have the above diseases, a heart attack can also occur after severe emotional or physical stress, as well as with hypertension.

If a person suffers from coronary heart disease, then the onset of a heart attack can be determined in advance.

Symptoms of coronary circulatory disorders become apparent in about a week.

The risk group includes the following categories of people:

  • men
  • people over 45 years old
  • hypertensive patients
  • people with high blood cholesterol levels
  • obese people
  • people who abuse smoking and drinking alcohol
  • people whose relatives have had a heart attack

Symptoms of pre-infarction condition

A pre-infarction condition can be determined by severe pain. The pain is similar to an angina attack and is localized behind the sternum. The attacks do not stop after taking nitroglycerin and are repeated more and more often. More than 20 attacks can occur per day, which certainly leads to the death of heart muscle tissue.

The pain gradually changes its boundaries and moves to the collarbone area, to the right arm and under the sternum, to the area under the tongue.

The patient breaks out in a cold sweat, the internal state is anxious, panicky, and there may be a fear of death.

Sometimes the scheme may differ from the typical one. Several days or weeks before a heart attack, a person may

complain about:

  • weakness
  • headache, dizziness
  • sleep problems
  • mood swings

As a heart attack approaches, shortness of breath, blueness of the skin and mucous membranes appear for no apparent reason.

It happens that the pain is on the left side, in the hypochondrium and upper abdomen. The patient's complaints are as follows:

  • pain of various types
  • pain that intensifies with the slightest physical exertion and stress

During the pre-infarction state, the patient may suffer from cough, nausea, hiccups, and feel a rapid heartbeat.

You should know that a heart attack can happen suddenly. A great shock must occur to the body for the vessels to immediately narrow by more than 50% and myocardial necrosis to occur. The most dangerous thing is a heart attack at rest.

Diagnosis of pre-infarction condition

If the slightest disturbances occur, you can check your health using an electrocardiogram.

In old age, the diagnosis will include: circulatory decompensation, blockades, paroxysmal tachycardia

The second research method is an echocardiogram. It identifies tumors, scars, blood clots, defects, pathologies of the parts and cavities of the heart, and circulatory disorders.

Magnetic resonance therapy assesses the blood supply to the myocardium, determines whether there is ischemia, and also allows us to determine infarction and tumors. To complete the picture, contrast agents are injected into the blood.

Coronary vessels can be studied by coronary angiography. During the procedure, non-ionic contrast agents (urografins) are injected into the blood. It analyzes in which places there is a narrowing, its magnitude and what threat it poses to the body at the moment.

The Holter monitoring method will allow long-term monitoring of heart function. The device records heart function throughout the day. The results are analyzed by a computer program. In this way, moments of increased pressure, myocardial ischemia and heart rhythm disturbances can be determined.

Emergency medical care

If a pre-infarction condition has occurred, as evidenced by severe pain, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Before the doctors arrive, the patient must assume a state of rest. Let fresh air into the room.

Taking several tablets is highly undesirable, despite positive reviews from patients. A large dose of medication can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure.

If you don’t have nitroglycerin on hand, you can replace it with validol, corvalol, or valocardine. They help dilate blood vessels and increase blood access to the myocardium. To eliminate the risk of blood clots, aspirin is taken, it thins the blood.

After calling an ambulance, it is necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital.

To eliminate all disturbing symptoms, nitroglycerin is administered intravenously, which relieves spasm from the coronary arteries.

Treatment is similar to the treatment of the heart attack itself.

The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • beta blockers
  • nitrate preparations
  • antiarrhythmic drugs
  • anticoagulants
  • antiplatelet agents
  • antispasmodics
  • ACE inhibitors

During the entire treatment, the patient is provided with maximum rest and is on a diet.

Before discharge, physical activity gradually increases.

If a critical narrowing of the coronary vessels occurs, surgery is performed. It must be done no later than 4-5 hours after the first severe attack of pain.

If the pre-infarction condition is not critical, but the doctor determines a high risk of a subsequent heart attack, then coronary artery stenting or coronary artery bypass grafting is performed.

At home, you will need long-term medication, constant monitoring of blood pressure, adherence to a diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Experts will tell you more about the pre-infarction condition in the form:

Main forms of pre-infarction condition

In medical practice, a pre-infarction state is defined as unstable angina. It develops against the background of incorrect or incomplete treatment, stress and various complications. In some cases, this condition can be treated independently, after which the person quickly recovers. Pre-infarction includes the following:

  • Tension angina that occurs in a person for the first time.
  • Tension progressive angina pectoris, when attacks of a similar condition have already occurred in the past. It is characterized by a more pronounced pain syndrome, irradiation of a burning sensation and squeezing.
  • Angina pectoris at rest, which develops after the exertion phase. Usually occurs after intense physical activity and other types of stress.
  • Early post-infarction angina - pain in the left side appears 1-30 days after a heart attack.
  • Angina pectoris that appears after bypass surgery occurs due to disruption of blood flow by atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Prinzmetal angina, developing against the background of spasm in the large coronary arteries. Characterized by severe pain in the heart area in the morning.

Common warning signs of the disease

At first, a pre-infarction condition can easily be confused with a common cold. Because of this, many sick people do not pay attention to this problem for a long time - they do not even suspect a serious disturbance in the functioning of the heart.

40-60 minutes before a heart attack, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • chest discomfort;
  • aching bones;
  • general malaise;
  • change in normal body temperature in both directions.

It should be noted that In women, it is much more difficult to determine the pre-infarction state than in men. Such a serious cardiovascular abnormality is diagnosed after the fact. Pensioners and diabetics tolerate signs of a pre-infarction condition more easily. Due to the increased pain threshold, they can endure discomfort for a long time and not give it any importance.

If you have been experiencing discomfort for a long time without an obvious reason, try to consult a doctor for a detailed diagnosis.

Pre-infarction warning signs also include difficulty breathing, blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, pain in the left side of the chest, dizziness and fainting. Contact your doctor immediately if any of these signs appear.

Disguised signs of pre-infarction

Myocardial infarction– a disease of the cardiovascular system that can be asymptomatic. Of course, in 70-90% of cases, certain signs of damage still appear, but in other people this condition can be disguised for a long time as some other chronic illness. The most common other types of attack are:

Option Symptoms Frequency of propagation
Asthmatic Shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, suffocation, mild or no pain About 10% of all heart attacks, occurs mainly in the elderly
Gastralgic Pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, hiccups and belching, bloating In 5% of cases, most often diagnosed with low myocardial infarction
Arrhythmic Abnormal heartbeat, mild pain, general malaise In 1-5% of all cases
Cerebrovascular Dizziness, loss of space, loss of consciousness, vomiting 5 to 10%, most common in older adults
Asymptomatic Absent, myocardial infarction is diagnosed only by ECG results Varies from 0.5 to 20%, most often found in diabetics.

The first signs of pre-heart attack in women

When the first signs and symptoms appear Pre-heart attack in women should immediately consult a doctor - perhaps you will be able to stop the attack and prevent the development of a full-fledged myocardial infarction. The first warning signs of this condition appear long before cardiovascular damage, which gives you the opportunity to identify pre-infarction in the early stages yourself. You should pay the most attention to the following warning signs:

  • regularly recurring attacks of weakness;
  • recurrent chest pain, regardless of the exact location;
  • constant lack of air.

If such signs appear, you should immediately consult a cardiologist. Using timely diagnostic methods, he will be able to determine the pre-infarction condition in the early stages. It is enough for the treating specialist to conduct an ECG, based on the results of decoding which he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. When true signs of a pre-heart attack appear, the woman is sent to the hospital for intensive care.

Symptoms of pre-infarction in women

A clear symptom of pre-heart attack in women is severe heart pain, which cannot be stopped with any pills. Such attacks are repeated more and more often every day, and can recur up to 20-30 times a day. Most often, the greatest discomfort haunts a woman at night when she is at rest.

Female pre-infarction has a blurred clinical picture - it is quite difficult to recognize this condition.

All this leads to the death of the heart muscles, which subsequently negatively affects the speed of recovery. Heart pain may radiate to the right side of the body.

A pre-infarction condition can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • inability to take a deep breath;
  • the appearance of fear, anxiety, strong excitement;
  • pain in the shoulder joints;
  • violation of spatial coordination;
  • coldness of the extremities, the appearance of cold sweat.

It should be noted that the pre-infarction condition can manifest itself differently in each person: some people have all these symptoms, while others have none. Shortly before myocardial infarction, the patient begins to complain of insomnia, constant dizziness, weakness, lethargy, and constant nausea. The woman’s behavior also changes: she becomes more aggressive and irritable.

The first signs of pre-heart attack in men

A more accurate clinical picture is considered to be a distinctive black pre-infarction condition in men.

Representatives of the stronger sex are rarely diagnosed with this condition only based on the results ECG— usually when the first disturbances appear, men feel abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

Male pre-infarction has a more typical clinical picture; it is not difficult to determine the obvious symptoms of this condition in them.

For a long time before an attack, men suffer from unstable angina, which occurs mainly at rest. It cannot be controlled with medications and goes away on its own after some time. The following pre-infarction warning signs in men are also identified:

  • increased fatigue, lack of vigor even after a long rest;
  • sleep disturbances, insomnia, frequent awakenings;
  • difficulty breathing, development of shortness of breath;
  • causeless attacks of fear and anxiety;
  • constant headache, decreased visual acuity;
  • constant discomfort in the chest area;
  • indigestion: nausea, vomiting, heartburn;
  • pale skin, cold sweat.

When the first signs indicating a pre-infarction condition appear, try to immediately consult your doctor. The sooner you receive medical assistance, the faster you will be able to restore your body. Don't ignore discomfort that cause you serious discomfort.

Symptoms of pre-infarction in men

Symptoms and first signs of pre-heart attack in men completely depend on how this disease progresses: typical or apathetic. For diagnosis, only the second type presents difficulties, in which heart disease is disguised as other ailments of the digestive, respiratory or other system.

For the typical and most common case, the symptoms of pre-heart attack in men are as follows:

  • The appearance of acute intense pain that spreads to the entire chest. Also, such discomfort can spread to the left shoulder or collarbone, neck, teeth, and can radiate to the ear or the area between the shoulder blades.
  • Attacks of heart pain have a wave-like character: they either intensify or subside. This phenomenon cannot be stopped by Nitroglycerin and lasts from several hours to 3-5 days.
  • Painful sensations can be different: pressing, sharp, bursting. The larger the surface of the damaged muscle layer of the heart, the stronger the pain.
  • The appearance of a feeling of extreme fear, excessive agitation - in some cases, on the contrary, shortness of breath and weakness occur.
  • Blood pressure levels rise rapidly and then drop sharply.
  • Arrhythmia and tachycardia are observed, which cannot be stopped with pills.
  • Cold sweat appears, the skin becomes pale.

A distinctive sign of pre-heart attack in men is clear and easily distinguishable symptoms. The stronger sex is characterized by a classic variant of the development of this disease, in which severe chest pain predominates. Do not endure pain and discomfort - call an ambulance immediately.

What to do if signs of a pre-heart attack appear?

When the first signs of pre-infarction appear, immediate drug therapy is necessary. This will help not only save life, but also subsequently quickly restore the body to its normal state. Call an ambulance immediately if you have chest pain, and before it arrives, do the following:

  • sit on a chair, place pillows under the head;
  • get rid of tight clothes, unbutton your shirt and remove all accessories from your neck;
  • put Nitroglycerin under your tongue, renew the tablet every 5 minutes, but no more than 3 times;
  • dissolve an effervescent tablet of Aspirin and Plavix in a glass of water and drink the medicine - this will help thin the blood;
  • in the absence of an ambulance for a long time, the patient must be administered Baralgin or Analgin intramuscularly to reduce pain.

You should not ignore the first signs of a pre-infarction condition - as soon as you experience any discomfort in your heart, you should immediately consult a doctor. You may be able to get rid of this phenomenon and prevent it from developing into a full-fledged heart attack. Also, the timeliness and completeness of drug therapy determines how completely the body can be restored.

Pre-infarction symptoms pressure

The pre-infarction condition in humans is progressive angina with an advanced stage, which can soon turn into myocardial infarction (with insufficient treatment, stress, other complications), or can stop on its own and make a reverse progression. Pre-infarction symptoms, pressure and pain attacks become more frequent during the period of progression.

Pre-infarction condition - symptoms, pressure.

The pre-infarction state has a pronounced pain syndrome - pain in the chest is the same as with angina pectoris. But, unlike angina pectoris, attacks are not stopped by nitroglycerin, and their number becomes more frequent. Sometimes 30 or more attacks can occur per day, which leads to gradual necrosis of the heart muscle.

The pain that occurs during a pre-infarction condition radiates under the tongue, to the right side of the sternum, under the collarbones, and into the arms. The patient develops cold sweat, strong agitation and anxiety, and fear of death. Nitroglycerin does not help relieve pain, patients themselves note this; sometimes only taking about two to three dozen tablets of nitrosorbitol or nitroglycerin in a row can slightly ease the pain syndrome.

The atypical course of the pre-infarction state is marked by weakness, irritability, severe dizziness, sleep disturbances, insomnia, but there is no pain syndrome as such. A patient with such a course of the pre-infarction state experiences shortness of breath and cyanosis for no apparent reason, even at rest. Only an electrocardiogram can help diagnose a pre-infarction state: the patient experiences extrasystole, blockades, circulatory decompensation, and paroxysmal tachycardia. An atypical picture of a pre-infarction state is most often observed in elderly people (age group from 75 years to 90 years).

Sometimes abdominal pre-infarction syndrome occurs, in which pain is localized in the left hypochondrium, in the upper abdomen. The patient notes that he has a burning sensation in the epigastric region; the pain can be aching, stabbing, burning, cutting, and intensifies with physical activity, walking, stress and anxiety. Pain can be significantly reduced at rest or after a large dose of medications - nitrates.

The reason for the appearance of a pre-infarction state from angina pectoris is stress, nervous overstrain and excessive physical activity, conflict conditions, sports overload, taking excessive doses of alcohol, medications, frequent smoking, overheating of the body, and so on.

A pre-infarction state is not always characterized by an increase in blood pressure, although hypertensive patients are most susceptible to the appearance of a pre-infarction state.

The duration of the pre-infarction state may not exceed three days, or can last up to three weeks. Mortality from heart attack could be reduced significantly if the diagnosis of the pre-infarction condition could be accurate and timely in each case.

If a patient is diagnosed with a pre-infarction condition, then he must be urgently admitted to a hospital, prescribed treatment and ensured complete rest.

Of course, a pre-infarction condition can be considered the very first attack of angina in a patient, as well as spontaneous, unpredictable, situational angina, progressive, or unstable angina.

In patients who have experienced angina for the first time, changes are visible on the electrocardiogram: displacement of segments, changes in the T wave, disturbances in conduction and heart rhythm.

Several attacks in a row, which are absolutely not controlled by medications, indicate a high threat of developing myocardial infarction against the background of a pre-infarction state.

The greatest concern in patients with angina pectoris should be a change in the nature of pain and attacks: with constantly existing angina pectoris, attacks suddenly occur at rest, or, conversely, with angina pectoris at rest, pain occurs during exertion or nervous shock. Particular concern regarding the pre-infarction state should be caused by nocturnal attacks, an increase in the frequency of attacks, an increase in their duration, intensity, and characteristic changes in the electrocardiogram.

Any symptom that appears for the first time indicates the possibility of progression of the pre-infarction condition, and should be a signal for urgent consultation with a doctor.

In the pre-infarction state, loads that were previously well tolerated by the patient cause increased pain and deterioration of the patient's condition.

In this condition, the patient's pain may change in nature - it may appear in other areas of the body, change directions and intensity. Night pain is accompanied by a newly emerging state of suffocation, which was not observed before. The pain may intensify when the patient tries to strain during bowel movements or urination.

On the ECG, all the changes that occurred in the patient with the onset of the attack do not disappear within two to three days, and may persist for a longer time. Unstable angina can last up to several months, eventually leading to stable angina.

With spontaneous angina, painful attacks appear mainly at night or in the morning.

Treatment of pre-infarction condition.

In a pre-infarction state, it will not be enough to stop pain attacks in the patient - it is necessary to carry out intensive therapy with anticoagulants and antispasmodics. The patient requires intravenous infusion of nitroglycerin to relieve attacks.

Treatment of the pre-infarction condition is long-term, and after intensive therapy and first aid, the patient must be observed by a doctor, undergo a preventive examination and have an ECG done to identify the progression of the disease.
Pre-infarction symptoms, pressure and pain attacks are the basis for hospitalization of the patient in a hospital and provision of intensive care.

How to recognize the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition?

Do you know what the symptoms of a pre-heart attack are? In our article we will talk about how to recognize heart disease in time and prevent dangerous consequences.

In most cases, recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack is easy: If a person experiences sudden pain in the chest, which rapidly intensifies and spreads to the area of ​​the left arm and back, then medical attention must be provided as soon as possible, otherwise it can be fatal. PRed infarction and angina pectoris, although not so dangerous, nevertheless also require urgent treatment, since they should serve as your first signal that something has gone wrong in the body and the functioning of the heart is impaired for some reason.

In our article we will talk about the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition, which everyone needs to know, because it is very important to notice signs of cardiac dysfunction in time. If you notice such symptoms in yourself, sound the alarm: your body may be in serious danger!

First of all, you must know exactly what a pre-infarction state is: This is a malfunction of a part of the heart muscle called the myocardium. Disruption of this muscle causes severe chest pain, which occurs due to decreased blood flow to the heart. Chest pain can occur frequently and in an acute form, and this is the main signal that your heart is in danger and requires immediate medical attention.

Symptoms of pre-infarction condition

  • Chest pain or heaviness, feeling unwell
  • Severe pain in the arms, neck, jaw, shoulders, or back
  • Nausea
  • Rapid fatigue, shortness of breath
  • Labored breathing
  • Worry, anxiety
  • The appearance of perspiration
  • Dizziness

People who have had a pre-heart attack describe it as a sudden heaviness in the chest, as if the chest was being squeezed tightly or something heavy was placed on it.

Symptoms of pre-infarction in women

In women, the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition may differ greatly from those described above, since they may not feel heaviness in the chest, but only unpleasant tingling, dizziness, difficulty breathing or abdominal pain, so in this case women can easily mistake these symptoms for signs of some other disease. This should never be allowed to happen, because medical care should be provided as soon as possible, and an erroneous diagnosis and self-medication can delay the necessary medical care and lead to very disastrous consequences.

What can a pre-infarction condition lead to?

In fact, the pre-infarction state in different casesmay vary in duration, severity and symptoms. Therefore, you need to be very aware of the possible symptoms and be extremely vigilant, because chest pain can be a sign of unstable angina, much more dangerous than regular angina.

The most important advice we can give you is: consult a doctor immediately if you notice any of the above symptoms. They should alert you and serve as a signal to you that your heart is not working properly, that there are some problems that can lead to serious and very serious consequences. Therefore, if you experience any symptoms that we described in our article above, do not hesitate to consult a doctor so that he can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment as soon as possible before the disease begins to progress.


  • Vasodilators (or vasodilators) are drugs that control blood pressure. dilate blood vessels and help improve blood circulation
  • If you have heart problems, you need to make drastic changes to your diet, include as many fruits, vegetables, grains, fish as possible, and also exclude all foods containing fats from your diet
  • In the case of heart disease, regular moderate physical activity, such as walking or cycling, is very beneficial. You can do these exercises regularly and they will greatly benefit your body because they will improve blood flow to your heart.


The pre-infarction state is also characterized by the fact that acute chest pain occurs during general body tension and subsides after a short rest. A heart attack can be identified by the following symptoms: it causes much more severe chest pain, can last more than 5 minutes and in this case the pain will not go away even if you lie down to rest.

In conclusion, it should be said that in no case should we forget that Preventing heart disease is easier than curing it: This is the best advice for those who want to always be healthy and full of vitality and energy. Therefore, it is important to conduct appropriate medical examinations from time to time in order to detect heart problems early and prevent them through immediate necessary treatment.

Pre-infarction: symptoms, first signs

The crazy pace of modern life does not always have a positive effect on health. Many people simply do not think about certain symptoms and ailments that may be alarm bells and an urgent need for medical intervention and hospitalization in order to preserve the life and functionality of the body.

One of these life-threatening conditions is the pre-infarction state of the body. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to be savvy in the prevention of this condition, its main symptoms and first aid to the patient. This is where the principle of knowledge is power comes into play. People who know the main symptoms preceding a heart attack are able to not only help, but also save lives by reacting in time and calling an ambulance. And how many lives could not be saved due to ignorance and stupidity, because in such a serious matter every second counts.

First of all, you need to put aside panic, collect your thoughts, arrange bed rest and comfortable rest conditions for the patient until the doctor arrives. Heart attack is described in the medical literature. as damage to the heart muscle with partial tissue death, due to impaired blood supply and blockage of the artery, and the formation of blood clots.

There are a great many reasons that can provoke a pre-infarction state:

  • bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • poor nutrition, which consists of eating foods rich in cholesterol, which in turn slowly kills the blood vessels of the human body, as it contributes to the formation of plaques on their walls.
  • people with diabetes are at risk;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • but the most important thing is the constant stress that accompanies a person, no matter where he is: conflicts with superiors, a tense atmosphere in the family, quarrels with friends. All diseases come from nerves, or rather from their unstable condition.

So how to recognize a pre-heart attack: symptoms, first signs. The first main symptom is rapid heartbeat or angina, attacks of which become more frequent over time, accompanied by acute pain in the chest area. Associated symptoms: pale skin, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, dizziness and general weakness, expressed by loss of strength. The determining indicator is a decrease in the effect of nitroglycerin or its complete inaction.

A person himself is not able to distinguish a pre-infarction state from a heart attack; this can only be done by a specialist based on test results, a cardiogram and the collection of information during an examination. The saddest thing is that in some cases these symptoms may not be observed; people often suffer a micro-infarction without even knowing it.

If you have at least several symptoms from the above list, you should immediately call an ambulance. Doctors will install drips that thin the blood, slowing down its clotting, in order to remove fresh blood clots, thereby avoiding dangerous consequences such as blockage of blood vessels, impaired blood supply and death of parts of the heart.

Taking care of your health should always come first. The only organ in the human body that never rests, but always works to ensure the vital functions of the body, is the heart. Regular visits to a cardiologist several times a year for preventive examinations will eliminate possible problems and complications in the future. And following a therapeutic diet, limiting fatty foods and getting rid of bad habits will be the main assistant in strengthening the heart muscle.

The first stage of myocardial infarction is considered to be a pre-infarction state. It manifests itself in the form of progression of heart pain, intensification and frequency of attacks. Even new-onset angina can be a harbinger of acute ischemia of the heart muscle. Patients with similar symptoms require urgent hospitalization and prescription of drugs to restore coronary circulation.

Read in this article

Reasons for the approaching threat

In this disease, they can grow on the walls of blood vessels, gradually blocking the arteries. After the lumen narrows by 75%, an attack of pain occurs. The patency of the coronary blood flow pathways also decreases with persistent spasm. With further progression of the lesion, the pain intensifies, such attacks become longer, more frequent, with less physical stress or at rest.

Cholesterol plaques can provoke a pre-infarction state

With a lack of oxygen and energy substances, under-oxidized metabolic products accumulate in the myocardium, the movement of ions through the cell membrane is disrupted, and the production of ATP for muscle contraction stops. Such processes are called the “ischemic cascade”. If treatment is not carried out on time, the area dies without blood flow - necrosis (infarction) is formed.

Oxygen starvation is most dangerous when the need for nutrition increases. Provoking factors for a pre-infarction state may be:

  • physical stress;
  • stressful effects;
  • low air temperature or overheating of the body;
  • (including during admission);
  • drinking alcohol, spicy or too rich food;
  • smoking;
  • dehydration (blood viscosity increases).

An attack of pain in the heart, which develops into a heart attack, occurs not only when the condition of patients with angina pectoris (or at rest) worsens, but is also noted when symptoms of myocardial ischemia first appear, after a heart attack or bypass surgery.

A special type of unstable angina is Prinzmetal syndrome, which occurs with a sudden spasm of the coronary vessels for no apparent reason.

How to recognize a pre-infarction condition yourself

Not all pain in the heart area is an indispensable sign of a heart attack. But the insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that even an experienced doctor cannot make a diagnosis based on the patient’s complaints. Therefore, if any of the signs of myocardial ischemia appear, you need to contact a medical institution for examination. The most characteristic manifestations of a pre-infarction state include:

  • – appears for the first time or becomes stronger, longer lasting, changes its usual color or localization, pressing. It radiates to the left half of the chest: scapula, shoulder, as well as the arm and lower jaw, neck. The usual dose of Nitroglycerin does not relieve the attack.
  • General weakness, dizziness, sweating.
  • Interruptions in the heart, increased heart rate.
  • Difficulty and shallow breathing.
  • Anxiety, fear of death.

The main signs that your doctor will pay attention to

During examination of the patient, as a rule, you can find:

  • cold clammy sweat;
  • pale or gray skin tone;
  • the face and neck may be red;
  • the tips of the fingers, nose and lips are cyanotic;
  • lethargy or overexcitement.

The blood pressure is initially elevated, but as the condition worsens it may drop significantly (below 80 mmHg). When examining the pulse, tachycardia or arrhythmia can be detected. On auscultation, heart sounds are muffled. No deviations from the norm are detected, except in cases of cardiac decompensation - enlarged liver, edema in the lower extremities.

Atypical picture in women and men

In a pre-infarction state, it is not always possible to focus on substernal pain, since there are known cases of a heart attack with pain in the arm, shoulder blade, throat, lower jaw, teeth, thoracic spine or abdomen.

When the innervation of the heart is impaired, which occurs in diabetes mellitus and cardiosclerosis, as well as when taking a large amount of painkillers or cytostatic drugs, a painless form of acute disturbance of coronary blood flow develops.

Its clinical equivalents may be the following symptom complexes:

  • asthma attack - shortness of breath, cough;
  • decreased blood pressure – dizziness, unsteadiness when walking, darkening of the eyes;
  • cerebral ischemia - speech impairment, weakness in the arm;
  • arrhythmia – frequent or sharp pulse, interruptions in contractions;
  • edematous – pastyness of the legs and face;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence.

Such signs can be combined in various combinations, and there is also an erased form without clear symptoms.

Watch the video about the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition:

How long does the condition last?

The duration of the pre-infarction period can be from one hour to 10 days. This depends on the speed with which the cessation of coronary circulation occurs in any part of the myocardium. The frequency of attacks, as a rule, increases, there can be more than 20 - 30 per day, and the effectiveness of the use of medications decreases.

A prolonged attack of angina (more than 40 minutes) is most often a sign of a heart attack. Therefore, the sooner the correct treatment is prescribed, the greater the results can be achieved. At this stage, it is still possible to avoid the destruction of heart cells.

How to remove the first manifestations

If the diagnosis of angina is beyond doubt, then start with the use of Nitroglycerin - one tablet under the tongue.

You should immediately take an Aspirin tablet at the same time. If after 15 minutes there is no result, then this combination of medications should be repeated.

When pain in the heart occurs for an unknown reason, then the first aid remedy may be or, and if ineffective, the first option is recommended (Nitroglycerin and Aspirin).

The patient must take a semi-sitting position, he is provided with complete rest, silence, and an influx of fresh air. An ambulance must be called if, after taking medications, it does not improve or severe weakness persists.

Diagnostic methods and indications for ECG

The minimum set of laboratory examinations for suspected heart attack includes:

  • blood test - general and sugar;
  • electrolytes;
  • coagulogram;
  • determination of myocardial proteins – troponin, myoglobin;
  • analysis of enzyme composition – creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase.

ECG diagnostics is the most rapid method for diagnosing pre-infarction conditions. It is based on the fact that the site of myocardial destruction does not produce electrical impulses, which changes the resulting vector.

In typical cases, a displacement of the ST segment by 1 mm or more from the isoelectric line and a violation of the location of the T wave are detected. With a developed infarction, Q becomes wider and deeper, in the lead where the electrode is closest to the chest.

In a hospital setting, additional studies may be prescribed:

  • monitoring to detect hidden episodes of ischemia;
  • Ultrasound – reveals reduced motor ability of the myocardium;
  • is based on the accumulation of technetium pyrophosphate in the necrosis zone; in case of a heart attack, a focus will be visible, and in case of unstable angina, diffuse dispersion of the isotope will be visible;
  • coronary vessels - helps to examine the location and degree of vessel overlap, the functional reserve of the left ventricle.

Treatment of pre-infarction condition

The main cause of pre-infarction is a violation of coronary blood flow during the atherosclerotic process, which is accompanied by blood thickening.

Therefore, first take 325 mg if it has not been used previously. In the future, this dose is divided by half and recommended for long-term use. If nitrates do not sufficiently reduce pain, then neuroleptics are used, and then they switch to the administration of Nitroglycerin intravenously.

Beta blockers in pre-infarction conditions are prescribed to stabilize blood circulation, dilate coronary vessels, restore rhythm and prevent the growth of atherosclerotic plaque. Obzidan and Betalok are injected into a vein. A good result can be obtained by taking the calcium antagonist – Corinfar under the tongue.

Subsequently, nitrates () and calcium channel blockers (Amlo, Lomir, Diltiazem) are prescribed. A new group of drugs to prevent heart attack in progressive angina are platelet receptor blockers; they inhibit blockage of the vessel, and then, importantly, stop working after withdrawal.

Studies have been carried out on the following medications: Integrillin, Reo-Pro. The next generation of these products will be available in tablets.

If within 2 - 3 days it was not possible to relieve the patient from angina attacks, then the issue of intracoronary prosthetics (stenting) is decided.

Consequences for the patient

The further course of coronary heart disease depends on what risk factors for vascular pathology the patient has (age, male gender, hereditary predisposition, smoking, high blood pressure, excess cholesterol in the diet), as well as concomitant diseases.

If timely treatment is started and all causes that can be influenced are eliminated, then long-term stabilization of the condition is possible. An unfavorable prognosis is observed in patients who have:

  • myocardial infarction in the past;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • age after 55 years;
  • multiple disturbances of cardiac blood flow;
  • narrowing of the main branch of the left coronary artery;
  • severe angina;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • addiction to alcohol;
  • weak reaction to drugs or refusal of treatment.


After the patient begins outpatient treatment, he must adhere to the following rules:

  • monitor blood pressure daily, undergo examination by a cardiologist once a month, functional diagnostics of the myocardium;
  • do not interrupt taking prescribed medications without consulting your doctor;
  • follow a diet limiting animal fats and sweets;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • regularly engage in therapeutic exercises or walking;
  • avoid overexertion of stress.

A pre-infarction condition occurs against the background of atherosclerosis, thrombosis or spasm of the coronary arteries. Its manifestations include the occurrence, frequency or intensification of angina attacks.

There are typical and atypical clinical forms, including those that occur without pain or asymptomatic. For diagnosis, ECG, blood tests and additional methods are used. Treatment should be carried out exclusively in a hospital. Prescribe medications and surgical treatments.

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Myocardial infarction, the symptoms of which in men cannot be immediately attributed to this disease, is very insidious. That is why it is important to have time to provide first aid.

  • The consequences of a myocardial infarction, extensive or suffered on the legs, will be depressing. It is necessary to recognize the symptoms early to get help.
  • In cases of heart diseases, including angina pectoris and others, Isoket is prescribed, the use of which is allowed in the form of sprays and droppers. Cardiac ischemia is also considered an indication, but there are many contraindications.
  • If a person has heart problems, he needs to know how to recognize acute coronary syndrome. In this situation, he requires emergency care with further diagnosis and treatment in a hospital. Therapy will also be required after recovery.

  • Pre-infarction is what precedes the development of myocardial infarction. This condition is caused by the cessation of blood circulation through the coronary vessels.

    Main forms of pre-infarction condition

    In medical practice, a pre-infarction state is defined as unstable angina. It develops against the background of incorrect or incomplete treatment, stress and various complications. In some cases, this condition can be treated independently, after which the person quickly recovers. Pre-infarction includes the following:

    Common warning signs of the disease

    At first, a pre-infarction condition can easily be confused with a common cold. Because of this, many sick people do not pay attention to this problem for a long time - they do not even suspect a serious disturbance in the functioning of the heart.

    40-60 minutes before a heart attack, a person may experience the following symptoms:

    • chest discomfort;
    • aching bones;
    • general malaise;
    • change in normal body temperature in both directions.

    It should be noted that In women, it is much more difficult to determine the pre-infarction state than in men. Such a serious cardiovascular abnormality is diagnosed after the fact. Pensioners and diabetics tolerate signs of a pre-infarction condition more easily. Due to the increased pain threshold, they can endure discomfort for a long time and not give it any importance.

    If you have been experiencing discomfort for a long time without an obvious reason, try to consult a doctor for a detailed diagnosis.

    Pre-infarction warning signs also include difficulty breathing, blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, pain in the left side of the chest, dizziness and fainting. Contact your doctor immediately if any of these signs appear.

    Disguised signs of pre-infarction

    Myocardial infarction– a disease of the cardiovascular system that can be asymptomatic. Of course, in 70-90% of cases, certain signs of damage still appear, but in other people this condition can be disguised for a long time as some other chronic illness. The most common other types of attack are:

    Option Symptoms Frequency of propagation
    Asthmatic Shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, suffocation, mild or no pain About 10% of all heart attacks, occurs mainly in the elderly
    Gastralgic Pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, hiccups and belching, bloating In 5% of cases, most often diagnosed with low myocardial infarction
    Arrhythmic Abnormal heartbeat, mild pain, general malaise In 1-5% of all cases
    Cerebrovascular Dizziness, loss of space, loss of consciousness, vomiting 5 to 10%, most common in older adults
    Asymptomatic Absent, myocardial infarction is diagnosed only by ECG results Varies from 0.5 to 20%, most often found in diabetics.

    The first signs of pre-heart attack in women

    When the first signs and symptoms appear Pre-heart attack in women should immediately consult a doctor - perhaps you will be able to stop the attack and prevent the development of a full-fledged myocardial infarction. The first warning signs of this condition appear long before cardiovascular damage, which gives you the opportunity to identify pre-infarction in the early stages yourself. You should pay the most attention to the following warning signs:

    • regularly recurring attacks of weakness;
    • recurrent chest pain, regardless of the exact location;
    • constant lack of air.

    If such signs appear, you should immediately consult a cardiologist. Using timely diagnostic methods, he will be able to determine the pre-infarction condition in the early stages. It is enough for the treating specialist to conduct an ECG, based on the results of decoding which he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. When true signs of a pre-heart attack appear, the woman is sent to the hospital for intensive care.

    Symptoms of pre-infarction in women

    A clear symptom of pre-heart attack in women is severe heart pain, which cannot be stopped with any pills. Such attacks are repeated more and more often every day, and can recur up to 20-30 times a day. Most often, the greatest discomfort haunts a woman at night when she is at rest.

    Female pre-infarction has a blurred clinical picture - it is quite difficult to recognize this condition.

    All this leads to the death of the heart muscles, which subsequently negatively affects the speed of recovery. Heart pain may radiate to the right side of the body.

    A pre-infarction condition can be recognized by the following symptoms:

    • inability to take a deep breath;
    • the appearance of fear, anxiety, strong excitement;
    • pain in the shoulder joints;
    • violation of spatial coordination;
    • coldness of the extremities, the appearance of cold sweat.

    It should be noted that the pre-infarction condition can manifest itself differently in each person: some people have all these symptoms, while others have none. Shortly before myocardial infarction, the patient begins to complain of insomnia, constant dizziness, weakness, lethargy, and constant nausea. The woman’s behavior also changes: she becomes more aggressive and irritable.

    The first signs of pre-heart attack in men

    A more accurate clinical picture is considered to be a distinctive black pre-infarction condition in men.

    Representatives of the stronger sex are rarely diagnosed with this condition only based on the results ECG- usually when the first disorders appear, men feel abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

    Male pre-infarction has a more typical clinical picture; it is not difficult to determine the obvious symptoms of this condition in them.

    For a long time before an attack, men suffer from unstable angina, which occurs mainly at rest. It cannot be controlled with medications and goes away on its own after some time. The following pre-infarction warning signs in men are also identified:

    • increased fatigue, lack of vigor even after a long rest;
    • sleep disturbances, insomnia, frequent awakenings;
    • difficulty breathing, development of shortness of breath;
    • causeless attacks of fear and anxiety;
    • constant headache, decreased visual acuity;
    • constant discomfort in the chest area;
    • indigestion: nausea, vomiting, heartburn;
    • pale skin, cold sweat.

    When the first signs indicating a pre-infarction condition appear, try to immediately consult your doctor. The sooner you receive medical assistance, the faster you will be able to restore your body. Don't ignore discomfort that cause you serious discomfort.

    Symptoms of pre-infarction in men

    Symptoms and first signs of pre-heart attack in men completely depend on how this disease progresses: typical or apathetic. For diagnosis, only the second type presents difficulties, in which heart disease is disguised as other ailments of the digestive, respiratory or other system.

    For the typical and most common case, the symptoms of pre-heart attack in men are as follows:

    • The appearance of acute intense pain that spreads to the entire chest. Also, such discomfort can spread to the left shoulder or collarbone, neck, teeth, and can radiate to the ear or the area between the shoulder blades.
    • Attacks of heart pain have a wave-like character: they either intensify or subside. This phenomenon cannot be stopped by Nitroglycerin and lasts from several hours to 3-5 days.
    • Painful sensations can be different: pressing, sharp, bursting. The larger the surface of the damaged muscle layer of the heart, the stronger the pain.
    • The appearance of a feeling of extreme fear, excessive agitation - in some cases, on the contrary, shortness of breath and weakness occur.
    • Blood pressure levels rise rapidly and then drop sharply.
    • Arrhythmia and tachycardia are observed, which cannot be stopped with pills.
    • Cold sweat appears, the skin becomes pale.

    A distinctive sign of pre-heart attack in men is clear and easily distinguishable symptoms. The stronger sex is characterized by a classic variant of the development of this disease, in which severe chest pain predominates. Do not endure pain and discomfort - call an ambulance immediately.

    What to do if signs of a pre-heart attack appear?

    When the first signs of pre-infarction appear, immediate drug therapy is necessary. This will help not only save life, but also subsequently quickly restore the body to its normal state. Call an ambulance immediately if you have chest pain, and before it arrives, do the following:

    • sit on a chair, place pillows under the head;
    • get rid of tight clothes, unbutton your shirt and remove all accessories from your neck;
    • put Nitroglycerin under your tongue, renew the tablet every 5 minutes, but no more than 3 times;
    • dissolve an effervescent tablet of Aspirin and Plavix in a glass of water and drink the medicine - this will help thin the blood;
    • in the absence of an ambulance for a long time, the patient must be administered Baralgin or Analgin intramuscularly to reduce pain.

    You should not ignore the first signs of a pre-infarction condition - as soon as you experience any discomfort in your heart, you should immediately consult a doctor. You may be able to get rid of this phenomenon and prevent it from developing into a full-fledged heart attack. Also, the timeliness and completeness of drug therapy determines how completely the body can be restored.


    Myocardial infarction is an emergency condition that requires emergency medical intervention. To prevent the development of dangerous consequences, it is important to respond promptly when recognizing the first signs of an attack. To do this, everyone should know the symptoms of a pre-infarction condition.

    A heart attack causes cardiac arrest due to the fact that the coronary arteries lose their ability to supply blood to the myocardium. In the pre-infarction state, there is a narrowing of blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with the necessary substances. Blood supply deteriorates due to the presence of atherosclerotic plaques or blood clots. This condition can be caused by the following reasons:

    • body hypothermia;
    • past infectious disease;
    • heatstroke;
    • excessive physical activity;
    • strong passion for alcoholic drinks;
    • drug overdose;
    • smoking.

    The development of a heart attack is preceded by coronary heart disease.

    In this case, the patient experiences arterial hypertension, which is often combined with atherosclerotic processes. All these factors lead to vasoconstriction. When the diagnosis of IHD is confirmed, the patient is at risk and may experience a heart attack after a sharp increase in blood pressure, high physical exertion, or psycho-emotional shock.

    The pre-infarction state borders on advanced angina. In the absence of adequate treatment or the influence of provoking factors, the likelihood of developing a heart attack increases. In rare cases, spontaneous relief of the disease is observed, as a result of which the patient recovers.

    As an attack approaches, a person may experience severe pain near the heart, similar to symptoms of angina pectoris. Inaction in this situation aggravates the patient’s condition: the pain syndrome becomes unbearable, and attacks occur more often. This can lead to the death of part of the heart muscle.

    Pain during the pre-infarction state spreads to the limbs, subclavian region, and the right side of the chest. In this case, the patient may experience fear of death. Some develop unreasonable fear and anxiety, which worsens the manifestations of tachycardia. At the same time, the patient may feel nausea and experience attacks of suffocation. The pain decreases only after the patient takes cardiac medications and calms down.


    As for the clinic, angina is accompanied by paroxysmal pain in the chest, which can be of a pressing or squeezing nature. Sometimes they radiate to the shoulder on the left side, lower jaw, neck or under the shoulder blade. Such attacks often occur after increased physical activity, prolonged exposure to cold, strong emotional arousal, or eating.

    The duration of the discomfort ranges from 1 to 15 minutes. Taking Nitroglycerin tablets helps stop an attack. Some people manage to normalize their condition after reducing physical activity, when the body’s parameters are restored on their own.

    Medical experts identify atypical symptoms of a pre-infarction condition, which may indicate an approaching attack:

    • pain in the epigastric region;
    • weakness in the body, drowsiness;
    • sleep problems;
    • dizziness;
    • increased nervous excitability;
    • manifestations of cyanosis;
    • burning sensation in the area of ​​the substrate;
    • shortness of breath at rest.

    It is quite difficult for a person to lie down, and when sitting he has to rely on surrounding objects. The atypical form is most often diagnosed in elderly patients. Moreover, any symptoms require increased attention and adequate treatment.

    External signs

    To recognize a pre-infarction condition, it is necessary to analyze the patient’s well-being. If he has a panicky fear of death, dizziness and numbness of the limbs are observed, an ambulance should be called to the house. Other signs of a pre-infarction condition include:

    • cold sweat on the body;
    • pale complexion;
    • cyanosis of the skin;
    • impaired coordination of movements;
    • difficult breathing.

    If at least one of the listed signs appears, you should sound the alarm. Otherwise, the pre-infarction state may develop into a heart attack.

    How to recognize a pre-infarction condition and provide assistance?

    Until the medical team arrives, the patient can be given first aid at home, which consists of the following:

    • The first step is to ensure complete rest for the patient, remove him from suffocating objects, and let fresh air into the room.
    • In order to calm the patient, you can give him remedies such as Corvalol, tincture of valerian or motherwort.
    • It is very important to completely eliminate any physical activity.
    • You can alleviate the patient's condition with the help of Nitroglycerin. The tablet of the drug must be placed under the tongue and wait until it is completely dissolved.
    • The patient needs to measure the pressure, and then, based on its indicators, offer the appropriate medicine (to lower/increase blood pressure).

    If these actions do not allow you to cope with the symptoms of a pre-infarction state, then the only hope is the help of doctors.

    How long does the prodromal period last?

    The duration of the prodromal period can be several minutes or even days. It is characterized by increased anginal pain, a change in its location and intensity. During an ECG, dynamic changes may be observed indicating the presence of ischemia.

    The main distinctive features of the prodromal period include recurrent anginal pain, electrical destabilization of the myocardium, which is accompanied by disruption of the conduction system and disturbances in heart rhythm.


    If there is a suspicion of a pre-infarction condition, a specialist must decide what to do in this case. At the slightest disturbance in the functioning of the heart, the patient is recommended to have an electrocardiogram. Another diagnostic method is an echocardiogram. Thanks to this study, it is possible to detect tumor formations, scars, blood clots, existing defects and pathologies of the heart.

    You may also need to undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which evaluates the blood supply to the myocardium and detects ischemia. To get a detailed picture of the problem, contrast agents may be injected into the blood.

    Coronary angiography allows you to assess the condition of the coronary vessels. During the procedure, urographins are introduced into the patient's body. In this way, it is possible to determine where there is narrowing of blood vessels, and how this may further affect human health.

    Monitoring using the Holter method can study the work of the heart in detail. A special device records changes in the heart muscle throughout the day. The results are then analyzed using a computer program.


    Having understood what a pre-infarction condition is, it is still necessary to understand how to treat it. It should be aimed at relieving pain and preventing progression of the disease.

    It is worth noting that the treatment of a pre-infarction condition largely depends on the patient’s age, examination results, the presence of concomitant pathologies of the cardiovascular system, and the nature of changes in the electrocardiogram.

    Conservative therapy is used when the risk of heart attack is low. It is represented by the following medicinal groups:

    • Beta blockers. They reduce blood pressure and have an antiarrhythmic effect.
    • Antiplatelet agents. Help prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
    • Inhibitors. Normalize blood pressure, reduce vascular tone.
    • Anticoagulants. Improves blood properties and prevents the formation of blood clots.
    • Satins. Normalizes cholesterol levels.
    • Nitrates. They promote vasodilation, which increases blood supply to the myocardium.

    When drug therapy fails, doctors are forced to resort to invasive treatment strategies. The prognosis depends on compliance with the doctor's recommendations. At the same time, it is important to adhere to prevention, change your approach to nutrition and lifestyle.

    The pre-infarction state is a progressive angina pectoris at a late stage, which can soon develop into a myocardial infarction (if there is insufficient treatment, stress, other complications affect), or can disappear on its own and develop further. Symptoms - pressure and attacks of pain - often appear during the period of progression.

    Symptoms of pre-infarction condition

    This condition has a very pronounced pain syndrome - it is felt behind the sternum in the same way as with angina pectoris. But compared to the latter, attacks cannot be stopped with nitroglycerin, and their number increases. Sometimes more than thirty attacks can occur in one day, which gradually leads to necrosis of the heart muscle. The pain that appears during a pre-infarction condition radiates under the tongue, to the right side of the chest, under the collarbone, and into the arms. The patient becomes covered in cold sweat, becomes very excited and anxious, and is also afraid of death. Nitroglycerin can eliminate the pain, and sometimes it subsides a little only after taking several dozen tablets.

    How else is it proceeding??

    An atypical course of a pre-infarction condition is understood as weakness, irritability, severe dizziness, sleep disturbance, insomnia, but no pain syndrome is observed. A person experiences shortness of breath and cyanosis for no apparent reason, even in a calm state. A pre-infarction condition can be diagnosed only by performing an ECG: the patient experiences extrasystole, blockade, circulatory decompensation, and paroxysmal tachycardia. This picture is usually observed in people aged 75 to 90 years. Sometimes, before a heart attack, abdominal syndrome may occur, in which pain appears in the left side of the sternum, in the upper abdomen. A person begins to “burn” in the epigastric region, the pain can be aching, stabbing, cutting or burning, and begins to intensify during physical activity, walking, stress and anxiety. The pain becomes less severe when at rest or after a large dose of medication.

    Pre-infarction condition: symptoms and reasons for the appearance

    This condition can manifest itself due to stress, nervous tension and intense physical exertion, taking large doses of alcohol, medications, smoking, overheating, and so on. A pre-infarction state is not always provoked by high blood pressure, although in hypertensive patients there is a high probability of its occurrence.

    How long does this condition last?

    The duration is no more than three days, and sometimes reaches three weeks. The mortality rate from this condition could be much lower if it were diagnosed accurately and promptly. If the patient exhibits the listed symptoms, then he urgently needs to be hospitalized and given complete rest. Of course, such a condition can be considered the appearance of the very first attack of angina in a person, as well as spontaneous, unpredictable, situational, progressive or unstable angina.