Pisces zodiac sign child year of the dog. Complete general summary horoscope of Pisces

Planet Pisces

Neptune, the god of the deep sea, is considered the patron planet of Pisces. This planet symbolizes the area of ​​the unconscious, rules the kingdom of mysticism and illusions.

Those born under this sign are distinguished by high spirituality and generosity, they are sensitive to other people's pain and compassionate. But they are too carried away by their dreams and ideas about events as they think they should be.

To say that they look at the world through rose-colored glasses would not be too much of an exaggeration. Many Pisces immerse themselves in art and other forms of creativity, seeing it as a way to achieve balance, and in doing so they show a lot of talent.

Element Pisces

Pisces is associated with Water. They are able to feel a lot, but are just as often prone to making mistakes. Pisces are susceptible to outside influences and can make you cry if circumstances allow.

They are romantic and can endow their lovers with non-existent ideal traits. They are kind and sociable people, although discreetly shy. They are modest to the extreme. They like to live in their fictitious bright world.

Fish is a sign of limit and eternity, since this is the last, twelfth, sign of the zodiac and carries within itself a mixture of all other signs. This is another dual sign, its symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions, so such a person constantly suffers from conflicting desires.

These are selfless, spiritual people who are focused on their inner world. They attach great importance to their feelings.

Wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them have money, but most often when they inherit it.

Helping others is the basic instinct of Pisces. They rarely occupy positions of responsibility and rarely stay in one place. They don't seek power. Pisces are born tired, they do not have the energy to remove obstacles, to make daily efforts to overcome petty worries.

Pisces are very good-natured and calm and are rather indifferent to reality. They are characterized by carelessness about tomorrow. In life, Pisces are rarely successful. The reasons are that they prefer to work independently but despise hard work. In any endeavor, if you want to succeed, you deliberately expose yourself to difficulties. Pisces instinctively look for the easy way. They do not like to fight and overcome environmental resistance, so they follow the path of least resistance. They prefer to go with the flow rather than fight it. But Pisces has no shortage of talents. Among them there are many creative and artistic people.

They have good manners. They are lazy, kind and indifferent to other people's opinions. And in general, this sign is indifferent to many important things. Very little can make them act. Of course, Pisces have character. If angered, they can be sarcastic and mocking. But this irritation quickly passes.

Pisces are easiest to meet in the center of a company, surrounded by admirers. People are attracted to their charming manners and unobtrusive friendliness. Like Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces love alcohol. Many of them drink more than normal, so among Pisces there is a large percentage of alcoholics.

Fish prefers to live in his watery greenhouse world. Many people consider Pisces to be dreamers and mysterious people, and they are right: those born under the sign of Pisces feel comfortable in the world of fantasy.

When they are haunted by failures, instead of looking at the situation realistically and making the right decision, they try to hide deeper into their illusory illusions.

They have the gift of attracting people. They are receptive and often see people not as they are, but as they would like to see them. Their character defies any clear description. It is difficult to understand their strange plans and emotions.

The difficulty is that it is difficult for them to see reality, so they assess the situation incorrectly and distortedly. Pisces idealize the person they love and will put up with a lot because they do not see his negative sides.

There is very little that can set them off. However, this does not mean that they are not capable of indignation. Pisces cannot tolerate any criticism or hostility. They become prickly, sharply sarcastic, and irritable, although not for long.

Pisces have the ability to sense. They often see strange dreams, which, as a rule, come true. They have correct premonitions. Therefore, if Pisces says that you should not fly by plane or drive a car, believe them.

They make subtle observations. They have an excellent memory. They are stronger and wiser than they realize. So it is advisable to listen to their advice.

Typical Pisces never take care of themselves. They spend most of their energy helping family and friends.

Pisces have an internal resistance to disease. But they are tender and susceptible to all sorts of diseases that can strike them unexpectedly and seriously. Therefore, they take care of their health. Like Virgos, they take precautions in a timely manner and begin to look for symptoms of the disease at the first news of the flu. However, carefully studying medical journals and manuals, they often mislead themselves.

Since their metabolism is slow, they often walk around half asleep and eat little, which sometimes causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They don't have a very good liver and weak lungs. They are prone to colds and pneumonia. However, if necessary, Pisces can mobilize and overcome malaise.

Humor is one of Pisces' secret weapons. It can be either warm and harmless or cold and hard. They grin to hide their tears.

They often speak evasively for no particular reason. Those associated with them never know how they feel about him. Eventually you realize that they don't have much conviction. They are ready to listen to you with genuine attention, but in fact their mind is occupied with something completely different, most likely abstract dreams. But no one can feel this. Pisces love to hide their essence too much, playing to the public.

The main advantages of Pisces— their devotion and generosity. These people love to help others and know how to do it. It is these character traits that especially attract people.

Pisces men

He can be everything you want and everything you don't want. The sign of Pisces can be called the most difficult sign of the zodiac.

Pisces men find it difficult to concentrate on one thing. They tend to engage in several activities at once. For some, this is expressed in the fact that they work several jobs, and these jobs are in no way connected with each other.

However, this does not show weakness, but rather the dreaminess of Pisces. They are dreamers, and all their dreams are unrealistic. Pisces are torn between reality and unreality with their introspective nature. The wandering between the conscious and the dreamy-unconscious is associated with their intuitive, almost telepathic nature. This is why it is difficult to pin Pisces against the wall.

They have a vivid imagination. In doing so, they rely extremely heavily on intuition. Therefore, many consider Pisces to be dreamers and mysterious natures.

But when they get serious about making a living, their intuition combined with intelligence can bring both recognition and wealth. However, if a man has not achieved success by adulthood, then, frankly speaking, his future is not very promising.

Most of these men live what they consider to be quite tolerable lives. All they need is lazy daydreaming, a glass of wine and a loaf of bread. And they are quite happy. There is only one way out: to live easily with such a husband, you need to be a very rich heiress. Or work for two: for yourself and for him.

All Pisces men are great romantics. They are emotional and unstable. Any surprises are possible with them.

But if a Pisces man has found his path in life, this is a real find for a woman. He has a lot of possibilities. He can become a truly great man.

If you have attracted their attention, by any means allow Pisces to take control of the conversation. If you are unfamiliar with this topic, they will be happy to help you understand it. This is their favorite activity.

A Pisces man should relax around you. He is very sensitive and easily offended. But it is almost impossible to imagine him deeply offended, like, for example, Taurus.

However, he needs long periods of rest. His soul must at times remain alone in order to be freed from all troubles and find peace. Never scold your Pisces when they are silent. They just need moments like this.

The Pisces man's timidity comes from a painful understanding of his limited capabilities. Calm his vivid imagination and encourage him constantly.

Be very careful with his ever-changing emotions and, moreover, try to constantly influence him. Pisces rarely lose their temper, but it does happen. However, their anger quickly passes and life becomes peaceful again.

The Pisces man easily understands other people, he is difficult to fool, he sees right through you. However, he can fool you if he needs to, as he is good at hiding his feelings and thoughts.

He is not a supporter of marriage ties. Life together with such a man can be very happy or, conversely, very unhappy, depending on whether he manages to “ride” the crest of the wave or finds himself stranded. If he sees his chance, shows determination at the right moment and forgets his unrealistic dreams and dreams for a while, he will truly achieve great heights. Anyone who misses his wave can only blame himself.

You won't get any outbursts of jealousy from him. Even if he is jealous of you, he will be able to pretend that he doesn’t notice anything. But don't expect too much dedication. This is not his style. He is too receptive and easily influenced by others.

You will have to teach him to be frugal and careful with money. Pisces tend to take money lightly. They can easily spend their entire salary on some thing they like, and then live in debt.

Create a cozy nest for him, and you will be happy all your life. In order for Pisces to feel comfort in everyday life, special importance should be attached to the little things. Often they convince themselves that they are comfortable only because others like it. They may be driven by habit or empathy for loved ones.

Children will have a lot of fun with it. For them it will be a living book of fairy tales. They might even adore him. You will punish them, and he will listen to their problems and develop their minds.

His hopes and dreams must be met with understanding. He needs to be supported by a happy family life.

Pisces usually understand everyone except themselves. All his life he can search for his own “I”, moving by touch and stumbling, not knowing how to perceive his “I”. Pisces is led and controlled by the hidden side of life.

Pisces is a sign of relaxation. It may make you nervous and scared, but that's how it is. You can help him get ready.

Pisces woman

She has, of course, negative traits, but at first glance, she is the woman every man dreams of. It is ruled by Neptune, the planet of beauty and mystery. She is very feminine, sensual, receptive, with good intuition. It is femininity that hides all her shortcomings, and most often she is soft and dreamy.

She rarely tries to outshine a man, whether married to him or not. She has no desire to dominate him. However, this is a very dependent nature. She will become very attached to the person who will play the main role in her life, and will listen to all his troubles.

She believes that any man can change the world. And this confidence of hers is transferred to men, and they feel the way they would like.

The Pisces woman is a cozy, calm, quiet haven for a proud man. A simple conversation with her is enough, and the man instantly relaxes. But this is a mystery to others. No one can say with certainty what step she will take. Although she does not try to be a mystery to others, the lifestyle that the Pisces woman chooses is very individual. Walking along her path, she seems to say that it is the only possible one for her. It's hard to know which direction it's going. However, secretive and sometimes deceptive, this woman can be quite strong inside, while maintaining a defenseless and gentle appearance.

After marriage, she will demand a lot, sometimes she can be caustic and sarcastic. But still more often she will be gentle than scandalous. Never try to deceive her. She has an extraordinary gift of seeing right through you.

Pisces love to tease and use all the feminine charms to interest a man. This helps her feel more confident and aware of her attractiveness. She has an uncanny ability to surround herself with influential, necessary people. Because she looks and feels helpless, she draws strength from them.

She always looks somewhat thoughtful and detached. Experience had taught her that premonitions were often justified. Her moods often change. She falls in love too easily and is often indecisively torn between two men. At the same time, she is terribly sentimental.

Sometimes she becomes depressed. If her fears go far, she withdraws from everyone. At such moments, you should compliment her and support her with kind words. She constantly needs to be told that she is loved. She, in turn, will thank her partner with the devotion of her sensual soul.

The most difficult thing for her is to overcome her timidity and doubts. From time to time she covers her vulnerability with barbs and witticisms.

But this is just a veil.

Pisces make good loving wives. They have an amazing gift of making everyone around them happy. A good housewife, she loves children, although she is prone to spoiling them. She gives her whole heart to her children, but due to her lack of firmness, she is unable to establish discipline.

She is impractical and poorly versed in money matters. People with an inferiority complex are attracted to her because they need understanding and help.

Perhaps these are the most devoted and affectionate people of all the zodiac signs. You want to take them with you, soothe their pain, help them find themselves, take their hand, lead them out of the fog, but they rarely allow you to do this.

They cling to their suffering, which they mistake for reality.

Mutual compatibility


Aries is dominant, but this is exactly what Pisces wants. Nevertheless, this couple needs mutual tact. Pisces are very sensitive to criticism, and Aries is often too harsh. If they manage to smooth out these contradictions, the marriage can be successful.


Pisces needs special attention, which earthly Taurus cannot always show. Pisces can suffer if they are treated too prosaically. If these problems can be overcome, the marriage will be happy.


Gemini is too fickle, and Pisces is too sensitive. Gemini's carelessness will offend Pisces. Both of them are too self-centered to make efforts and adapt to each other. But a completely peaceful marriage is also possible.


Cancer takes on a leadership role and makes major decisions. Despite some quarrels, in general they satisfy each other's emotional needs and take care of each other's feelings. Excellent compatibility.


Neither of them focuses on the other. Sensitive Pisces begin to get on Leo’s nerves and thereby force him to look for entertainment on the side. Communication will be difficult, marriage will not bring satisfaction.


Pisces will not receive satisfaction from a reserved Virgo. Virgo rejects the excessive claims of Pisces and becomes overly critical and picky. Virgo makes plans, while Pisces acts under the influence of inspiration. The prospect of constant quarrels, a sad marriage.


Libra will not provide the leadership Pisces needs. Both love luxury, but neither wants to work to acquire it. The relationship will disappoint, the marriage will fail sooner or later.


The power of Scorpio comes to the aid of Pisces. Pisces will not initiate Scorpio's jealousy, and Scorpio's possessive instincts will be fully satisfied. Great connection, great marriage.


The sluggish behavior of Pisces causes boredom in the active Sagittarius, who is always looking for something new. Sagittarius will make fun of the sentimental torment of Pisces. The relationship is unsuccessful, the marriage is hopeless.


A strong, domineering Capricorn can give Pisces a sense of security. Pisces, in turn, introduces a romantic note into the deep, emotional life of Capricorn. They complement each other, without which there can be no harmonious marriage.


The individualism of Pisces has little in common with the sociable, open nature of Aquarius. An independent Aquarius will not waste his efforts to give Pisces firmness. Aquarius tries to solve problems logically, Pisces - expansively. Marriage has little prospects.


They are united by mutual sympathy and excellent understanding of each other. Sometimes they can be one of the best couples in the zodiac. But with mutual claims they will gradually destroy the original romanticism. A calm and happy marriage is doubtful.

Pisces of the first decade - features of the zodiac sign

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac cycle, and therefore its representatives, to a greater or lesser extent, share the traits of all signs of the zodiac. Hence the inconsistency and uncertainty of their characters. Most Pisces would rather go with the flow than fight the obstacles of a stormy river.

This life position is especially characteristic of Pisces in the first decade. These are people who are not able to solve life’s issues; they agree to let everything take its course, choosing the phrase “Come what may” as the motto of their lives.

The fate of a Pisces born in the first decade largely depends on who her parents and life partner are according to the horoscope. Pisces of the first decade should beware of people born under the sign of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), because these people will simply “beat” Pisces with their irrepressible temperament and disposition. Next to such a person, modest and indecisive Pisces feel insecure and lonely, because they do not feel support and understanding.

Pisces of the first decade - life stage up to 25 years

Children born in the first ten days of the sign are sweet, carefree creatures, although behind the external carefreeness lies real laziness. They will not fight in hysterics, begging their parents for another toy, being quite satisfied with the promise to buy it next time.

But this is by no means a manifestation of good manners and tact, as others may think, it is simply an unwillingness to fight, an unwillingness to invite conflict.

If a Pisces child is raised incorrectly, parents can end up with a real Oblomov, capable of lying on the sofa all his life. Little Pisces have a huge number of complexes, and if their parents do not come to the rescue in time, their life will become simply unbearable.

At school, Pisces born in the first decade have great difficulty finding friends; they are usually teased as a “crybaby” or “mumbler.”

Indeed, unable to make decisions on their own, even in adulthood they become “rags,” mother’s boys and daughters, holding on to their parents’ skirts until old age. This quality manifests itself throughout later life.

Having fallen in love for the first time, a representative of the Pisces sign, born in the first decade, will most likely miss the opportunity to be close to his loved one. Unable to steadfastly accept life's conflicts and fight for his beloved girl or boyfriend, he often becomes a victim of betrayal and deception.

It happens that, having graduated from school and college, having received a prestigious specialty, adult Pisces cannot get a job. Despite the enormous amount of knowledge that representatives of this decade possess, they do not know how to present themselves, as a result of which they are often considered primitive people.

Pisces of the first decade - life stage from 25 to 40 years

Even in childhood, their ambitious parents were upset when they saw that the child did not strive for any heights and was often indifferent to learning, although one cannot help but notice that Pisces are endowed with remarkable abilities.

It’s also difficult for them in the new team. Closed and too calm, Pisces often become typical “subordinates”, unable to refuse: they do all the hard work, which their colleagues often take advantage of.

It should be noted that representatives of this sign must learn to constantly control themselves, constantly work on their own image, otherwise they will never be able to take their place in society, choose the right, the only true path in life. Pisces born in the first decade, despite their outward calm and equanimity, are susceptible to stress and nervous diseases. This is primarily due to isolation and inability to express oneself.

Representatives of this category of Pisces are very self-critical of themselves; they are prone to self-criticism and self-criticism, which often leads them to nervous breakdowns due to the accumulation of emotions that were not released in time.

It’s hard not to notice that Pisces in the first decade are not concerned about the critical judgments of other people; they pass by these people without hurting them. But if Pisces, born in the first ten days of the cycle, believes other people’s reproaches, it is capable of bringing itself not only to a nervous breakdown, but also to death, like the official Chervyakov from the famous story by A.P. Chekhov “The Death of an Official.”

Pisces of the first decade - life stage from 40 to 60 years

The Pisces woman is charming, she enjoys great success with men. Representatives of this sign of the first decade are unusually feminine and charming, their attractiveness lies in a certain mystery, which distinguishes them from representatives of other zodiac signs. The main problem of Pisces women born in the first decade is frivolity and indecisiveness, which very often repels men. Men do not always understand the whims of the Pisces woman, sometimes regarding her behavior as affectation, affectation, and even duplicity. It is very important for these women to learn to manage their mood, their emotions.

As for Pisces men, they have a much more difficult time than women. As a rule, when choosing a life partner, a woman looks for masculinity, self-confidence and strength in him; she purely intuitively wants to lean on the strong shoulder of her chosen one. A man born under the sign of Pisces, and even in the first decade of this sign, is not able to give this to his soul mate. He is indecisive, modest, withdrawn, and makes decisions very difficult.

If, in childhood, parents were unable to develop in a Pisces boy the skills of firmness and strong will, such a man is doomed to loneliness.

Pisces of the first decade - the stage of life from 60 years and older

In old age, Pisces do not change at all, despite the assertion of psychologists that character and temperament can be adjusted and changed for the better. Pisces is probably the only sign that can refute this opinion. These people do not change their indecisive character with age, especially for Pisces born in the first decade.

Pisces men become grouchy and petty, while women become nervous and more irritable. Most likely, this is due to the never developed ability to communicate and express one’s emotions. They will never waste their precious time on empty chatter with neighbors about the news, gossip about the residents of the house and similar trifles; they would rather sit in front of the TV with a book or newspaper in their hands.

The most important years in the life of Pisces in the third decade

The critical years in the life of Pisces in the first decade are 15, 26, 41 and 59 years. At this time, the old system of values ​​that Pisces has been guided by until now is being broken down; they are once again thinking about the meaning of their own lives and trying to find their place in the world.

© E. Danilova

Decades of the zodiac sign Pisces

What are the principles of happiness for Pisces. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces. Characteristics of a person born under the sign of Pisces.

The secrets of Pisces happiness

Your sign is a double sign, and for this reason, one part of your being seeks variety and romance, while the other “half” likes a secluded and quiet lifestyle. This is expressed in a wide variety of life and a significant number of heartfelt hobbies, but sometimes in internal duality. Your heart will be broken more than once and healed more than once. You have a great desire to give and receive love. Perhaps in a romantic relationship you will not always be a devoted partner, and sometimes you are even able to arrange your affairs by acting secretly.

Perhaps you are not created for family life, and often “Pisces” choose a not very successful spouse. You need a husband or wife who can satisfy your need for understanding, for compassion - a strong, but at the same time gentle and understanding person. Such a partner is not always easy to find. A Cancer, Taurus or Scorpio spouse might be a good option.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

Symbol: two fish swimming towards each other

Ruling Planet: Neptune.

Characteristics of the sign: watery-changeable-negative.

Sign of the dreamer and poet, occultist.

Character: poetic and sensitive to psychic energies, subject to frequent mood swings, overly sensitive, impractical, secretive, good-natured, selfless, passive, escapist, compassionate and refined.

Positive qualities of Pisces: generosity and sensitivity, sophistication and attention to people, love of progress and kindness, love of nature and rich imagination.

Negative qualities of Pisces: a tendency to hesitation and doubt, absent-mindedness, carelessness, incomprehensibility of the motives of their actions for those around them, impracticality, and sometimes imbalance.

Your Pisces Personality

Pisces is the watermark par excellence. You are endowed with a rich imagination and artistic sophistication, and your love of beauty is your personal, inviolable property. Other traits of your character are dreaminess and inconsistency, fluidity and instability, characteristic of water.

You are compassionate and kind-hearted, and you are aware of the deep interconnectedness of everything that exists. However, sometimes this awareness takes on distorted forms, especially in the area of ​​morality and judgments about others - you are not always completely respectful of them. This also makes you restless and changeable, despite the fact that your sign is primarily a sign of intuitive perception. This is Neptune's legacy.

Your other planet, Jupiter, gives you a kind, gentle character. You easily agree to lend, it is difficult for you to refuse people, you sincerely care about them. Representatives of your sign often produce outstanding doctors, great healers and astrologers.

Your kindness and compassion often cause you to mistake the kindness and compassion of others for a deeper affection - and this leads to disappointment when the bitter truth is revealed to you. Then you may experience depression and a bitter feeling of self-pity, and you may even be able to succumb to temptation, taking the “easy” path of strong medications, alcohol, drugs and other perversions. You should learn to discover your inner strengths and wonderful abilities without succumbing to the well-known variability of your moods!

You have a special approach to the problem of money. You share everything you have, expecting the same from others; Sometimes you don't show respect for other people's property. Many counterfeiters and scammers were born under your sign. Try not to fall into this trap.

Pisces as a friend

You are a kind, understanding person; endowed with intuition and ready to modestly, without pride, help friends. Your friendship may have a certain airiness and ethereal quality, and yet you are a good friend, and your advice is often worth following. Try not to be overly idealistic, but to accept people for who they are without expecting too much from them. Your innate diplomacy saves you from awkward situations.

Pisces is like a father

You are gentle, calm and caring; when you are worried about your children, you are more likely to give in to despondency than anger.

You are usually a creative person yourself and therefore a great example for your children. You are also prone to condescension and forcing children to discipline seems to you to be very difficult, although sometimes necessary.

Pisces as a mother

You are almost certainly spoiling your children. You are so sensitive and emotional that when your baby cries, you are likely to start crying yourself. You should teach your children order and learn discipline yourself - be more careful and methodical. You never impose your hobbies on your children, but on the contrary, you tend to give in to their desires.

A look at the decades:

If you were born between February 19 and 28 (first decade), then you are ruled by two planets - Jupiter and Neptune.

Although this decade is a decade of strength, it also indicates constancy of purpose and stubbornness, which can sometimes harm you. You are able to stand up for your interests. Fortune favors you as you reach middle age. Your life is eventful and full of unexpected changes. You also have spiritual and psychic sensitivity.

If your birthday fell between March 1 and March 10 (second decade), then you are ruled by the Moon.

You have tremendous inner strength, but changeability is your middle name, especially if you are a woman. You are artistic, sensitive, can become a healer, good in the field of import-export. You take care of the home, but you lack stability and consistency. Be careful - avoid wine and drugs.

If you were born between March 11 and March 20 (third decade), then your ruler is Mars, which gives you considerable strength and practical spirit.

You seek knowledge and wisdom, but at the same time you are a dreamy fish. You have an unfortunate tendency to haste and irritability, and you should curb it - it is the cause of many of your failures. Your areas of interest are art, commercial enterprises, films, magazines, business.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between February 17th and 21st, your birth date was during the Aquarius/Pisces transition.

Undoubtedly gifted with a rich imagination, compassionate, although rather reserved, simple-minded, often inventive person. Its distinctive feature is its enormous potential. If other characteristics of the personal horoscope are favorable, the person will become a world-class artist, which is confirmed by the study and comparison of the horoscopes of many cinema stars.

Possible diseases of the knees, ankles, feet, in a weak form - allergies and asthma, circulatory diseases.

The most important events are associated with 16-17, 21-22, 60 and 61 years.

In a surprising way, opposites coexist in such a person. Aggressiveness, timidity, shyness, eloquence, enthusiasm, laziness, romanticism, as well as pragmatism - all this is inherent in them and, however, they do not know themselves. A harmonious combination of imaginative energies and real efforts will best help them.

The most important years are 3, 9, 12, 18, 21, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 79, 81.

A complete description of the Pisces zodiac sign: horoscopes, main characteristics and a detailed description of the personality. Constellation: Latin name – Pisces; formed by dim stars; is located at the point of the vernal equinox. Residents living in mid-latitudes can observe this constellation during the late summer or early autumn - early winter.

Details about Pisces

Meaning and description of the sign

  • Meaning: Pisces is a zodiac sign that symbolizes emotional variability, opposing character traits, and conflicting desires. The Pisces symbol is 2 fish heading in different directions.
  • Glyph is a schematic graphic image: two fish connected to each other. Astrologers interpret the image as the legs (feet) of a person (this part of the body is ruled by the sign of Pisces). This image combines emotions and knowledge, on which the world of matter imposes restrictions.
  • Element of the sign: Water, the last water sign.
  • Pisces ruling planet: Neptune.
  • Talismans for Pisces: shell and fish.
  • Stones for the Pisces zodiac sign: aquamarine, moonstone.
  • Colors: purple, sea green, turquoise, green, white, steel, violet, blue.
  • Metal: zinc.
  • Favorable days: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
  • Unfavorable days: Wednesday.
  • Lucky numbers and figures for Pisces: 6, 7, 11, as well as all numbers that are divisible by 7.
  • The main years in life for the sign of Pisces: 14, 24, 28, 42, 48, 56, 70, 72, 84.
  • The best combination according to the eastern horoscope with year of birth: Dog, Dragon, Rat, Horse.
  • Opposite Zodiac Sign: Virgo. People born under the sign of Pisces are always dreamy and live in their own imaginary world; they are aimed at searching for spiritual values. Virgos, on the contrary, are practical, hardworking, efficient, recognize only objective facts, and are not prone to fantasies.
  • Representation in the world of plants: apple tree, pear tree, apricot, plum, poppy, cotton, tea bush, tobacco, algae, coffee tree, willow, mushrooms, water lily, fig tree.
  • Representation in animals: snake, fish, horse, swan.
  • Countries and regions of the world that fall under the control of the Pisces zodiac sign: Portugal, North Africa, Colombia, Brazil, South Asia, Ceylon, Spain, Israel.
  • Cities falling under the control of the sign: Casablanca, Dublin, Seville, Lisbon.
  • Best climate for living: warm with high humidity.
  • Best place to live: no matter where, but always close to a body of water.
  • Danger for the zodiac sign Pisces: communication with people who do not control their emotions, alcohol, drugs, unforeseen difficult life situations.
  • Famous representatives of the sign: Albert Einstein, Sharon Stone, Frederic Chopin, Yuri Gagarin, Johann Strauss, Amerigo Vespucci, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Michel Montaigne, Victor Hugo, Valentina Tereshkova, Antonio Vivaldi, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Rosa Luxemburg, Liza Minnelli.

Key characteristics of the sign

This sign presents the world with the most spiritual and sensual representatives of the entire human race. Pisces are characterized by bright abilities in various areas of life. Due to their modesty, people do not always know about Pisces’ hobbies.

These people do not strive to show off their talents and achievements, they lack ambitions for a high status in life, which is why Pisces often remain unrecognized and underestimated.

In addition, Pisces do not need recognition of the people around them for their achievements; it is enough for them to know the level of talent themselves. Even close people do not always know everything about Pisces, this leads to misunderstandings and depression on the part of Pisces. Throughout their lives, it is very important for them to be supported and understood by their close circle. But at the same time, they do not want to defend and explain their position to anyone.

The fish lives by swimming with the flow. These people have no desire to earn fame and money, no incentives for material values. For Pisces, the absence of pressure from others and interference in their affairs is important. Having their own ideals, and comparing the real world and the fantasy world, Pisces often abuse alcohol.

Love relationships are also complex. Pisces are attractive to the opposite sex, have tenderness and sensitivity, but never keep their partner close to them. These people are wonderful lovers, ideal spouses in a union, excellent parents, but sometimes their dreams can force them to take the path of betrayal.

Pisces have humanism in their character; they strive to help the infirm, sick and weak people. They also have a good sense of humor and hide their depressive moods behind jokes.

Pisces of the first, second and third decades

First ten days (20.02-28 (29).02)

Pisces born in the first decade have a certain severity; they do not communicate their worries and fears to people around them, preferring to demonstrate irony and skepticism.

Among these people there are fashion designers, artists, designers with a good sense of taste. However, due to modesty and poor reception of criticism, they do not always engage in the creativity they love.

Pisces of the first decade are diligent and honest; they are ideal partners for bright personalities. Girls of the Pisces sign are good wives, gentle and sensitive, who are ready to unquestioningly obey their spouse.

Second decade (1.03 - 10.03)

The Moon rules the sign of Pisces in the second decade, which is why representatives of this period often change their mood, which shocks the people around them. In an instant, Pisces can change passion to coldness in a relationship.

People born in the second decade are recognized as passionate individuals who are ready to serve society. Social activities are one of the areas where shy Pisces can realize themselves 100%. They are excellent performers at work and are ready to calmly take on most of the work. Also, these people have a love for animals and their understanding.

Third decade (11.03 - 20.03)

Only Pisces born in the third decade, unlike other representatives of their sign, have the qualities of a fighter. They are characterized by such character traits as: determination, courage, observation, perseverance. These people are smart and talented with highly developed intuition, which they use on rare occasions.

Pisces of this period are prone to esotericism, occult sciences and alternative medicine. In love relationships, they are ideal partners, sensitive to their chosen one. But the world of illusions pushes them to make new acquaintances, which often leads to several marriages in life.


(20.02 – 20.03)

  • Influence: Jupiter, Neptune.
  • Symbol: two fish swimming in different directions, a shell, a wave.
  • Colors: lilac, purple, violet, sea green, blue, steel.
  • Stone: pearls, amethyst, sapphire, alexandrite, emerald, moonstone.
  • Flowers: daffodil, crocus, jasmine, violets, forget-me-nots.
  • Metal: zinc.
  • Mascot: daffodil, knot (monogram).
  • Happy day: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
  • Unlucky day: Wednesday.
  • Favorable numbers: 6, 7 (all numbers divisible by 7), 11, full magic - 3, 7, 9,12.

Pisces born from February 21 to March 1 are under the influence of Saturn - capricious natures with unrealistic dreams, loving women, loneliness and change.

Pisces born from 2 to 11 March are under the influence of Jupiter - loving glory and grandeur, sensitive and vain, honest and solemn.

Pisces born from 12 to 20 March are under the influence of Mars - sociable natures, cutesy, pretentious natures, sensual, helpful, loving collective entertainment.

Fish– a positive zodiac sign who loves peace and tranquility. Pisces by nature are practically defenseless, and therefore people born under this sign do not like to argue with anyone. They are afraid for themselves, for their work, for their family and friends, and all the time in panic. In fear of losing their values, Pisces often withdraw into themselves even more, this causes depression. But as soon as you remind them that it could be even worse, they immediately gain enthusiasm, see the ideal in everything in order to maintain their stable state in the future.

Pisces character

The character of a Pisces man can hardly be called persistent. He is not a softie, but he is not a born speaker either. Creative personalities, artists and artists are quite common among fish.

If Pisces learn to do their own thing, they will cope well with their career without even knowing about its foundation. They're just great at what they do.

Pisces Man, in general, is an excellent worker, but he becomes so only at the moment when he begins to feel comfortable, like a fish in water, so he is in his business.

The character of the Pisces woman is not simple, but very insightful. But she is not able to fight anything and swim against the current. She doesn't like criticism or instructions. All she needs is a cozy “pond”, her place, her wealth.

Pisces Woman, devotes himself entirely to his loved one, therefore he gives himself completely from a young age. He knows how to endure, appreciate, and most importantly protect relationships, which as a result can become their main vice.
There is little that can force the fish into action, but rest assured, if this happens, it means for them this is more important than our galaxy.

Pisces Career

Born with the desire to see the world through rose-colored glasses, most fish find themselves in simple professions that do not require special intellectual investments.

As a rule, fish are satisfied with what they have today. If they are not satisfied with today, they do everything to make tomorrow okay. And when this happens, their soul finds a state of indefinite happiness, in which they can remain for a long time, until someone disturbs their peace. Hence the opinion arises: People born under the sign of Pisces can become excellent teachers and sensitive doctors. But what is important for them will still not be a career advancement, but their old favorite office, since they do not like to change anything in their life.

Celebrities born under the sign of Pisces: George Washington, Sergei Rachmaninov, George Frideric Handel, Auguste Renoir, Michelangelo Buonarrti, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Victor Hugo, Gioachino Rossini, Sergei Diaghilev, John Steinbeck, Enrico Caruso, Elizabeth Taylor, Modest Mussorgsky, Gabriel (Coco) Chanel, Vaslav Nijinsky, Frederic Chopin, Marius Petipa, Albert Einstein, Maurice Ravel.

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