Causes of slow heart rate. Low heart rate: what to do at home? When to see a doctor for treatment


You will need

  • - honey;
  • - vodka;
  • - valerian root;
  • - knotweed;
  • - chamomile;
  • - motherwort;
  • - swamp cudweed;
  • - lemon balm;
  • - motherwort fruits;
  • - fennel fruits;
  • - caraway fruits.


To prepare the heart elixir, prepare two compositions that are combined in finished form. Take 500 grams of honey and 500 ml of vodka, mix and stir over low heat until milk foams on the surface of the mixture. Remove from heat and let sit.

To prepare the second composition, take 1 teaspoon each of valerian root, chamomile, knotweed, motherwort, cucumber, lemon balm and pour a liter of boiling water. Let sit in a warm place for an hour, then strain.

Think about what makes you nervous. Heart rate pulse achieves maximum results precisely at the moment before the onset of an event that a person fears or fears. If your goal is to change the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle, then simply create for yourself stressful situation. However, do not forget that it must be reliable enough for you to really start to get nervous, otherwise the body will guess that it is, and the response of an increase in heart rate will not follow.

Inflammation of the heart muscle can also lead to cardiomegaly. The most common of them is rheumatic carditis, which develops as a complication after suffering from tonsillitis or scarlet fever.

An increase in heart size may be caused by alcohol intoxication, overdose medicines. In addition, cardiomegaly may develop after acute pericarditis. This disease causes fluid to accumulate in the pericardium, which increases the size of the heart muscle.

Intense physical activity requires more active work, as a result, the heart muscles increase, the so-called “athlete’s heart” develops.

Diagnosis and symptoms

Symptoms of cardiomegaly are not specific. The main manifestations are pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, fatigue, peripheral edema. An enlarged heart may be completely asymptomatic over a long period of time, so cardiomegaly is often discovered by chance.

The doctor may suspect it if characteristic noises and certain signs are detected on the ECG. The change in heart size is clearly visible, but heart ultrasound provides the most complete information.

Prevention and treatment of cardiomegaly

Since cardiomegaly is a symptom of various diseases, it comes down to treating the underlying disease. If possible, risk factors that provoke an increase in arterial blood pressure are excluded, it is necessary complete failure from alcohol and smoking, compliance with reduced content fats, moderate physical activity is required.

Modern means to reduce pressure, they improve blood flow to the heart muscle and help the heart return to its original size. For advanced hypertension, drugs from the group are prescribed ACE inhibitors- they reduce and optimize cardiac activity.

For carditis, long-term complex treatment, antibacterial therapy, very important - hardening to strengthen the immune system.

Correct and timely treatment may reduce the risk of such serious complications such as angina or myocardial infarction. If drug therapy turns out to be ineffective, use surgical intervention- ventricular myotomy.


  • Enlarged heart treatment

This phenomenon can occur in almost any person due to some kind of problem, or it can be a peculiar response of the body to changes in the parameters of the environment in which the person is located. Below we will consider in more detail what factors can lead to this condition, as well as what symptoms it is accompanied by.

Factors influencing the occurrence of pathology

Heart - main body in our body, it ensures the flow of blood through blood vessels through rhythmic contractions. Any disturbances in its operation can lead to a deterioration in the well-being of an adult or child.

The work of the heart can be assessed by palpating. The normal rate of heart rate is from 60 to 100 beats/minute. If it exceeds the last value, this may indicate tachycardia. If it is below the first value, it indicates bradycardia.

The number of heartbeats may also change due to age. For example, a newly born baby’s pulse is 130-140 beats/minute, and an elderly person’s pulse is 55-65 beats/minute.

The term "low heart rate" only applies if the heart rate is below 55 beats per minute.

All factors that can lead to this condition can be divided into three groups:

  1. Physiological
  2. Other factors

The first group includes hypothermia. This is a state of the body in which the body temperature does not exceed 35 degrees. It occurs most often due to long stay outdoors in cold weather, especially windy or rainy. And it is also quite possible for such a state to occur when immersed in cold water or after using medications to treat high blood pressure. In addition, the first group includes hereditary factor, which is associated with a characteristic of the organism.

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Bradycardia in athletes is considered normal condition, because the heart adapts to high loads, and in calm state it works as economically as possible, which leads to low rates heartbeats.

Other factors include smoking, uremia, some infectious diseases, phosphorus poisoning.

If the cause of the low pulse has not been clarified, then idiopathic bradycardia is diagnosed.

The cause of this condition can only be determined good specialist. He will prescribe a series of examinations and only based on their results will he make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Signs of pathology

If the pulse is slightly reduced, then this condition is almost always asymptomatic. A decrease in heart rate to 50 beats per minute can affect a person’s well-being, and the following symptoms occur:

  • dizziness
  • weakness
  • drowsiness
  • irritability

If the pulse drops even lower, then other symptoms occur:

  • chest pain
  • dyspnea
  • possible fainting

A further decrease in value is extremely dangerous for human health.

If the decrease in heart rate occurs due to heart disease, then other signs appear:

  • fast fatiguability
  • swelling of the arms or legs
  • sweating
  • drowsiness

Do not ignore all of the above symptoms. At the first signs, it is recommended to immediately consult a specialist.

What danger does this condition pose?

This condition is extremely dangerous, especially for older people, because due to this pathology, internal organs are also damaged, which in the future can cause disruptions in their functioning. This condition may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, nausea and dizziness.

If the attack occurs suddenly, it is necessary to call as soon as possible ambulance. The most dangerous thing is that in the absence medical care the patient's heart may stop. To avoid such consequences, you should constantly monitor your pulse.

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First aid

It is very important not to panic at this moment. If you have experienced such situations before, then immediately take the medicine that was prescribed by your doctor just for this case. Self-prescribing medications is fraught with dire consequences.

The following drinks are very good for raising your heart rate:

  • coffee
  • various energy drinks
  • hard-brewed tea

Mustard plaster, which should be placed on the chest, helps to normalize the pulse perfectly.

All of the above measures can be taken if such a phenomenon was not associated with heart disease.

When should you contact a specialist?

You cannot independently determine the cause of this phenomenon, so you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Only he, based on the results of examinations, will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. The effectiveness of therapy will directly depend on the timing of contacting a specialist.

The sooner you see a doctor, the higher your chance of preventing further changes in cardiac activity, as well as detecting problems in other organs.


Who should you contact in such a situation? At the first signs of pathology, it is recommended to go to a cardiologist. After collecting anamnesis, he will prescribe a series of examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the heart
  • general
  • coronary angiography of the heart vessels

Based on the results of these examinations, the doctor prescribes treatment. There are cases when, after diagnosing the heart, no abnormalities in the functioning of the organ were identified, then the patient is referred to other doctors who can find out the cause of this pathology.


If your heart rate drops infrequently, it can be attributed to fatigue. It's another matter if such a phenomenon occurs constantly. In this case, you definitely need to visit a cardiologist, he will be able to choose pharmaceuticals so that this problem does not bother you in the future.

The problem of low heart rate is perceived by very few people as a problem. This is easy to explain, because a healthy person practically does not feel his own pulse and does not feel discomfort from the heart rate (HR).

But it happens that against the background of a low heart rate, associated symptoms, clearly indicating hemodynamic (circulatory) disorders. In some patients, this is accompanied by a feeling of “cardiac arrest” and unaccountable fear, so it is impossible to ignore such circumstances.

It is recommended to measure heart rate, as well as blood pressure (BP), at rest. This is the state when influence external influences on the body is minimal, therefore the measured parameters are considered the most informative. What does a low heart rate at rest mean?

The situation when the pulse is low, on the tongue medical specialists called bradycardia. It is customary to speak of its presence if the heart rate does not reach 60 beats per minute. But under certain conditions, a rare pulse can be a variant of the norm, even if it deviates from it by 15 beats per minute.

Causes of weak heartbeat

Before you do anything to strengthen a weak heartbeat, you need to make sure that the actions you are taking are appropriate and safe. And this is determined by the causes of low pulse, which can be physiological and pathological.

In an elderly person

Natural aging of the heart muscle - the myocardium - is often the main or only cause of low heart rate in an elderly person. Sinus node of the heart (main driver heart rate) less intensively generates the impulses necessary for the rhythmic compression and relaxation of the atria and ventricles. This is why a low heart rate in an elderly person is in most cases natural, or physiological symptom, not requiring special treatment.

But if accompanied by obvious signs of circulatory disorders - dizziness, confusion, impaired respiratory function etc., and the heartbeat is very low, what to do in this case? To prevent such catastrophic consequences of a low heart rate, such as, for example, sudden stop heart disease, doctors offer many elderly patients two options:

  • conservative drug therapy;
  • V severe casessurgery in the form of setting up an artificial pacemaker, an electrical pacemaker (ECS).

The indication for pacemaker installation in older people is not only a low heart rate, but also progressive dysfunction of cardio-vascular system.

Why athletes?

If everything is clear with the aging heart, then why is low heart rate observed in athletes, because their heart needs more quantity oxygen?

In fact exactly high need myocardium in oxygen in athletes leads to gradual morphological changes in the heart muscle - it begins to grow and become covered with an expanded network of blood vessels.

Due to the enlargement of the myocardium, the volume increases cardiac output, the heart begins to work more slowly, but much more efficiently than in untrained people.

Therefore, at rest, many athletes have a heart rate that does not exceed 40 beats per minute. However, when moving, during training and competitions, the heart rate reflexively accelerates. Such beneficial physical activity as running at a low heart rate, which is difficult for amateurs, is not a problem for athletes.

Among women

There are various reasons for low heart rate in women. Besides cardiovascular pathologies it can be:

  • panic attacks, neuroses, often creating a situation known to doctors called "tahi-bradi";
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause;
  • various organic and systemic diseases in women, including endocrine ( diabetes, hypothyroidism);
  • acute and chronic (occupation-related) poisoning.

Many women with a low heart rate risk “treatment,” which for the most part are contraindicated for bradycardia.

No medicines for low heart rate It is not recommended to drink without prior consultation with a doctor. This may lead to the development severe forms, heart failure and other undesirable consequences.

Pulse detection locations

In men

The list of causes of low heart rate in men is also impressive, covering both physiological and pathological factors. For men engaged in heavy physical labor, the same explanation for bradycardia is relevant as for athletes. In contrast, people with poor training and in a sedentary manner life may have serious disruptions:

  • cardiac conductivity;
  • weakness sinus node;
  • increased activity of the vagus nerve (vagotonia) and other reasons that cause the heart to work at half capacity.

Reason sharp decline A man's pulse (and, as a rule, blood pressure) can be measured even by a tightly tied tie.

To clarify the causes of low pulse, especially if it creates situations that are dangerous to the health and life of a man - dizziness, darkening of the eyes, severe weakness and so on. – You should see a doctor and get examined.

The child has

Low heart rate in a child, the phenomenon is rather exceptional than frequent, and behind it may be:

  • congenital cardiac disorders;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • electrolyte disturbances;
  • exorbitantly fast growth body - especially in teenage children.

When determining a child’s heart rate, it should be remembered that the norm for this age group significantly different from an adult. A low heart rate for newborns is considered to be a heart rate of less than 120 beats per minute, for preschoolers - less than 100, for adolescents - less than 70.

At normal pressure

Significant deviations of the pulse from the norm when normal pressure usually talk about physiological bradycardia that occurs in physically active people in a state of rest, for example, sleep at night.

Morning exercises and a hearty breakfast, as a rule, are enough to bring your heart rate back to normal. But if there are pathological reasons behind the low pulse, the first thing you need to do is go to see a doctor.

Against the background of high blood pressure (BP), a low pulse poses a rather difficult task for a doctor to solve. The most common causes of low heart rate are antihypertensive (pressure-lowering) medications, additional effect which is a decrease in heart rate. But there may be not only medications, but also organic reasons development of such a symptom complex - from weakness of the sinus node to endocrine diseases. This can only be determined after a thorough diagnosis.

What to do if your pulse is low and blood pressure is low, you should also ask your doctor. This is a classic clinical picture and bradycardia. Therefore, the treatment regimen usually includes drugs containing caffeine and other substances that promote the activation of the sympathetic system. nervous system. These tools can be used for both quick removal attack and for long-term therapy.

How to treat a heart rate indicator like 55 beats per minute, is it normal or bad? It was already mentioned above that in trained people, a low resting heart rate is a variant of the norm. For this group, 55 beats per minute is quite normal pulse outside of physical activity. If the heartbeat does not respond well to physical activity (the heart rate almost does not accelerate), you should look for the cause of the low pulse in a medical facility.

Why are rare heartbeats dangerous?

The list of its dangers shows how dangerous a person’s low heart rate is: pathological reasons And possible consequences for the heart and other organs. Here is a partial list dangerous conditions, manifested by low pulse:

  • severe organic, endocrine or infectious diseases;
  • weakness of the sinus node;
  • blockade of cardiac conduction nodes;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle and adjacent membranes (for example, the pericardium).

Not to mention how dangerous the symptoms associated with impaired blood supply to the brain are - dizziness, loss of consciousness and impaired respiratory function that occur with a low pulse.

Detection of a low pulse does not always indicate the presence of pathology. The symptoms listed above, which indicate a circulatory disorder, allow one to suspect danger. What to do if, with a pulse of 50 beats per minute, a person feels weak, absent-minded, and wants to rest?

And in fact, you should rest in horizontal position without a pillow with legs raised above head level. Then drink coffee, or even better, have a hearty snack. The reason to call an ambulance should be a too low pulse (below 40 beats) and fainting person.

If the pulse drops below the critical level (40 beats/min), you should immediately call a doctor. You can urgently do something to alleviate a person’s condition at home using the same method:

  • laying in a horizontal position;
  • raising your legs above head level;
  • or sitting on a chair with your head tilted to your knees.

In addition, you should unfasten all tight fasteners on clothing, especially in the neck area, where even a tight collar or scarf could cause stress. nervus vagus. These measures for low heart rate are quick, but short-lived, so the question of further treatment should be discussed with your doctor.

Does it require treatment?

The question of whether a low pulse requires treatment should also be considered from the perspective of the hemodynamic significance of the symptoms. Simply put, do obvious signs of circulatory disorders appear with a low pulse:

  • dizziness;
  • confusion or frequent loss of consciousness;
  • chronic fatigue, weakness;
  • difficulty breathing.

Sometimes another low heart rate may be added dangerous symptom– or heaviness in the chest. This may be a sign of cardiac (heart) causes of the condition and without a doubt requires a visit to the doctor.

How to treat at home?

Let's find out what else you can do at home to stabilize your heart rate. Home treatment methods should also be discussed with a specialist in advance.

You never know what methods are personally contraindicated for you, then instead of getting rid of the problem of low heart rate you can get dangerous complications and new diagnoses. Only after making sure that the process is under control can you use pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies approved by a doctor.

But treatment at home will most likely begin with global changes in lifestyle. After all, doctors see the main cause of low heart rate in poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, rare stay on fresh air, inadequate sleep and bad habits. All this will have to be adjusted in accordance with medical recommendations, otherwise there is no point in starting treatment.

What to take?

The safest thing you can take when your heart rate is low is all kinds of decoctions medicinal plants, which have the property of accelerating heart rate. These include immortelle, yarrow, tartar, Chinese lemongrass, and Leuzea. Herbs are for long-term treatment for 10 or more days. For quick effect if your heart rate is low, you can take pharmaceutical alcohol tinctures, which should be added to tea 10 drops or drunk separately 10-15 drops per dose, keeping the medicine in the mouth. Drops have contraindications, for example, arterial hypertension Therefore, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure while taking them.

What medications should I take?

When consulting with your doctor, you should definitely find out what medications you can take when your heart rate is low. It is dangerous to take any medications that increase your heart rate without a doctor’s prescription, because if used incorrectly, they can provoke the development of arrhythmia or heart failure.

Do not forget that the groups of medications for low heart rate should differ depending on the main pathologies - for hypertension or, for hypotension, anticholinergics, adrenaline analogues and other drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Useful video

For useful information about a person's pulse, watch the following video:


  1. A low pulse in a calm state can indicate radically opposite health conditions - from high fitness of the body to weakness of the sinus node and other cardiac and organic problems.
  2. Causes of weak heartbeat include: age-related changes heart muscle, physically active image life, infections and diseases of internal organs, psychoneurotic conditions.
  3. Selection proper treatment directly depends on the causes of low heart rate, so they should be determined through careful diagnosis.

Heart is the most important internal organ person. Every day it pumps about 8 thousand liters of blood, making more than 100 thousand contractions. The heart rate may fluctuate depending on the condition: during sleep it slows down slightly, and when physical activity, emotional outbursts or after a heavy meal becomes more frequent. On average, the heart healthy person beats at a frequency of 60-80 beats per minute.

Human life and health depend on the coordinated and uninterrupted functioning of the heart. Insufficient supply of body tissues with oxygen and useful substances can lead to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs.

Signs of a weak heartbeat

A heartbeat is one beat of the heart, i.e. the compression and expulsion of blood. Palpitations are not a specific symptom or a syndrome of any disease identified by objective research methods, it is the feeling of your heart beating. When complaining about palpitations, each person refers to various changes in the heart rhythm.

A weak heartbeat is considered to be a pulse less than 50 beats per minute. A decrease in heart rate leads to disruption normal operation throughout the body, a person experiences weakness and quickly gets tired and may lose consciousness, increased sweating and weight gain may be observed.

Causes of weak heartbeat

There can be many reasons for a weak heartbeat. It must be remembered that in this way the cardiovascular system can respond to numerous disorders in the body. These include neuroses and diseases of the endocrine or digestive system, and increased potassium levels in the blood, and psychological stress. For diseases thyroid gland may indicate a weak pulse, accompanied by fatigue, constipation, hair loss, and weight gain.

Taking some medicines, for example, beta blockers or hormonal drugs can also cause the heart to slow down. It is possible that a weak heartbeat may indicate a malfunction of the cardiovascular system - heart failure. In such cases, the pulse becomes frequent and weak.

A weak heartbeat may occur in people with low blood pressure who suffer from. In this case, the heart beats at a frequency of no more than 40-50 beats per minute. For bradycardia long time A person may not notice a weak heartbeat until other, more severe symptoms appear. Bradycardia requires mandatory drug treatment.

At various degrees heart block, the heartbeat becomes especially weak. This is due to the fact that the impulse cannot pass through certain areas of the heart muscle, which threatens complete cardiac arrest. Similar manifestations may be a consequence inflammatory process heart muscle or various diseases. During the blockade, decreased performance and fainting may occur due to a lack of sufficient oxygen to all organs.

A weak heartbeat may be associated with large blood loss, dehydration, or an overdose of certain drugs. Also, a weak heartbeat may also depend on physiological reasons: for example, during sleep, when staying in a cold room for a long time, when climatic conditions change.

In cases where a weak heartbeat is not associated with physiological reasons, only a cardiologist can make a correct diagnosis based on various examinations.


Seeing a doctor is necessary if a weak heartbeat is accompanied by other worrying symptoms: dizziness, fainting, weakness, increased sweating, weight gain.

First of all, when contacting a cardiologist, they carry out diagnostic procedures: ECG, X-ray, echocardiography, etc. The most correct information allows you to get daily monitoring ECG, which is used to detect disturbances in the rhythm and conduction of the heart, to determine the causes of decreased heart rate and surges in blood pressure, and partly to record silent myocardial ischemia. If necessary, after examination by a doctor, they may be prescribed lab tests, consultations with other specialists.

Any abnormal heartbeat, including weak heartbeat, is a reason to consult a doctor. There is probably no need to convince people of the seriousness of heart disease. Without consulting a doctor, taking any measures if your heartbeat is weak can be dangerous to your health.

Medicines should be prescribed by a cardiologist after examination and diagnostic studies. They are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body.

The normal heart rate can range from sixty to hundreds per minute, with most people without health problems having a heart rate between 65 and 100 beats per minute. However, depending on some reasons, the heart rate may change. For example, for some time after persistent, intense training in gym The pulse will most likely be one and a half to two times higher than normal. A slow pulse can sometimes also have causes unrelated to any disease. In general, in a calm position, people who are constantly engaged in physical training have a heart that beats somewhat less frequently than those who are not trained.

Do you have a low pulse? This may not always be a sign of any disease. It is possible that some time before your heart rate dropped, you took medications that affected the number of times your heart beats per minute. For example, if you take digitalis to treat cardiac arrhythmia, or a beta blocker to treat hypertension, migraines, or angina pectoris, then your slow pulse could well be a consequence of taking such drugs. However, there are other reasons for this phenomenon.

If you have a rare pulse (below 60), and at the same time you are not a supporter healthy image life and related physical training, but are not taking medications that could reduce your heart rate, then this is probably due to the fact that your thyroid works poorly. If you are constantly tired, sometimes suffer from constipation, your hair gradually falls out or becomes coarser, and you feel cold when those around you do not feel it, then, together with a decrease in heart rate, this may directly indicate that not everything is fine with your thyroid gland.

A very slow pulse (less than fifty-five beats per minute) caused by heart block or sinus node disease is medically called bradycardia. The diagnosis of bradycardia can be made by a doctor who examines your electrocardiogram. If you are suffering from fatigue, frequent dizziness, arterial pressure“jumps”, constantly remaining unstable, and all this is accompanied by a rare pulse, then consult a doctor. Treatment methods can be either therapeutic or surgical, depending on the cause of the disease.

If a slow pulse is caused by problems at work muscle fibers, which in cardiac mechanism transmit various impulses, the consequences of this can be very dangerous. A very low pulse in this case may result, which in some cases may cause fatal outcome.

It often happens that a person, having measured his heart rate, discovers that his pulse is weak. Many people experience, if not panic, then serious concern: “What’s wrong with my heart? Why doesn’t it beat at full strength?” Many, having discovered such a “symptom”, run to the doctor. However, if a weak pulse is not accompanied by any other signs of a possible illness, then no doctor will pay attention to it. Only together with others, weakened heartbeats can tell about any disease. However, if your pulse is slow (less than fifty beats per minute), and even weak, then go to the doctor. It often happens that the sensations by which you determined the weakening of your heartbeats are the result of, for example, you measured the pulse in the wrong place. Or your hands were cold when you tried to measure it. Also, determining the number of heart beats per minute is often difficult in obese people, who find it difficult to record them through a layer of fat.

All those reasons that disrupt the required blood volume and proper blood flow can lead to such a consequence as weakening of heartbeats. If you had dizziness, shortness of breath, even before the weak pulse appeared, increased secretion sweat, states close to fainting, then all this indicates disturbances in blood flow or the required volume of blood in the body (anemia). Losing a significant amount of blood or dehydration reduces the heart rate.

A weak pulse is often observed in acute heart failure. The heart, if affected by any infection, is weakened certain disease, cannot pump the required amount of blood. And so some of the blood returns back to the heart and lungs. In this case, the pulse is weak but frequent.