Which nuts are most beneficial for men of different ages. How to consume nuts: norms and standards. Hazelnuts for potency

Hello, dear friends, you are on the site site. Enjoy reading! Nuts contain a high content of vitamins, minerals, vegetable protein, and fiber. Therefore, they are very useful for the human body, especially for men. Indeed, thanks to their nutritional composition, they are used to eliminate problems with potency.

Walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios are the healthiest nuts for men

1. Walnut .
This product has enormous beneficial properties. It is rich in zinc, which is necessary for the development of the male sex hormone. Walnuts also contain other minerals and vitamins essential for improving potency. For example, magnesium helps dilate blood vessels; potassium – removes excess fluid from the body, as well as phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamins A, B, C, E.

2. Almonds.
It is rich in potassium, sulfur, chlorine. These elements are necessary to maintain men's health. This food product also contains the substance arginine, which improves blood circulation and helps relax blood vessels, thereby enhancing male sexuality. In addition to all this, almonds are an excellent tonic for the whole body.

3. Pine nuts.
Due to the high content of proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids, pine nuts perfectly increase a man’s potency and generally strengthen the immune system.

Vitamins E and B have a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system. To prevent impotence and cardiovascular diseases, men are advised to include it in their daily healthy diet.

4. Hazelnuts.
When wondering what the healthiest nuts are for men, don’t forget about the famous hazelnut – hazelnut. Due to the huge content of useful substances, it helps not only to enhance male strength, but also promotes the removal of kidney stones, the treatment of rheumatism, and helps in the treatment of heart diseases. Also, daily consumption of hazelnuts strengthens and increases the protective properties of the entire body.

5. Pistachios.
Pistachios have an excellent effect on men's health, as they contain four of the most beneficial substances for the male body. This is folic acid, which helps improve sperm quality; unsaturated fats that reduce cholesterol; arginine, which prevents heart disease and zinc, which improves potency.

These are the healthiest nuts for men. Eating these nuts daily will perfectly improve men's health!

Nuts are champions in the content of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, essential oils, and fiber. This product helps the cardiovascular, nervous systems, and thyroid gland function properly, and due to antioxidants it improves mood. In addition to being used for a general strengthening effect on the body, nuts are used for potency: let's look at useful recipes that will help men stay at their best.

What is potency

In a broad sense, sexual potency is the ability to have a sexual life. In a narrow sense, the concept defines a man’s abilities in the sexual sphere, his health and is characterized by the tension of the penis, the speed of erection, and the duration of sexual intercourse. You cannot equate potency with the presence of desire, the frequency of acts, their rhythm - this does not relate to the concept and is very individual. The term does not apply to the female half. Many factors influence men's sexual health:

  • lifestyle + bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • proper nutrition;
  • taking anabolic steroids;
  • trauma (including psychological);
  • serious heart disease, diabetes, obesity, oncology.

What nuts are the healthiest for men?

To maintain/improve health, men are recommended to consume nuts for potency every day. This raises the question: which of them are good for men and do they have the same beneficial effects? All types and varieties of nuts are an excellent option for a snack, nourishing the body with saturated and unsaturated fats and amino acids. Walnuts, cashews, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts, cola, pine nuts - that's what everyone can eat. The composition of the presented species includes zinc, calcium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B, C, K, E.

Which nuts are best for potency?

Despite the undeniable benefits of all varieties of the presented product, different types have different effects from each other. So, the healthiest nuts for men are walnuts, nutmeg, peanuts, pine nuts, and almonds. They are used in prevention and the fight for normal potency. They can be eaten raw, fried, dried, and there are also many delicious, “blow” recipes.

Walnuts with honey

In the ranking of which nuts are good for men, the walnut variety takes first place. The fruit, familiar to everyone, has long been used to treat and eliminate various male ailments. Honey with walnuts for men is the most popular remedy for potency. A natural tasty mix due to the presence of protein, sulfur, arginine, vitamin A, PP, folic acid contributes to the normal production of sex hormones.

To prepare such a mixture you need 3 cups of peeled crushed fruits, 1 cup of fresh flower honey, but you can use any other honey. The ingredients are mixed and allowed to brew. It is not recommended to use metal utensils, but a glass container is what you need. It is important to take 2 tablespoons in the morning and evening. Consume regularly, exclude alcohol, so that nuts for potency lead to the desired effect.

Peanuts with honey

Another great product for erectile dysfunction is peanuts. By eating these nuts, you can avoid problems with potency, infertility and prostate diseases. Like walnuts for potency, peanuts are rich in vitamins and minerals that regulate hormonal balance, improve testosterone production, increase sperm activity and sperm quality in general.

Use a fresh product without skin, which can cause allergies. In addition, to improve the effect, add sweetness to your diet: honey and nuts have good results for men. Here is one of the simplest but most effective recipes to prepare a “killer” mixture:

  1. Take 100 grams of peanuts.
  2. Peel, chop.
  3. Add a large spoonful of honey and stir.
  4. Take nuts for potency 1 teaspoon before bedtime for a month.

Pine nuts

Cleansing the blood of cholesterol, strengthening blood vessels, active hematopoiesis, improving the health of the whole body, increasing immunity - all this affects the male reproductive system and is important for maintaining an erection. This is what pine nuts are good for. Eat raw no more than 50 grams per day (daily norm), and for prevention, 1 tablespoon per day (up to 10 pieces) is enough. Nut can be added to seafood, meat, salads, desserts. Tasty and healthy!


Studies show that just 30 grams of almonds per week and you will feel the results. What are the benefits of almonds for men? A large amount of arginine in the composition, which dilates and relaxes blood vessels, improves blood circulation, enhances sperm production, and promotes normal potency. This is a natural stimulant. In this case, an important condition for a noticeable result is to eat nuts 20 minutes before meals. In addition, almonds are recommended as a sedative, which will improve sleep and calm the nerves.


Your reproductive system will thank you after you add nutmeg to your diet. The presence of pectin, starch, copper, magnesium, sulfur, iodine helps improve potency, the cause of deterioration of which is:

  • overstrain (physical / emotional), constant stress;
  • fatigue and anxiety;
  • mood swings.

A natural aphrodisiac is added to jams, compotes, pastries. They cannot do without it when preparing meat, fish, and vegetable dishes (first and second). The rich spicy-sweet aroma excites and increases sexual desire, and the vitamin mixture in the composition has a beneficial effect on men's health, improving potency, protecting against serious diseases of the heart, veins, and nervous system.

Video: benefits of nuts for men

Nuts are a very valuable product in the diet of a man who wants to forget about erection problems. But which nuts are good for potency?

The complex of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, carbohydrates and amino acids makes nuts a good means of preventing and treating erectile dysfunction.

Without exception, all fruits are beneficial for men, but some of them are more effective than others.

How do nuts affect potency?

It is a recognized aphrodisiac.

The composition of all fruits is approximately the same, which also determines the stimulating effect on men.

Main useful components and their effect on potency:

  1. Proteins are represented by amino acids - cystine, alanine, glutamic acid, tryptophan. From these amino acids, hormones are synthesized, such as testosterone, neurotransmitters - serotonin, that is, those substances that regulate the processes of erection, ejaculation and the feeling of orgasm. With a sufficient supply of amino acids in the body, cellular and synaptic processes will function much better.
  2. Polyunsaturated fatty acids – linoleic, palmitic, steoric, linolenic. From these substances, steroid sex hormones are synthesized, that is, the entire fraction of testosterone. An increase in the male hormone in the blood has a positive effect on male strength.
  3. Microelements entering the digestive tract are absorbed and become involved in metabolism in the body. Zinc, sulfur, selenium help testosterone synthesis. Iron is part of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to tissues. Magnesium, calcium, potassium are involved in heart contraction, and good cardiac activity is the key to a healthy erection.
  4. Vitamins C, A, group B, E stimulate potency, increase sexual desire and stamina.

The effect of nut fruits is based on the general normalization of the functioning of the body.

They have a neuroprotective effect, helping to fight stress, depression, and improve immunity and thought processes.

Which nuts increase potency?

  • In first place in terms of benefits and popularity are walnut.

They are sold everywhere and have a reasonable price. The composition contains a complex of vitamins and minerals that improve sexual function. They have the highest content of zinc, a trace element that is involved in the synthesis of testosterone.

  • Pine nuts in fact, it is much more beneficial for men's health.

Tocopherol in translation means “giving offspring”; it is not for nothing that it is prescribed to women who have problems carrying a pregnancy.

In men, vitamin E has a major effect on sperm quality, and more precisely on the electrolyte composition of seminal fluid and the functional activity of sperm.

Also, taking tocopherol prevents the occurrence of prostate cancer.

In addition to these functions, vitamin E is a good antioxidant that protects tissues and blood vessels from free oxygen.

The disadvantage of cedar grains is their scarcity; they cannot be easily purchased in all regions.

  • – better than others, it fights vascular atherosclerosis – the main enemy of potency.

The nut contains a large amount of niacin - vitamin PP, B3. In pharmacological practice, this substance is called nicotinic acid.

The main effect is the reduction of endogenous cholesterol, which circulates in the blood and becomes a substrate promoting the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Nicotinic acid also dilates blood vessels throughout the body, including in the genital area. These effects have a positive impact on male strength.

  • Muscat- good because it relates to spices.

It can be added to everyday meals, or to tea. Spicy and sweetish taste and aroma will be a good addition to products that increase potency .

Nutmeg is actively used for potency in Muslim countries where there is a ban on alcohol. Thanks to the spice, men and women become more relaxed and their sexual desire increases significantly.

  • Forest— namely, hazelnuts are a well-known male stimulant.

Hazelnuts are high in calories due to the fact that more than 50% are vegetable fats. 30% consists of proteins. And only a few percent is allocated to carbohydrates.

The benefit for men lies in the high content of zinc and B vitamins, which have a neuroprotective effect.

Vitamin B6 increases the tone of the nervous system and normalizes the conductivity of nerve impulses.

B1 is involved in the synthesis of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers. Thanks to its constituent components, the second cause of sexual impotence is eliminated - emotional and mental exhaustion.

  • Pistachios Useful for potency only in fresh form, without adding salt.

They have the lowest calorie content, so they are well suited for men who are struggling with excess weight. So this nut contains a precursor of nitric oxide, which in the body helps to dilate blood vessels and increase blood circulation.

Folic acid contained in pistachios affects sperm and sperm quality. Therefore, pistachios are recommended for couples who want to have children.

  • Peanut, for potency, a common and inexpensive option.

It has all the qualities that are inherent in nuts. Polyunsaturated acids - omega-3 and omega-5 are involved in energy metabolism, affect mental processes, utilization of cholesterol from the blood, and increase immunity.

The most popular and useful include (in descending order):

  1. Cedar
  2. Gretsky
  3. Forest (hazelnut)
  4. Cashew
  5. Pistachios

“The fight against excess weight is the most important point in restoring potency. Nuts are irreplaceable helpers. Due to their low carbohydrate content and large amount of protein, they cover the body's energy needs, but do not contribute to the deposition of fat. A dinner of assorted nuts is an excellent option for those who want to lose weight,” nutritionists recommend.

You can choose a particular type and use it every day.

But a better solution would be to introduce a mixture of them into the diet. This assortment can be supplemented with dried fruits and then you will get a unique natural and tasty cure for male impotence.

Nuts can also be included in various recipes and dishes, without losing their beneficial properties.

“All nuts are similar in composition, but they have some unique differences, so one man helps with walnuts, while another sees the effect of eating almonds. It is necessary to take an individual approach to the selection of a therapeutic diet for potency,” nutritionists advise.

Walnuts with honey

Walnuts are the most easily accessible and relatively cheap, however, they are not inferior in terms of benefits for the body.

Honey would be a good addition. This mixture protects blood vessels from atherosclerotic changes, restores the nervous system, and increases sexual desire.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. Grind the nuts in a blender
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of honey per 100 grams of grinding to the mixture.
  3. You can take 1 tablespoon several times a day, or you can take half the mixture at once before going to bed.

You can also use halves of nut kernels in the recipe. Then we will need honey and nuts in a 2:1 ratio.

It should be remembered that both ingredients are strong allergens and can cause anaphylactic reactions if there is hypersensitivity to the substances.


So, we figured out which nuts are good for potency.

The next step: how to prepare and take them.

Recipe No. 1.

  1. We make a mixture: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, about 50 grams of each type.
  2. Add dried apricots, raisins, prunes.
  3. Mix and store in a tight bag.

We take several tablespoons per day.

It's a good idea to add assorted ingredients to your oatmeal.

Recipe number 2.

  1. Pour 30-40 grams of any fruit into a blender.
  2. Pour 300 ml natural yoghurt.
  3. Add lemon - 2 tablespoons of juice, several slices of peeled ginger or 1 banana.
  4. We chop everything.
  5. must be drunk at one time.

Recipe No. 3. Pine nut tincture.

  • We take 200 grams of fruit, do not peel them, fill them with 3 liters of vodka.
  • Leave for 1 month in a cool, dark place.
  • Strain the tincture.
  • We use 50 grams once every few days.

Nuts can be reused.

Recipe No. 4.

  • we take an assortment of different types,
  • add sliced ​​banana there,
  • season the salad with sour cream,
  • We eat at one time.

Sour cream will add calories to the dish, and it will also promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins contained in the fruits.

Recipe No. 5. Veal meat with spices.

  1. Take 700 grams of fresh meat.
  2. Marinate with nutmeg, dried ginger, add basil.
  3. We leave for an hour in the refrigerator.
  4. In an oven preheated to 250 degrees, place a baking sheet with meat, pre-packed in a baking sleeve.
  5. Cook for 1.5 hours.

This dish will enrich the body with animal protein. Spices will have a stimulating effect on potency.

General benefits for the body

In Ancient Greece, nuts were called “food of the gods” and “food of the mind”, due to their unique composition of beneficial substances. Daily use will relieve many problems:

  1. Headache
  2. Indigestion
  3. Problems with potency
  4. Mental and mental stress
  5. Frequent colds
  6. Chronic fatigue syndrome

You can simply get rid of all these problems by adding nuts to your diet!

Every man wants to extend his longevity, strength and potency. The state of potency fully characterizes the general health of a young man. Men's health depends on the quality of nutrition. Our usual food products can either gradually reduce it to a minimum. Every young person's diet should contain nuts. It doesn't matter which ones. All nuts are very beneficial for the body. Walnuts are especially useful for potency. They are saturated with fatty acids, vitamins, fiber, essential oils, which completely restore the body.

How do nuts affect male potency?

Nuts have long been recognized as natural aphrodisiacs. All types of nuts have approximately the same composition. Each of the components has a stimulating effect. So, the following elements have a high concentration:

  • Iron, potassium, magnesium;
  • Zinc, calcium;
  • Proteins;
  • Amino acids;
  • Fats;
  • Vitamins B, C, E, PP, F;
  • Tannins;
  • Essential oils.

Thanks to amino acids, a man’s body produces the sex hormone testosterone. Also, thanks to these substances, serotonin is synthesized, which regulates the process of arousal and pleasure. The most prominent representatives of amino acids in the product are arginine, cystine, alanine, and tryptophan. They will affect the production of ejaculate.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids - steoric, palmitic, linoleic - help normalize the hormonal levels of a young person. also affects the endocrine system, increasing the synthesis of androgens. Potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, which is very important for a full erection. Iron improves blood quality indicators. A group of vitamins increases the libido level and endurance of a young man. Therefore, nuts for men are considered an indispensable product in the daily diet.

What nuts are the most beneficial for potency?

What nuts are good for men for potency? All types of fruits can be consumed to increase sexual activity. But, some of the species have the maximum concentration of certain microelements. Therefore, to achieve a quick effect, you should give preference to them. Regular consumption of just a handful of nuts will increase libido and make sex more vibrant. Such properties of fruits have long been proven by experts. So, which nuts increase potency?

How does walnut affect potency? The fruits have a large amount of Omega 3 fatty acid. The component normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and restores cell membranes. Also, walnuts are rich in vitamins E, K, C, A, B, zinc, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. This beneficial combination enhances testosterone production, improves blood quality, and has a positive effect on the quality of ejaculate. You should only eat ripe, medium-ripe fruits. Green walnuts cause intoxication of the body.


Hazelnuts are also used to restore male strength. In addition to its beneficial properties, the fruit has a pleasant taste. Hazelnuts are considered a source of arginine, vitamin E and zinc. Regular consumption of fruits not only increases libido, but also changes the quality characteristics of sperm. Thus, the product increases the number of motile sperm, which increases the chances of pregnancy. Therefore, the use of this product is a prerequisite when planning conception.

Numerous studies have proven that just 2 tablespoons of hazelnuts for 12 days will restore the functioning of all systems. Fatty acids cleanse the blood of harmful cholesterol and improve blood flow to the genitals. And eliminating cholesterol plaques reduces the risk of developing impotence and sexual disorders.


Almonds are a source of trace elements and minerals. Almond fruits are available for sale all year round. By consuming just 8-10 nuts a day, you can completely restore the functions of the reproductive system in men. The benefits of almonds are as follows:

  • Increases testosterone production. Almonds are good for men over 30 years old. During this period, the synthesis of sex hormones decreases.
  • Increases the level of sexual desire. Thanks to the high concentration of arginine, healthy sexual activity is normalized.
  • Reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Scientists have proven that daily consumption of the product reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.
  • Strengthens the skeletal and muscular system. This factor is important for older men. Also, muscle development is important for athletes.
  • It is a source of strength and energy. Large amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamin B2 increase endurance, both athletic and sexual.
  • Reduces body weight. Despite the high calorie content, almonds promote weight loss.


Cashew fruits are considered a source of zinc. Eating cashews improves fertility. Even a minimal zinc deficiency in a man’s body provokes a sharp decrease in the amount of ejaculate. Like any other nut, cashews contain arginine acid. It is she who will increase potency. And this unique vitamin K reduces the risk of prostate cancer and prostate adenoma. Cashew very quickly gives strength, which has a positive effect on the sex life of a young man.

Brazilian nut

Many have heard about the benefits of this product. Its benefits are due to the high concentration of arginine and selenium. Thus, selenium normalizes hormonal levels, increases the amount of ejaculate, and has a positive effect on sperm activity. Selenium is actively used to prevent the development of prostate cancer.

Arginine is considered natural Viagra. Acid dilates blood vessels, releases nitric oxide, and increases blood flow to the penis. It is enough to consume 3 nuts a day to provide the body with the daily requirement of selenium and arginine. But more Brazil nuts can be harmful. Excessive amounts of selenium have a toxic effect on the body, which reduces the amount of testosterone.


Pistachios are the favorite nut of many men. But, most of them prefer to eat pistachios as a snack with beer. In this case, salted fruits will bring absolutely no benefit, and there will be no increase in potency. But eating natural, unprocessed fruits will increase libido and improve sexual activity. To do this, it is recommended to eat a handful of pistachios a day for 2-3 weeks.

Pistachios are rich in the following substances:

  • Arginine;
  • Alimentary fiber;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Vitamin group B;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Copper.

Consumption of the following types of nuts also increases potency and strengthens the immune system: pine nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, nutmeg.

Healthy recipes with nuts to increase potency

Since absolutely all types of nuts are beneficial for men, the simplest recipe is to consume a mixture of fruits in their natural form. Today, different types of fruits are widely available. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find and buy a quality product. A mixture of several nuts will not only improve the functions of the reproductive system, but also nourish the body. So, it is recommended to eat the product as a healthy snack. There are more effective recipes for increasing sexual activity.

Walnut and honey

Walnuts are considered the most common and affordable. Honey can enhance the positive effect. Everyone knows that regular consumption of natural honey strengthens the body and increases resistance to various pathogenic microorganisms. A mixture of nuts and honey cleanses blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, and increases blood flow to the penis.

The recipe is the following:

  • 150 grams of walnuts are crushed in a blender;
  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • Take 1 tablespoon throughout the day.

You can consume half of this mixture immediately before sexual intercourse. And after preparing the viscous mixture, you can make small sweet tablets and store them in the refrigerator. You can chew the treat at any time of the day.

Mix of nuts and dried fruits

It is very useful to combine different types of nuts. This will only enhance the effect. So, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, and walnuts are mixed. Each type is taken in the same quantity - 50 grams. Next, the nut mixture is saturated with the same amount of the following dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins. The ingredients can be chopped. The mixture is packaged in thick polyethylene and stored in a cool place. It is worth taking 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day. Also, the mixture can be added to oatmeal for breakfast.

Nuts and sour cream

It is known that sour cream has a positive effect on the daily activity of young people. And high levels of calcium and protein directly affect the reproductive system. You can prepare the remedy as follows:

  • Chopped nuts (any) - 50 grams;
  • Sour cream (natural yogurt) - 300 grams;
  • Lemon - 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • Several slices of ginger (you can use 1 chopped banana);
  • The mixture is crushed in a blender.

A healthy cocktail is drunk in one go. Just 1 serving of the product per day is enough to increase libido and sexual activity. Do not forget that nuts are a highly allergenic product. If you are allergic to food, the fruits should be treated with extreme caution. It is better to find another way to increase potency with food.

Many people believe that nuts are a purely masculine product that helps increase potency and libido. This is partly true, but nut fruits also have a beneficial effect on the female body. Nuts are good for men in any form, because they contain many useful substances. These products have a qualitative effect on male fertility (in other words, fertility), increase sexual fervor, and provide energy and health.

What nuts are good for men, how to understand their abundance, why you should eat these foods regularly, how they affect potency - you will read all this in our article.

Nuts for men: what to choose

Proper nutrition gives not only sexual power. By adjusting your diet you can have a global impact on the functioning of your entire body. It is very important for men to eat a balanced diet, because testosterone production depends on vitamins and minerals. This hormone is responsible for the following qualities of men:

  • Muscles;
  • Hairline;
  • "Hardness" of the voice;
  • Energy;
  • Self confidence;
  • Sexuality and attractiveness;
  • The ability to have offspring;
  • Erectile function.

Nut fruits are recognized as natural aphrodisiacs. Their properties make it possible to increase potency and prevent numerous genitourinary diseases. The composition of many nuts is almost identical. This determines the stimulating effect on the stronger sex.

The benefits of nuts for men lie in their main composition, namely:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Steoric, linoleic, palmitic acids directly affect steroid sex hormones, accelerating their synthesis. That is, they have a complex effect on the main sex hormone – testosterone;
  • Amino acids. Elements such as arginine, alanine, tryptophan, cystine synthesize germ cells and also affect neurotransmitters. Thanks to these substances, erection increases, sensitivity during sexual intercourse increases several times, orgasm becomes more intense and vivid;
  • Wide group of vitamins. Vitamins such as C, A, E are also potency stimulants, and B vitamins have a rejuvenating and calming effect;
  • Microelements. Everyone knows that sufficient zinc content in the body has a global effect on male strength. Nuts contain enough of this element to naturally trigger the process of testosterone synthesis, thereby increasing sexual potential.

Nuts help not only restore erectile function. Also, these fruits improve spermatogenesis. After all, the health of the unborn child, and most importantly, conception, depends on the quality of sperm.

Top Best Nuts for Male Strength

Many men, knowing about the miraculous properties of nuts, ask themselves the endless question of which nuts are the most useful for increasing potency and male strength in general. There is no obvious answer to this question, and the leaders among nut fruits have not been identified either.

However, there are products that actively affect the body of any man.

Almonds for potency

It’s worth noting right away that this type of nut is not cheap. However, its properties are amazing. Almonds are supplied with abundant amounts of:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • B vitamins;
  • gray;
  • calcium and amino acids.

To maintain body tone, almonds are indispensable, as they fill all the gaps in an unbalanced diet. However, it is worth considering that the daily dose of almonds should be at least 100-150 g for the effect to be noticeable for the body. What are the benefits of almonds for men? With regular use of the product, endurance increases due to increased testosterone production.


This product is available in our latitudes. Walnut is also relevant for the male body, because it contains iodine, quinone and vitamin C in sufficient quantities. Moreover, it is supplied with a huge amount of useful microelements. It has been noted that the vitamin C content of walnuts is several times higher than that of citrus fruits. Moreover, this product can be bought in almost any grocery market, because in the Russian region it is not a scarce commodity, unlike other types of nuts.

By taking this nut, you can prevent the development of prostatitis and adenoma, since vitamin C has a healing, healing effect. Walnuts have a qualitative effect on blood vessels, which in turn accelerates blood circulation.

Hazelnuts for potency

The presented forest fruit is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Hazelnuts are often used for any gastrointestinal disorders. It also copes well with kidney stones and prevents rheumatism. Therefore, if there are prerequisites, hazelnuts are the best helper for such ailments.

Pine nuts for male strength

How do nuts affect men? They simply supply the body with a wide range of useful substances. And the same can be said about pine nuts. They contain abundant amounts of copper, and thanks to them, the body contains a larger number of white cells that protect the body from external irritants, infections and viruses.

It is worth noting that any nut fruits - peanuts, pistachios, even sunflower seeds - will have a qualitative effect on men's health. But it is important to understand how many nuts you need to eat per day in order for them to have a beneficial effect on your health.

How to consume nuts: norms and standards

Problems with potency in men arise quite often. This is caused by both systemic diseases and ordinary stress, fatigue and anxiety. Therefore, a balanced diet rich in vitamins will always help keep your body in good shape.

Nuts can be eaten at any time, before or before meals, and even during meals. But the most optimal regimen, developed by nutritionists for men, is called “three tablespoons.” If a man has problems with erectile function, nutritionists recommend eating the first tablespoon of nuts in the morning on an empty stomach, the second at noon, and the third in the evening. Moreover, the combination of nuts and honey has been proven to be highly effective.

Nuts with honey are indispensable for the male body. This tandem will allow you to quickly restore male strength and gain a sea of ​​energy.

To prepare the healing mixture, you need to take 100 g of any nuts and 1 tbsp. honey. Mix the ingredients and consume according to the “three tablespoons” principle.

Peanuts with honey can serve as a tasty addition to tea drinking. In any case, nuts and honey are truly masculine products, when combined you can hope for:

  • sexual strength;
  • prolonged erection;
  • increased libido;
  • energy;
  • vigor and health.

The most optimal option for our environment is considered to be a combination of walnuts and beekeeping products. If there is no financial opportunity to purchase hazelnuts or almonds, there is nothing easier than replacing expensive fruits with local walnuts.

Scientists have long discovered that regularly eating at least seven nuts a day leads to improved sperm quality and good erection. If possible, you can combine several types of nuts, grind them in a blender and consume them, including honey.