Folk remedy for the nose. Treatment of nasal congestion. Recipe for a folk respiratory desensitizer

With the onset of the cold season, many are worried about the upcoming difficult weather conditions, which inevitably lead to colds.

And since we have reported that the use of Naphthyzin or similar vasoconstrictors is extremely undesirable for long-term treatment of rhinitis and symptom relief, let’s try to determine whether it is possible cure nasal congestion using more gentle modern means and as an auxiliary experience traditional medicine. After all, our grandmothers rarely went to the pharmacy, and they still did not ignore such a disease as a runny nose, because its consequences could be the most unpleasant.

Causes of nasal congestion without a runny nose:

Nasal congestion without a runny nose is characterized by the appearance of swelling of the nasal mucosa without the release of fluid. In most cases, this is due to reflex reaction the body to foreign bodies entering the nasal mucosa, resulting in an active flow of blood causing swelling in the nose.

Factors contributing to nasal congestion without a runny nose:

  1. Hypothermia of the body;
  2. An allergic reaction (occurs both with and without the release of fluid from the paranasal sinuses);
  3. Chemical irritants – dust, chemicals, aerosols;
  4. Mechanical trauma to the nose;
  5. Anatomical structure of the nose: deviated septum, various neoplasms– adenoids, polyps (often observed in children);
  6. Physiological congestion (only in infants);
  7. Hormonal disorders;
  8. Long-term use of vasodilators (atrophy of the nasal mucosa);
  9. Hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa
  10. Neurovegetative disorders;
  11. Unfavorable climatic conditions (increased dryness) - How additional factor nasal congestion.

Causes of nasal congestion with runny nose:

Factors contributing to nasal congestion with the release of specific fluid from the sinuses:

  1. Hypothermia of the body;
  2. Viruses, bacteria and other pathogens;
  3. Allergic reaction.

Treatment of nasal congestion

Based on the above factors, it follows that nasal congestion is not a cause, but a consequence. And our task is to relieve the symptoms of rhinitis as quickly and safely as possible, helping the immune system to independently overcome the disease, reducing the risk of adverse events. side effects.

How to relieve nasal congestion symptoms

In medical practice, relieving symptoms of nasal congestion is associated with narrowing venous vessels passing in the nose, which should help the outflow of mucous fluid. Depending on the nature of the disease, the most widespread are vasoconstrictors(naphthyzin, sanorin, rhinorus...) and hormonal drugs.

  1. The names “naphthyzin” and “galazolin” are very familiar to everyone from childhood; they have a strong active ingredient and within a few minutes help to ease nasal breathing.
    But you should remember: these drugs (as well as modern analogues) should not be used long time(usually the course of treatment is no more than 3 days). An unpleasant side effect from abuse of this medication is atrophy of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Hormonal drugs (such as Nasonex, Avamys, etc.) help relieve symptoms of nasal congestion more mildly, but it takes more time to achieve the full effect (unacceptable for infectious nature diseases).

These medications are primarily widely used to relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis (seasonal and year-round) and also as aid in the treatment of bacterial diseases (sinusitis) and unwanted neoplasms (adenoids, polyps).

Important! There are contraindications. The above tools are provided for informational purposes only. Before using them, you must consult a doctor and fully read the instructions for use of the drug.

Safe alternative ways to treat nasal congestion at home

In order to prevent and eliminate the symptoms of nasal congestion, self-massage has proven itself well (in particular in the area of ​​projections of the paranasal sinuses). Under mild influence on certain acupuncture points the effect of natural blood flow is achieved, which leads to the warming of these areas and the elimination of congestion.

Even a child can perform simple soft massaging rotational movements. Massage allows you to relieve congestion for a certain time, so the procedure should be performed 3-4 times a day.

Another effective way cure nasal congestion - therapeutic breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method. To improve nasal breathing and completely disappear the symptoms of rhinitis, you will only need a few days regular training. When treating all types of nasal congestion, it is advisable to master the entire complex, but Special attention should be given to the exercises “Hold your shoulders”, “Palms”, “Pump” and “Each straps”.

Of course, mustard cures a runny nose. The popular method of steaming feet with mustard powder or placing mustard plasters on the feet is popular among people. And many of our compatriots have discovered the most simple technique to get rid of nasal congestion and treat colds: before going to bed, put cotton socks on your feet, pour 1 tablespoon of dry mustard powder into each of them, and also put on woolen socks for insulation.

Prevention of nasal congestion (rhinitis)

Naturally, a runny nose, like any disease, is much better to prevent than to treat later. Compliance simple recommendations allows you to maintain the respiratory organs and mucous membranes in a healthy condition throughout your life.

  1. Rinse the nose with saline solution. Regular implementation of the procedure allows you to cleanse the mucous membrane of foreign bodies that can cause a runny nose, and strengthens the vessels in the nose located close to the surface. The procedure is carried out with caution and compliance with all techniques to avoid fluid from entering the nasal cavity. ear canals, as this can cause the development of otitis media. More safe alternative nasal rinsing procedures include such products for washing and irrigating the nasal mucosa as “Aqalor”, “AquaMaris”, “Moreal”, “Vibrolor”, “AquaMaster”, etc. These drugs are slightly less effective than the rinsing procedure there is a positive distinguishing feature– ease of use, including for children. These products not only wash away foreign bodies from the mucous membrane, but also slightly moisturize it, thereby temporarily relieving the symptoms of nasal congestion and making breathing easier. The drugs are produced both for the prevention and treatment of nasal congestion (including rhinitis, allergic diseases, as hygiene of the nasal passages) depending on the level of concentration of the saline solution.
  2. The role of daily walks in the fresh air and regular ventilation of living and working areas. A runny nose is a problem that occurs in a weakened body. One of the most effective means Regular walks are considered to strengthen the immune system. Systematic ventilation of premises can reduce the infectious load on the body of adults and children several times. Don't forget that according to research, the air in apartments, houses and offices is more polluted than outside.
  3. Sports activities. Breathing exercises, running, race walking, swimming, aerobics, dancing, especially in the fresh air, not only improve the condition of muscles and the beauty of the body, but also help prevent the occurrence of colds and the runny nose that accompanies ARVI.
  4. Derinat. To prevent rhinitis, you can use the drug Derinat - a solution for local and external use, the main active ingredient of which is sodium deoxyribonucleate. The medicine eliminates the causes of diseases associated with decreased immunity of the body in both adults and children. It must be remembered that Derinat is primarily an immunomodulator, so it is advisable to use it as a prophylaxis. The drug has received conflicting reviews: on the one hand, its effect is very positive, on the other, the effect of the drug is disputed, given the considerable price. Distinctive feature this drug is the possibility of its use in childhood up to 2 years.

Treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies:

1. Lie down

Most people are used to enduring runny noses and colds on their feet. Constant loads on weakened respiratory organs can lead to serious complications, including the transition of rhinitis to a chronic form and otitis media. At the first signs of nasal congestion, you should, if possible, avoid constant exposure to the street and simply lie down, thus giving the body the opportunity to quickly cope with the disease. This is especially true for children. It is advisable these days to be treated with proven folk methods.

2. Clear your nose

Since the nasal passages are full unpleasant mucus, they need to be cleaned. Most do this in a simple, but very unpleasant way for health - by instilling Naphthyzin. But there are excellent folk remedies that perfectly cleanse the nasal cavity.

Plant decoctions are a great opportunity to clear your nose.

3. Compresses and baths

It has been scientifically proven that the foot is a reflexogenic zone. When exposed to cold, nasal congestion occurs; when exposed to heat, nasal breathing is restored. That is why most often a cold catches a person whose feet are wet or cold. Irritation of reflexogenic zones (feet) with hot water or compresses is an effective means of treating nasal congestion.

When the first symptoms of a cold appear, experienced therapists recommend performing the famous distracting procedure - steaming your feet. If you don't have a fever when you have a runny nose, try steaming your feet in a warm, almost hot water, and then cover yourself with a warm blanket and fall asleep. You can add medicinal plants to the water. The same magic chamomile or raspberry, which can be added to the water, will do. Sea salt helps a lot.

It is also effective to use mustard plasters for warming leg compresses. The procedure is quite simple: take one mustard plaster at a time and place them on the heels. After this, you need to put on warm socks and lie there for a few minutes. This method should be used with caution in young children. Their skin is very delicate, so you can hold the mustard plasters for just a few minutes.

But the mustard plasters placed on the area calf muscles, which are also a reflexogenic zone, lead to a decrease in swelling of the mucous membrane.

4. Therapeutic inhalations

Inhalations performed using a special device or hot water have proven themselves to be effective in eliminating nasal congestion in children over 3 years of age. The procedure is carried out only at the baby’s normal body temperature (36.6 °C). Pour water into an enamel container (temperature no higher than 80°C), add a pinch baking soda and a drop fir oil. The child should breathe in steam for 7-8 minutes, then blow his nose thoroughly. Inhalations are carried out until the secretion of mucus from the nose completely stops three times a day.

Important! Medicines for children and especially for infants are prescribed only by a pediatrician and treatment with the chosen means is carried out under his strict control and supervision. Before your child begins the inhalation procedure, make sure that the vapor temperature is relatively low, preferably by trying it on yourself. Excessively hot steam can cause burning of the mucous membrane, which will only complicate the recovery situation. As an alternative and more safe way- usage ultrasonic inhaler(nebulizer). It is unacceptable to treat a child's runny nose with vasodilating drops, for example, galazolin or naphthyzine.

5. Tea therapy

This word “tea therapy” was coined back in ancient China, but for some reason it is still not in our dictionary. But I think that many people also use this method for treatment. As soon as the first signs of nasal congestion appear, hot tea becomes the main drink to drink. And not the one that is sold in bags and contains who knows what, but a fragrant, refreshing, invigorating and, of course, medicinal drink. Its strength lies in the plants used in brewing. In summer, collect raspberry and cherry leaves, lemongrass and linden, and cook raspberry jam and dry the berries. In winter, when the acute respiratory infections season begins, these ingredients will save you from nasal congestion.

Treatment of nasal congestion in children: what you need to know

A stuffy nose in babies, and especially infants, is a cause for concern for parents, because mucus discharge can be not only ordinary rhinitis, but also a symptom of an allergic reaction or a manifestation of a serious illness. The first thing you should pay attention to is the shape of the runny nose. Clear liquid which gradually thickens is a sign of rhinitis. Without treatment, the discharge may turn green and be accompanied by unpleasant smell, which often leads to the development of sinusitis.

Constant sneezing and red eyes are a sign of an adenovirus infection. A child’s complaints about pain in the eyes and ears when blowing his nose and sneezing is a reason to immediately contact a pediatrician or otolaryngologist, as the inflammatory process may have begun to move into the ear canals. An increase in body temperature and difficulty breathing of the baby are also reasons for immediate medical attention. medical assistance. The causes of nasal congestion in children include a deviated nasal septum, an allergic reaction, foreign body, which entered the nasal passage and led to acute inflammation, enlarged adenoids.

Why does my nose get stuffy in the morning?

Some people complain of severe nasal congestion upon waking up. Every morning you have to rinse your sinuses and blow your nose to bring your breathing back to normal.

The main causes of nasal congestion in the morning are:

chronic rhinosinusitis and other ENT diseases;

— curvature of the nasal septum (you may not be aware of such a defect if an x-ray has not been taken previously);

- dry air in the room for night rest.

To get rid of the problem, you should undergo an examination by an otolaryngologist and follow all his instructions. Gargling with a soda solution (a teaspoon in a glass of water) before going to bed helps relieve nasal congestion in the morning. To improve the microclimate in the bedroom, purchase an air humidifier and regularly ventilate the room, especially before bed.

How to treat nasal congestion due to bleeding

In the nasal cavities blood vessels located close to the mucous membrane, so even minor injuries can cause bleeding. One of the common causes of nosebleeds is ENT diseases: inflammation of the adenoids, chronic form rhinitis, more often atrophic, sinusitis, in which nasal congestion - permanent state patient.

Long-term use vasoconstrictor drops(inside nasal hormonal drugs) from a runny nose can also cause nosebleeds, as the mucous membrane becomes thinner and the blood vessels lose strength, becoming brittle.

First of all, you should undergo examination by a specialist and cure the detected disease with the help of appropriate therapy. And in order to strengthen the vessels of the nose and prevent bleeding, there are a number of general recommendations:

  1. Periodic rinsing of the nasal cavity weak solution salt (on the edge of a teaspoon of non-iodized or sea ​​salt dissolves in a glass of warm water) or irrigating the nasal passages with Aqalor, AquaMaris, AquaMaster, etc., it is especially useful to perform the procedure before bedtime;
  2. When crusts form in the nose, they are softened by lubricating them with sea buckthorn oil or Vaseline;
  3. Enrich your diet with foods rich in vitamins B, C, P (rose hips, citrus fruits, currants, bell pepper, sea buckthorn, legumes, bee products); the drug ascorutin (contains ascorbic acid and rutin) helps in strengthening the vascular network;
  4. Paraguayan mate tea green tea, chicory root drinks, cranberry juice– natural sources of vitamin C, antioxidants and biologically active substances that enhance immunity;
  5. Hardening is one of the best ways to strengthen blood vessels, activate protective forces body and prevention of nasal congestion and nosebleeds; The ideal way to train blood vessels is a contrast shower and a visit to the steam room (sauna).
On the site they searched: nasal congestion in a child, treatment of nasal congestion at home

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    Natalya - 09.14.2013 15:29

    Hello, my baby is 5 months old and occasionally has a runny nose. We treat it by instilling vasoconstrictor drops. This treatment gives a temporary effect, and after a while the child’s runny nose appears again. I heard that these drops are very harmful and you get used to them very quickly. What do you recommend?

    Marina - 09.14.2013 19:38

    My mother, during my first sniffles, warmed it up for me with a boiled egg. The runny nose went away after a few days. Isn't this harmful?

    Alexey - 09.29.2013 16:58

    Greetings! When I have a runny nose, I put on warm socks at night and put mustard plasters under my feet (if there are no mustard plasters, you can add mustard plasters). This usually helps.

    Oksana - mother of two children - 10/06/2013 17:19

    Hello dear forum users! I came to this site completely by accident (or maybe not by accident), read the comments and decided to write it myself. I myself had never used anything other than naphthyzine before, but when my daughter got a terrible runny nose, I searched the entire Internet. I learned about wonderful drops - “protorgol” - they are prepared in a pharmacy based on the age of the child. You need to drip 3 times a day, one drop. Another very good remedy is derinat, but it is mostly effective as a preventive measure. And as soon as the cold weather begins, I give it to my children. As for traditional medicine, as a child I remember my mother instilled garlic juice diluted with water. It was so creepy, I’m afraid to let my kids see this.

    AlinKa - 10.19.2013 18:52

    Natalia, as I understand you: (((I’ve been going with sinusitis for the second or third year now. I didn’t even get to the hospital (and the atmosphere there is such that you’ll sell your soul to the devil, don’t show up there!)) Then I went anyway

    I didn’t know that these drops were all harmful and addictive... But the ENT prescribed them to me... And 3 different times. As a result, they dumped 3-something pieces and it was all in vain. Then there were long warm-up procedures (or what is it called?). And a bunch of other crap. If only something would help, no matter. Everything is wasted, including 3 thousand, which are also not superfluous(

    Has anyone tried the methods indicated in the article? Are they suitable only for children or adults (teenagers) too? Write please I want to try, but I'm afraid: what if something is wrong(

    Inna - 09.11.2013 02:31

    I agree with Lera’s comment, it is better to try to prevent than to treat. We are also in kindergarten I kept getting a runny nose, just cure it, walk around for two or three weeks and start all over again. Therefore, now we rinse our nose with sea water every day. Previously, I simply diluted sea salt and dripped it, but it was very inconvenient (after so many treatments, the child simply did not give in, ran away, cried). Then I also bought Aqualor, we’ve been using it for six months. For six months, I had a runny nose only once during ARVI. I wash myself daily and during a runny nose too; hot foot baths also help me a lot (there is method 3 in the article), only if there is no fever.

    Julia - 12/27/2013 20:04

    How this runny nose has already bothered me, not even the runny nose itself, but the congestion! I can’t think about anything anymore, only about how I can breathe normally ((((((((((((((
    Now I use ALL the means that are written here, then I’ll tell you about the results.

    Andrey - 05/19/2014 21:24

    Please, help good people! A couple of months ago I had nasal congestion, I couldn’t breathe, two nostrils were blocked at night, I was breathing through my mouth, I went to an ENT specialist, he looked, did an X-ray and diagnosed “renitis” and prescribed: Sinupren tablets 320 rubles, Tafen drops for treatment 400 rubles , for rinsing the nose, dioxidine 50 rubles against allergies Citrine 200 rubles and he said to drip and drink all this for two weeks. It helped, but not for long, now the same thing happens again, what should I do? Everyone here writes about a runny nose, but I have stuffiness, what should I do? Help, otherwise I’ll suffocate soon

    Ekaterina - 09.24.2015 15:41

    Hello, I have this problem with my nose. I had a stuffy nose during pregnancy, 4 years have already passed. one side is breathing, the other is not. When I sleep, I turn over to the other side and the congestion moves to the other side. please tell me what should I do and how can this be cured???

    Ekaterina - 09.25.2015 15:36

    yes snoop, tizin. With a cold, nasal congestion goes away within a month. then everything continues again. one side is breathing, the other is not.

    Pavel replied:
    September 25th, 2015 at 21:39

    Ekaterina, as far as I understand, during pregnancy you began to take vasoconstrictors, which, subsequently, overuse led to partial atrophy nasal mucosa. I can’t give a definite answer (more information is needed), but if your nasal congestion is permanent and is not a consequence external stimuli(allergies, dry air, etc.) then most likely you became addicted to vasoconstrictor potassium (spray) during pregnancy. In this case, for starters, I recommend Avamis or Nasonex spray (sprays are practically harmless if the instructions are followed and do not cause side effects). In any case, I strongly recommend visiting a doctor and, having already received a diagnosis, our advice will be more detailed and correct. If you still have questions, write.

    Ekaterina replied:
    September 25th, 2015 at 21:55

    Yes, I almost always have congestion on one side. I used nasal nasal during pregnancy. None of the drops helped me (because it was hard to breathe, those drops that are available for pregnant women did not help). I will definitely see a doctor in the near future. thank you very much for answering my questions.

    Pavel replied:
    September 26th, 2015 at 15:50

    Ekaterina, most likely, as I wrote above, you burned the nasal mucosa. Find out more about the drugs “Avamys” and “Nasonex” - they are very effective and safe. It is also possible to correct this with a laser (it will become easier after a few sessions) - a faster method, but also more unpleasant.

    Darling - 12/23/2016 19:24

    If the runny nose is simple, then the congestion will go away as usual, in about five days, but for now you can just use a vasoconstrictor, I usually buy xylene, it’s inexpensive and it clears the nose well.

First of all, I recommend paying attention to thermal procedures. With their help, provided there is no pus, you can successfully relieve inflammation. To do this, I advise you to use a product that is accessible to everyone - chicken eggs. Boil them soft-boiled, peel them, wrap them in a piece of thick cloth or a terry towel. After this, apply it to your nose so that it completely covers outside nose For this procedure to help, do not remove the compress for 15 minutes and after this time, repeat everything in a circle.

Attention! The egg has the ability to draw pus and mucus from the sinuses, and this required condition on the way to getting rid of congestion.

Another, in my experience, no less effective remedy is mustard. I recommend using it to warm up your feet. It has been proven that a person catches a cold most often because they get wet. To prevent this, here is a good technique: when going to bed, wear warm woolen socks in which you need to pour mustard powder. For each leg you will need no more than 10 g per day. Carry out this procedure daily during an exacerbation.

How to cure nasal congestion at home using foot baths

If you want to breathe freely again, then there is no escape from steaming your legs. I remember how my grandmother, when I was still walking under the table, always used this method, which never failed. And what can serve a good purpose here? Of course, it's chamomile, which is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Here's my recipe:

  • Boil water (at least 15 liters).
  • Pour the flowers of the dried plant into boiling water (one glass).
  • Let the composition stand for at least a few hours, during which it will cool down a little.
  • Place your feet in a bowl of infusion and sit there for half an hour.
  • Rinse off.

To cure nasal congestion quickly, I can also recommend steaming your feet as follows: pour sea salt into warm water (no more than 100 g per 10 l). Then dip your feet in it and hold for 30 minutes. Then wash yourself, dry yourself and put on warm socks, preferably terry ones. It is best to do this in the evening, when you no longer have to go outside.

Attention! Required temperature water 37°C (at least), this is the only way a bath will help.

For severe congestion, I recommend using mustard powder instead of sea salt, which requires 50 grams per 5-10 liters. You cannot keep your feet in such a bath for a long time (more than half an hour), otherwise they may leave marks on the skin. minor burns. After this, be sure to rinse off clean water and dry off with a towel. It is not advisable to carry out this procedure in the following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • ARVI in acute course;
  • oncological diseases;
  • trophic ulcers on the body;
  • problems with hematopoiesis.

How to treat your nose with medicinal inhalations

If you need to cure nasal congestion for children over 3 years old, I consider the best way to carry out inhalation as follows: pour water into an enamel bowl (temperature no higher than 40 ° C), add baking soda (a few pinches) and 2-3 drops of fir oils After this, ask the child to sit down so that his head is bowed over the composition, and cover it with a towel. He should breathe in the vapor for as long as it takes for the mucus and other nasal discharge to disappear.

Another one in my opinion reliable way Eliminate nasal obstruction by inhaling potato (boiled) vapors. I suggest this recipe:

  • Wash the vegetables under running water.
  • Boil them.
  • Without draining the liquid, cover the pan with a lid.
  • Place the dishes on the table.
  • Cover yourself with a towel and bend over the potatoes.
  • Inhale the vapors, and breathe deeply.

How to get rid of nasal congestion using drops

The methods proposed below to cure nasal congestion at home can be used either as an addition to others or independently. Not without reason, I can recommend the juices of some plants, which should be used as drops. They are much more effective and safer than those sold in pharmacies.

Among all the remedies, onion juice can be distinguished. To obtain it, peel 1-2 vegetables and grind in a meat grinder. After this, squeeze the liquid out of the resulting mass, for example, through gauze, and dilute it half and half with water. Then drop the solution into your nose using a regular pipette. For mild congestion, 2-3 drops for one nostril will be enough, in case of more severe course the disease will need twice as much.

Here is another, in my experience, effective remedy: using a juicer, squeeze the juice out of the beets and apply it to your nose. To solve the problem, it is enough to do this 3-5 times, after which he will immediately begin to breathe. If during this time you get dirty beet juice, no big deal, it can be easily washed with regular liquid soap and warm water.

If you don't like beets, you can replace them with aloe, which is a must-have in every home. I advise using only the leaves of young plants, which need to be cut and then squeezed out the juice. This is what needs to be instilled into the nostrils twice a day. It is especially useful for children because it does not irritate their delicate mucous membranes.

These are, perhaps, the most effective, in my experience, means that can be used to cure nasal congestion quickly and without harm to health. I wish you good health!

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A runny nose is a symptom large number diseases, causes discomfort to a person, reduces the quality of his life. Using nasal decongestants prepared according to folk recipes, helps restore breathing, relieve swelling, and prevents dryness. At home, you can prepare drops using natural ingredients, rinsing solutions, and do inhalations. Some medications have contraindications, so you should consult a doctor before treatment..

Causes of nasal congestion

Factors that provoke nasal congestion are often diseases or unfavorable conditions environment. Experts identify the following main reasons:

  • polyps inside the sinuses or nasal cavity;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • curvature, abscess of the nasal septum;
  • adenoids;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • allergy;
  • dry indoor air;
  • nasal injuries;
  • hypothermia;
  • infectious diseases (influenza, measles, scarlet fever, tuberculosis of the nasal cavity);
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • presence of a foreign body inside the nose.

The effectiveness of folk remedies

If nasal congestion is caused by a cold or viral infection, inflammation of the mucous membranes occurs, narrowing respiratory tract, accumulation of mucus. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to stimulate secretions, eliminate inflammation, and use restorative methods. Treatment folk remedies at the same time it takes place with high efficiency.

Congestion is often caused by long stay in a dusty room or places with very dry air. To combat the disease, it is necessary to ensure the maximum degree of moisture in the space and respiratory tract. In this case, traditional medicines show a high degree of effectiveness. If rhinitis occurs due to an allergic reaction, achieve full recovery only possible with antihistamines. Traditional medicines will not have the desired effect.

For deviated nasal septum and narrow passages, cerebral hernia, tumors and polyps inside the nasopharynx, it is required surgical intervention. Action traditional medicines manifested by a reduction in the recovery period after surgery and partial relief of symptoms. Home-prepared medications are safe and do not harmful impurities, but often cannot demonstrate the required effectiveness.

Folk remedies for runny nose and nasal congestion during colds

Rhinitis having viral origin, are often the first symptoms of a cold. To cope with the disease, it is recommended to use folk remedies for nasal congestion in an adult or child:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers with cold water. Infuse the medicinal plant for 8 hours. The product can be used as drops (warm) or as a rinse solution 2-3 times a day. To enhance the therapeutic effect, add other medicinal herbs to chamomile in equal proportions: St. John's wort, linden, sage, coltsfoot, geranium, calendula, oregano. Continue treatment until symptoms disappear.
  2. If there is no discharge during a cold, folk remedies for nasal congestion without a runny nose are needed. One of effective medicines is aloe juice. It is recommended to drip 5 drops inside both nostrils. The procedure must be carried out every 3-4 hours. Children should administer 3-4 drops inside each nostril. The course of therapy is 5-7 days.
  3. Grind ½ head onions and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Place the ingredients inside the teapot. Bring your nose to each nostril in turn, inhaling the vapors of the vegetables. Inhalations help ease breathing and destroy viruses. Carry out the procedure at night, for a course of 7-10 days.

Treating nasal congestion at home for allergies

The goal of treating nasal congestion due to allergies is to remove allergen substances. Suitable for this the following means:

  1. Dissolve in a glass boiled water 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt. Cool the resulting liquid to a comfortable temperature. Rinse your nose regularly with the solution using a syringe or teapot. The medicine effectively removes allergens, reduces swelling, and heals mucous membranes that have become inflamed. Use a folk remedy for nasal congestion 1 time/day until symptoms disappear.
  2. Take 50 g of ginger root, chop and squeeze out the juice. Dilute the resulting liquid with 1 glass of water, mix 1 tsp. liquid honey. Drink the drink twice a day (morning and evening) until congestion is eliminated. The product has anti-inflammatory properties, facilitates breathing, dilutes pathogenic secretions, and strengthens the immune system.
  3. Brew chamomile tea from 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, add lemon oil(2-3 drops). Soak a small piece of gauze in this liquid. Apply the cloth to your nostrils. This inhalation helps to quickly cope with allergic rhinitis. Apply gauze 2-3 times a day. Course – 5-7 days.

Folk remedies for persistent rhinitis

If a person suffers chronic rhinitis, he has atrophic changes in the mucosa. In this case, vasoconstrictor drugs provide only temporary relief. For the treatment of prolonged rhinitis, use the following antibacterial folk remedies:

  1. Grind 1 tbsp. l. propolis with 3 tbsp. l. olive oil. Moisten cotton swabs with the resulting mixture. Place the medicine in both nostrils and hold for 10 minutes. The procedure should be carried out daily before bedtime. Home remedy promotes cell regeneration, restores mucous membranes, it should be used until congestion is eliminated.
  2. Grate the beets on a fine grater. Add 1-2 tsp to the gruel. liquid honey and 1 tsp. water. Place the released juice inside your nostrils, 2-3 drops at night. Course – 5-7 days.


To get rid of sinusitis, rhinitis, allergic rhinitis To prevent diseases caused by polluted air, it is useful to carry out rinsing. The procedure helps remove mucus clots, reduce the concentration and activity of harmful substances and microorganisms involved in the development of inflammation. It is recommended to rinse your nose not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes.

To carry out the procedure correctly, close one of the nostrils with your finger and draw in the pre-brewed medicine with the other. Repeat the algorithm with the other nasal passage. The procedure is safe for most patients, but has a number of contraindications. This type of therapy is prohibited if:

  • pronounced curvature of the nasal septum;
  • otitis;
  • tendency to nosebleeds;
  • swelling that cannot be removed;
  • allergies to the components of the solution;
  • tumors in the nasal cavity.

Rinsing may cause discomfort, but has positive impact on respiratory system. To eliminate congestion, use solutions prepared according to recipes:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of sea salt without aromatic additives or dyes. Dissolve the crystals in 1 glass of warm water. Rinse your nose with the resulting liquid to prevent colds, infectious diseases 1 time/day, for a course of no more than 7 days.
  2. Pour 200 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. chopped root horse sorrel. Cover the product with a lid and let it sit for 1.5 hours. Strain the drug, rinse the nasal passages 2-3 times a day. If the liquid has cooled down, warm it up a little. Duration of treatment – ​​up to 7 days.
  3. Chop 1 onion small size. Take all the released juice, add 10 times more water. Rinse your nose with the resulting solution 2-3 times a day, being careful. Carry out the procedure for no more than a week.


An effective remover unpleasant symptom are drops. To prepare them, it is recommended to use the following recipes:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed valerian root, add ½ cup olive oil. Cover the resulting mixture with a lid and place in a warm place. It will take about 14 days to infuse. Ready composition strain, squeeze out the root thoroughly. Inject 2-3 drops into both nostrils before going to bed. It will take 5-7 days for breathing to normalize. If the result is not achieved after a week, repeat the course. In this case, you need to take a five-day break.
  2. Stir 1-2 tsp in a glass of water. natural honey. The solution should not be too concentrated, otherwise there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction. Inject the liquid 2-3 drops inside each nostril 2-3 times a day. The product has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, improves local immunity. Complete the course for 5-7 days.
  3. A good folk remedy for nasal congestion is sea ​​buckthorn oil. You can make it yourself or purchase it finished product. Inject the oil 2-3 drops inside each nostril at night for 1 week. To enhance the effect, mix the product with carrot juice in equal proportion. If you experience discomfort in the nasal cavity, lubricate it with a small amount of sea buckthorn oil.

Thermal treatments

If your nose is stuffy due to a cold, thermal procedures will be an effective way to combat this problem. They should not be carried out when elevated temperature or the presence of pus discharge. The following thermal procedures are recommended:

  • Hot foot baths. You should steam before going to bed lower limbs in hot water (4-5 l) with the addition of sea salt (1-2 tbsp.), decoction of chamomile, calendula or other medicinal herbs(1-2 tbsp.). You will need a course of 5 daily procedures.
  • Mustard plasters. They need to be placed directly on the heels or shins. Then you should put on warm socks and cover yourself with a blanket. The procedure lasts 3-5 minutes. You can also put mustard plasters on a child, but you need to be careful not to harm the delicate skin of children's feet. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day at night. Course – 3-5 days.
  • Inhalations. To prepare the composition you will need 3-5 drops of fir oil and baking soda (1-2 tsp). Add the ingredients to a container with hot water. Cover your head with a large towel and inhale the healing vapors for several minutes. Inhalation can also be done with potatoes. A couple of tubers need to be boiled in their skins. It is recommended to breathe over the pan with the resulting liquid for 3-5 minutes. In this case, you need to cover yourself with a towel or blanket. It is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Carry out the procedure at night, the duration of treatment is 3-5 days.

In order for the treatment of a runny nose to give positive results, it is necessary to apply a set of measures. Experts prescribe the following recommendations:

  1. Regularly ventilate the room in which the patient is located.
  2. Medications For a runny nose, it is forbidden to use for a long time. The optimal course is up to 5 days.
  3. Saturate your diet with foods containing many vitamins (currants, citrus fruits, rose hips).
  4. Strengthen protective system body by taking a contrast shower or visiting a sauna.
  5. To ensure the drainage of mucus from the nose, place a thick pillow under your head before going to bed.
  6. It is recommended to season dishes with any kind of pepper, mustard, horseradish, add onions, garlic, parsley. Reduce your sugar intake.
  7. If an allergic rhinitis is diagnosed, the windows should be kept closed. Regulating the humidity and purity of the air is required using special devices.
  8. If your nose is stuffy, you should not allow yourself to become overcooled. Weakening of the body may lead to joining bacterial infection, development of complications.
  9. The patient is advised to increase the amount of fluid consumed. You are allowed to drink fruit drinks, compotes, and green tea.
  10. Home remedies for local application, must be warm. If you prepared the medicines for future use and stored them in the refrigerator, the medicine should be warmed up before use.
  11. When performing cold and hot inhalations, be careful, as burns to the mucous membrane may occur.
  12. It is recommended to supplement the treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies using hot foot baths and tea with raspberries. It must be remembered that thermal procedures are contraindicated if the patient has pus discharge or a high temperature.

Folk remedies for nasal congestion in children

Use of medications homemade, according to some experts, is more gentle for child's body compared to medications. If therapy is carried out with folk remedies that involve instilling liquid into the nasal passages, choose recipes that do not contain aggressive ingredients (garlic, onion, mustard, etc.).

It is recommended to use juices from vegetables or other plants. To provide effective therapy swelling of the mucous membrane in a child, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages 2-4 times a day, carry out moisturizing procedures using sea ​​water. If home remedies do not show effectiveness after 2-3 days, it is recommended to abandon them. To treat children, you can prepare the following folk remedies for a runny nose:

  • Washings are the most safe procedure. It must be carried out with caution. Dial saline solution into a bulb or syringe, carefully inject the liquid into the nasal cavity, inserting the tip into the nostril. To prevent the child from choking, his mouth must be open. To improve the effect, dissolve a drop of iodine in 1 liter of water.
  • To warm a stuffy nose, use warm compresses, which should be placed on the bridge of the nose.
  • Perform inhalations with herbs or essential oils using a nebulizer. Direct exposure to steam can harm the baby.
  • Anticongestion drops for children are prepared using a lower concentration of components than for adults. You can inject into the nasal cavity products based on a combination of valerian tincture and olive oil or chamomile decoction or Kalanchoe juice. If it is not possible to instill the composition into the child, wipe the passages with a soft cloth moistened with a medicinal liquid.
Recipe Content
1. When a cold begins You need to boil 2 eggs, and while they are warm, keep them on both sides of the sinuses. This warming will help stop a runny nose and relieve swelling.
2. Warming up and opening the airways Three tablespoons of salt are heated in a hot frying pan and poured into a sock or scarf. Apply such a warm “structure” to the nasal sinuses.
3. Rinse with chamomile Take a spoonful of the plant’s flowers, brew it with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, and filter. Rinse your nose twice a day.
4. Irrigation with saline solution Place one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water (it is better to take iodized or sea salt). Stir well and rinse your nose with the solution. Procedures should be carried out up to 5 times a day. Mucus and infection will be washed away. The swelling will go away.
5. Lubricating the wings of the nose with clove oil To prevent it from pinching, it is usually diluted 3:1 with any vegetable oil. Cloves are a good antiseptic; they kill germs very well.
6. Balm “Star” It can be used to lubricate the nose outside and inside. It is also useful to do inhalations: put it on a cup of boiling water Not a large number of balsam (like 2 buckwheat grains). Breathe warm steam through your nose for 5 minutes twice a day (you can exhale through your mouth).
7. Potato inhalations Boil potato peelings until soft. Then you need to drain the water and lean over the steam from the potatoes, covering yourself with a blanket. You need to breathe like this: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The procedure should last at least 10 minutes.
8. Garlic inhalations Our grandmothers did this: they took a large clove, crushed it, threw it into a liter of boiling water and added a teaspoon of soda. They breathed this steam for 5 minutes twice a day. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
9. Using Kalanchoe Take a Kalanchoe leaf. Grind it and squeeze out the juice. You need to drop 1 drop of this into each respiratory passage. natural medicine. After this, severe sneezing will begin and the condition will stabilize. The procedure can be repeated every two hours. In two days the nose will be completely deposited.
10. Valerian root tincture drops You need to take a spoonful (heaped) of crushed valerian root and pour it with vegetable oil. Place this composition tightly closed jar or bottle in a dark place for a week. Then shake well and filter through a strainer. The prepared product is instilled into each nasal passage. For children, it is recommended to dilute the drops further olive oil 1:1.
11. Onion washes Onion juice should be diluted with warm boiled water and rinsed through the nose throughout the day. Swelling of the mucous membrane breathing will pass will recover.
12. Beetroot drops Beetroot juice can be used as drops. The passages will be cleared and the swelling of the mucous membrane will be relieved. You can mix this juice 1:1 with onion juice. This will speed up the healing process.
13. Aloe Before cooking, the aloe leaf should be kept in the refrigerator for 7 days. This will accelerate the synthesis of biostimulants. The juice is diluted with water 1:1.5. You can also add honey. Then the ratio of ingredients will be 1:1:1. Instill this remedy 3 times a day.
14. Massage Using your index fingers, massage the wings of your nose clockwise - 10 movements and the same number - counterclockwise. After this, you should knock lightly 10 times: maxillary cavities and the center of the bridge of the nose.
15. Breast milk Infants can have their nose rinsed mother's milk. It is sterile and quickly clears the baby's nasal passages.

Nasal congestion or rhinitis is usually a warning sign of an onset of a cold. Most often this occurs due to infection in the respiratory tract and swelling of the sinus mucosa. In this case, there is difficulty breathing - the person has to breathe through the mouth.

However, this symptom can occur not only due to contact with pathogenic microbes into the body. It can occur when the body reacts to some irritant: inhaling washing powder, pollen, chemical dyes and so on. In that case it is - allergic rhinitis. It is most often observed in spring and summer during the flowering of certain plants: for example, birch, dandelion, wormwood, sunflower.

Nasal congestion can also occur with the development of a tumor, with hypertension, narrowing of the respiratory passages or abuse of vasodilator drops.

Frequent use of drugs can lead to addiction in the body and give the opposite effect. They can be used only in case of emergency and for a very short time.

A safe alternative pharmaceutical drugs will become effective folk remedies that have proven themselves for centuries. They don't call adverse reactions body and do not give addiction.

The best prevention of nasal cavity diseases is to strengthen the immune system. You should exercise regularly, exercise and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. In cold weather, in order to avoid freezing and catching a cold, you need to dress warmly and do not forget about your hat. Limit contact with substances that cause allergic rhinitis. Stop smoking.

Many patients prefer treating nasal congestion with folk remedies classical medicine. Often such therapy, started on early stage diseases, allows you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease and reduce the risk of complications. Many folk remedies act gently and sparingly, but at the same time they cope with the problem no worse than patented drugs. And they have much fewer side effects, which is important when treating children and pregnant women.

Of course, it is impossible to talk about everything in one article. Therefore, let's consider the most effective methods and recipes for dealing with nasal congestion.

Treatment with unconventional methods is quite justified, since it copes with its tasks perfectly at all stages of the disease. However, there are several situations when the use of folk remedies is undesirable:

  • with the development of a serious purulent disease;
  • Before starting therapy, infants, pregnant and nursing mothers should consult a doctor;
  • If the causes of nasal congestion lie in an allergic reaction, alternative medicine is recommended to be used with great caution.

When using traditional methods, some points should be taken into account. Firstly, the effect of therapy does not occur immediately, but after a few days. Therefore, if there are no quick results, you should not immediately stop treatment.

Secondly, it is recommended to start using highly allergenic drugs with one substance, and then, in the absence of negative reaction, gradually introduce new components.

If treatment with traditional medicine within 4–5 days does not give the expected results and the patient’s condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

The best ways to deal with nasal congestion

So, how to treat nasal congestion with unconventional methods? Let's look at the most popular and effective of them.

There are many folk remedies that help with difficulty breathing


Drops are the most widely used means of combating illness. They cope well with the symptom of a stuffy nose, eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane and moisturize it, and prevent the development of ear inflammation.

There are several simple recipes for preparing drops based on medicinal herbs:

  • add a little pine essential oil to a tablespoon of chamomile decoction and apply the medicine 5-6 times a day;
  • teaspoon Kalanchoe juice or aloe dilute with infusion of calendula flowers and inject into nasal cavity as needed.

Natural ointments

Another folk remedy for treating nasal congestion. Ointments effectively relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and inflammation, improve local blood circulation. To make ointments at home, you need two ingredients: oil base And active substance. As carriers medicinal components use animal fat, lanolin, wax, cow butter or petroleum jelly.

Natural ointments soften the mucous membrane and increase local immunity

The active ingredient can be decoctions and infusions medicinal plants or other substances. The following ointments are most often prepared on their basis:

  • 60 grams of lanolin are mixed with 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 1 tsp. aloe juice Gauze turundas are dipped into the resulting mixture and inserted into the nasal cavity for 10–12 minutes. Treatment is carried out once a day;
  • melted animal fat is added to a tablespoon of calendula infusion. The mixture is heated over low heat for 5–6 minutes and cooled. The finished ointment is stored in the refrigerator and used as needed.


At the first sign respiratory disease You can use another effective remedy - healing cream. To prepare it, just mix eucalyptus essential oil or tea tree with regular baby cream. The result will be an excellent immunostimulating and antiseptic medicine.


Another good remedy for nasal congestion is hot steam treatment. For procedures you can use infusions of medicinal herbs, soda solution, essential oils or mineral water.

Inhalations quickly relieve nasal congestion

Inhalations are often done using a nebulizer. Such a device is especially convenient for carrying out medical procedures children. It completely eliminates the risk of dishes with hot water tipping over.

Warming up

If the nose is stuffy due to a respiratory disease, the patient will benefit dry heat. Surely many people know about these simple ways warming, like hard-boiled eggs and hot potatoes.

Very often, a fabric bag filled with salt or cereal hot in a frying pan is used for the procedure. When using this treatment, extreme care should be taken to avoid getting burned.

At the very beginning of the ailment, you can do hot bath for legs. She will help stop further development disease, and several similar procedures will completely cure the patient.

Nasal rinsing

Cleansing the nasal cavity saline solution or infusions of medicinal herbs, it helps against congestion, moisturizes the mucous membrane and removes secretions. At inflammatory process in ears and purulent sinusitis, such procedures are contraindicated.

Flushing helps ease breathing

To prepare a salt solution, take a teaspoon of sea or table salt per 1 liter of warm liquid. The procedure is carried out using a special teapot, syringe or large syringe.

Laundry soap - benefit or harm

Often, patients with nasal congestion and severe runny nose try to alleviate their suffering with the help of this remedy. On the Internet you can find a lot of information about miraculous ointments and creams based on laundry soap. Is it really that good? Let's figure it out.

There is some sense in using this tool. It is known that laundry soap contains a large amount of alkali and has an antiseptic effect. Therefore, it may be useful during epidemics as first aid, if nothing else is at hand. Enough to apply soap suds onto the mucous membrane and rinse it off with water.

However, no scientific justification There is no proof of its effectiveness. Moreover, with excessive use, drying and irritation of the mucous membrane is possible. And you should not insert cotton swabs soaked in soapy water into your nose.

Garlic for nasal congestion

If your nose is very stuffy and snot runs, scratching will help. This hot vegetable, thanks to the phytoncides it contains, kills and suppresses the growth of bacteria and viruses, and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. When used correctly, garlic will quickly ease breathing and eliminate a runny nose.

Garlic cannot be used in its pure form.

There is no need to insert hot slices into the nasal cavity or instill undiluted juice. You can burn the mucous membrane and further aggravate the malaise.

Proper use involves the use of diluted juice mixed with other medicinal ingredients:

  • Take 7-8 drops of the product per tablespoon of oil (vegetable, almond, sea buckthorn). Inject the resulting mixture into the nose 3-4 times a day;
  • mix baby cream with pure juice and lubricate the mucous membrane. Continue treatment until complete healing.

The dosage of concentrated juice can be changed up or down, based on your own feelings.

Massage for nasal congestion

One of the methods to remove swelling of the mucous membrane and make breathing easier is BAP massage. The procedure is useful to do at all stages of the disease in both adults and children. During the session, blood circulation in the mucous membrane improves, swelling decreases and natural breathing is restored.

Massage is especially good for relieving chronic nasal congestion. This procedure is very convenient because it does not take more than 10 minutes and is available anywhere. It is recommended to do it 3-4 times a day.

Massage biological points makes breathing easier

Impact on active points is contraindicated in case of purulent sinusitis and elevated body temperature.

Onion for nasal congestion

Onions, like garlic, have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic activity. For therapy, juice squeezed from grated vegetables or the pulp itself is used. The prepared product is mixed with oil, honey or potato juice and dropped into the nose.

Warming cakes based on onion gruel help relieve congestion. The product is mixed with honey and flour or starch. The finished plates are placed on the sides of the nose and left for 30 minutes.

Treatment with honey

When the nose is stuffy due to a respiratory disease, it will not be superfluous to use honey in treatment. The sweet medicine will not only make breathing easier, but will also help with sore throats. In addition, honey perfectly improves local immunity and cleanses the mucous membranes.

People prone to allergies and children should use this product with caution.

For therapy, honey is added to drops, creams and ointments, or consumed orally with hot tea or milk. The product strengthens the body and saturates it with vitamins and microelements.

Honey is included in many folk recipes

Several recipes with honey:

  • add honey to onion or garlic juice and administer the resulting medicine into the nose at the first symptoms of the disease;
  • Mix beet or carrot juice with tasty medicine in a 1:1 ratio. You can bury this mixture in your nose several times a day until complete recovery. The recipe will be useful for young mothers and pregnant women.

In addition to honey, other bee products can be used for nasal congestion. For example, it is recommended to add propolis to water for inhalation or simply dissolve a pea-sized piece once a day. The product stimulates local immunity and disinfects the nasopharynx.

Essential oils

Concentrated solutions of oils help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane in adults. For therapy, extracts of eucalyptus, tea tree, pine, fir or thuja are most often used. They can be added to water for inhalation or in a foot bath, or used to prepare drops, ointments and creams.

Chiropractors strongly recommend performing BAT massage with the addition of essential oils. The double effect will quickly improve the patient’s well-being and speed up recovery. A few drops of concentrate in the aroma lamp will help clean and refresh the air in the apartment.

If there is no runny nose

What to do if your nose is stuffy but there is no snot? How to deal with the problem? By and large, this patient’s condition is no different from an ailment complicated by rhinitis. There is also swelling of the mucous membrane, which interferes with living a full life. And folk remedies for nasal congestion will help fight it.

Exercises according to Strelnikova will well complement the methods of alternative medicine

You can supplement the procedures breathing exercises according to Strelnikova. There are many similar techniques. All of them help to cope with nasal congestion and ease the course of the disease. The only condition is that before the session you need to instill vasoconstrictors in order to improve breathing.

How to overcome nasal congestion

To make treatment more effective, it is necessary to start it as early as possible. Traditional methods are especially effective at the beginning of illness, but at a later stage late stages the results will no longer be as good. That's why alternative medicine It is recommended to combine it with classical and remember the contraindications.

A few more simple recipes will help get rid of congestion:

  • Protargol or silver water has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. The drug dries out the mucous membranes well and makes breathing easier;
  • Cyclamen root extract also helps relieve congestion. Based on it, a solution is prepared, which is used for nasal instillation or used for inhalation and rinsing. For the procedure, cyclamen tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15.

Treatment of nasal congestion with various folk remedies will give good result, if used correctly and after consulting a doctor. When engaging in self-therapy, you must remember about contraindications and possible development allergies.