Sorrel beneficial properties. Horse sorrel, medicinal properties. Increasing hemoglobin with sorrel

For a long time, sorrel was considered a weed that was not eaten. Today this plant with a pleasant sourness is cultivated in every garden plot. The benefits and harms of sorrel have already been sufficiently studied, which is why the green leaves are consumed not only as a dressing for dishes, but also raw for health purposes.

Sorrel (lat. Rumex) belongs to the perennial herbs of the Buckwheat family. There is an assumption that the name comes from a Russian dish - sour cabbage soup. About 150 plant species are known in Africa, Eurasia, America and 70 in Russia. Many don't even know what it could be like healthy sorrel. But in order to reveal its healing properties, you need to know which type to use.

Small sorrel grows predominantly in acidic soils. As grass infests the meadows, crops legumes, the problem of eradication remained relevant for a long time. Passerine sorrel is rarely used in cooking as a salad or seasoning due to the bitter taste of the leaves.

Most of the plant subspecies are weeds used in medicinal prescriptions. Dishes include only common or sour sorrel (lat. Rumex acetosa), which is specially cultivated in vegetable gardens.

Curly and horse sorrel

You can meet the moisture-loving crop near ponds, ditches, and rivers. The height of the stems of this curly type of plant can reach up to 100 cm. Despite the widespread distribution of this sorrel in many climatic zones, Japan is initially considered its homeland. Young shoots of the grass are valued for their juiciness and indescribable lemon taste, but in old leaves they accumulate large quantities acid and vitamin C, which is why they are often included in alternative medicine recipes.

The perennial plant horse sorrel is found in the steppes, along river valleys, and in forests. The leaves rise above the field grasses, reaching the height of human height. Other popular names: mare's cheek, hernial moth, aveluk, horse sorrel.

Many people think that horses love to eat this grass. But such associations with the name of the plant are erroneous; moreover, livestock farmers note that livestock are repelled by the bitterness of the weed.

For medicinal purposes, the rhizome of horse sorrel is used, from which homemade infusions and decoctions are made. It was noted that the specific bitterness disappears when the plant is dried.

Botanical characteristics: shape, composition, calorie content

The inconspicuous green leaves of sorrel are rich in micro- and macroelements, organic substances, and natural esters. In view of unique combination Natural components of the plant are used in herbal medicine. Since for decades passerine sorrel was considered exclusively a weed, many did not know what it contained useful material. In encyclopedias medicinal plants V.V. Telyatev, published from 1966 to 2004, describes the following constituent components sorrel:

  1. Minerals: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron.
  2. Vitamins of group B1, B2, B3 and B6, C, A.
  3. The underground stem is rich in polyphenols and leukoanthocyanidins, essential oils, resins, sucrose.
  4. Thin sorrel leaves contain anthracene glycosides, tannins, carotenes, antioxidants.
  5. The above-ground part and roots of the plant contain large amounts oxalic acid, which has the property of accumulating in all organs.

This combination of beneficial compounds plant origin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, nervous and of cardio-vascular system. 100 g of product contains only 18 kcal, which allows it to be classified as a low-calorie plant. Sorrel is also popularly called the “spring king”, which already in May pleases with fresh foliage in the garden beds. We should not forget that you can eat sorrel raw, but in limited quantities. Young leaves are used to prepare salads, vegetable smoothies, okroshka or green cabbage soup.

Oxalic acids are very beneficial for the body, but high concentration stomach upset and kidney dysfunction occur. During heat treatment, the irritant effect of substances is reduced, so sorrel in fresh must be consumed in doses.

The healing properties of sorrel for the body

The first mention of this terrestrial plant occurs in the 18th century in the chronicles of France. In Russia, for a long time it was perceived exclusively as a weed before the benefits of sorrel for the body were appreciated. Now sorrel is used as a spicy dressing in various dishes and in alternative medicine as a means of natural healing.

Herbalists thought about the benefits of sorrel, and during the clinical trials came to the conclusion that its use is indicated for the following diseases.

Purpose Medicinal efficacy
Hemorrhoids, posterior fissures Replenishment of vitamin C deficiency, anti-putrefactive and coagulative effects
Stool disorder: diarrhea, constipation In small quantities, tannins exhibit a fixing effect, and with increasing dosage, they enhance intestinal motility and eliminate flatulence
Malfunction of the digestive tract With weak secretion gastric juice the plant increases acidity. Sorrel is the most beneficial for the stomach. This is explained by the fact that herbal decoctions envelop the walls of the organ and gently remove waste and toxins.
Cosmetology When sorrel juice is rubbed into damaged areas of the skin against the background of eczema, itching, and rash, regeneration processes are activated. Thanks to the acids of organic origin in the herb, it is used to eliminate pigmentation and improve the tone of the epidermis
Diseases of the cardiovascular system The beneficial properties are due to the composition of sorrel, which contains high concentrations of potassium. This substance prevents the occurrence of ischemia, stroke, hypertension
Renal pathologies For abnormal swelling indicating a malfunction excretory system, dried sorrel leaves, which have a pronounced diuretic effect, come to the rescue
Low level of immunity Against the background of iron deficiency, anemia develops and the body's resistance deteriorates. infectious agents. In the fight against autumn vitamin deficiency, sorrel has no equal
Malignant carcinomas Although science has made great progress in 2017, pharmacology has not invented a drug that can completely eliminate tumor-like neoplasms accompanied by processes of active metastasis. Herbalists claim that fresh sorrel acts as an effective anticancer agent due to its antioxidant properties.
Diabetes Sorrel dishes are useful for high sugar in the blood, since the plant, due to its low carbohydrate content, normalizes glucose and cholesterol levels and cleanses blood vessels

Benefits for women

Against the background of the natural decline of reproductive and menstrual function, which occurs after 45 years, changes occur in the body. With the onset of menopause, a gradual but continuous increase in sex hormones begins, which is then alternated by a sharp lack of estrogen. Drinking sorrel juice during menopause eliminates the symptoms characteristic of this physiological state: “hot flashes”, insomnia, sweating, dizziness. In addition, herbal infusions relieve psycho-emotional stress women.

When planning to conceive, gynecologists recommend taking a course of folic acid, which is responsible for correct formation fetal organs and anlage nervous system. Sorrel also contains vitamin B9, which makes this product good for health. expectant mother and baby. If you have problems with lactation, herbalists recommend consuming sorrel dishes to increase milk flow and improve its quality.

In situations where girls experience frequent cramps during menstrual cycle, it is not necessary to resort to the help of strong painkillers - oxalic acid and vitamin B9 increase hemoglobin, relieve migraines and discomfort.

Use of sorrel in home medicine

Young shoots and rhizomes of sour mountaineer are included in many recipes, the effectiveness of which has been tested for decades. For cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques shows a salad of freshly cut sorrel leaves, dressed olive oil. This recipe is also suitable for people who want to normalize their work gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins.

The use of curly sorrel for alcoholism relieves cravings for alcoholic beverages, but provided there is no chronic dependence. On initial stages For diseases, it is necessary to make a decoction from the roots of the plant. With food or alcohol poisoning you need to quickly cleanse the body of toxins with freshly prepared sorrel juice: drink 100 ml after each meal.

At internal bleeding, severe diarrhea herbalists recommend eating a tablespoon 5-6 times a day of a crushed mixture of fresh leaves. In case of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (caries, gingivitis, periodontitis), rinsing should be carried out herbal decoction. To do this, boil one tablespoon of chopped sorrel root in 500 ml of water. The recipe can also be used for colds.

Contraindications for use

Regardless wide range application and pronounced healing effect, sorrel can be harmful to health. With prolonged abuse of fresh leaves, calcium is washed out of the body during urination. At the same time, the risk of nephrolithiasis, osteoporosis, and gout increases.

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • renal pathologies chronic stage leakage;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • water-salt imbalance;
  • cholelithiasis.

A way to reduce the effects of concentrated oxalic acid on the body was discovered during clinical trials.

To prevent irritation of the digestive tract, it is necessary to combine raw herbs and dairy products - kefir and sour cream - in dishes. The recommendation is explained by the fact that calcium contained in milk binds organic acids in the plant.

Sorrel is one of the perennial herbs. Sometimes it is perceived as a weed. Sorrel has pale stems and broad, spear-shaped leaves. Its taste is acidic and sharp.

Sorrel is cultivated and used in medicine and cooking.

Sorrel can be added to soups, salads, meat dishes, spices, sauces and even jams. Its sour and strong taste, reminiscent of kiwi and strawberries, makes dishes original.

Composition of sorrel

Sorrel is high in fiber, but low in fat and protein. The composition contains flavonoids, anthocyanins and polyphenolic acids.

Vitamins in 100 gr. from daily value:

  • A – 133%;
  • C – 80%;
  • B6 – 9%;
  • B2 – 8%;
  • B9 – 4%.

Minerals in 100 gr. from daily value:

The rich composition of sorrel makes it beneficial for human health. Normalized consumption of this plant has a positive effect on almost all systems of the human body.

For bones and teeth

Sorrel strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

  • Vitamin A accelerates bone growth
  • Vitamin C synthesizes collagen, necessary for bone development.

Even a small amount of calcium in sorrel is beneficial for the body. Calcium deficiency leads to the formation of osteoporosis and worsens the condition of teeth.

For the heart and blood vessels

Sorrel – natural spring potassium, which dilates blood vessels. He:

For eyes

Vitamin A in sorrel improves vision, prevents degeneration macular spot and the development of cataracts, and also maintains visual acuity, which worsens with age.

For the respiratory system

Sorrel leaves are used for treatment respiratory diseases and infections. They are medicine for sore throat, bronchitis and sinusitis.

Tannins in sorrel have astringent action, protect the upper Airways from infections and dry out the mucous membrane.

For the pancreas

Sorrel reduces the risk of diabetes due to organic compounds and anthocyanins.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Sorrel helps cope with disorders digestive system, thanks to fiber.

For skin and hair

The leaves and stems of sorrel have astringent, cooling and acidic properties, so the plant is used for local treatment skin diseases and warts. Sorrel eliminates rashes, itching, irritation and the effects of ringworm.

The iron contained in sorrel helps produce red blood cells. It is beneficial for hair growth and fast healing wound

The anti-allergenic and antimicrobial properties of sorrel protect the skin, and vitamins A and C slow down the formation of wrinkles.

For immunity

Antioxidants in sorrel stop the transformation healthy cells into cancerous ones. Sorrel – prophylactic from cancer.

The vitamin C in sorrel is beneficial for the immune system. It increases the number of white blood cells and helps fight viruses and bacteria.

Thanks to its beneficial properties. It contains a large amount of important for us ascorbic acid, vitamins B, K, it contains carotene, essential oils.

Many organic acids are present in this medicinal herb, for example, oxalic, pyrogallic and some others. There are also some minerals, for example, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. WITH therapeutic purpose and all parts of this plant are used as preventive measures.

The use of sorrel and its healing properties

This herb is used in the treatment of certain diseases, for example, it is used for anemia, vitamin deficiency, and scurvy. Thanks to the large amount of ascorbic acid, iron is absorbed, and accordingly, hemoglobin levels increase. In large doses, sorrel can have a laxative effect on the body, and in small doses, on the contrary, it will strengthen the stool.

It is useful to eat for gastritis with low acidity, because it promotes the active production of gastric juice, which significantly improves the digestion process. Sorrel has a choleretic effect. IN folk medicine an infusion is prepared from it, which is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, as well as a hemostatic agent.

Sorrel leaves have an astringent, analgesic, wound-healing, antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect on the body. The decoction enhances the formation of bile, it is recommended to be prescribed for bleeding, various rashes and unbearable skin itching.

Sorrel improves intestinal activity. The decoction is used as an antidote for poisoning, for pain in the lumbar region and for rheumatism. It is recommended to eat this plant for colitis, enterocolitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures.

Sorrel is considered one of the best means, which is used for menopause. Avicenna also said that this herb can facilitate hormonal changes in the body, and it is recommended to use it daily in small quantities; a few leaves will be enough.

Treatment with sorrel, I will give some recipes

Can be cooked healing infusion from the leaves and roots of sorrel, which is recommended for use as a mouth rinse, it will strengthen the gums and remove inflammatory process, due to the tannins, ascorbic acid and calcium present.

For rheumatism and pain in the lower back you can use this recipe. You will need a tablespoon fresh roots, which are first recommended to be crushed, and then they need to be filled with 300 milliliters of water, after which you need to boil this drug for fifteen minutes in a water bath, then you need to infuse and strain the broth. It should be taken in thirty grams.

For cystitis, you can take baths with a decoction made from sorrel. To do this, you need to take five hundred grams of leaves and pour them with a liter of water, then boil it in a water bath for no longer than ten minutes and add it to a bath of water.

For diarrhea, you can use this recipe. You will need two tablespoons of pre-crushed sorrel roots, which are recommended to be poured into 300 milliliters hot water. Then you need to put the container on water bath for thirty minutes, then cool it, strain through a sieve with a fine nozzle, and can be consumed three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Using sorrel in cooking

In cooking, sorrel is used to prepare the most different dishes For example, the French grow about fifty varieties of this plant, and use it in the preparation of various sauces, warm salads, and so on. In England it is stewed and fried. In Italy it is often added to pasta. In Central Asia it is used in baking to add some sourness and pleasant aroma bread.

In our country, sorrel is also loved by many; it is eaten fresh and pickled, used canned and dried. Various soups are prepared from it delicious sauces and salads, used as a filling for baked goods.

Certainly the most popular in our country culinary dish from sorrel are green cabbage soup, which is eaten in early spring from fresh grass with sour cream and boiled chicken egg. But it is worth remembering that after the heat treatment many are lost beneficial features.

Therefore, it is useful to eat young fresh sorrel, which can be mixed with other vegetables, for example, spinach and arugula, and season this salad with olive oil and a couple of drops of lemon juice.

Contraindications to the use of sorrel

It is worth knowing that, despite the beneficial properties of this healing herb, frequent use can cause the formation of kidney stones. It is not recommended to eat sorrel if there is a violation of salt metabolism or intestinal diseases. inflammatory in nature.

It is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, hyperacid gastritis, with a stomach ulcer. Eating too much sorrel makes it difficult to absorb microelements such as calcium, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis.


Of course, sorrel has beneficial properties, and it is recommended to include it in the diet; it is especially good to use it in early spring, when the body needs vitamins and minerals after a long winter period.

Herbal ingredients are an excellent replacement many medications. Scientists know that herbs can contain active chemical components used to make drugs.

In this regard, horse sorrel is valued in folk medicine, medicinal properties which have been studied in detail.

What kind of plant is this?

Horse sorrel- perennial plant

Horse sorrel is a perennial plant that grows mainly in Eastern Europe and Asia. The leaves and roots of this plant are used in cooking and folk medicine.

Fresh leaves of horse sorrel can be bitter, so the plant is first dried before preparing it. Dry horse sorrel seasoning is used as an ingredient in soups, stews, salads and sauces.

Various types of sorrel are distributed throughout the world, but this plant is most famous in European countries. Horse sorrel is a local Eurasian species of sorrel. This plant can be found in forests and steppes. In addition, horse sorrel is grown by farmers.

European types of sorrel have the best taste and aroma. However, horse sorrel leaves contain more beneficial components.

Benefit for health

Horse sorrel leaves have excellent nutritional and healing properties. That is why the plant is regularly collected and dried for further use. Main healing properties:

  • Horse sorrel contains a large amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals. The composition of sorrel leaves is unique in many ways, so it cannot be replaced by other vegetables and fruits.
  • Is low-calorie product. 100 g of fresh plant leaves contain only 22 calories. This is largely due to the content of soluble dietary fiber.
  • 100 g of sorrel leaves contain 48 mg of ascorbic acid. This is 80% of the recommended daily dose vitamin A. Ascorbic acid is powerful antioxidant, helping the body's cells fight infection and remove harmful oxygen radicals.
  • Horse sorrel leaves contain significant amounts of vitamin A. This vitamin is essential for maintaining healthy mucous membranes and skin. In addition, vitamin A is necessary for work visual apparatus. It is also known that consuming vitamin A, found in vegetables and fruits, helps fight cancer.
  • The plant contains different kinds antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative damage. Sorrel contains kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin and other flavonoids.
  • Horse sorrel contains almost all B vitamins. The content of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), riboflavin, thiamine and niacin is significant.
  • The leaves and roots of horse sorrel contain necessary for the body microelements. These include manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc. Potassium is necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Manganese and copper are effective antioxidant cofactors.

In addition to its general medicinal properties, horse sorrel leaves are useful for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

The video will tell you about the beneficial properties of horse sorrel:

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Horse sorrel has long been known as a healing plant

Horse sorrel is often used as folk remedy for treatment various pathologies. Tinctures and decoctions are made from the leaves of the plant. Sorrel is also useful in dry and fresh form.

Medical benefits of horse sorrel:

  1. Prevention of diseases of the visual apparatus. Horse sorrel leaves contain a large amount of retinol, which is necessary for the functioning of the receptors in the retina of the eye. A lack of retinol can lead to impaired visual acuity and other ailments.
  2. Weight loss. Sorrel is an excellent ingredient dietary salads due to its low calorie content. Individual components of horse sorrel help reduce fat deposits.
  3. Detoxification of the body. The chemical components contained in horse sorrel leaves have diuretic and laxative properties. Eating sorrel helps remove it from the body. The leaves also contain protocatechuic acid, which neutralizes harmful substances.
  4. . Eating horse sorrel reduces gas formation in the intestines.
    Oxalic acid, found in large quantities in horse sorrel leaves, is an excellent remedy for the prevention of cancer. Chlorophyll and carotenoids, along with other vitamins and minerals, help the body fight cancer processes in the mammary gland.
  5. Reduced blood pressure. Antioxidants contained in horse sorrel reduce the concentration bad cholesterol in blood. Due to this, the permeability of blood vessels improves and blood pressure decreases.
  6. Relief from fever. Sorrel proanthocyanidins reduce inflammatory processes.
  7. Treatment of skin diseases. The use of horse sorrel products helps fight many types of skin pathologies, including eczema, dermatitis and ringworm. Great content ascorbic acid helps in preventing diseases.
  8. Fighting insomnia and anxiety. Regular use horse sorrel helps reduce general level stress due to the natural anxiolytic properties of the plant. It is especially beneficial to drink tea made from dried sorrel leaves. You can add cinnamon, ginger and cardamom to this tea to improve its soothing properties.
  9. Wound healing. , contained in horse sorrel, help speed up the healing of tissue after damage.
  10. Treatment of anemia. This disease is associated with a lack of iron in the body. Horse sorrel leaves contain large amounts of iron chemical components. Consuming this plant helps increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the body.
  11. Treatment of infections urinary tract. The components of horse sorrel have natural antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  12. Treatment of edema. The diuretic effect of sorrel removes excess water from the body.

Thus, horse sorrel is almost universal herbal remedy traditional medicine.


At the beginning of summer, when our body lacks vitamins and really wants fresh vegetables, sorrel is for us the first source of garden greens, from which housewives usually prepare green cabbage soup, stuff it into pies, and use it to prepare sauces for meat and fish. I always look forward to these young leaves to make a delicious summer soup. I really like their sourness, their special taste. Today we will talk to you, dear readers, about the benefits and harms of sorrel. I hope information about this leafy vegetable it will be useful to many.

Among the large number of species of sorrel that grow in the wild, the common sorrel, which grows in all regions, is edible and therefore used in cooking. Many varieties of garden sorrel have been developed that have pleasant taste and beneficial properties. And almost all gardeners grow sorrel on their plots for its vitamin leaves. Horse sorrel also deserves attention, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which we will also discuss in this article.

What are the benefits of sorrel for the body?

Everyone knows taste qualities sorrel, its pleasant acidity allows you to cook very delicious first ones dishes, add its fresh leaves to soups, cabbage soup, and borscht. The beneficial properties of sorrel are also known, allowing it to be used with the greatest benefit for good health.

Among chemical composition leaves and stems of sorrel, the most valuable are the proteins, fatty acid, tannins, rutin, flavonoid hyperoside, oxalic, citric, malic acids, as well as iron salts, vitamins C, K, B1, B2, B9, beta carotene and nicotinic acid. In small quantities, its leaves contain the macroelements magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Like all leafy vegetables, sorrel is also valuable for its fiber content, which is necessary for our intestines to function normally.

The substances included in sorrel have a positive effect on liver function, increase bile secretion, improve digestion and metabolism in the body, reduce the risk of developing vitamin deficiency, and act as anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agents.

Therefore, now, when the first greens are still tender and juicy, take advantage of the beneficial properties of sorrel, include them in your diet, adding them to any fresh salads or using them in cooking.

Sorrel. Health benefits and harms

The benefits of sorrel for the body have long been known and are successfully used in folk medicine. Sorrel has beneficial properties only when fresh, when its leaves are young and juicy; coarser leaves eventually lose both their taste and beneficial qualities.

Sorrel is a source of vitamins

The main beneficial property of sorrel is its vitamin composition, especially important in the spring, when fresh local vegetables and fruits have not yet grown, and the quality and usefulness of imported products is subject to reasonable doubt. Thanks to sorrel, you can significantly increase vitality, enhance immune system, get rid of spring fatigue, improve blood circulation. The combination of high amounts of vitamin C and iron in its leaves helps prevent the development of anemia.

The benefits of sorrel are the presence of B vitamins in its leaves, which are necessary for the body; their use with food has a positive effect on the nervous system. The work of the central and peripheral nervous system is regulated, muscle tone improves.

Is sorrel good for the stomach and intestines?

Many believe that sorrel is harmful to the stomach, and indeed, there are contraindications to its use; it should not be consumed by people with high acidity of gastric juice and those suffering from certain diseases. We will definitely talk about contraindications later. But for most people, sorrel is very useful, special benefit Sorrel will benefit those who have reduced gastric secretory function. Sorrel improves digestion, reduces risk putrefactive processes V digestive tract, its leaves have strong anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, therefore they are used for food poisoning.

A decoction of sorrel leaves is useful for diarrhea and inflammation of the small and large intestines. Young raw sorrel leaves can have a laxative effect, as they are rich and are used for constipation.

The benefit of sorrel is its ability to enhance secretion digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas, increase secretory function gastric juice.

Sorrel for our vessels

The presence of rutin, ascorbic and nicotinic acid allows us to talk about the benefits of this vegetable for blood vessels. Sorrel strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps thin the blood, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and prevents the formation of blood clots.

The hemostatic properties of sorrel are known; it is useful to use it for bleeding gums and frequent nosebleeds.

Benefits of sorrel for skin

In folk medicine, sorrel juice is used to treat eczema, fungal diseases of the skin and nails. Sorrel - excellent remedy for skin care, with its help you can lighten the skin, make age spots and freckles less noticeable, get rid of acne, improve condition oily skin. The best way uses of sorrel are masks made from leaves and Fresh Juice in facial lotions.

  • To lighten skin, remove age spots chop the leaves of sorrel and parsley, mix them in equal quantities, add a little kefir to get a uniform mass, and apply to the skin of the face or problem areas for 15 minutes. Then wash your face cool water. This mask is most suitable for oily skin; it tightens pores and removes excess sebum.
  • For aging, oily skin, mix a tablespoon of crushed leaves with beaten egg white and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply the mask to your face and wash it off after 15 minutes.
  • For acne, applying fresh sorrel juice to problem areas is beneficial. Juice is applied cotton swab spot on acne, after 20 - 30 minutes you need to wash or wipe your face.

What are the benefits of sorrel for women?

The benefit of sorrel for women is not only its low calorie content, but it also contains vitamin A, which is necessary for women to maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood. The question often arises whether sorrel can be consumed during pregnancy; during this period, women often have a need for sour food. Despite all the usefulness of sorrel, pregnant women should not overuse this greenery; sorrel in the composition of green cabbage soup will do a good job; it is enough to eat this soup just once or twice a week, in this case harmful effects There is no need to worry about oxalic acid. At frequent use sorrel can cause fluid retention in the body and the occurrence of edema.

Sorrel is also useful for women of advanced age, when menopause begins and many organs and systems suffer due to a deficiency of certain substances. Blood vessels suffer, cardiac activity is disrupted, and blood pressure and many other problems women experience during this difficult period of life.

In the absence of contraindications, it is advisable to introduce sorrel into the diet, but not often, especially in the spring, in order to support the body with vitamins and improve well-being. In large quantities, oxalic acid impairs the body's absorption of calcium.

Sorrel. Harm and contraindications

Sorrel in large quantities It is not recommended for anyone to consume, it is enough that in the spring and early summer, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins, we add a handful of these sour leaves to cabbage soup, borscht, vegetable soups, in pies as a filling. It cannot be abused, because high content oxalic acid can disrupt water - salt metabolism, leading to edema and dehydration of the body, provoke gout and serious violations in kidney function.

Oxalic acid is capable of reacting with various metals to avoid unexpected negative consequences, dishes with sorrel can only be prepared in enamel dishes.

Sorrel is contraindicated:

Everything is good in moderation, and sorrel is no exception; it can occasionally be used as part of dishes without harm to health.

You will learn about the benefits of sorrel, the harm and contraindications when using it from a video taken from a popular television program.

Horse sorrel. Benefits and harms

We talked to you, dear readers, about a leafy vegetable called common or sour sorrel, which is widely used in food purposes. But if we're talking about about the benefits of sorrel, then I would like to talk a little about horse sorrel, which, unlike the first, is not used for food. Its leaves are edible, but they are quite tough and have a bitter, tart taste. It is known that in some Central Asian countries it is added to flour, from which healthy and tasty flatbreads are baked, replacing bread.

Oh, the medicinal properties of horse sorrel root, its seeds and leaves are used in alternative medicine widely and worth talking about.

Horse sorrel is a plant that grows wild everywhere and is very easy to recognize from photographs. Unlike common sorrel, this plant forms voluminous bushes with large leaves and tall peduncles. This is what horse sorrel looks like in the photo.

Horse sorrel is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, dry powder for various diseases, and all parts of the plant have medicinal properties.

Horse sorrel root. Application

Most valuable as remedy are the roots of horse sorrel. Powders and decoctions from the roots are used for constipation, sluggish digestion, inflammatory processes in the intestines, poisoning, stomach bleeding, in the presence of helminths.

  • Take half a teaspoon of dry root powder with a small amount water twice a day for indigestion, for intestinal disorders as an astringent, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, for liver and gallbladder diseases as cholagogue. The powder is also used for hemorrhoids as a hemostatic agent.
  • For diarrhea, inflammation of the colon and small intestine, for hepatitis, for hemorrhoids, pour a tablespoon of roots with two glasses of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, strain after an hour and drink 1 - 2 tablespoons before meals.
  • For improvement cerebral circulation, for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, to reduce blood cholesterol levels, pour one tablespoon of a glass of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Strain after 2 hours after complete cooling, add water to a glass and take ¼ glass 2 times during the day.

Application of leaves and seeds of horse sorrel

Leaves, seeds and fresh juice of horse sorrel are used in folk medicine.

  • An infusion or decoction is prepared from the leaves and used externally, internally and externally in the form of lotions for pustular diseases skin, eczema, itchy dermatitis. For infusion, take a spoonful of chopped fresh leaves in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes and take 1/4 cup several times a day after meals.
  • A paste of leaves is applied to abscesses and boils to speed up their opening, relieve inflammation and reduce pain.
  • Juice squeezed from young sorrel leaves is used as a choleretic agent. Take it one tablespoon at a time, diluted with a small amount of water.
  • The diluted juice is used as a rinse for toothache.
  • Aphorisms of Confucius: wisdom for all times