What do green walnuts cure? The benefits and harms of walnuts, use in medicine and cosmetology. Alcohol tincture of green walnut peel

In ancient times, the walnut was called the “tree of life” for its unique ability to restore strength and heal a person. Hippocrates recommended these nuts for people with heart, brain, kidney, liver and stomach diseases. And Avicenna recommended it for exhaustion and pulmonary tuberculosis. But this nut is especially useful for the brain, because it is not without reason that its appearance resembles this particular organ.

Nutrients contained in walnuts

Green walnuts contain:

  • Vitamins C, B 1, B 2, PP
  • Carotene
  • Quinones
  • Starch
  • Glucose

Found in ripe nuts:

  • B vitamins, as well as vitamins C, A, K, E, PP
  • Tannins
  • Sitosterones
  • Quinones
  • Acids linoleic and linolenic, eladic and gallic, palmitic
  • Gallotannins
  • Juglone
  • Essential oil
  • Phytoncides
  • Mineral elements: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, sulfur, manganese, aluminum, zinc. Iodine, cobalt, strontium, fluorine, nickel, chromium, copper are present in small quantities

The pellicle (brown skin covering the nut) contains:

  • Coumarins
  • Steroids
  • Phenolcarboxylic acids
  • Tannins

The cotyledons contain:

  • Amino acids: glutathione, lysine, cystine, histadine, alanine, valine, arginine and proline
  • Aspartic and glutamic acids

What do walnuts cure?


To treat this disease, take six leaves of golden mustache and put them in the refrigerator for ten days in order to activate the biologically active substances. Then rinse the plant, chop it finely, pour a glass of boiling water and wrap the container with a kitchen towel. When the infusion has cooled, strain it and add a glass of honey and 300 g of crushed walnuts. Take a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day half an hour before meals.

Take 5 g of aconite root, chop and cook in half a liter of boiling water for 15 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain it. Crush 50 g of walnuts in a mortar and add to the broth along with 300 g of honey. Squeeze the juice of one lemon there. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Before taking the medicine, dilute a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass warm water, take three times daily before meals.

Laryngitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis

Mix 5 g of crushed aconite leaves, 20 g of finely chopped walnut leaves and 20 g of crushed walnut buds. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave for an hour, then strain. Gargle and rinse your mouth every two hours with warm infusion.

Unripe nuts are a strong anthelmintic

To get rid of worms, prepare syrup from green peels. Boil 20 g of chopped green walnut peels with big amount sugar or honey. A tablespoon of syrup is diluted in a glass of water. Take three to four times a day. Please note that eating green walnut shells prevents pregnancy.

To expel worms, you can simply use walnuts. They are eaten according to this scheme: eat six nuts at breakfast, then five more before lunch. And in the evening there are four more before dinner. Nuts should be chewed one at a time for a long time. The course is three days.

Skin diseases

For treatment skin diseases such as lichen, eczema, purulent rash and acne, the following remedy is used. Boil a teaspoon crushed shell walnuts and partitions in a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, remove the broth from the heat and let it brew for another hour, then strain. Take a quarter glass after meals three times a day. At the same time, lubricate the affected areas on the skin with the decoction.

For healing any wounds, burns, ulcers, abscesses, ulcers, as well as cracks in anus An oil infusion of green shells is used. To prepare it, take 5-6 green nuts with shells and pour half a liter of olive or almond oil. Leave to infuse in a warm, dark place for at least 40 days. Then lubricate the affected areas with the infusion. Walnut infusion is also effective for treating varicose veins veins and increased hair loss hair.


Walnut has a complex effect on the human body, making it healthier. It contains organic acids that can bind free radicals that accumulate in the body. All this makes walnuts a useful addition to traditional cancer treatment.

Recommended to take nut tincture. To prepare it, grind 27 green walnuts in a blender and pour a liter of vodka over them. Leave the bottle in a dark place for a week. Then take 150 g of tincture three times a day half an hour before meals.

TO external tumors It is useful to apply an ointment prepared from walnut partition powder and olive oil.

At ovarian cystand prostate try a decoction of walnut partitions. To do this, pour two tablespoons of partitions into 300 ml of boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes. Then let it brew for an hour and strain. The decoction should be divided into three parts and drunk during the day in three doses.

For reducing toxic effects on the body as a result of treatment cancer, and also for increasing overall resistance the body should take a nut-lemon mixture during the course of treatment. To prepare, take half a kilogram of peeled walnuts and lemons without peel. Pass everything through a meat grinder and place in a glass container. Let it brew for about half an hour. Then store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take three to four tablespoons during the day, after meals. For brain tumors, one tablespoon per day.

Cervical erosion

For cervical erosion, douching from the decoction will be useful nut shell. To do this, the shells are boiled in water until a brown broth is obtained. Then filter. Before douching, the decoction is diluted warm water in a ratio of 1:10.


Tincture recommended for diabetes. Pour walnuts into a glass container with a volume of 150–200 ml up to the top of the partitions and fill with vodka. Infuse for three weeks. Then strain and put in a dark place. Take a tablespoon before meals. The tincture also helps with hypertension.

Support normal level Blood sugar levels will be helped by a mixture of 100 grams of ground walnuts and 500 grams of buckwheat flour. In the evening, pour one and a half tablespoons of the mixture with kefir so that it rises two cm above the mixture. In the morning before eating, eat cooked food with grated green apple. During the day, eat a tablespoon of a mixture of nuts and buckwheat flour half an hour before meals. The course is five months, then a break for a month is required.

Stool disorders

From the weak diarrhea A tincture of walnut partitions will help. To do this, pour a third of a glass of partitions into a half-liter bottle of vodka and let it brew for two weeks in the light. If necessary, take half a glass twice a day.

At constipation try nut milk. To prepare, boil 100 g of crushed nuts in a liter of milk. You can add sugar or honey to the broth to taste. Drink a third of a glass up to five times a day.

General strengthening agents

If you are overworked and have low immunity, try “jam” from a glass of walnuts, a glass of dried apricots, a glass of raisins and one lemon with peel. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder and pour in 300 g of honey. Eat a tablespoon of “jam” three times a day before meals.

Strengthening agent for children with rickets. Grind 200 g of peeled walnuts, 200 g of aloe leaves and two lemons in a blender. Add 200 g of honey to the resulting mixture and butter. Give pasta to your child dessert spoon three times a day after meals.

Liver and kidney diseases

The following composition can support sick livers or kidneys: take 300 g of fresh honey and dilute it with water to obtain liquid. Add half a kilogram of walnuts ground into flour and stir until you get a liquid paste. Take three tablespoons for two weeks. The course of treatment is a week, then a week break.


Walnuts contain a large number of magnesia, which has a calming effect on the brain of a person in an excited state. At times of stress, a few walnuts will help you calm down and think soberly.


For cardiovascular failure and atherosclerosis, a mixture of a glass of crushed walnut kernels, a glass of grated lemon with pulp, but without peel, and honey is recommended. Stir the mixture in a glass jar and close it. Use a wooden spoon. Take a tablespoon three times a day 20 minutes before meals until the mixture is finished. It is advisable to repeat the courses every season.

For treatment and prevention atherosclerosis, anemia And hypertension You should eat 100 g of nuts with honey in three doses per day. Course 45 days.

Bronchial asthma

To treat asthma, pick aloe leaves and keep them in the refrigerator for 10 days. Then pass them through a meat grinder and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:3, leave for an hour and a half. Squeeze out the liquid. Mix 100 g of liquid with 500 g of chopped walnuts and 300 g of honey. Take a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day half an hour before meals. The mixture should be stirred again before use.

Medicinal properties of walnut oil

Nut oil is rich in stearic, linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids, it is rich in vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances.

The oil promotes the healing of burns, wounds and cracked nipples, and also improves the condition of the skin. It is used to expel worms; for this you should take 50 g of oil with wine. Walnut oil enhances intestinal motility and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

By drinking 20 g of oil at night, you help cleanse the liver and restore the gastric mucosa.

Walnuts were once considered the food of heroes. This rich in proteins food is absorbed much more fully than the proteins of meat or dairy products. Nuts contain lysine, which promotes rapid protein absorption. But it should be remembered that these nuts are most fully digestible when crushed, so if you eat whole nuts, they should be chewed thoroughly. Since protein is better absorbed during rest, it is better to consume nuts in the evening or before bedtime. The maximum number of kernels eaten at a time should not exceed seven, otherwise headaches and vascular spasms may occur.

Walnuts are used for treatment various diseases since ancient times, traditional medicine in many countries. The benefit of walnuts is that this product is rich in mineral compounds. Treatment with walnuts also normalizes the nervous system. Speaking about the benefits of walnuts, it is necessary to take into account that they medical use came from the times of Hippocrates and Avicenna. In Ancient Greece, walnuts were called the acorns of the gods. Energy value walnut is 656 kcal per 100 grams. Walnut kernels are very tasty and extremely nutritious. In ancient times, walnuts were also believed to be beneficial for mental performance. Walnuts include various vitamins– E and A, B and R.

IN folk medicine green and green leaves are used for treatment ripe nuts, pericarp, internal partitions of the nut, branches, bark and, of course, nut butter and milk. The nut kernels contain magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc, vitamins E, A, C. The nut is considered a product of health, youth and longevity. If you want to live long and preserve your youth for a long time, do not forget to eat 3 nuts every day. However, you should not eat more than 100 g of nuts per day, because... Our body has a hard time digesting complete protein. Those who suffers psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, nuts are contraindicated. The same applies to those who suffer acute gastritis.

  • Prepare nut milk. This is very valuable and healthy drink for teenagers, for weakened patients, for those who are engaged in physical or mental labor. Soak the nut kernels in cold water for 10 hours, then drain the water, crush the nuts and pour milk for 4 hours. Then boil the mixture, stirring frequently, over low heat for 20 minutes, then strain and add vanillin, salt or sugar to taste.
    The second way to prepare the drink: fry the nut kernels, crush them, mix with vanillin, pour in hot milk, add sugar to taste. Leave in a warm place for 20 minutes. In both cases, you need 0.5 liters of milk, 60 g of nut kernels, vanillin on the tip of a knife or 50 g of honey.
  • At diabetes mellitus, mastitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, bladder make an infusion of leaves: 1 tbsp. crushed dry leaves, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • If you have sore throat, periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis, prepare an infusion: 50 g of walnut leaves per 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours.
  • At prostatitis, prostate adenoma you should make and take the following tincture: 3 tbsp. crushed walnut leaves pour 200 g of vodka good quality(alcohol moonshine) and leave in a dark, warm place for 14 days. Strain and drink 40 drops strictly before meals 20 minutes 2 times a day. Drink until the tincture runs out, then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course. Treatment should be carried out for at least 5 courses. You can rub your feet with the same tincture. thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and varicose veins.
  • Very potent remedy at cold and for treatment pneumonia can be prepared from 1 cup of walnut kernels, 3 lemons (with peel, but without seeds). Pass these ingredients through a meat grinder, add 300 g of aloe leaf pulp, 0.5 kg of homemade unsalted butter, 200 ml of Cahors and 0.5 kg of honey. Melt the honey and butter in a water bath, cool, stirring so that it does not thicken too much, add all the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. This tasty mixture-tincture should be taken half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • For the treatment of felon you need to prepare the following ointment: 15 g of dried and crushed walnut leaves, pour 100 g of sunflower or corn oil(not for others). Leave for 7 days, then boil for 1 hour in a water bath, strain while hot and boil again in a water bath for 30 minutes (no more!). Then add 15 g of wax and stir until it cools completely.
  • Walnut kernels have a very good choleretic effect. For diseases of the biliary tract you need to eat nuts 4 times a day, 25 g per meal. The daily norm should not exceed 100 g.
  • For diabetes You can use not only an infusion of leaves, you can make a decoction of walnut partitions. Pour 40 g of partitions into 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer over very low heat under a closed lid for one hour. Take 1 tbsp of this decoction before meals. 3 times a day.
  • At mastopathy, uterine myoma, fibroma, fibromyoma you need to prepare a tincture from the internal partitions of a walnut according to the following recipe.
    Pour 100 g of alcohol over the partitions of 25 nuts and leave for 10 days. Take strictly 20 drops per 50 g boiled water 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months, a break of 10 days and the course is repeated again.
  • The nut partitions can also be infused like this: pour 1 part of the raw material with 10 parts of vodka, leave for 10 days, take 30 drops per 50 g of water 3 times a day. This tincture is especially recommended for treatment hypertension, and diarrhea.
  • Like a vitamin tonic , for diarrhea, diabetes You can drink the following tincture: take 15 green walnuts, chop, pour 0.5 liters of alcohol, leave in the sun for 2 weeks, take 1 tbsp. after meal
  • To strengthen the heart muscle, keep in order nervous system and improve liver health, you need to make the following mixture: take in equal parts walnuts, raisins and any chopped hard cheese. Eat 1 tsp. 3 times a day an hour before meals.
  • In order to regain your strength And improve memory, you need to prepare Nut Balm. Grind 0.5 kg of walnut kernels, add 300 g of honey and 100 g of aloe (pre-grind and add water 1:3, leave for 1.5 hours and squeeze). Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • At cervical erosion And inflammation of the appendages you need to prepare shells from 1 kg of nuts and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, the water will be Brown. Drain everything into a jar. Dilute part of the broth in a ratio of 1:10 and douche 2-3 times a day.
  • Take equal parts leaves and pericarp of the nut and mix. Pour one part of the mixture with 10 parts of alcohol, leave for 12 days, lubricate the white spots vitiligo on the body 3 times a day, without missing a single day for several months.
  • For eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, burns, bedsores, herpes, with torn wounds(small areas) you need to prepare the following ointment: eat ghee, propolis, church oil (lamp) and rosin. Take all ingredients in order (as written) in the following proportion: 1:1:1:0.5. Mix everything and heat in a water bath, stirring until a homogeneous mass is formed. Transfer the finished ointment to a dark glass jar (buy at a pharmacy). Warm up before use. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 years.
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Walnut, treatment, calorie content, benefits, composition, today about it we'll talk. Walnuts and their benefits have been known since ancient times; walnuts are widely used in folk medicine, and leaves, twigs, bark, etc. are used for medicinal purposes. ripe fruits, kernels, partitions, walnut oil.
The shape of a walnut is very similar to the brain; it is not for nothing that in ancient times the walnut was called “food for the mind,” and the walnut is also called the “royal nut.” Speaking of walnuts, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” immediately comes to mind... the squirrel sings songs and gnaws on the nuts... Walnuts are the favorite food of squirrels.

Composition of walnut

Walnuts contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, tannins, antioxidants.

Vitamin: A, E, PP, C, B1, B2, B6, B9, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, and more than 20 amino acids.

Walnut is simply a champion in terms of the content of complete vegetable protein. Walnuts also contain Omega-3 acids. Omega-3 acids help strengthen our immunity, improve mental activity. Therefore, by eating only 5 walnuts a day, you provide your body with Omega-3 acids for the day.

Calorie content of walnuts

640 kcal per 100 grams, as you can see, the nuts are quite high-calorie product, so you shouldn’t eat kilograms of walnuts, but you shouldn’t exclude them from your diet either. You need to eat from 5 to 7 walnut kernels per day.

In terms of calorie content, walnuts can be easily compared to butter, and in terms of vitamin content, walnuts are approximately five times higher than citrus fruits and eight times higher than black currants.

Walnuts are harvested in the fall, around the end of September, when their husks open. main feature nut ripeness. Also, after collecting walnuts, it is best to dry them in the sun or attic, and then put them in a bag and store them in a cool place. It is best to collect green nuts for making tinctures at the end of June, before their shells become hard.

Walnut leaves are best harvested in June at this time they contain the most useful substances and vitamin C. It is best to dry them in the sun, spreading them out in a thin layer on cloth or paper; those leaves that turn black during drying are best thrown away.

Peeled walnuts cannot be stored for a long time, since the nut oil quickly oxidizes in air and they acquire an unpleasant bitter taste, and larvae can appear in such nuts. You can store shelled walnuts in the freezer in an airtight container, or you can pour honey over them. But it is best to store nuts in shells, and if necessary, peel the nuts and use them.

Walnut beneficial properties

  • Walnuts are an essential source of vitamins.
  • Walnuts strengthen our immune system.
  • Walnuts improve vision.
  • Walnuts are very useful for anemia.
  • Walnuts have bactericidal properties.
  • Walnuts are very good at restoring the strength of our body.
  • Walnuts perfectly support our nervous system.
  • Walnuts are simply irreplaceable in the treatment of diseases such as the thyroid gland.
  • Walnuts stimulate mental activity.
  • Walnuts help in treating impotence and infertility.
  • Walnut is a good blood purifier.
  • Walnuts also have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Walnuts are indispensable for heart disease.
  • Walnuts contain large amounts of antioxidants.

Walnuts perfectly restore the strength of our body, are useful for anemia and dystrophy, but walnuts in combination with natural honey are especially useful; this mixture strengthens our immune system. Walnuts are mixed in equal parts with honey, the nuts need to be chopped and poured with honey. Take one spoon before meals three times a day. This mixture of honey and nuts is useful during the period of recovery after a serious illness, with iron deficiency in the body, and is recommended to be given to children with rickets.

Walnuts are very useful for nursing mothers; to increase lactation, you need to eat three or four nuts a day, of course, if you are not allergic to nuts.

To improve vision, with vitamin deficiency, to improve memory and attention, to maintain the nervous system, walnuts will also help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol; you need to eat about three walnut kernels every day. Walnuts are indeed a very healthy, necessary and simply irreplaceable product in our diet.

Walnut. Treatment

Walnut for gastrointestinal diseases. Walnuts are useful for people prone to constipation, as walnuts contain a lot of fiber and oil, they can enhance intestinal activity. But, for example, in Rus', doctors advised eating walnuts with honey on an empty stomach in order to normalize intestinal function. Decoctions and infusions from walnut leaves were used as astringent with diarrhea.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour one teaspoon of crushed walnut leaves into 200 ml. boiling water, leave for about half an hour, strain and take 100 ml. before meals several times a day. For hemorrhoids, a decoction of walnut leaves is used for compresses; three tablespoons of leaves are poured into half a liter of boiling water, boiled for about 15 minutes, then strain the decoction and cool.

For diarrhea, in folk medicine they use a tincture made from walnut partitions. One hundred grams of walnut partitions are poured into 250 ml. alcohol 70%, leave for 7 days, and then filter the tincture. Take six drops diluted in a spoon of water three times a day.

Walnut for cardiovascular diseases. To prevent atherosclerosis, you need to eat several nuts a day. For hypertension, traditional medicine recommends mixing honey in different proportions with chopped walnuts and consuming 100 grams of this mixture per day.

Walnut for bleeding. For hemorrhoidal bleeding, bleeding gums, ulcerative bleeding In folk medicine, infusions of walnut leaves are used. And powder from crushed dry walnut leaves is sprinkled on wounds to stop bleeding. It has long been known that walnut leaves increase blood clotting.

Walnut for endocrine diseases. In folk medicine, an infusion of walnut leaves is taken for diabetes, which reduces sugar in the urine. You need one tablespoon of leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for about twenty seconds, set aside, let the infusion cool, then strain, take the infusion throughout the day, in small portions.

To treat diabetes mellitus, walnut partitions are also used; to prepare a decoction, forty partitions are poured into 250 ml. water, boil for 20 minutes in a water bath, filter the broth, take forty grams of the broth three times a day before meals, course for three months.

In folk medicine, for the treatment of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to take a tincture of walnut partitions. Twenty partitions of walnuts are poured with one hundred grams of 70% alcohol, infused for about two weeks and the tincture is filtered, taking ten drops in a spoon of water three times a day.

Walnut for toothache. In folk medicine, for toothache, prepare an infusion of walnut leaves and rinse your mouth with the infusion. A teaspoon of leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for twenty minutes, and then filtered.

Walnut as a tonic and vitamin remedy. Based on walnuts, it is prepared, which increases efficiency, gives strength and vigor. Take a glass of walnuts, honey, dried apricots and raisins and one lemon along with the peel. Walnuts and dried apricots need to be put into a meat grinder, washed with lemon, passed through a meat grinder, mixed with raisins and a glass natural honey, store the mixture in the refrigerator, take a dessert spoon every day in the morning before meals. This mixture is also used in folk medicine as an antiscorbutic, tonic and blood purifier.

Walnut for tuberculosis. Walnuts are used in folk medicine to treat tuberculosis; crushed walnuts and mixed walnuts in equal proportions are used before meals every day, a spoonful. A aqueous extract prepared from walnut leaves renders therapeutic effect with some forms of tuberculosis of the larynx and skin.

Walnut for gingivitis, stomatitis, sore throat, periodontal disease. Five grams of walnut leaves are poured into 250 ml. boiling water, leave for twenty minutes, filter and gargle and gargle. This infusion helps with inflammatory diseases gums and suppuration.

Walnut for colds. If you have a cold, prepare yourself a mixture that includes walnuts. One glass of walnuts, three lemons with peel, minced, half a kilo of fresh butter, half a liter of honey, two hundred milliliters of Cahors wine and three hundred grams of crushed aloe leaves. Melt the butter in a water bath, combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly, store this mixture in the refrigerator, take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. This mixture can also be taken for bronchitis and pneumonia.

Walnut for fibroids, fibroids, fibroids. For these diseases, take a tincture prepared from walnut partitions. The partitions of twenty nuts are filled with 100 ml. alcohol, leave for ten days, filter, take 15 drops on a spoon of water three times a day. The course of treatment is two months.

Walnuts in cosmetology

Leaves, kernels, and walnut oil are used in cosmetology. Masks made from walnuts (pre-ground) are removed inflammatory processes on the skin, tone the skin. For normal to dry skin, prepare a tonic and vitamin mask. Take the kernel of one walnut and grind it, mix it with one teaspoon of honey, fresh butter and egg yolk, mix everything thoroughly. Apply to clean skin for twenty minutes, and then wash off the mask with warm water. If you have dry facial skin, you can apply nut oil to your face after the mask. But this is provided that you are not allergic to walnuts or other ingredients of the mask.

Walnut contraindication

  1. Walnuts can cause allergies; it is not recommended to consume walnuts for people sensitive to plant proteins.
  2. Walnuts are a high-calorie product, do not eat more than 6 of them per day.
  3. You should not eat walnuts if you have an ulcer. duodenum and stomach ulcers, as well as gastritis with high acidity.
  4. Walnuts are contraindicated for psoriasis and neurodermatitis, as they can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  5. Nuts are contraindicated for pancreatitis.
  6. People with increased blood clotting should not eat nuts.
  7. You should not eat nuts if you have urticaria or diathesis, as this will aggravate the course of the disease.

Walnuts are also actively used in cooking. Walnut kernels are used for desserts, sauces, sweet and sour soups, salads, and jam is made from unripe walnuts. We recently shared very delicious recipe, cook it, you won’t regret it.

Now is the time to collect walnuts, collect them, dry them and use them for treatment.

Walnut, treatment and benefits for children

Walnuts are tasty and healthy not only for adults, but also for children. It is better to give children nuts starting from the age of 2, since nuts contain a lot of calories, it is enough for children to eat 2-3 nuts per day, but they can be crushed before consumption. And if a child has intestinal problems, then it is better to refrain from consuming walnuts. Walnuts with honey restore the child’s strength and immunity after past illness. In addition, walnuts do not contain cholesterol and therefore will not cause excess weight your baby's.

Treatment of diseases with walnuts is also known to you, but before using traditional medicine, be sure to consult your doctor. Eat walnuts for your health!

And I feed this squirrel with walnuts. All the best to you!

The thyroid gland is a kind of conductor that directs the work of all systems of our body. This small butterfly-shaped organ is responsible for the production of essential hormones. Our well-being, appearance, mood, and mental abilities depend on them. And if the thyroid gland fails to cope with its task, the failure not only causes endocrine system, but also the entire organism as a whole. In the 21st century, a third of the population suffers from diseases associated with deficiency or excess of butterfly gland hormones, these are the data World Organization healthcare. Traditional treatment these ailments are very long lasting, medications differ in many ways side effects, but the results are not always positive. But there is a wonderful folk remedy that protects and heals the thyroid gland, and also heals the entire body. This is a walnut. Traditional medicine recipes based on it have stood the test of time; infusions, decoctions and other useful, and often tasty, drugs have cured more than one thousand people.

The ancient Greeks knew about the beneficial properties of walnuts. The healer Hippocrates recommended his patients to eat its green and ripe fruits for general health improvement. He noted how nut infusions and decoctions had a beneficial effect on patients. But chemists have found out why they are so useful. According to them, almost the entire periodic table is hidden inside the shell.

Healing properties walnuts were known to ancient healers

Walnut is a majestic tree. It can grow and bear fruit for more than 500 years. In Greece there was a tradition: after the birth of a baby, plant a walnut near the house as a symbol of longevity and good health.

Scientists have determined that a mature nut contains on average 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbohydrates. But especially rich chemical composition. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, aluminum, sulfur, selenium, zinc and about a dozen other elements were found in it. The vitamin supply is also impressive, which is not inferior to expensive ones complex drugs. In nuts you will find vitamin A, group B (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, pyridoxine), K, as well as a large amount of ascorbic acid and tocopherol, this is vitamin E, biotin, lutein and choline. It is not surprising that walnut fruits are famous not only for their valuable product nutrition, but also in quality medicine. Nuts have a particularly beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

A small nut fruit contains great amount substances useful for humans, especially for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases

Walnuts are a natural energy drink. They quickly satisfy hunger. The nut kernel contains a lot of vegetable fats that are good for health. They are reducing bad cholesterol, blood pressure, stimulate renewal of cardio-vascular system, improve mental activity.

The organ that produces the most important hormones for humans can fail due to the negative impact of the environment, frequent stress, poor nutrition. The thyroid gland often weakens in people suffering from chronic diseases. At the initial stages of development of the pathology, the functions of the butterfly gland can be completely restored. Treatment will be more effective if, in addition to pharmaceuticals, you use nut therapy. It is indicated for deficiency (hypothyroidism) and overworking of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), goiter, hyperplasia, nodules, neoplasms, thyroiditis and iodine deficiency.

Walnuts for the treatment of the thyroid gland are used in pure form or with useful additions, for example, honey.

If you don't want to make medicine from walnuts, just eat them regularly. You don't need much. 4-5 pieces a day are enough to restore energy, relieve fatigue and strengthen the immune system.

Based on walnuts traditional healers It is recommended to make infusions, decoctions, and dietary supplements. They are made from almost all parts of the fruit, including the shell and membranes of the kernel; even the bark, roots and leaves are used. Green nuts also help in healing. They contain less fat than ripe ones, and the concentration of vitamins and microelements, especially ascorbic acid and iodine, in unripe pulp is higher. Nuts of milky ripeness perfectly restore hormonal balance and replenish iodine deficiency.

All parts of ripe walnuts and unripe fruits are used to make medicinal potions.

When buying nuts, avoid shelled ones. Without it, the kernels are poorly stored and lost beneficial features. In addition, it is unknown how and under what conditions they were processed. You should not purchase a significant amount of nuts at once if you are not sure of their quality. appearance it cannot be defined. Buy some to try.

Products made from walnuts have a hemostatic, antibacterial, astringent and healing effect. They regulate metabolic processes and support immunity. The thyroid gland loves walnuts for these properties.

Video: Prevention of thyroid diseases and treatment

How to use a remedy to improve the thyroid gland?

Traditional healers have invented many ways to use nuts to improve the health of the thyroid gland. Based on this plant material, decoctions, infusions, syrups, compresses, and active food additives are prepared. Medicines are made from fruits varying degrees maturity and not only from the nucleoli, but also from its individual parts. Some recipes, in addition to nuts, contain ingredients that enhance the healing effect.


Decoctions are the simplest and quick way preparations healing agent. But we must take into account that they have a short shelf life and should be stored in the cold. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare the drug in relatively small portions.

From unripe fruits to normalize thyroid function

  1. Wash milky ripe nuts in running water, pour into a thick-walled bowl and pour boiling water over them. Water should cover the contents no more than 3 cm.
  2. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour.
  3. After the broth has cooled, drain the liquid. Keep it in the refrigerator.
  4. The dark concentrate must be diluted to a light brown color before use.

Drink half a glass of the decoction three times a day after meals, treatment course is four weeks. After a 10-day interval, you can continue therapy.

When processing green walnuts, take care of hand protection. The fruit shell contains a large amount of iodine. Because of this, the skin on the hands darkens and dries. You can even get a burn, as with excessive use of iodine solution.

Green nuts are used in folk medicine in various forms.

If your thyroid gland is underactive (hypothyroidism)

  1. Take 300 g young pine needles, 100 g shells of unripe nuts, pour 2 liters of water.
  2. Bring to a boil, keep on low heat, tightly closing the lid, for 20 minutes.
  3. Add 10 lemon leaves, 1 kg of watermelon honey to the boiling liquid, leave on the fire for another 5 minutes.
  4. Strain the broth and store in a cool place.

Drink 1 tablespoon per day before meals for six months.

Syrup to replenish iodine deficiency

  1. Pour the prepared sugar syrup (concentration to taste) over the chopped green fruits until they are completely covered.
  2. Steam the mixture in a water bath for at least 1 hour.
  3. Let the liquid cool to room temperature, then pour into a glass or ceramic container.
  4. Place the syrup in the refrigerator. It can be stored longer than a decoction without sugar.

Take 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals. Duration of use - from one month to six months.


Infusions are prepared using alcohol-containing liquids or water. Alcohol solutions insist longer and have more long term suitability compared to other drugs. However, these drugs are not suitable for treating children and people for whom alcohol is contraindicated. Water infusions are convenient and easy to make, but do not last long. They are often consumed as medicinal tea.

With an enlarged thyroid gland

  1. Prepare 1 glass of dry walnut lintels and half a liter of high-quality vodka.
  2. Mix the ingredients and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place.
  3. Strain the tincture.

Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks, then a break for 7 days. No more than 3 courses can be taken in a row.

Medicines are also prepared from the bridges that separate the nut kernel.

In the treatment of nodular goiter

  1. Beat 1 cup of ripe walnut kernels in a blender or grind in another way.
  2. Fill the nut mass with good vodka (0.5 l).
  3. Place in a cool place, away from light, for 6 weeks.

Take the infusion daily after meals, a teaspoon. The course lasts 30 days, then a 10-day break. If there are no contraindications, the tincture can be consumed until the symptoms of the disease disappear. The drug has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, its structure is restored, and the nodes are reduced.

Infusion of water for endocrine diseases (general strengthening)

  1. Mix equal parts licorice, corn silk, crushed burdock rhizome, nettle, tricolor violet and walnut leaves.
  2. Place 50 g of a mixture of plant materials in a glass or ceramic bowl.
  3. Pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  4. Cover with a towel to keep warm.
  5. Leave the infusion until it cools completely.

Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day after meals. The duration of use is not limited.

Tincture from young nuts to restore thyroid function and improve the health of the whole body

  1. Grind in a blender or meat grinder 40 green nuts.
  2. To preserve more useful substances, immediately place the mixture in a glass container and fill it with a liter of vodka.
  3. Seal the container and place it in a dark place for 14 days.
  4. After two weeks, when the liquid turns dark brown, it can be consumed.
  5. To enhance healing effect To improve the taste, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of honey to the tincture.

Drink a tablespoon three times a day, strictly after meals. The course is no more than 1 month.

The same infusion can be prepared with 70 percent alcohol. In this case, the infusion time is reduced to 2 days. But the concentrated drug must be diluted with water 1:1 before use.

Different variants Green nut tinctures are one of the most popular folk remedies for diseases of the thyroid gland

For the treatment of diffuse goiter

  1. Take the shells from 14 nuts and a handful of partitions, grind everything in a coffee grinder.
  2. Pour the powder into a glass container and add half a liter of vodka.
  3. Close the container tightly and leave in the dark and cool for 7 days.

The course of treatment is a month, then a break for 10 days. No more than 3 cycles can be performed in a row. Take 1 tablespoon of infusion 3 times a day after meals.

Infusion for compress in the treatment of diffuse goiter

  1. Mix 4 tablespoons of crushed nut shells and the same amount of oak bark.
  2. Pour the mixture with 0.5 boiling water.
  3. Let the infusion cool completely.
  4. Strain the solution.
  5. Saturate a cotton cloth with the liquid.
  6. Apply a compress to thyroid gland, fix on problem area bandage or plaster.
  7. The compress should be kept throughout the day.
  8. Repeat the procedure for 5 days without a break. After this, take a break for 3 days. Resume treatment if necessary.

In advanced cases, to obtain noticeable positive effect At least 5 courses should be completed in a row.

For the infusion, which is used as a compress, you need to take nut shells

Medicines with honey

Walnuts combined with honey are a tasty and healthy treat. To prevent problems with the thyroid gland, it is enough to eat 5-6 nut kernels and a spoonful of honey every day.

For thyroid dysfunction

  1. Take a glass of honey, peeled nuts and buckwheat.
  2. Grind nuts and buckwheat in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour.
  3. If the honey is thick, slightly melt it in a water bath.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

The drug should not be stored for a long time; use it within three to four days. Then take a break for three days. Make a new batch. And repeat this for 3 months.

Walnuts combined with honey are not only tasty, but also good for thyroid health

With green nuts to treat goiter

  1. Wash the green nuts and grind them in a blender.
  2. Add the same amount of honey to the nut mass.
  3. Mix the ingredients well in a glass container.
  4. Cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a month, shaking occasionally to mix the contents.

Before meals, take 1 teaspoon of nut-honey syrup. The duration of treatment is not limited.

A walnut that has reached milky-waxy ripeness has the highest content of vitamin C. 15 grams (this is approximate weight green fruit) contains almost 100 milligrams of ascorbic acid. An adult needs half the amount per day.

Active additives

Biologically active additives(dietary supplements) can be not only industrially produced. Dietary supplements from walnuts and other products that are beneficial for the health of the thyroid gland can be made at home. Of course, their shelf life will be much shorter than that of factory ones. But freshly prepared additives will act more intensely.

For myxedema

  1. Pour boiling water over 20 g of dry seaweed and let it cool.
  2. Grind 10 walnut kernels.
  3. Combine cabbage and nuts.
  4. Add to the mixture 50 g of cottage cheese, a crushed clove of garlic, a teaspoon of any vegetable oil and a glass of water. Mix thoroughly.

Keep the resulting mass in the refrigerator for no more than 7–10 days. Divide into portions and take with food, twice a week. Can be used for a long time until your health improves.

You can make your own dietary supplement from walnuts

Nut partition dietary supplement

Grind the walnut partitions thoroughly with a blender or coffee grinder. Keep the resulting powder in a glass container. Take half a teaspoon every day on an empty stomach. The course should last 2 weeks, then a 14-day break. Repeat two cycles in a row.

For thyroid dysfunction

The recipe is based on - daily use a certain amount of ripe walnuts for food without any processing or additives. The course lasts 60 days.

Walnuts are very nutritious product with high energy intensity. The mature kernel, which weighs about 7 grams, contains approximately 40 kilocalories. By eating 5 nuts, you will get 200 kcal to your main diet. This is a significant addition. Therefore, overweight people who use nut therapy need to increase physical activity or reduce caloric intake at the expense of other foods.

Walnuts are a high-calorie product and should be consumed with caution by people who are prone to obesity.

On the first day of the course you need to eat one nut. The second has two, the third has three cores. And so on in an increasing manner, bringing the intake to the maximum on day 30 - 30 nuts. They can be divided into portions, but must be eaten within one day. Then the quantity is also gradually reduced, one piece daily. It is important to eat nuts slowly and chew well.

Video: two recipes for green walnut tincture

About contraindications of treatment with walnuts and side effects

Walnut - natural pharmacy with many vitamins and microelements, it copes well with thyroid diseases. However, in some cases, nut-based remedies can be harmful. And for people who suffer from certain diseases, they are completely contraindicated. At the following diseases and conditions you should avoid walnut therapy:

  • with increased blood clotting, thrombosis;
  • with excess iodine in the body;
  • at chronic colitis and exacerbation of enterocolitis, various kinds gastritis;
  • with increasing acidity gastric juice, stomach ulcer;
  • with a tendency to constipation;
  • if there are inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • for a number of skin diseases: neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema;
  • with an allergic reaction to nuts;
  • for hypertension;
  • with obesity more than 2 degrees;
  • with brain spasms;
  • with inflammation of the pancreas;
  • during pregnancy;
  • at chronic diseases liver.

Walnut medicines are very active and effective means. During treatment, do not exceed the recommended dose, otherwise adverse reactions may occur. These may include nausea, sometimes turning into vomiting, nettle rashes on the skin and ulcerations in the mouth, on the tonsils, and headache. Because of high calorie content Eating nuts in people who are prone to obesity increases their body weight.

Walnut is an amazing gift of nature, but not everyone can use it as a remedy.

Additionally, you should consider how walnut medicines will interact with pharmaceuticals. Therefore, to eliminate risks, before starting nut therapy, you should consult with your doctor.