Mandarin oil properties and use in cosmetology. Characteristics and useful properties. Tangerine oil for face

Everyone knows a fruit from the citrus family - tangerine. The small tree brings a rich harvest every year. Many people mistake a tangerine for a mini-orange; the fruits are similar in taste, color and useful composition. However, oranges are larger and have a spherical shape. Tangerines have a slightly reddish tint. The fruits are consumed in their peeled form, but the peel also contains a lot useful elements. Tangerine essential oil is famous for its unsurpassed properties. It is used both in cosmetology and in treatment various ailments, and for disease prevention. Although appearance tangerines different varieties similar to each other, taste qualities and they may differ in the presence of bones. China is considered the birthplace of this citrus. It became widespread in Japan.

Festive Mandarin

New Year's tangerine came to Russia, Canada and America from eastern countries. Already at the end of the 19th century, Japanese migrants received tangerines in parcels as gifts from relatives, and this is how the tradition of packing gifts in holiday boxes and bags for Christmas arose. The tangerine has become an invariable attribute. He attended New Year's table in each family. The tradition has spread and become popular in many countries.

During the citrus harvest, entire “orange trains” operated. Cars painted orange walked in columns, which meant that the harvest was in full swing and the New Year was approaching.

As folklore tells, Santa gave three poor girls three gold coins as a dowry, with which they would be able to get married faster. In some versions of the tale, there were golden tangerines instead of coins.

This fruit is still considered priceless due to its beneficial properties. Tangerine essential oil is used in many areas. Let's consider its application in more detail.

The powerful properties help in many ways. The benefits of tangerine oil are due to its antiseptic properties, which help protect against infections. As an antispasmodic, essential oil will relieve muscle spasms. You can get other benefits from the product.

Barrier to infections

Mandarin has powerful antifungal and anti-infective properties. A protective barrier is created around the wound under the influence of the product. It helps prevent the entry of contaminants and toxins. The collection of leukocytes and platelets is activated, which prevent germs and infections from entering the wound.

Relieves spasms

A spasm can occur anywhere, and it causes very unpleasant painful sensations. This can happen in respiratory system When it becomes difficult to breathe, the muscles spasm, causing pain. Spasms may occur in gastrointestinal tract and even in the nervous system. A few drops of tangerine oil can stop them.

Improves blood circulation

Blood circulation in upper layers The skin, thanks to the effect of the oil, noticeably improves. At the same time, the skin looks healthier, brighter and fresher. Proper circulation allows the body to warm up faster and allows the body to heal itself. Mandarin boosts immunity and helps digestion.

Fights toxins

Citrus helps the body remove toxins from the body through urine. This protects us from many diseases. Toxins accumulate in the body with various abscesses, gout, acne. You need to get rid of them.

Helps digestion and liver function

For digestive tract tangerine oil - indispensable assistant. It activates the secretion of bile and digestive juices, which has a positive effect on the movement of food. Stimulates appetite. Be careful if you don't want to gain weight.

Protects the liver from serious infections, supports normal level release of bile.


The sedative properties of tangerine are slightly underestimated, and in vain. The oil easily copes with any symptoms of nervous system hyperactivity, leading to various nervous manifestations(skin rashes, muscle twitching). Calms attacks of epilepsy, hysteria, convulsions.

Cell regeneration

Essential oil promotes the growth of new cells. Regeneration occurs much faster, this promotes fast healing wounds and even healing of scars. Children should definitely include tangerines in their diet. Not only are they considered a tasty treat, but they also help in development and growth.

As mentioned above, tangerine oil helps improve immunity. The body begins to cope with diseases easier and faster. All organic functions are customizable the right mood. All systems begin to function normally: respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, excretory, endocrine.

Essential oil has a calming effect on nervous disorders and various inflammations.

Protects the stomach

Tangerine oil helps maintain a basic level of acid in the stomach. This protects it from ulcers and other diseases. In this case, various infections are also excluded.

For other purposes

Essential oil has a wide range of applications. It can heal skin diseases and even relieve stress, helps maintain the balance of moisture levels in the skin. Saves from diarrhea and flatulence. Promotes the disappearance of stretch marks and scars. Helps in the fight against wrinkles.

Excellent compatibility

Tangerine oil goes well with others essential means. It can be combined with bergamot, cloves, cinnamon, sage, nutmeg, and incense. The most commonly used is a mixture of tangerine and lavender oils.


Apply one drop of tangerine oil to a scarf or drop into a diffuser. The smell will immediately increase your appetite. Metabolic processes will receive the necessary support.

Add a few drops to your bath. Tangerine will help you relax and help your body cope with flatulence, nausea, and indigestion.

Mix two drops of tangerine oil with ten drops of wheat germ oil. This remedy helps get rid of gastritis, ulcers, spasms of the esophagus, intestinal infections, colitis, dyspepsia, bloating, hiccups.

Add two drops of oil to the bath you take before bed. This will relax tense muscles, relieve psychological stress and cramps. This bath will help you fall asleep faster. In the morning you will feel healthy and energetic.

A few drops essential oil, added to the aroma lamp will help get rid of feelings of anxiety, fear, worry, irritability, stress. This has a great effect on children and calms them down when they are excited. nervous system, they fall asleep faster and easier.

The oil is used in steam therapy. It helps cleanse the skin, get rid of blackheads and acne. The skin will glow with health after such procedures.

Mix tangerine oil (2-3 drops) with jojoba oil (15 drops). This product improves blood circulation, increases skin elasticity, and reduces scars.

You can add the oil to your daily cream and apply it to the affected areas.

If you mix tangerine and coconut oils, you get a wonderful massage product. It will help in the treatment of spasms of the intestines, muscles, and nervous system.

Blend with sesame oil improves blood circulation, you just need to apply the product to the skin. It will get rid of varicose veins veins, rheumatic pain, arthritis.

Add a few drops to the vaporizer and inhale the aroma of tangerine. This will help boost immunity and protect against infectious diseases. In the morning you will feel cheerful and energetic.

- a liquid of orange or dark orange, sometimes red-yellow color with a very delicate, sweet, citrus aroma.

The homeland of this fruit is southern China and southern Vietnam. This is an evergreen tree of the Rutaceae family, the height of which is no more than 4 meters. It has shiny small leaves, fragrant flowers and juicy fruits. The tree got its name due to the fact that its exquisite and tasty fruits were served only to tangerines - the rulers of the country. Tangerines appeared in Europe only at the beginning of the 19th century. Currently, they are quite common in Algeria, Spain, France, not to mention the countries of Indochina. Transcaucasia is also famous for them.

Since ancient times, tangerine peel has been used in medicine in eastern countries to improve digestion and appetite, to relieve inflammation in the throat and bronchi, and to alleviate suffocating coughs.

Today, thanks to its composition and beneficial properties, tangerine essential oil They are widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Composition of mandarin essential oil

Tangerine oil obtained by cold pressing, pressing from the peel of fresh, ripe fruits. It contains limonene, myrcene, caryophyllene, ?- and ?-pinenes, camphene, ?- and ?-elements, ?- and ?-humulenes ( total terpene hydrocarbons about 90%), linalool, geraniol, nerol and other components that allow the oil to be used not only in medicine and cosmetology, but also as a food and perfume additive.

Properties of tangerine oil

– a guarantee of excellent health during the winter period of sun deficiency. It’s not for nothing that in America they call it the “sunny heart.” It helps to absorb vitamins, increases the body’s own protective properties, increases appetite, improves digestion, and cleanses the body of toxins.

In addition, it is capable of stimulating liver function, regulating metabolic processes and the breakdown of fats, not to mention the secretion of bile. Tangerine oil characterized by antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiscorbutic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. It significantly optimizes blood circulation, eliminates inflammation and bleeding of the gums. In addition, it is very effective in combating overweight, since it prevents the accumulation of kilograms, removes excess fluid and actively counteracts cellulite.

Important properties of tangerine oil is its softness. It is widely known for its gentle effect, and therefore even pregnant women, children and those who are prone to allergies are not afraid to use it.

Psycho-emotional capabilities deserve special attention tangerine essential oil. It is simply irreplaceable for irritability, increased fatigue, and overexertion. Its calming effect has a beneficial effect on adults and children's sleep and behavior. Tangerine oil helps to recover faster from an illness or mental crisis. By stimulating the nervous system, it relieves feelings of fear. Another undoubted advantage of this oil is a note of aromatic freshness in the gray routine of everyday life, thanks to which a cheerful mood and vigor are guaranteed.

Uses of tangerine essential oil
Treatment with tangerine oil

IN medicinal purposes tangerine essential oil widely used in most different areas. Depending on the disease, inhalations with oil, rubbing, baths or trays can be used, possibly internal use, as well as indoor spraying.

Inhalation: at colds, cough, upper infections respiratory tract use a few drops for inhalation tangerine oil. Do not forget about deep, even breathing and inhalation time (no more than 10 minutes).

Oil burner: for fatigue, overstrain, insomnia, irritability, light an aroma lamp with 3-5 drops of tangerine oil.

Aroma bath: excellent remedy in the fight against excess weight, cellulite, swelling, stretch marks, toxins in the body, as well as for a boost of vigor and energy. To take a bath, just take 3-5 drops of oil.

Aroma medallions: 2-3 drops tangerine essential oil hidden in the aroma medallion will give you energy, joy and determination for the whole working day.

Flavoring of liquids, food: You can add 1-2 drops of oil to a plate of food or a glass of drink.

Massage: 6-7 drops tangerine oil, used during the massage, will have a restorative, tonic and restorative effect for the entire body.

Application on gums: will help relieve inflammation and bleeding gums. Just add 5 drops tangerine oil in 10 g of rosehip oil or wheat germ.

Rinse: a glass of warm water with 2-3 drops of oil is indispensable for throat diseases, as well as for diseases of the oral cavity.

Internal use : for irritability, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, take a teaspoon of honey with the addition of 2-3 drops of oil. Alternatively, add to Herb tea. Stimulation of gastric and intestinal activity is guaranteed.

You can also cleanse the body by using tangerine essential oil internally. To do this, you need to drink 3 drops of oil on an empty stomach in the morning (last meal 18 hours before), in the afternoon, add half a teaspoon of honey and a cup of acidified water to 4 drops of tangerine oil. During the day you should not drink tea and coffee, and dinner should be light. This technique using tangerine essential oil allows you to quickly cleanse the body, and therefore help with weight loss.

Tangerine essential oil in cosmetology

Tangerine essential oil is unique cosmetic product , which can amazingly tone and refresh tired, sagging skin. Moreover, it has the power to even out the relief of the epidermis. Most often it is used to restore elasticity and firmness to the skin, remove cellulite, and eliminate pigmentation. Tangerine oil perfectly smooths out wrinkles and also improves the color and condition of the skin.

Note! You should not apply tangerine oil on the surface of the skin before going outside, because sunlight Contact with oil can cause burns. Also, you should not use oil if you are intolerant to it.

Enrichment of cosmetic preparations: it is necessary to apply 5-8 drops of oil per 15 g of base (during cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing the skin).

Massage: just 5-7 drops of tangerine oil, applied to 15 g of transport oil, can effectively and quickly help sagging skin get rid of cellulite and stretch marks. An excellent recipe for preventing the appearance of stretch marks in pregnant women on the skin of the abdomen: take 5 drops of tangerine oil, 5 drops of neroli and 10 drops of lavender per 10 ml of wheat germ oil and 40 ml almond oil. Massage your stomach with the resulting mixture at least 1-3 times a day.

Internal use: using 1-2 drops of oil diluted with juice prevents burning and helps to get a beautiful tan.

– one of the most valuable and best gifts that nature has given us. Its varied beneficial features and types of application make it possible to easily and quickly obtain the desired therapeutic and cosmetic effect even at home.

For many of us, the New Year holidays are associated not only with the aroma of fresh spruce (by the way, you can find out which tree you should have chosen - natural or artificial, and why), but also with the smell of tangerine. However, did you know that tangerines are not only tasty and healthy fruit, but also raw materials for the production of tangerine oil, which is used in home cosmetology and not only? You can prepare this tangerine oil yourself, at home (fortunately, there are really a lot of tangerine peels left after the holidays), and our publication will tell you how and why to use it...

Making tangerine oil

Before we talk about the beneficial properties of tangerine oil, let's find out how it is prepared. So, draw them out orange fruits obtained using cold-press technology and the action of a special press on the peel of tangerines that have reached maturity (but are not overripe). The final product is liquid orange color, with a sweetish citrus smell, and it is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine, as well as in home cosmetology.

Recipe for making tangerine oil at home

To prepare tangerine oil, take the peel from these citrus fruits (the tangerines themselves must be washed and dried before peeling), chop it finely, pour it into a glass container and pour vegetable oil(we would recommend using olive oil) so that the oil completely covers the crusts. Place the glass container in a dark place for 3-4 days, and after this time, remove the container and heat it in a water bath for 30 minutes. However, make sure that the lid of the glass container is not tightly closed. When the liquid you receive has cooled, you can strain it and squeeze out the crusts. Your tangerine oil is ready.

Store it in a dark and cool place in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about preparing such oil, and the preparation procedure itself will not take much of your time.

Composition of tangerine oil

The composition of tangerine oil is certainly rich and will interest both those who intend to use it in cooking and those who plan to use it in perfumery to create subtle aromas. It includes myrcene, limonene, camphene, terpene hydrocarbons, the total amount of which reaches 90%, linalool, geraniol, nerol, as well as other components. Also present in tangerine oil minerals, vitamins, mono and disaccharides, and organic acids...

Beneficial properties of tangerine oil

Of course, the beneficial properties of tangerine oil can be explained by its composition. At the same time, tangerine oil can be used not only for external use, but also internally, as it stimulates the liver, regulates metabolic processes V human body(more about all), promotes the breakdown of fats and the regulation of bile secretion.

In America, tangerine oil is called the heart of the sun, where it is prescribed to increase the body's defenses, for better absorption of vitamins, improve immunity and cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

This amber liquid also has antiseptic, antiscorbutic, antispasmodic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, improves blood circulation, eliminates inflammatory processes gums and promotes their healing when bleeding (more about). Tangerine oil is also indispensable in the fight against extra pounds, since its internal use prevents the recruitment excess weight, promotes excretion excess liquid from the body, and external use helps to resist cellulite and its “orange peel” in problem areas female body. Read more about.

It is noteworthy that, despite the fact that tangerines are citrus fruits, tangerine oil itself is unusually different soft action, so it can be used and taken by pregnant women, children and those people who suffer from allergies (but it is better for them not to use pure oil, and its combination with other oils).

We would not have said the most important thing if we had not remembered such a property of tangerine oil as psycho-emotional tone. This is especially true for those people who suffer increased fatigue, complain of overstrain at work and irritability towards others. The aroma of tangerine oil has the ability to normalize sleep and relieve insomnia, helps to recover faster from illness and overcome mental crises.

Psychologists say that with the help of the aroma of tangerines, a person can overcome his problems, since the substances in the oil stimulate the functioning of the nervous system...

After you and I have learned about the beneficial properties of tangerine oil, it won’t hurt us to find out how it can be used in each specific case for us. Therefore, now we invite you to consider all the options for using tangerine oil.

Treatment with tangerine oil

Depending on the type of disease and the severity of your condition, you can choose the method of using and consuming it that is appropriate for you. It can be…

  • Inhalations – for coughing, cold infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, you can do inhalations with tangerine oil. To carry them out, 1-2 drops will be enough, and the duration of such a procedure should be no more than 10 minutes. Read about the rules for inhalation. And, here you can find out about.
  • Aroma lamps - for insomnia, fatigue, tension, irritability, light an aroma lamp, first adding a few drops of tangerine oil, and enjoy inhaling the subtle aroma. Read more about.
  • Scented baths are a great way to say goodbye to excess weight, swelling (find out), cellulite, toxins and recharge with vigor and energy - just drop a few drops of tangerine oil into the bath you are about to take. More details.
  • Aroma medallions - you have a hard day ahead, and it won’t hurt you to concentrate on the solution complex tasks? Place 2-3 drops of oil into your neck locket and get ready to tackle difficult issues.
  • Food Flavoring – You can enhance the flavor of the drinks and food you eat by adding a drop of ready meals and drinks with a drop of tangerine oil.
  • Massage – if during a massage you use 6-7 drops of tangerine oil, then this procedure will have a tonic and restorative effect on you. ABOUT .
  • Application – in case of inflammation of the gums and bleeding, it is recommended to apply applications with oil to the gums.
  • Rinse – for illnesses oral cavity add 2-3 drops of tangerine oil to a glass of warm water and gargle with this solution several times a day.
  • Internal use - you can drop a few drops of tangerine oil onto 1 teaspoon of honey and drink this composition once a day to stimulate intestinal and gastric activity, for stomach pain, irritability and difficulty breathing.
  • Cleansing the body - drink 3 drops of oil on an empty stomach in the morning, 4 drops of oil, 0.5 teaspoon of honey and a glass of acidified water at lunch. During the day you should not drink coffee or tea, and dinner should be light. Using this method, you can not only cleanse the body, but also fight excess weight.

Good afternoon everyone! I recently learned an interesting thing. It turns out that previously high-ranking Chinese were called mandarins. Did you know? This is a derivative of the word “mandar”, which in our way means “to command”. And, of course, the fruits of this amazing tree were held in unprecedented esteem and were considered the best gift for the nobility!

And the benefits of these solar lobes were known even then. Today everything is much simpler. The fruit is also valued, but is available to everyone without exception. They also learned to make tangerine essential oil from it, the properties and uses of which I want to reveal. I will tell you how you can make this elixir yourself and share proven recipes.

What do you associate with this amazing fruit? Surely, Happy New Year, the favorite holiday of adults and children! For us, it's more about enjoying the taste. But hidden in this small fruit great benefit! More precisely, even in its peel. I remember that they used to dry the zest, then break it and use it as a flavoring agent. Even such a skin gave off an extraordinary aroma! And manufacturers have learned to extract butter from here! And here the maximum beneficial properties are preserved, which are suitable not only for aromatherapy. Here's what this product has:

  • An excellent laxative.
  • Improves metabolic processes by breaking down fats.
  • Relieves swelling.
  • Calms and lifts your mood.
  • Helps in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks.
  • Regenerates the skin.
  • Has antiseptic functions.
  • Relieves joint pain.

And all in one bottle, as they say! I want to buy it and start using it. Are there any special features of use?

Features of use and contraindications

What do we expect from the product we just purchased? Of course, results! I know a lot of people who, after reading the recipe, still don’t follow the proportions. Moreover, these are not minor deviations, but significant ones. And then they appear negative reviews by use.

No, the possibility of individual intolerance cannot be ruled out. But only if you are sure that you have really followed the instructions for use and dosage! And this gives a large percentage of success, which is expressed in visible results!

  1. Check for allergies first. Remember how to do this? Spread a little product on your elbow or wrist and wait. How many? I think that if there is an allergy, it will make itself felt within half an hour.
  2. Remember that, like this substance, photo is toxic. What does it mean? Something that should not be used before going outside. Therefore, it is better to hold events in the evening.
  3. Oddly enough, but use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is allowed. I was a little surprised by this fact. After all, this is one of the few oils that does not cause negative reactions. But be sure to observe your feelings. I understand that this is better than any chemicals, but you can also be allergic to natural ingredients.
  4. Hypotensive people need to be more careful. Because the product has the function of reducing pressure.
  5. Do not take when diabetes mellitus and exacerbation chronic diseases. Especially those related to digestion.
  6. Can be taken orally. Usually this is done no more than 3 times a day, 1 drop, but not pure form, and with cookies, bread, tea.
  7. It is acceptable to add to store-bought products or mix with others. natural ingredients and oils. It is better not to use it in its pure form, except for nails. To disinfect, strengthen and whiten them, rub 1 drop into the nail plate once a day. In other cases, compose.

Are you clear about the first 6 points? If yes, then I would like to dwell in more detail on the last, 7th point.

Useful combinations

Of course, the simplest option is to add it to store-bought cosmetics. In terms of quantity, they usually adhere to the following ratio: 5 drops of ether per 15 g of base product. Believe me, this will be enough to benefit yourself. After all, you are dealing with a concentrate.

Of the esters, combinations with citrus fruits are good. Orange and grapefruit are used most often. Such combinations enhance each other's effects. Of course, the effect will be most impressive! In addition to these components, extracts of mint, bergamot, patchouli, and geranium are used.

Tangerine concentrate, of course, is mixed with bases. The most popular are bases made from avocado and oils. You can take other types that you like.

What broadcasts and bases do you have on hand now? Let's make it beautiful!

Recipes for the face

You know, after looking at a lot of reviews and recipes, I learned that it would be best used for oily and. But with the dry type, experiments are undesirable. It can be very drying.

  • If the first wrinkles begin to appear, use an oil mixture of avocado (7 ml) and miracle ether (4 drops). According to reviews, it is recommended to do the procedure at night. Or for an hour, then blot with a napkin.
  • Against good action the combination of tangerine + lemon will provide, take 6 drops. Take as a base, diluted with water to a porridge state. After applying the mask, keep it on for 30 minutes. Can be used every day.
  • In its pure form, it can be used externally, against such a scourge as herpes. Just remember that this must be done pointwise.
  • And if frequent irritations appear on your skin, take Walnut, knead the inside and add a few drops of miracle ether. Apply to the problem areas for 10 - 15 minutes, and you will be happy!

Tips for hair are no less effective. Look what you can do with your hair!

For beautiful curls

And if you need to overcome severe loss, let’s deal a crushing blow with this composition: tangerine concentrate, rosemary. We need 5 drops of these esters. Let's take a tablespoon as a basis. Apply this mixture to the roots, spreading along the length. Be sure to wrap your hair under a bag and a towel and leave for 1 hour.

Here's some advice for fatness. Take almond butter and heat it in a water bath. When you remove the lukewarm liquid, add 2 drops of lemon and tangerine extracts. Apply along the entire length and under the cap. The time is also 1 hour. Yes, this is also an important point. After rinsing, rinse with herbal decoction. I remember a friend of mine always said that brewed food is good for its fat content. pharmaceutical chamomile. So get your job back sebaceous glands to your health! In the meantime, I’ll give you a few recipes for the body.

Healing the body

Remember, I wrote that this citrus essential oil perfectly regulates metabolic processes and breaks down fats? This main function which is used.

Good recipe with our miracle broadcast. Do you have Peach oil? Take a tablespoon and heat it in a water bath. Add 3 drops of extract and massage into problem areas. If you wish, you can enhance the effect by adding salt or. The result will no longer be a massage mixture, but an anti-cellulite scrub.

Another option for one scrub. We will need 2 tablespoons honey, the same amount of olive oil, 5 tablespoons salt, lemon juice and its zest (can be dried or ground). Finally, add 5 drops of tangerine essential oil to the mixture. Just keep in mind that citrus fruits and honey can trigger allergies. Therefore, first conduct a test with the finished mixture. And if everything is fine, massage for your health!

In addition, it is very good to take a bath with citrus miracle essential oil. Take a handful of salt and pour it into a cup. Add extracts of tangerine, fir, and lavender here. 2 drops will be enough. Stir and pour into water. This composition can strengthen the immune system, prevent cellulite, soften the skin, and lift your mood! In addition, you can add citrus zest. Dried or fresh, it doesn't matter. There will be benefits in all cases!

By the way, about the zest. Let's make tangerine butter ourselves?

DIY oil

Where do you put the zest when you eat citrus? Don't throw it away. Let's make a wonderful composition at home! Place the skin in a glass jar, making it tighter. Pour olive oil to cover the top. Be sure to cover with a lid and place in a dark place for 4 days. Then send the composition to water bath, this procedure will take half an hour. Just cover the lid loosely. Just put it on top. After 30 minutes, remove the jar. Strain, squeeze the skin thoroughly and use!

Well, if you don’t want to bother with jars, you can buy this miracle product. Moreover, its price is not too bad. On average 3 dollars for 10 ml. Agree, the quality is simply wonderful!

I can offer to buy such oil or you can try This.

I'm curious, have you already used this product? Perhaps you tried to do it at home? Did it help? I'm really looking forward to your comments. And I invite you to become my subscribers to keep abreast of all the interesting things. Bye!

I offer you to watch a video reviewing the 11 most popular citrus esters.

We associate the smell of tangerines with New Year holidays, a feeling of magic. But besides joy, this fruit can bring many benefits to the human body. Tangerine essential oil is especially popular. Its scope is very wide: cooking, cosmetology, aromatherapy, medicine. After all, tangerine oil, the properties of which amazed people in ancient times, is unique in composition. In our article we will tell you everything about the use of tangerine essential oil.

Before considering the properties of tangerine oil, it is important to study its composition. Essential tangerine oil is obtained from the zest of ripe fruits using cold pressing. The result is a fragrant, flowing consistency of an orange-yellow hue.

The composition of tangerine oil is similar to other citrus oils. IN large quantities it contains vitamins, minerals, terpene hydrocarbons, terpenoids. Methyl anthranilate is one of the main components plant origin, actively used in perfumery and cosmetology. Timol is another one active substance, which is part of tangerine oil.

Tangerine essential oil: properties

The medicinal properties of tangerine oil are varied, so it has found application in various areas medicine, cosmetology. Tangerine oil has the following properties: anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic, restorative, tonic. It also stimulates cell growth and repair.

The benefits of tangerine essential oil include removing waste and toxins from the body and cleansing the intestines. Tangerine oil is often used for weight loss, as it normalizes metabolism and promotes body elasticity.

Tangerine essential oil perfectly increases protective forces body, is an antiseptic, improves functioning digestive system and calms intestinal disorders. Therefore, doctors often recommend using it for constipation, flatulence, stomach and liver diseases.

Separately, we note such a property of tangerine oil as reducing pain in muscles and joints. For example, it is actively used by women for PMS.

We have already talked about the calming benefits of tangerine. To get rid of stress, fatigue, depression, and insomnia, use tangerine oil. Add a few drops to the water while taking a bath to find joy and improve your mood. Many people write reviews about tangerine oil, saying that it helped improve their psycho-emotional state. Especially during pregnancy, the benefits of tangerine are indispensable for getting rid of bad thoughts.

Other properties of tangerine essential oil:

  • Restoration of strength and energy;
  • Increased appetite, especially after illness;
  • Prevention and treatment of inflammation and bleeding gums;
  • Thinning of sputum;
  • Normalization of blood circulation;
  • Demotion blood pressure;
  • Increased lactation.

Contraindications to the use of tangerine oil

The benefits of tangerine oil are invaluable to the body. However, we recommend that you be careful, as tangerine is a strong allergen.

The only contraindication to the use of tangerine oil is individual intolerance. In some cases it is possible allergic reactions. We recommend testing the product first for skin sensitivity. To do this, apply a small amount of oils for back side palms or wrist, leave for 15-20 minutes. If irritation, redness, or itching occurs, then you should not use it in its pure form. Try mixing with other aromatic essential oils (lavender, basil, cinnamon, chamomile, clove, nutmeg, coniferous plants).

To prevent tangerine essential oil from harming the body, you should not use it before going out into the sun. Since it is phototoxic, it may cause burns.

How to make tangerine oil

To obtain maximum benefit from this product and reduce its cost, we suggest you make tangerine oil at home.

The recipe for making tangerine essential oil at home is very simple. To begin, take washed, dried tangerine fruits and peel them. Then finely chop the healthy tangerine zest, put it in a small glass jar and pour in odorless oil. We recommend using sunflower, flaxseed or olive oil. Cover the mixture with a lid and place in a cool, dark place for 3 days. After 3 days, place the container in a water bath and boil for 30 minutes with the lid loosely closed. Now let the mixture cool naturally.

The last step in preparing tangerine oil at home is decanting. Don't forget to squeeze out the peels themselves as well. Now you know how to make essential oil from tangerines.

Tangerine oil: application

Tangerine essential oil is used in a variety of fields of medicine and cosmetology. It is ideal for aromatherapy, inhalation, rubbing, baths, and also for oral administration. Therefore, do not forget about tangerine essential oil, which can be used in the following ways:

  • Aromatherapy is possible with the help of special aroma lamps. It is enough to add 4-5 drops to relieve fatigue and get rid of insomnia. You can also add tangerine oil to the bath (3-5 drops). This is how tangerine oil is used for weight loss and swelling;
  • Inhalation is effective for various colds. It is enough to add 1-2 drops to a container with hot water. Cover with a towel, bend over the container, breathe for 7-10 minutes;
  • Rinse for gum disease. Add 2-3 drops of oil to a glass of warm water, rinse for 3 minutes;
  • The massage will have not only a relaxing, but also a tonic, restorative effect if you add tangerine oil to the massage cream;
  • Internal use to normalize mood, intestinal function, and stomach function is recommended to add 2-3 drops of tangerine oil to tea, juice, and water;
  • Resorption of scars and sutures will occur faster, especially in postpartum period, if you regularly apply tangerine oil mixed with neroli and lavender oil;
  • Headaches can be eliminated by preparing a mixture of orange, bergamot, geranium, tangerine and almond oil. Rub the resulting mixture into your palms and rub into your temples with gentle, circular movements.

For its many beneficial properties, tangerine oil receives extremely positive reviews from both doctors, cosmetologists, and ordinary women. After all, use tangerine oil at home in for cosmetic purposes it can be done very simply. To do this, you need to add 1-2 drops of oil to your cosmetic product (shampoo, balm, cream).

Tangerine oil for hair

Tangerine oil has a positive effect when used on hair. It is very easy to use. Each time you wash your hair, add 1-2 drops of tangerine essential oil to your shampoo and conditioner. For hair - this extra food. The effect will not be long in coming.

Tangerine hair oil, which has extremely positive reviews, can be used when combing for a natural shine. Apply 2-3 drops of oil to the comb and comb your hair for 10 minutes.

You can use tangerine oil for hair as a mask. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of almond or jojoba oil with 3-5 drops of tangerine oil. Gently rub into scalp and hair, wrap hair in a towel and rinse after 2 hours with shampoo. This mask is great for dry, weakened hair.

If you have greasy hair, make a mask based on chamomile, mandarin, sandalwood and cistus oils. Rub the mixture into your scalp and hair, leave for an hour, then rinse with shampoo. Your hair will become elastic and your scalp will become less oily.

Tangerine oil for face

Tangerine oil is actively used in cosmetology to eliminate facial wrinkles, even out complexion, remove inflammation, irritation and saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements.

Women often use tangerine oil for the skin of the face and body, as it has a softening effect. Tangerine oil for the face is especially useful in the autumn-winter period due to the lack of ultraviolet radiation.

Tangerine essential oil is ideal for cleansing the skin. Wipe your face, neck and décolleté area daily with cotton pads, first soak them in warm water and drip tangerine oil on them.

If you have it on your skin dark spots, mix tangerine oil, lemon oil (10 drops each) and 7 grams of white clay. Apply to pigmentation once a day for 30 minutes.

Women actively use tangerine oil to rejuvenate their skin. Mix 7 ml of avocado oil with 4 drops of tangerine essential oil. Apply the mask at night.

Tangerine oil for stretch marks

During pregnancy, women often use tangerine oil for stretch marks and cellulite. Make a mixture: 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil + 1 tablespoon of almond oil + a drop each of tangerine, lavender and neroli oils. Apply the mixture to problem areas with massage movements 2 times a day. This will help avoid stretch marks and prevent the development of cellulite.