Health benefits of grapes. Review of black grape varieties and their beneficial properties

Grapes have not only pleasant aroma and excellent taste, but also many useful properties. The berries themselves, grape seeds, red wine - all this helps strengthen the body and protect it from negative external factors. Every year we learn about previously unknown beneficial properties of grape fruits. Recently, a separate direction has even appeared in medicine - grape therapy. This healing method is highly effective, but by no means cheap.

Benefits of black grapes

Dark varieties of grapes are especially valuable, as they have a complex healing effect on the body. It has antioxidant, bactericidal, tonic, antiradical and stimulating properties. By regularly eating these juicy berries, you can protect your body from free radicals, which are formed under the influence of stress, toxins, inflammatory processes and other negative factors.

It has been proven that the fruits of black grapes have a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. They contain a special flavonoid - resveratrol, which reduces cholesterol and stimulates work of cardio-vascular system. Another flavonoid, quarticin, protects the body from the formation of blood clots. The active components of black grapes strengthen capillaries, regulate heartbeat, stabilize blood pressure and improve memory function. Moreover, both hyper- and hypotensive people can eat berries.

As evidence of the benefits of grapes for the body, one can cite the fact that recognized wine lovers, the French, suffer from heart and vascular diseases several times less than residents of other countries. This phenomenon is called the “French paradox”.

Black grapes are quite high in calories, so it is useful to eat them in case of loss of strength, exhaustion and chronic fatigue. The monosaccharides in its composition have a good effect on metabolism and digestive process. They improve appetite, stabilize the composition gastric juice, enhance intestinal motility and normalize microflora. Developed special diets which are recommended to be done periodically fasting days, during which you can only eat dark grapes. This nutrition system is well suited for those who want to lose weight.

Grape berries protect against the formation of stones in gallbladder and kidneys, excrete uric acid and salts from the body, neutralize substances that cause painful sensations for arthritis and rheumatism. Their peel contains pectins, which perform the task of removing radioactive substances. Dark grape juice will help get rid of migraines. You need to drink a little juice on an empty stomach in the morning, without diluting it with water.

The composition of grapes resembles alkaline mineral water, and grape therapy is often put on a par with hydrotherapy. But grapes have one advantage: they contain iron, potassium salts and organic acids, while alkaline waters contains chlorine and sodium ions.

The cosmetic effect of grapes is well known to the female audience. They help make the skin elastic, firm, and restore damaged membranes. Particularly beneficial for the skin is essential oil from dark grape seeds, which contains fatty acid. Many manufacturers of cosmetic products include grape extracts and extracts containing polyphenols and bioflavonoids in their products. They help remove excess fluid and metabolic products from the skin, relieve irritation, have an anti-stress effect and increase protective functions fabrics.

There are some contraindications to eating grapes:

  • diarrhea;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy period.

Grape juice should not be given to young children as it can cause anemia. To avoid causing dysbiosis, you should not eat grapes with raw vegetables and fruits, milk, mineral water, fatty foods and alcohol.

Vitamins and minerals

Grapes contain about 300 substances that are essential for humans. They contain about 12% fructose, glucose and other sugars. Black grapes contain a lot of ascorbic acid, pectin, bioflavonoids, organic acids: tartaric, malic, citric, formic, oxalic, etc.

The composition of grape berries includes vitamins A, C, groups B, P, PP, E, minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, etc. For example, there is almost 2.5 times more iron in grapes than in apples, and 10 times more magnesium than in mineral water.

B 1 (thiamine) 0.03-0.05 mg Potassium 225-800 mg
B 2 (riboflavin) 0.02-0.05 mg Calcium 30-45 mg
B 3 (nicotinic acid) 0.05-0.03 mg Sodium 26 mg
B 5 (pantothenic acid) 0.06-0.18 mg Magnesium 17 mg
B 6 (pyridoxine) 0.09-0.6 mg Phosphorus 22 mg
B 9 (folic acid) 2-10 mg Silicon 12000 mcg
B 12 (cyanocobalamin) 0.05-0.1 mg Iron 600-4100 mcg
WITH ( ascorbic acid) 4-48 mg Manganese 90-280 mcg
A (retinol) 5 mcg Zinc 90-110 mcg
E (tocopherol) 0.4 mg Copper 76-80 mcg
P (bioflavonoids) 40-450 mcg Fluorine 12-26 mcg
N (biotin) 1.5-4 mcg Nickel 8-16 mcg
K (phylloquinone) 0.5-2 mg Iodine 8 mcg
β-carotene 0.03-0.1 mg

Black grapes can replace a number of foods in the diet that the body lacks during the period of vitamin deficiency. It helps improve metabolism, strengthen protective forces, improve the functioning of the nervous system and make the skin smooth and beautiful. No wonder the grapevine has symbolized youth and longevity since ancient times, and grape juice is called the “milk of life.”

Among hundreds of varieties and varieties of grapes, black wineberry looks like a representative of the elite of this unique plant. The noble, blue-black color, rich taste and dizzying aroma attract producers of juices and desserts, wine and stronger spirits to this culture. alcoholic drinks. And for gardeners who cultivate black grapes, the benefits and harms to the body of their favorite berry simply remain on the tip of their tongues - it seems that winegrowers know more about this than all viticulture institutes combined. We will try to find out in detail what the benefits of black grapes are for human body.

In contact with

It is believed that the pulp contains fewer substances beneficial to the body, since the seeds “take” some of them for themselves. According to gastroenterologists, the content of antioxidants, vitamins and other useful substances is even superior to the pulp of the berries. However, this does not mean that everything that black grapes with seeds are good for should be eaten by humans.

You should not eat black grapes with seeds for their beneficial properties. Grape seeds are too hard to be chewed or digested whole by the stomach.

For those who want to get benefits from black grapes rather than harm to the body, we can advise the following:

  1. Separate the seeds, dry them, and then grind them in a coffee grinder.
  2. Dry the resulting powder again and put it in tin can with a tight lid.
  3. Ground seeds can be added to tea or coffee (at the tip of a knife) or to baked goods.

Doctors still do not recommend getting carried away with using seeds internally, it’s quite heavy product for the gastrointestinal tract and is completely undesirable for those who suffer from colitis, gastritis or ulcers.

What are the benefits for the body?

What makes consumers buy and gardeners grow black grapes? What is the benefit of this type of crop for the body? Many beneficial properties are attributed to black wine berries, although their composition differs little from other varieties.

Regular consumption of black grape varieties reduces the risk of developing blood clots


Regardless of the variety, the chemical composition of wine berries contains a large amount of vitamins (C, B9, P, H), monosaccharides and disaccharides, as well as macroelements (substances found in the body in large quantities):

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

The microelements contained in the berries (substances needed by the body in small quantities) should also be mentioned:

  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • molybdenum and others.

Grapes contain carbohydrates (mostly), as well as very little protein and fat.

Calorie content

Most sources say that the calorie content of wine berries is approximately equal different varieties. Nutritionists believe that black grapes, beneficial features which, in their opinion, is superior to other varieties, is a higher calorie product. So, if the average calorie content of 100 g of wine berries is 67 kcal, then black grapes have both benefits and harm in an indicator equal to 73 kcal. This is beneficial for a weakened body, but harmful for those on a diet.

Anyone who is seriously interested in black grapes in terms of health benefits and harm should keep in mind that the high carbohydrate content and calorie content will not allow people with disabilities to become addicted to this berry. diabetes mellitus and other disorders in the body.

How is it useful?

When a product contains such an amount of vital necessary substances, everyone understands that the product is useful. It's time to find out what exactly the benefits of black grapes are for the body.

  1. Chokeberry wine berries have the ability to remove excess salt from the body, which allows them to be used in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
  2. Regular consumption of black grape varieties helps prevent the development of calculi (stones) in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders.
  3. The substances contained in black wine berries have mucolytic properties, that is, they are capable of thinning viscous, difficult to separate sputum in diseases of the respiratory system.
  4. Eating this beautiful and tasty delicacy can relieve depression and the effects of stress.
  5. Used for the prevention and treatment of hormonal and immune disorders of the body.
  6. Thanks to the high content of potassium, calcium, magnesium, it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Has antioxidant, decongestant and antitumor properties(It is believed that frequent use these berries reduce the risk of developing tumors).
  8. Helps improve brain function, concentration, reaction speed, memory, which, in turn, reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Fans of black wine berries are convinced that their benefits to the body have not yet been sufficiently studied, and the harm from consuming them is minimal. And it’s hard to disagree with this - evidence base regarding the benefits and harm to the body is still not enough to consider this culture a panacea “for all ills.”

To those who adhere healthy image life, the benefits of black grapes for women are known - it improves complexion, prevents breast cancer, and helps cope with migraines, metabolic disorders and kidney diseases. It is also credited with aphrodisiac properties, which, like all of the above, needs confirmation. Most likely, this is a purely individual effect of the product on female body determined by taste preferences. If a woman eats something with pleasure, then both her mood and sexual desire naturally increase.

Are black grapes good for women? cosmetic properties? This question can be answered in the affirmative without a doubt. A considerable amount skin care products contain extracts from black varieties and their seeds:

  • sunscreens;
  • face scrubs with seed powder;
  • massage oils from seeds;
  • nourishing creams for nails, hair and hand skin.

All other properties of black wine berries listed above also help improve a woman’s well-being, prevent anemia and other blood disorders.

Are there any contraindications for use?

To minimize the harm from any product taken, its use should be reasonable and moderate. If the product does not suit you for some reason, you will have to discard it. So, black grapes have beneficial properties, but there are also contraindications for their use, which means that they are not useful for everyone.

Black wine berries are not at all useful for:

  • increased individual susceptibility to this product (allergies);
  • increased acidity of gastric secretions;
  • inflammatory diseases in the digestive system;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • arterial hypertension.

People with the above-mentioned pathologies can only try a few dark berries during the season, and only after consulting a doctor. But in practice, rarely does anyone check their every step into culinary pleasure with doctors. Most people prefer to taste both the benefits and harm from black grapes at the same time, and then, reaping the fruits of their carelessness, sadly conclude that they probably ate something wrong.

Is there any risk of harm to health?

When does black grapes bring harm, rather than benefit, to the body? Even if the magnificent dark grapes, filled with juice, like “nurse breasts,” do not contain an ounce of chemical fertilizers or insecticides, they can be dangerous for a weakened body.

  1. The product itself is a heavy food, so nutritionists advise treating it not as a dessert, but as a full-fledged independent dish. (Remember how wild grapes helped Robinson Crusoe, who was suffering from hunger, on a desert island).
  2. The berries contain 0.8% organic acids, 1% nitrogenous substances, 0.5% various mineral salts and 15-20% sucrose, which negatively affects tooth enamel. Dentists advise rinsing your mouth after eating wine berries.
  3. For the same reason (rich composition), black ones are able to retain fluid in the body, which can lead to swelling, increased blood pressure, increased stress on the heart.
  4. High calorie content and increased level carbohydrates in the product will harm people with overweight and those suffering from diabetes.
  5. In people with irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal pathologies, the harm of black wine berries can manifest itself as diarrhea and other painful reactions of the body.

If a person is prone to diathesis, eating chokeberry can lead to the development of serious allergic reaction with unpredictable consequences. Therefore, even with such a berry as black grapes, the benefits and harms of which seem to have been known for a long time, you should be careful in use. Especially if these are imported berries that have survived long-term transportation and unknown conditions storage

Useful video

Grapes are rightfully considered one of the most delicious delicacies. It is very popular all over the world due to its beneficial properties and nutritional content:


  1. Undoubtedly, black grapes are a real gift of nature for humans. The benefits and harms of wine berries to the body are still being studied by nutritionists, gastroenterologists and other specialists.
  2. Even grown in your own garden, this product can cause harm to the body if consumed in large quantities and without taking into account contraindications.
  3. If any unusual reactions body to take black wine berries, you should immediately refuse the treat and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Let us remember the Romanian proverb: “Whoever eats grapes eats the condensed sun.” However, grapes, whose benefits have been proven, can cause the appearance of undesirable consequences for good health. So what are the undeniable benefits and harms of grapes?

Grapes: health benefits

Grape berry - a balanced concentration of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and organic compounds, fiber, essential oils, pectins, enzymes and sugars. It is this composition that determines the benefits of grapes.

Find out the benefits of grapes:

  • normalizes work digestive tract, regulates metabolism, effectively fights constipation, has a mild diuretic effect;
  • neutralizes the production of so-called bad cholesterol;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, due to the content of glucose and fructose, it reduces fatigue and increases performance;
  • flavonoids contained in grapes strengthen the walls blood vessels, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, prevent the development of thrombosis;
  • ascorbic acid has a powerful antioxidant effect on the body, regulates redox processes, which is the prevention of cancer;
  • pectin substances help cleanse the body - eliminate heavy metals and radioactive compounds;
  • B vitamins improve hematopoietic function;
  • high iron content normalizes hemoglobin levels;
  • has antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects;
  • has a cosmetic effect - improves complexion and skin condition;
  • phosphorus, calcium and riboflavin stimulate the growth of hair and nails, have a beneficial effect on the condition of tooth enamel, and the formation of bone tissue;
  • potassium regulates optimal heart function by stimulating the contraction of muscle fibers;
  • grape seeds contain nutrients, essential oils and substances similar in composition to female sex hormones - they have a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect.

That's not all useful material, included in the composition of grapes. Its properties allow you to remove toxic substances from the body, strengthen the immune system and even provide beneficial effect on the growing embryo in pregnant women.

In order for the benefits of grapes to be more tangible, follow several simple rules. The healthiest thing to eat is fresh berries. But sultanas and raisins retain the majority useful qualities. The main condition for this is natural drying in the sun and the absence of preservatives.

Consider the diuretic and invigorating effect of grapes - do not eat them before bed. Also pay attention to the color of the grapes, many of its qualities are directly related to this:

  • white grapes are low in sugar;
  • green is less allergenic, it contains little coloring pigment;
  • blue grapes contain anthocyanins, stimulate immune system, useful for many ophthalmological diseases;
  • red grapes hold the lead in antioxidant content;
  • black grapes contain a record amount of substances with antibactericidal and antitumor properties.

Grapes: harm, contraindications

Despite the undeniable benefits of grapes, consuming them can be harmful to health. “Tasty” is not always a synonym for the word “healthy.” Many varieties are high in calories, contain a high percentage of sugar, and a large amount of coloring pigment.

Moderation is encouraged in everything, including grapes. Insatiable consumption of “sunny” berries can cause harm, namely:

  • increases blood glucose levels;
  • increases appetite, and as a result increases body weight in people prone to obesity;
  • increases the risk of allergies (dermatitis, urticaria);
  • aggravates caries;
  • neutralizes the effectiveness of anticoagulants due to vitamin K in its composition;
  • provokes diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, peptic ulcer), may cause stomach upset.

Thus, we can identify clear contraindications for eating grapes:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Treatment with anticoagulants (blood thinning drugs).
  4. Food allergies.

So, we can say with confidence that the benefits of grapes are undeniable. There is a direction in medicine called ampelotherapy - treatment with grapes.

But Paracelsus said: “The dose makes the medicine poison and the poison the medicine.” In the case of grapes, only immoderation can cause obvious harm, except for those moments when there are clear medical contraindications. Be healthy!

Grapes, the ripe clusters of which fascinate with juicy berries and cause genuine delight with their rich appearance, is considered a favorite delicacy in all corners of the planet. A bunch of grapes, symbolizing abundance and luxury, is an indispensable attribute of the table of any European monarch.

This is a popular culture that attracts huge land area, has about 8,000 varieties. Wine, juice, vinegar, raisins - far from it full list products based on grapes. The benefits and harms of this plant are on different scales, but the first significantly outweighs the second due to the ascorbic acid, essential fiber, pectin, vitamins B and P, beta-carotene and many other elements required to ensure the normal functioning of the body.

This favorite grape: benefits and harm

In terms of calorie content, grapes are considered the record holder among other berries and fruits: 70 kcal per 100 grams of product weight makes it possible to use it as an easily accessible source of energy.

Grapes, rich in their chemical composition, contribute to the effective treatment of stomach diseases due to the presence of enzymes that stimulate the production of gastric juice.

Iodine - essential microelement contained in grapes provides normal work human body. By participating in the formation of protective cells (phagocytes), it controls body temperature, the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems, and also normalizes metabolism. Grape therapy is the most in a tasty way replenishing iodine reserves in the body.

Antioxidants are substances (mostly vitamins), the content of which grapes are fully rich in. The benefits and harms of these molecules have been scientifically proven - supporting the normal functioning of all organs, they contribute to:

  • normalization of pressure;
  • increasing hemoglobin levels;
  • blood purification;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

There are some negative points in the use of grapes. Glucose, which this berry is rich in, provokes sharp jumps blood sugar, which is strictly unacceptable for patients with diabetes. It is not recommended to enjoy grapes in large quantities for people with impaired metabolism or problems with the pancreas.

For overweight people, excessive consumption of grapes can only add kilograms and at the same time cause discomfort in the intestines (namely fermentation) due to excess carbon dioxide.

The healing power of grapes

“Vitamins in bunches” are useful for people actively engaged in mental and physical activity. This excellent remedy to improve memory, especially recommended for students during the session. Athletes' diet mandatory includes the consumption of grapes, which increase work capacity and endurance.

Delicious berries are recommended for asthma, diseases respiratory tract and liver. Possessing a pronounced diuretic effect, grapes (the benefits and harms of which are especially studied by admirers alternative treatment) easily relieves swelling and accelerates metabolic processes in organism. Ripe bunches are effectively used for initial stages tuberculosis in complex treatment of this disease and are recommended for use throughout the entire period of the disease, as it helps strengthen the body and increase immunity.

Daily glass grape juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, will help cope with migraines.

The delicious berries, rich in sugar content, are not recommended in large quantities for people with diabetes.

Red grape varieties: effects on the body

The benefits and harms of red grapes are a fairly frequently discussed topic among adherents of traditional medicine. By increasing the level of nitrogen in the blood, red grapes play a positive role in cardiac activity. The skin of the berries contains resveratrol, a substance that actively fights cancer cells and helps increase vitamin E in the body, which, in turn, affects the strengthening of the immune system. Antioxidants contained in juicy berries significantly increase hemoglobin levels, which has a beneficial effect on blood composition.

Red grapes are naturally delicious and useful antidepressant. Consuming it in large quantities can cause migraines due to the polyphenols and tannins it contains.

Black grapes: benefits and harm

Black grapes, represented by the most popular varieties (Sauvignon, Cabernet, Merlot and Isabella), are characterized by medium-sized berries covered with a light waxy coating. The presence of flavonoids in this type of product has a positive effect on memory and brain activity. That is, regular consumption of it in food is an excellent prevention of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, black berries can overcome stress and accumulated fatigue, as well as optimize the functioning of the body’s nervous system. Black grape varieties are the basis of the most beneficial ruby ​​wines, recommended in small doses to maintain the efficiency of the cardiovascular system.

Like the red varieties, the berries of this species contain the substance resveratrol, which increases life expectancy. Quercetin contained in the product has an antispasmodic and anti-edematous effect. Effectively resist viruses and various kinds Ascorbic acid helps infections, and pectin substances cleanse the body of radioactive substances and bad cholesterol. Black grapes are used in the treatment of gout, causing the removal of excess salts from the body.

The use of black grapes in medicine and cosmetology

The beneficial properties of black grape varieties have been successfully used in cosmetology. Thanks to the content of essential oils in the seeds and essential substances in the pulp and peel, you can easily protect your skin from aging and maintain its youth and elasticity with regular consumption of delicious ripe berries. Of course, like any product, black grapes have a number of contraindications for consumption. These are diabetes, colitis, obesity, liver cirrhosis, caries, pregnancy, as well as individual intolerance. Considered to be quite a heavy food, grapes are recommended for consumption exclusively as an independent dish. It should not be combined with alcohol, dairy products and fatty foods. Juice from dark varieties can cause anemia in children. The high sugar content negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel, so after eating berries oral cavity It is recommended to rinse.

Isabella is the most popular grape variety

Of the black varieties, the most famous is the Isabella grape. The benefits and harms of this product, which has a pronounced taste nutmeg, had a negative impact on its use in commercial wine production in Europe and the USA. This is due to high content methanol - a substance with bright pronounced effect"sudden explosion" Accumulating in the body, methanol negatively affects the vascular and nervous system posing a direct threat to health. Its processing in combination with alcohol contributes to the formation of toxic substances that negatively affect work optic nerve, kidneys and liver; complications can even lead to cirrhosis.

IN fresh Isabella berries, characterized by a dark blue or bluish-black color, do not pose any harm to health. The weight of the bunch is approximately 100-150 grams and contains about 80 kcal per 100 grams of product. The pulp of the fruit is characterized by a sweet and sour taste and some sliminess. Isabella grapes, the benefits and harms of which directly depend on chemical composition product, very useful for colds. It is a highly effective cough expectorant.

Green grapes

Green grapes, the benefits and harms of which are equal to those of red varieties of the plant, also have a bouquet of properties necessary for the normal functioning of the body. By strengthening blood vessels and capillaries, it reduces the risk of thrombosis and protects against cancer diseases, leukemia and infections of various kinds. The substance pterostilbene contained in the composition reduces cholesterol levels.

Green grapes (the benefits and harms of which have been studied traditional medicine) is very useful for asthma patients: it saturates their lungs with the required moisture. Thanks to its low calorie content healthy berries Can be used for weight loss.

Juice from green grape varieties is a burst of strength and energy for the whole working day. Berries will help you easily cope with indigestion, kidney disease, chronic constipation and cataracts due to the content of vitamins, antioxidants and flavonoids.

Grape seeds: use

A person at any stage of his activity tries to use the products he consumes as profitably as possible; Grape seeds also fall into this category. The benefits and harms of delicious ingredients ripe berries obvious: being effective means combating the wear and tear of the body and its aging, consumed in significant quantities, they can cause significant harm to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also become provocateurs of appendicitis.

In Europe, excerpt from grape seeds officially recognized medicine against varicose veins veins By restoring damaged vessel walls, it reduces the risk of blood clots and prevents the development of hemorrhages. Eye diseases are also effectively treated useful extract, relieving visual tension and nourishing the retina of the fundus. The properties of grape seeds completely depend on the plant variety.

Grapes forever

In any case, regardless of the color of the berries, grapes, the benefits and harms to the body do not affect its taste qualities, recommended for preventing many diseases and maintaining health. Counteracting a whole bunch of diseases of various kinds, collected in an appetizing bunch, tempting berries will always be a favorite delicacy in the life of every person.

Now the time has come to sort out black grapes, since they are very, very useful for our entire body at different levels.

It is called that only because the peel contains a certain type of phyto-antioxidants.

Actually, their number, as well as their structure, determine what color the berry will ultimately be.

By the way, we have already considered some of the features, composition and benefits of these berries on our body.

Black grapes and resveratrol

There is no need to be immediately intimidated by the name resveratrol, since it is a natural compound that is found in the peel of many fruits and vegetables. And the darker the peel, the higher the concentration of this compound will be.

This substance is useful in that it enters into the metabolic processes of our body and has beneficial influence. Moreover, among people who know about resveratrol, black grapes of a very, very dark variety are highly valued. The darker the better.

So, to prove the above, I will say that repeated studies have been carried out by scientists from Italy, America, Canada, and other countries. For example, the same Italians, in 2006, conducted an experiment with fish, which showed the following.

The experimental fish that were given resveratrol lived longer than the other control group of fish. Thus, it has been scientifically proven that black grapes have anti-aging properties. And, in a sense, it can even be called the elixir of youth.

Although, the same, because large quantity vitamins, you can also call it that. True, you should not rely only on food, since a person needs to physical body in good shape are necessary various kinds exercises, cleansing procedures, etc.

Black grapes in nutrition

In this paragraph I want to reveal a very glaring issue. The thing is that some “experts” recommend adding wine made from these berries to your diet as a dietary and healing food.

They justify their story by saying that such wine supposedly contains high concentration resveratrol, which we talked about above, and many others useful components. My dear friends, I want to tell you this fact.

Indeed, I will not deny that such wine can and does contain some chemical compounds, but... Wine is, first of all, one of the most terrible toxins, which not only greatly clogs our body, but also has a detrimental and irrevocable effect on our mind.

Therefore, the harm that you will receive even from expensive and good wine will be much more serious and significant than the meager benefit that they talk about. It’s better, instead of the same “healthy” wine, to buy a couple of kilograms of nuts like, , and eat.