What to do to stay awake. Stay up all night and survive the day? Easily! How to greet the morning correctly to be cheerful all day

Occasionally situations arise when there is a need to stay awake the whole night, while at the same time keeping a clear head and remaining reasonable. For example, the night before important exams or when you need to run an emergency errand. In order not to fall asleep between sunset and dawn, you need to prepare in advance. How long can a person generally survive in a state of sleep deprivation? In fact, even a day of being awake will take its toll on an unprepared body. There is a scientific term called “sleep deprivation,” which means depriving a person of sleep. At the same time, deprivation is often a conscious choice of the individual in order to achieve certain results or is used to correct depressive attitudes.

How to stay cheerful

A person, due to the influence of various circumstances of life, may decide not to sleep all night. In order for a sleepless night to be extremely comfortable for a person, it is necessary to carefully prepare, as well as be guided by certain recommendations designed to help cope with the urge to plunge into the Morphean kingdom.

Every organism exists according to an individual biological rhythm. When the hour of sleep approaches, a person is attacked by unbearable fatigue. At such moments, it seems that it is impossible to overcome drowsiness. The described state of a sharp decrease in strength lasts approximately 20 minutes, after which an influx of energy occurs.

But it’s quite difficult to endure this third part of the hour. It is necessary to occupy yourself with something, so to speak, to deceive your own body, to do something that is usually not done at such a time. For example, do a few squats. Over thousands of years of human existence, it has been recorded at the genetic level that liveliness during the period reserved for sleep can harm the body.

Therefore, the body, mobilizing all its strength, drives away drowsiness. This is the answer to the question of how to stay up all night without coffee and energy drinks. It is difficult to consider these drinks as assistants in vigil from sunset to sunrise. Caffeine is the main active ingredient in these liquids. It helps to increase mental activity, physical performance, reduce fatigue, and eliminate drowsiness, but only for a short period. When consumed in excess, caffeine often leads to exhaustion of the body and, accordingly, increased drowsiness.

Simply put, there comes a time when a given substance loses its stimulating effect. Therefore, in order to cheer up for a short period, a cup of aromatic rich black drink will help, but it is impossible to last the whole night on this “energy” while maintaining mental performance at the proper level.

In addition, the following pattern has long been established: the more often a person drinks coffee, the less invigorating it is. Also, the abuse of caffeine-containing drinks further leads to a deterioration in the quality of sleep, difficulty falling asleep and a feeling of fatigue when waking up. As a result, the individual will feel overwhelmed throughout the subsequent daytime.

On the other hand, coffee can help temporarily cheer you up after a night vigil. To feel full of life-giving energy, you can consume this aromatic drink throughout the day. But you need to understand that when caffeine stops entering the sleep-deprived body, drowsiness will increase significantly.

So, how can you stay up all night and be alert all day? Below are some helpful tips.

First of all, if you know in advance that a sleepless night is expected, then you need to get as much sleep as possible in anticipation of the upcoming “experiment.” In addition, chronic lack of sleep adversely affects the health of the body.

One of the essential aspects of maintaining proper performance in the absence of night rest is a balanced diet. In order for the planned wakefulness to be successful, the body should be provided with the necessary substances so that fatigue does not overcome.

The daily menu the day before should contain complex carbohydrates for breakfast (for example, pasta or oatmeal). Lunch grub should be truly satisfying and enriched with life-giving substances. The best option here would be a set lunch, including soup, meat and buckwheat porridge. It is recommended to have an evening meal later than usual. It is recommended to give preference to more easily digestible, yet nutritious foods (for example, cottage cheese with fruit).

You should also limit your intake of caffeinated drinks and foods containing high concentrations of sugar. In addition, it is recommended to stock up on provisions for the period of night wakefulness. It is better if it is lean meat, vegetables, nuts, fruits.

After a night spent awake, you will feel quite sleepy, but if you endure this period of lethargy and wait for the biorhythms to change, it will become much easier after a few hours. However, at lunchtime it may come back again, but by the evening the feeling will be restored again.

The best tactic for reviving vigor after a night of vigil is to surrender to the power of Morpheus, but only for about 15 minutes. Because if you overdo it with sleep, you can wake up even more exhausted. A fifteen-minute rest will help the brain restore its functionality.

Nature itself has placed in man the need to remain in the Morphean kingdom during the dark time of the day, and to remain awake during the daytime. It is much easier to overcome drowsiness on a bright sunny day than on cloudy, cold weather. Therefore, if in bad weather it is impossible to cope with Morpheus, who is pulling you into his own net, then it is recommended to take advantage of the benefits of civilization - turn on bright illumination. Artificial intense light can invigorate the body.

Any movements also contribute to a surge of strength and a feeling of vigor. After a night of vigil, it wouldn’t hurt to walk briskly to your destination or do some exercise.

It is also recommended, in order to avoid falling asleep, to try to perform simpler activities, but not of a monotonous nature. More complex work or monotonous manipulations have a depressing effect on the nervous system, as a result of which the brain is simply unable to cope with incoming information. Therefore, it is better to devote the day following a sleepless night to elementary activities that do not require serious brain effort. Work that involves physical activity will be optimal.


Such a physiological state of the human body as sleep is vital for maintaining an appropriate level of health. Sleep is an opportunity for the brain to restore its own activity, process and organize the experience and information received during the day. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on metabolic function. But there are situations when it is necessary not to plunge into the Morphean kingdom throughout the night, remaining mentally active and alert.

Below are ways to stay up all night and be cheerful in the morning, namely: exercise physically, turn on bright lights, watch funny videos, periodically switch between activities, listen to loud and upbeat music, do breathing exercises, let cool air into the room, wash your face, use the secrets of aromatherapy, chew gum (chewing gum).

Physical exercise

They will help speed up the flow of blood through the capillaries and invigorate the body. Performing all kinds of physical exercises will increase the body's strength. If there is a need for productive work for two to three hours, then it would be better to take a fifteen-minute promenade or replace it with a jog. The main thing here is not to overdo it. A ten-minute sports break is quite enough.

If you are going to be working on a computer for a long time, you need to constantly keep your body tense, for example, take an uncomfortable position, sit on an uncomfortable chair, force yourself to constantly spin or fidget. In order to eliminate tension from the thoracic segment of the spinal column, it is recommended to exercise every half hour without sleep.


It is known that the alternation of sleep-wake states is caused by illumination. Therefore, so that Morpheus does not win, you should turn on the light at night, and in order not to ruin your sleep during the day, you need to “let in” the sun’s rays into the room or go outside.

Favorite activities

If you have a feeling that kemar is about to come, it is recommended to take a break, during which you can watch funny videos or actively communicate on social networks.

An effective way to stay awake is to alternate between one job and a more interesting or active activity, such as a hobby, that will dispel drowsiness.


Rhythmic unfamiliar music and body twitching can make the brain work. The main thing is to comply with the following conditions: the music should generate maximum emotions and be quiet so that it is difficult to make out the words in order to force the brain to work, involving attention. If you wish, you can sing along.


Breathing exercises borrowed from yoga practice will also successfully help restore performance. It consists of inhalation and sharp exhalation, which must be repeated at least 10 times. Such actions activate the gland, which responds to circadian fluctuations that cause sleep-wake states.


Cold air is practically the best tactic in the fight against drowsiness. It tones the capillaries. In a cool room, the brain receives signals that activate metabolic processes necessary to maintain adequate functioning of internal systems. Warmth, on the contrary, creates a feeling of fatigue and a desire to sleep. A cool atmosphere can be created by opening a window or turning on a fan or air conditioner. Washing with cold water can also invigorate you just as much as cool air or exercise.


You can fight Morpheus, who wants to drag a sleep-deprived person into his own kingdom by any means necessary, through aromatherapy. Signals from the olfactory neurons activate brain activity. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether the aroma is pleasant or not. In order to “revive” nervous activity, it is recommended to inhale esters such as rosemary, mint, eucalyptus. If the listed oils are not available, you can breathe in the aroma of natural coffee.

Chewing gum

Another fairly successful tactic to combat drowsiness is chewing gum. It will seem incredible to many that ordinary “chewing gum” can drive away drowsiness. However, chewing this confectionery creation is just a cunning trick aimed at deceiving the brain, which receives signals from the taste buds that are located in the mouth and from chewing movements. Having received such signals, the brain is activated to process food. At the same time, insulin is produced, which generates a feeling of cheerfulness. Here it is better to use menthol-flavored chewing gum.


There are also “energy foods”, eating which will help eliminate the desire to sleep for a while and help keep you in good shape. Below are 5 items that will help you feel active after a night of vigil. Dark chocolate tops this list because it contains caffeine. The next position is given to meat, since protein is slowly digested, the feeling of fullness will remain for a longer time, due to which energy will increase. Third place belongs to spicy foods and spices. They affect the olfactory neurons and receptors located in the mouth, thereby giving a message to the nervous system, which helps maintain the “wakefulness” mode.


Water took fourth position in the so-called “hit parade” of substances that help avoid immersion in the power of Morpheus. Drinking regularly refreshes the mind and speeds up metabolic processes.

Advertised energy drinks occupy only 5th position. Although they were created with the intention of giving a boost of vigor, the effectiveness is somewhat lower than the above remedies and the harm from their consumption neutralizes all the positive results.

Sleep is necessary for a person, as it allows the brain to recover due to a decrease in its activity. Sleep is also necessary for the individual to restore metabolism and to process and sort information in the subconscious. So, sleep is a cyclical, genetically determined state of the human body with reduced brain activity and reaction to the outside world.


In this case, to control sleep, we propose to use the technique of breathing regulation - a special ancient yogic breathing practice. By the way, such breathing not only affects the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, but also perfectly energizes the body and warms it up. In addition, this effect is mediated by an effect on the pineal gland. This kind of breathing (kapalabhati) consists of fast breathing from the stomach with an emphasis on sharp exhalation, while inhaling normally. To cheer up, it is enough to breathe ten times.

What does this have to do with chewing gum? - you say. The rubber band itself may have nothing to do with it. This is a clever trick to trick the brain, which, receiving signals from receptors in the mouth, as well as chewing movements, is activated in preparation for processing food. In parallel, the release of insulin begins, causing a feeling of cheerfulness. In this case, it is better to use menthol-flavored chewing gum.


What is the secret of exposure to cool air? In fact, everything is simple - cold air tones the blood vessels and, by sending appropriate signals to the brain, leads to the activation of metabolism to maintain the normal functioning of internal organs. Warmth, in contrast, causes a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness. So, create a cool atmosphere using a fan or air conditioner. If not, then at least open the windows. Another option is to wash your face with water with pieces of ice floating in it - a boost of energy is guaranteed.

What will help to better disperse the blood through the veins and gain good spirits? Yes, you guessed it – fitness! Do any physical exercise, preferably at intervals of up to half an hour. Light physical activity will give you a sufficient boost of energy. But if you need to work productively for two hours, then the best thing would be a fifteen-minute walk. You can replace it with jogging.


Cooling your wrists with cold water will invigorate you just as much as exercise. The effect of cold water is as invigorating as cool air. By the way, cooling is a very good technique during heat or against headaches caused by fever.

Don't stock up on food in the refrigerator in the hope that your brain will be distracted from sleep. The effect can also be the opposite - it takes a lot of energy to digest a large amount of food, and you may begin to feel lethargic and drowsy. Give dinner to the enemy!


Make your brain work - turn on rhythmic, preferably unfamiliar music. You can sway rhythmically or shake your head - the main thing is not to overdo it. Here several more conditions must be met: the music must be such as to evoke maximum emotions. Another component is volume. It should be quiet so that it is difficult to make out the words - the brain will work, including attention. Sing along if you can.


It is known that sleep-wake rhythms are also interconnected with illumination. This is the basis for the following advice: turn on as bright a light as possible in the room at night, and go out into the yard during the day.


There are miraculous points on our body - acupuncture points. By influencing these points, you will be invigorated, since their massage, among other things, improves blood circulation. Their location: 1-crown; 2–neck (back); 3-earlobe; 4-point between fingers: thumb and index; 5-section under the knees.


Signals from olfactory receptors can also activate the brain, regardless of whether we like the smell or not. To activate nervous activity, aromatherapy recommends the following essential oils: mint, eucalyptus, rosemary. If these oils are not nearby, open a can of coffee and breathe in the aroma a little.

Try to take the most uncomfortable position possible or just sit on a hard chair. This trick will give you the opportunity to last the necessary time without sleep.

Here is another technique that is interesting because it combines sleep and alertness. It is known that caffeine, when entering the body, does not begin to act immediately, but after fifteen minutes. In order for this time not to be wasted...go to bed. How? These are the weirdos! I still have so much to do! Wonderful. You will have time to do everything if you wake up in 15 minutes, exactly 15! This is an effective microsleep technique (power nap). The time of a quarter of an hour was chosen because after half an hour of sleep, a person plunges into the deep sleep phase and, waking up later, you will feel tired and weak. So set your alarm!

Naturally, there are exceptions to any rule. Therefore, we change the recommendation not to eat to eat, but with one condition! We choose a protein diet, i.e. rich in proteins and carbohydrates: eggs, nuts, fruits and vegetables and in small portions. The frequency of such a diet is once every two or three hours. Besides sugar, it will have the opposite effect. And also, drink plenty of water so as not to feel weak and tired.


A funny and simplest way to quickly shake yourself out of sleep is to tickle the upper palate with the tip of your tongue. The main thing is that you always have everything with you!

Are you falling asleep? Take a break during which you watch some funny video or start actively fasting on social networks, which will cause the necessary stimulation in your brain.

And remember, healthy sleep is the key to health. So try to resort to such methods only as a last resort!

How to stay awake: 10 tips + 5 stages of preparatory work + 3 mistakes that should not be made.

Healthy and sound sleep is wonderful, because it allows you to rest properly and restore strength before new achievements.

You need to spend your nights in bed in order to feel healthy and vigorous during the day - everyone knows this truth.

But there are situations when you have to look for ways to stay up all night, because a lot of urgent work has accumulated or a fun party is planned. Yes, the same New Year's Eve, when even the children do not go to bed on time.

There are such methods, and they are very effective, but you shouldn’t practice them too often, otherwise you can harm your health.

How to Stay Up All Night: Preparatory Work the Night Before

If you attend training, you know that the main exercises are always preceded by a warm-up to prepare the muscles for the load.

Imagine that the night when you have to stay awake is a hard workout, and therefore you can’t do without a warm-up.

In order not to sleep and not suffer too much, do the preparatory work:

    Get enough sleep the night before.

    There are two options: either sleep as long as possible in the morning, or lie down for a few hours at lunchtime. Ideally, to stay awake, you should combine both methods.

    British scientists once conducted an experiment. A group of young people lost 2 to 4 hours of sleep every night.

    After two weeks, completely healthy boys and girls began to experience unusual symptoms: headaches, surges in blood pressure, nervousness, irritability followed by apathy, etc.

    This proved what is generally known: healthy eight-hour sleep is the key to good health. This is why not getting enough sleep or not sleeping at all for several nights in a row is detrimental to your health.

    They decide to stay up all night if they have a hard day at work the next day.

    It is no coincidence that January 1 is a state holiday for the population: the government understands perfectly well that those who did not sleep all night will be of no use at work. After the New Year's festivities, everyone sleeps off.

    If you need to stay awake because of important work or a planned party, then plan this the night before the day off so you can recuperate later.

    They don’t take their biorhythms into account.

    You probably know that all people are divided into 3 main groups:

    • larks - go to bed early and get up early;
    • owls – stay up late and late;
    • something between these two “birds”.

    Owls endure the easiest nights when they have to stay awake, but larks find such experiments extremely difficult. If you find it incredibly difficult to stay awake all night, it makes sense to go to bed early, for example, at 21.00 - 22.00, and then wake up at 4.00 - 5.00 in the morning to have time to do what needs to be done.

    With a party, such transfers are impossible, but if you really can't stand the night's festivities, hold out as long as you can, and then go to bed. Close people should respect the characteristics of your body.

It's not hard to figure out how to stay awake—there are plenty of effective instructions. The main thing is that you do not get carried away with such experiments, because the body will not forgive such violence against itself and sooner or later will begin to malfunction.

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Sleep is a world shrouded in a veil of dreams and miracles. Thanks to sleep, the body gains strength for the next day. Sleep heals the body and spirit to conquer new heights. Skin looks healthy and glowing after sleep. By the way, you need to sleep 8-10 hours a day. But what if Morpheus doesn't come? What should those who have insomnia every night do? Today we will talk about why this happens, how to fall asleep in 1 minute and give you some practical tips on calling Morpheus.

The main thing in the article

Why you can't sleep: causes of insomnia

A hard day, tiredness, circles under the eyes - all this signals a lack of sleep or no sleep at all. But why does this happen, what violations can lead to this problem? Insomnia often occurs for some reason; it does not appear out of nowhere. The causes of this disorder can be classified into several groups:

  • External;
  • Internal;
  • Pathological;
  • Physiological.

More details about each of them:

  • TO external Factors that influence the body to enter a state of sleep often include noises, smells, light, medications, food, bed and pillow:

  • TO internal include stressful situations, overexcitability, depressive disorders.
  1. Stressful situations can be very diverse. They can appear constantly or once. These include the night before an exam, before an important presentation, or the first day of work.
  2. Overexcitability can be positive or negative. This could be an argument with a loved one or exercise before bed.
  3. Depressive disorders, in turn, are also distinguished as psychological or simple deterioration of mood. In the case of psychological disorders, you need to contact a specialist. And if you are just in a bad mood, then time will solve it.

  1. Disorders have a different nature: from minor troubles to big scandals that disturb and prevent you from falling asleep.
  2. The period of pregnancy and lactation changes a woman both physically and psychologically. Internal and external changes sometimes prevent sleep from coming on time. In this case, you can also sleep during the day and rest more to always be in a good mood.
  3. Illnesses always have a bad and disturbing effect on your night's rest. Although sleep promotes rapid recovery, it is often the cause of short-term insomnia.
  4. Disturbances or changes in the rhythm of life can also lead to sleep disturbances. Perhaps you should reconsider the rhythm of life and allocate sufficient time for rest.

How to deal with insomnia?

Sleep disturbance leads not only to a bad mood and constant yawning reflexes throughout the day, but also to a general deterioration in health. Therefore, this disease must be combated. This situation can be corrected with the help of medications, with folk remedies, or with the help of the usual establishment of a daily routine.

  • Create a relaxing atmosphere for a night's rest.
  • Choose bedding that feels pleasant to the touch.
  • Play soothing music, such as nature sounds.
  • Do not overuse invigorating drinks before bed.
  • Try not to sleep during the daytime.
  • Maintain a normal daily routine.

Pills for insomnia: rating of sleeping pills

When choosing medications for good sleep, you need to ensure that they are not addictive and are available without a prescription.

The use of sleeping pills is possible under the conditions that:

  • Insomnia lasts for 4 weeks or more;
  • Insomnia arose as a result of psychopathic and neurotic changes;
  • The sleep disorder arose on the basis of autonomic dysfunction and pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Violation of night rest occurred due to high irritability, stress or tension.

In case of persistent insomnia, you should contact a specialist or therapist, who can also recommend the necessary medication.

Plant based:

  • Novo-passit;
  • Persen;
  • Deprim;
  • Dormiplant;
  • Phytorelax.


  • Afobazole;
  • Voloserdin;
  • Valemidin;
  • Sedavit;
  • Zolpidem.


  • Barboval;
  • Donormil;
  • Menovalen;
  • Sedaphyton;
  • Melaxen.


  • Tenoten;
  • Notta;
  • Passidorm;
  • Hypnosed;
  • Calm down.

The information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide to purchase. Any medical advice should be sought from a specialist.

How to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills: 10 best ways

Sometimes, to get deep and restful sleep, you just need to change your environment. Perhaps the wallpaper in the bedroom is too bright, which irritates the nervous system. And sometimes drastic measures are not required. Ways to get a good night's sleep:

  1. Watch a romantic comedy with a happy ending before bed.
  2. Lie down in bed, close your eyes and count the sheep jumping over the fence.
  3. Ventilate the room before going to bed.
  4. Take a walk in the fresh air for your next nap.
  5. Take a bath with lemon balm, sage, lavender or bergamot aromatic oils.
  6. Think about something or someone that feels good to you.
  7. Ask your partner to give you a relaxing one.
  8. Get busy.
  9. Try changing your sleeping position to one that is more comfortable for you.
  10. Start practicing relaxing poses.

Traditional methods of combating insomnia

In addition to the above methods of treating insomnia, there is a folk practice. Folk remedies include:

  • Soothing tea with hawthorn;
  • Warm milk with honey;
  • Boring book;
  • Lie on your right side with your knees bent;
  • Place some lavender oil on your temples;
  • Hang a dream catcher above the head of your bed.

How to relax so you can fall asleep quickly?

A healthy body is the key to a great mood. And poor sleep or its absence at all leaves the imprint of neurosis and poor health not only externally, but also internally. Therefore, in order for sleep to come as soon as possible, you need to be able to relax.

  • Distribute throughout the day physical activity on your body so you can fall asleep quickly at the end of the day. The main thing is not to exercise before bed; if physical exercise is scheduled in the evening, then try to exercise 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Practice the technique deep breathing. Sit and relax, close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, then out through your mouth. As you inhale, feel where there is tension in your body, try to relax it. While doing this exercise, try not to think about anything, but focus on relaxing your body.
  • Visualization technique can also help you fall asleep. Imagine a place where you would like to be and what you would like to see there. Present all the details, details of your place.
  • Try it write down all the thoughts that bother you and ideas that keep you from falling asleep. In some cases, thoughts written down on a piece of paper promote relaxation. And relaxation in turn leads to a good night's rest.
  • Practice muscle relaxation promotes relaxation of the body. Tighten each muscle, holding for 5 seconds, then relax. When tense muscles, breathe deeply, do not hold your breath. Tighten each muscle in turn.

Massage for insomnia at home

The practice of massage for insomnia is useful not only for solving sleep problems, but also for the overall health of the body. You can do the massage yourself, or you can ask your partner. In the second case, there is a chance that you will fall asleep during the procedure. And in the first, the body will relax and you will fall asleep peacefully after self-massage.


  • Head- warm up your palms and stroke your face, simulating washing. Using your fingertips, lightly pat your face. Then massage the temples, the point between the eyebrows and the scalp in a circular motion. Perform the movements for 5-10 minutes.
  • Neck- use your index fingers to massage the point of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which begins behind the earlobe and ends towards the collarbone. Move over this muscle, performing massaging movements from top to bottom, for 5 minutes.
  • Ears- Grab your earlobes with two fingers, the thumb on the inside of the ear and the index on the outside. Then grab your ears and massage them. Using massaging circular movements, move across the entire ear from top to bottom. Perform the massage for 3-5 minutes.
  • Stomach— with your preheated palm, perform light circular movements clockwise 20 times, then counterclockwise 20 times.
  • Soles of feet- When taking a bath, perform massaging movements with your thumb. Massage the point located on the balls of your feet.

Back massage

  • Pre-warm your palms; for a better effect, you can lubricate them with lavender oil.
  • Start your back massage with light warming movements. Massage your shoulders first, then move downwards, making circular movements symmetrically on each side.
  • Acupressure for insomnia is relaxing, so the movements of the palms should be soft and counterclockwise. Also, you should not press or pinch too hard, as this will not promote relaxation and will only worsen the situation.

How to fall asleep quickly: step-by-step instructions

To quickly fall asleep, try following the instructions, which may help you summon Morpheus and immerse yourself in the endless space of sleep.

  1. Exercise during the day, but no later than 2-3 hours before bed.
  2. Have dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  3. Take a bath with soothing lavender oil.
  4. Do a self-massage.
  5. Prepare the room for sleep by ventilating it in advance and turning off all lights.
  6. Lie down in bed and close your eyes.
  7. Think about pleasant things and relax.
  8. Now go to sleep.

How to fall asleep during the day: effective techniques

Sometimes a situation arises when sleep is needed during the daytime, but he does not want to come. Then various techniques come to the rescue, which have a relaxing effect on the body and put it to sleep.

  • “4-7-8 Breathing” - exhale through your mouth and close it. Place the tip of your tongue on the upper part of the roof of your mouth, namely the protruding part in front of your front incisors. Keep your tongue there all the time. Now inhale through your nose for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of seven. And exhale through your mouth, counting to eight. Repeat 3 more times.

Please note that the exhalation should be made with a whistle. Only in this case will the technique be performed correctly.

  • "Breathing in 10 counts"- count each inhalation and exhalation, when, for example, inhalation is one, and exhalation is 2. Count to 10, then repeat the cycle. When performing this method, concentrate on your breathing, numbers and how your chest moves. You need to breathe through your mouth. Repeat the technique until you fall asleep.
  • "Suvorov's method"- Lie on your back, stretch your legs and arms. Close your eyes and roll your pupils up. This location is physiological for deep sleep.
  • "Reverse Blink"- lie down and relax, close your eyes and then open them. Perform reverse blinks at intervals of 5 to 15 seconds. This technique is a kind of self-hypnosis.
  • "Ball"- lie down in a comfortable sleeping position and imagine a ball that is in the middle of the ocean. There is no end or edge around. Now focus on how the waves rock it back and forth.

How to fall asleep quickly if you don't want to sleep?

If you don't want to sleep, and this is necessary, you shouldn't force yourself. Just accept it as it comes. You shouldn’t torture yourself and scold yourself because your body still wants to stay awake.

  • Try getting out of bed and walking around, getting some fresh air, or taking a warm bath.
  • Visualize the air flowing like a carousel through your body.
  • Drink a glass of warm water.
  • Get all thoughts out of your head.
  • Go to bed naked.
  • Get some fish to contemplate as you go to bed quickly.

What to do to fall asleep quickly: our tips

Our magazine has prepared tips for you on how to fall asleep quickly:

  • Create a daily routine so that your body adjusts to healthy sleep.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Go to the toilet.
  • Follow your diet, do not eat too heavy food before bed.
  • In severe situations, consult a doctor.
  • Learn to enjoy sleep, relax and take comfortable positions.
  • Don't be afraid to tell your loved ones that they are bothering you.
  • Swap for a comfortable night's rest.

All advice is aimed at solving one problem - insomnia. It can appear once, or it can constantly disrupt your well-being. If the matter becomes serious, then the help of a specialist will always come in handy. And if insomnia is short-term, then all of the above methods, techniques and tips will be useful to you. Good night to you and sweet dreams .

The holiday season is coming to an end, everyone is gradually getting back into the rhythm of work. This means that there is an endless series of failures, sudden deadlines and sleepless nights at work. On weekends, “relaxation”: club parties and gatherings in the kitchen discussing the problems of the universe until dawn. In general, each of us has faced a situation when we need to hold on with all our might and not sleep for a long time - a day, or even two. This condition, of course, is not the most pleasant: the eyelids fill with lead, the neck muscles refuse to fight gravity and hold up the heavy head, and thoughts stumble over each other, wandering in a foggy labyrinth. In this post, we have collected tips on how to combat drowsiness and maintain good spirits.


Before a long night marathon, you need to get a good night's sleep - try to get at least twelve hours of extra sleep. An afternoon nap also gives a good boost of energy. But despite the fact that the change between sleep and wakefulness is dictated to us by the brain, external factors also interfere with this process.


Strong aromas, pleasant or not, can quickly invigorate you. Essential oils of lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus and mint stimulate the nervous system and reduce feelings of fatigue. Burning aromatherapy lamps or candles is not an amateur activity, although it is worth a try. You can also brush your teeth with mint paste, chew eye-popping eucalyptus candies or the most caustic menthol gum. Chewing gum also stimulates the facial muscles, increasing blood flow to the head and helping you stay active.

Acupressure or acupressure will improve blood circulation and make you feel more awake. To begin, lightly tap your fingers on the crown of your head, then remember the back of your neck, the spaces between your thumbs and index fingers, and under your kneecap.


Stay on your feet until the last minute. If you do need to sit down, find the most uncomfortable chair you can find. Make sure you are sitting up straight and your back is upright. Don't let your head rest on anything: your hands, the back of a chair, the wall or your girlfriend's shoulder.

Listen to loud music . The best tracks are those with a clear, powerful beat and groove that you want to move to.. Compositions that you associate with something extreme will not let you go sour: maybe remember the records to which you once drove along the highway at speed or flew on a plane in a turbulence zone? Songs that make you annoying, can also invigorate. So how about Skrillex or Carly Rae Jepsen, For example?

Alexey Letko, DJ

How to party all night? I think most readers of the magazine are well educated on this topic. Everyone knows the simplest and not very legal ways. Everything is simple here. In general, a good cheerful company of friends is enough to hang out until the morning, but even here you can pass out halfway. By five in the morning people usually arrive in delirium, and it’s very funny to look at it with a sober eye! Well, if I put on music in the morning, it all depends on the situation.

5 tracks by Alexey Letko that won't let you sleep

British scientists, after conducting research, compiled a rating of tracks that are the best at inducing sleep. “Anti-cheerful top 5” looks like this:

1. Marconi Union - Weightless
2. Airstream - Electra
3. DJ Shah - Mellomaniac (Chill Out Mix)
4. Enya - Watermark
5. Coldplay - Strawberry Swing

If the playlist on your player or the set played by a DJ at a party resembles any of this, you should immediately change the background music.


To prevent such fatigue from progressing and the body’s blood supply from deteriorating, it is recommended to perform simple physical exercises every 30 minutes: turning the head, squats, jumping, push-ups, pull-ups, running in place, birch trees, twines - whatever you want.


Not let your mind go into a foggy state.When mental clarity is fading away, start actively concentrating on something unpleasant: for example, count the amount of your financial debts, remember the moment of greatest shame in your life and engage in moral self-flagellation.

A great way to stay awake is to start a heated debate on a sensitive topic, which doesn’t get smaller every day. The interlocutor can be found somewhere nearby or in the contact list on Skype.

Force your body to inject a dose of adrenaline into itself. For example, walk along the balcony on the 18th floor, and if possible, climb onto the roof. The cold and fear of heights will take their toll.

Give yourself a feeling of anxiety. Watch YouTube for the creepiest jump scares or ghost videos (when you're alone in a room at night, some of them don't seem all that funny). If you have phobias, find videos on “your topic.”


Don't overeat. It's better to eat snacks than eat a full dinner. Foods rich in carbohydrates, as well as fatty and fried foods are your enemies in the fight against sleep. But a small dessert will enrich the body with sugar, and therefore energy.

You can indulge in spicy snacks that trigger a rush of endorphins. Dark chocolate or a sweet and sour crispy apple will also help perk up your spirit. Drink plenty of water. It's hard to sleep if you have a full bladder - whether you like it or not, it will get you moving.

How does caffeine work?

Caffeine blocks action of adenosine, substances, plays a role in stimulating sleep and suppressing alertness - uh That forces neurons communicate faster in the brain. The body feeling emergency situation, triggers a reaction fight or flight and produces adrenaline, which in turn makes the pupils dilate and the heart beat faster . Liver feeds coal into the furnace, releasing additional blood sugar In addition, caffeine also affects dopamine level- the chemical substance responsible for the work "pleasure center" brain All these physical reactions and make a person feel surge of strength.

Amount of caffeine in different drinks:

Brewed coffee: 380-650 milligrams per 1 liter of drink

Instant coffee: 310-480 mg/l

Espresso: 1700-2250 mg/l.

Cola: about 100 mg/l.


Energy drinks are supposed to do what evident from their name - give an extra boost of energy. B most of this"energy" is produced nutrients - sucrose and glucose, as well as the same caffeine On average per jar energy volume 0.33 contains up to 80-100 mg of caffeine - approximately as much as in the same volume of brewed coffee.

Energy drinks also contain other substances mixed in different proportions. By examining the composition written on the can of the drink, you can find something from this list:


An amino acid that is found in the tissues of almost all mammals and activates the nervous system and also participates in metabolism. Its effect on the body has not been fully studied, and its harmlessness has not been proven. B bAnke energy drink contains an average of 400-1000 mg of this substance, while its daily requirement for the human body is 400 mg.


An alkaloid that is similar in chemical composition to caffeine and has a similar effect on the body. The substance is found in cocoa and kola nuts. The daily norm is 250 mg.

L-carnitine and glucuronolactone

Substances that are used by the body during stress and physical activity. With normal nutrition, they are contained in the body in sufficient quantities, and in energy drinks their doses exceed the daily norms by tens and hundreds of times. The effect of such large doses on the body is still not fully understood.

Vitamins (C, B)

They are involved in energy production and also play an important role in maintaining both mental and emotional health. One can of drink can contain from half to a whole daily dose of vitamins, and their excess can lead to allergies, weakness and nausea.

Ginseng extract

A stimulant of natural origin, useful for mental and physical stress. When taken in moderation, there are no complaints about the substance, but in large doses it can cause anxiety and changes in blood pressure.

Guarana extract

A natural stimulant extracted from the seeds of a vine growing in Latin America. Guaranine is chemically identical to caffeine obtained from other raw materials, such as coffee, tea or mate.

The main problem with energy drinks is that, in addition to all sorts of chemical flavorings and large amounts of caffeine, they contain other active substances such as taurine - and often in too large doses. The combinations of these ingredients and their effects on human health have not been fully studied, so you definitely shouldn’t abuse them.


A real hit is Pims, consisting of bitters, fortified with vodka or gin and garnished with strawberries and cucumber. We also perfected “Gimlet” - a classic cocktail, to which we added our Strelkov tricks - “homemade preparations”. It contains currant infused gin, Lime Cordial sugar syrup and lime juice.

In an invigorating cocktail, acid is also important - usually the juice of lemon, lime or some berries. We recently started using yuzu juice, a Japanese hybrid of tangerine and lemon.

The pick-me-up is definitely a cold drink. Ice and melt water give the right effect.

When there is a stressful situation at work and there are a lot of guests, I myself am invigorated by a simple and understandable gin and tonic, prepared in proportions of 1 to 1 with a fatty slice of lime. My bartender friend and I used to have a recipe: a glass of gin with ice and a small splash of tonic on top. But we allowed ourselves this only at the very end of the evening.

Gin has an encouraging effect on me. I can drink a lot of it - after all, it’s our European drink. But, for example, tequila or rum are distant geographical drinks, and they affect everyone differently and are often too intoxicating.


Adaptogens are substances, mainly of plant origin, that help the body resist stress factors. They are considered not as harmful as stimulants like caffeine, but they still have contraindications.

Each vial box should be carefully studied and its benefits discussed with your doctor.


Ginseng root has been known in Eastern medicine for at least 4,000 years and is still used today as a stimulant for mental and physical stress. Ginseng is available in pharmacies in the form of tinctures, extracts, tablets, and granules. They say that the effect of the miracle root occurs almost immediately. But the main thing is not to overdo it with dosages.


The berries and seeds of this woody vine also have tonic properties - they relieve fatigue and give vigor. Doctors prescribe Schisandra preparations for mental fatigue and heavy physical exertion. To feel the full effect of them, you need to strictly follow the instructions and drink the full course.


The shrub, popularly called "Siberian ginseng", is available in pharmacies in the form of tinctures and extracts. The active substances in the plant adapt the body to increased stress. A single use of the maximum permissible dose of these drugs has a short-term tonic effect. If you complete the full course of treatment according to the instructions, doctors promise an increase in body tone and a general reduction in fatigue.


Another plant from the arsenal of traditional medicine, also known as the “golden root”. Preparations from Rhodiola rosea are gaining popularity as an alternative to anabolic steroids among people leading an active lifestyle. In addition, the plant is considered a strong antidepressant.