Diet for patients with hepatitis C. Allowed foods and dishes. Pumpkin dessert with dried fruits

Hepatitis C, like HIV infection, is a common disease. Symptoms of hepatitis C are successfully eliminated if the patient takes necessary medications and also follows a dietary regime. The diet for hepatitis C is not particularly strict, but you will have to follow it strictly. To ensure quick recovery and recovery after treatment, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and follow diet No. 5.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

Every patient with hepatitis C will have to follow simple principles of proper nutrition throughout their lives, otherwise the risk of exacerbation of hepatitis increases significantly. During pregnancy, you should be even more attentive to the recommendations of nutritionists and follow a diet. The main task of the patient is to relieve the liver, which is affected by viruses that cause hepatosis. Will help reduce the load on the affected organ the following measures:

  1. Eat in moderation. Daily ration for hepatitis it is 3 thousand calories, no more.
  2. Meals should be fractional - 4-5 times a day.
  3. Consume boiled or steamed food. Do not eat anything fried, smoked or salted.
  4. Try to puree the food.
  5. Consume warm foods, avoid hot ones.
  6. Eliminate canned food, alcohol, processed foods, questionable and stale foods from your diet.
  7. Add fruits, vegetables, grains, whole grains, dairy products, legumes, and cereals to your diet.
  8. When dieting, consume pure still water, green tea.
  9. Accept vitamin complexes.
  10. When eating food, do not be distracted: do not watch TV, do not look at photos, do not read newspapers - this way the food will be better absorbed.

Permitted and prohibited products

To relieve the load on the liver, a patient with hepatitis C needs to create his menu so that it does not contain foods prohibited for consumption. People with hepatitis are completely prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages and spicy foods. You also need to stop consuming fats of unnatural origin (compound fat, margarine) and those that are poorly digestible (lard, palm oil, lard).

Authorized products:

  • meat fish dietary varieties, high-quality boiled sausage (“Doctorskaya”);
  • cereals, pasta;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • butter, vegetable oil;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • eggs – no more than 1 per day (hard-boiled, not fried);
  • sauerkraut(not sour);
  • soups based on vegetables and cereals;
  • natural juices (not sour);
  • rye, wheat bread(yesterday);
  • green or black not strong tea;
  • compotes, jelly;
  • marshmallow, jelly, jam, honey, marshmallow.

Prohibited products:

  • baked goods, freshly baked bread;
  • meat broths, soups based on them;
  • canned food,
  • any smoked, salty foods;
  • salty fish, caviar;
  • fried, hard-boiled eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • conservation;
  • sour berries, fruits;
  • ice cream;
  • chocolate;
  • alcohol;
  • hot spices, salt in large quantities;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • legumes;
  • sparkling water;
  • margarine, cooking oil, lard;
  • onion, sorrel, garlic, radish, spinach, radish.

Rules for drawing up a treatment menu for patients in the acute stage

Difficult periods in the lives of patients with hepatitis C there are moments of exacerbation of the disease. During such periods, they are prescribed a special gentle diet No. 5A. This nutrition system comes down to reducing the consumption of fatty substances (no more than 70 grams per day) and salt (no more than 7 grams per day). The daily protein diet is 80 grams, and the carbohydrate diet is 350. The total calorie content of the diet should not exceed 2400-2500 calories per day.

Diet No. 5A implies fractional meals according to a clear schedule. It is better to steam or boil all food traditional way. It must be pureed and crushed mechanically. During the diet, you need to drink water and drinks at natural basis: freshly squeezed juices, decoctions, jelly, compotes. Allowed for use during exacerbation of hepatitis:

  • soups based on vegetables, cereals;
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • low-fat dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • vegetables - boiled and chopped;
  • berries, fruits (non-acidic).

It is prohibited to use during exacerbation of hepatitis:

  • fatty fish, meat;
  • salted, canned, smoked foods;
  • fatty broths;
  • dairy fatty products;
  • soda;
  • baked goods;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • herbs, spices;
  • alcohol;
  • garlic, onion, radish, radish;
  • sweets.

After the transition of hepatitis from acute condition During the remission stage, some relaxation of diet No. 5A is allowed. During such periods, patients with hepatitis need. It is similar to the nutrition system in the acute stage of the disease according to the list of prohibited and permitted foods. Meals should also be fractional, but during the period of hepatitis remission it is no longer necessary to grind all the food. The total calorie content of the diet during the recovery period after acute form hepatitis C is 3100 calories per day. Every day the body should receive:

  • carbohydrates – 0.45 kg (sugar no more than 50 g);
  • proteins – 75-100 g;
  • fat – no more than 100 g (mainly plant origin);
  • salt – 8 g;
  • vitamin A – 40-45 g;
  • vitamin B1 – up to two mg;
  • vitamin B2 – no more than four mg;
  • vitamin C – 0.2 g;
  • carotene – 11 mg;
  • calcium – 1 g;
  • phosphorus – 2 g;
  • iron – 12-14 mg;
  • magnesium – no more than 0.5 g;
  • nicotinic acid– up to 20 mg.

Diet menu for the week

The diet for hepatitis C has much in common with the diet for diabetes and pancreatitis. Following a diet accelerates the onset of hepatitis remission, when some foods and dishes from the list of prohibited items are allowed to be consumed occasionally. Approximate weekly menu Diet No. 5 looks like this:


  • 1st breakfast. Cottage cheese, milk, buckwheat, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast. Baked apple.
  • Dinner. Noodles with chopped meat, vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon snack. Galette cookies with a cup of tea.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes, boiled fish, cup clean water.
  • Before bedtime. Kefir (200 grams).
  • 1st breakfast. Navy noodles, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast. Sour cream with cottage cheese.
  • Dinner. Soup with oatmeal, cabbage rolls (meat, rice), jelly.
  • Afternoon snack. 1 apple.
  • Dinner. Rice porridge with milk, a glass of clean water
  • Before bedtime. Kefir.
  • 1st breakfast. Boiled fish, oatmeal, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast. Cabbage casserole.
  • Dinner. Lactic vermicelli soup, boiled meat, 100 g boiled carrots, dried fruits compote.
  • Afternoon snack. 2-3 crackers.
  • Buckwheat porridge with low-fat milk, a glass of clean water.
  • Before bedtime. Kefir.
  • 1st breakfast. Steamed omelette, rice porridge with milk, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast. Cottage cheese, sour cream.
  • Dinner. Lenten borscht, mashed potatoes, boiled meat.
  • Afternoon snack. 100 g crackers, tea.
  • Dinner. Semolina porridge with milk, a glass of clean water
  • Before bedtime. Kefir.
  • 1st breakfast. Vegetable salad, steam cutlets.
  • 2nd breakfast. 1 apple.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup (220 g), boiled fish, braised cabbage, fruits (apple, grapes).
  • Afternoon snack. Several waffles and a glass herbal decoction.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat or barley porridge with milk, a glass of clean water.
  • Before bedtime. Kefir.
  • 1st breakfast. 2 baked potatoes, herring, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast. 1 apple.
  • Dinner. Lenten cabbage soup, steamed cutlets, vermicelli, compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Biscuits, rosehip tea.
  • Dinner. Steamed omelette, a glass of clean water.
  • Before bedtime. Kefir.


  • 1st breakfast. Buckwheat porridge, steamed cutlets, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast. Carrot puree, jam.
  • Dinner. Lenten borscht, baked apple.
  • Afternoon snack. Kissel, cookies.
  • Dinner semolina, prunes, a glass of clean water.
  • Before bedtime. Kefir.

Recipes for chronic and toxic hepatitis C

Recipes for preparing dishes from diets No. 5 and No. 5A are distinguished by their ease of preparation and availability of ingredients. Diet dishes for hepatitis C are tasty, nutritious, and they help faster recovery after exacerbation of hepatitis. We offer several dietary recipes, which not only you, but also your loved ones will enjoy eating.

Dietary pearl barley soup

You will need:

  • pearl barley – 90 g;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • potatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • sour cream – 90 g;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • greens – 30 g.


  1. Sort, wash the pearl barley, cook for three hours.
  2. Chop the carrots and potatoes and cook until tender.
  3. Add cereal to vegetables and salt.
  4. Add sour cream and butter to the prepared soup.
  5. Garnish the soup with herbs.

Milk noodle soup

You will need:

  • flour – 0.2 kg;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • milk – 0.4 l.


  1. Add water (10 grams) to the flour, an egg - mix the ingredients, knead the dough.
  2. Roll it out, dry it, cut it into noodles.
  3. Boil it in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  4. Pour milk over the finished noodles, add butter.

Steam cutlets

You will need:

  • meat (lean beef) – 400 g;
  • white bread – 60 g;
  • butter - a tablespoon;
  • salt - a small pinch;
  • water – 15 g.


  1. Process the meat, cleaned of tendons, into minced meat.
  2. Soak the bread, squeeze out the water, mix the bread with the meat.
  3. Pass the resulting mixture through a meat grinder twice.
  4. Divide the minced meat into portions and roll them into cutlets.
  5. Boil the cutlets in a saucepan or steam pan.
  6. Ready dish pour oil over it.

Video: therapeutic nutrition for hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis

Proper nutrition and strict adherence to the diet during the treatment of exacerbations of hepatitis, as well as during remission, is crucial for eliminating the symptoms of the disease. If you do not follow a diet, it will be difficult to put hepatitis into remission. What are the principles of proper nutrition for hepatitis C and cirrhosis of the liver, watch the video.

If you do not adhere to a strict diet for hepatitis C, the load on the already damaged liver will be enormous, which will accelerate the process of its damage.

The result is cirrhosis or liver cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully adjust the patient’s diet in order to ensure optimal conditions for possible recovery and productive treatment.

So, the basic principles of nutrition for a patient with hepatitis C:

  • Providing the body with a sufficient amount of protein (at the same time, during an exacerbation of the disease, its amount should be reduced to a minimum, but not completely removed from the diet);
  • Saturating the body with carbohydrates to provide energy;
  • Exclusion from the diet of fried and fatty foods and dishes;
  • The use of various spices (except salt and sugar) should not be allowed in the menu;
  • Do not allow heavy meats or fish on the menu of a patient with hepatitis C;
  • Completely abstain from all alcohol and drugs if you have hepatitis C.

In general, doctors recommend adhering to diet number 5 both during remission and during periods of acute disease. This diet will ensure that the body receives all essential minerals, vitamins and microelements in the right quantities.

Features of the diet for hepatitis C

The basic rules of nutrition for hepatitis C include the following:

  1. The daily calorie intake should be 3100 kcal. It is this amount that allows the body to provide decent conditions to fight the virus;
  2. The patient’s diet should have the following ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - 100/100/450, respectively;
  3. Salts - no more than 10-15 grams per day.
  4. It is worth remembering that if you have hepatitis C, you need to eat in small portions five to six times a day. In this case, all food should be approximately the same temperature.
  5. Dishes in the diet of a patient with hepatitis C should be prepared either by steaming, or by stewing and boiling. Avoid fried foods completely.

During an exacerbation, it is necessary to transfer the patient to a more strict diet - table 5a, which involves reducing the daily amount of salt to 7-8 grams, and reducing fat to 70 grams. instead of 100.

What foods are prohibited for hepatitis C?

During exacerbation viral hepatitis You must completely avoid the following foods:

  • Fried fatty meats (and all fried foods in general);
  • Marinated or smoked dishes;
  • Rich meat and mushroom dishes who have increased level carcinogenicity, thereby poisoning the body even more;
  • Do not eat spicy vegetables (onions, peppers, radishes, radishes);
  • Fresh baked goods and any fats of confectionery origin;
  • Sour fruits;
  • Chocolate;
  • Hot strong coffee and tea;
  • Any carbonated drinks;
  • Alcohol in any form is strictly prohibited if you have hepatitis C.

A patient with hepatitis C is strictly prohibited from eating all these foods.

What can a patient with hepatitis C eat?

Despite a large number of Forbidden dishes The diet of a patient with hepatitis C can be quite varied and, importantly, tasty.

Thus, the menu of a patient with hepatitis C may include the following products:

  1. Milk and dairy products are low-fat;
  2. Hard cheese (mild and low-fat);
  3. Can't eat fatty varieties meat and fish;
  4. Any cereals and porridges with water or milk;
  5. Fruits and vegetables, fresh or boiled (stewed, blanched, baked);
  6. You can eat nuts, seeds, dried fruits;
  7. Herbal infusions, green tea, compotes, jelly, water;
  8. Yesterday's baked goods;
  9. Marmalade, jelly, mousse, caramels.

What should be the diet for exacerbation of hepatitis C?

During the period of relapse, a patient with hepatitis C is completely transferred to a strict diet - table 5a. Recipes for dishes with this diet imply cooking only by steaming or by baking/boiling.

With such a gentle diet, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be: 80/70/350. At the same time, the calorie content of the total daily diet must be reduced from 3100 to 2300-2500.

The menu of a patient with acute hepatitis C should consist of the following dishes:

  • White crackers;
  • Vegetable light soups;
  • You can eat ground porridge;
  • Puréed lean meats or poultry;
  • Grated cottage cheese with sugar;
  • You can boil grated vegetables;
  • Freshly squeezed fruit juice, diluted a small amount water;
  • Rose hip decoction;
  • Compote or jelly;
  • Tea, water.

Diet number 5a involves recipes for preparing dishes with thorough grinding. This will provide a mechanical and chemical sparing regime for all organs of the gastrointestinal tract of a patient with hepatitis C for the period of treatment.

It is worth remembering that fasting during acute hepatitis C is not recommended at all.

Diet during rehabilitation after hepatitis C

If the treatment is successful and the patient is on the path to full recovery, it is necessary to provide the body with decent conditions to consolidate the result and full recovery liver functions. In this case, it is necessary to transfer the patient again to therapeutic diet number 5. It also implies the daily norm of fat, protein and carbohydrates in the patient’s body in a ratio of 100/100/450. Moreover, 50 of general norm carbohydrates should be simple, that is, you can have ordinary sweets.

During the recovery period and after hepatitis C, the total daily norm calories should be equal to 3100. In this case, you can no longer grind the dishes and reduce meals up to 4-5 times.

Patients who have had hepatitis C or are carriers of it can follow a less strict diet. However, you still need to completely eliminate alcohol.
In any case, meals should be healthy and frequent. During periods of prolonged remission or after past illness You can eat some of the foods prohibited in the 5 diet. However, in small quantities.

And it is worth remembering that your health and well-being are solely in your hands. Stay healthy and happy!

Useful video about hepatitis C

Hepatitis C - severe infection, which over time leads to liver inflammation. For patient therapy to be successful, it is necessary to comply special diet. It is not strict, but it will have to be observed day after day.

Basic principles of proper nutrition for hepatitis C

Proper nutrition is extremely important when treating hepatitis C. During the acute stage of this disease it can reduce the load on the liver and also provide beneficial effect on the activity of all digestive organs. This in turn contributes to the transition of the disease into remission. If the patient during drug therapy neglects the rules of eating, a high food load will slow down the healing process.

In acute form of hepatitis C, it is necessary to reduce the total calorie content of the daily diet. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of protein consumed, because to digest it the body spends a lot of effort, all digestive organs are activated. At the same time, doctors warn patients against abrupt refusal consumption of familiar proteins, since during illness their synthesis is already reduced. Go to lower limit consumption rates should be smooth.

Carbohydrates are essential during this period of a person’s life; they provide the body with the energy it needs to fight the virus. The amount of fat consumed should be reduced by eliminating foods containing animal fats from the diet.

At the stage of acute hepatitis C, the patient’s nutrition should be carried out according to the norms of diet No. 5. When the patient is recovering or hepatitis C is in remission, the diet should not be too strict. It must ensure a daily supply nutrients and vitamins, while those foods that negatively affect liver function should be excluded. This includes: fried meat, fried potatoes, fatty broths (chicken, fish or mushrooms).

When digesting this type of food in the human body, it forms great amount harmful toxins. The patient’s weak liver is simply not able to cope with such a flow of work, so toxins enter the blood. Then the toxic effect affects the body as a whole.

Doctors advise patients to adhere to the following dietary principles for hepatitis C:

  • Eat in moderation, do not overeat. The daily diet should be no more than 3 thousand calories.
  • If possible, split meals into 4-5 meals.
  • Consume more boiled or steamed food.
  • Try to grind the food until it becomes puree.
  • Eat food warm, not hot.
  • Eliminate canned food from your diet.
  • Don't drink alcohol.
  • Don't eat processed foods.
  • Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  • Consume dairy products, grains and legumes.
  • Drink still water or green tea.
  • Take vitamin complexes prescribed by your doctor.
Doctors also advise being more attentive to the food intake itself. Try not to be distracted by socializing or watching TV, chew your food well. So useful material will be better absorbed by the body.

Diet for chronic hepatitis C

If the patient long years suffers from hepatitis C, then his diet should be strictly rationed. Many dishes will have to be abandoned, and some should become mandatory on the menu.

Features of the diet for chronic hepatitis WITH:

  1. Milk dishes are allowed in the diet of a patient with hepatitis C; it is especially useful to eat cottage cheese casseroles or just cottage cheese.
  2. Be sure to include porridge with milk or water in your diet, with the addition of dried fruits and seeds.
  3. Dishes containing eggs should be limited in the diet. Consume no more than one protein omelet per day. Boiled eggs and it is not recommended to eat at all.
  4. Pasta is allowed, but you should add vegetable salads or eggplant caviar to it.
  5. It is useful to bake vegetables in the oven.
  6. Mousses and jellies made from seasonal fruits are allowed.
  7. Steamed white meat cutlets will be an excellent main dish.
  8. Soups should be vegetarian, based on vegetable broth.
  9. Not allowed fatty sausages, such as “Doctorskaya”, as well as beef sausages.
  10. Fish dishes will be healthy if you choose fish low-fat varieties: cod, pike, carp and others.
During the treatment period, you should avoid spicy herbs, sorrel, radishes, garlic and onions. Essential oils of these products negatively affect liver function. Avoid green apples and unripe berries. Spicy cheeses and blue cheeses are strictly prohibited for patients with hepatitis C. Cream pies, cakes, chocolate, and sugar candies are also prohibited.

Diet No. 5 for acute hepatitis C

Patients with hepatitis C have a rather difficult time surviving the acute stages of the disease. For this period, they are prescribed a special diet - diet No. 5 developed by doctors and nutritionists. When following this diet, there is positive effect from treatment, patients move from acute stage hepatitis C into remission.

Basic principles of the diet:

  • The consumption of fatty foods is reduced (no more than 70 grams per day).
  • Reduce salt consumption (no more than 7-8 grams per day).
  • The daily protein ration is 80 grams.
  • The carbohydrate diet is 350 grams.
  • Calorie intake per day should not exceed 2400-2500 calories.
When following diet No. 5 for hepatitis C, it is important to understand that it is better for the patient to eat less, but more often. Therefore, meals must be split up. You also need to develop a clear schedule for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All food should be steamed or boiled in the traditional way, and also mechanically ground to a puree.

Main dishes of diet No. 5: vegetable soups, cereal porridges, boiled vegetables. Drinks allowed include jelly, compotes, and freshly squeezed juices.

Diet menu for hepatitis C

Dietitians have developed a diet menu for hepatitis C for every day of the week. In its content, diet menu No. 5 resembles the nutritional system of people with diabetes and pancreatitis.

Diet for a week for hepatitis C:


  • 1st breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, buckwheat porridge;
  • 2nd breakfast: baked apple;
  • Lunch: boiled noodles with finely chopped meat, vegetable broth soup;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cookies and a cup of tea;
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled fish, glass of water;
  • 1st breakfast: noodles with minced meat, tea;
  • Lunch: oat soup, cabbage rolls (lean meat, rice), compote;
  • Afternoon snack: one baked apple;
  • Dinner: cereal porridge with milk, a glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 1st breakfast: boiled fish, oat porridge, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: cabbage casserole;
  • Lunch: milk soup with noodles, boiled meat, 100 g of boiled carrots, fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack: 3 crackers;
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge with milk, a glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 1st breakfast: steam omelette of 1 egg, porridge with milk, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • Lunch: vegetable borscht, mashed potatoes, boiled meat;
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g low-fat cookies, tea;
  • Dinner: semolina porridge, glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 1st breakfast: salad fresh vegetables, steamed cutlets;
  • 2nd breakfast: one apple (not green);
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled lean fish, stewed cabbage, fruit (apple or pear);
  • Afternoon snack: several waffles or cookies and herbal tea;
  • Dinner: barley porridge, glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir,
  • 1st breakfast: two baked potatoes, lightly salted herring, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: one apple or pear;
  • Lunch: lean cabbage soup, steamed cutlet, noodles, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: cookies, rosehip tea;
  • Dinner: steam omelette, glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 1st breakfast: buckwheat porridge, steamed cutlets, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: carrot puree, jam with cookies;
  • Lunch: vegetable borscht, baked apple;
  • Afternoon snack: jelly, waffles;
  • Dinner: semolina porridge, dried fruits, glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
This menu improves the well-being of patients, they no longer feel weak in the body, sleep better, bitterness in the mouth and dizziness disappear. The pain in the liver area also goes away.
  • Read what you need

Recipes for hepatitis C

Recipes for preparing dishes for diet No. 5 are distinguished by their simplicity and availability of ingredients. Most of them are prepared by classic cooking, stewing, steaming or baking.

We offer several recipes for dishes that are not only healthy, but also tasty:

  1. Barley soup. To prepare it we will need the following ingredients: 90 g pearl barley, 150 g carrots, 0.3 kg potatoes, 90 g low-fat sour cream, 20 g butter, 40 g herbs. Wash and cook pearl barley for three hours. Chop the carrots and potatoes and cook them until tender. Add cereal to boiled vegetables. Salt, add sour cream and decorate with herbs to taste.
  2. Steamed cutlets. For preparing light and tasty meat cutlets for steam we need: 400 g lean beef, 60 g white bread, a tablespoon of butter, salt, herbs. We wash the meat, clean it of tendons and fat, and grind it into minced meat. Soak the bread in water, squeeze it out, mix with minced meat. Pass the mixture through a meat grinder (two or three times). Divide our mixture into several portions and roll them into round patties. Cook the cutlets in a saucepan or saucepan. Decorate the finished dish with herbs and salt.
  3. . To prepare dietary milk soup you will need the following ingredients: 0.2 kg of flour, one egg, 20 g of butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 0.4 liters of milk. Add 10 grams of water to the flour. Add eggs and mix ingredients thoroughly. Knead and roll out the dough, dry it, cut it into noodles. Cook the noodles for 10-12 minutes. Pour milk over the finished noodles. Add oil to taste.
How to eat with hepatitis C - watch the video:

We examined the basic principles of nutrition that patients with hepatitis C should adhere to, and also became familiar with the rules of diet No. 5. According to this food system, you can prepare many delicious and nutritious dishes. Knowing all the features and requirements, you can create reasonable system nutrition for the patient, improve his physical and psychological condition.

Proper nutrition for chronic hepatitis C

Following a diet, along with giving up alcohol and cigarettes, is one of the the most important moments for supporting normal condition. According to “adequate” doctors, if you do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, eat rationally and properly, and also regularly conduct maintenance courses to reduce viral load and use proven folk remedies(rose hips, milk thistle, blue clay, mumiyo) - then with hepatitis C, without any special problems, you can live to a ripe old age without any cirrhosis.

And regarding diet and proper nutrition for hepatitis C, I would like to quote an excerpt from one article:

“The diet required is predominantly fruit and vegetable, rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, microelements. Food should be steamed or baked, preferably pureed.

  • Must eat: skim cheese, cod, porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat). They are rich in microelements necessary for the liver.
  • Low-fat fish varieties are acceptable(cod, pike perch, pike, carp, navaga) in small quantities.
  • Fats can be consumed vegetable oils and butter. Add them to salads and vinaigrettes, but not more than 30 g per day. It is very important to put oil only in already prepared dishes.
  • Black bread without yeast is better(slightly dried, stale or crackers).
  • Drink fruit and vegetable juices. They restore liver function. Juices are especially needed by older people. Just keep in mind that they must be freshly prepared.
  • For good intestinal function, foods containing sufficient fiber are necessary. Therefore, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in the form of salads.
  • Eat beets(in all forms - raw and boiled). Drink beet juice. Beets contain betaine, which regulates metabolism, promotes protein absorption and improves liver function.

Be sure to arrange fasting days (at least once, twice a month):

  • Apple. Eat only raw apples (a total of 1.5 kg of raw apples per day).
  • Vegetable. 1.5-2 kg raw vegetables per day. In this case, some vegetables can be replaced raw fruits and berries.
  • Curd. The menu should only include cottage cheese ( daily norm- 500 g). In this case, cottage cheese can be consumed in the form of pudding or cheesecakes. In addition to cottage cheese, on such a day you can drink tea and mineral water.
  • Curdled milk. You need to drink 1 glass of yogurt 6 times a day.

For patients with chronic hepatitis C, micro- and macroelements are very important, especially manganese, copper, zinc and magnesium.

  • Magnesium stimulates bile secretion. There is a lot of it in potatoes, carrots, cherries, cherries, plums, and rose hips.
  • Manganese is involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates and cholesterol. It is found in buckwheat, millet, rice porridge, bran, green vegetables and tea, and from fruits - in watermelons, oranges and apricots.
  • Copper in combination with vitamin C reduces the activity of viruses. Therefore, it is especially important for hepatitis. There is a lot of copper in soy and hard cheeses.
  • Zinc is involved in metabolism, especially carbohydrate metabolism. Most of it is found in cocoa and pine nuts. There is a lot of zinc in bran and sprouted wheat, in cereals, especially oatmeal, buckwheat and millet, and in vegetables - beets, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers.
  • For natural and balanced saturation of the body with micro- and macroelements, it is recommended to take blue Cambrian clay (clay water).
  • Any alcoholic drinks (categorically contraindicated).
  • Fresh baked goods and pastry products (cakes, pancakes, pies).
  • Smoked meats, spices, hot seasonings.
  • Soups with meat, fish, chicken broth and mushroom decoctions, fatty meats and fish, mushrooms, canned food, spices (mustard, pepper, cloves), vinegar, egg yolks, brain and liver, heart, kidneys and fish oil.
  • Dishes fried in oil are especially harmful and simply dangerous - vegetables, fish, meat, flour products. They destroy liver tissue due to toxic products and carcinogens that are formed from oil during the frying process.



Not allowed


Oil: butter, vegetable (olive, sunflower, corn, hemp, flaxseed).

Lard, shortening, margarine.


Vegetarian with vegetables, cereals, noodles, dairy, fruit.

In a cool meat, fish, mushroom broth. Fatty cabbage soup and borscht.


Only low-fat varieties (beef, veal, rabbit). It is better to use it in the form steam cutlets, meatballs, quenelles. Sausages - only high quality!!! (dietary, doctoral. Beef sausages). Ideally, it is better to avoid sausages altogether - due to their “dubious” quality. Exception: homemade sausages (of proven quality).

Fatty varieties - pork fatty sausages, pork sausages, sausages. Canned meat.


Low-fat species - cod, pike perch, carp, navaga.

Fatty species - sturgeon, catfish, etc.


Fresh cottage cheese, preferably low-fat, homemade. Kefir, yogurt. Sour cream is best used only for dressing dishes.

Cream. The cheeses are sharp.


Mainly for making dishes. quail eggs. Protein omelet, separately (soft-boiled) - no more than 1 serving per day.

Cool and raw eggs. Fried egg.

Vegetables and greens

Fresh, raw ( pumpkin, carrot, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes). Boiled ( mashed potatoes, mashed beets, green pea, cauliflower, zucchini).
Only boiled onions.

Fermented and salted marinades, beans, peas, beans, lentils. Sorrel. Rich essential oils- garlic, radish, radish.


Sweet, ripe. Fruit dishes. Mousses, jellies, gravies. Dried apricots, prunes, raisin(seedless).

Sour, unripe. Nuts, almonds.


Honey, jam, pastille, marmalade. Cookies made from doughy dough.

Chocolate, candy, cakes, pastries, ice cream.


Salads (dressed with olive, hemp or linseed oil) , vinaigrettes, jellied fish on gelatin, soaked herring (occasionally).

Spicy seasonings (pepper, mustard, vinegar, horseradish, mayonnaise). Smoked meats, mushrooms.


Buckwheat, OATTEN, millet, rice, semolina, etc. liquid.

Sticking to such a diet is not easy, and it doesn’t always work out...
Especially considering that we all lead different lifestyles, and sometimes during the day there is simply no opportunity to “eat properly and efficiently.”
But, under any circumstances, you should always try to reduce the consumption of *prohibited* foods to a minimum.

Hepatitis C is dangerous disease, which lasts for a long time without symptoms. A diet for hepatitis C and the correct treatment can help you get rid of the disease. The main emphasis of dietary nutrition is on reducing the load on the liver, which suffers from this disease.

Why is a diet needed?

During treatment for hepatitis C dietary food for the liver it is undesirable, but a mandatory condition. It is prescribed by the treating doctors, but it is important for the patient to strictly follow all their recommendations. With help healthy diet the effect on the liver and other organs involved in metabolism is reduced. Besides, balanced menu gives the patient energy and strength, improves immune system, lowers painful sensations in the liver. The diet for hepatitis is not strict, but certain restrictions exist.

Table Principles No. 5

Very important rule Dieting involves drinking enough fluids.

For patients with hepatitis it is prescribed diet table 5. Diet for acute hepatitis is based on the following rules:

  • The volume of fluid consumed per day should be at least 1.5 liters.
  • Salt consumption is allowed from 6 to 10 grams. The exact permitted amount is determined by the attending physician based on the stage of the disease in a particular patient.
  • The amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 350 grams and be below 300 grams. At the same time, the use fast carbohydrates allowed in a volume of no more than 40 grams.
  • You need to consume at least 70 grams of fat.
  • Protein - 90 grams, half of which should be plant-based, and the other half animal.
  • General daily calorie content varies from 2100 to 2500 kilocalories.
  • It is prohibited to eat fatty, hot, spicy and excessively salty foods.

What should you not eat?

Nutritional therapy for hepatitis C involves excluding the following foods from the diet:

  • canned;
  • fatty types of meat and fish;
  • flour products;
  • sweets;
  • mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • strong tea and coffee.

What can you eat?

Natural yogurt is an excellent snack while on a diet.

The table of permitted products allows patients suffering from hepatitis C to consume next list food:

  • low-fat sour milk;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • vegetables and fruits in fresh(except for sorrel, radish, onion, garlic and radish);
  • vegetable stews;
  • cereals;
  • fresh juices;
  • nuts;
  • yesterday's wheat bread;
  • pasta;
  • vegetable soups (you can also eat okroshka);
  • butter in in moderation(without subjecting it to heat treatment);
  • teas infused with herbs;

How to organize a diet when treating hepatitis C?

Nutrition for chronic hepatitis C involves adherence to the following diet principles:

  • It is better to eat at the same time.
  • Eat small meals at least 5 times.
  • Do not fry foods. Instead, boiling, baking, stewing and steaming are allowed.
  • Eat food at moderate temperatures. It is important that the food is at room temperature.
  • During an exacerbation of the disease, eat food in pureed form.
  • It is useful to drink milk and kefir.

Diet after hepatitis C

After treatment, doctors recommend monitoring everything to avoid unnecessary stress on internal organs.

After hepatitis or in the stage of weakening of the disease, doctors do not allow you to follow a strict diet. Products that Diet 5 prohibits can sometimes be included in the menu in moderation. Proper nutrition for liver hepatitis in remission is a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, it is important for a patient with hepatitis to control weight, since excess body weight puts additional stress on the damaged filtration organ. This is due to the fact that fat accumulates in the cells of the organ, which negatively affects cellular metabolism. If your body weight is higher permissible norm, the patient should immediately lose weight to avoid complications.

Sample menu for the week

For a diet for hepatitis, the patient’s diet is prepared by a doctor, but it is important for people to know what sample menu they should follow and what recipes are allowed. Daily diet consists of 5 meals: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Sample menu for a week:

  • Monday:
    • cottage cheese casserole with added fruit;
    • nuts;
    • vegetable soup, stew chicken fillet with vegetables;
    • biscuits and tea;
    • buckwheat, steamed fish, compote.
  • Tuesday:
    • porridge with milk, weak coffee;
    • yogurt;
    • vegetarian borscht, vegetable stew and fish fillet;
    • baked apple;
    • lazy dumplings, fruit drink.
  • Wednesday:
  • pasta and steamed cutlets, weak tea;
  • cottage cheese with fruit;
  • vegetable soup, baked carrot cutlets, boiled turkey fillet, berry juice;
  • biscuits and yoghurt;
  • oatmeal, fish stew with cauliflower and tomatoes, herbal tea.
  • Thursday:
    • 2 hard-boiled eggs, a sandwich made from day-old bread with butter, coffee;
    • fruit mousse;
    • millet soup, cabbage rolls with lean meat, jelly;
    • baked pumpkin;
    • milk soup with buckwheat, weak tea.
  • Friday:
    • steamed omelette of 2 steamed eggs, compote;
    • allowed fruit;
    • pasta, stewed lean meat, fresh vegetable salad, compote;
    • nuts;
    • cabbage casserole, steamed turkey fillet, herbal tea.
  • Saturday:
    • mashed potatoes, steamed meatballs, weak coffee;
    • baked apple;
    • dietary cabbage soup, baked chicken cutlets, buckwheat porridge, jelly;
    • yogurt;
    • vegetable salad, boiled turkey fillet, fruit drink.
  • Sunday:
    • milk porridge, a sandwich made from day-old bread with butter, weak coffee;
    • biscuits, yoghurt;
    • vegetarian borscht, beetroot cutlets and stewed veal;
    • baked pumpkin;
    • buckwheat porridge, baked chicken fillet, vegetable salad, herbal decoction.