When do cats change their upper canines? Kittens teeth

Caring owners are interested in all issues related to the care of their pets. One of these issues is the change of teeth in cats. Not everyone knows when and how this natural process occurs in a kitten. But during this period the pet needs Special attention and support from the owners. How do cats change teeth? This will be discussed further.

Kittens, like the rest of us, are born without teeth. 2-3 weeks after birth, their first incisors located in front are cut. At about 4 weeks, the fangs emerge, and up to six months, kittens can have a full set of 26 baby teeth.

The peculiarity of cat teeth is that they are not able to further grow or recover if they are damaged. These are just temporary teeth that fit the small size of a kitten's jaw. However, as the baby grows, the baby incisors and fangs will gradually be replaced by permanent ones.

The period of tooth replacement is quite short in cats. And by the age of seven months, these animals, as a rule, already have permanent teeth. The front incisors erupt first. This usually occurs between 3-5 months of age. Then, at 4-6 months, the kitten’s sharp fangs change. Following them, premolars (molars) and molars (something like “wisdom teeth” in humans) begin to grow. By the age of nine months, formation and growth are completed. permanent teeth.

It is noteworthy that cats grow 4 more permanent teeth than milk teeth, that is, there are 30 of them:

  • 6 incisors and 2 long canines on the upper and lower jaw;
  • 4 premolars and two molars – at the top;
  • 6 premolars and 2 molars below.

Interesting fact: Kittens often simply swallow their baby teeth that fall out.

Symptoms of tooth change

Most healthy kittens change teeth without any problems. Sometimes this process is not even noticed by the owners themselves. However, different situations may arise, sometimes the cat may need the help of the owner, so you need to regularly examine the pet’s oral cavity. His gums should be pink with no broken teeth.

If you see wounds or suppuration in your pet’s mouth, and the animal behaves restlessly, then be sure to consult a veterinarian.

What symptoms may indicate the process of changing teeth in a kitten? Perhaps the most noticeable manifestation of discomfort is the animal’s desire to chew on everything, even furniture. There is no need to be offended by the baby for this; it is better to take good care that he does not thereby injure himself.

TO additional features, indicating the process of changing teeth, include:

  • increased salivation;
  • loosening of teeth;
  • slight bleeding from the gums;
  • decreased appetite.

How to distinguish baby teeth from permanent ones? Remember that the temporary teeth that are about to fall out are very sharp, like sharpened knives. Primary canines have a curved shape and have thinning in the gum area, which is not the case in permanent ones.

Sometimes the owner may notice that his pet has not 4, but 8 fangs at once. This means that the kitten’s milk fangs did not have time to fall out, but new ones have already grown.

If a growing tooth pinches a baby tooth, the kitten feels uncomfortable, loses appetite and even “cries” in its own way.

Possible problems when changing teeth

A kitten's milk teeth sometimes erupt with complications, causing him to feel anxious. In this case, the baby becomes irritable and capricious. You just need to survive this period, new teeth will soon grow, and your pet’s behavior will change: he will again become cheerful and carefree.

The desire to chew on everything is quite normal when changing teeth. He can chew toys, bedding, and the owner's shoes. To prevent the little “rodent” from ruining some valuable things, specially leave objects within its reach that you don’t mind letting its teeth tear to pieces. But don’t let him bite your hands, otherwise he will get used to it and will always do it.

Bad breath from an animal is also considered normal occurrence. When the dental situation stabilizes, the smell will disappear.

Often the above symptoms in kittens force the owner to consult a veterinarian. In what situations does your pet really need a doctor? Be sure to go to the veterinarian if:

  • The baby's wound was festering in the former place baby tooth;
  • the cat meows pitifully, worries, cannot sleep;
  • the animal is very lethargic;
  • does not eat for more than a day;
  • the gums are very inflamed;
  • a new or old displaced tooth hurts the kitten;
  • the baby tooth does not fall out;
  • the baby does not go to the litter box for more than a day;
  • the teeth are arranged in 2 rows.

It is advisable to consult a veterinarian about the animal’s nutrition during this difficult period. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional feeding with calcium and phosphorus. True, this increases the load on the kidneys, so be careful. Especially if the kitten’s mother has already had this kind of problem.

Remember that during the teething period, kittens are more vulnerable to infections. Therefore, you should not immediately attribute the strangeness in his behavior and well-being to his teeth; maybe he was just sick. So, in any case, consulting a veterinarian will not hurt.

Caring for a kitten during teething

First of all, the owner should understand the main thing: the kitten is not sick and does not need special privileges. However, the cute, playful furries need our support. The main task during this difficult period is to provide comfort to the pet and help to survive this process as easily as possible. To prevent the kitten from gnawing everything, you can purchase special teething toys for it. They are sold at any veterinary store. It is better to freeze the toy before use, this will help soothe the animal’s gums.

The kitten’s diet can be left the same, supplemented only with special supplements containing phosphorus and calcium. Such additives are contained in ready-made food for kittens or are sold in the form special drugs; You need to buy them and then add them to your baby’s food.

Important: You should not purchase medications for animals yourself. Prescribe them from a veterinarian, who will tell you how and in what dose to give this or that drug to a kitten.

What should not be done during the period of teeth change in cats?

Even if your pet is experiencing a feeling of discomfort and is a little restless, you should not allow him to do whatever he wants, for example, chew and scratch your hands. The process of puberty will soon begin, during which the kittens become more aggressive, and the animal’s habit of playing in this way can develop into a problem. Accustom your kitten to discipline by immediately making it clear that you cannot let out your claws and scratch people. There are toys for this purpose; he has no right to claim more.

Note! Veterinarians do not recommend vaccinating kittens when their baby teeth fall out. The body of a small animal weakens during this period, and vaccination can become a burden and provoke disruptions in the kitten’s vital functions. Why put this sweet creature through such a test? It is better to postpone vaccination for a month; Believe me, this will not affect your pet's health. But you will avoid possible side effects, and the kitten will calmly go through the stage of changing teeth.

A caring owner, having noticed the process of changing teeth in his pet, will certainly examine his condition. oral cavity and monitor the appearance of new teeth. The presence of any deviations is a reason to visit a veterinarian. We remind you once again that the change of teeth in kittens begins at three or four months of age.

Video with tips for cat oral care:

If you notice your pet has double teeth, then this is also a reason to consult a specialist: unnecessary additional incisors or fangs should definitely be removed. In this case, the animal can behave as usual; unnecessary teeth do not always bother the kittens. However this pathology is dangerous and can provoke the formation of dental calculus, and in more cases severe cases– osteomyelitis.

Be sure to contact veterinary doctor, if your cat’s baby teeth are not falling out, but the permanent ones have already appeared and are bothering the animal. The doctor will help reduce your cat's stress by removing the offending row of teeth using general anesthesia.

A cat, like a person, needs oral hygiene. Train yours to do this pet from the early childhood, since it will be much more difficult to train an adult animal. Start with a game: let the kitten get used to a special toothbrush for animals and stop being afraid of it. At the stage of changing teeth, the baby himself will be glad to grab the bristly “toy”, because his gums itch. The main thing is to do this regularly so that the animal gets used to hygiene procedure and allowed it to be carried out regularly. Oral hygiene will help in the future to avoid the appearance of tartar, gum inflammation and periodontitis.

As you can see, changing teeth in cats is a rather difficult stage. Be close to your pet, help him, support him, and if necessary, go with him to the veterinary clinic. Let your pet feel your care and become your true friend!

Newborn kittens are born toothless, and later the cat's milk teeth appear.

Like small children, cats first have baby teeth at the age of 1-4 months, and molars appear later.

Milk teeth in cats

Kittens are born without teeth and initially feed only mother's milk. First, as expected, kittens’ milk teeth grow, then the kittens’ teeth are replaced by permanent molars.

When kittens change teeth you can read here.

Cats' milk teeth are temporary, not as strong as molars, but nevertheless sufficient to cope well with the task of grinding food.

Cats' milk teeth should be white, clean, and free of plaque.

When do kittens start teething?

The cat is teething without any special manifestations, but kittens still have symptoms of teething: excessive salivation, kittens chew on objects, and sometimes rub their faces with their paws.

Teething in kittens begins from 12-14 days, the first milk teeth in kittens appear on the 15-25th day after birth, i.e. Kittens change teeth at about 2-3 weeks of age. I would also like to note that the front teeth appear first in cats. When kittens are teething, they do not experience the same discomfort as small children. In cats this occurs less sensitively. So, let's figure out which teeth appear first in cats.

By two months, kittens should have 26 baby teeth.

Kitten's teeth in the photo.

See the table for which milk teeth appear in cats and at what age.

As you can see, cats start growing teeth from about 2 weeks of age, and by 2-3 months all of their baby teeth will have grown in.

Look at the photo to see how kittens' teeth grow.

Milk teeth of a kitten in the photo

When kittens get teeth: photo

In cats, baby teeth fall out almost imperceptibly and this process can be skipped.

Read about tooth loss in cats here.

When do kittens grow teeth?

At about 2 months, a cat's baby teeth grow completely.

Read also:

  • Kitten weight from birth to one year by month
  • Development of kittens by weeks and months
  • Houses for cats and cats
  • How to accustom a kitten to a scratching post

The kitten has lost a tooth, which means that it is growing up and turning into an adult cat. The owner of a pet needs to know the characteristics of behavior, feeding, the process of replacing teeth and caring for the oral cavity.

Kitten behavior when replacing teeth

You may not notice tooth loss if you don’t look into the mouth, or until a kitten’s fang falls out in front of the owner’s eyes. But the behavior of all kittens changes at this time: they become restless and chew on everything. This is normal because the gums itch where they erupt permanent teeth.

It is important not to forget about raising a kitten and to monitor what exactly it chews. Items such as wires, plastic, anything that he can bite off but his stomach will not digest must be removed or else a blockage in the stomach or intestines may occur. There is no need to train an animal to gnaw the hands and feet of its owner. This bad habit During the time of changing teeth, it is fixed, and it will not be easy to wean it off. The harmless and almost painless biting of a kitten will later be replaced by the bite of strong and sharp incisors and fangs of an adult cat.

Diet for a kitten

Feed for the formation period bone tissue must contain a sufficient amount of calcium and fluoride. A lack of mineral elements will cause delayed, uneven tooth replacement. Dry food for kittens contains everything you need mineral supplements, and will be useful as crackers for massaging swollen gums. The kitten may refuse to eat because they are sore, but this may not last long. A cat, as a predator by nature, cannot starve for more than 2 days. A small cat will only be able to skip one feeding. If he continues to starve, then you need to contact your veterinarian.

How kittens teeth change

Why does a kitten's teeth fall out? Kittens are born toothless. After two weeks, their baby teeth begin to grow. Cats change teeth between 3 and 5 one month old. At 5 months, a kitten loses its teeth: 26 small and sharp milk teeth are replaced by 30 permanent teeth.

Tooth loss in kittens occurs in stages.:

  • incisors;
  • fangs;
  • premolars;
  • molars.

The fangs begin to fall out from the lower jaw. When a kitten's teeth fall out, small wounds remain in their place. If teeth fall out with blood, then this is not considered a pathology.

The peculiarity of dental replacement in a kitten is that the molar tooth does not grow in the place of the milk tooth, but next to it. The jaw can contain both primary and molar teeth, forming a double row. The milk jugs fall out, the kitten's mouth takes on a normal appearance.

During these months, the kitten may develop bad smell from the mouth, which disappears by the end of the change of milk teeth. If teeth have not fallen out before 7 months, they will have to be removed at veterinary clinic. Reason: preserved milk jugs disrupt the dentition, which can lead to injury to the gums and changes in the bite. Deviation of the roots from the normal dental axis leads to uneven abrasion of tooth enamel when chewing food and tooth decay.

Oral hygiene

A kitten should be taught to care for its teeth as early as possible so that the animal is not afraid of this procedure. When changing teeth, mouth sanitation is especially necessary to prevent the formation of plaque and tartar. In places where there is loose contact between the tooth and gum, which occurs when baby teeth become loose, food residues get stuck, plaque and then tartar form. At the site where the tooth fell out, wounds remain that require treatment, especially if they are bleeding. Until complete healing, this is the gateway for infection into the kitten’s body.

Cat owners have a lot of questions about raising and keeping purrs at home. Today we will discuss one very important topic, it concerns teeth. So, let's begin...

When kittens are born, there is not a single tooth in their mouth. At two weeks of age, the first incisors erupt. By the tenth week, a set of teeth appears. Many people are interested in how the teeth change in kittens, the age when babies become the most biting.

At ten weeks, purrs already have a full set of baby teeth. By the way, how many of them does the kitten have? There are twenty-six in total. Around the third week of life, the incisors appear, after seven to ten days the canines appear, and the premolars erupt later than all of them. As a rule, they appear painlessly. At this time, no one worries: neither the kitten nor the owners. After this, the kittens begin to change their teeth. It is impossible to name the exact period when this happens, since everything is individual. Usually, by the age of seven months, kittens have all their teeth.

The shift period brings a lot of trouble. At about three to four months, kittens begin to change to permanent teeth. The incisors are replaced first, followed by the canines. The last ones are premolars and molars.

By the way, how many permanent teeth do cats have? The purrs have exactly thirty of them. On the bottom and upper jaw two canines and three incisors. The upper jaw has four (one molar and three premolars), and the lower jaw has three (two premolars and one molar). Note that every third molar is the largest.

Here adult cat: three incisors, one canine, three premolars, three incisors, one canine, 2 premolars.

In what order do they change? First, the incisors erupt (at four months), then the canines emerge after two or three weeks, and then approximately the premolars and molars (at four to six months).

Changing teeth in kittens: symptoms of the process

As a rule, everything happens asymptomatically. But still, let us highlight one sign of this phenomenon - excitability. The animal may be in this state while eating or drinking liquid. Maybe also Weakness and lethargy are also signs of changing teeth. Sometimes there is also drooling and soreness in the mouth.

What can be done to prevent the change of teeth in kittens from developing into a tragedy? We need something to occupy their teeth. Special toys are suitable for this. They are simply irreplaceable during this period. To make the toy better soothe your gums, freeze it first. The more such things, the better.


What kind of feeding should be done during this difficult time? Changing teeth in kittens is enough difficult period, both from the owner and from the kids themselves. In principle, you don’t really need to change your diet. You just need to add phosphorus. You can purchase special fertilizers that contain these substances. On any special food There is no need to switch, since this process is completely natural.

Is it true that kittens develop an unpleasant odor from their mouths when they change their teeth? Yes it is. But the smell will disappear after a couple of months (one or two).

When kittens change teeth, you should not treat them leniently. Don't let them bite or scratch your hands. This behavior can remain in adult cats (then scratches and bites will become much more painful); during puberty, their fun develops into aggression. Therefore, immediately put a taboo on human hands and let the kids chew on special toys.

Is it possible to vaccinate an animal during the period of teeth change?

Here the opinion of experts is divided. Although many believe that it is still not worth vaccinating at such a time. It is better to do this earlier (at two to three months) or later (at about eight months), since teeth change various changes in the body (hormonal, by the way, too). Vaccination is an additional burden; it can cause complications and other side effects.

Is it necessary to remove baby teeth from kittens?

If you don’t do this, then what will happen next? If no fangs injure the gums, and new teeth grow smoothly, then there is no need to worry. Now try to gently loosen the kittens' milk teeth. This way you can speed up their loss. You need to start worrying if the old fangs do not fall out by six months. Then they need to be removed (although cats rarely have such problems). It will be necessary to pull out the baby fangs. An excessive number of teeth can lead to trauma to the soft tissues in the mouth, the development of periodontal disease and changes in the bite.

Why do violations occur?

The main cause of tooth replacement disorders is genetic predisposition. Therefore, the owner should examine his pet starting from three and a half months. If any deviations are detected, consult a doctor immediately.

Help from a veterinarian-dentist

If you notice a double row of teeth on your pet, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Let us note that even with such a pathology, cats behave well, eat well, and play. Availability similar problem can lead to tartar, as well as more tragic consequences, for example, osteomyelitis.

The only way to solve the problem associated with a double row of teeth is to remove the interfering ones. Of course, such a manipulation can be carried out by a doctor in a veterinary clinic. This is because such operations should be carried out under anesthesia in order to avoid significant stress on the animal, as well as to carry out the procedure for removing a baby tooth correctly.

A little conclusion

Now you know how teeth change in kittens, the symptoms of which we have described in detail. We hope everything is clear to you. You understand what is needed during this period. In addition, if you notice any problems with your purr at this time, be sure to show it to the veterinarian. By looking, he will be able to identify the problem. If you carry out diagnosis and treatment in a timely manner, you will be able to protect yourself from more serious issues related to the teeth and oral cavity of the animal. In general, experts advise visiting a veterinary dentist at least once a year (preferably twice). Keep an eye on your pet's health, then everything will be fine.

Cats' teeth can normally fall out only twice in their lives: in childhood - when changing milk bite permanently, and in old age. All other cases are associated with diseases and genetic factors.

Some breeds are prone to oral problems and disorders calcium metabolism, so it is important to carefully select a kitten from a pure line.

When a kitten is born, its jaw is not only too small for permanent teeth, but also too weak, since the cubs' skeleton is made of cartilage tissue.

At the beginning of life, nature gives young predators milk teeth: small, sharp, hollow inside and devoid of roots.

When the animal reaches 50-70% of its size adult, under the influence of hormones, the replacement of temporary body systems with permanent ones begins.

In addition to teeth, a teenage cat’s smell, fur, and even behavior change. This allows the young individual to gradually adapt to a large and dangerous world.

THE NOTE. If a cat loses its teeth at 3-4 months, there is nothing to worry about. This is how it should be - this.

Changing baby teeth

Cats' baby teeth fall out and are completely replaced by permanent teeth by about 8-9 months.

The first to appear are the incisors - the front teeth, which are designed for biting. It is to perform this function that the upper and lower incisors are brought together into a joint - like wire cutters.

Following the incisors, fangs will erupt. Their task is to hold and tear. Therefore, they are longer, stronger and have a deep root that securely holds the tooth in the jaw.

The last teeth to appear are the premolars and molars. They have the thickest walls and the most wide bases to serve the cat for at least the next 7-8 years.

Tooth loss in old age

It's natural for an aging cat to lose teeth. The question is at what age a pet can be considered aging. All breeds live on average up to 15 years, and are excluded from the breeding program at 8 - in the middle of life!

According to veterinary data, at 7-8 years of age (a little earlier in males, later in females) the decline in the vital forces of the body begins.

Some animals still remain active, others hunt and play, while others are clearly beginning to “give up.” And the dental system obeys general laws.

Over the next 5-7 years, teeth will gradually wear away until the turn of tooth loss comes (at about 10 years).

THE NOTE. It is normal if the first fallen incisor is detected at 9-10 years old, and the canine falls out at 13-15.

It is believed that if a cat has lost all its front teeth, then it is at least 13 years old. Here's why tooth loss in cats can begin prematurely:

  • Oral diseases can cause tooth loss. These diseases include: tartar, gingivitis, periodontal disease, caries, pulpitis, stomatitis, cancer;
  • Internal non-communicable diseases: gastritis, ulcers, metabolic disorders, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies;
  • Infectious (viral and bacterial) diseases that disrupt the balance minerals in organism;
  • Injuries.

How to help your pet

An attentive owner manages to notice problems in time and take action. But if it’s not entirely clear why a cat’s teeth fall out before the age of 6, try to independently determine the direction of the search:

  1. With age-related tooth loss, they fall out in a strict order: first the incisors, then the canines, then the premolars and molars. The loss is extended over time. If this order is broken, then you need to look for another reason.
  2. If you find wounds on the gums or chipped enamel, take measures to neutralize the consequences of the injury.
  3. Pay attention to the presence of tartar and specific caries (sweetish, putrefactive, sour). If the gums have changed color, the crowns are wobbly, or look clear, gray, or black, this is direct instruction for diseases. If you notice these signs, contact your veterinarian for treatment.

The Importance of Diet for Cat Dental Health

Nutritious and mineral composition Food is the basis for the health of not only the dental system, but also the entire body. Digestion and metabolism, and with them weight, degree of activity, and mental abilities, depend on how correctly a pet’s diet is composed.

The cat's diet must contain at least 20% protein of various origins, 8% fat (in terms of dry matter). A combination of soft and rough food, inclusion in the diet herbal ingredients and crude fiber.

To choose good food, arm yourself with a magnifying glass and carefully read all the small inscriptions on the packages. Do not allow your cat to eat starch, preservatives, E-supplements or chemically processed proteins.

We should talk not only about the diet itself, but also about the order of nutrition. For a healthy dental system, a cat definitely needs to chew, nibble, and hold something in its mouth. Otherwise, the gums weaken, and we observe natural process: teeth fall out in a cat that has not reached the threshold of old age.

Try to combine dry and wet food same manufacturer, and don’t be afraid to give your pet a piece of boiled or raw meat High Quality.

Beware of small minced meats and excess pates - the cat's stomach is adapted to digest crushed, but not ground or liquid food.

The healthier the animal, the “purer” its genetics, the more attentive the owner is to the health of the pet, the longer its teeth will last. A well-groomed meow can reach its last day don't lose a single tooth.