Spices in medicine. Useful properties of bay leaves and traditional medicine recipes. What are the benefits of basil for the health of the body?

Asafoetida is an aromatic resin from the roots of the plant. The taste is somewhat reminiscent of garlic, but it significantly surpasses it in medicinal properties. Asafoetida was very popular as a spice and as a medicine in the Roman Empire. For the treatment of migraines (headaches) it is one of the most the best means. Using asafoetida in cooking, you can get rid of polyarthritis, radiculitis, and osteochondrosis. Asafoetida restores hormonal functions adrenal glands, gonads, calms the nervous system. It can be added to first and second courses to taste.

Ginger (adrak) is the ground light brown knotty root of the plant. Used in all types of Indian dishes. Ginger is an unsurpassed medicine. It perfectly treats most skin and allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, cerebral circulation. Ginger restores immunity, increases mental stability in stressful situations, and eliminates spasms in the intestines. In addition, it perfectly activates digestion. Ginger tea restores strength during physical and mental fatigue. Ginger treats colds and pulmonary diseases, increases the absorption of oxygen by eye tissue. Normalizes activity thyroid gland.

Turmeric (haldi) is the root of a plant from the ginger family; when ground it is a bright yellow powder. It has an excellent therapeutic effect for polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, immunity disorders, liver and kidney diseases. Turmeric restores strength in case of muscle weakness, cures duodenal ulcer, and treats diabetes. It also cleanses the blood and has a diuretic effect. It is used in small quantities to color rice dishes and add a fresh, spicy aroma to vegetables, soups, and appetizers.

Mango powder (amchur) is the ground fruit of the mango tree. Used in drinks, vegetable dishes, sour dishes and salads. Mango powder improves mood, heals depressive states. Renders positive effect with hearing loss, activates the racing intestines, improves blood circulation in lung tissue, relieves muscle fatigue. Normalizes calcium metabolism in the body, treats myopia.

Chilli pepper (mirch) - differs from ordinary red pepper in its scarlet color, sweetish smell and a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body. Chile normalizes activity nerve tissue brain, treats epilepsy. Activates digestion, increases secretion gastric juice, improves liver function, treats hepatitis of various etymologies. Renders therapeutic effect for benign tumors, bronchial asthma, allergic diseases.

Treats atherosclerosis of blood vessels throughout the body. This spice gives food a spicy kick. Add to taste.

Black mustard seeds (paradise) are the seeds of the plant. Black mustard seeds are smaller than the seeds of the yellow mustard variety cultivated in Europe, differ in taste and remarkable medicinal properties. It calms the nervous system well during stress and relieves migraines. Normalizes the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands and gonads. Renders positive action with atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.

Black mustard treats polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, and colds. Promotes resorption of mastopathy. They are pungent in taste, have a nutty smell, and are used in almost all salty dishes.

Cardamom belongs to the ginger family. Its pale green pods are used mainly to flavor drinks and sweet dishes. Cardamom refreshes the pink cavity and stimulates digestion. Heals well ischemic disease heart, relieves pain during cardiovascular pathology. Normalizes blood supply in the vascular wall, relieves vascular spasms. Cardamom reduces the activity of the thyroid gland while increasing its function, and has an expectorant and antispasmodic effect in bronchitis.

Curry leaves are the dried leaves of the curry tree, native to Southwest Asia. They are added to vegetable dishes, soups, and cereal dishes. Curry leaves help with enterocolitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis. They cure inflammatory processes in the kidneys well and increase diuresis. Promote wound healing, treatment of pneumonia, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, inflammation Bladder. They cleanse the blood of protein waste, treat sore throat, skin furunculosis and other bacterial infections.

Kalinji seeds (Kalinji) are black seeds of the plant, shaped like teardrops. The seeds of this plant are very similar in appearance to onion seeds, but in taste and quality they have nothing in common with it. They are used in vegetable dishes, in baked goods with vegetable filling and give them a unique aroma. Kalinji seeds improve brain activity and promote digestion. They have a diuretic effect and activate the nervous system. Kalinja seeds increase the activity of the retina, treat myopia, and also have! antidepressant effect.

Nutmeg is the kernel of a tropical tree. Grated nutmeg is used in small quantities (sometimes in combination with other spices) to flavor puddings, dairy sweets and vegetable dishes. Pairs very well with spinach and winter squash.

Like many spices, it stimulates digestion and heals chronic rhinitis. Excellent treatment for many benign tumors, for example mastopathy. Improves activity immune system. Heals staphylococcal infection, has a beneficial effect on tuberculosis, prevents the occurrence malignant tumors.

Coriander seeds are very aromatic seeds of the plant. One of the main spices used in Indian cuisine. Coriander seed oil helps digest starchy foods and root vegetables. Coriander adds a fresh spring aroma to food. Coriander seeds are a strong stimulant of the body's immune system. They give good action in the treatment of benign and malignant tumors, they mobilize the body to easily overcome psychological stress.

Indian Cumin Seeds (Jira Cumin) - White Indian cumin seeds are an important ingredient in vegetable, rice and snack recipes.

In order for cumin seeds to impart their characteristic flavor to food, they must be well roasted. Cumin seeds promote digestion and share healing properties Kalinja seeds.

Black cumin seeds are darker and smaller than white ones, and have a more bitter taste and pungent odor. They do not require as long roasting as white cumin seeds.

Cumin seeds give vitality, freshness, stimulate the nervous system, treat gastritis with increased acidity, increase kidney activity, have a diuretic effect. Relieves spasms from small vessels of the skin.

Fennel is the seed of the plant. Also known as "sweet cumin". Its long, pale green seeds are similar to caraway and cumin seeds, but larger in size and different in color. They taste like anise and are used in seasonings. Fennel improves digestion, stimulates the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers and is very useful for gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fennel improves vision in myopia and is good for reducing high blood pressure. It has a good expectorant effect.

Fenugreek. Belongs to the legume family. A favorite plant of Indians. Its square-shaped, brownish-beige seeds are indispensable in many vegetable dishes and snacks. Shambhala restores strength and stimulates the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers, and also stimulates digestion and heart function, helps with constipation and colic. Shambhala perfectly treats joints and spine, prevents hypothermia of the extremities. It normalizes the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands and gonads.
Preventive and medicinal properties spices

Therapeutic effect
Spices used

Red and black pepper, cloves, coriander, turmeric


Fennel, mango, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, shamballa

Bronchitis (cough)
Mango, fennel, cumin, cardamom, ginger, chilli

Mango, fennel, turmeric, cinnamon, asafoetida

Removing toxins from the body
Turmeric, ginger, cumin, fennel

Fennel, cumin, turmeric

Choleretic agents

Mango, fennel, cumin

Skin oblivion

Ginger, nutmeg, turmeric, mustard

Blood purifiers

Turmeric, ginger, mango, cumin, fennel


Ginger, fennel, cumin, turmeric


Ginger, cardamom, cumin, coriander, black mustard, saffron

Digestive aids

Ginger, red pepper, chilli, turmeric, ginger, saffron

Improves memory

Kalinji, black pepper, cumin, ginger

High blood pressure

Fennel, cumin, turmeric, asafoetida, black mustard

Low blood pressure

Ginger, turmeric

Diseases skeletal system(polyarthritis, osteochondrosis)

Shambhala, turmeric, black and red pepper, ginger, black mustard, allspice.

Positive influence of spices on human character

Asafoetida. If you use it as food, more tenderness and calmness will appear in your character. Asafoetida will help normalize relationships with close relatives. It improves complexion, the skin becomes elastic, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Ginger will give you the ability to withstand difficulties. It activates mental activity, improves memory. Ginger makes it possible to stay in a cheerful state all day long, relieves fatigue, physical and mental tension, and stress. Ginger promotes the development of character traits such as determination and determination. Turmeric develops thoroughness, sober assessment, and calmness in solving problems. When eating it, the psyche gradually becomes immune to those factors Everyday life, which used to irritate. Turmeric gives strength to develop and implement long-term plans, frees you from narrowness, and gives you more self-confidence.

Mango promotes optimism and cheerfulness. When you eat mangoes, your character will become more willing to laugh and joke. Mango fruits make a person sociable, he looks into the future with joy.

Chile. This seasoning will help you get rid of fuss, rudeness, and premature decisions. Changing your activity will not cause concern. When communicating, a feeling of mutual understanding will appear. It promotes a more personal approach to people. You will be able to do any job, even the most unattractive.

Nutmeg develops determination in overcoming difficulties. Strengthens a person's oxen. When solving any issue, it will help you quickly mobilize all your forces. A faster and more active rhythm of life will result in free time. Nutmeg improves focus on the object of your attention.

Coriander improves resistance to dirty manifestations of the surrounding reality. Consumption in small quantities will make it possible to tolerate arrogant, rude, irritable people. It should be taken as food by people who work in difficult moral and psychological conditions.

Cumin allows you to be more independent from gossip, bad opinion to our address. Gives strength to cope with one jerk bad habit. It will allow you to adjust your daily routine and restore strength of character. Tones the psyche, increases persistence in solving problems,

Fennel is great for relieving the oppressive fatigue of change weather conditions. All problems are solved unnoticed, makes the character flexible, and stops bothering him with straightforwardness and irritability. Movement through life will become calm and progressive.

Shambhala increases gentleness in character, relationships with people become warmer. You will become kind, gently calm, balanced, flexible. Shambhala helps improve relationships and relieve excessive excitement in children.

Black mustard helps develop calmness in character. Gradually all gross manifestations of behavior disappear. Black mustard makes it possible to better delve into your inner world, relieves fussiness and tension. It helps those who know how to relax, improves sleep, and treats depression.

Cardamom gives the character the ability to forgive the offender; it will help develop humility, release tension when dealing with unpleasant people. You can avoid quarrels in the family, treat children and the elderly better. Cardamom reduces the habit of being greedy.

Curry teaches you to approach yourself with restraint, without laziness or overexertion. Lightens the burden of internal contradictions. Silence, peace of mind. Helps to gradually solve problems without fuss.

Kalinji. When using it for food, the thought becomes rapid. If you need to quickly and clearly decide something, Kalindzhi is simply irreplaceable. It reinforces a strong optimism in one’s own abilities. The strength and sparkle of joy appears in the eyes. Improves short-term memory, the world around you is perceived more clearly.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, many try to immediately begin treatment with honey. drugs (tablets). But sometimes the medicine is very close by, in jars with spices, but we know nothing about their use (except for culinary purposes). It doesn’t matter, you can learn everything. So, let's get acquainted with some of the healthiest spices.

Healthy Spices:

Carnation – has a pungent taste and rich aroma. Cloves are used as a carminative, disinfectant, aromatic, and bactericidal agent; as a remedy for toothache. This spice improves blood circulation, strengthens the stomach and liver. Clove oil calms the nervous system. Cloves are also used for restoration of strength after nervous and physical fatigue, for memory activity; to get rid of worms; in the treatment of inflammatory diseases (pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis).

Curry - a mixture of seasonings. It has a warming effect on the body, eliminates toxins, and is also effective against flatulence. Curry is a source of folic acid, vitamin E, as well as many necessary for the body microelements.

Cinnamon – improves blood circulation, normalizes digestion, reduces body temperature, relieves pain, normalizes blood sugar levels, warms, treats colds, improves brain activity. Cinnamon used in the treatment of rheumatism, cellulite, toothache, diabetes mellitus, depression, neuroses, skin diseases. It relieves spasms, improves complexion, tones, stimulates hair growth. Cinnamon is also an excellent product for weight loss, it blocks the accumulation of fat in cells.

Turmeric – an indispensable medicine in Ayurveda. Even in civilized Europe, doctors actively prescribe turmeric preparations for digestive disorders. Turmeric can be considered natural antibiotic effective for eczema and furunculosis. You can also make face masks from this seasoning.

Cardamom - used for migraines, coughs, asthma, digestive disorders and skin diseases. And in ancient Rome cardamom was also used as a remedy for excess weight.

Vanilla - good for the skin. Vanilla essential oil is known to relieve muscle pain and reduces inflammation. In addition, the smell of vanilla can overcome your stress and cravings for sweets.

Anise – used as an antipyretic, choleretic and antispasmodic agent to improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Using anise seeds as a seasoning for food improves digestion. Anise is used for bronchitis, cough, whooping cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Basil – used to prevent inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder. Basil preparations can be used as an expectorant and pain reliever for dental and menstrual pain.

Coriander - Helps with cardiovascular diseases. Eating this greenery thins the blood and strengthens blood vessels; counteracts heaviness and bloating after a heavy meal.

Barberry – a storehouse of biologically active substances. This fruit contains a large number of alkaloids, tannins, vitamins C, E, K, as well as useful organic acids and mineral salts. Preparations based on barberry help mainly with liver diseases, and can also be effective in diabetes and cancer.

Wassabi - a powerful antiseptic. Pathogenic microflora, including pathogenic fungi, are destroyed. Wassabi will also help get rid of toxins and improve metabolic processes in organism.

Mustard seeds - grains with a hot, nutty aroma, which give the dish a mild pungency and appetizing appearance, are a valuable source of carbohydrates, fats, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and others nutrients. Mustard seeds are ideal for savory seasonings, marinades and brines. The use of black mustard promotes blood flow to the skin, lungs and kidneys, making it essential in cold and damp weather. To reveal the aroma, it is recommended to lightly fry in oil before use.

Ginger - “a panacea for all diseases.” Finds the most in cooking wide application. In medicine - universal medicine. Contains almost all essential amino acids. Regular use It in food in small quantities increases internal heat, stimulates metabolism, and removes toxins from the body. Ginger tea - excellent remedy for weight loss and colds. Hot ginger thins the blood, due to which the brain is better supplied with oxygen, and the functions of the senses of perception and intellect are activated. Eliminates the spicy odor of ginger increased fatigue, lethargy, apathy, enhances self-confidence, sociability and charm.

Red chilli pepper. The aromatic substances it contains not only give food a spicy taste, but also tonify the intellect, stimulate blood circulation and enhance healing properties remaining spices. Chilli is the richest vegetable source vitamin C. Every time we add it to our food, we lose weight. Chili peppers melt away excess calories within 20 minutes of finishing your meal.

Horseradish - prevents scurvy, flu and other colds and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Horseradish is used in traditional medicine as a powerful stimulant for the digestive system. treatment of inflammation of the urinary tract. Horseradish has a powerful diuretic property, so it is used for kidney stone disease, cystitis, as well as gout and rheumatism. Poultices made from fresh horseradish are useful for frostbite, facial neuralgia and rheumatism of the joints. Horseradish with vinegar and glycerin is used to treat whooping cough and sore throat.

Cumin - has a stronger and more pleasant aroma than the well-known cumin. Range culinary use very wide - from fried potatoes and stuffed peppers to mashed berries and fruit jam. Rich essential oils, protein, calcium, contains resinous substances and sugar. Cleanses respiratory organs, removes toxins from the body, stimulates the nervous system, gives a feeling of lightness and relaxation.

Nutmeg - the fruit of an evergreen plant with a warm, intoxicatingly spicy, slightly peppery aroma is invariably popular with chefs all over the world. Pairs perfectly with pumpkin, potatoes, milk, tomato juice, fruit desserts and cocktails, rice, spinach, cauliflower dishes. Improves digestion, has an antibacterial effect against intestinal infections. Substances contained in nutmeg nourish brain cells, reproductive organs and blood.

Fennel - greenish seeds with a delicate honey aroma and a sweet-sharp, slightly bitter taste. Gives pleasant freshness to the lungs vegetable soups, salads and side dishes, cookies, pies, jams and tea. Contains ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B, E and K. An ideal spice for weak stomachs of both adults and children. Neutralizes toxins and carcinogens in the blood. Fennel tea is useful for stomach pain (especially in children), radiation exposure and cancer diseases. It is also drunk as a remedy for insomnia. Fennel eliminates fears and nervousness.

Fenugreek - a spice with a tart, bitter taste and a unique smell. Adds an appetizing aroma to thick soups and broths, fried appetizers and other spicy dishes. It is a valuable source of protein and iron. Nourishes blood cells bone marrow, nerves and reproductive organs. Contains vitamins B and D. Very useful during the recovery period and for general strengthening body.

Saffron - orange-red spicy stigmas of alpine crocus. Widely used in various national cuisines.

In combination with milk, it strengthens the heart and nervous system, improves complexion, and creates a cheerful, joyful mood. You need to use saffron in very small quantities (a few veins are enough for a dish for 4-5 people).

Condiments, spices and herbs are commonly used interchangeably to refer to various food additives. But the concepts differ in meaning! Seasonings change the taste of food without changing the aroma. Spices add flavor and aroma to the dish.

Differences in herbs, herbs and spices

Seasonings include vinegar, mustard, tomato paste, horseradish, mayonnaise. Spices are pepper, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf. Spices is the common name for herbs and seasonings.

Spices are not eaten on their own; their quantity in dishes is strictly calculated, because too much will spoil the taste, and too little will not have the desired effect.

There are seasonings plant origin and chemical. Condiments, unlike spices, are not always available to humans in finished form, some of them are prepared according to a recipe using other seasonings and adding spices. The seasoning may also include spices. On a large scale, this is done by a chef who specializes in sauces and seasonings.

Fans of seasonings and spices take into account only their taste, not knowing which spices are healthy or whether all seasonings have beneficial properties.

Seasonings and spices for the human body

The spicy aroma and flavored taste of food are not the only merit of spices to humans. The beneficial properties of spices were noticed by ancient healers: with moderate and correct use They help to better assimilate foods, stimulate the absorption and processing of food, suppress bacteria and prevent rotting processes.

Spices accelerate the activity of enzymes, absorb impurities in cells and activate the removal of toxins. Spices differ in composition, and in some, nature has concentrated vitamins. Therefore, a pinch of seasoning has a positive effect on the body’s systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine.

Healthy spices They are widespread everywhere, but among them there are also those that are considered rare and exotic. Among the classic and common ones, the most stand out healthy seasonings and the most useful spices.

Black pepper

The king of spices - black pepper is in every home. It stimulates digestive processes, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases blood circulation, removes toxins, prevents the formation of blood clots and corrects metabolic processes. Black peppercorns are used in the preparation of broths, meats, pickles; when ground, they add aroma and spiciness to soups, sauces and meat products.


The substances and elements that make up cinnamon collectively reduce bad cholesterol and glucose in the blood, improve blood circulation, help in the production of cartilage lubrication, disinfect and kill fungi.


Paprika thins the blood, improves its flow to organs and tissues, and prevents the formation of blood clots. This spice is useful for men, as it enhances potency. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract: it eliminates gas formation, flatulence, discomfort and cramps in the stomach.

There are many types of paprika depending on aroma and pungency. But any of them goes best with meat, fish, cheese and seafood. Cinnamon has found application in national dishes of Hungary, Portugal, Mexico, Spain and India.


Nature has given man a cure for many diseases in one ginger root. Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic and antispasmodic. It tones, calms, relieves anxiety, stress and fatigue. For women, the spice is especially useful, as it prevents infertility, increases libido, relieves uterine tone, and during pregnancy with toxicosis it will relieve nausea and weakness.

Pickled ginger will add piquancy and novelty to meat and seafood, and tea with ginger root will please the sophisticated gourmet.


Garlic can be fresh or dried, but in any form it does not lose useful qualities. Garlic is considered a strong enemy of bacteria and viruses, lowers blood sugar levels, fights tumor cells, and reduces blood clotting. Without strong smell and the burning taste of garlic is hard to imagine borscht, jellied meat, meat dishes and assorted vegetables.

Bay leaf

It's hard to imagine your favorite soup, stew, vegetable stew without bay leaf. The spice is added to hot dishes. In addition to the pleasant aroma, the laurel contains a bouquet useful substances. Even in ancient times, it was used in medicine to treat dysentery, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus and viral diseases, and for disorders nervous system. The spice relieves pain, relieves inflammation, prevents rotting, fermentation and decomposition.


The seed kernel of the nutmeg tree, called nutmeg, heals ailments. Helps men cope with impotence, uncontrolled ejaculation, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive system. For external use paste nutmeg relieves pain, inflammation, acts as a remedy against rheumatism, osteochondrosis and arthritis.


The dried buds of the tropical clove tree Syzygium, with a distinctive aroma and pungent taste, are known as cloves. Since ancient times, it has found application in cooking.

Today there is hardly a person who has never tried spices and herbs - they are present in almost any food product. Have you ever thought that spices can also serve as medicine for our body? That is why in this article we want to talk about the medicinal properties of spices, individual spices and their effect on the human body...

So, the medicinal properties of spices:
Medicinal properties of the spice anise. Anise is one of the oldest spices known to the Slavs. It was known and used back in hoary antiquity - in the era Kievan Rus. Anise can have an expectorant and antiseptic effect, and can serve as a stimulator of motility and secretory function. digestive tract. It is used in the treatment of the following diseases: bronchitis, whooping cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Anise is able to increase lactation - which is especially important for mothers during breastfeeding. Rich source of vitamins, used as an antipyretic, cholagogue and as an antispasmodic.

Medicinal properties of the spice star anise. Star anise (also known as star anise), its decoction or infusion helps with coughs as an expectorant.

Medicinal properties of the spice basil. Sweet basil is one of the most useful spices for the digestive organs; it is also used as an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent, against elevated temperature. Helps with colds, flu, reduces fever, reduces mucus production during a runny nose, a good sedative - helps with insomnia and relieves stress.

Medicinal properties of the spice cloves. Cloves - this spice promotes rapid restoration of strength after mental or physical stress and strengthens memory. Cloves can serve as a good carminative bactericidal agent. A decoction or infusion of cloves is used for toothache - it disinfects the oral cavity well and gives fresh breath. This spice will be useful for respiratory diseases, stomach and liver diseases. Its decoction is used for eye diseases.

Medicinal properties of mustard spice. Black mustard (seeds) – increases blood access to the lungs, kidneys and skin – this is especially important in cool and damp weather. Relieves bloating and stimulates the digestion process. Mustard seeds are placed in a dish during cooking so that food is better digested and absorbed. Once upon a time, mustard was used as a means for warmth and against pain.

Medicinal properties of oregano spice. Oregano (oregano) – stimulates appetite, normalizes intestinal functions, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and bile. Helps with treatment acute bronchitis or exacerbation of chronic.

Medicinal properties of the spice ginger. Ginger - in the old days, this spice was considered almost a panacea for all imaginable diseases. Today we know that ginger promotes better blood supply to the brain - this is important for those of us who are busy mental labor. Ginger - source essential amino acids, therefore it increases appetite, has a warming effect, and helps eliminate toxins. Normalizes metabolism. Use in in moderation this spice helps to “establish” the functions of the thyroid gland, strengthens the immune system and promotes treatment skin ailments. Ginger is useful for allergies and bronchial asthma. Its specific and pleasant smell perfectly helps to cope with fatigue and apathy, which is why teas with ginger are so good at restoring strength after physical or nervous tension. Water with this spice will help get rid of motion sickness when driving.

Medicinal properties of the spice cardamom. Cardamom is a spice that normalizes digestion, the functioning of the stomach and spleen. Cardamom added to food stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Often used also as carminative. Cardamom has a beneficial effect on general condition body, will help get rid of depression and improve your mood, it is generally beneficial for the nervous system. Information for lovers of a cup of coffee - the cardamom in this drink gives it an unusual pleasant taste and reduces the effect of caffeine.

Medicinal properties of curry. Curry (spicy mixture) is not just one spice, but a whole “cocktail”, the main component of which is turmeric root. Curry strengthens immune protection, helps cleanse the body. This seasoning is also useful for the prevention of a number of brain diseases, Alzheimer's disease, for example.

These are the main spices and herbs, as well as the medicinal properties of spices that can help in the treatment of certain diseases.

40 spices for taste and health

Common anise – annual herbaceous plant with a branched stem up to 40-60 cm high. In our country it is cultivated mainly in middle lane, although it grows successfully in other areas in vegetable gardens and garden plots.

Intestinal diseases (colitis, enterocolitis) - Treatment with spices

Intestinal diseases primarily include acute and chronic gastroenteritis, colitis, enterocolitis. Of these, acute and chronic gastroenterocolitis are most often diagnosed.

Acute gastroenterocolitis thing is acute inflammation affects the stomach, thin and colon. The development of this disease most often results from food contaminated with viruses or bacteria, which in our time is often observed in preschool and school institutions due to the supply of “not the first freshness” products to them.

Apple vinegar

Spices and herbs

Cholecystitis - Treatment with spices

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Predisposing factors for the disease may include the presence gallstones, bile stagnation, menopause, various disorders metabolism, hormonal disorders, etc.

Cholecystitis can occur both acutely and chronically. Acute cholecystitis usually begins suddenly. The main symptom is severe pain in the right hypochondrium and in the epigastric region. The pain may radiate to the right shoulder and shoulder blade. Another symptom is fever, in which the temperature rises to 30-40°C, lasts for several days, then gradually falls. And one more important symptom - strong pain when palpating the right hypochondrium (in the area of ​​the gallbladder and its projection).


Glossitis - Treatment with spices

Glossitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue. The disease may occur as a result of mechanical friction (for example, long-term use sunflower seeds, poorly fitting prosthesis), with minor injuries and scratches (in case of infection). The course of the disease can be acute or chronic.

Acute glossitis is characterized by redness, pain and swelling of the tongue. Chronic glossitis is the outcome of frequently recurring acute glossitis.

The following are used in the treatment of glossitis: herbal remedies:

Atherosclerosis, IHD - Treatment with spices

We give medical definition this very common pathology, especially among the elderly: “Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of the arteries, gradually leading to a narrowing of the lumen and disruption of their functions.” With the development of sclerotic processes, blood flow through the arteries becomes insufficient, which significantly limits the functional abilities of certain organs. A large role in the development of this disease belongs to cholesterol, which enters our body mainly with fats of animal origin.

Most often, atherosclerosis affects the arteries of the heart and brain, which can lead to the development of myocardial infarction or stroke.


Hemorrhoids - Treatment with spices

Conjunctivitis - Treatment with spices

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the connective membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva). The cause of this disease is an infection that gets into the eyes. Various radiations (ultraviolet, x-ray, infrared, etc.), as well as exposure to toxic substances and foreign bodies in the eyes, can lead to conjunctivitis.

First of all, patients note redness, which affects not only the conjunctiva, but also the eyelids and eyeball. Mucous or purulent discharge is observed. Patients note pain in the eyes, photophobia, sensation of a foreign body in the eye, blurred vision.

In addition to the prescriptions of the ophthalmologist, traditional medicine recommends the following medications:


Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - Treatment with spices

The disease consists of the formation of an ulcer in one or another area of ​​the stomach or duodenum. Neuropsychic experiences and, of course, errors in nutrition are primarily to blame for the emergence and development of this pathology. IN last years It has been proven that the cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers is a specific virus.

Bronchial asthma - Treatment with spices

Bronchial asthma – severe allergic disease, affecting both adults and children. This disease is characterized chronic course with periodic exacerbations in the form of severe attacks of suffocation - shortness of breath with difficulty exhaling caused by impaired bronchial air conductivity, which is associated with localization allergic reaction in the tissues of the bronchial tree of the lungs.

Most often, bronchial asthma is preceded by other respiratory diseases. The pre-asthmatic condition develops most often against the background of prolonged or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis.

Asthmatic bronchitis - Treatment with spices

In most cases, the inflammatory process is limited to the mucous membrane of the bronchi, without penetrating deeper, which is what is observed with allergic damage to the bronchi. the main role in the development of this disease belongs to viral and bacterial infections. In addition, a certain role is played in the occurrence of asthmatic bronchitis. various types chemical, pollen and other allergens.

The basis of the disease process is, as a rule, chronic inflammation bronchi, resulting in the rapid occurrence of:

Gallstone disease - Treatment with spices

Cholelithiasis– one of the most common diseases of middle and old age. Attacks can last from several minutes to several hours, sometimes up to 1-2 days. Pain occurs in the right hypochondrium and spreads throughout the abdomen. The pain is usually of such a nature that, as patients say, “you can even climb the wall.”

Among the circumstances that provoke hepatic colic, the most common are violation of the prescribed diet, consumption fatty foods, alcohol, spicy foods. Overwork and driving on uneven roads play a role. Colic can in some cases result in the passage of stones with feces.


Blood diseases - Treatment with spices

The most common blood diseases are anemia (anemia): iron deficiency, hemolytic. Included in this list are: serious illnesses blood, such as lymphogranulomatosis and various kinds leukemias belong to oncological pathology, we will talk about them in another article.

Anemia, or anemia, is a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells and a decrease in the hemoglobin content per unit volume of blood.

With anemia, oxidative processes in the body are disrupted, which leads to the development oxygen starvation organs and tissues. Anemia can develop as a result of disruption of hematopoietic processes, acute or chronic blood loss (for example, due to certain disorders menstrual cycle, with peptic ulcer disease, with some infectious diseases, as a result of injuries, etc.).


Prostatitis - Treatment with spices

Prostatitis – inflammatory disease the prostate gland, which is rightly called the second heart of a man. Most often, prostatitis is chronic. About 70% of men over 35 years of age suffer from this disease, which is unpleasant for their lives, which negatively affects primarily their intimate life.

At the beginning of the disease, men do not have any complaints, and only some sticking of the urethral sponges and a small number of threads in the urine force the patient to consult a doctor. Over time discomfort are making themselves felt more and more. Itching appears and progresses in urethra, V anus, in the perineum, in the testicles, on the thighs. These complaints are intermittent. They often intensify during sexual intercourse.


Bronchitis - Treatment with spices

Dermatitis, neurodermatitis - Treatment with spices


Dermatitis is an inflammatory process of the skin that occurs as a result of direct exposure to various agents. external environment(mechanical, physical, chemical, allergic, infectious).

There are many types of dermatitis. When treating them, it is first necessary to get rid of the causes that cause them (for example, chemical and physical irritants). Traditional medicine treats certain dermatitis the following medications:

Hypertension - Treatment with spices

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is considered the disease of the century (like coronary heart disease).

The first stage of the disease is characterized by rather slow development. Blood pressure periodically returns from elevated levels to normal. The second stage is characterized by the fact that the indicators blood pressure remain at a level higher than in the first stage. The third and final stage is high, usually stable blood pressure.

In patients with the second and third stages, hypertension is complicated by atherosclerosis. In advanced cases, the disease causes complications: stroke, thrombosis


Allergic laryngitis and pharyngitis - Treatment with spices

Allergic laryngitis

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. This disease can be allergic nature. It is often caused by inhalation of industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust gases, as well as chemical substances, dyes, microbial contamination environment. Especially often allergic laryngitis diagnosed in people who have to breathe dusty, saturated air a considerable amount allergens.

Pancreatitis - Treatment with spices

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. This disease can occur both acutely and chronically.

Main manifestation acute pancreatitis– extremely severe pain syndrome, often leading to collapse or even shock. Prolonged severe pain in the epigastric region debilitates the patient, often accompanied by a feeling of fear of death. The pain radiates to left shoulder blade, left costal arch, area of ​​the left kidney. These pains are usually girdling in nature.

Laryngitis - Treatment with spices

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The disease can progress as follows: acute form, and in chronic.

What complaints are typical for acute laryngitis? First of all, patients complain of a feeling of dryness, soreness, and scratching in the throat. The cough at first, as a rule, is dry, and is later accompanied by sputum, the voice becomes hoarse, rough or completely silent. Sometimes there is pain when swallowing, headache and a slight increase in temperature.

Chronic laryngitis often develops as a consequence of repeated acute or long-term inflammatory processes in the nose and its appendages. At chronic laryngitis patients complain of hoarseness, fatigue voices, a feeling of rawness, a sore throat, which causes constant coughing. Body temperature is usually normal.

The following drugs are used in the treatment of laryngitis:


Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) - Treatment with spices