Colitis under the left shoulder blade, what could it be? What can cause pain under the left shoulder blade from the back? Possible causes of the symptom

Many people, when pain occurs in the chest area, which radiates to the left shoulder blade, begin to panic, immediately assuming a heart pathology. In certain cases, fears are confirmed, but pain can also be caused by other ailments not related to the myocardium.

To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause that triggered its occurrence.

Manifestations of pain radiating to the left shoulder blade

There may be aching pain in the heart and under the left shoulder blade, as well as:

  • Spicy.
  • Dumb.
  • Pressing.
  • Burning.

It can irradiate:

  • To the left side of the center of the chest.
  • On the back of the sternum.
  • In the arm, shoulder, jaw.

If pain is present in the heart, then it is strong and sharp, but passes quickly. The exception is myocardial infarction, in which the symptom lasts for several hours.

When you feel pain that radiates to the left shoulder blade, it is necessary to evaluate its nature, duration and strength. It is important to track what happens when you change body position and after taking medications. Typically, people complain of pain in the center of the chest, which often radiates under the shoulder blade.

Causes of pain associated with heart pathologies

A number of ailments have been identified that affect the heart muscle and cause pain in the heart area. The latter radiates to the shoulder blade, arm, and jaw. The nature and strength of pain directly depend on the specific disease, its degree, and concomitant pathologies.

The most common causes of pain are:

  • Ischemia.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Valve prolapse.
  • Arrhythmia.

Each pathology has its own symptoms. If an inflammatory process is observed, the body temperature rises, aortitis is accompanied by a pulse disorder. With an aneurysm, it is impossible to eliminate pain with Nitroglycerin. The condition is accompanied by a bluish discoloration of the facial area.

Cardiac ischemia

With oxygen starvation of the heart, the risk of developing ischemia increases. The most common cause of oxygen starvation of the myocardium is considered to be a violation of the patency of the coronary vessels that feed the heart.

Coronary heart disease can occur in acute and chronic forms. It is distinguished by a number of symptoms:

  • Heart rhythm disturbances.
  • High fatigue, general malaise.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Shortness of breath, lack of air.
  • Increased work of sweat glands.

Often, signs of ischemia do not manifest themselves for a long time; often the presence of symptoms resembles disorders in the digestive system, since heartburn and pain appear during meals.

Often the manifestation of symptoms can be confused with mental disorders. Observed:

  • Unreasonable anxiety, nervousness.
  • Indifference to what is happening, apathy.
  • Inexplicable fear.
  • Feeling of lack of air, suffocation.

To diagnose the pathology, it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations, which are prescribed by a cardiologist; he is also involved in further monitoring of the patient. If the doctor recommends surgery, a consultation with a cardiac surgeon will be required.

If there is concomitant diabetes or high blood sugar levels, appropriate therapy is required, which is determined by a specialist in the field of endocrine diseases.


This is a heart rhythm disorder in various manifestations. The causes of the disease may be different; in order to prescribe adequate therapy, a thorough examination of the patient will be required to determine the etiology of the disease.

Arrhythmia can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms depending on the type of pathology. With bradycardia (slow heartbeat), general weakness, dizziness and fainting appear. Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and atrial fibrillation primary symptoms resemble bradycardia.

Frequent fainting conditions due to arrhythmia require urgent resuscitation. With concomitant angina, pain occurs.

The occurrence of pain radiating to the scapula may indicate a myocardial infarction, when there is an urgent need for emergency assistance. The main symptom is the lack of relief from taking medications.


This is an inflammatory lesion of the serous membrane of the heart; 4 types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Spicy.
  2. Dry.
  3. Exudative.
  4. Chronic.

In the first two months of the disease there are no complications. Further, the accumulation of fluid joins the inflammatory reaction.

Most often, the disease is caused by autoimmune disorders, allergic reactions, viruses, and other factors can provoke it.

Pericarditis can be identified by the appearance of pain in the upper chest. The sensations are aching, strong, radiating to the shoulder blade, neck, back, arm.

The clinical picture is similar to a heart attack, so differential diagnosis is necessary.

A number of symptoms are observed:

  • Increased number of band leukocytes.
  • High ESR.
  • Increased body temperature for a long time (within 37.1-38 °C).

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray.

Non-cardiogenic causes

When pain in the heart radiates to the left shoulder blade, we are not necessarily talking about the pathology of this organ. Often the reasons are not related to cardiology; they may indicate disorders of the kidneys, stomach and intestines, or osteochondrosis.

Nerve compression

Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by severe pain. The latter radiates under the scapula and has a paroxysmal character. Appears as a result of compression of the intercostal nerves.

Pain occurs when inhaling, when the chest expands, can radiate to the collarbone, scapula, lower back, and intensifies with movement or changing body position.

The syndrome is long lasting and can appear at any time.. Taking Nitroglycerin and other medications for heart pain does not help.


Disturbances in the functioning of the thoracic and cervical spine can also cause symptoms. The most common diagnosis is osteochondrosis, an inflammatory process in the intervertebral discs.

Occurs under the influence of a number of factors:

  • Overweight, obesity.
  • Excessive regular physical activity.
  • Injuries.
  • Rachiocampsis.
  • Deterioration of blood flow to internal organs.

Back disease can be identified by the appearance of neurological signs: tingling of the fingers, the feeling of “crawling flies,” deterioration in hand movement.

Pain and other manifestations of intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis are relieved with the help of painkillers. Further treatment consists of eliminating the cause.

How to determine if pain is related to the heart

If the pain is caused by heart problems, then there is pressure behind the sternum. A number of signs also appear:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Pressure disturbance.
  • Heart rhythm failure.
  • Numbness of the left hand.

Distinctive features:

  • It goes away in a few hours.
  • Unpleasant sensations appear in the form of attacks.
  • Deterioration in performance and general condition.
  • Drawing pain in the left side of the body.
  • The occurrence of the symptom is not related to food or body position.

How to relieve the condition

Therapeutic measures directly depend on the cause that provoked the appearance of the symptom on the left side of the body.


Treatment of coronary artery disease is initially aimed at eliminating the cause.

In addition, the patient must:

  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Normalize weight and blood pressure.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.

Sometimes surgery is required:

  1. Angioplasty is the insertion of a special catheter into a vessel to widen it. Sometimes an additional stent is installed (stenting).
  2. Coronary bypass surgery. The affected vessel is bypassed by another patient's own vessel.

Myocardial infarction

Pain occurs without exposure to certain loads. When an acute symptom appears, you need to take 1-2 tablets of Nitroglycerin. If improvement does not occur, urgently call a medical team.


If there is an accumulation of fluid, a puncture is performed to eliminate it. For therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and inhalations using an oxygen-nitrogen mixture are prescribed.

Which doctor to see and what to examine

A cardiologist diagnoses the pathology and prescribes treatment; if complications develop, a thorough examination is carried out. If the pain symptom does not disappear, consultation with a cardiac surgeon is necessary.

To find out the cause of non-cardiogenic pain, the patient is referred to an appointment with a gastroenterologist, neurologist, psychotherapist, dermatologist, or orthopedist.


The importance of timely diagnosis and elimination of the cause is due to the high risk of complications.

The following phenomena cannot be excluded from the heart:

  • Myocardial rupture.
  • Disturbances in the rhythm of work.
  • Acute heart failure in severe cases. Sometimes cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema develop, which threatens the patient’s life.
  • Cardiogenic shock is severe heart failure with impaired blood flow to all organs.
  • Heartbreak. Blood enters the pericardial cavity, causing cardiac arrest.
  • Cardiac aneurysm is a protrusion of part of the heart muscle into an area of ​​necrosis.
  • Pericarditis is an inflammatory reaction of the outer membrane, which is characterized by constant pain.
  • Thromboembolic syndrome. It is formed when a blood clot occurs in the heart area, or a ventricular aneurysm.

If the pain is caused by non-cardiogenic causes, the following complications are possible:

  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Decreased or lost movement function.
  • Paralysis.

Timely treatment will eliminate the symptoms and prevent the development of such complications.

With the help of pain, our body sends us a signal that something is not working correctly or that our organs are injured.

Why does it hurt under my left shoulder blade? Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back occurs quite often in most people. There can be a lot of reasons for this: a long stay of the body in an uncomfortable position, a careless sudden movement, or the development of a serious disease in the body from the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous or endocrine systems.

Pain in the left shoulder blade can bother people of any gender and age - from the youngest to the elderly. To understand why it hurts under the left shoulder blade and which doctor to turn to for help, you need to clearly understand what organs are located in this place.

Let's consider which organs the left shoulder blade contacts from the back. It is an element of the belt of the upper left limb and one of its processes is attached to the ribs of the chest. Between the ribs lie nerve fibers and blood vessels, which occupy a specially designated recess. They are connected by intercostal muscles and ligaments.

Closer to the center of the body from the left shoulder blade is a ridge, in the middle of which is located. It gives rise to the nerves that pass between the ribs. The scapula is surrounded by well-developed dorsal muscles. In combination with the left segment of the chest, the scapula, in addition to its main function, protects the lung on the left side, the heart muscle, the stomach with the pancreas, the spleen and part of the largest blood vessel - the aorta.

Based on knowledge of human anatomy, we can divide the causes of pain in the left shoulder blade into those that appear due to pathological processes of the musculoskeletal system and muscles, and those that indicate the onset of a pathological process in the above internal organs.

To find out the cause of the pain that occurs under the scapula on the left, the patient needs to clearly listen to the nature of the pain, the time of its onset and duration. This will help the doctor quickly discover the cause of this symptom and prescribe effective treatment.

What types of pain are there?

Various pathological processes can cause pain of a different nature in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The following conditions should be distinguished:

  1. Girdle pains that are localized in one place. The patient feels them constantly; in more rare cases, the pain tends to last in paroxysms. When inhaling, the unpleasant sensation may intensify, as well as when coughing or performing movements. This pain occurs due to the spread of a pain impulse along the muscle spaces between the ribs.
  2. Burning pain, accompanied by numbness and tingling in the body. This condition is caused by the transmission of a nerve impulse along the fibers of the nervous system.
  3. Increasing pain spreading to the area under the left shoulder blade and into the arm. They are provoked by increased tone of the shoulder muscles and spinal muscle fibers.

Pain in the left shoulder blade can be burning, aching, sharp, cutting. There are a number of typical patient complaints that allow us to roughly understand the cause of unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Acute pain under the left shoulder blade, characterized by great strength. It intensifies when a person tries to turn around, make a movement with his hand, and fades when the body rests.
  2. Cutting pain on the left side, eventually localizing in the center of the shoulder blades.
  3. Aching, dull pain under the shoulder blade that occurs when raising the left arm up. Unpleasant sensations appear only when the body takes an uncomfortable position.
  4. A pulling pain that moves to the left from the shoulder blade to the lumbar region. The patient feels it constantly, and it is impossible to relieve the pain using cardiac medications.
  5. Sharp pain moving to the left side, immediately subsiding after the person vomits.
  6. Constant pain that does not subside with rest. They may intensify and cause a burning sensation under the left shoulder blade.
  7. Unpleasant sensations that appear during breathing or coughing and fade if you lie down.

Having accurately determined the nature and time of onset of pain, the patient needs to contact a specialist in a certain branch of medicine to undergo a series of examinations and receive effective treatment for disorders.

Pain in the left shoulder blade due to pathologies of the muscles and skeleton

For dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system and back muscles, a characteristic symptom is pain in the back of the left shoulder blade. This may be a sign of damage to the spinal column due to, for example, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernial protrusion or scoliosis of the thoracic spine. During these pathological processes, pressure is exerted on the nerve roots of the spinal cord, which causes severe pain in the patient. They can cause suffering to a person all the time, or they can occur periodically in the form of lumbago. In this case, discomfort is felt in the thoracic spine, as if there is a foreign body between the vertebral bodies.

Pathological conditions in the cervical vertebrae can manifest as pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade due to the nerves of the cervical spinal cord lying next to it.

The development of glenohumeral periarthritis in a person can also provoke severe pain under the scapula. This is due to the fact that one of the processes of the scapula, connecting to the humerus, forms the shoulder joint.

The patient may experience aching pain due to the development of scapular-costal syndrome. The pain symptom covers the inside of the bone, extending to the neck and shoulder area. This disease develops against the background of hypothermia, injury or overexertion.

There is severe pain under the left shoulder blade, the causes of which are intercostal neuralgia. This sensation is easily distinguishable from all the others, as it bothers a person throughout the entire space between the ribs. At the same time, the person has difficulty turning his torso, and there is numbness, followed by a burning sensation.

The development of a malignant tumor can cause severe pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade. Cancer can invade the bone itself, requiring it to be removed through surgery.

Diseases of the internal organs causing pain in the left shoulder blade

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Since the left shoulder blade is located close to the heart muscle, any disturbances in the functioning of this organ can radiate pain to the entire surrounding area. Thus, with acute pain in the area under the left shoulder blade, the development of angina pectoris, pre-infarction, pericarditis, myocarditis or dissecting aortic aneurysm can be suspected.

Angina is characterized by a sharp pain symptom immediately after physical activity. It is accompanied by compressive pain in the ribs, which moves to the left shoulder blade, to the arm, and sometimes to the jaw. There is no pain at rest. If the case is severe, the patient needs to take medications such as nitroglycerin.

The onset of myocardial infarction is indicated by a burning pain syndrome, which turns into pain above the left shoulder blade. The latter may be the only sign of the onset of a posterior infarction. A person can only be helped in this situation by administering cardiac medications through an injection.

With the development of pericarditis and myocarditis, a person may complain of aching pain, which is often supported by high body temperature and chills at night.

Diseases of the digestive system

The causes of pain in the left shoulder blade may be impaired functioning of the digestive organs. So, with a highly localized stomach ulcer, a person may suffer from a dull pain syndrome under the shoulder blade on the left. In this case, a burning sensation occurs that appears at night during sleep. Peptic ulcer disease provokes a painful symptom, as a rule, on an empty stomach, but it can also develop after taking foods that strongly irritate the gastric wall (coffee, spicy foods, etc.).

A sharp pain that stings in the side (comparable to the sensation of a knife wound) may indicate that the ulcer has literally eaten away the gastric wall and its contents have entered the abdominal cavity.

A burning sensation under the left shoulder blade can be caused by girdle pain due to pancreatitis. It is paroxysmal in nature and occurs mainly after eating a large amount of fatty, fried or salty foods. Along with pain symptoms, the patient may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and flatulence.

Respiratory disorders

Inflammation of the left lung can manifest itself as moderate pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade, which is supported by a wet cough and clearly visible wheezing in the lungs. Against the background of pain, there will be a regular increase in body temperature.

Pain in the shoulder blade on the left side when breathing can be explained by the development of dry or purulent pleurisy. To avoid pain, a person begins to breathe more restrainedly, which somewhat alleviates his suffering.

Pathological processes in the spleen

Mechanical damage to the spleen rarely leads to pain in the scapula area. However, if we are talking about a two-phase rupture of an organ, a person may begin to feel an unpleasant sensation near the lower edge of the left shoulder blade. This pathological process requires urgent surgery on the patient.

Remember that enduring pain for a long time without seeking qualified help is tantamount to a time bomb. A person, complaining of sudden pain, does not show his weakness, but prevents the development of a pathological process in the body, which requires adequate treatment.

Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back is a clinical symptom of many diseases. The nature of the pain syndrome helps the doctor make a preliminary diagnosis and determine the tactics of a diagnostic examination. The intensity of the pain can be acute and chronic, and the sensations can be dull, aching, stabbing, cutting, cramping. There is a visceral pain syndrome associated with organ pathology in the projection of pain. In the area of ​​the left scapula, the upper parts of the stomach, the cervical and thoracic spine, the scapular muscles, the left lung and pleura, and the muscular frame of the back are projected.

Sometimes referred pain occurs that spreads from a distant organ, such as the heart and autonomic ganglia. Discomfort under the left shoulder blade requires conservative therapy or emergency medical care.

Stomach ulcer

The formation of an ulcer in the upper parts of the stomach causes aching or cramping pain in the epigastric region and under the left shoulder blade. Discomfort associated with eating. Increased pain is noted on an empty stomach and at night (“hunger” pain). After eating, the pain subsides. Eating spicy, fatty, starchy foods causes vomiting, which brings relief. The onset of pain syndrome is characterized by seasonality - exacerbation of the disease occurs in spring and autumn.

Perforation of the ulcer (formation of a through hole in the stomach with the abdominal cavity) causes acute dagger pain under the left shoulder blade due to irritation of the peritoneum by the acidic contents of the stomach. Tension of the abdominal muscles, repeated vomiting, pale skin, cold sweat, decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate occur. The pain is of an increasing nature and can cause depression of consciousness. A perforated ulcer is an acute condition that requires emergency surgical care.

Degenerative diseases of the spine

Degenerative changes in the cervical and upper thoracic spine lead to pain localized in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade. Osteochondrosis, spondylosis, herniated intervertebral discs cause pinching of the nerve roots that innervate the left half of the chest.

The pain syndrome is aching, constant or periodic, intensifies with intense physical activity or prolonged static position (sitting, standing). Characterized by a crunch in the neck and thoracic spine during movements, tension in the muscular corset of the back, and a feeling of a “driven stake” in the spine.

In the case of intercostal neuralgia, burning pain is noted in the area of ​​the intercostal spaces, which spreads towards the left scapula. When moving, discomfort increases, palpation of the chest is painful.

Scapular-costal syndrome

The disease is associated with inflammation or injury to the levator scapulae muscle. The tendons of the muscle are attached to the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. Pain syndrome occurs under the left shoulder blade when bending the neck and moving the upper shoulder girdle. The pain has a constant aching character, the intensity increases when raising arms, carrying heavy objects, or lying down or standing for a long time. An exacerbation of the disease is observed after physical exertion and hypothermia.

Pleuropneumonia and pleurisy

Inflammation of the lungs involving the pleura in the pathological process causes a dull point pain under the left shoulder blade. The pain syndrome intensifies at the height of inspiration, when coughing, sneezing and decreases in the lying position on the affected side. Characterized by an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees, a dry hacking cough or with the release of mucopurulent sputum. Dry left-sided pleurisy is characterized by stabbing pain at the height of inspiration, which decreases with limited movement of the left half of the chest. When listening to the lungs, a pleural friction noise is determined.


Inflammation of the back muscles - myositis leads to localized cutting pain under the left shoulder blade. The pain syndrome intensifies when the body is tilted in the opposite direction, decreases after thermal procedures and at rest. Discomfort in the upper back appears after awkward movements, hypothermia, or being in a draft.

Angina and myocardial infarction

Coronary heart disease (CHD) includes angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, which often lead to pain behind the sternum and under the left shoulder blade. Angina pectoris causes acute squeezing pain. The provoking factor is emotional stress or physical activity. Discomfort lasts no more than 15 minutes and decreases with rest or after taking a nitroglycerin tablet.

Myocardial infarction develops due to blockage of a coronary artery by a thrombus or atherosclerotic plaque. As a result, ischemia of the myocardium occurs. The disease is characterized by acute compressive pain behind the sternum, which spreads under the left shoulder blade, into the lower jaw and left arm.

The pain syndrome increases, lasts more than 15 minutes, and is not relieved by nitroglycerin. A decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, numbness in the fingers of the left hand, and fear of death are noted. If a clinical picture of the disease occurs, it is necessary to call an ambulance and hospitalize the patient in a cardiology hospital.

Vegetative crises

NCD (neurocirculatory dystonia) of the cardiac type causes clinical conditions that resemble angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. Pain syndrome occurs under the left shoulder blade and behind the sternum, spreads along the left arm, into the left half of the jaw, into the interscapular area. The disease is characterized by a feeling of trembling in the body, difficulty in breathing, heaviness in the chest, panic fear of death, a feeling of lack of air, a lump in the throat. The pain syndrome does not have a permanent localization and can occur in the abdomen, neck, or head. Taking sedative medications and tranquilizers normalizes the general condition.

If pain appears under the left shoulder blade, you should consult a specialist to identify the cause and treat the disease. Timely seeking medical help prevents the risk of pathology progression and complications.

Pain under the shoulder blade is not a separate disease; it is a symptom for many diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and even the gastrointestinal tract. Timely assessment of the nature of pain and its location will allow a correct diagnosis and provision of qualified assistance, often even emergency care.

Why does pain appear from the back on the left under the shoulder blade?

Pain syndrome of such localization can be caused by diseases of various organs and systems. The most common causes of back pain under the left shoulder blade include:

  • Osteochondrosis (dystrophic changes) of the cervical or thoracic spine.
  • Intercostal neuralgia is a disease caused by compression of the intercostal nerves.
  • Injuries to the scapula and compression damage to the suprascapular nerve in particular.
  • Rib fractures.
  • Sprengel's disease is a congenital malformation of the shoulder girdle, in which the shoulder blade has a wing-shaped shape.
  • Myofascial syndrome is a chronic muscle spasm.
  • Pneumonia with left-sided localization.
  • Dry left-sided pleurisy (inflammation of the pleural layers of the lung).
  • Tracheobronchitis, which is accompanied by autonomic disorders.
  • Acute bronchitis of different localization.
  • Abscess (accumulation of pus due to inflammation) of the left lung.
  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Pericarditis is inflammation of the serous membrane of the heart.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Unstable or stable forms of angina (“angina pectoris”).
  • Mitral valve prolapse is a swelling or protrusion of the leaflets of this valve into the atrium cavity at the time of ventricular contraction.
  • Aneurysm (local enlargement) of the aorta.
  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  • Gasesophageal reflux disease is a chronic disease in which part of the gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus.
  • Esophageal spasm.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.
  • Psychogenic causes that provoke vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.

Characteristics of common types of pain and pathologies

A typical cause of pain behind the shoulder blade on the left side is cervical osteochondrosis. With this disease, patients complain of unilateral pain in the area of ​​the lower part of the occipital bone, although discomfort can radiate further down. This type of pain syndrome is characterized by an aching course. The problem worsens with active physical activity, head movements and begins to radiate into the arm or under the shoulder blade. Cervical osteochondrosis is also accompanied by other symptoms, which include dizziness, numbness of different localization, paresthesia (tingling, goosebumps) of the hands.

Intercostal neuralgia can develop for various reasons, but is often a concomitant disease with the already mentioned osteochondrosis. This pathology is characterized by lumbago or pronounced girdling pain, radiating to the left or right side, often just under the shoulder blade. Pain in chronic gastric ulcers is often seasonal and depends on the patient’s compliance with the recommended diet. This disease is characterized by acute pain syndrome of a paroxysmal nature. It has several stages.

The first stage is called the hunger pain symptom and worries the patient in case of prolonged fasting (6 - 8 hours or more). An early pain symptom forms immediately after eating, can radiate to the back, including under the shoulder blade, and disappears immediately after the stomach digests the food. Late pain symptoms develop a couple of hours after eating. The nocturnal symptom develops during sleep and is characterized by back pain on the left side under the shoulder blade. The characteristic feature of pain associated with a stomach ulcer is that the patient may feel relief after taking prescribed painkillers or vomiting. Perforation or perforation (rupture outside the organ with contents escaping) of a stomach ulcer is a serious condition that requires emergency medical attention. This pathology is manifested by acute, strong shooting or cramping pain. They can radiate under the scapula or into the subclavian region.

Neurological pain syndrome is often associated with myofascial syndrome or widespread vegetative-vascular dystonia. The symptoms of these two conditions resemble those of cardialgia, but doctors do not detect pathologies during instrumental or hardware studies of the heart. The pain with these symptom complexes usually has a pressing nature and can be felt not only in the back, but also in the left forearm. An unpleasant symptom can be easily relieved with sedatives or tranquilizers. Myocardial infarction is a serious condition that requires emergency hospitalization and prompt medical attention. This disease is accompanied by cramping pain in the chest, which can radiate to the jaw, arm, neck, or under the shoulder blade. Patients often characterize the sensation as pressing and squeezing.

What can hurt under the shoulder blade, and what does it mean?

Let's look at some typical cases of pain radiating under the shoulder blade. Girdle pain on one side is usually constant, although it can also appear in the form of attacks. Some patients note that the symptom becomes more pronounced when inhaling, coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, or physical activity. Another option is burning pain with sensitivity disorders (numbness, goosebumps, stabbing sensations) associated with disturbances in the transmission of impulses along the nerve. The symptom can have different localization and radiate to the sternum, lower back and under the shoulder blades. Both types of pain syndrome are more typical for neurological pathologies.
This means that it is not a specific organ that “hurts” under the shoulder blade, but a nerve that is hurt, which causes discomfort.

The main diseases that cause pain under the scapula are pericarditis, pleurisy and left-sided pneumonia (pneumonia). Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the pain syndrome. With pericarditis, pain is reflected to the left side. Patients note that there are several positions in which the symptom weakens. Patients feel an improvement while sitting, bending forward, or simply at rest.

Pleurisy is characterized by acute stabbing pain syndrome. Its severity depends on the depth of inhalation and exhalation. The symptom may be felt by patients as a stabbing pain under the left shoulder blade. A deep breath provokes intense piercing and cutting pain. A dull aching pain is characteristic of left-sided pneumonia. Unpleasant sensations become more pronounced with increased physical activity and deep breathing. Patients note that pain in the subscapular region has a clear localization as a specific point and weakens when lying down, especially on the healthy side. The listed symptoms are uncharacteristic for diseases of the respiratory system, that is, they can be observed in some patients, while others simply do not bother. Often, pain due to bronchopulmonary pathologies is confused with those observed with damage to the spine. In this case, only a qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis based on the results of an X-ray examination of the lungs and spine.

Back pain: is the spine or heart damaged?

Vertebrogenic pain (that is, caused by pathologies of the spinal column) is also often confused with cardiac pain. Let's look at the main differences in the symptoms of these two types of diseases. With coronary heart disease and some other cardiac diseases, patients complain of pressing and squeezing pain in the sternum (radiates to the left side throughout the body, as well as to the arm). Often this symptom is accompanied by fear. The syndrome is characterized by short duration and paroxysmal episodes. The pain lasts from several minutes to half an hour and appears from time to time, often due to the action of provoking factors.

The left side is predominantly affected, although radiation may be significant. Patients note that the symptom does not depend on posture, but may subside with prolonged rest (that is, in the absence of physical activity). Manual therapy does not affect your health in any way; the attack can be relieved with the help of heart medications. In the case of vertebrogenic pain, it is stabbing, burning or pressing and is not accompanied by anxiety or changes in heart rate. Attacks usually last a long time - from several hours to a couple of days (they are rarely short-lived). Patients notice that when changing body position, the symptom may intensify or subside. The pain can be unilateral or bilateral and develop on both sides of the body.

Prolonged rest does not help get rid of painful sensations, but feasible physical activity helps (this is due to static tension of the muscles, which partially perform the functions of the spinal column). The pain can be relieved with painkillers or antispasmodic drugs, as well as with the help of manual therapy sessions. Taking nitrates (heart medications) is ineffective. Sometimes pain can be caused by local cooling, uncomfortable body posture, unhealthy sleep and other non-dangerous reasons. However, if this problem bothers you constantly and regularly, this is a reason to consult a doctor, because sometimes a disease with a similar symptom can be really serious.

Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back is a very common symptom that accompanies a variety of diseases. The shoulder blade has a triangular shape and plays an important role in creating a unified structure of the arms and torso. It also serves as reliable protection for the spleen, stomach, heart, aorta and other internal organs. In order to correctly make a diagnosis, it is necessary to accurately determine the nature and characteristics of the pain syndrome.

The scapula is a fairly mobile bone, which is located in close proximity to the spinal column, spinal cord, various blood vessels and nerve plexuses. Thanks to the correct functioning of the muscles adjacent to the shoulder blade, it is possible to move the arm, straighten the back and bend. Therefore, pain in this area can cause constant discomfort and limit the usual level of activity.

When pain occurs in the subscapular region, some people resort to analgesics, trying to eliminate a number of negative effects in the simplest way. However, this method often leads to rather disastrous consequences, so repeating the mistakes of other patients is strongly discouraged. Thanks to timely diagnosis, a serious illness or pathological process can be prevented.

It is important! Pain syndrome can be an indicator of a critical condition of the body, which is associated with an ulcer or myocardial infarction. Therefore, at the first signs of localized pain, you should seek qualified medical help.

Symptoms and causes of pain syndrome

One of the most common causes of pain in the area under the left shoulder blade is disruption of the normal functioning of the spinal column due to intervertebral hernia or chronic osteochondrosis. Pain localized in this area often indicates the presence of a serious illness, various malfunctions in the functioning of the body, or is a consequence of injury. The causes of pain symptoms can be divided into the following categories:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi, thoracic region of the cardiovascular system;
  • a number of degenerative and pathological processes occurring in the musculoskeletal system, joints, ligaments and nerves located in the intercostal space.

Acute pain of high intensity, accompanied by “shooting” and preventing the patient from taking a deep breath, is a sign of compression of the spinal roots. Typically, an attack of pain occurs during lifting heavy objects, transporting various loads, or sudden jerks.

Aching pain that radiates to the area located directly under the scapula may indicate diseases of the thoracic part of the spinal column and osteophytes.

If, when trying to turn the body, the patient encounters an extensive manifestation of pain, which is accompanied by “pins and needles” in the affected area and serious discomfort, then the reason obviously lies in intercostal neuralgia. Pain localized directly along the inner edge of the scapula may indicate a previous injury or severe hypothermia.

Stomach ulcer

Many people, when pain occurs in the subscapular region, begin to panic, attributing everything to a heart attack. As a result, they simply harm their own body through incorrect self-medication. This symptom is often an indicator of problems with improper functioning and malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pain in this case is characterized by:

  • pronounced connection with the period of the year;
  • the pain usually intensifies immediately after eating;
  • the symptoms have a pronounced increasing character;
  • the pain subsides significantly after emptying the stomach through induced vomiting.

A similar reason can be identified by the presence of discomfort and unpleasant sensations not only under the left shoulder blade, but also in the area of ​​the left nipple and sternum. If the pain syndrome is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and ice-cold sweat, then it is likely that the cause is a stomach ulcer. The pain in such a case is characterized by a certain periodicity and usually occurs in the early morning and late evening.

Periarthritis humeroscapular

This disease is an inflammatory-degenerative process localized directly in the shoulder joint. Symptoms of the disease include severe pain in the back and extend to the shoulder blades and the space between them.

The disease is characterized by the inability to place the arm behind the head. When trying to carry out such a manipulation, a specific crunching sound is usually heard.

Angina and myocardial infarction

The occurrence of pain symptoms is usually associated with critical physical exertion or severe nervous strain. In addition to the area directly under the shoulder blade, the pain often radiates over the entire surface of the left arm and can reach the lower part of the jaw. The difference between this pain syndrome is that nitroglycerin, validol and other pharmaceuticals do not help eliminate it. In this case, only immediate qualified medical assistance is necessary.

Pathologies of cardiac type

Pathologies of the vascular system occupy one of the leading places in the prevalence of causes of pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade. Symptoms in such cases are characterized by sharp pains of a compressive, burning or acute type. An insufficient supply of necessary elements directly into the circulatory system can provoke an exacerbation of a cardiac crisis.

Such pathologies are accompanied by panic attacks, shortness of breath and other symptoms of a nervous nature. Systematic exposure to stress and increased loads can act as an irritant that activates pain syndrome manifested in the subscapular area.

The development of pathology in the absence of timely medical intervention often leads to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which entails internal hemorrhage.

The occurrence of such pathological processes can be facilitated by:

  • inflammation of the internal heart tissue, also known as endocarditis;
  • a number of inflammatory reactions occurring in the connective tissue of the cardiac membrane;
  • myocarditis, which is characterized by diffuse or focal inflammatory processes

Important! In addition to the severe pain syndrome that accompanies an exacerbation, cardiac pathology is characterized by cutting and squeezing sensations directly in the problem area. The development of such processes and heart attacks are often provoked by emotional overstrain, so patients are advised to be as nervous as possible.


Often, severe pain in the subscapular region is associated with cervical osteochondrosis. The gradual development of this disease leads to compression of the roots and nerve endings and impaired mobility of the affected limb. Such osteochondrosis usually manifests itself in the form of a dull aching pain in the occipital region and a general feeling of weakness.

The disease can provoke the development of various pathological processes of the musculoskeletal system. They are accompanied by pain in the left shoulder blade and a feeling of numbness in the upper extremities.

Other diseases

If the nerve endings located in the intercostal space are pinched, a disease such as neuralgia often occurs. The pain is localized under the left shoulder blade and is usually accompanied by loss of sensation in the affected area. The nature of the pain syndrome is girdling and intensifies in case of palpation of the problem area, physical activity or sudden jerks.

Rupture of the spleen entails severe discomfort in the lower part of the left shoulder blade and is accompanied by intra-abdominal bleeding. Vascular dystonia has similar symptoms, however, patients with VSD are characterized by: constant anxiety, a feeling of heat in the chest, tightness and the absence of a specific localization of pain.

It is important! Aortic aneurysm is manifested, among other things, by “shooting” intense pain under the left shoulder blade, radiating to the back with increasing character. In such a case, the patient needs immediate medical intervention, since at any moment he can reach a critical condition.


Since pain under the left shoulder blade can be the cause of a variety of ailments, first you need to find out the factor that led to the problem. The attending physician must establish the exact location of the source of pain, listen to the patient’s complaints and refer him for diagnostics. The following examination methods are currently used:

  1. X-ray. Used for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, gastrointestinal tract and problems with the spleen.
  2. Ultrasound and ECG are usually used in cases where pain under the left shoulder blade is directly related to diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. An MRI is performed if there is a suspicion of problems with the joints, spinal column and bones.
  4. Biochemical tests.
  5. FGS may be needed in case of peptic ulcer or other gastrointestinal problems.

Which doctor should I contact if I have pain in the area under the shoulder blade? First of all, you need to consult with a qualified traumatologist, cardiologist, and also visit a specialist in neurology and gastroenterology. In some situations, support from a competent medical psychologist and psychotherapist is also required.

Important! Self-diagnosis is a very difficult task, and patients often mistakenly prescribe medications to themselves, causing serious damage to their own body. Therefore, at the first signs of pain under the left shoulder blade, you should immediately contact competent doctors.


Treatment is prescribed by the doctor based on diagnostic studies, visual examination and other factors. The doctor draws up a therapeutic plan, according to which the patient takes pharmaceuticals in a certain combination. Doctors usually prescribe analgesics to relieve exacerbations of the disease and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to eliminate the causes of the disease.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which are characterized by pain in the subscapular region, the patient must adhere to a special diet that excludes spicy, fried, fatty foods, alcohol and a number of other foods.

Those whose symptoms are associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and problems with the spine require regular performance of a set of exercise therapy exercises.

For people suffering from cardiovascular disorders, moderate physical activity and minimizing stressful situations are recommended. Operations and surgical intervention are permissible only in extreme cases, when other methods of conservative medicine have not brought positive results. In order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

During periods of mild pain, it is necessary to perform a number of exercises according to an individually developed training plan. Thus, you can keep the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle in good shape, which will prevent the development of serious ailments.