Causes of poor appetite in an elderly person. Why an adult may not want to eat

Most people have an excellent appetite, which often leads to overeating and weight gain. excess weight, therefore, many perceive the problem of lack of appetite as something frivolous and far-fetched. And in vain. Low appetite can be temporary and caused psychological aspects or the body’s reaction to taking medications, or may signal dangerous diseases, for example the occurrence cancerous tumor, and therefore you should not ignore it.

Causes of decreased appetite?

Before you take action to improve your appetite, you need to understand the reasons for its absence. If, for no apparent reason, a person’s lack of appetite continues for more than two weeks, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor and check your health; perhaps the reason lies in serious illnesses, requiring medical intervention and treatment.

Due to a number of emotional, psychological and physiological reasons, momentary loss loss of appetite can be observed in almost all adults. Frequent stress, emergency situations, apathy and depression are the main causes of decreased appetite in adults. In pursuit of fashion and beauty, many girls regularly observe various diets for weight loss, which can ultimately lead to eating disorders and anorexia, which in neglected form dangerous and fatal.

Reasons for lack of appetite in children may include:

  • individual characteristics development,
  • snacking on sweets before meals,
  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • psychological pressure from adults,
  • feeling unwell or sick.

Having understood the reasons for low appetite, it is necessary to take measures to increase it.

How to improve your appetite

In order to increase your appetite, you need to make adjustments to your diet and reconsider your diet, habits and preferences.

Ways to increase appetite:

  • Fractional meals in small portions. It is healthier for the stomach to eat small portions for better absorption of food. At the same time, you should not starve; breaks between meals should be no more than 3 hours.
  • Diet variety. It is necessary to include your favorite foods in your diet, however, constant consumption of them may soon become boring. Based on this, you need to regularly supplement your menu with new dishes and desserts, based on personal taste preferences.
  • Meals should be at the same time. Eating at the same time will help activate the stomach and secrete gastric juice, which will increase the feeling of hunger. You should not snack on sweets before meals. Half an hour before meals, it is better to eat a fruit or vegetable, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Maintaining water balance. Dehydration of the body affects loss of appetite, and therefore it is recommended to drink 5-8 glasses of purified water without gas during the day, especially during intense physical activity.
  • Food culture. A beautifully set table and impressive presentation of dishes help increase appetite. It is recommended to drink a glass of dry red wine or a bitter-tasting aperitif 15-20 minutes before a meal.
  • Rejection of bad habits. Quitting smoking will deprive the body of previously received pleasure, which it will look for in something else, often in food. Another bad habit for the body is wrong mode day. It is necessary to alternate work and rest, relax, and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Active lifestyle. To increase appetite, regular physical exercise. We should try to walk longer fresh air, play sports, visit your preferred sections, refuse to use the elevator.
  • Taking vitamins. A deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body may result in a reluctance to eat, and therefore it is recommended to additionally take poly vitamin complexes. Activates appetite ascorbic acid and vitamin B12.

In order to increase an adult's appetite and gain weight, you need to change your lifestyle and eating habits. Sedentary image life and bad habits(smoking, lack of sleep), as well as regular stress reduce the desire to eat. Therefore, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, regularly exercise and exercise, and get enough sleep.

Eating should be a pleasure, and therefore it is important to set the table beautifully, eat slowly, without rushing.You can eat 20-30 minutes before meals green apple , a slice of fresh lemon or drink a couple of spoons cabbage juice, which will increase appetite due to rising insulin levels in the blood and stimulation of the gastric mucosa. Spices, spices and seasonings also increase appetite, and therefore it is recommended to add them when preparing dishes.

No less effective methods increased appetite in adults: folk remedies (tincture wormwood, calamus, dandelions, chicory decoction), which you can prepare yourself at home, as well as medications, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Drugs to increase appetite in adults:

  • Allohol - take 2 tablets per day after meals.
  • Ascorbic acid - take 2 tablets a day before meals for a month.
  • Peritol - take 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals or 1-2 tsp. 3-4 times a day.

Lack of appetite in an elderly person may be due to various diseases(intestines, stomach, liver, kidneys, cordially- vascular system, at diabetes mellitus, failures in endocrine system). At poor nutrition Elderly people may experience loss of strength, weakness, and weight loss due to a lack of microelements necessary for the body obtained from food.

At home, older people are recommended to drink herbal infusions and herbal tea half an hour before meals. Stimulate appetite green vegetables, garlic, onion, citrus fruits, radish juice. Elderly people need to walk in the fresh air more often, exercise physical labor I can do it. The body will begin to lose energy and there will be an incentive to compensate for it through food.

How to improve a child's appetite

Poor appetite in a child is a common phenomenon that worries many parents. There is no need to panic; first, you should analyze the child’s lifestyle and adjust the factors that influence the reluctance to eat. In no case should you force your child to eat, which can lead to psychological and eating disorders(aversion to food, vomiting reactions).

It is recommended to start the day with morning exercises to the music and water procedures, which will wake up the body and help increase the child’s appetite. During the day, do not forget about active work. Walking and outdoor games, especially before lunch and dinner, will help work up an appetite.

Many children perceive food as an obstacle to play, and therefore refuse to eat. In order to change the situation you need to put food on the plate in small portions. A small portion is eaten by the child faster and without whims, so that he can quickly return to his favorite activity. All kinds of snacks between meals should be excluded so as not to interrupt your appetite.

Psychological tricks: creating a picture (animals, birds, faces) from dishes using sauces and vegetables, using plates with your favorite cartoon characters (to find out who is depicted on the bottom of the plate, you need to eat the entire portion). Recommended involve the child in the process of setting the table so that he has a desire to eat with adults.

Recipes to increase appetite

Tincture of bitter wormwood

Tincture of bitter wormwood


  • Dry wormwood 1 tsp;
  • Water 2 glasses.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of dry wormwood and brew it like tea.
  2. Let it brew for 20 minutes, then strain.

You need to take tincture of wormwood 30 minutes before meals, 0.25 cups 2-3 times a day.

Dandelion tincture

Dandelion tincture


  • Dandelion roots 1 tsp;
  • Water 250 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. A teaspoon of dandelion roots is poured with boiling water, then brought to a boil again.
  2. Then turn off the gas, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for 1 hour.

Take dandelion tincture 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Calamus tincture

Calamus tincture

Hi all. Today we will talk about a very unusual topic for me: how to increase appetite. Unusual because for me this is not a problem. But as statistics show, many people are interested in this, and many cannot bring themselves to eat! How to live then? 😀

Causes of decreased appetite

There are a number of diseases that can cause you to have poor appetite, the most frequent illnesses counts:

  1. GASTRITIS is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa (acute burning pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness) and other diseases digestive tract in organism
  2. Oncological diseases (tumors arising from epithelial cells in organs and tissues of the body, CANCER, sarcoma, diseases of the blood system - lymphomas and leukemias and others).
  3. Mental illness, depression
  4. Various infections
  5. Smoking
  6. Alcohol
  7. Lack of vitamins (requires B12 and ascorbic acid).
  8. Medicines can also reduce appetite: antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (this is a group of drugs that have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, they reduce pain and inflammation), antihypertensive drugs (these are drugs that reduce high blood pressure) arterial pressure) and other medications.

Initial actions - Correctly adjust your diet (diet). Try to eat in fractional portions (4-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours) and include foods that you really like in your diet.But don't overuse it! If you love a certain dish (for example, I love a diplomat), don't eat it all the time. IN otherwise You will also get tired of him. Constantly change something, diversify your diet.

- In the first half of the day (before 16.00) try to eat a lot of carbohydrate foods (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pasta) - this is all mainly complex carbohydrates(they are also slow). The point is that we need carbohydrates during the day (since carbohydrates are energy) and we need energy for the whole day. Therefore, no matter how you want to eat there in the morning, remember, BREAKFAST is the most main reception food. I recommend that you eat 30 minutes AFTER WAKING UP.

For example, we woke up at 9.30 (did our morning chores), went to the kitchen to prepare food for ourselves. While you are preparing all this goodness, your stomach gradually wakes up, and the happiness of the delicious smells will make you want to eat. Usually the problem with appetite is only for breakfast (there are no such problems after breakfast).

For breakfast you can eat some light food(for example, OATMEAL WITH MILK) + some fruits can be cut inside (for deliciousness). I think hardly anyone will refuse such a delicacy.

- In the second half of the day (after 16.00) try to eat a lot of protein foods (eggs, chicken breasts, beef, milk, cottage cheese, turkey, fish, etc.).

The fact is that in the second half of the day, CARBOHYDRATES (energy) are NO LONGER REQUIRED! You tend to move little, are at home, and such food will lead to a decrease in blood sugar in the morning, and as a result, your appetite will increase before breakfast.

If you eat carbohydrates (complex) at night, and if God forbid, simple ones (sugars and all the goodies), then all this stuff will go into FAT, rest assured. You won't even want to eat in the morning.

Don't forget about fiber, these are FRUITS (prunes, raisins, avocado, berries, banana, peaches) + VEGETABLES (cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes) in all meals, whether with carbohydrates or protein. The fact is that fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which is good for appetite and for people who want to lose weight. Nutritionists recommend consuming 30-50 grams of fiber per day. But most people don't even eat 15 grams. Therefore, pay attention to this.

  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%
  • proteins - 20-30%
  • fats - 10-20%

With such a proportion, you can be sure that you won’t go wrong!! Your health will begin to improve significantly, and your appetite will be much higher than it was before. Because modern people everything is the opposite (a different proportion, a lot of fat and carbohydrates and little protein) hence appetite disturbances and various diseases (the most dangerous of them is atherosclerosis, from which 3 out of 4 people die and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, obesity, cancer, diabetes etc.).

— Vitamins will also help you increase your appetite. Be sure to take complex vitamins, Vitamins B12 and ascorbic acid increase appetite very well. If there is a lack of vitamins (there will definitely be poor appetite). Therefore, you even need to keep an eye on this!

What else can help increase appetite?

1. Physical activity (sports) for example bodybuilding, powerlifting, some other strength sport. In these sports (your appetite is guaranteed).

2. Walking in the fresh air (jogging, walking) or just walking the dog = it awakens the body great (after a while, you will want to eat) believe me.

3. There are also special BITTERNESS to increase appetite(I don’t know, I’ve never tried it, it sounds like crap to me). But if you’re interested, read it somewhere on the Internet (I don’t like to write about things I don’t know much about, because I’ve never tried them, and I don’t even know about them).

4. There is also special drugs increasing appetite (PERITOL, INSULIN, ANABOLIC STEROIDS). The last two are heavy artillery. I don’t really recommend it, of course! However, I have something to tell you.

Increases appetite greatly - INSULIN (for example, short - ACTRAPID). 5-10 units before meals will greatly increase your appetite in about 20 minutes. In any case, before taking the drug, you need to consult a specialist (doctor) and get to know the drug in detail, its effect, side effects, etc.

PERITOL also greatly increases appetite. The fact is that this drug is an antagonist of other drugs (SEROTIN and HISTAMINE) these TWO drugs are MEDIATORS!! They accumulate in the center of hunger, and suppress the feeling of APPETITE, blocking the action of these mediators. And PERITOL helps increase appetite!

To increase appetite, 1/2 tablet or 1 tablet 3-4 times a day is enough. Or 1-2 teaspoons of syrup 3-4 times a day. Again, before taking it, you need to consult a doctor, study the drug (its side effects, etc.). By the way, side effects are rare, but if there are any, then headaches, cramps, anxiety, dizziness and sometimes nausea. There are also contraindications for patients with glaucoma (people with increased intraocular pressure), contraindications if there is a stomach ulcer, asthma, or old age.

Anabolic steroid - They also greatly increase your appetite. Moreover, any steroid can increase appetite, but the best one is considered to be PRIMOBOLAN. Side effects common to all anabolic steroids are possible. Before taking it, you need to consult a doctor and study the drug (its side effects, actions, etc.).

Well, that’s about all I know about this issue. I hope I was able to help you. Until next time.

Best regards, administrator.

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Eat different reasons decreased appetite. Most often this is some kind of imbalance or despondency. Have you noticed that when you're upset, you don't feel like eating? Or, for example, if you are very nervous?

To increase and maintain appetite there is a small set of rules:

  1. Consumption of vitamins and necessary for the body substances: proteins, carbohydrates, etc.
  2. Increasing the amount of lungs in the diet dietary dishes: cereals, steamed meat, vegetables.
  3. Eating small meals and incomplete portions.
  4. Five meals a day “a little at a time,” as nutritionists advise: more often, but less. This way food is absorbed better.
  5. Decorating food, preparing beautiful dishes.

In fact, loss of appetite is a very serious problem that can lead to various diseases: both gastrointestinal and psychological. Therefore, you need to approach it correctly. First, follow the rules. Secondly, there are products to increase appetite, a list of which we have prepared in this article.


Bitters include bitter herbs that irritate the gastric mucosa and provoke appetite. These include wormwood, centaury, trefoil, dandelion root, calamus root, etc.

Bitters tincture

A preparation of centaury, yarrow, calamus, wormwood and other herbs, which is sold in a pharmacy. Take 15 drops half an hour before meals. You can drink all the time.

The collection is delicious

Use in the form of a tincture, which is sold in pharmacies, by pouring boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture. It is best absorbed before meals before each full meal (not a snack). Contains: wormwood and yarrow.

Homemade Montana Drops

Drink after meals (a couple of teaspoons per glass of water). If appetite is greatly reduced, then 15 minutes before breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Dandelion root

A teaspoon of root is poured with boiling water. Use a quarter glass before each meal. Thirty minutes before.

With more detailed instructions on use, time frame and contraindications, taking into account individual characteristics, you need to consult a doctor.


They have enticing scents that will make you smell them even if you are not very hungry.

Instant Lift Seasonings:

  • pepper (peas or ground);
  • salt;
  • store-bought seasonings (for fish, meat, potatoes, shish kebab, chicken, etc. - an excellent crumbly mixture for a sharp taste);
  • sauces (curry, adjika, tartar, etc.).

Spices increase the feeling of hunger and help better digest even non-diet foods.


Sweets are divided into several types:

    Canned fruits

    (here – jellies and jams);


    buns, cakes, pastries;

    "Cold" sweets

    candies, ice cream, sweet water and soft drinks.

If we're talking about about increasing children's appetite, it is better to exclude the last point.

The French have a rather interesting tradition of eating sucking candy before eating. Sugar and smell exacerbate organoleptic sensitivity. And this means that tasty food after it it will go with a bang.

Fruits also tend to increase appetite, but it depends on what kind. For example, eating a banana before eating will increase your hunger to incredible levels. Peach will also enhance it. But an apple is the opposite.


The main thing is that they are not too salty, because this will retain water in the body and dull hunger.

Top salty foods for a great appetite:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • chicken meat;
  • bell pepper;
  • parsley;
  • dill.


An East Slavic feature that increases appetite is pickles.

Pickled vegetables, pickled fruits and other canned foods increase appetite.

Such “products” increase the volume of gastric juice produced in the body. Sour apples and sauerkraut are good.


  • Red pepper is indispensable in increasing appetite.
  • Ginger has healing properties and at the same time stimulates the desire to eat. It normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, fat and cholesterol metabolism.


Fresh carrot quenches thirst, increases hunger, and also improves vision.

You can make a “potion” that contains watercress. There are four carrots for one bunch of cress. The juice is squeezed out. And, like other appetite products, it is taken within half an hour.

They also say that yarrow juice is good. Especially with honey. Three times a day. One teaspoon at a time.

Alcohol and coffee

Alcohol in small doses improves digestion, irritating the mucous membranes. And gastric juice begins to be produced more.

Black coffee without sugar has the best ability to increase appetite.

A good appetite has always been considered a sign of health and normal operation body. The feeling of hunger is a natural phenomenon that signals that a person needs to “recharge” and restore lost energy. Accordingly, a lack of interest in food may indicate a number of diseases or problems at work. internal organs. What does lack of appetite mean in adults, and in what cases should you consult a doctor?

A signal that the body needs to replenish its reserves of proteins, carbohydrates and other substances is formed in the brain. It is transmitted through neural endings to the digestive organs, as a result of which the secretion of gastric juice is activated, the level of insulin in the blood increases, and the person feels a feeling of hunger.

Lack of appetite indicates disruptions in this process - these could be diseases of the digestive tract, hormonal disorders, oncology and much more.

The reasons for loss of interest in food are divided into pathological, that is, those that are the result of malfunctions in the body, and non-pathological - they do not pose a threat to health and do not require medical intervention.

Non-pathological causes of decreased appetite

Distinguish non-pathological causes from dangerous health conditions can be determined by a number of signs. IN in this case There is no appetite for 3-5 days (maximum a week), after which the body’s functioning returns to normal on its own. Such episodes are repeated no more than once a month, do not cause serious weight loss and are not accompanied by nausea, weakness, fever and other symptoms. Similar reasons include the effect on the body external factors and some changes in its functioning that can be corrected without medical intervention.

  1. Accommodations. Lack of appetite can be observed in certain conditions - for example, during very hot weather or a sharp change in climatic zones.

  2. Chronic fatigue. The body spends on digesting food a large number of energy, and at chronic fatigue he subconsciously tries to save strength by refusing food.

  3. Nervous stress. Any serious emotions, negative or positive, can have an impact Negative influence for appetite. If interest in food occurs immediately after stress is left behind, there is nothing to worry about, but some negative situations can lead to prolonged depression and chronic lack of appetite.

  4. . Snacking on the go, eating fast food, eating a monotonous diet, strict diets and fasting can lead to disruptions in work digestive organs, and, as a result, to a lack of appetite.

  5. Premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy. Before menstruation and during pregnancy, a woman’s body is under the influence of hormones, which can cause weakness, headaches and abdominal cramps. As a rule, such conditions disappear on their own after the end of hormonal changes.

  6. . Smoking, alcohol or medication abuse, and drug use negatively affect the functioning of internal organs and appetite.

Decreased appetite is often observed in older people, which can also be considered a variant of the norm - in adulthood, metabolic and digestive processes slow down in the body.

Pathological causes of lack of appetite

The reasons for loss of interest in food, which are associated with various diseases, are: serious danger for good health. Vitamins, microelements and nutrients cease to enter the body, which over time can lead to general exhaustion and even to fatal outcome. These include:

In this case, loss of appetite is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, etc. If these symptoms develop, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since similar condition threatens with serious consequences.

Of particular concern are cases where a person becomes nauseous from one type of food, or begins to develop an aversion to once-favorite foods (for example, meat dishes) – this phenomenon often accompanies cancer.

What to do if you lose your appetite?

If lack of appetite is not accompanied additional symptoms, you can try to restore it by following simple rules. If you have an aversion to food, you should not force your body - it is better to eat when you want, in small portions, but at the same time it is advisable to organize your food intake and eat at approximately the same time. Dishes should be tasty, healthy and beautifully presented - so that interest in food is awakened by just one look.

In addition, if your appetite decreases, you should drink as much as possible. more water To prevent dehydration, walk in the fresh air more often, engage in physical activity and get proper rest. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes, especially those containing vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid.

What should the menu consist of for loss of appetite in adults? Key Rule is that the diet should be balanced and contain all the microelements and nutrients necessary for health. In addition, there are a number of products that help increase appetite - primarily herbs, spices, hot and salty foods, as well as marinades. True, it is categorically not recommended to abuse them - in large quantities Such food can cause digestive disorders, gastritis and even ulcers.

You should also not eat a lot of fatty and heavy foods - after eating you should feel full, not heavy and full in the stomach.

Before meals, you can drink 50-100 grams of dry red wine or other light alcohol with a bitter aftertaste - aperitifs in reasonable quantities contribute to a good appetite.

Foods that help improve appetite include:

Rule similar treatment consists of the following: from potent drugs(horseradish, mustard, onion, radish) you need to choose one, and you should use it no more than 20 days in a row.

Medicines to increase appetite

Medicines that increase appetite should only be used when extreme cases after consultation with a doctor. Each of them has a number of contraindications and side effects, and if used incorrectly and in dosage, it can cause serious harm to the body.

Drug nameFeatures of the impact

Means wide range actions used for treatment skin diseases, anorexia, migraines. Most often recommended for underweight

A drug that helps activate hematopoietic processes, thereby stimulating digestive and metabolic processes. Indications include conditions accompanied by malnutrition, as well as anemia

One of the most effective means, which has virtually no contraindications and can be used even in children. Used for insufficient body weight, digestive disorders, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions

A combined drug that is used in children and adults for pathologies accompanied by impaired appetite. Well tolerated by the body, has minimal amount side effects, can be used for a long time

Helps increase a person’s physical activity, normalizes appetite and promotes weight gain in case of exhaustion. Available in the form of ampoules for intramuscular administration

For neuroses and psychoemotional disorders associated with loss of appetite, patients are recommended to take antidepressants and sedatives in combination with psychotherapy and other treatment methods. The most common drugs include Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Cipramil, Paxil, but their prescription and dosage calculation must be made by a doctor.

Video – “Elkar”

How to improve appetite using folk remedies?

To increase appetite, you can use folk remedies that are no less effective than medications, but do not harm the body.

  1. . The fruits and seeds of the plant contain essential oils, which have antispasmodic and antiseptic effects, and also have a beneficial effect on digestive processes. They can be added as a seasoning to dishes, or to prepare medicine. Steam a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water, leave covered for 10 minutes, then strain and drink half a glass 2-3 times after meals.

  2. . Fennel often used for colic in newborns, but few people know that remedies from this plant can increase appetite. Fennel infusion is prepared as follows: steam a teaspoon of chopped fruit with a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours, then strain. Consume 3-4 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons before meals.

  3. . Regular dill has no less effective healing effects than its sweet counterpart. Take 100 g of dry herb or 200 g of fresh, pour into a sealed container, pour a liter of dry white wine into it, leave in a dark, cool place for a month, shaking from time to time, then filter and squeeze out the remainder. If you have loss of appetite, take the infusion 25-30 g before each meal.

  4. Dandelion. Fresh dandelion leaves - useful supplement to a diet that improves digestive processes and appetite. Leaves should be collected in an environmentally friendly manner. clean places, away from roads and industrial facilities, and from the roots of the plant you can prepare remedy. Take 2 teaspoons of dry ground root, pour 250 ml cold water, leave for 8 hours and drink ¼ glass four times a day.

  5. . Wormwood is recommended for use by people who suffer from loss of appetite and general weakness after serious illnesses. The plant can be dried, ground into powder and taken ½ teaspoon before each meal. The second way to use the plant is as follows: take 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves, steam with a glass boiled water, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes and leave for 30-60 minutes. Next, the product needs to be filtered, topped up boiled water so that the total volume is 250 ml. Drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

  6. Pomegranate. Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice not only has a beneficial effect on digestion, but also increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood (it is recommended even for pregnant women to eat pomegranate fruits). iron deficiency anemia), and medicine can be prepared not only from grains, but also from peels. It can be ground into powder, mixed with olive oil and eat a teaspoon twice a day.

Any means to improve appetite can be used only in cases where the underlying cause of the disease is known - without appropriate therapy, loss of appetite will become chronic, and the body’s condition may worsen significantly.

Video - What to do if you have no appetite

One of the signs excellent health is a good appetite. We must be hungry because poor appetite can cause serious problems(the body will not receive the required elements and vitamins). That is why it is important to know how to increase appetite in an adult if problems arise with this. But first things first.

There are several main reasons why loss of appetite occurs. First of all, this is:

  • gastrointestinal diseases(cholecystitis, gastritis, intestinal dysbiosis);
  • taking medications, using harmful products (this includes, for example, smoking, using certain drugs and herbal infusions);
  • depression, stressful situations;
  • starvation or an incorrectly selected diet;
  • bacterial infection or viral nature (in such cases, the reason is that the body focuses on this important problem).

Note! Be that as it may, if you have no appetite, then it is necessary to determine the cause as early as possible and get rid of it.

Why is loss of appetite dangerous?

Health can be severely affected if a person for a long time there will be no appetite. After all, in this case, all organs without exception starve, including the brain. Soon the patient begins to experience such characteristic symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, memory problems, dizziness and migraines. Due to shortage useful substances the body is no longer able to function normally. Consequently, all its functions are disrupted.

As for adults, they become lethargic, feel tired, and their performance decreases. Children may have problems with growth or weight gain. During pregnancy, loss of appetite is generally dangerous, because the unborn child also depends on the mother’s body during this period.

Ways to improve appetite

First of all, if you have no appetite, you need to get rid of main reason, interfering with the natural desire to eat. For example, if we are talking about a diet, then you need to stop following it and gradually move on to a normal diet. To begin with, you can eat small portions. For diseases gastrointestinal tract their treatment is required. In short, determine the cause and do everything to eliminate it.

In addition to this, there are effective ways which will help improve your appetite. Let's get to know them.

Useful herbs that can solve the problem

In addition to the methods described above, you can use some herbs to increase your appetite. These include:

  • bitter elm;
  • dandelion;
  • yarrow;
  • sagebrush.

These herbs must be taken correctly, that is, in the form of infusions and decoctions. Let's check out some good recipes.

Healthy foods

There are many foods and spices, the use of which helps improve appetite.

  1. Pumpkin. It contains momordicin and lectin, which help awaken appetite. Eat pumpkin as often as possible in any form (make stew, porridge, pancakes, etc.).
  2. Bay leaf, horseradish. They strengthen the immune system, help in the treatment of liver and kidney diseases, and also increase appetite.
  3. Cinnamon. Tasty and healthy, stimulates appetite well. Ginger and mint also have similar properties.
  4. Basil, dill, onion. They contain many vitamins and help with various problems with health. Add to different dishes.
  5. . Contain vitamin A, which, in addition to improving appetite, is effective against frequent colds and insomnia. Drink carrot juice before every meal.

Important! Iron also improves appetite, and therefore it is recommended to eat more green apples, red meat, pomegranates, soy, and eggs. Basically, fresh vegetables and fruits are always healthy, they contain many vitamins.

How to reduce your appetite

Sometimes it is not necessary to increase, but rather to reduce appetite. The reason for this need is usually extra pounds, and if you do not wish to accept dietary drugs and go on questionable diets, you can use more natural methods.

Table. Reduce appetite in simple ways.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Most people lose their appetite after brushing their teeth or rinsing their mouth, because food then tastes unpleasant.

You can drink unsweetened Herb tea or plain water. It is recommended to do this throughout the day.

Aerobic exercise (not strength training!) changes hormone levels and temporarily suppresses appetite. But soon, as noted earlier, the body seeks to compensate for the lost energy at the next meal.

You can drink a cup of coffee, because caffeine often suppresses appetite. But if you want to lose weight, then drink coffee without sugar.

Keep yourself occupied with something for 25-30 minutes. When you're away from the kitchen, do something fun. The urges of hunger at this time will be invisible (most of them). Then find something else to do.

Look at something disgusting. This could be, for example, filming surgery(this will definitely discourage you from thinking about food).

You can imagine yourself eating something disgusting.

Do something unpleasant. For example, start cleaning the trash can or toilet.

You can smell something spoiled - the same trash can, for example. Or a bad smelling person. For some, even the smell of strong perfume is enough.

You can eat something big, but low in calories. A good option- “nothing” soup or salad, which consists mainly of greens.

Pay attention to your sleep. Lack of sleep provokes a decrease in leptin levels, which leads to feelings of hunger.

Supplement your diet with fiber-rich foods. They provide a feeling of fullness for a while.

Also eat more protein, which is slower to digest (compared to carbohydrates and fats). These are primarily dairy products, beans, eggs and nuts.

It is better to avoid sweets, especially for those who are prone to obesity. Eating sweets causes your blood sugar levels to rise, making you feel tired and hungrier.

You need to eat slowly, which helps with small spoons. Minimum 20 minutes (this is how long it takes the brain to send a signal that the body is full). If you eat quickly, you will consume much more food during this time.

Colors also affect appetite. Blue color suppresses it, and therefore it is definitely worth taking advantage of.

Note! As a result, we note that our health largely depends on the food we eat. Therefore, special attention should be paid to nutrition.

Video - How to improve your appetite in the morning