Dill tea for adults. Dill medicinal properties for the intestines - recipes. Sweet fennel, also known as sweet dill and dill

To prepare dill water, you need dill leaves, dill seeds, milk and red wine. You can take Cahors as wine.

For each type of disease, it is necessary to use the right part of the plant, so when preparing a medicine from it, this should be taken into account.

Intestinal atony

To prevent intestinal atony, you need to pour a tablespoon of crushed dill seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour and filter.

The resulting infusion is taken three times a day, at the rate of half a glass fifteen minutes before meals in a warm state.

Gastritis with high acidity

If you need to prepare dill water to treat gastritis with increased acidity, then it is prepared as follows.

Dill greens are passed through a meat grinder and squeezed through double gauze. The resulting freshly squeezed juice in the amount of one teaspoon is mixed with the same amount of honey and milk. The mixture is consumed only freshly prepared three times a day after meals.


For intestinal flatulence, you need to take two teaspoons of crushed and crushed dill seeds, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for twenty minutes.

After this, the infusion is filtered and taken half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Intestinal colic

For treatment intestinal colic ov and constipation, you should brew the crushed seeds with boiling water in the ratio of a tablespoon to half a liter. Leave for 30 minutes and drink 0.5 cups per day 30 minutes before meals.

To treat bedwetting, simply brew crushed dill seeds with boiling water (a tablespoon per glass) in a thermos. Infuse for 3 hours, filter and drink the tincture before bed. The course of treatment is from 8 to 10 days.


Dill water It has long been accepted in the presence of anemia. For this, a tablespoon dill seeds pour boiling milk, bring to a boil over low heat, and simmer for another ten minutes.

The milk is filtered and distributed into three equal parts. The decoction is taken at empty stomach, no earlier than an hour before meals. The decoction must be taken with one teaspoon of honey.

Blood purification

One of the most powerful blood cleansing effects is considered to be a product made from dill seeds.

It is prepared as follows - 50 grams of crushed dill seeds should be poured with half a liter of good wine, Cahors is very suitable for this case, and put on low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, keep on fire for another 15-20 minutes.

Then wrap it in warm towels and let it brew. After one hour has passed, strain.

Take 50 ml before bedtime until the prepared composition runs out.

Dill water is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It is given to infants for colic, and adults use it to normalize digestion and stabilize blood sugar levels. blood cells, preventing obesity and in many other cases. The benefits and harms of dill water have not left pharmacologists indifferent, so it is available in pharmacies.

What is dill water

Dill water is an essential oil extracted from fennel seeds, diluted with water. The proportional amount should be 1:1000 accordingly. It is impossible to make it from ether at home, since the technology involves pressing fennel grains, so a decoction of the grains or dill is prepared at home. The drug is produced in dark glass bottles of 100 ml. Besides water and ether, finished product must not contain other ingredients or preservatives. Therefore, it is recommended to give it to infants.

The benefits of dill water

The composition of dill water includes many useful substances.

Among them:

  • muscle toning esters;
  • anethole, which has carminative properties;
  • carotene, which serves as a natural antioxidant;
  • vitamins of group B, E, K, C, A, PP;
  • iron, which provides tissues and organs with oxygen;
  • manganese, which increases immunity and improves performance nervous system, and also has antioxidant properties;
  • copper, which regulates the functioning of major organs;
  • zinc, normalizing digestive processes, regulating the functions of the central nervous system and gonads;
  • normalizing sodium acid-base balance, strengthens blood vessels, improves heart function;
  • phosphorus, which stabilizes kidney function and metabolism, strengthens teeth, nails, and bones.

The beneficial properties of water do not end only with relieving colic and normalizing work digestive tract. Dill liquid stops spasms, fights viruses and germs, has laxative, diuretic and sedative properties. In addition, the benefits of water include the following:

  • helps cope with stress;
  • eliminates painful sensations in the stomach and intestines;
  • dilates and cleanses blood vessels;
  • helps improve discharge chemical compounds from cells;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes stones from the kidneys and bladder.

For newborns

After birth, babies may suffer from colic for several months, causing pain. The benefit of dill water is that, without harm to newborns, it helps neutralize painful colic and prevent spasms, as a result of which the baby releases gas and normalizes stool.

For adults

Adults are recommended to use a useful fennel preparation for flatulence, which suppresses gas formation and stimulates the passage of feces. Dill liquid has an expectorant effect and helps relieve cold symptoms. Its healing properties include:

  • dilation of blood vessels and improved blood flow through them;
  • stabilization of heart function;
  • healing of wounds and other skin injuries;
  • assistance in the treatment of fractures and dislocations;
  • muscle relaxation during spasms;
  • treatment of prostatitis;
  • destruction of bacteria and viruses;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Those who want to lose weight can use this useful drug excess weight. Good to take healthy drink during a vegetable diet. A proper nutrition will further enhance its benefits. When losing weight, it is recommended to drink half a glass of liquid before meals.

For pregnant

There are differing opinions regarding the use of dill during pregnancy. Some sources say that the use of dill water benefits the future pregnant woman and the unborn child, while others say that it is harmful to the body.

In pregnant women, the uterus quickly enlarges. Due to the change in size, it compresses the intestines in some places, leading to bloating and constipation. To relieve these symptoms, it is recommended to use fennel water. It also helps expectant mothers normalize sleep, reduce nausea and gas formation, and relieve headaches.

A controversial opinion is that dill water is not beneficial and may cause side effects during pregnancy. The use of the drug increases the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can lead to unexpected early labor or provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, use it in interesting position only with the permission of the attending physician.

For nursing mother

It is believed that dill water breastfeeding improves lactation. It promotes a greater flow of milk and softens the nipple, which makes it easier for the baby to absorb food. Along with the milk, the child receives a portion useful elements contained in the drink.

How to take dill water for adults

When purchasing a drug at a pharmacy, it comes with instructions indicating correct application and the required dosage in different cases use. Pregnant women and people with chronic diseases, before taking fennel medication, you should consult a doctor so as not to harm the body. You should also check if you are allergic to dill water. On an empty stomach you need to drink 1 tsp. and throughout the day observe how the body reacts. If no changes occur, the fennel drink can be used without worrying about harm from it.

For constipation

Drinking dill water after meals 5-6 times a day, 1 tbsp, will help to cope with an unpleasant situation and alleviate the condition. l. Its action will begin in 15 - 20 minutes. Application useful drug does not guarantee the elimination of constipation if it has become chronic. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and resort to more serious measures.

For bloating

You need to take medicine for bloating in the same way as for constipation. This helps not only relieve symptoms of flatulence, but also improve appetite, reduce gas formation, and normalize food digestion. The healing properties of dill water can be used to prevent flatulence.

For cystitis

The beneficial properties of dill water are indispensable for the treatment of cystitis. When symptoms appear in bladder Microbes begin to actively develop, provoking an increase in the disease. To cope with the infection and eliminate unwanted harm, you must resort to the use of beneficial dill liquid or prepare it from fennel grains, which have antibacterial effect. The decoction will help relieve inflammation and pain.

To prepare the drink, you need 1 tbsp. l. Pour fresh seeds into 230 ml of boiling water and boil for 2 minutes. Let cool, divide into five parts. Take throughout the day.

To stimulate lactation

It is recommended for a young mother to drink dill water. It enhances milk flow and its nutritional value. The benefit of dill water for nursing women is that it reduces the possibility of inflammation of the mammary glands. When breastfeeding, you can drink it twice a day, no more. You need to take 10 ml of water 30 minutes before your child eats.

How to give dill water to newborns

Before giving the drug to your baby, to avoid harm, you need to check whether it causes allergies. Need to dial healthy liquid into a 5 ml syringe and let the child suck on the tip, gradually squeezing out the contents. You can brew dill water for a newborn using several methods:

  1. Into a glass hot water add 1 tsp. fennel seeds. Leave for 45 minutes, filter with gauze. Giving useful infusion baby slightly warm or at room temperature.
  2. Preparation can be made from fennel ether. Drop 0.5 g of ether into 1 liter of boiling water, stir well and cool.
  3. If there are no fennel seeds and ether, you can replace them with dill. Pour 1 tsp into a glass of boiling water. seeds or crushed leaves. Leave for 1 hour, filter.

Due to the properties of dill water for newborns to relieve symptoms of flatulence, eliminating bloating and painful colic, you can give it to your child throughout the day, replacing plain water. This is especially true when artificial feeding. In 50 ml boiled water you need to dilute 2 - 3 tsp. fennel infusion. Then mix the resulting product with mother's milk in equal proportions.

You can give infants liquid with healing properties and without harm half a month after birth. The dosage of dill water prepared independently differs from that purchased at the pharmacy. You need to give it 1 tbsp. l. after the child eats three times a day.

Can dill water be added to the mixture?

In most cases, healthy dill water tastes bad to babies, so they spit it out. You can add it to mixture or milk. Although it is beneficial for small bodies, it is better to consult a doctor before using it.

How to prepare dill water at home

You can prepare your own infusion using fennel seeds or dill. Method for preparing dill water from fennel:

  1. Ceiling 1 tbsp. l. seeds
  2. Pour into dishes.
  3. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  4. Cook for 15 minutes in a water bath.
  5. Leave for 40 - 45 minutes.
  6. Strain and cool.

The prepared infusion can be stored for 1 month.

To prepare liquid from dill seeds, you need 1 tsp. raw materials pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let sit for 45 minutes, pass through gauze or a fine sieve and put in the refrigerator. Shelf life: no more than 3 days. Warm to room temperature before use.

Harm of dill water and contraindications

Side effects from drinking dill water include: in rare cases. This occurs with personal intolerance and strong sensitivity to the ingredients. Sometimes allergies manifest themselves in the form of a rash, redness, itching, and nausea. You should take water carefully if you have hypotension, as it can further reduce your blood pressure. Abuse of the product can increase the formation of gases and disrupt bowel movements. If symptoms appear, you should stop using dill water or reduce the dose.


The benefits and harms of dill water are known to many young mothers. She is popular due to her healing properties, naturalness and low price. But although the effects of dill water are generally beneficial, its improper use can negatively affect health. Therefore, when taking it, you should read the instructions and adhere to the dosage indicated therein.

Dill water will help eliminate flatulence and facilitate the passage of gases. The product has a beneficial effect not only on the digestive tract, but also helps normalize blood glucose, strengthens liver and heart cells, prevents obesity and is useful for both adults and children.

Dill water has a positive effect on digestion

Release form and composition of dill water

It is a concentrate from seeds or essential oil dill (a type of fennel), it is also called fennel water.

The product is available in the form of a solution and herbal tea. The liquid is packaged in glass bottles with a volume of 15 to 100 ml. Seed powder is sold in bags, like regular tea - 20 pcs. packaged.

What does the drug that improves digestion consist of: it contains an extract from fennel seeds and purified water.

The photo shows what the product is and in what packaging it is distributed.

A bottle of dill water that you can buy at a pharmacy

Where to buy, price and analogues

Ready-made dill water is sold in any pharmacy. How much the product costs depends on the form of release:

  • liquid concentrate in drops – 227 rub. for 15 ml;
  • children's herbal tea in bags - from 77 to 127 rubles. depending on the manufacturer.

If the pharmacy does not have regular dill water, it is replaced with similar ones. pharmacological action drugs. The most popular analogues are:

  • Happy baby – 260 rub. for 15 ml;
  • Children's tea Health – 175 rubles;
  • Babykalm – 340 rub.;
  • Plantex - from 320 to 640 rubles;
  • Dill seeds for preparing a decoction – 30 rubles;
  • Biogaia - from 570 rub.;
  • Espumisan – from 250 rub.

Dill water can be replaced with espumisan

Fennel seed concentrate, as well as herbal tea, is the simplest and safe option to get rid of flatulence and colic, normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. Analogues are selected taking into account individual characteristics body and contraindications.

Indications for use

  • colic;
  • bloating;
  • difficult passage of gases;
  • stool retention.

The product will help improve intestinal function, soothe irritated mucous membranes and eliminate painful abdominal cramps.

No less effective natural medicine for adults. Fennel seed concentrate will help:

  • eliminate bloating;
  • normalize metabolism, which allows you to cope with overweight bodies;
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessel walls;
  • cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • remove mucus during bronchitis, soothe the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Fennel seed solution helps nursing mothers improve lactation. An indispensable remedy for normalizing the menstrual cycle.

Effect of medicines based on dill seeds

Medicine from dill seeds has the following effects on the body:

  • cleansing– toxins are eliminated, harmful substances, cleansing not only the intestines, but also the blood vessels;
  • laxative– gently and effectively helps with constipation;
  • vasodilator– lowers blood pressure in hypertension;
  • diuretic– improves kidney function, stimulates urine flow and prevents swelling, especially during pregnancy;
  • helps increase lactation;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • relieves spasms in the intestines and promotes the free passage of gases.

From newborns to babies 4-6 months old, fennel water is a real salvation from painful colic. And for older children and adults, it is a faithful companion in the fight against problems. gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, and also an assistant for weight loss.

How to prepare dill water at home?

It is not necessary to buy ready-made fennel concentrate. It is not difficult to prepare dill water with your own hands.

Recipe with fennel seeds

Grind 1 tbsp. l. beans using a coffee grinder. Pour the raw materials into a small container, pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Dill water can be made from fennel seeds

The drink should infuse for at least 40 minutes, after which it should be strained and placed in the refrigerator. Shelf life – up to 30 days.

Recipe with regular dill seeds

Pour 1 tsp into a glass. dill seeds, pour boiling water to the top, leave for 45 minutes. The strained infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Before drinking previously prepared dill water, remove it from the refrigerator and warm it to room temperature.

Purchased dill water is diluted in the following ratio - 2-3 drops of concentrate per 1 tbsp. water for newborn babies and infants. For children over 3 years old and adults, dilute 10-15 drops in half a glass of water. If an oil extract is used, then the ratio is different - dilute 1-2 drops of the product in 1 liter of water.

Instructions for using dill water

Treatment dill water Starts with small doses to observe the body's reaction. If there is no allergy, the dosage and frequency of administration are gradually increased to 5-6 times a day.

To determine how the body will react to water, you should start with small doses.

For achievement best results Take dill water before meals. If we are talking about babies and infants, it is allowed to take water before or after feeding.

How to take for colic

1 tbsp. l. solution or 1 tsp. homemade decoction (infusion) up to 6 times a day. Add the drink to the mixture breast milk or drink from a spoon. Treatment should be regular and not interrupted. IN otherwise the positive effect will be weak or completely absent.

Recipe for a nursing mother

Half an hour before feeding, drink half a glass of solution or decoction. The result is increased lactation and improved milk composition.

Nursing mothers can drink half a glass of dill water before feeding

For edema during pregnancy

In the morning and evening, drink 1/3 cup of dill infusion or prepared solution. Take the medicine for at least a week, but do not abuse it, otherwise there is a risk of premature birth.

Recipe for weight loss

Before each meal, drink 0.5 cups of dill water (homemade or prepared from concentrate). The drink will bring more benefit, if its use is combined with vegetable diet or proper nutrition.

For infants against constipation

1-2 tsp will help improve bowel function and loosen stools. dill water 3-5 times a day. The solution acts gradually, and emptying occurs by the end of the day or the next day. Regular use Fennel water helps prevent constipation and increased gas formation.

Dill water helps relieve constipation

For adults, the dosage is higher – ½ glass 3-5 times a day. The laxative effect occurs after 30-40 minutes.

Drinking dill water daily for a month will help cleanse blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and nourish the heart muscle. useful substances, stabilize menstrual cycle. Dosage – 1/3 glass of liquid 3-5 times a day.

Possible side effects

Abuse of the drug causes side effects - skin rashes and diarrhea. If the patient has kidney stones, blockage of the bile ducts is possible, which is accompanied by severe pain in the right hypochondrium and attacks of nausea. Frequent use medicinal drink greatly reduces blood pressure and increases gas formation.


An overdose of fennel water is very rare. When negative symptoms– vomiting, frequent diarrhea, painful spasms in the stomach - stop using colic medicine. In the future, strictly adhere to the dose and frequency of administration.


Water from fennel or dill seeds has virtually no contraindications. The exceptions are the following conditions:

Contraindication for use - allergy to dill or fennel

  • allergy to fennel, dill;
  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder;
  • children up to 2 weeks of age.

Use with caution during pregnancy. Moderate use of the product has a positive effect on the body of the mother and the unborn baby, but abuse can be harmful to health.

The first months of a child’s life are a difficult test not only for parents, but also for him. own body. At this time, adaptation to the changed living conditions of all organs and systems of the newborn, including the digestive system, occurs. The most painful manifestations of the resulting imbalance are colic - abdominal pain associated with excess gas pressure in the intestines. One of the proven remedies for reducing colic is dill water.

How and from what is dill water prepared?

Some initial title They may think that this is dill brewed with boiling water. But such an assumption is fundamentally wrong.

Thus, essential oil from fennel seeds is used to prepare dill water. It should be noted here that pharmacological effect possess two types of plants at once: bitter fennel and sweet fennel, but the most valuable properties have sweet fennel fruits, which are used to prepare dill water sold in pharmacies.

Important! When creating pharmaceutical dill water, sweet fennel essential oil is used, obtained by steam distillation followed by concentration. The degree of extraction of essential oil when simply brewing fennel fruits with boiling water is much lower.

Why aren’t dill seeds used along with fennel to prepare dill water? Both of these plants have medicinal properties, but the composition of their essential oil is different.

The main component of fennel essential oil is anethole, which mainly provides relief from colic (carminative effect). Fennel essential oil also has other properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal;
  • antispasmodic;
  • hepatoprotective (for toxic liver damage);
  • expectorant (fennel tea helps with cough);
  • diuretic;
  • laxative.

Important! Fennel essential oil can be harmful if used incorrectly!

The composition of dill essential oil is dominated by carvone, which helps improve digestion. Carminative, antispasmodic and diuretic effect dill essential oil is much less pronounced.

Instructions for dill water

Pharmacy dill water must be accompanied by instructions for use. Cooking it at home can raise many questions, starting with the simplest: “How to make it?”

How to prepare dill water at home

If your baby suffers from colic, then it is best to start with dill water prepared at home. The concentration of essential oil in it is quite low and in case of individual intolerance, the allergic reaction will be significantly lower than from using more concentrated products.

Infusion recipe No. 1

Grind the fennel fruits in a blender. Pour a teaspoon of the resulting powder into an enamel or glass container, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then strain and bring the volume of the infusion to the original (1 glass), adding boiled water.

Infusion recipe No. 2

Grind the fennel fruits in a blender. Pour a teaspoon of the resulting powder into an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes, then strain and bring the volume of infusion to the original volume (1 glass), adding boiled water.

The second recipe is more effective, as it provides greater completeness of extraction of the active substances of fennel seeds, but requires a rather long time investment. To prepare the infusion, children from six months old are recommended to use one tablespoon of chopped fennel fruits.

How to give dill water to a newborn

For use between feedings when artificial feeding You can add 2-3 teaspoons of infusion to a 50 ml bottle of warm boiled water and use it for drinking throughout the day.

Contraindications for use

For infusion of fennel fruits prepared at home, the only contraindication is individual intolerance, so it is quite harmless means to reduce colic in children after two weeks of life.

Warning! Before you start systematically feeding your child dill water, you need to give him 1 tsp. products and see if he develops allergies during the day. And only upon receipt positive result If you use some water, you can continue to give it to your child.

To make it easier to prepare dill water for children based on fennel fruits at home, pharmacies sell fennel tea in filter bags. You can also find teas in stores instant cooking with fennel extract.

Photos of fennel tea

Instant Hipp tea Instant tea Bebivita
Instant Humana tea
Instant tea Baby
Tea in filter bags Doctor Vera
Instant tea Heinz
Tea in filter bags Fleur Alpin
Tea in filter bags Health

Review of dill water in pharmacies

If the effect of homemade dill water is unnoticeable, but the child tolerates it well, you can switch to ready-made ones. pharmacy analogues or use synthetic ones medications with carminative effect.

The most common water sold in pharmacies is dill water concentrate, which is called “Dill Water”. Produced Russian company"Korolev-farm". With a bottle volume of 50 ml, the concentrate accounts for only 15 ml.

Directions for use and doses

For direct use, you need to dilute the product with 35 ml of cold boiled water using a teaspoon (1 tsp - 5 ml) or a specially supplied dispenser. Before each feeding, give the child 10 drops of the prepared product.


  • Glycerol. Necessary for essential oil dissolution and proper dosing. It also gives the drops a sweetish taste;
  • Fennel essential oil or extract;
  • Vitamin B1.

After opening, the solution is stored in the refrigerator for 30 days. The instructions do not provide any information about side effects and contraindications.

Dill water "Trav-in" made in India, 120 ml. It is capable of providing a complex effect, having not only a carminative, but also an antispasmodic effect. Indicated for flatulence, gastrointestinal spasms, functional dyspepsia (digestive disorders due to insufficient production of digestive enzymes), acute and chronic intestinal infections.

Directions for use and doses


  • Deionized water;
  • Glycerol;
  • Sucrose;
  • Fennel oil is the main active ingredient;
  • Sodium bicarbonate - reduces the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Anise oil has an antispasmodic effect, reducing smooth muscle tone and a carminative effect;
  • Oil peppermint exhibits a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.


Dill water - “Baby Calm”. Produced by the Canadian company Pharmascience Inc. in Israeli factories. The 50 ml bottle contains a 15 ml mixture of plant essential oils.

Directions for use and doses

For direct use, you need to dilute the product with cold boiled water to the mark indicated on the bottle. Before each feeding, give the child 10 drops of the prepared product.


  • fennel essential oil;
  • anise essential oil;
  • mint essential oil;
  • glycerol.

After opening, the solution is stored in the refrigerator for 30 days. Contraindications: increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Another type of colic remedy based on fennel fruit is the drug “Plantex”. Available in the form of dosed sachets of 5 g (10 sachets in one package) with granules for preparing a solution.

Directions for use and doses

  • from birth to 1 year: 1-2 sachets (5-10 g) per day, divided into 2-3 doses;
  • from 1 year to 4 years - 2-3 sachets (10-15 g) per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

The drug is taken after meals or between meals. To prepare the solution, pour granules from one sachet into a bottle or cup, dilute with 100 ml of boiled water and mix thoroughly.


  • dry aqueous extract fennel fruit;
  • fennel essential oil;
  • acacia gum;
  • glucose anhydrous;
  • lactose.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Due to the presence of lactose in the composition, this drug not recommended for galactosemia, lactose and galactose malabsorption syndrome.

In addition to the above-mentioned remedies for colic, natural basis there are ones that can also be used for newborns:

  • Based on dimethicone: “Kuplaton”;
  • Based on simethicone: “Bobotik”, “Disflatil”, “Infacol”, “Colikid”, “Espicol Baby”, “Espumizan”.

Frequently asked questions about dill water

In practice, using dill water and preparing it raises a number of questions for mothers. Let's try to figure it out and give answers to them.

Is it possible to make dill water from fennel essential oil?

Using fennel essential oil to prepare dill water at home is undesirable for many reasons.

  1. You need to be sure of its naturalness. Even if you purchase essential oil at a pharmacy, this does not guarantee a quality product.
  2. Any essential oil is a concentrated mixture chemical substances, requiring a strict dosage, which is difficult to maintain at home, especially when taken orally.
  3. It is unacceptable to dilute essential oil with water, as it is practically insoluble in it. Accordingly, the formation of large droplets that can cause burns to the mucous membranes is possible.
  4. Substances contained in essential oil, in case of incorrect dosage or due to the characteristics of the oil itself child's body can have an unpredictable effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Is it possible to combine homemade dill water with Plantex or Espumisan?

Both "Plantex" and dill water are means for plant based that have similar effects. Both drugs can be given together, but it makes no sense, since the active ingredient is the same. Additionally, the question arises of the amount of the main substance, as well as how it will be perceived by the child’s body.

“Espumizan” can be quite safely combined with dill water, it will give an analgesic and antiseptic effect, and the simethicone contained in “Espumizan” will calm digestive system and restore its operation.

Is it possible to add dill water to baby's water or formula?

As can be seen from previous recipes, dill water can be mixed with plain water and pour it into a bottle, from which the baby will then drink. It is also not prohibited to add it to feeding mixtures and even to expressed breast milk.

Can a nursing mother drink dill water?

Yes, you can. But it is worth considering that as a result of drinking dill water. Substances found in dill water enter the mother's milk and are thus passed on to the baby, improving his condition.

Is it possible to give dill water for prevention?

Use in for preventive purposes initially not required. Cumulative positive effect dill water does not produce. It is better not to give the product to your child unless necessary. If your baby has colic, now is the time to give him dill water. But she doesn't heal, she just removes unpleasant symptoms, thanks to which the baby stops screaming.

A remedy that has been known for decades. Contains pharmaceutical dill water, which exhibits a pronounced carminative effect. Used to improve intestinal motility and relieve bloating in young children. It is a symptomatic remedy.

Dosage form

Pharmacy dill water is a liquid with a faint anise aroma.

Give it to the child to drink from a spoon or add the recommended amount to the drinking water.

Dill water can be found in pharmacies in different dosage forms: ready-to-use liquid, concentrate for oral solution, for children Herb tea. All forms have similar properties, but differ slightly in the method of application and dosage.

Description and composition

Contrary to popular belief, dill water is prepared not from the usual salad dill, but from fennel, its close relative.

IN pharmacy conditions To prepare this product, fennel seed essential oil is used, which is diluted with purified water. Concentration active substance in the resulting solution is 0.05-0.1%. This standard option release of dill water.

But some pharmaceutical companies produce a concentrated solution, which should be diluted with boiled water at home before use. Tea is also available in bags, which should be brewed to obtain a solution of the desired concentration. Therefore, parents need to carefully read the instructions for the drug they purchased.

Some manufacturers add anise oil, chamomile extract or other extracts to dill water. medicinal plants. These components have an additional antispasmodic effect and can quickly relieve discomfort in a child.

The effect of dill water

Fennel, unlike dill, has a more pronounced carminative property. Its essential oils act in the intestines, preventing gas bubbles from accumulating and improving its passage through the rectum.

Also, fennel essential oil improves intestinal motility, making it easier to move feces and accumulation of gases to the exit. This reduces pressure on the intestinal walls and prevents their expansion, which often causes pain in infants.

Fennel oil also has other beneficial properties for babies:

  • relieves spasms of intestinal smooth muscles;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • helps regression inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • improves appetite;
  • prevents constipation;
  • has a beneficial effect on babies' sleep.

As a result regular intake dill water, the baby stops experiencing pain and discomfort in the intestines, his digestion process improves and the quality of absorption increases nutrients from the food received.

Pharmacological group

Dill water belongs to carminatives with antispasmodic effect.

Indications for use

Dill water is used in children for the following purposes:

  • improving bowel function;
  • stimulation of the digestion process;
  • reducing the accumulation of gases and facilitating their release;
  • relieving intestinal spasms (intestinal colic).

The most widespread use of dill water is found in infants during the period of intestinal colic. This process occurs in newborns towards the end of the first month of life and continues until approximately six months.

Dill water is a symptomatic medicine, that is, it significantly alleviates the baby’s condition during this period. But she is not able to completely cure colic in children, like others similar drugs. Colic goes away on its own as the digestive process in children improves.

Dill water can also be used in adults to improve digestion, and in nursing mothers this remedy helps increase the amount of breast milk.


Dill water is contraindicated only if hypersensitivity reactions occur in the body. But they happen extremely rarely.

Dill water has the property of reducing arterial pressure, therefore, if an adult or child has a similar disease, the drug should be used with caution.

How to prepare and serve

Dill water is a ready-to-use liquid. It is given to the baby 3 to 6 times a day after meals, 1 tsp. You can add 1 tsp. into formula or into a bottle of water.

If we're talking about about the concentrate, then a solution is first prepared from it. To do this, add 35 ml of boiled water directly into the bottle and shake thoroughly. They give in the same way as above.

If you bought dill water in the form of filter bags for making tea, then pour one bag with 100 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew. After this, the resulting tea is given to the baby 3-5 times during the day, 1 tbsp. l.

If you decide to use dill water for a newborn, start with small doses - half a teaspoon. Gradually, the baby will get used to taking the medicine from a spoon, and you can easily increase the volume of the medicine to the amount indicated in the instructions.

Dill water can be given to the baby as long as he has colic. As soon as the baby stops experiencing discomfort, you can stop using this remedy.

Cooking at home

Parents can prepare dill water for their child themselves.

The older generation used dill seeds for this. This is not forbidden, but the effect will be much weaker than if you take fennel seeds as a basis.

1 tsp. dill seeds are brewed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for at least an hour. Any liquid not consumed by the infant should not be used the next day. This solution is prepared daily.

To get more effective remedy, you should buy fennel fruits (seeds) at the pharmacy. 1 tsp. (with a small heap) of seeds pour into an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and wait until the broth cools down.

After this, it is more convenient to strain it and give it to the child, just like pharmaceutical dill water. The baby needs to prepare a fresh decoction every day.

If you prepare dill water for a newborn yourself, keep this process as sterile as possible.

Side effects

There are practically no side effects when taking dill water in newborns, which is why the drug is considered one of the most safe ways improve digestion processes and relieve tummy discomfort.

There have been rare cases allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance to fennel essential oil.

Interaction with other drugs

Data about negative interaction Dill water with other medicines is not available. But if the baby receives some specific treatment medications, consult your doctor first.

special instructions

The drug is available without a prescription, but you should still consult your pediatrician first. Describe to him the symptoms that are bothering the baby, and the specialist will determine whether they are really caused by colic and how suitable dill water is for your baby in this case.


If you use doses of the drug many times higher than those indicated in the instructions, you may experience a sharp decline blood pressure.

But in this case we are not talking about one extra teaspoon of the drug for the baby, but about its significant doses. Therefore, parents should not worry too much, but precautions (move the bottle away from the child) must be taken.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored in the refrigerator. An open bottle must be used within a month.

The shelf life of an unopened bottle with concentrate is 2 years, herbal tea in bags is 1 year.

Dill water is one of those time-tested remedies that are still relevant today. It's all about the simplicity, naturalness and effectiveness of this product.


Dill water is a proven remedy for gas and colic and is highly safe. The product has a sufficient number of analogues that differ in their pronounced effect.

The drug is produced in the form of granules intended for the preparation of a solution for oral administration, and is a complete analogue of dill water. Contains fennel seeds. The product has vegetable origin, therefore the risk of manifestation side effects during use is minimal.

Drug price

Price medicine averages 129 rubles. Prices range from 95 to 170 rubles.