Is it possible to cure androgenetic alopecia in women with medications, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits? Additional types of treatment. Diagnostics: tests and studies

Androgenetic alopecia in women, this is a type of baldness in which hair loss occurs due to negative impact androgens to the hair follicle. Treatment of the disease is carried out in combination, using physiotherapy, inhibitors of male sex hormones and vitamins.

Androgens are hormones that suppress hair growth on the scalp and stimulate hair growth on the back, face and chest. Influence at hair follicles carried out by dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of testosterone. On each hair follicle there are receptors sensitive to DHT, they are called androgen receptors.

When dihydrotestosterone binds to such a receptor, it enters the hair follicle and synthesizes protein. This negatively affects the follicle: over time it decreases in size, gradually atrophies and loses the ability to reproduce new hair.

Causes of alopecia in women

The occurrence of hormonal disorders and androgenetic alopecia in women is associated with the following reasons:

  1. Disorders and diseases endocrine system.
  2. The influence of hereditary predisposition.
  3. Gynecological diseases.
  4. Use of medications with hormones and contraceptives.
  5. Changes in hormonal balance during pregnancy or menopause.
  6. Strong emotions, neuroses, depression and physical overload.

The influence of heredity on androgenic alopecia

In 70% of cases, male pattern baldness is inherited. Doctors call it androgenetic alopecia - high sensitivity hair follicle to male sex hormones.

Causes of hereditary hair loss in women are rarely associated with hormonal disorders. Diagnosis of such diseases made it possible to state that hair loss begins even with low and normal levels of androgens.

Features of the disease at different ages

Androgenetic alopecia in women, the treatment of which is associated with hormones, is extremely rare under 35 years of age. Its appearance is associated with malfunctions of the endocrine system or is a side effect of medications (contraceptives).

Typically, symptoms of androgenetic alopecia in women appear at 45-50 years of age. The disease is associated with a decrease in female sex hormones during menopause. Restructuring of the body leads to hypersensitivity androgen receptors.

At this time, the body weakens, blood circulation in the head worsens, the hair follicle gets less food and oxygen. As a result, this leads to severe hair loss.

Stages of development. Classification and localization

There are several classifications of androgenetic alopecia: according to Hamilton and according to Norwood. For women, the first form of classification for male pattern baldness is used.

Stages of development of alopecia according to Hamilton:

  1. Stage 1. A small amount of hair falls out in the forehead area.
  2. Stage 2. The first bald patches form in the crown area.
  3. Stage 3. The area expands to the back of the head, and hair begins to fall out very actively.
  4. Stage 4. From the forehead to the back of the head, a wide area is formed on which there is practically no hair.

Symptoms of androgenetic alopecia in women

Androgenetic alopecia is a sign of hormonal imbalance.

Its appearance is indicated by the following signs:

  • hair loss resembles male pattern, baldness begins from the forehead, temples and crown of the head;
  • hair becomes thinner and grows slower;
  • oily seborrhea may appear;
  • there is the appearance of acne and hair on the face, especially above the upper lip;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • instability of the emotional background, frequent hysterics;
  • dissatisfaction with one's appearance;

Complications of alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia in women, the treatment of which is strictly necessary, is not a full-fledged disease, but one of the body’s signals about possible disorders.

Androgenetic alopecia in women. If treatment is not started, complications will arise, including complete baldness.

But without treatment, hair loss can have the following complications:

  • complete baldness;
  • progression of hormonal disorders;
  • scalp diseases;
  • psychological disorders associated with negative changes in a woman’s appearance.

Treatment of alopecia begins immediately after diagnosis and identification of the causes of the disease. 5-7 years after the onset of the disease, it becomes impossible to restore hair without the use of transplants.

Diagnostics: Trichoscopy and phototrichogram, tests

If androgenetic alopecia is suspected, a number of laboratory tests are performed:

  • on the norm of sex hormones;
  • to normal hormone levels thyroid gland;
  • on the normal level of adrenal hormones;
  • blood for CEC and antibodies to DNA;
  • general blood analysis.

Trichoscopy is an examination of hair using a trichoscope and computer technology. The device has a magnifying lens, with which the doctor can examine the hair follicle and the hair itself in detail.

With a phototrichogram, the device photographs the same area of ​​the head through equal amount time (several days or weeks). By comparing the images, the doctor determines the number of hairs falling out and growing.

Scheme and principles of treatment in women

The principles of treatment of androgenetic alopecia are based on identifying and eliminating the cause of baldness: hormonal disease, the effects of pregnancy or menopause, taking hormonal medications.

The treatment regimen is developed in the following stages:

  1. Pharmacological drugs. They are necessary both to treat the cause of hormonal instability and to influence the health of hair follicles. Medicines used to combat the disease: multivitamin complexes; antifungal agents; androgen inhibitors; products for healing the scalp and hair roots.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures to improve blood circulation and enhance nutrition of hair follicles. The procedures must be correctly combined and used only in courses.
  3. Hair transplantation. It is used for severe baldness, when the area of ​​hair loss exceeds 10% and the hair follicles cannot recover on their own.

Minoxidil (Rogaine)

Minoxidine is used to treat different types of baldness: focal, alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia. Efficiency depends on the stage of development of the disease and the area of ​​loss. It is a strong androgen inhibitor.

The drug Rogaine (Regaine), based on minoxidil, is most often used to treat alopecia in men. At female pattern baldness it is used in lower concentrations. After eight months, 60% of women experience hair restoration; in another 20%, minoxidil allows them to activate the work of hair follicles throughout the year.

Androgen inhibitors

Androgen inhibitors include substances that can reduce their concentration in the blood and stop the synthesis of hormones.

Such substances include:

  1. Cyproterone acetate, which has the properties of progesterone, is used to treat infertility in women. It is considered one of the most powerful antiandrogenic substances.
  2. Oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progesterone.
  3. Spironolanktone is a hormonal diuretic that can interfere with the synthesis male hormones and etc.

Androgenetic alopecia in women, which is treated using traditional medicine,can be defeated by phytohormones with plant extracts:

  • licorice;
  • peony;
  • peppermint;
  • flax;
  • cinnamon.

Estrogen and progesterone

Estrogen and progesterone are the main hormones in the female body. They are produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. When reducing them normal level there are a number of operational irregularities internal organs, including baldness.

Treatment of androgenetic alopecia without the use of these hormones in women is almost impossible. With their help, it is possible to reduce the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood and restore the health of hair follicles. Estrogen and progesterone are used by doctors as the main components in a regimen for preventing androgenetic alopecia.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are drugs that contain artificial hormones. Their main task is to suppress reproductive function. From oral contraceptives artificial substances enter the bloodstream female hormones. They are able to suppress high concentrations of testosterone and other androgens.

Used in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia combination drugs With low level male sex hormones. Incorrectly selected contraceptives accelerate baldness.

Ketoconazole (Nizoral)

Ketoconazole is a substance that is used to treat fungal diseases of the scalp, in particular dandruff. The drug is used in the initial stages of androgenetic alopecia. Active substance helps relieve inflammation in the hair follicle and reduce the intensity of hair loss.

During treatment, it is recommended to use shampoos with ketoconazole (for example, Nizoral) in combination with other drugs for hair loss. Compared to ointments, shampoos are easy to use, have the required concentration of the active substance, and, if used correctly and regularly, do not harm the scalp.


Spironolactone is a diuretic that effectively maintains the balance of potassium salts, but at the same time removes excess fluid and waste from the body. It has a powerful antiandrogenic effect. For alopecia, the drug reduces the amount of dihydrotestosterone by blocking the action of 5-alpha reductase. This protein is involved in the synthesis of DHT from testosterone.

Spironolactone is used as a substance that enhances the effect of other antiandrogen drugs.


Pantovigar is a popular vitamin complex, which trichologists advise to use in the complex treatment of androgenetic alopecia. The drug does not affect the causes of baldness, but is useful at the stage of restoration and regeneration of hair follicles. Pantovigar contains B vitamins, amino acids and keratin.

You need to take vitamins three times a day with food for several months.


Darsonval is a device that is applied to the scalp or face using low frequency current. Darsonvalization is a popular procedure for restoring the health of hair follicles. Its advantage is convenience: the device is portable, you can use it at home or take it with you on a trip.

The use of Darsonval is prohibited for acute infectious diseases, malignant and benign tumors. During the procedure, caution is important to avoid burns and overheating of the skin.

Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar)

Finasteride is used to treat precancerous prostate cancer in men. Its second application is the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. The active substances of the drug do not allow testosterone to be synthesized into a more active substance - dihydrotestosterone.

The drug is not hormonal, so it has fewer contraindications. You need to expect a positive effect within 4-5 months. During this time, the concentration of hormones in the blood decreases to the required level. After stopping treatment, alopecia returns.

Cyproterone acetate with ethinyl estradiol (Diane 35, Diane 50)

Diana 25 and Diana 50 - combined contraceptives with a strong antiandrogenic effect. Cyproterone acetate blocks androgen receptors in the hair follicle. Regular appointment drugs helps stop alopecia and get rid of other negative consequences androgens, in particular, excessive facial hair.

Taking contraceptives reduces the amount of male sex hormones in the first month.


Included in the data birth control pills includes ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. The last element is used to treat diseases with an androgenic nature. The effect of drospirenone is comparable to the effect of natural estrogen on a woman’s body.

Taking birth control pills is carried out according to the contraceptive regimen, without missing a single day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.


The drug is a hair growth activator in the form of a lotion. Its main components, minoxidine and biotin, are responsible for the growth, thickness and health of new hair. The composition includes substances that improve nutrition and blood circulation in the hair follicles: caffeine, retinol and alcoholic plant extracts.

The lotion is applied to the hair using a pipette or spray (they are sold along with the bottle) twice a day, always rubbing in with your fingers. One bottle is enough for a month's course.

Headway, Rogaine, Regaine

The drugs can be used for 5-6 years after the onset of the disease. The course ranges from 4 months to six months, depending on the area of ​​baldness. After a year, it is recommended to repeat the course.

Use of laser in the treatment of alopecia

Laser light beams are able to penetrate precisely into the area of ​​damaged hair follicles. This allows you to act without affecting other parts of the scalp. The laser helps to activate blood circulation and improve nutrition.

Androgenetic alopecia in women. Treatment can be performed using laser

There are 2 options for using laser for androgenetic alopecia:

  1. Visit to a cosmetology salon. There, treatment is carried out using a special device. It is a hood similar to a hairdresser's hair dryer.
  2. Treatment at home. In this case, a comb with laser beams is used. Daily use of the parting helps to activate “dormant” follicles for 1-2 months.

Physiotherapeutic effects

Androgenetic alopecia in women can be treated using the following types of physiotherapy:

  1. Electrotherapy. It is based on the impact of electrical impulses on the walls of blood vessels. Electrotherapy has several directions: galvanization and electrophoresis. One type of electrical influence is darsonval - a procedure that uses magnetic vibrations.
  2. Ultrasound. Used to stimulate the hair follicles and to introduce medicines.
  3. Manual massage. Increases blood circulation and nutrition of hair follicles, frees the skin from dead cells.
  4. Creotherapy. The effect of cold on the scalp is similar to a manual massage.


Mesotherapy is cosmetic procedure, in which vitamins and microelements are injected into the scalp. Their task is to increase nutrition and improve the health of hair follicles.

The following substances can be used in mesotherapy:

  • homeopathic medicines that stimulate hair growth;
  • biologically active microelements;
  • vitamin cocktails.

Mesotherapy is used as an addition to the main treatment and as a prevention of the progression of androgenetic alopecia.

Hair transplant

Hair transplantation is an operation during which hair follicles are transplanted to a person. Previously, synthetic material was used, but it did not take root well, caused itching and increased the risk of infectious inflammation.

Treatment for modern women androgenetic alopecia is carried out with natural human hair follicles. During the procedure, hair is transplanted from other areas of the head. The operation is performed using special equipment and micro-incisions. If the transplant is successful, hair from the new follicles begins to grow within 2 weeks.

Is it possible to treat alopecia without medications?

It is possible to avoid drug treatment of androgenetic alopecia only at the onset of the disease. It also depends on the causes of baldness, the condition of the scalp and the presence of concomitant diseases.

You can cure alopecia without medications by observing the following points:

  1. Regular visits to a dermatologist or trichologist to make a diagnosis and adjust treatment.
  2. Take proper care of your hair. Use masks several times a week to stimulate the hair follicles, comb your hair no more than 2 times a day, and do not tie it with tight hairpins or elastic bands.
  3. Wash your hair no more than 2 times a week using sulfate-free shampoo.
  4. To stop hair loss, you should definitely adhere to proper nutrition.
  5. Avoid stress and excessive physical activity, which negatively affect the health of the endocrine system.

Diet for androgenetic alopecia. Foods and principles of nutrition

The diet for androgenic alopecia must include foods rich in vitamins B and C, zinc, aluminum, silicon, calcium, iodine, etc. Polyunsaturated fats, fiber and proteins are responsible for hair growth and strength.

The diet for alopecia includes the following products:

  • fatty sea fish;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oils;
  • red meat;
  • dairy products;
  • greens and green vegetables;
  • legumes
  • chicken eggs.

If you have androgenetic alopecia, you should not adhere to debilitating low-calorie diets or become involved in vegetarianism. Lack of animal protein and polyunsaturated acids can lead to instability hormonal system and progression of the disease.

Folk remedies for the treatment of disease

Onion medicine

One of the most effective for hair loss is an onion-cognac mask. To prepare it you need to mix onion juice, cognac and olive oil in a ratio of 1:1:1. Then it is added to the liquid egg yolk. The mask can be applied for half an hour, and for a stronger effect, wrap the hair and heat it with a hairdryer several times.

Pepper tincture

The pepper mask is very aggressive and can burn strongly at first. Therefore, it is recommended to mix pepper tincture with any hair balm in a ratio of 2:4 and apply for 15-20 minutes, rubbing into the skin.

It is recommended to apply the pharmacy tincture no more than 2 times a week. Pepper powder is rubbed into the scalp for 5 minutes and left for half an hour. To prevent hair from being damaged, it must be lubricated with any vegetable oil in advance. The procedures need to be carried out for 1-2 months.

Mustard mask

To create a mask, 2 tbsp. mustard powder dilute with water to a mushy consistency. Then add one egg yolk and 2-3 tsp to the mixture. vegetable oil, preferably olive or peach. The mask needs to be mixed so that there are not even small lumps left in it.

The mustard mass is applied exclusively to the scalp and thoroughly rubbed in with your fingers until a burning sensation occurs. After this, you need to put a cap on your hair and wait from 15 to 30 minutes.

Henna and castor oil

For the mask, it is better to use colorless henna, which does not affect hair color. 100 grams of henna powder must be mixed with a tablespoon of castor oil. If your hair is dry, the amount of oil can be increased; if your hair is oily, you can reduce it. The mass is poured warm water to achieve the consistency of soft sour cream. The resulting substance is applied evenly to all hair and left for 40 minutes.

Before choosing care products, it is better to consult a cosmetologist or trichologist. Shampoos should not contain fragrances or sodium sulfate.

  • nutrients;
  • protein molecules;
  • essential vegetable oils;
  • extracts from medicinal plants.

Hair care for alopecia

Hair care for alopecia is aimed at strengthening healthy hair follicles and creating corrective appearance hairstyles:

  1. It is recommended to dye your hair only with vegetable dyes: basma and henna. They help improve hair color and strengthen roots.
  2. You can hide hair loss by using products to add volume to your hair at the roots.
  3. If you have alopecia, you should not wash your hair frequently. It is better to do this after 4 days.
  4. It is better not to braid your hair in tight braids, and avoid tight elastic bands, and do not use them to form knots.
  5. Under no circumstances should you comb your hair when it is wet.
  6. The diet must contain foods that contain vitamins, amino acids and minerals essential for healthy hair and scalp.

Which doctor should I contact?

When the first symptoms of alopecia appear, you should contact your local physician for examination. Excessive hair loss may be associated with diseases of the internal organs. Treatment of hormonal disorders is performed by an endocrinologist.

Restoration of hair and scalp is carried out under the supervision of a trichologist and cosmetologist. At concomitant diseases scalp, you will need to consult a dermatologist. Treatment should be carried out immediately after diagnosis. Androgenetic alopecia progresses rapidly, including in women.

Video about androgenetic alopecia in women

Answers to questions about androgenetic alopecia:

Hair loss treatment:

Strong and shiny hair has always been a symbol of beauty and health. Unfortunately, there are many reasons leading to loss of growth dynamics, thickness and density of hair, active hair loss: stress, lack of vitamins and microelements, poor diet, infection, improper care, exposure to medications or toxins. In addition to the above, on this moment A common cause of baldness in men and women is hormone imbalance. The main disease associated with the disorders hormonal levels, and the resulting hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. You can solve the problem using complex treatment.

Description of androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is hair loss caused by hormonal imbalance, leading to partial or complete baldness on the body or scalp.

Androgenetic alopecia occurs in both men and women

The root cause of androgenic alopecia is the effect of hormones in the blood on the hair follicle (specifically, androgens - male sex hormones).

The disease is more common in older people. Baldness occurs in certain areas of the head characteristic of alopecia: in women - in the area of ​​the central parting with its subsequent expansion to the sides, in men there is thinning of hair in the frontal and parietal areas.

Androgenic (or androgen-dependent) alopecia is a slowly progressive disease, sometimes observed for several decades. Gradually the hair becomes thinner and falls out. When treated in the initial stages of alopecia, the chance of returning to normal hair density is much higher.

The amount of male sex hormones in the blood plays an important role in the treatment of this type of alopecia, which was proven by a medical experiment: with castration of the patient and a subsequent decrease in androgens in the blood, baldness slowed down or ended altogether. With the start of hormone replacement therapy and an increase in androgen concentrations in castrated people, baldness began again.

Video: a trichologist's story about the problem

Development mechanism

Testosterone is initially present in the body of every person. But alopecia progresses only in those people whose hair follicles are particularly sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), one of the more active androgens synthesized from testosterone. The synthesis of DHT occurs under the influence of a special enzyme - 5-alpha reductase.

Under the influence of active DHT on the hair follicles, the capillaries in the vascular papillae, which feed the dihydrotestosterone-sensitive follicle, contract. Due to cessation of nutrition, loss of hair thickness and color is observed.

With alopecia, new hair grows thin and brittle due to disruption of root nutrition.

This is the reason for visiting a doctor for late stages alopecia: hair does not fall out immediately, initially it becomes weaker, thinner, the area of ​​baldness is not so noticeable. The patient cannot name the exact date, from which the development of the disease began. When baldness progresses and is visible to the eye, alopecia has often been going on for several years.

The difference between AGA and androgenetic alopecia is that the latter is hereditary disease, which is transmitted in most cases via female line(about 75%), in 20% of cases - paternal. Only in 5% of cases does the person become ill become the first in their family.

Features of the disease in men and women at different ages

Baldness in men and women is considered pathological when it appears before the age of 30. Unfortunately, androgenetic alopecia can also occur at a younger age, at the end of adolescence.

The causes of early androgenetic alopecia in girls can be:

  • genetics;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • hormonal therapy in the treatment of tumors;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands and ovaries;
  • other hormonal changes.

In boys 18–20 years old, androgenetic alopecia is caused by a genetic predisposition. Baldness may not be as obvious, but when compared with photographs from 2-3 years ago, a shift in the hairline towards the back and sides of the head is usually noticeable. The forehead becomes higher, thinning is observed on the temporal lobes of the head.

Young people who develop androgenetic alopecia at age 20, without treatment, have more pronounced bald patches by the age of forty, compared to patients who experienced AGA in middle age.

Video: androgenetic alopecia in men

Causes and development factors

So, the main reasons for the appearance of AGA are:

  • increased sensitivity of the hair follicle to the male hormone DHT;
  • excess level of male hormone in the blood;
  • an increase in the activity of 5-alpha reductase, which promotes the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

Besides hormonal imbalances in the body, the onset of AGA is promoted by:

  • genetics;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • the presence of tumors that produce male hormones;
  • taking certain medications (steroids, hormonal contraceptives, antibiotics);
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • menopause in women;
  • stressful conditions;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements.

Initial stages of the disease in women and men

Often, a combination of several reasons leads to the onset of the disease. The occurrence of androgenetic alopecia can be judged by the following factors:

  • dryness and increased fragility hair;
  • detection ;
  • hair thinning;
  • the addition of inflammatory and fungal skin diseases, for example, seborrhea.

Symptoms, stages and signs of alopecia

The main alarming symptom is hair loss above average norm for a person.

Thus, it is considered normal to lose up to a hundred hairs per day, or no more than ten during one mechanical impact on the scalp (washing, combing). Exceeding the norm should cause caution and Special attention to the problem.

The development of the clinical picture of the disease occurs according to a certain pattern in both men and women. Hair thins in androgen-dependent areas, occipital part men and women are not subject to baldness.

The severity of the stages of baldness in women is characterized by the Ludwig scale.

Disease severity according to the Ludwig scale

The course of the disease and the degree of alopecia in men is characterized by the Norwood scale.

The Norwood scale characterizes the progress of alopecia

Treatment of androgenetic alopecia in the early stages will be most effective.

Table: course of androgenetic alopecia

Progress of AGA in men Progress of AGA in women
  1. The appearance of areas of baldness in the frontotemporal lobe, a shift in the hairline.
  2. Deepening of receding hairline, taking on the shape of a triangle. The forehead becomes higher.
  3. The frontotemporal lobes become completely bald, and the hair on the crown thins.
  4. The boundaries are outlined around three zones: parietal and temporal.
  5. The boundaries between the bald patches are gradually lost; the area without hair looks like a horseshoe.
  6. The receding hairline on the frontal and temporal lobes progresses further.
  7. At the last stage, only the back of the head remains free from alopecia.
  1. Hair loss occurs mainly along the central parting.
  2. In the frontal and parietal parts there is a significant thinning of the scalp, the parting becomes wider.
  3. Diffuse hair loss occurs on the top of the head. Complete baldness in women is extremely rare.

It is also possible for alopecia to occur in a male pattern, which is especially typical for women during menopause.

Diagnosis of the disease: what tests need to be taken

The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis (a set of data about the disease), preliminary blood tests and some additional studies. Diagnosis and treatment of androgenetic alopecia is carried out by a dermatologist or trichologist and endocrinologist.

When collecting anamnesis, the duration of hair loss and the presence of a hereditary predisposition are taken into account. At the appointment, a visual examination is performed to assess the health of the hair, scalp and the presence of bald spots.

List of laboratory tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • test for sex hormones;
  • analysis of adrenal hormones;
  • analysis to determine the level of thyroid hormones.

Differential diagnosis

First of all, AGA differs from other forms of non-scarring alopecia:

  • diffuse (uniform baldness of the entire surface of the head);
  • focal (hair loss in one or more areas).

The trichoscopy method consists of examining the structure of the hair, follicle, bulb, sebaceous glands, as well as the health of the scalp in general. A trichoscope is a camera that allows you to magnify individual areas of the hairline several times. The resulting images are displayed on a computer monitor and examined by a specialist.

Trichoscopy is necessary to make a correct diagnosis

To establish the type of baldness, two areas of the scalp are compared: androgen-dependent and androgen-independent. Using computer diagnostics, the hair density and the difference in hair diameter in each area are calculated. The norm is considered to be a quarter increase in the number of hairs in the androgen-dependent area of ​​the crown compared to the androgen-independent area of ​​the back of the head, which is not influenced by male hormones.

In addition to tracing the dependence of hair growth on susceptibility to male hormones, trichoscopy can also reveal secondary signs hair thinning: the appearance of fungal infections and epithelial scales on the scalp.

When diagnosing alopecia at an early stage, a phototrichogram is used (the procedure is performed every three months to determine the degree of baldness, thinning hair and assess general condition hairline).

AGA detected using computer diagnostics

Androgenetic alopecia is often diagnosed simultaneously with seborrheic alopecia, which also causes baldness.

Seborrheic alopecia often accompanies AGA

This is possible due to same reason the occurrence of the disease - an increased number of male hormones (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone) and a decrease in female hormones (estrogen, progesterone).

Table: making a diagnosis using computer diagnostics

Alopecia form Diagnostic result
  1. In the parietal zone, the number of hairs is less or equal to the occipital zone.
  2. The hair is thin, short, and is replaced by vellus hair.
  1. The density and diameter of hair are reduced evenly on the surface of the head, but the ratio of the amount of hair in the parietal and occipital zones is maintained.
  2. There is an increased number of telogen hairs.
  1. The functions of the sebaceous glands are impaired (hyper- or hyposecretion).
  2. Fungal elements were detected.
Focal The hair bordering the baldness zone is dystrophic, repeatedly split and does not have a root gap.

How to treat androgenetic alopecia

A correct diagnosis gives a high chance of curing androgenetic alopecia. If it is determined that the cause lies in a hormonal imbalance due to a disease (infections, endocrine disorders, tumors and systemic pathologies), then upon recovery the hairline will be restored. It is more difficult with the androgenetic form of alopecia; in this case, constant therapy is needed, aimed at maintaining hair growth and stimulating the appearance of new follicles.

Drug treatment

The principle of action of drugs prescribed for androgenetic alopecia is aimed at reducing the synthesis of testosterone and preventing androgens from reaching receptors sensitive to them.

Drugs aimed at reducing androgenic activity should only be taken with a doctor’s prescription. Self-medication is possible only with cosmetics.

For androgenetic alopecia in currently the most prescribed drug is Minoxidil (Rogaine) with a concentration of 2% for women and 5% for men.

Action of Minoxidil:

  • increasing the duration of the anogen phase (hair growth);
  • transfer of “dormant” follicles from catagen (degradation phase) to anagen;
  • increase in the size of the hair follicle.

Minoxidil is the most popular drug for the treatment of AGA

The proven effect on hair growth in androgenetic alopecia has been tested in repeated clinical trials.

Treatment with Minoxidil brings positive results

A significant disadvantage of Minoxidil therapy is continued constant use of the drug. If treatment is stopped, hair will begin to thin again.

When using the product, it is necessary to avoid contact of the drug on the face, hands and other areas of the body where hair growth is undesirable.

In addition, you should not use Minoxidil under 18 years of age, or during pregnancy. The drug is contraindicated when used on propylene glycol.

Finasteride is an internal drug usually prescribed only to men. The mechanism of action is based on inhibition of the activity of the phase of conversion of testosterone to DHT, which causes baldness. In medicine, Finasteride is used to treat hormone-dependent tumors.

Finasteride gives good results in the treatment of AGA

For women, Finasteride can only be prescribed with the proper level of contraception due to the negative effect on the fetus, especially males. The drug has a large number of contraindications; use should be supervised by a doctor.

Estrogen oral contraceptives (EOC)

Taking EOC for the treatment of alopecia is currently considered an outdated method, inferior to Minoxidil and its analogues. Estrogens affect testosterone levels. Non-EOCs are more effective systemic action, and estrogens for topical use.

Yarina, Diane 35, Zhanin, Androkur 10 are EOCs with pronounced antiandrogenic activity

provide EOC positive action on hair follicles and hair growth only while taking medications. Upon discontinuation, progression of alopecia may be observed in a more severe form than before treatment.

A line of drugs (tablets, shampoo, lotion) containing herbal active ingredients, including dwarf palm berry extract, which is aimed at preventing hair loss.

Rinfoltil contains herbal inhibitors of DHT activity

The drug contains phytoinhibitors of substances that promote the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone. When taken, the sensitivity of follicles to male hormones decreases. Best effect is achieved through the combined use of all products in this series. Approved for the treatment of alopecia regardless of gender. Contraindication is individual intolerance.

Esvicin is a multicomponent drug that has a general strengthening effect on the body. Contains vitamins, biostimulants, enzymes and microelements that help stop hair loss. In addition, Esvicin is used in the treatment of seborrheic alopecia.

Esvicin is effective when used in combination

For successful treatment The drug is taken orally and rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements. Esvicin can be used for a long time; contraindications are individual intolerance, periods of pregnancy and lactation.

The product belongs to the B vitamins. In the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, nicotinic acid is secondary drug. Effective only in the early stages of baldness - stimulates hair growth.

A nicotinic acid effective only in the early stages of baldness

Nicotinic acid is available in injection ampoules. The solution is rubbed into the scalp every day for ten days and is not washed off. Treatment of alopecia requires at least three courses.

Physiotherapy: use of the Darsonval apparatus and other methods

The attending physician should select an auxiliary course of physical treatment for androgenetic alopecia. The improvement or deterioration of the condition depends on the number of prescribed procedures, intensity, and duration of therapy.

The most prescribed treatment for alopecia is electrotherapy. After the course of treatment, the follicles wake up, enter the growth phase faster, and there is more hair. Under the influence of current, blood circulation in the scalp increases and metabolic processes are activated.

Electrotherapy can be performed using one of the following methods:

  • galvanization,
  • electrophoresis,
  • darsonvalization,
  • UHF field to the area of ​​hair loss,
  • ultrasound on the collar area.

The most common method is darsonvalization - treatment with pulsed currents high frequency. When the electrode is applied to the scalp, the blood vessels dilate, and therefore the hair receives extra food and stimulation for growth. Darsonval can be bought at a pharmacy and used at home, which is a significant advantage.

Hardware method treatment of AGA - darsonvalization - can also be used for preventive purposes

In addition to electrotherapy, the following is used to treat androgenetic alopecia:

  • phototherapy of the scalp (after preliminary haircut);
  • cryotherapy;
  • aeronization of the skin of the collar zone;
  • heat therapy;
  • massage and vacuum therapy.

Video: trichologist talks about the effectiveness of massage and dermarollers

Traditional medicine for hair loss

Traditional medicine methods will not help stop hair loss with androgenetic alopecia. It is recommended that they be considered as part of an integrated approach to the treatment of baldness.

The most effective recipes are those that, when applied, turn out to be irritant effect on the scalp. As a result, blood microcirculation improves and new hair growth is stimulated.

Onion medicine

Suitable for normal to dry hair. At high fat content For kizhi head, alcohol or cognac is added to the onion.


  • onions 2 pcs.;
  • cognac 50 ml.


  1. Chop the onion by grating or using a meat grinder.
  2. Add cognac to the onion pulp and stir until smooth.

Rub the resulting mass into areas with signs of baldness every week for six months, taking a break for 5-6 days.

The tincture has a warming effect, can awaken “sleeping” hair follicles and provoke the growth of new hair. Results can be seen after half a month. It's inexpensive and effective remedy in the early stages of alopecia.

Pepper tincture is a well-known folk method for treating baldness.


  1. Soak a cotton swab in pepper tincture.
  2. Apply to problem areas of the scalp immediately after washing.
  3. After half an hour, wash off the tincture. If a strong burning sensation occurs, it is recommended to rinse off earlier and dilute the tincture with water before the next application.
  4. The procedure must be repeated after two weeks.

Mustard mask


  • burdock oil 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard powder 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix ingredients in a small container.
  2. Leave the mixture for half an hour.

Apply the mask to bald areas, rubbing into the skin with your fingers. The duration of the procedure depends on the sensitivity of the skin: the mask is kept on until a burning sensation occurs. Frequency of procedure: 1 time per week for a month. Then take a break for 30 days. Use with caution on dry hair.

Henna and castor oil

In addition to masks with irritating effects, ethnoscience recommends the use of products that provide additional nutrition for the scalp. Henna is known for its strengthening properties, and Castor oil promotes thickening of the hair shaft.

Application of henna:

  1. Boiling water is added to a standard bag until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  2. Rub the hot paste into the scalp.
  3. Wrap your head in a towel and leave for half an hour, rinse off.

Henna helps strengthen hair

Castor oil mask:

  1. The oil is applied before washing your hair for an hour and a half.
  2. Wash off with shampoo.
  3. The mask is made 4-5 times a month.


The diet for the treatment of AGA must comply with the principles healthy eating: avoidance of fatty and fried foods, as well as foods with high content salt and sugar. The diet should consist of vegetables and fruits, as well as protein foods. Biologically approved for stimulating hair growth active additives with complexes of vitamins and minerals. The most important vitamins for hair health are B vitamins; among minerals you need to pay attention to iron, zinc, sulfur, silicon, calcium and selenium.

When planning to take a course of dietary supplements, you must seek advice from your doctor, since it is often impossible to independently determine the deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in the body.

Shampoos and cosmetics

Choosing a shampoo for baldness problems is a very difficult task. Before purchasing, you should determine your hair type in advance and carefully read the composition on the label.

Video: trichologist about shampoos and vitamins against baldness

Hair transplantation (transplantation) into the androgen-dependent zone

Hair transplant has become a popular procedure for both men and women. Transplantation is the transfer of healthy hair from an androgen-independent zone to an androgen-dependent zone by excision of follicular groups and their subsequent implantation into problem areas. The procedures are performed by a transplant surgeon, and the first results are visible after 4–6 months.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications, consequences

The prognosis for treatment of androgenetic alopecia is favorable if timely application and subject to compliance with all prescriptions and recommendations of a specialist. A complex approach to the treatment of the disease ensures faster recovery.

With non-medicinal effects, for example, only folk remedies, treatment is impractical and ineffective, since it does not eliminate the causes of alopecia.

Possible complications may occur due to improper self-medication medicines. Some treatments may also cause health problems (for example, side effects from medications or inflammatory processes after hair transplantation).

Most adverse consequence Alopecia is severe baldness, which is not harmful to health, but causes psychological discomfort, especially for women.

Preventive measures: is it possible to dye your hair or perm it?

When a diagnosis of anodrogenic alopecia is made, hair loss is prevented by constant monitoring and examinations by a trichologist. The causes of AGA often do not depend on external factors influences such as dyeing, perming, shampooing, blow-drying. Androgenetic alopecia requires constant therapy with drugs that prevent hair loss by reducing the activity of male hormones.

Hair and scalp care - secondary prevention, which promotes the beauty of hair, but does not prevent hair loss.

For such prevention, the following measures are relevant:

  • balancing nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • washing your hair with shampoos without lauryl sulfate and when dirty;
  • refusal to use a hair dryer;
  • use of wide-toothed combs;
  • wearing hats in the cold season;
  • regular medical checkup(in addition, it is necessary to take tests for the level of male hormones).

Androgenetic alopecia in women is hair loss (baldness) that occurs according to the male pattern. In males, this form of alopecia is much more common, but in last years Specialists - trichologists note with alarm that the number of women faced with this pathology is increasing. It should be understood that hair thinning associated with seasonal factors or lack of vitamins is a reversible process, while alopecia is serious illness, leading to irreversible hair loss.

Hair loss is a serious cosmetic problem that requires special approach And timely treatment, since baldness in women leads to severe psychological problems and causes low self-esteem. How to recognize alarming symptoms in time, when to seek medical help and what methods to treat alopecia? To answer these questions, you need to know exactly the causes of baldness.

Let's name the main causes of androgenetic alopecia in women:

  • Hereditary predisposition. The disease can be inherited from the mother, therefore preventive treatment It is advisable to start long before the first warning signs appear.
  • Hormonal disorders associated with an excess of the male sex hormone - dihydrosterone. The more it is in a woman’s body, the greater the risk of permanent hair loss.
  • Pregnancy period. At this time, “hormonal storms” rage in a woman’s body, which can lead to severe hair loss. In most cases, hormonal status is restored after childbirth, but sometimes only medication can help prevent hair loss.

In addition, experts identify a number of provoking factors that contribute to the launch and further development pathological process. These are the following reasons:

Strict diets and unbalanced nutrition can provoke the development of alopecia in women, as they lead to a lack of important nutrients, minerals and vitamins necessary for normal height hair. Another common reason is improper care.

Irreversible hair loss can be caused by regular thermal exposure (drying with a hairdryer, styling with hot tongs), perming, and dyeing with aggressive and low-quality dyes.

Features of the disease: main symptoms

The main feature of this insidious disease The fact is that androgenetic alopecia begins unnoticed. And most women do not immediately pay attention to thinning hair, associating these manifestations with seasonal factors or insufficient care.

The process of thinning and hair loss occurs gradually and can take quite a long time - from several months to several years. Which alarm bells Do you need to pay attention so as not to miss the moment and seek professional help in time?

  • Gradual thinning and shortening of hair occurs;
  • There is thinning of the hair in the area of ​​the central parting and at the temples;
  • The scalp becomes excessively dry, dandruff appears;
  • Hair becomes dull, brittle, and loses vitality;
  • As further development pathology, dandruff disappears and seborrhea develops (oily, dry or mixed). The hair looks greasy and unkempt;
  • The structure of the hair shaft gradually changes and full strands are replaced by short and thin vellus hair.

As the pathological process progresses, the woman notices that everything remains on the top of her head. less hair, a kind of “wreath” is formed under which the skin is visible. The last stage The disease is complete baldness in the parietal region. In many cases, alopecia is accompanied by the growth of unwanted hair on the face and body, and loss of eyelashes and eyebrows may occur.

You need to consult a doctor - a dermatologist or trichologist when the first alarming symptoms appear. Especially if the problem of hair loss persists despite active use vitamin therapy, strengthening masks, balms and other cosmetics. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, alopecia can be successfully treated; it is important to diagnose it on time. correct diagnosis and select an adequate treatment regimen.


Androgenetic alopecia in women can be determined only by the results comprehensive survey. The doctor will definitely prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures:

Based on the tests performed, the specialist will determine the only correct treatment tactics and individually select the necessary combination of medications that will be most effective in your case.

Unfortunately, you will have to treat androgenetic alopecia and maintain normal hair condition throughout your entire life. Most drugs for the treatment of alopecia are not cheap, which is why the accuracy of the diagnosis and the correct treatment regimen are so important, because not only the appearance of your hair, but also the state of your budget will depend on this.

Treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women begins after undergoing a full examination and identifying the main cause causing hair loss. Complex therapy of the disease includes the use of specific medications, methods alternative medicine and physiotherapeutic treatment aimed at stimulating hair growth.

IN severe cases when persistent therapy does not produce results and alopecia continues to progress, the only in a radical way treatment remains surgery for hair transplantation.

Treatment tactics for the disease will largely depend on the degree of damage and the amount of hair lost. If hair loss is less than 50%, the following treatment regimen will be optimal:

In cases where hair loss is more than 50%, the treatment regimen is as follows:

Drug therapy for the disease is based on the use of effective drugs that stimulate hair growth. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

In addition, preparations containing zinc and vitamin B6 have a blocking effect on androgens, so they are actively included in the complex treatment of alopecia. Some contraceptive drugs, for example Diane-35, have a similar effect.

As a means for external treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women, the doctor may recommend rubbing in alcohol tinctures or preparations with extracts of red pepper and naftalan oil. Such procedures have an irritating effect on the scalp, increase blood circulation, improve tissue metabolism and provide a flow of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. This helps strengthen them and slows down hair loss.

Specific treatment methods are cosmetic and physiotherapeutic procedures. These are sessions of vacuum and manual massage, galvanic scalp peeling, iontophoresis, microcurrent therapy, various therapeutic masks.

In severe cases, when conservative therapy is ineffective, the woman is offered radical measure transplantation (transplantation of one's own hair) or implantation of artificial strands.

Folk remedies

At home, in addition to the main methods of treating androgenetic alopeia in women, you can use proven folk remedies. The procedures must be coordinated with the attending physician; this will help avoid unwanted complications.

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs such as verbena, clover, and hops have beneficial effects. They can be used for external treatment and taken internally. These products contain plant phytoestrogens, which replace female hormones and suppress the production of androgens.

Watch the video: Hair loss in women: features, causes, treatment

Watch the video: Androgenetic alopecia: an endocrinologist's answers to your questions

Previously, androgenic alopecia was most common in men, but now many women also suffer from it. It can flow through their male and female type. People facing this problem should constantly take special drugs and undergo certain procedures to first stop hair loss, and then restore the affected hair follicles.

Features of the problem

Androgenetic alopecia occurs as a result of the transition of terminal follicles to dysplastic ones. The first type is responsible for the appearance of thick, fast-growing pigmented curls, and the second type forms small colorless hairs that are not always visually noticeable. This process occurs as a result of a decrease in the size of the follicles and a decrease in their depth, which can last for several years.

As a result, not only the follicle changes, but also hair growth worsens. Compression of the hair follicle threatens to accelerate its passage through the resting phase and accelerate the onset of the resting phase, during which the hair shaft will fall out. It turns out that it does not ripen completely. In healthy hair, this process takes from 3 to 6 years, but with androgenetic alopecia, the development cycle of one hair passes too quickly, which leads to the loss of short curls.

This type of alopecia most often occurs due to the conversion of testosterone to dehydrotestosterone, while the first hormone remains normal. The degree of development of the disease is determined after a hormone analysis, after which the amount of active enzymes in sebaceous glands and the presence of dehydrotestosterone.

This disease has several classifications according to ICD-10 code:

  • 0 Androgenetic alopecia, which appeared after taking medications.
  • 8 Other types of androgenetic alopecia.
  • 9 Androgenetic alopecia arising for unspecified reasons.

A feature of the disease in question is the frequency of its manifestation. There are periods during which excessive hair loss is observed, and they are replaced by a time when the process temporarily stops.

Features of androgenetic alopecia are described in this video:

Classification and localization

With this type of alopecia, hair loss begins in the frontoparietal region.

  • In men it can appear on the top of the head with simultaneous loss of strands at the back of the head and temples.
  • In children and the fairer sex hair can remain on the entire surface of the head, but its density in the frontoparietal region (usually in the parting area) noticeably decreases.

The classification of androgenic hair loss includes several stages:

  1. Bald patches appear in the frontotemporal areas and the anterior hairline.
  2. Areas of baldness become triangular shape, they are taking over more area heads and run deep.
  3. Hair loss occurs at the top of the head.
  4. There are three areas affected by baldness: frontotemporal and parietal.
  5. The boundaries between hair loss zones become blurred.
  6. Areas of baldness are connected to each other.
  7. One large horseshoe-shaped area of ​​hair loss stands out. Baldness affects the back of the head, the sides, the area behind the ears and on the neck.

Androgenetic alopecia in women (photo)


Basically, the change in testosterone and its transition to dehydrotestosterone is genetic. If a man's father quickly becomes bald, the same will happen to him if measures to prevent this disease are not taken in time. This main reason the appearance of androgenetic alopecia. The zonal localization of areas of baldness is a completely understandable phenomenon. The fact is that the scalp in different places differs in its biochemical properties.

So on the temples and back of the head it contains more aromas than in the parietal and frontal zones. And this enzyme stimulates the transformation of testosterone into estradiol and estrone, which improve the functioning of the follicles, which is why more hair remains in these areas than on the crown and forehead.

Among other causes of androgenic type baldness, the following are more common:

  • Mental disorders and neuroses.
  • Strict mono-diets or unhealthy diet.
  • Excess of male hormones in women. It can manifest itself as a complication of gynecological and other diseases, for example, polycystic disease of one or both ovaries.
  • Frequent use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, labor activity, breastfeeding or menopause.
  • Careless hair care: frequent use ironing, hair dryer, curling iron, use of low-quality shampoos and conditioners.
  • Taking antibiotics or other potent drugs for a long time.

Symptoms of androgenetic alopecia

Manifestation of the disease in different genders It occurs differently for everyone, but its onset always becomes noticeable in the parietal region. Hair doesn't just fall out, it becomes thinner and loses its pigmentation.

  • In men thinning of hair in the frontal area is observed, due to which the border of the forehead rises, the process begins to capture more and more new areas and moves towards the crown. Wherein healthy hair remain on the temples and back of the head.
  • Among women hair loss is observed in the parietal and frontal parts of the head, but it represents a strip of thinning strands, in parallel with this they may experience associated symptoms diseases:
    • the appearance of facial hair, if it was previously in small quantities, then;
    • disruption of the menstrual cycle;

In severe cases, androgenetic alopecia may affect reproductive function women, she will not be able to conceive a child for a long time.

Diagnostics and tests

To accurately determine the disease, doctors must first exclude all diseases that are accompanied by symptoms similar to it: polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal disease, various pathologies of the endocrine system.

When visiting a doctor, the patient goes through comprehensive diagnostics, which provides:

  1. Examination of the scalp by a trichologist.
  2. Photo or regular. After them, important hair parameters are determined, or rather, their growth and density in different areas of the head. The frontoparietal and occipitotemporal regions are most often examined.
  3. Spectral analysis of curls (determining the amount of microelements) or microscopic examination of them.
  4. Ultrasound examination different organs, malfunction of which may be involved in hair loss.
  5. Blood tests.

Blood is taken to determine:

  • , this is the definition of TSH, T 3 and T 4;
  • levels of male sex hormones (testosterone) and female sex hormones (estrogen).

Based on the research results, therapy is prescribed. It will be long and, in advanced cases of the disease, expensive.

Sometimes full picture The development of the disease remains unclear; in this case, special tests help. They are developed to determine gene polymorphism and the amount of hormones. They will be especially useful for young patients, so as not to torment them with multiple tests. When prescribing treatment for androgenic alopecia, not only the stage of the disease is taken into account, but also the diseases the person has suffered, as well as his age.

Photos before and after treatment of the problem


It starts with the selection of cosmetic and care products medicinal products for the scalp and hair. Then the trichologist prescribes medications and physiotherapy. An integrated approach to treating the disease allows you to quickly restore hair and stop hair loss.

In a therapeutic way

An innovative method for eliminating androgenetic alopecia is cell therapy, which involves two approaches:

  1. the use of factors secreted by cells that stimulate the growth of curls;
  2. direct injection of cultured cells into lesions.

Recently, the use of platelet-rich plasma, which is isolated from the blood, has become popular. Platelets are capable of producing hair growth factors, which are so important in hair loss.

Therapy must be supported, the most necessary for hair are most representatives of groups B and D, ascorbic acid, vitamin F and E. If there is a lack of several of these vitamins, not only the curls, but also the entire body can suffer. To avoid this, you should take vitamin-mineral complexes in the spring and autumn.


During hair loss therapy, treatment methods are selected that are aimed at stimulating hair growth and the functioning of their follicles. The following methods are in particular demand:

  • . With it, the follicles are exposed to a weak pulsed current of high voltage. After the procedure, hair roots are strengthened, skin secretions are normalized and blood supply is improved. The procedure can be carried out both in medical centers and at home.
  • Laser therapy. Low-intensity laser radiation improves tissue microcirculation and normalizes metabolism at the cellular level. After this procedure, weakened hair becomes stronger and thicker. You can use laser combs at home, although their effect is not as noticeable as with treatment medical equipment. Achievements do not disappear after stopping laser treatment.
  • . Medications are injected under the scalp, most of them vitamins.
  • . With it, the areas of baldness are exposed to cold, resulting in irritation in these areas, which stimulates blood circulation and helps saturate the hair follicles with nutrients.
  • Massage. Manual exposure to the skin increases the flow of blood to it and the follicles receive extra vitamins and oxygen. After it, tension is removed from the head, and dead cells are eliminated from its surface. This technique only helps initial stages androgenetic alopecia.

The girl will talk about her experience in dealing with this problem in this video:

By medication

To treat this type of baldness, medications that stimulate hair growth and dihydrotestosterone blockers are prescribed. Among these funds, the following occupy a special place:

  • . Its action is aimed at inhibiting the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone. This is an effective drug that in three months can completely stop the process of hair loss, and after six months normalize the growth of normal hair. It can be produced under different names: “Finast”, “Propecia” and “Fincar”. But after you stop taking it, alopecia may appear again. Moreover, after long reception This medication may cause side effects such as increased female hormones, decreased libido, or osteoporosis.
  • . It itself acts on hair follicles, increasing their growth phase, but it does not in any way affect the amount of male hormones, which is why it is most often prescribed in conjunction with the previous drug. The period of its use can range from 2 months to a year. If you use the drug in large doses, body hair may begin to appear in unwanted places.
  • . It reduces the effect of dihydrotestosterone and enhances the protection of the gastric mucosa, which is important when taking various potent drugs. The only contraindication to taking this medicine is increased personal sensitivity to its components.
  • Spironolactone. The medication affects androgens, blocks their action, thereby stopping hair loss and normalizing hormonal levels.
  • Oral contraceptives. They contain female hormones, which help normalize the ratio of female and male hormones in the body, thereby stopping hair loss.

Alternative techniques

  • At home, it will be effective to use various masks made from available products, as well as rubbing into the hair roots healing oils And Chinese funds. Use shampoos with zinc or.
  • IN difficult cases When most of the hair on the head has already been lost, hair transplantation is used. After the operation, the patient will have to take the medications described above to obtain a lasting effect and consolidate the result. During transplantation, hair follicles are taken from other parts of the body or head. The technique involves patch transplantation, which is performed through skin incisions.

Disease prevention

It consists of proper care of your hair and scalp, normalizing your diet, introducing hair-healthy products into it, and avoiding nervous shock. As soon as it becomes noticeable that something is wrong with your hair, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Androgenetic alopecia with running forms leads to complete baldness. Not every person can come to terms with this, and psychological problems begin that further aggravate the situation.


When comparing female and male androgenetic alopecia, it turns out that a female disease of this type is treated much more successfully than a male one, since complete atrophy of the follicles rarely occurs in the fairer sex and they can be restored. This circumstance allows you to return the curls to their previous state and normalize their growth.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the disease in question are given in this video:

Androgenetic alopecia in women is hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances, as well as the causes of baldness, symptoms and types of treatment.

Androgenetic alopecia in women is hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances. In this case, the balance shifts towards an increase in the number of male hormones. This phenomenon can occur at any age.

Development process

The disease, which has a hormonal basis, goes through several stages of development. In women it proceeds as follows:

  • in the forehead area and along the growth line, the strands become sparser, which is noticeable to the naked eye;
  • baldness spreads to the parietal region. Visible bald patches form in areas closer to the forehead;
  • active loss of strands occurs over a large area - from the parietal zone to the back of the head;
  • A large area is formed in which there is no hair at all. A receding hairline starts from the hairline and extends to the back of the head.

The process of baldness can continue for several years.

The proposed classification is relevant if the woman does not suffer from pathologies of the endocrine system. If diseases of this nature are present, then the pathological process develops much faster and is characterized by loss large quantity hair in a short time.

Reasons for rejection

Baldness in women is associated with increased levels of androgens in the blood. This can occur as a result of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. Risk factors include:

  • taking medications containing hormones;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation, which are characterized by large-scale hormonal changes in the body;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • organ diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • the period of menopause, during which the amount of synthesized female sex hormones decreases;
  • inflammatory processes on the scalp;
  • chronic stress;
  • acute deficiency of nutrients in the body;
  • abuse of fats and carbohydrates.

Frequent use of aggressive coloring matter for hair, and also increase the risk of developing androgenetic alopecia if a woman suffers from dysfunction of the endocrine system.

Manifestation Process

The main symptom of androgenetic alopecia is male pattern baldness: first, the hair thins in the crown and forehead area, and then spreads to the central parting.

Baldness in women, associated with an increase in androgen levels, manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • fragility, increased fragility of hair;
  • dull strand color;
  • the appearance of dandruff;
  • rapid greasy skin and hair;
  • slowing down the growth of strands;
  • dry scalp.

In addition, symptoms appear that directly indicate a hormonal imbalance in the body: the growth of hard dark hair on the face, menstrual irregularities up to the disappearance of menstruation, rashes and acne on the scalp.

Is androgenetic alopecia treated in women?

Androgenetic alopecia is curable, but it is important to start the treatment process in a timely manner: if the process of hormonal hair loss continues for 2-3 years, then it is impossible to restore full growth of curls.

Initially, the disease is treatable, therefore, at the first signs of male pattern baldness in women, it is important to promptly consult a specialist - a dermatologist, trichologist, or gynecologist.

Diagnosis of the disease

To put accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed the following research methods:

  • blood tests to determine the level of sex hormones and thyroid hormones contained in it;
  • biochemical analysis blood;
  • microscopy of hair follicles;
  • phototrichogram.

After clarifying the diagnosis and assessing the degree of development of the pathological process, the specialist determines the course of treatment.

Scalp mesotherapy as a treatment method for alopecia

One of the ways to treat androgenetic alopecia in women is. This procedure involves introducing active substances into the upper layers of the scalp. Typically, this method is used if other methods have not helped in solving the problem.

Using injections, microelements and vitamins are introduced under the skin to nourish hair follicles, amino acids, and extracts. medicinal herbs and plants.

For androgenetic alopecia, manual needling is prescribed: in this case, injections are administered into the areas of bald areas. This method is less painful than the introduction of solutions using the hardware method, and is also characterized by higher accuracy.

For male pattern baldness, women are prescribed about 12 mesotherapy procedures. They are held once a week.

Conservative treatment

Drug treatment in women it is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, that is, it involves action from the outside. Most often, to stabilize hormonal levels, medications with antiandrogenic effects are prescribed.

Women who are faced with the problem of male pattern baldness are recommended to take medications such as Androcur together with Diana-35 And Yarina.

Folk remedies

You can fight hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances with: folk recipes. They are used only in the composition complex therapy.

Effective ones include:

  1. Tincture for hot pepper . To prepare, you need to take 3 pods of hot pepper, pour in 500 ml of vodka and leave for 5 days. After this, the liquid must be filtered. Ready product need to be rubbed into problem areas, leaving for 15-30 minutes for effective action;
  2. Scalp massage sea ​​salt . First, you need to lightly moisten your scalp with water, then take a little salt and gently rub it into the roots until the granules dissolve. Wash off any remaining salt;
  3. Onion mask. To prepare the composition, you should finely chop a medium-sized onion and drain the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Apply the resulting juice to the scalp, rubbing it in with soft circular movements. Leave the mask on for no more than 30 minutes.

Before using any folk remedy you need to consult a trichologist.

Permitted and prohibited products

In the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women important has a diet. To speed up the healing process, you should exclude from it:

  • smoked meats;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • spicy dishes, spices;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Shampoos used for alopecia

Hair care products must be of high quality. If you have hair loss, you should use the following shampoos:

  1. Magic Glance. This is a professional product that activates hair growth;
  2. Bioxin. This shampoo has a plant base and stimulates the process of restoration and growth of strands;
  3. Seborin. The product not only eliminates the symptoms of alopecia, but also prevents its development.


To prevent the development of androgenetic alopecia in women, you must:

  • Be regularly observed by a specialist during periods associated with hormonal fluctuations: during pregnancy;
  • take medications containing the hormone only as prescribed by a doctor and in the indicated dosages;
  • avoid stressful conditions;
  • abide by the principles balanced nutrition;
  • Treat existing diseases in a timely manner and prevent them from becoming chronic.

Review of treatment

Elena, 29 years old:

“During pregnancy, my hair began to fall out. Soon after giving birth, I discovered a small patch of baldness on the back of my head and immediately turned to a trichologist. He advised me to get additional advice from a gynecologist. I was recommended to take vitamin PP and a zinc complex, as well as to exclude harmful foods from my diet. These are fairly gentle methods, since during breastfeeding you should be careful with taking medications. The condition has improved a little thanks to vitamins, and my hair has stopped falling out.”