Cassia tora, or Chinese coffee bean. What is it, how to use it and why are they included in almost all Chinese weight loss products? Another Chinese novelty - coffee beans for weight loss: what to expect from the drink

Chinese coffee beans are the pods (beans) of Cassia Tora of Cassia Alexandrina. The Cassia aquifolia plant is commonly known as senna. Cassia fruits and leaves are used as a mild laxative and diuretic.

Leaves and beans have been used since ancient times in medical purposes. The names “senna leaf”, “Alexandrian leaf”, “Alexandrian pod” are familiar to many.

The history of Chinese coffee beans or the world history of weight loss

Cassia aculifolia is a low shrub. The plant's homeland is East Africa, Asia, the Arabian coast of the Red Sea. The leaves are compound, consisting of several pairs of lanceolate leaflets. Yellow flowers collected in a brush. Cassia fruits are dry flat beans.
The name senna comes from Arabic word"Sana" IN ancient world medicinal raw materials were imported to the market through the Egyptian port of Alexandria, hence the name “Alexandrian senna”. This is the Latin or pharmaceutical variant.

On the other side of the world, Cassia has the Chinese name Jue Ming Zi, and is known as “Chinese grass.” According to an ancient Chinese legend, one old Taoist priest consumed cassia fruits all his life, lived for more than 100 years, retained his slim figure, clear eyes and keen hearing. Many people prayed to the monk to tell him the secret of youth. To his surprise, he said that there was no secret. Every day he takes cassia seeds. Cassia beans are currently popular among Chinese office workers that lead sedentary lifestyle life and constantly strain their eyes at the computer.

Modern pharmacological studies have also confirmed that this herb has beneficial influence for the prevention and treatment of various eye diseases, regulates blood pressure, reduces high level cholesterol and useful for constipation.

What are the benefits of Chinese coffee beans for residents of a modern metropolis?

IN in this case what to drink to lose weight? Include Chinese coffee beans in your detox program! The drink will help you lose weight, improve your facial skin and look at the world with clear eyes. To prepare the drink, cassia beans are dried, fried, and sometimes ground into powder. The dried beans are brewed and drunk like tea or coffee. When using fruits, there are four aspects that have a positive effect on health:

  1. Prevention of eye diseases
  2. Calming effect and improving sleep quality, relieving anxiety
  3. Treatment of constipation, mild laxative, choleretic
  4. Herbal tea for weight loss

Where do Chinese coffee beans grow - can I grow coffee beans in my garden plot

Currently, the plant is cultivated for medicinal purposes in India, China, Egypt, and Africa. The plant is heat-loving, does not tolerate low temperatures. In our climate, there have been attempts to grow cassia as an annual, but without much success. The beans are harvested as they ripen, the leaves 2-3 times per season. Once the pods are ripe, they are collected and dried in the sun.

Cassia Tora is found in many parts of the world. The shrub grows abundantly in areas of Afghanistan, India, China, Pakistan, Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan. It is grown and cultivated in the Himalayas at an altitude of 1400 meters and in Nepal. Cassia Tora is distributed throughout India, Sri Lanka, Western China and the tropics.

The whole plant, as well as individual parts such as roots, leaves and seeds, are widely used to control various diseases, especially in rural traditional cultivation areas in India and China. Cassia Tora is one of the recognized plants in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

Cassia Tora can grow in dry soil in tropical parts and at altitudes (Himalayas) up to 1800 meters, as well as in plains. The seed has huge reserves nutrients. Cassia seeds remain viable for twenty years and can produce up to 1000 plants per square meter.

Leaves and beans contain glycosides, sennosides, flavonoids, organic acids, sterols, macro and microelements, and other biochemical elements. Active organic compounds, these are anthraquinones (sennosides A and B). These compounds help improve digestion and enhance intestinal motility. Due to this property, Chinese coffee beans are used in weight loss and detoxification programs. As a result of consuming coffee beans, cholesterol levels are reduced and joint health is improved.

The effect of senna leaves and cassia beans on the body - take moderation

In practice they use dried leaf senna or dried fruits. All parts of the plant act as a mild laxative. When taken orally, it mainly enhances the motility of the large intestine. A weak diuretic effect is also observed. Senna is used for constipation, colitis, hemorrhoids. The senna preparation has a mild effect, which distinguishes it from other laxatives.

When taken, you may experience side effects in the form of rumbling, flatulence and disappear immediately after cancellation. At long-term use A decoction of senna leaves or coffee beans may be addictive. As a result, the effect of intestinal motility is weakened. Therefore, the drug is prescribed in courses and in small quantities.

In our country, cassia fruits and leaves are used as a laxative and are sold in pharmacies. In areas where it grows naturally, cassia has many uses. It is familiar and widely used in agriculture plant.

Why are senna fruits called coffee beans - let's drink coffee and tea in grief

Young leaves of Cassia Tora are stewed or added to other vegetable dishes. Roasted seeds are a good substitute for coffee. This drink is neither tea nor coffee. Many people call it “tea-coffee”. Brewed beans do not contain caffeine and can serve as a natural replacement for coffee and carbonated drinks. Cassia fruits have a gentler effect on the body than leaves. The laxative effect is not so pronounced. The beans do not contain resinous substances, like the leaves. Largest exporter dried fruits Cassia, this is China.

In Asian countries, a drink made from coffee beans is credited with miraculous powers. Broadly speaking, brewed beans resemble coffee in taste and color, but have completely different properties and do not contain caffeine. It is believed that constant use coffee beans rejuvenates the body, restores visual acuity, and relieves swelling. In Asia, "coffee" made from cassia beans is considered pure, natural, non-polluting human body health drink.

The recommended dose of coffee beans is 2 to 9 grams per decoction. Like any new product, taking a decoction of seeds should start with minimum quantity. It is recommended to brew 2 grams of fruit per glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Beans can be brewed in a thermos. The fruits are brewed several times until the drink completely loses its taste and color. Over time and to enhance the effect, the amount can be increased to 9 grams. Take 1 glass 2 times a day. It is believed that the second brew is the most useful! Savings in action!

It is not recommended to take decoctions of both senna leaves and fruits for more than two weeks. Addiction and weakening of the effect occurs. Therefore, it is recommended to take courses for 2 weeks several times a year. Better drink drink at night.


Cassia tora or Chinese coffee beans.

What is it, how to use it and why are they included in almost all Chinese weight loss products?

Back in the 19th century, the famous Russian biologist and pathologist I. I. Mechnikov said:

“The main source of toxins and intoxication is the intestines.

clogged colon, instead of cleansing the body according to its natural purpose, it retains in it the products of fermentation, fermentation and putrefaction. This is how self-poisoning occurs - autointoxication.”

Research by modern doctors has also shown that by the age of 30, 5 to 10 kilograms of deposits of undigested food accumulate in the intestines.

If she had just lay there, it wouldn't have been so bad. This food poisons the blood with toxins.

Thus, there is a slow, not noticeable at a certain moment, toxicity of the body.

It is cassia that cleanses the body and intestines. In Chinese, jue ming zi.

Jiu Mingzi, Cassia alexandria, or Cassia tora, is a plant of the legume family,

used in Chinese medicine for almost a thousand years.

IN medicinal purposes its seeds are used to prepare a drink that has a light coffee taste,

which explains another name - Chinese coffee beans.

Cassia seeds contain anthroquinones.

These are natural substances that have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral properties,

also have a positive effect on digestion and intestinal motility, in other words,

Helps get rid of processed food and cleanses the intestines.

Cassia torus also has in its phytochemical composition:

  • Flavonoids;
  • Organic acids;
  • Polysaccharides;
  • Minerals and trace elements: manganese, selenium, iron, strontium, strontium, potassium, calcium, chromium, iodine, zinc, magnesium, copper.

how they can be useful for your body.

Beneficial properties of Chinese coffee beans

First of all, cassia seeds affect the liver, kidneys and large intestine, stimulating a number of vital important processes:

  • Reducing cholesterol levels;
  • Cleansing from waste and toxins;
  • Getting rid of edema caused by stagnation of fluids in the body;
  • Increased intestinal motility;
  • Recovery reproductive functions masculine and female body;
  • A loss overweight;
  • Mobility of joints and muscles;
  • Restoration of vision;
  • Improving skin quality.

Cassia tora seed - pharmaceutical

Cassia tora seeds began to be produced as a pharmaceutical product.

Before using them, it is very important to dry them thoroughly in the sun, then thresh them and lightly stew them.

They can also be used in their raw form.

If a person purchases the seeds of this plant at a pharmacy, it means that they have already been prepared for use.

It should also be noted that these seeds should be collected in late autumn, since it is during this period that the greatest accumulation of useful substances. The taste of Cassia tora seeds is slightly bitter, but at the same time there is also a hint of sweetness. These seeds primarily affect such vital important organs like the large intestine, kidneys and liver.

They are used in most cases to relieve constipation.

In addition, they are resorted to for help in cases where it is necessary to cleanse the body of all excess liquid, which managed to gather in it.

Very often, the seeds of this plant are used to restore liver function, especially if a person has any pathology of this organ.

Constipation is also an indication for the use of this pharmaceutical product.

If you use the seeds of this plant along with chrysanthemum flowers, you can also reduce arterial pressure.

Improved vision

Regular use Cassia infusion helps improve vision.

It would seem that what does vision have to do with it?

The point is that work internal systems The body depends on the condition of the liver; it cleanses the blood and participates in metabolism.

The worse this internal organ works, the worse the quality of blood flowing to internal organs, including to the eyes: vision decreases, diseases develop that have irreversible consequences.

Any deterioration in vision always indicates liver problems.

This is the leading sign.

Cassia can help improve vision or avoid its deterioration.

Detoxification and cleansing

Scientific research suggests that not all food is digested by the body.

This is due to improper (poor) nutrition, abuse of fast food, and malfunctions digestive system etc.

There could be a lot of reasons.

Their consequence is undigested fermented food deposited on the intestinal walls. This problem is relevant for every person to a greater or lesser extent.

There is a constant intoxication of the body, which causes a malfunction of all internal organs.

Often, to get rid of an illness, reset overweight, you just need to cleanse your body.

Cassia does it slowly gradually without any side effects And unpleasant processes.

Do you know any other so effective natural remedy?

Weight loss

Cassia tora is medicinal plant, which is part of numerous drugs used to combat extra pounds. The seeds of this plant are used, since they contain greatest number useful substances in the form of zinc, calcium, selenium, copper, vitamins and so on.

Due to the action of cassia tora seeds, it is possible to restore intestinal function and normalize stool.

The seeds of this plant are quite effective in the fight against various pathologies liver and spleen.

In addition, they tend to lower blood pressure and cleanse the skin.

Due to its ability to cleanse the body, Chinese bean decoction is considered effective means for weight loss. That is why cassia is included in most products Chinese medicine aimed at losing weight.

It is also recommended to be used by those who have already completed a diet and want to maintain the results achieved for a long time.

How to take Chinese coffee beans

  • Place a tablespoon of seeds into a bowl;
  • Pour boiling water over them;
  • Let the broth brew for 15 minutes.

Chinese coffee beans are becoming an increasingly popular means of weight loss. The product contains Cassius Thor seeds. They have nothing to do with coffee, and do not contain caffeine. The manufacturer promises weight loss without effort and in as soon as possible. The seeds got their name due to their mild taste, reminiscent of coffee.

Read in this article

Benefits of beans for the body

Cassia Tora is used in Chinese and Japanese folk medicine since ancient times. The seeds belong to the legume family. For medicinal purposes, they are used in dried form, and they are also boiled. The Cassia grass itself only grows for a year and is about half a meter high. It is believed that coffee beans are a good thirst quencher.

According to the instructions, Cassia Thor seeds have the following beneficial properties:

The main benefit of Cassia Tora beans for weight loss is that they help cleanse the body and improve the functioning of internal organs. Of course, they do not burn fat, but when digestion and metabolism are normalized, the process decreases weight goes much easier and faster.


Despite all the benefits, such potent substances have a number of cases when their use is prohibited. Contraindications include pregnancy and period breastfeeding. You should also not drink an infusion of Chinese coffee beans when various kinds problems and inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract. Since they reduce blood pressure, people who already have low blood pressure should also take the drug with caution.

If you have kidney or liver diseases, you should first consult with your doctor. However, this advice should be followed by anyone who decides to take Cassia Thor seeds for weight loss.

How to take for weight loss

First of all, it is important to understand that Chinese coffee beans are medicine. Therefore, you need to take them only strictly following the instructions. This substance is often included in other weight loss products. If the instructions for use are not followed, unpleasant consequences may occur.

It is best to brew coffee beans immediately before use; it is advisable not to do this in the future. For a glass or cup of 200 - 250 ml, take a teaspoon or 10 g of the product and pour boiling water. You need to infuse the drink for 15 - 20 minutes. During this time, all useful substances are released into the water. This creates a brew that can be diluted several times.

The second portion is considered the most useful. A new brew is prepared after 4 - 5 times. You can determine the time of the next one because the infusion no longer has aroma or color.

Herbal tea made from Chinese beans can replace all types of drinks during the day. It works well instead of tea, coffee, juices. Some even recommend infusion to replace water. But you shouldn’t do this completely.

Will a Chinese product help you lose weight?

An important point for those who decide to take Chinese coffee beans is real efficiency facilities. But here you shouldn’t place all your bets only on seeds and wait for a miracle. This product can only act as additional means to diet and active physical activity. By itself, it does not affect the fat burning process in any way.

If you continue to lead your usual lifestyle and do not change your diet, there will be no effect. Coffee beans only help improve the metabolic process. But you shouldn't expect more.

In addition, many who have actually tried the drink from Cassia note that it does not look like coffee. Also common discomfort, such as stomach pain, dizziness and nausea.

One more important point is that if you drink coffee beans for some time, the scale arrow can actually deviate to the left. The “weight loss” effect is achieved through the removal of fluid and intestinal contents, since it is a strong diuretic and laxative, and not at all due to the burning of fat deposits.

Long-term use of the product has serious consequences for the body and health. The intestines begin to become “lazy” and can no longer remove toxins on their own. After discontinuing a drink made from Chinese beans, there is a risk of developing constipation and intoxication of the body.

Removing fluid also gives negative effect– the work of the heart becomes more complicated, and there is a constant load on the kidneys.

But the instructions do not indicate how long to drink tea from Chinese coffee beans without harming the body, so you should not get carried away with this drink. In reality, weight loss occurs by reducing the caloric content of food, increasing physical activity and maintaining the proportions of nutrients in food.

Chinese coffee beans are not a weight loss product on their own. They do not affect body fat. Weight loss occurs when you change your lifestyle and eating habits. Therefore, the question of the advisability of taking a drink from Cassia is very doubtful. Herbal tea can harm the body rather than put it in order.

Useful video

For the benefits and rules of brewing coffee beans, watch this video:

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Back in the 19th century, the famous Russian biologist and pathologist I.I. Mechnikov said: “The main source of toxins and intoxication is the intestines. A clogged large intestine, instead of cleansing the body according to its natural purpose, retains in it the products of fermentation, fermentation and putrefaction. This is how self-poisoning occurs - autointoxication.” Research by modern doctors has also shown that by the age of 30, 5 to 10 kilograms of deposits of undigested food accumulate in the intestines. If she had just lay there, it wouldn't have been so bad. This food poisons the blood with toxins. Thus, there is a slow, not noticeable at a certain moment, toxicity of the body. It is cassia that cleanses the body and intestines. In Chinese??? jue ming zi. What do Chinese coffee beans look like? Ju Mingzi, Cassia alexandria, or Cassia tora, is a plant in the legume family that has been used in Chinese medicine for almost a thousand years. For medicinal purposes, its seeds are used, from which a drink is prepared that has a light coffee taste, which explains another name - Chinese coffee beans. Cassia seeds contain anthroquinones. These are natural substances that have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral properties, and also have a positive effect on digestion and intestinal motility, in other words, they help get rid of processed food and cleanse the intestines. Cassia tora also has in its phytochemical composition: Flavonoids; Organic acids; Polysaccharides; Minerals and trace elements: manganese, selenium, iron, strontium, strontium, potassium, calcium, chromium, iodine, zinc, magnesium, copper. We will not further engage in listing the microelements included in the composition; it would be better to tell you how they can be useful for your body. Beneficial features Chinese coffee beans First of all, cassia seeds affect the liver, kidneys and large intestine, stimulating a number of vital processes: Reducing cholesterol levels; Cleansing from waste and toxins; Getting rid of edema caused by stagnation of fluids in the body; Increased intestinal motility; Restoration of the reproductive functions of the male and female body; Losing excess weight; Mobility of joints and muscles; Restoration of vision; Improving skin quality. Detoxification and cleansing Scientific research suggests that not all food is digested by the body. This is due to improper (poor) nutrition, abuse of fast food, malfunctions of the digestive system, etc. There could be a lot of reasons. Their consequence is undigested fermented food deposited on the intestinal walls. This problem is relevant for every person to a greater or lesser extent. There is a constant intoxication of the body, which causes a malfunction of all internal organs. Often, to get rid of an illness and lose extra pounds, you just need to cleanse your body. Cassia does this slowly and gradually without any side effects or unpleasant processes. Do you know any other natural remedy that is so effective? Weight loss Thanks to its ability to cleanse the body, a decoction of Chinese beans is considered an effective means for losing weight. That is why cassia is included in most Chinese medicine products aimed at losing weight. It is also recommended to be used by those who have already completed a diet and want to maintain the results achieved for a long time. Improving vision Regular consumption of cassia infusion helps improve vision. It would seem that what does vision have to do with it? The fact is that the work of the body’s internal systems depends on the condition of the liver; it cleanses the blood and participates in metabolism. The worse this internal organ works, the worse the quality of blood flowing to the internal organs, including the eyes: vision decreases, diseases develop that have irreversible consequences. Any deterioration in vision always indicates liver problems. This is the leading sign. Cassia can help improve vision or avoid its deterioration. How to take Chinese coffee beans It is recommended to drink this infusion during the day instead of the usual tea or coffee between main meals. You need to brew the drink as follows: Pour a tablespoon of seeds into the bowl; Pour boiling water over them; Let the broth brew for 15 minutes. How to brew cassia You can brew cassia seeds 3-4 times. The second brew is considered the most useful, it contains maximum amount useful substances. As you can see, consuming cassia is very simple; brewing it is no more difficult than regular tea. It is not necessary to eat the seeds themselves, but it is advisable for greater effect. The most useful for cleansing the body is the husk, which lags behind the seeds during the second and subsequent infusions. Reviews about the effect of Chinese coffee beans Lydia, 43 years old, Yaroslavl Each of us has encountered at least once in our lives delicate issue associated with irregular bowel movements. This is an effective natural product with 100% results. Katerina, 38 years old, Stavropol With age, I have become fuller. I understand that I’m no longer a girl, but I still want to have slim figure. I went on diets, went to the gym, the effect was zero. I found information about cassia on the Internet. I started drinking the decoction regularly, to be honest, without much hope. Imagine my surprise when I really began to lose weight. It’s just that all the excess has left the body. Of course, my figure did not become a model. There is something to strive for, but I see real results. Lyudmila, 27 years old, Moscow I had bad skin. Pimples and blackheads covered me like a teenager. They were all over the body, but only on the face. What I didn’t do. If you knew how much I spent on the services of a cosmetologist. A neighbor recommended cassia tora. I had nothing to lose, so I started drinking. I don't use concealer or foundation anymore. Valentina, 35 years old, Yakutia, Vilyuysk When I started drinking cassia tea, I was once again convinced that nature has everything to maintain human health. The body needs regular cleansing to keep the liver and kidneys working well. For about 3 weeks I drank a drink made from Chinese beans 2 times a day. I have lost a little more than a kilogram, I no longer suffer from swelling, I feel cheerful and full of energy. Buy cassia

Cassia tora, Chinese coffee bean(Cassia Tora)– annual herbaceous plant, height 30-90 cm, legume family (Fabaceae).

Cassia Tora is grown both at home and on the site.

Growing in South-East Asia and the southwestern Pacific, it is considered a free-growing plant there, almost a weed.

Cassia tora is an unpretentious, stress-resistant plant, the seeds remain viable for up to 20 years, the only reason why the plant can die is drought.

Cassia tora is one of those plants that has absorbed a large number of useful components. It contains both anthraglycosides and calcium, glucose, vitamin A, carotene, selenium, betaine, zinc, copper and some other substances. This plant is in most cases used as a remedy that tends to improve visual acuity, as well as restore muscle tone in all those people who suffer from any illness visual analyzer. This plant also copes well with eye diseases caused by inflammatory nature. With its help, it is possible to enrich the retina of the eye with all the necessary components.

The help of this plant can be used even when a person has normal fatigue eye. Cassia tora is also used to reduce appetite. Consequently, due to this plant you can get rid of extra pounds. So, for example, the seeds of this plant are included in the Weight Loss Tea from Tianshi. This tea created a new term “coffee tea”, for its very rich taste and aroma of coffee. It is made from 100% Cassia Tora, without artificial colors and caffeine, and is a healthy substitute for coffee and carbonated drinks. When exposed to the human body, this plant also helps cleanse the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.

Medicinal properties and uses: Used as a means of increasing visual acuity and tone eye muscles at various diseases visual analyzer, including inflammatory ones. Cassia improves nutrition of the retina, relieves visual fatigue, and is used to treat myopia.

In addition, because it acts as a mild laxative and appetite suppressant, Cassia tora helps reduce body fat. Cleanses the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Used before surgical intervention and with postoperative intestinal atony. Capable of lowering blood pressure.

Cassia tora is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

A huge reason why it is not grown everywhere is often due to lack of knowledge among people about the existence of this plant. It would be a great benefit to many people if Cassia Torah were distributed universally or on an industrial scale, since they would not spend so much money on purchasing goods such as gum remedy, laxatives, medicated creams and ointments, coffee, and some vegetables.

Plants and seeds are edible. The young leaves can be cooked as vegetables, and the roasted seeds are good substitute coffee.

Powder from plants is a complete additive to animal feed. Also a source of nutritious feed in fish farms.

Landing: Soak the seeds for 2-3 hours in warm water. Plant the seeds and cover with film. Plant shallowly in light peat-based soil. Seeds usually germinate in 1 – 4 weeks at a temperature of 23C. When 2-4 pairs of leaves appear, the plant is transplanted either into a pot with a diameter of 16-24 cm, with home growing, or into the ground, subject to stable warm temperatures. After transplanting the plants to permanent place they begin to develop quickly. To improve productivity, it is recommended to plant Cassia Thora in a greenhouse.