Secondary nootropic drugs. What are nootropics? The principle of action of nootropics

What are new generation nootropic drugs and how do they differ from other drugs in this group, what active ingredients do they contain and for what diseases and disorders are they indicated, rules for using nootropics.

New generation nootropic drugs are drugs that are responsible for stimulating the brain and its work, protecting nervous reactions. The list of new drugs in this group is quite large. As a rule, these are complex substances that consist of the nootropic component itself, as well as a number of additional ingredients, such as amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, which improve the functioning of brain cells.

Features and types of new generation nootropics

People have been using nootropics in various forms since ancient times. The simplest and very first known nootropic is choline. The substance contains eggs, meat, fish, and seafood. After eating food that is rich in animal protein, the hormone serotonin is produced in the brain.

It is responsible for the feeling of pleasure and also has a positive effect on neuronal connections. The brain starts to work actively, memory becomes better, as do thought processes. Similar nootropic simple substances are found in green tea, coffee, nicotine, and amphetamines.

After nootropic drugs were developed and studied in the laboratory in the mid-20th century, a classification of these drugs was created: stimulants, reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, racetams, vasodilators, metabolic enhancers.

Currently, racetams are mainly used in medicine. These substances are the basis of new nootropic drugs. Racetams are a chemical structure that is derived from pyrrolidine. Today there are many different new generation pharmacological drugs.

Previously, in order to improve mental activity, plant components such as lemongrass, ginseng, and ginkgo biloba were widely used. These plants are still used as ingredients in nootropic drugs. Unlike natural stimulants, the latter have a more precise effect on specific areas of the brain.

This makes it possible to use new drugs not only to enhance memory and improve intelligence, but also in the treatment of more serious disorders and ailments, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Thanks to this, these drugs are considered the most effective among all nootropic drugs.

Composition and characteristics of the components of new nootropic agents

As a rule, such drugs contain two or more components that complement each other’s action. Often in the composition of new nootropic drugs you can find:

  1. Dimethylaminoethanol. This is a substance that is actively involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine. Acts as an antioxidant, improves memory, mental abilities, and physical endurance.
  2. Gamma-aminobutyric acid. The main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. Takes an active part in brain metabolism, as well as in neurotransmitter processes.
  3. Pantothenic acid (B5). Participates in metabolic processes of the brain, the synthesis of acetylcholine. Participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
  4. Pyridoxine (B6). This is a protein coenzyme that is involved in the uniform supply of glucose to the body’s cells and is involved in the processing of amino acids.
  5. Vitamin B15. Helps eliminate cell hypoxia, has a vasodilating effect, and has a detoxifying property.
  6. Vitamin E. Takes part in the synthesis of hormones, acts as an antioxidant, prevents the formation of blood clots, and helps muscles function normally.
  7. Folic acid. Participates in the processes of DNA replication and cell division.
In addition, various nootropics contain extracts and extracts of plants: ginseng, ginkgo biloba, lemongrass. The list of new generation nootropic drugs for children, as a rule, includes drugs containing vitamin supplements.

Beneficial properties of new generation nootropic drugs

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, the group of new generation nootropics should include drugs that have a direct activating effect on the learning process, memory, and mental activity. In addition, these drugs increase the brain’s resistance to various aggressive factors.

The general properties of new nootropic drugs are as follows:

  • Improving thought processes - learning or cognitive functions;
  • Increasing the speed of memorization and strength of data storage;
  • Growth of intellectual activity, increase in the volume of intellectual abilities;
  • Forgetting stressful conditions and information about various pains;
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes in neural tissue, mainly in various pathologies, such as intoxication, injury, anoxia;
  • Improving the impact on the mental state and higher nervous activity in morphological and functional pathologies;
  • Increased resistance of the brain's thought processes to unfavorable factors of the internal and external environment: stroke, trauma, hypoxia.
Some drugs from the group of new nootropics, due to their pronounced anabolic effect and positive effect on physical endurance and activity, are used in various drug regimens for professional sports activities.

New generation nootropic drugs do not affect the psyche and higher nervous activity of a healthy person.

Indications for the use of new nootropics

Let's take a closer look at the indications for taking new generation nootropic drugs to improve mental performance:

  1. Psychoorganic syndrome. In medicine, it is understood as a broad group of diseases that manifest themselves in dystrophic changes in nerve tissue. These are the following illnesses: epilepsy, various types of dementia, Parkinson's disease, neuroinfections, cerebral palsy, ischemic stroke.
  2. Chronic alcoholism, which is accompanied by withdrawal syndrome and delirium.
  3. Addiction.
  4. Asthenia of organic and neurotic origin, asthenoneurotic and asthenodepressive syndromes, VSD, migraine, sleep disorders, emotional lability.
  5. Correction of neuroleptic syndrome.
  6. Impaired proper urination of neurogenic etiology.
  7. Somatic-vegetative disorders.
  8. Neurotic and neurosis-like pathologies.
  9. Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency.
  10. Sickle cell anemia.
  11. Chronic psychopathologies, schizophrenia, childhood mental retardation, neurosis-like disorders, depression.
  12. Organic brain syndrome of elderly people.
  13. As part of the complex treatment of ophthalmological pathologies.

Side effects and contraindications of new nootropics

Each drug of the nootropic class has its own contraindications. In general terms the following can be distinguished:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Individual intolerance to components;
  • Psychomotor agitation;
  • Bulimia;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Liver failure;
  • Huntington's chorea;
  • The period after acute hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Severe renal dysfunction.
New generation nootropics may also cause some side effects: weakness, hyperactivity, anxiety, sleep disturbances, hypotension, dyspepsia, nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity, angina pectoris, eosinophilia, epileptic seizures, convulsions, hallucinations, balance problems, fever, ataxia, thrombophlebitis, confusion, hyperemia, feeling of heat on the face, urticaria.

The mechanism of action of new generation nootropic drugs

Nootropic drugs directly affect a number of brain functions. As a result, the interaction between the hemispheres and the main centers of the cortex improves.

New generation medications increase the utilization of sugar, as well as the formation of ATP, and have a stimulating effect on the synthesis of RNA and proteins. The process of oxidative phospholation under their influence is suspended, and cell membranes are stabilized.

The mechanisms of action of new nootropics include:

  1. Antioxidant;
  2. Membrane stabilizing;
  3. Neuroprotective;
  4. Antihypoxic.
Racetams, which are the basis for most nootropic medications, have effects similar to amphetamine. However, the mechanism of action is different: it is more stable, without a retreat to subnormal neural efficiency. Amphetamines fill synaptic clefts with large amounts of neurotransmitters. And racetams bind to receptors, temporarily changing their shape. The signal is thus lengthened.

The advantage of this mechanism of action is that no irreversible changes occur in the cortex. With the ease with which racetam molecules bind to receptors, they become detached.

Additionally, since the human body does not produce racetams on its own, there are unlikely to be any byproducts that could cause negative effects. Thus, a powerful nootropic effect is achieved without side effects.

Each racetam has a unique formula that allows it to bind to specific neuroreceptors. As a rule, such drugs are used in groups in order to achieve a better effect.

The effectiveness of new generation nootropic drugs for older people increases if they are combined with psychostimulants and angioprotectors. This is how impaired intellectual functions are stimulated and corrected. For children, neurometabolic stimulants are recommended to combat mental retardation.

Instructions for use of new nootropics

Self-administration of new generation nootropic drugs without the advice of a doctor is prohibited. It is only permissible to use herbal medicines based on ginkgo biloba, lemongrass and other plants without prescription. Such drugs are more likely to be dietary supplements than medications.

There are many different drugs in this group. They have different shapes and directions of action. They are mainly produced in the form of tablets, capsules, injection solutions and suspensions.

It is worth noting that the maximum effectiveness of these medications is achieved only after several weeks or even months.

Review of new generation nootropics

The list of new generation nootropic drugs is quite extensive. As a rule, the newest drugs have a combination composition and combine racetams and excipients.

Popular means are:

  • Fezam. It is a combination of piracetam and cinarizine. The medicine is in the form of capsules. Recommended as a remedy as part of complex therapy for the treatment of circulatory disorders in the brain. After its use, microcirculation in the brain improves, blood vessels dilate, vision and hearing improve. The drug eliminates the effects of hypoxia, relieves headaches, dizziness, and fights amnesia. As a rule, people who have suffered a stroke, encephalitis and various traumatic brain injuries are prescribed long-term use of Phezam. The price for a package of the drug (60 capsules) ranges from 170 to 250 rubles.
  • Orocetam. Combination of piracetam and orotic acid. These are injections for intravenous administration. The drug helps overcome severe brain intoxication. Improves metabolic processes in brain cells. Activates the reparative and detoxification function of the liver. The price is about 50 rubles per ampoule of the drug.
  • Thiocetam. Combination of piracetam and thiotriosaline. It comes in the form of tablets and injections. Used to improve cerebral blood circulation in the cerebral cortex. Often used to treat speech disorders and the consequences of alcohol intoxication. The price of the new generation nootropic drug Thiocetam is 540 rubles per package of 60 tablets.
Watch a video about the effects of nootropics on the brain:

New generation nootropic drugs are a panacea in the treatment of various brain disorders. Also, these medicines help improve the intellectual abilities of people of different ages. The use of these medications must be agreed with your doctor.

For many years, specialists in various fields related to medicine have been trying to create a remedy that relieves the effects of nervous overexcitation and exhaustion. Modern life subjects the human nervous system to endless overload. The most susceptible organs are affected first: the brain and nervous system. The consequences of such exposure on humans are manifested in memory deterioration, the development of cardiovascular diseases, and a decrease in the individual’s cognitive capabilities. The way out of the situation was the emergence of nootropic drugs.

Many patients ask, nootropic drugs – what are they? These are modern psychotropic drugs that improve the mental activity of the human body, making the brain more resistant to various influences on it, even as a result of traumatic brain injuries.

Description of the problem

The body cannot independently cope with constant adverse effects, such as the environmental situation worsening from year to year, stress, physical and mental stress, negative phenomena in political and economic life. Difficulties associated with poor brain function and nervous system disorders are characteristic of different age categories. In young children, these are the consequences of frequent birth injuries, oxygen starvation in the womb or during childbirth.

While studying at school, academic loads increase, posture changes, and hormonal changes begin in adolescence. All this negatively affects cerebral circulation, the general condition of the child, and the psycho-emotional state. The unstable psyche of a child sometimes fails. The adult population has even more difficulties. To life's difficulties and troubles are added diseases such as osteochondrosis, thrombosis, all kinds of injuries, tumors.

In older people, the body is very “worn out”, so resistance to external factors is minimal. The likelihood of strokes, atherosclerosis, and neoplasms increases. Nootropic drugs were created to solve such problems.


The modern term “nootropic” has, oddly enough, a very ancient origin. His homeland is Ancient Greece. Literally translated, “the desire for thinking.” Among the Greeks, indeed, there were many unique thinkers and philosophers. They valued wisdom and willingly shared their knowledge with young people.

There are substances in nature that can be called the original nootropics - this is the substance choline, which is found in abundance in foods such as fish and eggs. After eating a protein-rich meal, serotonin is produced in the brain, which is responsible for good mood, pleasure, and a sense of joy in life. The brain begins to work better.

The first artificially created nootropic appeared in the 60s of the 20th century in Belgium and became a real discovery in medicine. It was a nootropic drug, Piracetam, well known today in different countries under different names. Having received positive results after using a nootropic drug, scientists did not stop only with this remedy. Development has continued in many countries and is ongoing. Currently, in the group of nootropic drugs there are several dozen drugs that have passed clinical trials and a dozen are being tested.

Effect of drugs

The main task of nootropic drugs is to influence the elements through which nerve cells communicate with each other. All these neurotransmitters must be actively working, which does not always happen. Sometimes situations arise that interfere with cell movement. Nootropic drugs give them activity, making the brain work easier. The most quickly destroyed and slowest restored cells are nerve cells. Nootropic drugs help protect them, provide oxygen and increase blood flow to the tissues.

Nootropic drugs contain substances that activate the process of biosynthesis of RNA and protein compounds in the human central nervous system. They are accelerators of energy processes in the cellular processes of the nervous system, help reduce the number of free radicals, as a result of which they neutralize the negative effects of oxidants. Nootropic drugs help optimize the removal of polysaccharides, which means they improve metabolic processes in the body. They are responsible for the formation of phospholipids and proteins in neurocytes, strengthening their membranes.

Important! By improving blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in brain cells, nootropic drugs work only in tissues with pathologies and do not affect healthy ones. In a word, nootropic drugs are suitable for both sick people for treatment and healthy people for improving their health.

Among this type of nootropic drugs, there are also those whose effectiveness is still questionable. Research on them continues, but the drugs are actively used. For example, the nootropic drug “Phenotropil”. Found application in sports as a strength stimulant for athletes. Considering that doping is prohibited in the sports world, some pharmaceutical companies produce nootropic drugs under other names.

Expected effect

Based on the action of nootropic drugs, the expected effect is associated primarily with enhancing the cognitive capabilities of the body. It’s not for nothing that nootropic drugs are called “cognition stimulants.” The human brain, under the influence of nootropic drugs, becomes more active and receptive to learning new things, memory improves, and speech abilities develop. In addition, the body receives additional sources to strengthen the immune and nervous system.

Moreover, nootropics help burn fat. They have a particularly positive effect on children and the elderly. Children's creativity and intellectual activity increase, and their learning opportunities are enhanced. In older people, nootropic drugs restore mental impairment.

Human activity is very important these days. The world does not stand still and demands the same from a person: mobility, endless movement. If the body is exhausted, a person feels constant weakness and lethargy, he cannot lead an active lifestyle, and falls out of the general flow. This further suppresses the individual’s psyche. Nootropic drugs have the necessary anti-asthenic effect, making a person an active participant in hectic modern life. They have a neuroprotective effect, that is, they regulate metabolic processes.

In modern science, there is no single established opinion regarding the effects of nootropic drugs on the body. There are many positive opinions and no less negative opinions. No medicine can be a complete panacea.

Nootropic drugs will not make anyone smarter and will not save anyone from exams. It would be surprising if a pill could modify intelligence, which does not exist. In addition to treatment, there must also be diligence. The effect of each nootropic drug is very individual. Some say that the new drug helped a lot, while others say that the nootropic drug was pointless. Much depends on the body, the type of human activity, his attitude to life and many other factors. One can argue endlessly about what nootropic drugs can do. Time will tell the truth. One thing is certain: nootropic drugs will help overcome certain difficulties. To accept them or not, to believe or doubt, depends on the patient.

In the USA and some Western European countries, nootropic drugs are not treated as medicines. In the scientific literature in the West, nootropic drugs are called “cognitive enhancers” and are classified as dietary supplements. Although, they are used very actively.


There are many types of classifications of nootropic drugs. Each is based on a certain criterion. Let's look at two main ones.

Among nootropic drugs, one can distinguish drugs of the old and new generations (according to the time of study and production). Old-generation nootropic drugs include the previously mentioned Pirocetam derivatives. They are commonly called "racetams". Here you can name “Etiracetam”, “Izacetam”, “Oxiracetam” and many others. They have a wider scope.

At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century, many new, more effective nootropic drugs were created. The most popular of them: Phezam, Noopept, Selank, Phenylpiracetam. These nootropic drugs, unlike the previous ones, have a narrower effect and do not solve all problems at once. They contain 2 or more substances that complement each other. Herbal extracts and plant extracts are added to them.

Nootropic drug " Fezam» dilates blood vessels, improving cerebral circulation, stimulates the activity of the parts of the brain responsible for hearing and vision. Helps quickly restore vital brain functions after a stroke.

Nootropic drug " Noopept» restores memory and enhances cognitive abilities. Normalizes the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The nootropic drug does not have a withdrawal syndrome.

Nootropic drug " Selank"Improves mood, raises vitality, relieves anxiety and stress.

« Phenylpiracetam“Perfect for stroke survivors.

Nootropic drug " Vitrum memory"is a vitamin complex intended for elderly people with mental disabilities. Available in capsules.

Nootropic drug "Etiracetam"

Since the late 90s of the last century, US medical institutions began to use a completely new nootropic drug that has an antiepileptic effect. At the beginning of 2000, the medicine appeared in Russia. According to Wikipedia, this remedy has nootropic activity.

There is another classification of drugs, according to which they can also be divided into 2 groups: “true” nootropic drugs that have one, classic effect, improving memory and speech. And “neuroprotectors”, which have a whole range of effects.

Indications for use

Initially, nootropic drugs were used only to treat aging problems, since it was believed that the brain does not work as it should only in adulthood. Over time, having studied their effects in more detail, the scope of application has expanded significantly.

Nootropic drugs are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • decline in mental and physical capabilities;
  • weakening of the ability to think;
  • memory impairment and decreased concentration;
  • infections affecting the nervous system;
  • aging processes;
  • violation of speech functions;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • enuresis;
  • effects of toxic substances on the brain;
  • ophthalmological diseases (glaucoma, retinal pathologies);
  • dizziness, migraine;
  • epileptic disorders;
  • chronic alcoholism.

Interesting! Nootropic drugs were part of the mandatory neurostimulants to prepare Soviet cosmonauts for flights.

Nootropic drugs are actively and effectively used in pediatrics for the treatment of the following disorders in children:

  • delayed speech development;
  • mental retardation;
  • birth defects of the central nervous system;
  • deviations in mental development;
  • increased level of anxiety;
  • attention deficit disorder.

Contraindications for use

Speaking about the use of nootropic drugs, like other medications, one cannot help but answer the question of how dangerous these drugs are and whether they are harmful.

No negative effects of nootropic drugs have been recorded. Although, like any medications, nootropic drugs can have side effects. Some patients experienced an individual reaction to the drug, expressed in sleep disturbances at night, drowsiness during the day, allergic reactions, reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, and surges in blood pressure. Some nootropic drugs can cause a state close to alcohol intoxication. Most side effects occur with long-term use of drugs or with their overdose. To eliminate such effects, it is enough to stop taking the nootropic drug.

Nootropic drugs are not prescribed to patients with the following developmental features:

  • individual intolerance to individual components of the nootropic drug;
  • serious renal dysfunction;
  • hemorrhagic stroke in the acute period;
  • hereditary degenerative diseases of the central nervous system;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Release form

Nootropic drugs can be produced in tablets and capsules to be taken with liquid, sublingual tablets (glycine), solutions for injections, syrups (pantogam), solutions for oral administration. Most of them have a dual option: tablets and injections. What to choose depends on the characteristics of the body, the course of the disease, the patient’s personal preferences and the doctor’s instructions.

Admission rules

Taking nootropic drugs should not be uncontrolled. Any medicine can become poison. This must be remembered. Before taking a nootropic drug into your mouth or injecting it with a nootropic drug, you must consult a doctor. Since the scope of use of nootropic drugs is wide, you can consult with specialists from a variety of medical professions about taking them: therapist, cardiologist, neurologist, pediatrician.

Most often, psychiatrists and narcologists work with nootropic drugs. The appointment is made, then it’s how you feel. The medicine has gone, we continue treatment with nootropic drugs. Not accepted by the body, stop taking it.

Important! The therapeutic effect from the use of most nootropic drugs does not occur immediately. They have a cumulative effect.


Nootropic drug Piracetam. It is still one of the most popular remedies. The nootropic drug is available in two dosage forms: tablets and solution for injection. It normalizes metabolic processes in the brain well, which means it helps improve memory. This is one of the cheapest nootropic drugs in this group. Piracetam can be called an “ambulance” for relieving alcohol syndrome.

Pros of the nootropic drug:

  • protects the brain from oxygen starvation and stress;
  • helps with increased mental stress.

Minuses: Cannot be used for cerebral hemorrhage and renal failure.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine, Neurovin)

A nootropic drug can be in the form of tablets and injections. Actively used in ophthalmology and neurology. The nootropic drug improves hearing acuity well.


  • universal remedy with a wide spectrum of action;
  • well tolerated by people of any age.

Disadvantage of the nootropic drug: when administered intravenously, it is administered very slowly.


The main active ingredient of the nootropic drug is hopantenic acid. Available in the form of cherry-flavored syrup. Used successfully in the treatment of many disorders in children.

Pros: Combines a mild stimulating effect and a mild sedative effect. Minus one, it is not recommended for impaired renal function.


Is it easy to guess that simple nasal drops can help improve your mind? But in this case it is. The nootropic drug Semax is administered intranasally, due to which it quickly overcomes the blood-brain barrier and acts for 24 hours. There are virtually no side effects.

Phenibut (Noobut, Bifren)

A nootropic drug can be in the form of tablets, powder, or capsules. Fights memory loss, normalizes sleep, relieves anxiety. Indispensable when traveling for those suffering from seasickness.

Negative side of the nootropic drug: enhances the effects of alcohol


The nootropic drug is available in the form of sublingual tablets. Especially popular among young students. The main “people's” assistant, which has a very low price, but can compete with the most expensive nootropic drugs. It is a purified amino acid, a building material for protein. Well tolerated by everyone and in any situation when the brain is “tired”. It has no side effects and there is no overdose.

The only disadvantage of a nootropic drug is that it is not strong enough.


Tablets for adults, suspension for children. The nootropic drug improves learning abilities and corrects behavioral functions.


The nootropic drug has an anti-amnestic character and improves mood. It does not have a cumulative effect, it begins to work after the first dose. Has a beneficial effect on vision.

Minuses: May increase blood pressure. Nootropic drugs are expensive. Available in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. Not suitable for treating children.

The nootropic drug has one effect that is difficult to define as negative or positive. Phenotropil suppresses appetite. On the one hand, it's good. You can fight excess weight and obesity. But, on the other hand, the desire not to gain extra pounds can result in anorexia.


The nootropic drug eliminates depressive symptoms and helps cope with negative environmental factors.

Flaws: Available with a doctor's prescription. May have side effects: insomnia, increased appetite.

The release form of the nootropic drug is capsules. The main property is to increase learning abilities. The price is quite high.


The big advantage of the nootropic drug is that it helps get rid of alcohol intoxication. It helps well to overcome speech disorders. The nootropic drug has an average price and is quite accessible for use.


The nootropic drug is used intravenously. Helps fight severe brain intoxications. The price is not great.

The nootropic drug is a combination of the well-known Pirocetam and Thiotriosalin.

Properties of drugs

These are the main drugs presented on the Russian medical market.

How not to get confused in such a variety and purchase exactly what is suitable for a particular person? First, a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Secondly, there is no nootropic drug that is absolutely universal. It is important to understand what exactly needs to be done. If you need an antidepressant, then Acefen will do. If you are interested in the cumulative effect, buy the nootropic drug “Nootropil”, also known as “Piracetam”. Glycine is safe for children with a good sedative effect. Phenotropil will be the best help in eliminating memory lapses. The nootropic drug Semax combines several actions.

Prospects for nootropic drugs

Scientists believe that nootropic drugs have a great future. They will be able to influence the most complex object of study, the human brain. Its capabilities are enormous and transcendental. Humanity, even now, does not yet know everything about the capabilities of the brain. If we expand his abilities and maintain his performance throughout his life, then we can create a person of the future with opportunities that we can only dream about and read about in science fiction works.

The body and brain will be able to do things that are not yet possible. Gray matter is formed over the course of 18 years and only then begins to work with full efficiency. The time of his active activity is very short. When scientists understand why this happens and can control these processes, then a superman will appear. Whether this is a fantasy or actually feasible, time will tell.

The list of drugs in this group contains substances that help protect the brain from damage and stimulate nerve cells to restore them to the level of healthy people.

Nootropic drug, what is it?

The concept of “nootropic drug” was first introduced in the last century by Belgian pharmacologists.

Nootropics are neurometabolic stimulants that activate metabolic processes in the brain, increasing its overall resistance to extreme situations and influences.

A distinctive factor from psychostimulants is that nootropics are antihypoxants (resist oxygen starvation of the brain), but do not negatively affect the human body, do not lead to disruptions in the functioning of the brain, and do not impair coordination of movements.

In terms of effectiveness, nootropics do not have a hypnotic or analgesic effect on the human body.

Medicines in this group are often of interest to students and people who experience severe intellectual or stress loads, since the instructions indicate that the drugs promote better assimilation of information, quick thinking, improvements in studies and smooth out the effect on the brain under stress and mental stress.

In pharmacology, there is one division of nootropics into two groups:

Which pharmacological group do they belong to?

The nootropic group includes drugs with nootropic action, and they are classified in pharmacology under the code (ATC code: N06ВХ).

The first drug in the group of nootropic drugs is Piracetam.

It was opened back in 1963, and gave rise to their development. The nootropic became the main competitor of psychostimulants, since the side effects from it were not so serious.

Nootropic therapy does not cause addiction, toxic damage, agitation and exhaustion of the body, which are inherent in psychostimulants. In the initial stages of the drug's development, it was used to treat brain dysfunction in older people.

Fact! In modern pharmacology, Piracetam is listed under the name Nootropil.

The table shows a list of drugs that are most often prescribed in nootropic treatment.

Drug derivativesKinds
Pyrrolidone derivativesPiracetam, Polziracetam, Dipracetam, Miracetam, Oxiracetam, Aniracetam, Etiracetam, etc.
Dimanol, Acetojumate, Euclidan, Meclofenoxate, Dimethylaminoethanol, etc.
Pyridoxine derivativesGutamin, Pyritinol
GABA derivativesNicotinol GABA, Phenibut, Pantogam, Gammalon, etc.
Cerebrovascular agentsNicergoline, Vinpocetine, Vincam, Hidergin, etc.
Neuropeptides and analoguesACTH and its fragments, vasopressins and Oxytocin, Thyroliberin and melanostatin, endogenous opioids.
Antioxidants2-ethyl-6methyl-3-hydroxypyridine, ionol, metadoxyl.
Various substances with a nootropic componentEtimizole, Orotic acid, Methyl glucoorotate, Oxylitacyl, Naftidrofuryl, ginseng, lemongrass, etc.

Mechanism of action of nootropics

Most drugs in the nootropic group affect neurotransmitters (substances that promote the interaction of nerve cells with each other).

Nootropic therapy affects acetylcholine (which carries out neuromuscular transmission), serotonin (the hormone of happiness), dopamine (the precursor of norepinephrine, which is a necessary part of the “reward system” of the brain, as it induces a feeling of pleasure, which affects the processes of motivation and learning) and norepinephrine ( one of the most important “mediators of wakefulness”).

Modern nootropics improve the joint work of the left and right hemispheres, and the main centers localized in the cerebral cortex.

The effect of a nootropic can prolong life and rejuvenate the body.

Also, these drugs protect nerve cells from deformation and eliminate oxygen starvation, stimulate metabolic processes and simply improve blood circulation in brain tissue.

Different drugs from the nootropic group can have different effects on the body, it all depends on the group to which the drug belongs.

Among them:

DrugsEffect on the body
Amino acids and substances affecting the excitatory amino acid systemThe best remedies for performing various tasks in stressful conditions
Cerebrovascular agentsOne of the most effective remedies is Ginkgo Biloba, a tree extract of plant origin. The best drug to increase the brain's resistance to negative influences
Vitamin-likeThe most commonly prescribed is Idebenone - the best remedy for stimulating blood circulation in the brain
Polypeptides and organic compositesThe components of these drugs are amino acid peptides. For the development of nerve cells, the brain uses similar proteins. The action of these nootropics is aimed at the growth and maintenance of neurons, which improves memory and helps to concentrate more intently on one task.
Pyrrolidine derivativesThe most common type is Piracetam. The action of the drug is aimed at improving blood circulation and activating metabolic processes in the brain cavity. The substance promotes the activation of neurotransmitters.
Pyridoxine derivativesThe main remedy is Pyritinol, which enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain cavity.
Neuropeptides and similar agentsSuch drugs have found their application in ambulances, emergency services and stroke therapy. There is no exact definition of the mechanism of action, but the instructions say that it acts “originally”.
Dimethylaminoethanol derivativesThey affect acetylcholine, improving memory processes. Effective in learning.
Derivatives and analogues of gamma-aminobutyric acidHelps deal with stressful situations. They have a calming effect, but do not inhibit the reaction, as with conventional sedative therapy.
2-mercaptobenzimidazole derivativesThey enhance the saturation of brain cells with oxygen and counteract extreme effects on the brain and intellectual stress.

Fact! To stimulate biochemical processes in the brain, it may take from a couple of days to a couple of weeks, depending on the drug used. This explains why nootropics are used in courses. There is no point in taking pills immediately before exercising your brain; you should start using them about a month in advance.

What effect do nootropics have?

The impact on the above mechanisms in the brain makes it possible to conclude that the following positive effects have on the body and its systems:

  • Vasovegetative action characterized by acceleration of blood circulation and elimination of the main signs of neurocircular dystonia;
  • Antihypoxic effect due to the formation of increased resistance of brain cells to oxygen starvation;
  • Antidepressant effect. Certain nootropics are prescribed for depression and are aimed at counteracting it;
  • Psychostimulating effect caused by stimulation of brain functioning in people with mental disorders suffering from apathy and motor retardation;
  • Antiepileptic effect characterized by the fact that it prevents convulsions, confusion and complete loss of consciousness, as well as the prevention of behavioral and autonomic system disorders;
  • Sedative effect characterized by a calming effect;
  • Nootropic effect is aimed at stimulating cognitive activity;
  • Antitoxic action e - this is neutralization, or removal of toxins from the human body;
  • Adaptogenic effect due to the development of the body’s resistance to the influence of negative factors;
  • Immunostimulating effect characterized by strengthening the immune system and increasing the body’s overall resistance;
  • Lipolytic action due to the use of fatty acids as a source of energy.

Note! Nootropics, in most cases, are prescribed for the elderly and children. This is explained by the fact that in old age it is necessary to correct deviations in the functionality of intellectual activity (memory, attention). Prescription in childhood occurs in the fight against intellectual development disorders of the child.

Is it dangerous to be treated with nootropics and are they harmful?

Drugs in this group rarely exhibit side effects, so there are almost no contraindications for them.

The consequences of using nootropics can range from headaches and dizziness to overexcitation of the nervous system.

But since they are not pathologically dangerous, the catalog of drugs can be prescribed to almost any patient.

The most serious and common side effect is withdrawal symptoms.

It can occur when the use of medications is abruptly stopped, which leads to suffering in the body.

Its most common manifestations can be headaches, lethargy, aggressiveness, loss of sleep, dizziness, etc. That is why the cessation of the course of treatment occurs with a gradual reduction in the drugs used.

The main side effects reported with nootropics are listed below:

Indications for the use of nootropics

The main indications for nootropics and their therapy are the following:

Contraindications to the use of nootropics are:

  • Hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Severe kidney pathologies;
  • The period of bearing and feeding a child;
  • Kidney or liver failure;
  • Clearly manifested psychomotor agitation;
  • Sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.

Most Common Nootropics

Nootropic therapy medications are divided into groups of new and old generation. The latter include medications that were discovered a long time ago, even at the start of neurostimulants. These are the production forms of Piracetam.

Such drugs are:

  • Pramiracetam;
  • Aniracetam;
  • Oxiracetam;
  • Isacetam;
  • Etiracetam;
  • Detiracetam;
  • Nefiracetam.

After the nineties of the twentieth century, a new round took place in the history of the development of nootropics. New drugs have a selective effect on individual body functions.

The most commonly prescribed new generation drugs are:

  • Pantogam– the most effective nootropic drug, often used for treatment in childhood. The main active ingredient is vitamin B15, which is found in almost all plant substances;
  • Phenibut is prescribed for a state of general weakness, neuroses, sleep disorders and deviations in the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus. The interaction of Phenibut helps children overcome stuttering and various tics. This drug normalizes metabolism, stimulates mental processes (memory, attention, etc.), and also has an antioxidant effect. This drug contains practically no toxins and does not cause allergies;
  • Fezam is a nootropic prescribed in combination with other drugs for problems with blood circulation in the brain cavity. This drug eliminates the effects of oxygen starvation, helps against headaches, migraines, dizziness and memory loss. Long courses of treatment are prescribed for stroke, traumatic brain injury and inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the brain;
  • Piracetam is a classic remedy prescribed to improve metabolic processes in the brain. Effectively treats dizziness, improves memory, and treats encephalopathy in childhood. The drug quickly relieves the negative effects of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is used for viral neuroinfections and as one of the drugs for restoration after death of heart muscle tissue. The drug is sold both in tablets and in ampoules, solutions, syrups and capsules, which helps to choose the most convenient form of use;
  • Cinnarazine– a drug from the nootropic group that helps expand the walls of brain vessels and helps increase their size without affecting blood pressure. Nootropil cinnarizine is an effective drug against motion sickness, as well as suppressing nystagmus. The drug helps relieve high blood pressure, tinnitus, general weakness, headaches, restores normal sleep, removes aggressiveness, etc.;
  • Actovegin– a drug from the group of nootropics, aimed at combating oxygen starvation of the brain, restoring metabolic processes, and promoting rapid healing of wounds. The drug is available in tablets and as an ointment or cream;
  • Cerebrolysin is a nootropic used in combination with other medications. This drug has passed all tests and confirmed its safety and effectiveness. Stimulates mental activity and improves mood. Long-term use of the drug improves memory processes, increases concentration and the ability to learn.

What actions will help you recover faster and keep your body normal?

Preventive actions to prevent the use of nootropics are:

  • Maintaining a daily routine with proper rest and sleep (at least 8 hours);
  • Proper nutrition should be balanced and varied, with plenty of vitamins and nutrients;
  • Maintaining water balance (at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day) will help the blood not to thicken and circulate normally;
  • Avoid stressful situations, psycho-emotional and intellectual excessive stress;
  • Stop smoking, alcohol and drugs;
  • Get a full examination once a year.


Nootropic drugs are effective means used to improve the functioning of brain processes.

It is especially effective to take them in courses, in advance of intellectual or psycho-emotional stress.

A wide range of drugs and a low chance of side effects make the drugs accessible and effective. To prevent complications, it is better to consult a qualified doctor.

The modern rhythm of life can easily unsettle you. Heavy loads at work and study negatively affect the state of the nervous system. To improve performance, there are special drugs that stimulate the human body and increase productivity. Nootropic drugs were created for people who have suffered traumatic brain injury and stroke. But, often, they are prescribed to healthy people to improve brain function and relieve stress on the nervous system. We have compiled a rating of the best new generation nootropic drugs that deserve respect and trust. .

The best nootropic drugs without additional effects

Nootropil is the best nootropic drug of the new generation, which is most often prescribed to patients experiencing memory problems. It stimulates certain areas of the brain and improves its activity. Nootropil is sold both in tablets and in solution for intravenous administration. Doctors recommend using a nootropin drug, not only for medical reasons, but also as a preventive measure, especially at times when stress levels are greatly increased. It does not dilate blood vessels, which is very good for teenagers and students who plan to improve brain activity during exam periods.


  • Can be used during increased mental stress. For example, during exam periods, when stress and brain activity have the greatest impact on the nervous system;
  • Protects brain cells from hypoxia;
  • Can be given to schoolchildren;
  • Reduces stress levels, increases concentration and attention level.


  • Should not be used by people with renal failure or after a cerebral hemorrhage;
  • Improvements begin to be felt only after two weeks of use.

In official terms, Cavinton (vinpocetine) is in the category of drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain. But in terms of its chemical composition, it is also one of the best nootropic drugs of the new generation. The medicine can be used for a wide range of diseases, as well as in preventive measures to increase brain activity.


  • Reduces stress levels and improves brain activity;
  • Can be used to improve concentration:
  • Sold in tablets and liquid form.


  • For elderly people with heart rhythm disturbances, it is not recommended.

Pantogam is the best new generation nootropic drug developed based on herbs. It has a positive effect on brain activity, improves thought processes and allows you to concentrate. The manufacturer assures that Pantogam is suitable even for children, especially schoolchildren during exam periods. Doctors also recommend this nootropic drug to people who are stressed and at the level of nervous exhaustion.


  • An effective drug;
  • Suitable for children;
  • Herbal based.


  • Do not use for kidney problems, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

The best nootropic drug of the new generation, Semax, will appeal to customers who do not like swallowing pills, much less administering the medicine intravenously. It is instilled into the nose and affects proteins that interact with the nervous system. The drug begins to act instantly; immediately after administration, you feel an improvement in concentration and a decrease in stress levels. Semax is the best nootropic drug developed according to the most modern requirements.


  • Convenient input method;
  • Valid for 24 hours after a single injection.


  • It should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and is also not recommended for people suffering from acute psychosis.
  1. Cortexin + Cerebrolysate

Let's not delay, this is the most powerful scheme that I have ever tried. Yes, these substances have a weak evidence base. Yes, they need to be injected intramuscularly. But they greatly change behavior and susceptibility to intellectual stress.

Substances are sold only in pharmacies. And they are quite expensive! On average, the course will cost 2 thousand rubles or $35.

Course 10-20 days. Personally, I did the first half on Cerebrolysate, the second on Cortexin.

What are the benefits:

+ Processing

It's difficult to describe this point. It is often mentioned that any information becomes more understandable. From personal experience I noticed that I read prof. literature on neurobiology as an artist. Moreover, pictures and three-dimensional objects and tables with data are drawn. The speed of data processing is the same as on stimulators, but without the effect of the stimulation itself. No matter how much information you receive in a day, it seems that your head is still half empty.

+ Sociality

There may be an effect on some hormones, but the behavior becomes milder. Less impulsiveness. It’s easier to talk even with conflicting people. And you yourself become kinder and more reasonable.

These benefits persist for a couple of weeks after the course. Courses are given 1-2 times a year, more often you probably won’t want to, since the drugs are very specific.

  1. PRL 8-53

An experimental nootropic that we were even going to start selling, but didn’t dare. There is very little data about it, the working dosage varies from 5 mg to 50, even the side effects are not clear, they simply were not in the studies. The effects are unstable and the combinations are also unclear.

You can now purchase only on Western resources. Price for 1 gram is 25-30$. It is recommended to take it in small courses of 2 weeks.


+ Memory

This is probably the most powerful nootropic for improving memory ( Link). In one study, improvements in humans were 150% greater than baseline. You remember 5 numbers by looking at them, but with this nootropic you will get all 10-15. I didn’t notice any major changes myself.

+ Concentration

Increased attention and focus. If normally you force yourself not to be distracted, then here you force yourself to be distracted. I would not say that there is an increase in motivation and mood, only rough concentration and memory.

The substance seemed to me similar to oxiracetam, which is a little more studied) So if you don’t find prl, look for oxiracetam.

  1. Modafinil

Dark magic among nootropics. It is prohibited in the Russian Federation, but in some other neighboring countries it is sold as a supplement, not even a prescription drug. Therefore, if you are caught in the Russian Federation, you will be considered a drug addict, in Ukraine, with the same substance - a stronghold of the healthy lifestyle movement. For Russia, you can replace modafinil with hydrafinil with caffeine or phenylpiracetam.

The prices for all are very different, it is not advisable to use the course, since all the compounds are strong and can cause insomnia.

Main benefit: Motivation + Speed ​​of thinking


Naturally, if you search hard, you can find nootropics with enormous potential for brain development, but they are rare and there is even less information than according to PRL. We had more details. The nootropics on today's list are relatively easy to find, don't cost hundreds of dollars, and have very noticeable effects. We recommend that only experienced people get acquainted with these nootropics:

  1. Cortexin + Cerebrolysate = Update, easy to understand anything.
  2. PRL 8-53 = The teacher is still unclear, but very often they write that it gives super memory
  3. Modafinil, for countries where it is approved, is one of the most powerful nootropics. In the Russian Federation, formally, it is a drug, so forget about it.

I would really like to hear real reviews in the comments! I hope you liked the issue and remember that the best nootropic is self-education, the rest is auxiliary elements! Good luck and see you soon!