Lymphatic drainage massage: what it is, benefits, indications and contraindications. Lymphatic drainage for cellulite

Massage can lead to amazing results: when performed correctly a person’s well-being noticeably improves, body systems work without disturbances.

Let's figure out what it is - lymphatic drainage massage, which is different high efficiency and many medicinal properties.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

This type of massage is defined as effect on lymph nodes and blood vessels by pressing, rubbing. The pressure should be very light. The patient does not feel pain or discomfort.

The procedure is extremely pleasant. Massage can be performed for different parts of the body: arms, body, etc. By influencing certain points, body function improves.

The main goal of this procedure is to strengthen and improve vascular activity.

The person is becoming healthier already after the first session. The effectiveness of the procedures is very high.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • The effect is applied specifically to the painful area.
  • The beneficial effect is also aimed at nervous system, because the person relaxes during the procedure.
  • It is possible to eliminate bruises and scars after the first two or three sessions.
  • Swelling and fatigue disappear.
  • The outflow of lymph improves.
  • Complications are extremely rare.
  • If the procedure is performed on the face, it improves appearance person. He becomes more attractive.
  • A massage on the legs or arms helps relieve swelling and improves blood flow.
  • The procedure, performed primarily on the torso, can improve metabolic processes, functioning various systems body.

Watch the video about the benefits and technique lymphatic drainage massage:

Indications and contraindications

  • Varicose veins at the initial stage;
  • Acne;
  • Swelling;
  • Scars and stretch marks;
  • Healed burns;
  • Reduced immunity.

However, in some cases, the use of such massage will have to refuse:

  • Pregnancy;
  • This procedure cannot be carried out before the age of 18;
  • Skin inflammation;
  • Infections;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Pathology thyroid gland;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Lactation period.

Hardware and manual

There are two types of massage: hardware and manual. Each of them has some features.

The hardware procedure is used for general health improvement body, as well as for figure correction. Women often use this method to lose weight and remove fat in certain parts of the body.

Various devices are used that do not cause pain, do not cause any harm. A person can relax during the procedure and lie quietly. The duration of the procedure can vary from twenty to thirty minutes depending on the device and part of the body.

For example, the effect on the face lasts only ten minutes - this time is quite enough to achieve a noticeable result.

Hardware massage has some advantages:

  1. Improving the functioning of all internal organs.
  2. Waste and toxins are introduced from the body.
  3. The condition of the skin improves noticeably.
  4. Swelling and fatigue disappear.
  5. There is a slight weight loss and the disappearance of the fat layer.
  6. The average price of such a procedure is 500 rubles.

Despite the huge variety of devices, Manual massage continues to be popular. The specialist carefully influences the body, lightly pressing on certain points of the body, slowly moving his hands, relaxing the patient.

This is an incredibly pleasant procedure that can eliminate neuroses and stress. The person is restored, the functioning of the internal organs is improved.

An experienced massage therapist knows exactly which parts of the patient’s body need the greatest impact.

Advantages of manual technology:

  1. Gentle pressure on the lymph nodes. This does not harm the body, but leads to the improvement of many processes.
  2. The fat layer disappears.
  3. You can achieve noticeable results after the first two sessions.
  4. The duration of the procedure is one hour, which makes it possible to enjoy the process for a long time. The exception is facial massage. It lasts 10-15 minutes.
  5. The average cost of the procedure is 400 rubles.

Japanese lymphatic drainage type

This type of massage has been known to man for many centuries. It is used to treat people of all ages.

Features of Japanese technology:

  • This massage is mainly performed to combat swelling, fatigue, scars and signs of aging.
  • Regular treatments can help you rejuvenate.
  • It must be remembered that massage is not performed during infections, colds, inflammation, skin diseases and when the layer of fat is too small.
  • It should also be remembered that this type massage only on the face. This is its main feature.

You can perform the presented procedures at home, but before doing so it is very important to familiarize yourself with execution technique:

Anticellulite massage

It's quite simple to do. Necessary work with problem areas.

  1. First of all, the skin is lubricated with anti-cellulite cream. This will warm up the skin and help your hands glide over the body area without causing discomfort.
  2. The procedure begins with slow movements. Gradually they become more intense and faster.
  3. The movements should be circular. In this case, you should not squeeze the skin too much or press too hard - this will lead to complications.
  4. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes. The skin should turn slightly red, there may be a slight burning sensation and a feeling of discomfort. However severe pain there shouldn't be.

It is recommended to perform lymphatic drainage massage procedures once or twice a week. In this case, the duration is one to two months. After this, you need to take a break for several months. You cannot conduct more than two or three massage courses per year, complications may arise.

To understand exactly how to do lymphatic drainage massage, visit a specialist once. You can then perform the procedure yourself at home.

Thus, with the help of this massage you can not only improve the functioning of various body systems, but also get in shape and get rid of fat. A person becomes even more attractive, his well-being improves.

Lymphatic drainage – physio therapeutic procedure, during which excess fluid and toxins are removed from the body. Pressotherapy is an innovative procedure that is performed at the Yusupov Hospital using modern devices leading companies in the world. Osteopathic lymphatic drainage differs from other techniques in that the depth and extent of the effect on the tissue is determined by the tissues themselves and their condition.

Rehabilitologists perform manual lymphatic drainage to improve outflow venous blood and lymph fluid. The specialists of the rehabilitation clinic have been trained by leading rehabilitation centers Europe. They are fluent in all types of lymphatic drainage techniques. Pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage are used in combination with drug treatment and other types of rehabilitation therapy. Reviews about the procedures are positive.

Indications and contraindications for performing lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is performed if the following indications exist:

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities in remission;
  • lymphedema;
  • violation cerebral circulation;
  • obesity;
  • cellulite;
  • decreased elasticity, sagging, skin aging.

Lymphatic drainage of the legs is performed after consultation with a phlebologist. It helps improve the functioning of venous valves, increasing the tone of blood and lymphatic vessels. After a session of pneumomassage, the pain in the legs goes away and swelling disappears. At varicose veins lower extremities procedures are carried out once a week.

Rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital approach lymphatic drainage with the utmost caution. Hardware drainage is not performed if the following contraindications are present:

  • acute inflammatory processes on the skin caused by infectious agents (viruses, bacteria);
  • swelling due to weakness of the heart muscle;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​lymphatic drainage
  • fungal skin and vaginal diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms any localization.

Contraindications to performing lymphatic drainage are tuberculosis, diabetes, bronchial asthma, chronic renal failure. The procedure is not performed after vagotomy surgery, if there is a tendency to thrombus formation, or during pregnancy. Lymphatic drainage of the face and neck area is contraindicated in case of disruption of the heart muscle, the presence of arrhythmia, or diseases of the thyroid gland. Lymphatic drainage of the abdomen is not performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, if there is a tendency to uterine bleeding, during menstruation. Susceptibility to epileptic seizures, presence of fragile blood vessels, acute venous thrombosis and thrombophlebitis are contraindications to lymphatic drainage.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

Pressotherapy, or compression massage eliminates lymph stagnation. The procedure consists of sequential compression of various parts of the body using specially designed cuffs into which compressed air is supplied. The cuffs consist of sequentially located compartments. The sequence of pumping the compartments with air and the amount of air pressure in them determines the nature of the procedure - press massage or lymphatic drainage. During the procedure, blood circulation improves in the capillaries of the skin and soft tissues that are in close proximity to them, cleansing occurs and skin nutrition improves. Hardware lymphatic drainage is in a reliable way mechanical effect on subcutaneous tissue.

Pressotherapy has a profound healing effect on the body. It is based on two main mechanisms: physiological tissue drainage and the healing effects of massage. After a course of procedures, the patient gets rid of swelling of different origins, the volume of his body parts decreases. Pressotherapy promotes recovery water balance due to the normalization of lymph and intercellular fluid circulation. This improves venous circulation and activates metabolic processes in skin cells and fat cells.

Rehabilitologists at the Yusupov Hospital use pressotherapy in the complex treatment of persistent muscle tension, lymphedema, prevention of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Lymphatic drainage of the lower extremities helps to actively combat postoperative and post-traumatic swelling. Special programs Pressotherapy is used after liposuction.

The procedure for hardware lymphatic drainage involves using a compressor to pump air into special cuffs that are placed on the arms, legs, and waist. At the same time, they compress in waves soft fabrics patient, resulting in activated blood circulation. The special equipment used to perform pressotherapy produces certain rhythmic fluctuations in the pressure generated. The cyclical effect of pressure on certain parts of the human body promotes withdrawal from excess liquid from tissues, stagnant metabolic products - from the intercellular space. As a result, swelling is reduced and the walls of blood vessels are toned.

As the pressure in the cuffs decreases, the blood vessels dilate and blood flow increases. As a result of pneumomassage, activation occurs lymphatic system, the body is actively cleansed of waste and toxins. Accelerated breakdown of fats and removal of breakdown products occurs, all metabolic processes in tissues at the cellular level are activated.

Pressotherapy is performed in a gentle manner. It is suitable for patients who have contraindications to performing lymphatic drainage using electrical stimulation muscle tissue, ultrasound, electrophoresis or manual massage.

Manual lymphatic drainage with application of a compression bandage

Using manual lymphatic drainage, the rehabilitologist acts on the subcutaneous fat layer in order to enhance the drainage function of the lymphatic system. The procedure enhances the removal of lymph from the depot and transport through the lymphatic vessels, and activates the motility of the lymphatic vessels. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital in the presence of lymphedema ( lymphedema) perform manual lymphatic drainage with the application of compression stockings. The benefit of compression hosiery is to increase tissue pressure and enhance the work of the muscle pump. This helps improve the production and transport of lymph and venous return. The procedure increases the speed of blood flow, which is effective prevention thrombosis.

Thanks to manual lymphatic drainage with the application of a compression bandage, the permeability of the capillary wall for plasma proteins is significantly reduced, and the protein load is minimized. A compression bandage improves lymph transport processes. Contraindication to banding is acute thrombosis, erysipelas, severe arterial stenosis, as well as a number of other diseases and conditions that are determined by the doctor during consultation.

Manual lymphatic drainage with the application of a compression bandage at the Yusupov Hospital is a multilayer bandage with individual approach to every patient. The compression bandaging procedure, performed by specialists at the rehabilitation clinic, improves lymph outflow. The skin is preserved as much as possible when wearing a bandage. Rehabilitators protect the skin from abrasions, prevent squeezing, carefully monitor and treat existing or newly formed ulcers, cracks and other defects on the skin. For this purpose, individual pads are manufactured and used for bandaging.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage

The purpose of vacuum lymphatic drainage is to accelerate the outflow of lymphatic fluid, cleanse the lymphatic pathways and remove toxins from the body. Vacuum lymphatic drainage affects the skin itself and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Under the influence of vacuum, drainage of intercellular spaces occurs. Fluid leaves the intercellular space into lymphatic vessels. Simultaneously lymphatic and venous vessels are expanding. In this case, the reverse flow of lymph and blood is blocked by valves. This leads to an increase in fluid exchange flow, increased metabolism and a decrease in tissue swelling.

Rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital perform vacuum lymphatic drainage if there are the following indications:

  • "heavy leg" syndrome;
  • swelling;
  • excess weight;
  • local excess fat deposits.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage is included in all programs that are aimed at combating cellulite, obesity and reducing body volume. It is performed after the lipolysis procedure. The inclusion of vacuum lymphatic drainage in a patient rehabilitation program improves the results of plastic and reconstructive surgeries.

The procedure is safe, lasts 30-60 minutes, is easily tolerated by the patient, and has virtually no contraindications. The positive effect of vacuum lymphatic drainage is noticeable immediately. Already after the first procedure, you feel a surge of vigor, lightness in the body, and your mood improves. To achieve a lasting result, you need to undergo 5–10 procedures. Side effect Vacuum lymphatic drainage may cause bruising. It's connected with individual feature patient (very thin capillary walls). Rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital have great experience performing vacuum drainage, selecting optimal procedure parameters for each patient, which avoids unpleasant consequences.

Lymphatic drainage using microcurrents

Microcurrents are used to improve microcirculation, eliminate swelling and improve the regenerative properties of the skin. Lymphatic drainage by affordable price You can go to the Yusupov Hospital. During the procedure, specialists use special cosmetics that are saturated with vitamins, collagen, and amino acids, since microcurrents are excellent conductors that deliver substances deep into the skin.

Lymphatic drainage using microcurrents has the following effects:

  • improves tone and strengthens blood vessels, removes stagnant fluid from tissues;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates healing processes;
  • restores muscle tone;
  • accelerates the resorption of hematomas and edema.

Contraindications to microcurrent therapy are pregnancy, heart rhythm disturbances, the presence of gold threads, metal structures and pins in the bones, and malignant neoplasms. Before prescribing the procedure, rehabilitation specialists analyze the results comprehensive survey patient.

Exercises for lymphatic drainage

A set of body exercises that improves lymph flow and helps get rid of excess fluid accumulation in the body is selected individually for each patient by rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital. It must be done regularly.

Lymphatic drainage gymnastics is not performed if there are contraindications:

  • facial skin diseases;
  • nerve inflammation;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • pathologies of ENT organs;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • hypertension third stage;
  • general feeling unwell patient;
  • joint diseases;
  • acute or chronic thrombophlebitis in the acute stage.

In addition to rotating the shoulders, bending and extending the arms at the elbows and performing simple exercises called “bicycle”, there is a complex specially developed by specialists at the Yusupov Hospital, which is aimed at stimulating the outflow of lymph. It takes no more than 15 minutes. All exercises should be performed slowly and smoothly.

In order to perform the first exercise, called “vibration,” you should lie on your back, raise your straight legs up and spread them to the sides. Next you need to turn your ankles 5 times to the right and left. Then you need to stretch your toes to the ceiling, bend your feet halfway and move your feet towards your calves. Rehabilitators recommend holding each pose for 5 seconds.

After this, the feet are relaxed and the legs are left raised. Now you need to strain lower limbs and place them so that vibration is felt. You should hold your legs in this position for a couple of minutes. The exercise stimulates blood movement to the groin area.

The “butterfly” is performed in the following sequence:

  • sit on the floor, point your knees to the sides, bring your feet together and place your palms on them;
  • elbows look to the sides;
  • As you inhale, your knees rise and touch your hands, and as you exhale, they return to their place.

The exercise should be repeated 10 times. It activates blood flow in the thighs.

In order to perform the “cat” exercise, you need to kneel and place your hands on the floor. When inhaling, they tense, bend their back and raise their head. Exhaling and lowering your head, arch your back. The exercise is repeated 4 times. You can take a course of lymphatic drainage at an affordable price by calling the specialists of the contact center of the Yusupov Hospital.


Prices for services *

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

The lymphatic drainage procedure is a physiotherapeutic method of recovery venous circulation and normalization of lymph outflow, which involves removing excess fluid with metabolic products dissolved in it from the intercellular space. Doctors began to study lymph and lymph flow only in the thirties of the last century.

If you notice local or general swelling on your body, then lymphatic drainage is vital for you. The most delicate areas of the body are the hands and face; they swell first. The purpose of lymphatic drainage is to accelerate normal lymph flow, which has been slowed down for one reason or another. A more uniform distribution of fluid throughout the body with its partial removal literally transforms the body before our eyes. Therefore, lymphatic drainage applies not only to health, but also to cosmetic procedures.

Types of procedure

Based on the depth of impact of the lymphatic drainage procedure, there are three main types:

  1. Surface. Such manipulations affect the surface of the skin, including receptors that conduct impulses from the skin into the body.
  2. Deep such effects directly affect microscopic vessels. This type of procedure causes contraction various muscles, which significantly accelerates fluid metabolism in the body and helps normalize the condition of deep vessels.
  3. Interior. This is a special technique of acupressure in the groin and popliteal areas.

According to the methods of influence, lymphatic drainage procedures are classified as follows:

A facelift occurs that is almost equivalent in effectiveness to plastic corrections. Manual (manual) lymphatic drainage type massage on the face can be performed simultaneously with the application of masks. If you prefer salon treatments, it won’t hurt to add a little money and order simultaneous facial lymphatic drainage along with a mask.

The home facial lymphatic drainage procedure requires compliance with certain rules. You need to massage cleansed, steamed and warmed skin. First the forehead is massaged. Using your fingertips, apply light pressure from the center to the temples. You need to work extremely carefully near the eyes, because the skin there is sensitive and delicate.

In the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples along the lower edge of the eye socket, you need to gently rub it with your fingertips. Exactly the same movements need to be processed top part eye sockets in the direction from the inner corner of the eye along the eyebrows to their tips. The cheeks are massaged in the direction from the corners of the mouth to the temples. The movements on the cheeks need to be intensified and the massage should be carried out using pressing touches. In the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, treatment consists of light pressure and finger strikes. The chin should be massaged with slight pressure from the center point of the chin towards the ears.

Lymphatic drainage of the body

If you decide to take up health and weight loss, then you need to start with lymphatic drainage of the body. This procedure will correct the contours of the figure, improve the condition of the skin, including smoothing out stretch marks and scars, improve the health of the veins, and saturate the body with oxygen. If at this time you adhere to healthy eating, then problem areas will begin to melt literally before your eyes, and you will gradually get rid of cellulite.

Many women have problems with their legs. This is due to the relationship between uncomfortable shoes and working on your feet. As a result, there are many vascular diseases, which are accompanied by malaise and pain, and the legs do not look at all aesthetically pleasing. Lymphatic drainage of the legs helps to cope with these problems. The cosmetic effect is to eliminate cellulite and tighten the skin. Pain, swelling and heaviness in the legs are reduced. Inflammatory processes are removed vascular system is gradually improving. To do this, it is enough to carry out manual lymphatic drainage at home. But professional procedures in clinics will provide a much more powerful effect.

In general, the procedure for lymphatic drainage of the body, including the legs, is carried out by actively rubbing in anti-cellulite products and cosmetic oils. The massage necessarily includes techniques such as pinching and light blows. The legs are massaged with quite significant pressure on the skin and muscles.

Thus, if you provide your body and face with regular lymphatic drainage massage, without forgetting about the normal daily routine and proper balanced diet, then in the very near future you will be able to achieve stunning success in improving your internal state and appearance!

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The lymphatic system is an integral part of the human body. This system is due to the circulation of lymph fluid in the vessels. Thanks to this system, the human body is protected from viruses.

People's lives have changed noticeably, activity has decreased, and because of this, lymphatic fluid began to stagnate in the body. In order to combat lymph stagnation, doctors recommend doing special exercises. There is also a less energy-consuming method - lymphatic drainage.

What is lymphatic drainage

In essence, lymphatic drainage is manual therapy, contributing to the normalization of lymph flow. Thanks to it, toxins are removed from the human body faster. Lymphatic drainage of the body is based on working out soft tissues in areas of lymphatic fluid circulation. The massage process is completely painless.

How the therapy works

A person’s aesthetic beauty directly depends on the state of his lymphatic system. The free movement of the fluid washing the cells promotes the flow of salt, protein and substances for metabolism into the blood vessels.

Purpose of lymphatic drainage: remove excess intercellular fluid . Pathologies in the human body arise from a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and the accumulation of fluid in which microbes multiply well. Accumulated toxins cause increased swelling and poor metabolism, which is accompanied by increased deposition of the fat layer.

Lymphatic drainage massage is used for:

  • improving lymph and blood flow;
  • removing excess fluid between cells, leading to the appearance of cellulite;
  • normalization of metabolism (reduces weight);
  • increasing skin strength and vascular elasticity.

For greater effect, along with lymphatic drainage massage, other cosmetic manipulations are used.

Indications for use

Lymphatic drainage therapy has a general strengthening effect on human body. This procedure is prescribed in the following cases:

Lymphatic drainage will help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections. The procedure can be made more pleasant and useful if you add cosmetical tools. The drainage procedure is suitable for any age. Renders positive influence on age-related changes and prevents the premature formation of cellulite.

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

Different types of lymphatic drainage therapy can influence any area of ​​the human body:

  • face;
  • under the eyes;
  • body;
  • legs.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

This procedure is carried out using special equipment, which makes it impossible to carry out at home.

There are the following types of hardware drainage:

The hardware lymphatic drainage procedure is used for:

  • giving elasticity to the skin;
  • combating obesity;
  • smoothing scars;
  • reducing swelling;
  • removal blue circles under the eyes and bags;
  • eliminating cellulite.

Lymphatic drainage wrap

This type of lymphatic drainage therapy can be done at home. The process is very simple: special cosmetics are selected, applied to problem areas of the body and wrapped in cling film. This compress must be kept for up to 1.5 hours. After removing it, the skin is treated with a moisturizing cream. Wraps can reduce cellulite.

Manual massage

The simplest and most common method of massage. Every person is capable of learning necessary actions and perform a massage at home. The massage technique involves massaging the outflow of lymph fluid with your fingers. The intensity of the massage can be controlled independently, which allows it to be used on all parts of the body.

The manual massage process includes 3 stages:

Vacuum lymphatic drainage

Based on the technology of using cups in medicine. Banks are placed on a specific area of ​​the body. The skin under the jar secretes excess liquid. As a result, swelling decreases. This drainage is also used for cellulite and excess weight.

Non-hardware lymphatic drainage can be used at home, which allows you to save money on a cosmetologist. But you need to be well prepared for the massage. Find out how it is carried out, select the necessary cosmetics and master the technique of manual lymphomassage.

Carrying out the procedure at home

As already mentioned, you need to massage along the paths of lymph movement - this is the main rule. Touch areas of the skin lightly.

At the end of each stage of the massage, you need to make a control movement from the temporal part, along the cheeks to the collarbone. Facial lymphatic drainage takes approximately 15 minutes. This time is enough to remove excess wrinkles, swelling under the eyes and give the skin fresh look.

Wrap at home

Not every woman is able to devote time to hiking beauty salons. You can carry out such procedures at home yourself. It is worth preparing for the procedure in advance. 5 days before the start, you must stop taking coffee, soda, flour products and salt. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of any liquid per day, except sparkling water.

Before the procedure, be sure to take a hot shower or bath using a cleansing scrub. Before wrapping, you need to prepare everything necessary for its implementation: a device that is convenient for applying the wrapping mixture, and a film. The procedure is long, it is worth taking care of a comfortable position. To enhance the effect, wrap the compress in a towel. After the procedure, you need to wash everything off and treat the skin with a moisturizer.

Cosmetics recipes for wraps:

  • Mix 50 g of aloe with 3 drops of rosemary oil, adding 5 drops of black pepper infusion. This cocktail will cleanse you of toxins and remove excess water.
  • 20 g blue clay, 100 g healing mud, 30 g algae powder and 50 ml water. Good remedy from cellulite.
  • 100 ml of water, 50 g of kelp, 1 yolk, 5 drops of camphor, 3 drops of lemon tree oil. Gives skin elasticity.

But remember that these recipes may cause problems for some people. allergic reaction. Therefore, before use, you should apply the mixture to the skin of your hand and wait a while. If there is no redness, then the procedure will not cause allergies.

Self massage

When massaging your feet, it is important to sit comfortably so that the process is enjoyable. First, with light movements, we begin to massage from the ankle, ending with the knee area. We grab the ankles from behind with our hands and lightly move them along the leg to the popliteal area. This massage will improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels and relieve fatigue.

Lymphatic drainage massage in the abdominal area is carried out from overweight, loose skin and stretch marks. The massage is carried out in a circular motion clockwise.

To reduce cellulite in the thigh area, massage is performed from the inner thigh, moving to the groin area.

Contraindications to therapy

Lymphatic drainage therapy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • malignant formations. If tumors are present, drainage will promote spread cancer cells through the lymphatic system.
  • presence of blood clots. Massage increases blood flow, and this can affect the release of a blood clot.
  • kidney diseases.
  • heart failure.
  • infections.
  • skin inflammation.
  • fragility of blood vessels.
  • diabetes.
  • menstruation.
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The presence of the above circumstances during massage can cause serious consequences And severe complications. Skin inflammation may spread to undamaged areas of the skin. During pregnancy, experts recommend refusing any procedures unless they are vitally necessary.

Proper nutrition and sports

Experts recommend consolidating the result of lymphatic drainage proper nutrition, playing sports. Nutrition must be chosen so that it helps remove toxins from the body. First of all, you should avoid fatty, spicy, highly salted, and smoked foods. It is best to steam and boil.

Use daily fresh fruits and vegetables. It is imperative to include fermented milk products in your diet. Set up drinking regime. Drinking at least 2 liters of water will help give your skin freshness. Physical exercise important for the body. For example, jogging helps with cellulite.

The lymphatic drainage procedure has positive effect, which is visible almost immediately visually and by the state of the body. The immune system becomes stronger and performance increases.

The lymphatic system is responsible for excretion harmful substances, formed in the process of human life. Deterioration of the functioning of the lymphatic system leads to the fact that waste waste products are not removed, but accumulate, therefore, intoxication of the body occurs. In addition, lymph nodes help destroy germs. To stimulate the lymphatic system and facilitate the movement of fluid in the body, lymphatic drainage massage is necessary.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

This is a physiotherapeutic procedure that removes toxic formations and excess fluid from the body. The main effect of lymphatic drainage is to increase the speed of lymph flow. This helps the organs quickly get rid of waste products and get more nutrients and oxygen.

The basis of a lymphatic drainage session is knowledge of the location lymph nodes and directions of lymph movement. This is an absolutely painless process based on stroking and pressing.

Cosmetology specialists and medical workers It is strongly recommended to carry out this simple but effective procedure at least once a week, which will help you look young without the intervention of surgeons.

Indications and contraindications

The following body problems may serve as the basis for prescribing a course:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • varicose veins of the extremities;
  • excess body fat;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • the presence of postoperative and burn scars and stretch marks;
  • weakening of lymph flow due to cellulite;
  • decreased immunity;
  • circulatory disorders in the extremities.

Like any therapeutic procedure, lymphatic drainage has contraindications:

  • acute stage of thrombophlebitis;
  • increased fragility vessels;
  • various skin diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • diseases of the lymph nodes;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • benign tumors prone to growth;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • frequent headaches of unknown etymology;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus of any form;
  • menstruation;
  • infectious diseases.

Zones for lymphatic drainage

Excess fluid may accumulate in different parts body, the face and legs especially often suffer from this:

  • Lymphatic drainage facial massage relieves swelling, redness, dullness of the skin, and changes in complexion. It is also prescribed for acne, in the presence of facial wrinkles. It also helps with postoperative recovery skin.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the areas under the eyes is performed during a facial massage. This procedure eliminates puffiness under the eyes, restores elasticity to the skin, and gives a healthy, fresh look. Lymphatic drainage for the face and area around the eyes should be carried out by a specially trained cosmetologist or massage therapist in a salon, since unqualified handling in this case can cause harm to health. It cannot be performed if there are ulcers on the skin, neuralgia of the facial nerve, or cancer.
  • Lymphatic drainage body massage is used in anti-cellulite programs and for body modeling. It stimulates metabolic processes, accelerates the movement of blood and lymph, which helps reduce body volume and weight.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the legs will help those who suffer from swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs. The session can be held separately or as part of general massage bodies. A serious contraindication in this case is thrombophlebitis.

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques

According to the degree of impact on the body, three methods can be noted:

  1. Superficial lymphatic drainage has a positive effect on small vessels. The massage therapist makes circular movements with light pressure on the tissue, which facilitates the movement of lymph to the nodes and relieves vascular spasms. To enhance the effect, you must first relieve muscle tension using relaxing techniques.
  2. The deep technique stimulates the muscle tissue layers accordingly. In this case, the most intense impact of the massage therapist on the patient’s body is assumed. In-depth techniques increase blood flow, improve muscle tone, dilate blood vessels, which helps fluid actively move throughout intercellular spaces. This technique is excellent for reducing volume in the buttocks and thighs.
  3. Point or projection lymphatic drainage works on the projection areas of the main lymph nodes. This involves the use of microcurrent therapy, pressotherapy or LPG massage.

According to the methods of action on the body, there are two main techniques: manual and hardware, which often complement each other:

  1. Manual involves the precise, gentle, measured impact of the massage therapist’s hands on lymphatic areas body, so the qualifications of the master and his experience are very important here. The delicacy of the procedure improves its quality, which leads to excellent results. The intensity of the impact increases gradually towards the middle of the session. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the direction of movement from the lower part of the body to the upper, which allows the liquid to smoothly change the direction and pace of movement.
  2. Massage using equipment is based on the use of electrical impulses, which, when applied to tissues, stimulate the drainage of accumulated lymphatic fluid. It comes in the following types:
    • Galvanization. Metabolic processes in the skin are activated by low voltage current, which eliminates excess fluid.
    • Electroiontophoresis. IN skin covering Using electrodes, substances are introduced that stimulate the removal of toxic formations from the skin pores while simultaneously moisturizing it.
    • Process therapy. A special suit worn by the client and two connected microprocessors create pressure on the entire body, which accelerates the circulation of fluid and its elimination naturally. This is the most effective method, the effect of which is similar to the work of a massage therapist.
    • Vacuum massage. Increased drainage of lymphatic fluid causes the effect of negative pressure. This method is quite complex, requires perfect knowledge, and it is better to entrust it to a professional who can control the force of action, otherwise the epidermal tissue can be damaged.
    • Lymphatic drainage using microcurrents. Very low electrical impulses aimed at upper layer skin, relax facial muscles. This helps smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and around the lips.

Each method of lymphatic drainage has its own specific effect on the human body. Depending on the problem areas The following techniques are used on the patient's body:

  • Lymphatic drainage technique is used for anti-edematous body contouring. The massage therapist uses smooth and sliding rubbing, soft rhythmic movements and stroking. An in-depth technique involves affecting muscle tissue, the techniques in this case are performed more intensively. The same method is effective in preventing complications in varicose veins veins and in the anti-cellulite program, has a calming effect.
  • Anti-cellulite technology removes hypertrophy of fat deposits, the so-called orange peel. Relaxation of soft tissues, removal of excess fluid and toxins, loosening of connective and fatty tissues restores blood circulation in areas affected by cellulite. It is done locally, in places with identified violations. If there are many such areas, then they alternate. The main goal of this technique is to restore microcirculation in individual problem areas, since this is the main thing in the treatment of cellulite.
  • The lipolytic technique focuses on reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat. It is effective only in the case of local cosmetic defects of the body in combination with cellulite. The main condition for this is the absence of fluid stagnation, so this technique is used after eliminating lymph stagnation and anti-cellulite sessions. The essence of the technique is a smooth transition from superficial to deeper effects exclusively on subcutaneous fat, so they are used here special moves, which allow you to control the depth of penetration.
  • Modeling technique on this moment the most famous figure correction technique. When using this type, all attention is paid to best action to specific zones. The intensity of exposure is selected individually for each patient. This technique is very comfortable, there are no painful techniques, it significantly reduces the fat layer, facilitates the release of fluid, and makes it easier for the skin to breathe.
  • Lifting technique is used for acute disorder skin conditions, for example, after sudden weight loss, pregnancy and childbirth. The technique enhances metabolism, stimulates collagen production, which prevents skin aging.

Carrying out the procedure - step-by-step instructions

A lymphatic drainage massage session includes three main stages:

  1. Preparation. The course is selected individually for each client depending on the problem. As a rule, preventive courses consist of 6 – 12 sessions held every other day. To achieve the best results, the patient should drink enough liquid before the session. The client undresses and lies down on the couch. Using a cleansing gel, the massage therapist removes impurities from the skin, then applies cream or oils. If you intend to use hardware, it is recommended to pre-warm the skin with a manual massage, then apply special composition. During the event, all conditions are created for complete relaxation patient, a comfortable air temperature in the room must be maintained.
  2. Performance. The principles of lymphatic drainage are based on the rules classic massage. The procedure always begins with exposure to the lymph nodes. All further techniques are performed strictly along the flow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. Stroking should be gentle, wavy, performed slowly and quite softly. The duration of the session, depending on the size of the problem areas, ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  3. Completion. At the end of the session, the skin in the treatment area is cleansed of any remnants of massage cream or oils (this can be omitted if you have dry skin), after which moisturizing milk or cream is applied.

There is no need to prepare specially for this procedure. There are only a few conditions, the fulfillment of which will make it more effective:

Before the session you need:

  • thoroughly cleanse the body by taking a shower;
  • It is advisable to perform scrubbing to improve the penetration of the product used by the massage therapist into the skin.
  • remain at rest for about ten minutes, preferably lying down;
  • necessary drinking plenty of fluids, preferably just warm water;
  • apply lymphatic drainage wrap to prolong lymph outflow.


Lymphatic drainage massage course – effective remedy relaxation and strengthening of the body. After the first procedure, there is lightness in the body, a decrease in swelling, and after a full course of 6 – 12 procedures, the following positive changes are noted:

  • body weight is significantly reduced, especially of edematous origin;
  • headaches disappear;
  • chronic fatigue goes away;
  • the skin becomes smooth, elastic, and acquires a healthy color;
  • mood improves;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • metabolic processes in tissues improve;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • figure imperfections are corrected.

Lymphatic drainage massage - before and after the procedure

Possible complications and side effects

Lymphatic drainage massage is a physiological procedure, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it practically does not cause complications and unwanted effects. Sometimes after a session using the device, light bruises appear. The reason for this is increased vascular fragility, which is most often found in smoking patients. Typically these cosmetic defects do not cause concern to the patient and pass quickly.

Lymphatic drainage massage at home

Not every woman, due to workload or financial problems, can afford full course lymphatic drainage massage. But if you devote literally a few minutes a day to it at home, then going to a massage therapist can be postponed.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for this procedure by studying the location of the lymphatic zones and the principles of lymph movement, which will allow you to get rid of unpleasant consequences if the procedure is performed incorrectly.

The first step is to warm up your body by taking a bath or shower. For massage, special lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite creams are used, essential oils, and the use of honey will make it even more effective, since honey enhances the removal of toxic formations.

No warm-up is required for home lymphatic drainage. To begin with, hand movements should be free, stroking, gradually turning into springy and patting movements, moving in the direction of the lymph flows. These movements should not be kneading or painful.

After completing the procedure, you need to rest for several hours, so it is best to perform it in the evening. The duration of a home session is no more than 30 minutes.

Massage therapists and cosmetologists strongly do not recommend performing lymphatic drainage facial self-massage at home. In any case, to carry out this procedure in order to avoid undesirable consequences consultation with a doctor is required.

Cost of the procedure

The price of one session of lymphatic drainage massage is relatively low. The cost depends on the size of the area, the duration of the procedure and the qualifications of the specialist. For example, facial lymphatic drainage in a salon costs from 600 to 900 rubles. Massage of other parts of the body is a little more expensive - from 1000 rubles. The cost of lymphatic drainage of the whole body starts from 2000 rubles. and higher. As a rule, a discount is provided for a course of 10-15 procedures in all salons and clinics.