What to cook for a 2 year old child. Dinner: Stewed cabbage with beef. Dinner: Buckwheat porridge with chicken

A two-year-old child may already have 16-20 teeth in his mouth, and it is at this age that the baby must be taught to chew and use his teeth for their intended purpose. From the age of 2-3 years, a child’s meals mainly come from the common table, i.e. What the parents eat, the baby also eats. Parents should lead by example and teach their child correct behavior at the table, instilling a food culture. This is exactly the time that is ideal for reconsidering your diet. in the right direction, this will affect not only the health of the child, but also the health of the parents in a very positive way.

When chewing food, the production of food juices is stimulated, which makes food easier to digest. From this age it is necessary to replace liquid and semi-liquid food with denser, coarser food. If at this age the baby does not learn to eat such food, in the future this may provoke big problems. They will concern not only eating habits, diseases gastrointestinal tract, but can also cause problems with the child’s bite. If the jaws do not receive optimal load, they do not grow and when teething permanent teeth there is a shortage of space. Are developing various disorders, the baby’s teeth become uneven and require long-term orthodontic treatment.

The diet must not be violated.
Children of this age should have 4 meals a day, this is breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Daily requirement calories are 1400 - 1500 kcal, if you divide this volume between meals, then about 40-50% of all kcal are taken for lunch, and the rest is distributed for breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner.

With regards to the relationship - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the priorities are set as follows, the child needs to receive 60 g of protein, most of which is of animal origin, 60 g of fat, which should also be mainly plant origin, carbohydrates need about 220 g.

Compliance with the diet, namely observing the time intervals between meals, is very important. If the diet is followed, the child develops a conditioned food reflex for this time, thereby ensuring the rhythmic functioning of the digestive system. Digestive juices are produced in a timely manner and in sufficient quantities, which facilitates the digestion and absorption of food. IN otherwise the reflex fades away, juices are produced in smaller quantities. This is precisely the reason why the child refuses to eat.
You can deviate from the feeding schedule by no more than 15–20 minutes, and in the intervals between feedings it is not advisable to give your baby additional foods, even fruits, yoghurts, and especially sweets. This will kill the baby’s appetite, and subsequently there will be a refusal to eat again.

In children 2-3 years old, the stomach is empty of food after 3.5 - 4 hours, but if the baby has eaten too much fatty foods, then after 4.5 hours. Therefore, the intervals between meals should be 3.5 - 4 hours. Some babies need extra food at night time.

Dairy products.
Like all children, a 2-3 year old child needs to receive a sufficient amount of fermented milk products. The optimal amount is 550 - 600 g, and this amount also includes those products that are used for cooking.

The diet should also include cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, cream; these products can be used not only as a main dish, but also as a dressing. Cottage cheese should have a fat content of 5-11%, and the amount of this cottage cheese should be 50-100 g. Cream or sour cream with a fat content of 10-20% should also contain 10-20 g. There should also be cheese, milk and kefir.

All these products can be used for cooking various dishes, for example, cheesecakes, dumplings, various breakfast casseroles with fruit. But it is worth remembering that such breakfasts or afternoon snacks should be only 2-3 times a week, but milk, yoghurts and other lactic acid products should be in the diet every day.

With age, the amount of meat in a child's diet should increase, and by the age of three this amount should be 120 g per day. The baby's menu includes veal, rabbit, lamb, and you can use lean pork. The diet should also contain by-products, which are rich in protein, vitamins and digestible better than meat. These products include liver, tongue, and heart. As for cooking, meat can be served in the form steam cutlets, you can bake them in the oven. You can also use stew and fried minced meat. To enrich the taste perception, for variety you can give small pieces of boiled sausage, children's sausages. Although there is another opinion that prohibits sausages for children under 7 years of age.

Eggs and seafood.
Eggs should be the main supplier of protein in the diet; a baby can be given half a boiled egg per day, and for two children a whole egg. You can cook omelettes for your baby. When preparing cutlets, an egg is often used as a binding component; in this case, the baby should not be given an egg on this day.
If not medical contraindications, the diet should include fish from sea and river species. The exception is fatty and delicacy fish, as well as raw fish. Children can be given boiled, fried fish, meatballs, and most importantly, free it from the bones. Smoked and canned fish should not be given, with the exception of children canned fish. It is strictly forbidden to give exotic seafood and caviar, which is a very strong allergen.

Eating vegetables is an excellent prevention of constipation, as vegetables contain a large amount of fiber. In addition, vegetables and fruits can enhance the secretion of digestive juices and increase appetite.
The diet of children 2-3 years old should include 100-120 g of potatoes daily, this includes not only potatoes in the second course, but also potatoes in soups, vegetable cutlets, etc. In addition to potatoes, it is necessary to use other vegetables for preparing soups or main courses, salads, these include cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin and others.

From the age of two, it is necessary to use greens, parsley, dill, spinach, lettuce, onions and garlic in small quantities. Vegetable purees should be replaced with finely chopped salad, stewed vegetables and others.

How to properly process vegetables and fruits?
Food processing begins with peeling vegetables; it is necessary to cut off the peel in a thin layer, since the peel contains large quantity vitamins For various salads, it is better to cook vegetables with their skins on. large quantities water or best steamed. After cleaning, you should not keep vegetables in water, as this will wash out the vitamins.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the cooking time of vegetables; potatoes, carrots, cabbage are cooked for no more than 25 minutes, beets for a little more than an hour, and spinach for no more than 10 minutes. Raw vegetables are grated and cut immediately before eating. Since leaving food in the open air contributes to the destruction of vitamins.

The diet should contain 100-200 g of fruits and 10-20 g of berries. Kids generally do not refuse and eat various fruits with appetite. You should be careful when consuming citrus and exotic fruits, as there may be an allergy.

Especially healthy berries Gooseberries, currants, lingonberries, and sea buckthorn are considered. Many fruits are useful for constipation, these include blueberries, pears, and black currants. Kiwi has a pronounced laxative effect, but it is worth remembering that a large amount of any fruit has the same effect.

Cereals and sugar in a child’s diet.
Barley, millet and pearl barley are considered very useful in a child’s diet. You can already introduce noodles and vermicelli into your diet as a side dish for main courses, or milk soups.
You need to be careful with sugar, as it worsens the child’s appetite. But of course it improves a lot taste qualities, but it is worth remembering that excess sugar can lead to overweight bodies. The amount of sugar per day for a 2-3 year old child is 30-40 g, this amount includes sugars that are stored in juices, fruits, sweets, etc.

Sweets that can be given to a child are marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows and, of course, fruit. Banana is considered the sweetest fruit. You should not give chocolate products to your baby, as chocolate is a stimulant. nervous system and he is very strong allergen. The same information applies to cocoa.

Cooking rules.
Milk can be boiled for no more than 3 minutes and under no circumstances should it be boiled again. When preparing porridges, milk is added to already boiled cereals and vegetables. After processing, the meat must be cooked in one piece in an already hot water. This is necessary so that the meat juice remains inside the meat, and it turns out juicy. The proteins on the surface of the meat coagulate, forming a strong film, and the meat juice cannot escape to the surface.

When frying food, you must adhere to the same principle. When frying in hot oil or fat, a crust forms on the surface, which prevents the juices from escaping. To stew meat, you must first lightly fry it and then simmer in small quantity liquids.

© Inna Volodina / Photobank Lori

Child nutrition over a year old should already differ from nutrition up to a year. The baby can already chew food with his teeth, the stomach becomes larger, and digestion is better. During this period, the child is actively developing, the needs of the body change. Now almost half of the energy coming from food is spent on physical activity. The food will gradually become closer to the adult food, but there is no need to immediately transfer the baby to the common table.

What can you feed a 1 year old baby?

If mom continues breast-feeding, then at this age you can decide to stop. Mother's milk can no longer make up children's body necessary nutrients and right now it’s easier to wean your baby off the breast.

With the development of chewing skills and the appearance chewing teeth It is necessary to introduce more solid food, but the consistency should be such that the child can chew it without difficulty. Porridge food still occupies the main position in the baby’s diet.

At this age, the role of dairy products is still important.

Every day the child’s menu should include:

  • milk,
  • cottage cheese,
  • sour cream or cream.

Dairy may be from cow's milk, if there is no allergy. But pediatricians are more often inclined to use products from goat milk. It should be remembered that milk must be heat treated before consumption.

Foods rich in animal protein are necessary for a growing and rapidly developing body.

In the diet one year old child Meat dishes must be present:

  • veal,
  • lean pork,
  • chickens,
  • turkeys,
  • a rabbit.

It is not advisable to serve fried meat dishes. It is better to steam or boil.

  • Fish. Fish is also very useful for a child, 2 or 3 days a week. meat dish It’s better to replace it with fish.
  • Eggs. If before a year it was possible to give only the yolk of a chicken egg, then after a year you can give a whole egg every other day. But if an allergy to a protein is detected, it is better to exclude it.
  • Porridge. Continue to give your child porridge, buckwheat and oatmeal are especially useful.
  • Bread products and cereals. Many kids love pasta. But you shouldn’t feed your child them often, they contain a lot of carbohydrates and no vitamins. Average daily set a one-year-old meal should include 15-20 grams of cereal, 5 grams of pasta and bread no more than 100 grams.
  • Vegetables. A variety of vegetables in any form are very useful. In summer, fresh ones are better in the form of salads. Children enjoy eating various purees. It is good to give both stewed and baked vegetables.
  • Fruits. Fruits and berries must be present on children's table. They are the ones who will make up for required amount minerals and vitamins, as well as sugar. And it is better to keep confectionery products to a minimum. Fruit and vegetable juices You can give industrially produced ones intended for baby food. Carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited.

Table with a sample menu for a child over 1 year old(enlarges by clicking):

What to feed a 2 year old child

At 2 years old, food should still differ from that of an adult; the baby’s stomach is not yet able to digest adult dishes. Pediatricians do not recommend that children consume fatty and fried food. Although you can give it once a week fried fish in batter or pancakes. All fast food is prohibited, and sweets should be limited.

  • Milk and dairy products are also important during this period of life, but it is advisable to reduce the fat content of milk and give less fatty milk.
  • Cottage cheese It is best served raw, but can be cooked as a casserole.
  • Vegetables and fruits should be in the diet in large quantities. They can no longer be pureed, but given in boiled or stewed pieces. Many children love salads from fresh vegetables or fruits, seasoned with sour cream. Now vegetable salads may contain dill and parsley.
  • Meat and fish remain important in the child's menu. If your child refuses to eat meat, prepare a potato casserole with minced meat. Many children love this dish. Omelette with fish has a soft consistency and is also liked by little picky eaters. Pediatricians do not recommend giving sausage and salted fish to a child.
  • Into the diet two year old child liver can be injected. It is very useful for hematopoiesis and digestion, and is also rich in easily digestible proteins. Good to combine in dishes with vegetables.
  • Porridge The child may already be tired of them, but they should not be excluded. It is enough to diversify ordinary porridge by adding fruits and berries to it.
  • Soups vegetable or meat broth should be present at least three times a week. Pediatricians believe that borscht is the healthiest for children's digestion. Just when cooking, you don’t need to add spices and fried vegetables.
  • Bread It should be present in the child’s diet every day, but it is better not to give baked goods yet. As a light snack, it is better to offer your baby unsweetened cookies.
  • You can enjoy marmalade or marshmallows. Chocolate can be given in limited quantities if there is no allergy to it.

Sample menu in the table, for children from 2 years old(enlarges by clicking):

What can you feed a child at 3 years old?

Many parents mistakenly believe that from the age of 3, it is time for a child to eat all the dishes from the adult table. But digestion at this age is not yet sufficiently developed and it is necessary to continue to be attentive to nutrition. It should remain balanced and useful.

There is no need to wipe food anymore, so as not to lead to malocclusion. Food should be in pieces, forcing the chewing muscles to work and strengthen. But the food should not be hard; the child will not be able to chew it well or will completely refuse such food.

  • Liver. Continue giving your baby liver dishes. It can be stewed with vegetables or made into a pate. Children willingly eat liver pates with bread.
  • Meat and fish. Variety of meats and fish dishes. Now you can fry, and not just steam. Sausages are still limited. Salted fish It is advisable not to give yet.
  • Cottage cheese can be prepared in the form of cheesecakes or lazy dumplings. Children like it better this way, but raw cottage cheese preferable. It’s good to add raisins or chopped dried apricots to it.
  • Milk and kefir should not be excluded from children's diet. Although daily norm milk production is already much lower than in the early years.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Vegetables still make up the majority of the diet. Especially in raw form, this is how all vitamins and minerals. In addition, the child is already able to chew them well. Stewed and baked vegetables and fruits must be present on the children's table. And vegetable broths can be used as a base for sauces.

Fats in baby food are also important, they help the absorption of certain vitamins. But not all fats are created equal. You should not give your child food fried in large amounts of oil, as well as margarine and products containing it.

Every person's diet must be balanced so that the body receives enough energy for life. Especially if this is a growing baby, for whom food is a supplier of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements and fiber. A 2-year-old child’s menu needs to be carefully planned so that he gets enough energy per day. The body is growing, and a lot of attention is paid to food.

Differences from infant nutrition

A child’s menu at 2 years old is already different from what he ate at one year old. Now the main products have been introduced as complementary foods, almost all the teeth have grown, and you can switch from pureed food to chunks. Soups should not be pureed; let the baby learn to chew. Also, the meat does not have to be minced; it can be boiled and cut into small pieces or stewed. The thickness of the porridge should also gradually increase. Dairy products should be present in the diet along with meat, cereals, bread, vegetables and fruits. Let the baby join the common table, eat with everyone and follow the example of his parents - this way he will quickly learn to hold a spoon and will look forward to the next meal. However, a 2-year-old child’s menu should not consist of dishes that adults eat. Children of this age should cook separately.

Differences from adult nutrition

A baby's growing body needs only those foods that benefit it. You need to know what adult food not suitable for a 2 year old child:

  • mushrooms;
  • store canned food, tomato sauces, mayonnaise, pickled vegetables;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • seafood and salted fish;
  • duck, goose meat;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • coffee drinks;
  • spicy seasonings and spices;
  • amount of chocolate and confectionery should be limited.

Over time, the child will eat the same things as adults, and for two-year-old children there are a huge variety of recipes for dishes that will delight not only the baby, but also his parents.

Sample menu for a 2 year old child

To make things easier for interested moms and dads, here's detailed diagram food for children.

Menu for a 2 year old child for a week
DayBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner

200 g semolina porridge, 100 ml milk tea, sandwich (30 g bread and 10 g butter)

40 g green salad with sour cream, 150 ml borscht with bone broth made from fresh vegetables, 60 g beef zraz, 100 g buckwheat porridge, 100 ml apple juice, 30 g wheat and 20 g rye bread

150 ml kefir, 15 g cookies, one apple200 g fish with vegetables in sour cream, 150 ml kefir, 10 g each wheat and rye bread
2. 200 g with nuts and apples, 150 ml of weak tea, sandwich40 g apple and beet salad, 150 ml potato soup with semolina dumplings, 50 g beef stroganoff boiled meat, 100 g mashed potatoes, 100 ml fruit compote, 30 g wheat and 20 g rye bread150 ml milk, oatmeal cake50 g omelette with cauliflower, 150 g 150 ml kefir, 10 g each rye and wheat bread
3. 40 g apple and tomato salad, 160 g rolled oats, 150 ml cocoa drink, sandwich40 g of herring snack, 150 ml of hot beetroot, 200 g of rice cake with liver and milk sauce, 100 ml of rosehip infusion, 30 and 20 g of wheat and rye bread, respectively150 ml with black currant, curd shortbread200 g curd zraza with fruit sauce, 150 ml kefir, 20 g bread
4. 200 g cheesecakes with sour cream, 150 ml milk, sandwich40 g fresh cabbage, carrot and beet salad, 150 ml pickle, 60 g steamed fish dumplings, 40 g sauce, 100 g mashed potatoes, 100 ml tomato juice, bread150 ml kefir, 10 g cookies, apple baked with sugar200 g potato balls with egg and sauce, 150 ml kefir, bread
5. 200 g milk rice porridge, 150 ml cocoa with milk, sandwich with cheese40 g green peas with onions and butter, 150 ml soup with meatballs And corn grits, 50 g beef patties, 100 g cottage cheese and zucchini, 100 ml strawberry jelly, bread150 ml nut milk, bun120 g cabbage cutlets, 80 g cottage cheese with carrots, 150 ml kefir, bread
6. 80 g omelette with cottage cheese, 120 g semolina cutlets with sour cream, 150 ml cocoa drink, sandwich40 g vegetable salad, 150 ml milk soup with 60 g 100 g buckwheat porridge, 100 ml fruit compote, bread50 g kefir jelly, 10 ml apricot drink, 10 g cookies150 g cauliflower baked in sour cream, 30 g marinated herring, 150 ml kefir, bread
7. 30 g beetroot salad with sour cream, 150 g curd pudding with raisins and sour cream, 150 ml milk tea, sandwich30 g 150 ml green borscht, 60 g stuffed beef cutlets, 120 g semolina porridge with vegetable broth, 100 ml plum juice, bread150 ml kefir with crushed apples and rowan berries, oatmeal cake120 g rice cake with fish and 80 g carrots stewed in sour cream, 150 ml kefir, bread

Rules for creating a diet

If you are not able to strictly follow the recommendations given in this menu for children, it’s okay. The main thing is to follow some rules when preparing healthy meals for your baby:

  • lean meat should be present in the diet daily, about 90 g, and offal - 1-2 times a week;
  • sausages and sausages can be given special, for children, and only as a rare exception;
  • fish with a small number of bones - 2-3 times a week, 70-100 g at a time;
  • 600 ml of dairy products per day are recommended, at least 200 of which are kefir or fermented milk;
  • cottage cheese raw or in casseroles, puddings and cheesecakes - several times a week;
  • egg - 3-4 times;
  • per day 12 g of butter and 6 g of vegetable oil;
  • at least 250 g of vegetables and fruits per day;
  • about 100 g of bread per day.

Chefs in kindergartens adhere to these rules when preparing the menu for a 2.5-year-old child.

How to handle food

To organize suitable nutrition for a child (2 years old), the menu should contain boiled, stewed, baked, and freshly prepared dishes. You should not give your baby fried food; the same cutlets can be steamed. Let your baby eat vegetables and fruits, both raw and processed.

How to adjust your diet

Some foods appear in our diet periodically, seasonally. Therefore, in spring and autumn you can maintain the body’s strength by taking multivitamin complexes, but only after consultation with a pediatrician. It is better to give preference to those products, fruits, vegetables and herbs that are grown in the region where you live.

How to organize children's meals

The menu has already been given in detail, and it is advisable to maintain the baby’s given rhythm of nutrition every day. If he doesn't go to yet kindergarten If you are sitting at home, make a specific schedule, a sequence of actions for the day. Let the child know that, for example, in the morning he will wake up, wash his face, do exercises and have breakfast. After the walk, he will wash his hands and have lunch, and after lunch he will receive the long-awaited candy. It is not necessary to adhere to the schedule by the hour, the main thing is the sequence of actions. So, after an energetic walk along the street, the baby’s appetite will awaken, especially since he knows that several people are already waiting for him at home. delicious dishes, and will happily eat everything offered.

Malnutrition and overeating

You cannot force your baby to eat everything on his plate. If he doesn't want to eat right now, wait. next appointment food without offering him a snack. Then next time the portion will be eaten. Do not overfeed your baby, this will overload his digestive system. Let him eat little by little, but only when he really wants to. Parents should not be upset that their child, in their opinion, is malnourished. He will get everything necessary substances, just eat a little later or even tomorrow. If he feels good, plays and studies cheerfully and enthusiastically, this is a sign that he is now quite well-fed.

Due to the rapid development of the body, the nutrition of a child at 2 years old is radically different from what it was just a few months ago. The menu is more varied and satisfying; new products and processing methods are gradually being introduced into it. At the same time, the usual routine changes slightly, which is sometimes accompanied by the whims of children.

Some parents try to give 2-year-old children completely “adult” dishes, but this is not entirely correct. It is better to use “children’s” recipes to feed all family members. They will not only bring tangible benefits, but will also definitely appeal to homeowners of all ages.

Basic rules and nuances of creating a diet for a 2-year-old baby

By the age of 2 years, children already have about 20 teeth that help them cope with solid food. Considering this fact and the improvement in intestinal motility, the need to grind food for children no longer exists. In addition, when thinking through a menu for a child for every day, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Nutrition should be balanced. Recipes need to be selected so that the baby regularly receives proteins, fats and carbohydrates, mineral components and vitamins.
  2. Even at the age of two years, children should not eat pickles, canned food, smoked meats, spicy seasonings, fast food (this is not only hamburgers, but also various chips, nuts, crackers), mushrooms, exotic seafood, and semi-finished products.
  3. Every day in children's menu Vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, butter and vegetable oils must be present. Don't overeat on potatoes and brown bread. We introduce fish into the diet at least 2-3 times a week, chicken or quail eggs– no more than 3 times a week.
  4. Need to keep an eye on water balance children. They should consume drinking or filtered water at the rate of 35 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day. If it is difficult to maintain the norm due to the fact that the baby refuses water, the deficiency can be replenished with unsweetened compotes or herbal tea, but not ready-made juices.
  5. At the age of 2 years the baby can already eat fried foods, but you shouldn’t abuse them.
  6. Despite the fact that it is customary to feed two-year-old children 4 times a day, it is recommended to have an additional meal between breakfast and lunch. At this time, it is enough to offer the little one unsweetened fruit, fermented milk product or fruit and vegetable salad.
  7. Many parents offer their children sweets even in such early age. This is fraught with the development of allergies, the appearance of caries, digestive problems, refusal proper food. It is better to cross these products off the menu for at least three years, replacing them with homemade desserts made from natural products.

The daily intake of individual components is selected individually. But usually pediatricians recommend sticking to the following figures: 100 g of meat, 30 g of fish, 50 g of cottage cheese or dairy products, up to 300 g of porridge and up to 300 g of vegetables, up to 200 g of fruit, 100 g of bread.

Recipes for breakfast and afternoon snacks

The right start to the day gives you a charge for several hours ahead, so breakfast should be light, but filling and tasty. It’s good if the basis of the morning menu is cereals, fruits, dairy products. To interest children, and not force them to eat something healthy, but not very appetizing, you should pay attention to the following recipes:

  • For two servings, designed for 2-year-old children, we will need 75 g of natural oatmeal, a little less than a glass of water, a glass of milk, a couple of peeled and seeded apples, a tablespoon of butter, two tablespoons of brown sugar, a few drops of lemon juice, salt and sugar to taste. Cereals rinse several times, add water, and boil over low heat until swelling. Then add milk, bring the mixture to a boil and leave on low heat for a quarter of an hour. While the mixture is cooling, cut the apples into cubes and sprinkle lemon juice, and fry in butter, sprinkled with sugar, until brownish. Place the porridge in a bowl, decorate with apples and pour syrup over it.

Advice: Today, even in children's products, dyes, stabilizers, sweeteners and others are often added harmful components. Not all manufacturers do this, but you should carefully read the label before purchasing the product. By the way, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list of components acceptable for childhood. You can often see the inscription “no preservatives” on the packaging, and see citric acid in the composition.

  • The best option for children who, due to their impressive weight, must switch to dietary dishes. For two servings we will need a glass of cottage cheese, half a glass of pumpkin pulp, two tablespoons of sugar (the volume can be reduced) and semolina, half a chicken egg, half a glass of low-fat sour cream, a pinch of vanilla sugar and lemon zest, a teaspoon of starch. Mix the cottage cheese with half the sugar and semolina, all the vanilla and sour cream, beat with a mixer until smooth. Grind the pre-baked pumpkin in a blender and mix with the remaining ingredients. First put the curd mass into the bowl of a multicooker or baking dish, then the pumpkin mixture and cook for 40 minutes in the oven to 1 hour 20 minutes in a multicooker.

The given recipes can be slightly modified depending on the baby’s preferences. These dishes are perfectly absorbed by the child’s body, regardless of what half of the day they were eaten.

Lunch recipes

From the age of two, it is recommended that a child be offered two dishes for lunch, then he can easily hold out until the end of the day, taking a break for an afternoon snack. It is best to cook something liquid for the first and something dense for the second. Even the most capricious and picky children can be pleased with the following recipes:

  • We will need half a carrot and a small beet, half a stalk of celery, a quarter of an onion (if the child accepts this ingredient on the menu), an unsweetened peeled apple, a clove of garlic, olive oil for frying and half of processed cheese without additives. Fry chopped onion, celery, carrots and garlic in oil until soft. Add beets cut into small cubes and apple slices there. Fill everything with a liter of boiling water (or transfer it to boiling water), add salt to taste. Cook until all the ingredients soften, then pour the mixture into a blender and grind until smooth. Pour the soup into bowls and add diced cheese.

  • For two servings of casserole, we will need 300 g of already peeled potatoes, half a carrot, a couple of cabbage leaves, half a boiled chicken egg, a teaspoon of butter, a tablespoon of sour cream, a quarter glass of water, half a glass of milk and a little salt. Boil the potatoes, then drain the water and evaporate the product until dry. Prepare the filling from shredded cabbage and carrots. Lightly fry them in oil, add water and simmer until softened. Mash the egg with a fork and add to prepared vegetables. Grind the potatoes into a puree, add milk and salt, put half in a baking container. Next comes the filling, another layer of potatoes and a layer of sour cream. Cook for no more than 20 minutes in the oven over medium heat.

It is not necessary to prepare something new for your child every day. He will happily eat the same dish twice, but only if it is fresh, just cooked, and not reheated.

Dinner options

When choosing recipes for preparing an evening meal, you need to take into account what the child already had on the menu that day. If you had vegetables or meat for lunch, then for dinner you can cook fish, which must be included in the diet of children aged 2 years. By the way, if you still want to cook meat for the little one for dinner, then it would be better if it were recipes using turkey or chicken fillet.

  • A dish prepared in a slow cooker or oven will allow you to diversify the menu and provide your baby with plenty of useful components. The casserole turns out very tasty, so it is popular not only among children. It is better to cook for 4 servings at once. For this we take 500 g fish fillet, a couple chicken eggs, half an onion, a quarter cup of rice, half a cup of heavy cream, spices and salt to taste. We clean the fillet from the bones and grind it together with the onion through a meat grinder, and beat the eggs with seasonings and salt. Boil the rice until almost done, mix all the ingredients, it is recommended to whip the cream first. Place the mixture in a mold and cook for half an hour in the oven or 45 minutes in a slow cooker.

In addition, there are recipes that are no less interesting, but just as easy to implement, that will diversify the menu of a child aged 2 years and will delight everyone at home. You just need to not be afraid to experiment with natural ingredients.

What to feed a 2 year old baby? You won’t satisfy him with pureed unsalted soup. He already has teeth, he will train them with pleasure if you give him chicken leg. He sees what adults eat and is drawn to new foods. Is it possible to give him what mom and dad eat? When organizing the nutrition of a two-year-old baby, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the growing body in useful substances. At the same time, we must not forget that tender digestive system, the liver and kidneys cannot cope with rough or spicy food. Much of what adults eat is still harmful to him.

  1. Right now he needs to be taught to chew food. The main thing is to make sure he doesn't choke.
  2. It is necessary to get used to solid food, otherwise it will be more difficult to get used to meat and fruits later. The baby will be picky about food.
  3. A 2-year-old child's diet should include thick cereals, well-cooked meat and fish, vegetable stew pieces - foods that require chewing.
  4. If until now he ate 5-6 times a day with semi-liquid, pureed food, now he is able to eat more densely, and 4 meals a day is quite enough.
  5. The most high-calorie food should be eaten during lunch. If your baby overeats at dinner, he will sleep worse. Besides, he won’t want to have breakfast in the morning.

Products necessary for a 2 year old baby

The range of products that a child should eat is expanding significantly.

Milk and dairy products

It is necessary to consume milk with a fat content of at least 3.2% and fermented milk products daily. You can give up to 500 ml of these products per day. The diet must include up to 50 g of cottage cheese with at least 5% fat content.

You should add a teaspoon of cream or sour cream to your dishes, and give a small piece of cheese daily. It is sometimes recommended to make cheese pancakes or dumplings from cottage cheese and cheese. Although raw cottage cheese is healthier.


Until now, it was recommended to give the baby only mashed potatoes or steamed beef and chicken cutlets. Now the range is expanding. You can add dishes from lean pork and rabbit to the menu. The meat of ducks and geese contains difficult-to-digest fats, so feed them to such small child not worth it. But low-fat turkey meat is good for him.

Animal foods contain vitamin A, without which normal health is impossible. physical development child, his growth. The content of this vitamin and valuable proteins is especially high in the liver, so it is useful to prepare pate or cutlets from it. In addition, liver is more tender than meat; dishes made from offal (liver, heart, tongue) are easier to digest and assimilate in the child’s body.

The child is given up to 100 g of any meat per day. Occasionally it can be replaced by sausages (milk sausages or low-fat boiled diet sausage).

Advice: It is better to give sausages marked “for children”, as they contain a minimum of harmful food additives, their composition is controlled more strictly.


The fats contained in fish are easily digestible and contain special amino acids necessary for the formation vascular system, providing nutrition to the brain. Regular use fish is necessary for the development of speech, memory and other mental abilities. A child needs to be given about 30-40 g of fish per day. It is recommended to give sea or river fish low-fat varieties(cod, hake, carp).

Fish is fried or boiled, cutlets are prepared or fish soups. You should not give smoked or canned fish, as well as caviar (it is a high-calorie product that can cause allergies). You can give your child soaked low-fat herring. The fish must be thoroughly cleaned of bones.

Vegetables and greens

Plant foods are the main source of vitamins. At 2 years of age, a child’s diet must include not only vegetable purees, but also stewed vegetables cut into pieces, as well as vegetable salads. Spinach dishes are very healthy. IN vegetable dishes Be sure to add fresh parsley green onions, a little garlic. This helps to form taste sensations. Fiber contained in plant products, is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines and the prevention of constipation.

Fruits and berries

A two-year-old child needs to eat 100-150 g of fruits and berries every day. They must be cleared of skin and seeds so that the child does not choke. The baby chews a piece of apple or pear perfectly with his teeth. Children love bananas and plums. Citrus fruits are very useful, but they must be given with great caution, since children are often allergic to them. This also applies to strawberries and raspberries.

Please note: Some fruits and berries (pear, blackcurrant, blueberry) strengthen the intestines. If a child often has constipation, then it is better to offer him kiwi, cherries, plums, and apricots.

Children under 1.5 years old are usually given clarified juices. From 2 years old you can give natural juices with pulp (up to 150 ml per day). This will help stimulate bowel movements.

Porridge and pasta

For normal operation intestines, the baby needs to eat buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and other cereals, as they are rich in protein and contain the necessary micro- and macroelements and vitamins. Pasta is prepared as a side dish or added to soups (up to 50 g per day).

Sugar and sweets

It is not recommended to spoil your child with sweets. He may develop an addiction to sweetened foods. This has a bad effect on appetite and metabolism. Sugar should be in daily diet be no more than 40 g (taking into account the fact that it is contained in sweet juices and jam). Sometimes you can treat your baby to marmalade or marshmallows. Chocolate often causes a child allergic reaction. In addition, it stimulates the nervous system.

Video: Healthy and harmful foods

Sample menu for a week for a 2 year old child

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 Buckwheat with milk - 200 g
White bread with jam - 1 piece
Cocoa - 100 ml
Tomato and cucumber salad with sour cream - 40 g
Pumpkin soup with potatoes and meat - 150 g
Rice porridge - 80 g
Apple juice - 0.5 cups
Yogurt - 150 ml
Banana - 0.5 pieces
Cookies - 1 piece
Stewed vegetables with fish - 200 g
Kefir - 0.5 cups
2 Cottage cheese casserole with fruits and nuts - 200 g
Cocoa - 150 ml
Bread, butter
Apple and carrot salad with vegetable oil- 40 g
Soup with egg and dumplings - 150 g
Boiled meat - 50 g
Berry jelly - 100 ml
Rye bread
Milk - 150 ml
Cookies - 2-3 pieces
Omelet - 50 g
Pancake with jam
Kefir - 150 ml
3 Hercules porridge- 150 g
Bread and butter
Cocoa - 100 ml
Fish soup with potatoes and rice -150 g
Spinach casserole with egg - 80 g
Juice - 100 ml
Rye bread
Kissel - 150 ml
Cookies - 3 pieces
Banana - 0.5 pieces
Milk pudding - 150 g
Cookies - 2 pieces
Sweet tea- 100 ml
4 Pumpkin porridge with rice - 100 g
Cocoa - 100 ml
Cheesecake - 1 piece
Beet and apple salad
Rice soup with meat
Dumplings with cottage cheese - 2 pieces
Tea with sugar
Omelet - 100 g
White bread with butter
Tea or compote - 150 ml
Kefir - 150 ml
Crackers - 50 g
5 Millet porridge with milk, with butter- 150 g
Cocoa - 100 ml
Cookies - 1 piece
Fish rice soup - 150 g
Pasta with sour cream - 50 g
Compote - 150 ml
Fruits - 100 g
Cottage cheese with cream - 50 g
Cookies - 3 pieces
Rosehip tea with sugar - 150 ml
Yogurt - 150 ml
Cookies - 2 pieces
6 Buckwheat porridge with butter - 100 g
Pancake with cottage cheese - 1 piece
Sweet tea
Apple and carrot salad - 50 g
Milk soup with vermicelli - 150 g
Meat cutlet - 1 piece
Tea with sugar - 100 ml
Rye bread
Pancake with jam
Pumpkin and carrot porridge - 80 g
Tea with milk
Kefir - 150 ml
Cheesecake - 1 piece
7 Baked apple - 1 piece
Hercules porridge - 100 g
cookies - 1 piece
Cocoa - 100 ml
Apple, banana and kiwi salad - 50 g
Rice soup with chicken - 150 g
Pasta with minced meat - 80 g
Tea with milk
Vegetable stew with meat - 100 g
Dried fruit compote - 150 ml
Kefir - 150 ml
Cookies - 3 pieces

Video: Weekly menu for a child aged 2 years

Despite the fact that the nutrition of a child at the age of 2 years is already approaching that of an adult, he needs to be prepared separately. Do not put pepper, vinegar, tomato paste(it contains food additives).

It is recommended to prepare food for the child one time at a time. When dishes are heated, food components lose their beneficial features. It is advisable to feed the child at a certain time; you cannot force him to eat if he refuses any product. It may be enough to remove one of the components of the dish or change the consistency. Between feedings, the baby should be given water to drink. Juices or other drinks spoil your appetite.