The housewife's golden reserve: what are the benefits of corn grits and porridge made from it. Useful properties of corn porridge

Corn is a versatile product; many dishes can be prepared from it. The main dish is considered to be porridge, which has become “ queen of the table" Before starting to prepare corn porridge, no special manipulations are required.

The benefits of corn porridge

Is porridge from corn grits and with what? A remarkable feature of this cereal is that even with heat treatment its beneficial properties are preserved. Cereals contain elements beneficial to the body:

  • vitamin E improves the condition of hair and skin;
  • vitamins B1, B5 protect the body from the development of depression;
  • vitamin A necessary for the immune system;
  • vitamin RR regulates vital processes in the body.

Corn grits also contain microelements:

  • phosphorus, which is needed by the nervous system;
  • silicon, which regulates digestive function.

And that's not all: corn grits contain dietary fiber, helping to remove toxins and breakdown products from the body. People who regularly eat corn porridge have a lower risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. Corn porridge regulates cholesterol levels, bringing it back to normal.

Corn porridge is so healthy that after three days of regular use, skin flaking stops, hair becomes stronger, gums stop bleeding, and sleep normalizes.

Another useful property of corn grits porridge: it contains no gluten. Corn porridge is recommended for violations digestive function, for prevention cancer diseases. Corn porridge is especially useful for pregnant and lactating women, since it contains folic acid, extremely necessary for mother and child.

Diets with corn porridge

If you eat corn porridge for breakfast in the morning, you can not only get a boost of energy and Have a good mood, but also to part with extra pounds, it is recommended to use this original diet. Porridge with corn grits has remarkable quality: it is able to remove from the body everything unnecessary, including unnecessary body fat. Corn porridge is quite filling, so after eating it, the feeling of hunger does not make itself felt for five hours.

A diet based on eating corn porridge is quite popular among those who want to lose weight. Its duration four days, during this time it is possible to lose approximately four kilograms. Another type of such diet is mono-diet: You can only eat corn porridge for several days. It is prepared in water without adding sugar, salt, etc.

Cooking corn porridge

Tasty and healthy, but it is finicky to prepare; you need to stir it constantly so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. To prevent the formation of lumps, there is simple method for making porridge. You should take half the amount of water, pour it into the cauldron, and let it boil. Then add salt and carefully add cereal. At first the porridge will be thick, but if lumps have formed, at this moment you can easily crush them and, continuing to stir, achieve a uniform consistency. After this, slowly pour in the remaining water.

To get it right cook porridge, corn grits must be washed, then pour boiling water, adding salt and sugar. Stir the porridge and cook 15 minutes, stirring. Add butter to the porridge and cook for another 15 minutes. You can cook corn porridge in a slow cooker: rinse the cereal thoroughly, pour into a bowl and pour cold water. Select the "" mode in the multicooker menu Groats", the time is automatically set to 25 minutes. With this method, corn porridge turns out crumbly, although a little harsh. To make it work soft porridge, it is necessary to finish cooking it for 10 minutes by selecting the " Multicook"and temperature 150 degrees.

In a pressure cooker The porridge can be prepared a little differently: pour milk over the cereal, add salt and sugar, cover with a lid and cook over low heat. 50 minutes. Very delicious porridge it turns out if you cook it in the oven. Pour into a clay pot (or other container) equal parts milk and water, add corn grits, a little salt. Add raisins, stir. You can add sugar to taste. Heat to 180 degrees oven and place the pot there. Remove the pot after 30 minutes, stir and place in the oven for 15 minutes. After this, add butter to the porridge to taste. You can even cook corn porridge in a double boiler. Take a container for cereals, pour corn grits into it, fill it with milk and water in equal parts, and place in a double boiler for 30 minutes. Salt, add sugar, butter and more 5 minutes cook.

Harm of corn grits

If corn grits were stored incorrectly, they will not cause any harm to health. However taste qualities porridge will change a lot and not in better side. Some people do not want to eat corn porridge often. Its use is not recommended for people who need high calorie diet. Those who are underweight will not benefit from corn porridge due to its low calorie content. Corn grits porridge is a dietary product for those who want to lose weight, but is not suitable for those who need to gain weight.

Types of corn grits, how to choose and store them correctly

It depends on the size of the grains and the processing method:
  • polished(divided by the size of the grains into 5 more numbers);
  • large(for flakes, puffed grains);
  • small(for crispy sticks).

When buying packaged corn grits, it is important that the packaging is intact and that the expiration date has not expired. Corn grits stored for a long time after cooking bitter. The grains should not have lumps or foreign impurities. The color of the cereal should not be very bright. When storing, it is important to observe temperature regime(from +5 before -5 degrees) and humidity ( 60-70% ). It is difficult to provide such conditions at home, so you should not store cereals in large quantities. Cereals should be stored in sealable glass jars in a dry place.

Corn grits are considered low-allergenic cereal, it has great importance For baby food. Corn grits are used not only for making porridge, but also for making hominy, soups, casseroles and pie filling.

We hope our material helped you to thoroughly understand the benefits and harms of corn grits and porridge made from it.

Does your family love corn porridge? Perhaps you know some other recipes for its preparation? Share in comments your experience and thoughts.

Corn is one of the most useful cereal plants, which has been eaten for more than two thousand years. Corn is native to Mexico, but today it is unpretentious plant can be found almost everywhere. It is no coincidence that corn is called the second bread, because very tasty and satisfying flat cakes called maize cakes are baked from its flour. However, the most common dish is corn porridge, which is prepared from cereals - crushed grains of this plant.

Composition and beneficial properties of corn porridge

Corn porridge has many beneficial properties, and this is not surprising, since the cereal contains vitamins such as A, B, C, E, PP, K and D. In addition, corn grains are rich in phosphorus, calcium and silicon - chemicals, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular muscle, strengthen the nervous and skeletal system. Plus, corn porridge contains a fairly large amount of fiber, which helps normalize digestion processes and is also responsible for removing toxins from the body.

If we talk about the beneficial properties of corn porridge, it should be noted that this dish is an excellent antidepressant. Scientists have proven that if you include porridge in your diet at least twice a week, you can get rid of bad mood and forget what it means chronic fatigue. At the same time, corn porridge helps and promotes the burning of fat deposits. Therefore, it is not surprising that these days this dish is included in different diets those who want to quickly and effectively lose excess weight.

However, the beneficial properties of corn porridge do not end there, since it is recommended to be eaten by people who suffer from increased blood pressure and complain about bad job gastrointestinal tract. It has been proven that liquid corn porridge, seasoned with vegetable or butter, helps improve intestinal motility. It is also worth noting that corn porridge perfectly satisfies hunger and is not large quantity enough to feel full. In turn, cosmetologists advise those who complain of brittle hair and nails or have problems with teeth and bones to include this dish in their diet. Calcium, which is contained in abundance in corn grains, is very easily absorbed by the body when preparing porridge and compensates for its deficiency, which leads to serious problems with health. It is for this reason that corn porridge is an excellent remedy for the prevention of rickets and can be used for feeding children starting from 5-6 months of age.

Who is harmful from corn porridge?

Of course, corn also has its contraindications, which should be taken into account by those who want to restore their health thanks to tasty and healthy porridge, which is prepared on its basis. First of all, corn is a fairly strong natural allergen., so eating such porridge can cause skin rashes. In young children, allergies manifest as red spots on the cheeks and arms. People who need high-calorie nutrition should not get carried away with this dish, because corn porridge suppresses appetite for a long time, which is unacceptable when a person suffers from dystrophy or anorexia. Plus, it should be borne in mind that corn itself is a product that is quite heavy for digestive system. Therefore, for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and duodenum, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is best to refrain from eating corn porridge.

In our technologically advanced times, everyone is already accustomed to the fact that any product contains chemicals. But there are natural, without any additives, very tasty, containing many elements necessary for health, grain products. These include, for example, corn porridge, about the benefits and harms of which we'll talk Further.

What does it contain and what is the nutritional value?

Maize porridge refers to healthy eating, and you can cook it with any composition - milk, water or broth.

Important: heat treatment does not destroy any useful substance.

Cereals for porridge are produced by crushing the grain, the final product being different sizes, divided into 5 types. The finest grinding is considered class 1 and is suitable for cooking delicate dish viscous consistency. Everyone's favorite corn sticks are made from it.

The main feature of this cereal is the absence of gluten, which is found in abundance in cereals such as wheat, barley, oats and rye.

Corn and any products made from it are very high in calories - 330 kcal per 100 g, so people watching their weight should use them with caution. The cereal contains 8.3 g of protein, up to 75 carbohydrates and only 1 gram of fat, 80% of which is unsaturated. The porridge also contains amino acids such as tryptophan, lysine, histyrine, cysteine ​​and arginine, which are responsible for protein synthesis in our body.

The richness of the cereal does not end there:

  • fiber, B vitamins, retinol and tocopherol;
  • folic acid;
  • disaccharides and ash substances;
  • trace elements - zinc, iron, manganese, copper, tin, molybdenum, boron, nickel, cobalt and aluminum;
  • macroelements - calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and silicon.

About the last one on this list I would like to say that it is very important for teeth, providing positive action on enamel.

About beneficial properties

The benefits of corn porridge for the body are, naturally, due to its composition. Your body when regular use the dish will receive a lot of positive feedback, and this applies to both adults and children.

Benefit for adults

Excellent ability to quickly digest in the gastrointestinal tract even with existing problems in this area, as well as:

  1. Getting rid of toxins and waste.
  2. Eating porridge regularly will strengthen your immune system.
  3. The structure of hair and nails will improve, filling them with strength and beauty.
  4. The absence of allergens in the composition allows even small children to consume the dishes.
  5. Despite the high nutritional value, it promotes weight loss thanks to fiber.
  6. Improves intestinal motility, relieving constipation.
  7. Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and the formation of blood clots and plaques, effectively coping with “bad” cholesterol.
  8. A large number of folic acid fills corn porridge with benefits during pregnancy.
  9. Renders preventive action against the appearance various kinds neoplasms. This effect has been scientifically proven for all orange and yellow grains.
  10. The dish also has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system due to the iron and copper it contains, which are responsible for the level of hemoglobin in the blood and protect against anemia.

Legends can be made about the benefits of corn. This plant is recognized both as official and alternative medicine. Mainly used for making medicines corn silk. But today we won't talk about that. Corn porridge has become the object of adoration for many gourmets. The benefits and harms of such a dish are the topic of our article.

Corn porridge is a guarantee of health

Since childhood, mothers and grandmothers have echoed to us that we must eat porridge, otherwise you will not be strong, brave and healthy. Indeed, in cereal crops huge concentration natural strength and rich component composition.

Today, corn porridge is increasingly found on our tables. There are many recipes for its preparation. Some people like porridge with milk or water, others make side dishes or flatbreads from corn grits. Some people liked sweets made from corn.

There are several varieties of corn grits on sale, they differ by numbers. The lower the number, the finer the corn is ground.

On a note! If you want to prepare a viscous and homogeneous porridge, then it is better to choose grain No. 1. The coarsest grind in grain is No. 5.

Composition of corn grits:

  • B vitamins;
  • tocopherol;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • retinol;
  • silicon;
  • vitamin P;
  • cellulose;
  • carotene;
  • carbohydrates.

Have you ever thought about how much nutrition is contained in corn grits? The average person will say that porridge gives strength and energy, a boost of vigor for the whole day. Now let's take a closer look at corn porridge.

Even during heat treatment, these components do not disappear, but are preserved in almost original quantities. Thus, B vitamins are allies of our nervous system. They help normalize her work, sleep and activate brain activity.

Without carotene, retinol and vitamin E, the beauty and radiance of the skin is impossible. Your curls and nails will also thank you for such a nutritious diet. Silicon normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, and vitamin P helps strengthen the immune system.

On a note! Many people mistakenly think that porridge is a high-calorie product and, due to the large amount of carbohydrates, can cause weight gain. excess weight. This is not so, since corn porridge can safely be classified as dietary products. Of course, it's worth considering how you prepare it. Meat, seafood, flour, dried fruits, sweet syrups and other additives must be summed up to calculate the calorie content of porridge.

100 g of corn porridge cooked in water contains approximately 328 kilocalories. They are quickly absorbed, but do not accumulate as you expend energy. While on a diet, you can eat this dish, but only in moderation.

Now let's talk in more detail about the beneficial properties of corn porridge. You should know what's in your plate! In addition to the richest component composition, experts recognized another amazing property corn grits - its hypoallergenicity. This allows you to introduce porridge into complementary foods for the youngest children without fear of an allergic reaction in the body.

It is recommended to eat porridge if you have problems with intestinal function. This dish is especially useful if enzyme production is impaired. Dietitians during development dietary nutrition for people with diseases of the digestive tract, as a rule, such a product is included in the menu.

If you regularly eat corn porridge, the condition of your skin will improve. They will become elastic and tone up.

Let's turn again to component composition. The variety of micro- and macroelements in it is pleasantly surprising. Thanks to this, corn porridge helps lower high cholesterol levels. You can immediately see the cause-and-effect relationship - such a dish will become prophylactic against the formation of blood clots and atherosclerosis.

The benefits of corn porridge for the body do not end there. Even our heart needs such a product.

Healing properties of corn porridge:

  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • decreased absorption of sugar into the blood;
  • improvement of well-being in diabetes mellitus;
  • breakdown of rotting products in the intestinal cavity;
  • combating depression;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • ensuring protein accumulation in tissues.

You can independently increase the usefulness of corn porridge. For example, in ready dish add some dried apricots, raisins, prunes and figs. If you are on a diet or counting calories, then adding granulated sugar It's better to refuse. Ideal sweeteners would be honey or maple syrup.

On a note! Porridge cooked on a milk basis with the addition butter, turns out to be a high-calorie dish. IN dietary ration This dish is unlikely to fit in. Corn porridge can also be cooked in water, and it will be no less tasty and healthy.

The child's body needs balanced diet for full growth and development. Corn porridge will take pride of place in your baby’s menu. The child needs vitamins, micro- and macroelements. In addition, the porridge is complemented fresh berries, fruits.

Corn porridge has a beneficial effect on the entire body and digestive tract in particular. During the digestion process, corn absorbs all the debris, waste, heavy metal compounds, salts and toxins, and then removes them from our body without a trace.

On a note! Corn porridge is enriched with biotin, a valuable element. Biotin helps strengthen curls and nail plates.

Eating corn porridge also has beneficial effect on blood composition. The blood is purified vascular walls are strengthened. Traditional healers claim that corn porridge helps normalize blood pressure.

During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the condition of the baby. AND future mom, and the baby needs vitamins and minerals. Many useful components found in corn porridge. This product contains high concentration gland. As is known, deficiency of this element can cause anemia.

As already mentioned, corn porridge - indispensable product for the intestines. During pregnancy, almost all women face the same delicate issue– constipation. If you eat corn porridge at least once a day, you can get rid of problems with stool.

Important! In order not to gain excess weight and even lose weight, it is recommended to cook corn porridge on water based without adding butter. It is advisable to enjoy this dish in the first half of the day in order to have time to use up the calories received. An excellent addition would be a handful of your favorite berries and a cup of herbal tea.

When can porridge cause harm?

Unfortunately, there are no perfect foods in our diet. Any treat can be both beneficial and harmful if consumed in excessive quantities. Corn porridge is no exception.

Corn grits contain copper, so doctors believe that this product should be excluded from the diet of people suffering from renal pathologies. It is also better to limit your consumption during menstrual bleeding.

As has already been mentioned several times, corn grits contain a high concentration of B vitamins. So, this product, on the one hand, is useful for the nervous system, and on the other hand, it is dangerous. To people suffering excessive excitability, irritability or insomnia, it is better not to eat corn porridge.

On a note! During research, experts found that corn porridge has negative impact on the well-being of people with epilepsy.

Each of us has probably eaten porridge or cornmeal soup at least once in our lives. This product is not very popular, but is no less useful than rice, buckwheat, semolina or other analogues. In addition, it is very nutritious and has few contraindications, and with a competent approach, the question of what to cook from corn grits ceases to be difficult.

From this article you will learn:

Corn grits description

Production of corn grits

Corn grits are made from corn cobs. During processing, only the endosperm remains, separated from the bran membranes and the germ. For the production of cereals, corn varieties are used, the grains of which have certain proportions in terms of the content of mealy and glassy parts. The most common raw materials are white varieties of popping, flint and semi-dent corn, as well as yellow flint. The grain contamination must be equal to 1%, and the product itself must comply with GOST 13634-90 “Corn. Technical conditions".

There are three varieties of corn grits produced in the CIS today: polished, large and fine. It is the first one that can be found on store shelves as a consumer product. Most of coarse cereals goes to enterprises that produce cornflakes, and small - corn sticks.

Polished corn grits consist of crushed pieces of the grain kernel that do not have a specific shape. It differs from coarse only in that the edges of the grain particles are ground. Coarse and fine corn grits differ only in particle size.

The benefits and harms of corn grits

Photo: corn grits benefits and harms

Chemical composition and nutritional value

In comparison with the most popular cereals and flakes in Russia, corn is one of the leaders in starch content, second only to rice cereals in this indicator (70.4% and 70.7%). At the same time, it is in penultimate place in terms of protein content - 8.3% (rice - 7%, pearl barley - 9.3%). Fats in the composition occupy about 1.2%, which is equal to the same figure for wheat, barley, pearl barley and rice cereals. Generally, the nutritional value product per 100 grams is as follows:

  • Fat: 1.2 g;
  • Proteins: 8.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates: 71 g;
  • Dietary fiber: 4.8 g;
  • Water: 14 g;
  • Ash substances: 0.7 g;
  • Calorie content: 328 kcal.

Continuing the comparison, corn grits are among the leaders in iron content - 4.7 mg per 100 g, which is approximately equal to buckwheat and wheat. In terms of the presence of other micro- and macroelements, the picture is average, with slight deviations for specific items.

What vitamins and minerals are in corn grits (100 g):

  • vitamin A (with beta-Carotene) – 33 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) – 0.13 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) – 0.07 mg;
  • pantothenic acid(B5) – 0.35 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) – 0.25 mg;
  • folate (B9) – 19 mcg;
  • alpha-tocopherol (E) – 0.7 mg;
  • biotin (H) – 6.6 mcg;
  • vitamin PP – 2.1 mg;
  • K – 147 mg;
  • Ca – 20 mg;
  • Mg - 30 mg;
  • Na – 7 mg;
  • S – 63 mg;
  • Ph – 109 mg;
  • Al – 29 µg;
  • B – 215 mcg;
  • Fe – 2.7 mg;
  • Co – 4.5 µg;
  • Mn – 0.4 mg;
  • Cu – 210 µg;
  • Mo – 11.6 µg;
  • Ni – 23.4 µg;
  • Sn – 19.6 µg;
  • Ti – 27 µg;
  • Cr – 22.7 µg;
  • Zn – 0.5 mg.

Despite the fact that during cooking the content of the listed substances decreases, thanks to them, corn grits, after assimilation by the body, have a wide beneficial effect. Nutrients contribute to external health and stabilization of the functioning of most organ systems.

Beneficial features

Consumption of 100 grams of corn grits provides the following volumes of vital nutrients into the body (as a percentage of the daily value):

  • Pyridoxine – 12.5%; thiamine – 8.7%, pantothenic acid – 7%. Together with other B vitamins, they ensure the conversion of food into energy. Included in maintaining beauty and effective metabolism, both between organs and on cellular level. Vitamins B1-B12 are necessary for the stable functioning of the nervous system.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E). One of the main antioxidants. Opposes free radicals, improves brain activity, vessels, reproductive system. Helps slow down the aging process.
  • Phosphorus – 13.6%. Provides strength to bone tissue, stimulates metabolism, helps maintain muscle tone.
  • Magnesium – 7.5%. Renders the strongest beneficial effect on nervous system, helps stabilize the heart, reduces Negative consequences stress.
  • Iron – 15%. Extremely important trace element for the body, which normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, thereby maintaining transport function blood.
  • Copper – 21%. This trace element is included in the process of hemoglobin synthesis. Has an antiseptic effect on fabrics, maintains elasticity skin by stimulating collagen production.
  • Zinc – 4.2%. Improves the health of hair and skin, fights mycotic microflora, and participates in the regulation of puberty. The supply of zinc in the body ensures correct work smell and taste.
Corn grits porridge is an excellent choice for breakfast, as it plays the role of a high-quality energy base for a productive start to the day. In addition, this product improves the functioning of the digestive system and stimulates its cleansing. Due to the large number dietary fiber Mechanical cleansing of the intestines from ballast and massage of the walls of the organ occurs, accelerating blood flow. This is how food begins to be absorbed faster and better.

Due to the poor absorption of proteins contained in cereals, they rarely contribute to weight gain. Therefore, water-based corn grits are often found in dietary systems.

Regular consumption of corn grits in moderation recommended by doctors to support stable metabolism, maintain healthy level cholesterol in the blood, strengthening the circulatory system.

Dishes made from corn grits retain most of the medicinal properties, since the product loses only a small part during heat treatment useful substances. And potentially dangerous microelements are almost completely digested.

Corn grits for children

Corn porridge is good choice for feeding children, but only from the age of six months, since it is difficult for digestion in the first months of life.

Beneficial features corn porridge for feeding children is to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and promptly cleanse it of food ballast. Moreover, this porridge is more versatile than, for example, wheat or semolina, since it does not contain gluten. This substance can act as an allergen or provoke persistent allergic reaction in young years.

The benefit of porridge also lies in its rich composition, which has already been mentioned above. Since the proteins of corn grits are poorly absorbed, this nutrient must be supplied to the body with other foods. But various minerals will be very useful. Thanks to them, the foundation will be laid strong immunity, high-quality metabolism, stable development of organ systems. Knowing how to cook tasty porridge from corn grits, you can make it one of your child’s favorite dishes without forcing him to eat it.

How to cook corn grits for medicinal purposes

Corn porridge and other similar dishes can be added to the diet to enhance the removal of fluid from the body, as they have diuretic properties. This product may also be useful in the treatment of biliary and Bladder, as it has a choleretic effect.

Corn grits are good for diabetics to eat. Firstly, it has very low glycemic index, and secondly, it contains a lot of chromium. This element is involved in the regulation of sugar absorption, due to which the body needs less insulin.

100 grams of cereal covers 45% daily norm taking cobalt. This element is rarely mentioned in the list of vital essentials, although it has a wide effect:

  • stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells;
  • improves iron absorption;
  • accelerates the passage of impulses, regulating the excitability of the nervous system.

Corn grits: how to cook porridge

For one glass of corn grits you need to take 3-4 times more water, since it is very strongly absorbed into the product and it swells. To obtain a more liquid substance, you need at least 4-4.5 glasses of liquid. Since this dish burns easily, it is better to use a non-stick pan.

Photo: corn porridge benefits and harms

First you need to pour half of the taken volume of liquid into it and boil it. Then add salt (for sweet porridges – a pinch, for salty ones – more). After this, parallel to stirring, the cereal is poured in and cooking continues. In a few minutes you will get a thick mass of homogeneous consistency. At this time you need to supplement it with the second half of water. While stirring, the porridge should be cooked until it is ready, on a low burner flame. Most often, this takes 20-30 minutes, depending on the type of product.

Corn grits porridge with milk: recipe

This cooking recipe most often uses not pure milk, but diluted with water. Proportions are chosen based on personal preference. The main thing is to adhere to the given ratio of 4 parts liquid to 1 part cereal.

For this recipe you need:

  • 400 ml water;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • a glass of cereal;
  • butter ~40 g;
  • granulated sugar - to taste;
  • honey – 1-2 spoons.

First, the washed cereal is poured into a pan, allowing it to increase fourfold in volume, and filled with cold water. After the liquid boils on the burner, you need to reduce the heat to low and continue cooking until the liquid is completely absorbed into the cereal. After this, you need to add milk to the pan. Gradually stirring, bring the porridge to readiness.

For those who have not previously cooked with this product, it is interesting how long it takes to cook corn grits. The exact figure depends on the characteristics of the product, but in porridge, the cereal usually becomes suitable for consumption after 20-30 minutes of cooking.

Corn porridge in a slow cooker

To cook in a slow cooker, you need to take the same proportions of liquid and cereal as in standard recipe. Washed in hot water The cereal is placed in an oiled container of the machine, filled with water, salt and sugar. For processing, you need to set the “Porridge” or “Grains” mode with a timer for 40 minutes.

Corn grits: recipes

Experienced housewives They know that many dishes can be prepared from corn grits. It can be used to diversify soups, casseroles, pastries and other dishes, or you can surprise your home with classic “corn” dishes: hominy and polenta. They are easy to prepare and retain all the beneficial properties of the cereal.

Corn grits mamalyga

This is a dish with unusual name is traditional for Romanian, Western Ukrainian and Moldavian cuisine. Under other names it is well distributed among the Caucasian peoples. Essentially, it is corn porridge, which is characterized by a very dense consistency. Because of this, hominy can be cut like bread.

What you need for cooking:

  • 200 ml milk;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 2 cups of cereal (fine);
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt.

Pour the milk into a cauldron or saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour in water and add salt after boiling. The protein in the milk will cause the mixture to foam as it boils. At this time, you need to pour the finest corn grits into it in one pile in the center, and also dim the flame of the burner. As the cereal swells, it will spread and become soaked.

After the cereal has absorbed almost all the liquid, you need to remove it from the heat and grind it so that the porridge is homogeneous. It thickens as it is pushed out. When the mixture becomes cool, you need to add oil to it and pound well for a couple of minutes. After this, you need to keep the porridge under the lid on low heat for another 15 minutes.

The folk way of eating this mamalyga is with cheese and cracklings. You need to roll the porridge into a sausage, dip it in cracklings and butter, and then in cheese.

Corn polenta

Polenta is essentially Italian hominy. It is most popular in the bordering regions of Switzerland and northern Italy. Similar dishes are common in the Balkans. Traditionally, it is made from cornmeal, but you can also use cereal.

Corn polenta

Recipe for polenta with corn grits:

  1. Peel and chop two cloves of garlic and 1 chili pepper, discarded the seeds. For a less spicy dish, it is better to use half the pepper.
  2. Grind 30 g of parmesan and 100 g of soft cheese through a fine grater.
  3. Fry garlic and pepper for olive oil a couple of minutes and transfer to a napkin to separate from excess oil.
  4. Boil 800 ml of water in a saucepan and add salt.
  5. Add 150 g of cereal in a thin stream, stirring the liquid.
  6. Cook over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  7. Remove the dish from the stove and mix with the cheeses and frying. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  8. Bake for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180˚C.
  9. Cool and cut into long pieces 2 cm thick.


Corn grits in the form of porridge or other dishes are not recommended for use in the same situations as other cereals. In addition to intolerance, acute and chronic digestive diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis are prohibited. Due to the low calorie content of porridge, it is not recommended for people with dystrophy or low body weight, since in this case We need a base that allows us to gain this mass. Contraindications often include thrombophlebitis, predisposition to thrombosis and high blood clotting.