What to cook for a 2 year old baby. Semolina dumplings for breakfast. Vegetables and greens

Every person's diet must be balanced so that the body receives enough energy for life. Especially if this is a growing baby, for whom food is a supplier of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements and fiber. A 2-year-old child’s menu needs to be carefully planned so that he gets enough energy per day. The body is growing, and a lot of attention is paid to food.

Differences from infant nutrition

A child’s menu at 2 years old is already different from what he ate at one year old. Now the main products have been introduced as complementary foods, almost all the teeth have grown, and you can switch from pureed food to chunks. Soups should not be pureed; let the baby learn to chew. Also, the meat does not have to be minced; it can be boiled and cut into small pieces or stewed. The thickness of the porridge should also gradually increase. Dairy products should be present in the diet along with meat, cereals, bread, vegetables and fruits. Let the baby join the common table, eat with everyone and follow the example of his parents - this way he will quickly learn to hold a spoon and will look forward to the next meal. However, a 2-year-old child’s menu should not consist of dishes that adults eat. Children of this age should cook separately.

Differences from adult nutrition

A baby's growing body needs only those foods that benefit it. You need to know what adult food not suitable for a 2 year old child:

  • mushrooms;
  • store canned food, tomato sauces, mayonnaise, pickled vegetables;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • seafood and salted fish;
  • duck, goose meat;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • coffee drinks;
  • hot seasonings and spices;
  • amount of chocolate and confectionery should be limited.

Over time, the child will eat the same things as adults, and for two-year-old children there are a huge variety of recipes for dishes that will delight not only the baby, but also his parents.

Sample menu for a 2 year old child

To make things easier for interested moms and dads, here's detailed diagram food for children.

Menu for a 2 year old child for a week
DayBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner

200 g semolina porridge, 100 ml milk tea, sandwich (30 g bread and 10 g butter)

40 g green salad with sour cream, 150 ml borscht with bone broth fresh vegetables, 60 g beef zraz, 100 g buckwheat porridge, 100 ml apple juice, 30 g wheat and 20 g rye bread

150 ml kefir, 15 g cookies, one apple200 g fish with vegetables in sour cream, 150 ml kefir, 10 g each wheat and rye bread
2. 200 g with nuts and apples, 150 ml of weak tea, sandwich40 g apple and beetroot salad, 150 ml potato soup with semolina dumplings, 50 g beef stroganoff boiled meat, 100 g mashed potatoes, 100 ml fruit compote, 30 g wheat and 20 g rye bread150 ml milk, oatmeal cake50 g omelette with cauliflower, 150 g 150 ml kefir, 10 g each rye and wheat bread
3. 40 g apple and tomato salad, 160 g dairy oatmeal porridge, 150 ml cocoa drink, sandwich40 g of herring snack, 150 ml of hot beetroot, 200 g of rice cake with liver and milk sauce, 100 ml of rosehip infusion, 30 and 20 g of wheat and rye bread, respectively150 ml with black currant, curd shortbread200 g curd zraza with fruit sauce, 150 ml kefir, 20 g bread
4. 200 g cheesecakes with sour cream, 150 ml milk, sandwich40 g fresh cabbage, carrot and beet salad, 150 ml pickle, 60 g steamed fish dumplings, 40 g sauce, 100 g mashed potatoes, 100 ml tomato juice, bread150 ml kefir, 10 g cookies, apple baked with sugar200 g potato balls with egg and sauce, 150 ml kefir, bread
5. 200 g milk rice porridge, 150 ml cocoa with milk, sandwich with cheese40 g green peas with onions and butter, 150 ml soup with meatballs And corn grits, 50 g beef patties, 100 g cottage cheese and zucchini, 100 ml strawberry jelly, bread150 ml nut milk, bun120 g cabbage cutlets, 80 g cottage cheese with carrots, 150 ml kefir, bread
6. 80 g omelette with cottage cheese, 120 g semolina cutlets with sour cream, 150 ml cocoa drink, sandwich40 g vegetable salad, 150 ml milk soup with 60 g 100 g buckwheat porridge, 100 ml fruit compote, bread50 g kefir jelly, 10 ml apricot drink, 10 g cookies150 g cauliflower baked in sour cream, 30 g marinated herring, 150 ml kefir, bread
7. 30 g beetroot salad with sour cream, 150 g curd pudding with raisins and sour cream, 150 ml milk tea, sandwich30 g 150 ml green borscht, 60 g stuffed beef cutlets, 120 g semolina porridge with vegetable broth, 100 ml plum juice, bread150 ml kefir with crushed apples and rowan berries, oatmeal cake120 g rice cake with fish and 80 g carrots stewed in sour cream, 150 ml kefir, bread

Rules for creating a diet

If you are not able to strictly follow the recommendations given in this menu for children, it’s okay. The main thing is to follow some rules when preparing healthy meals for your baby:

  • lean meat should be present in the diet daily, about 90 g, and offal - 1-2 times a week;
  • sausages and sausages can be given special, for children, and only as a rare exception;
  • fish with a small number of bones - 2-3 times a week, 70-100 g at a time;
  • 600 ml of dairy products per day are recommended, at least 200 of which are kefir or fermented milk;
  • cottage cheese raw or in casseroles, puddings and cheesecakes - several times a week;
  • egg - 3-4 times;
  • per day 12 g of butter and 6 g of vegetable oil;
  • at least 250 g of vegetables and fruits per day;
  • about 100 g of bread per day.

Chefs in kindergartens adhere to these rules when preparing the menu for a 2.5-year-old child.

How to handle food

To organize suitable nutrition for a child (2 years old), the menu should contain boiled, stewed, baked, and freshly prepared dishes. You should not give your baby fried food; the same cutlets can be steamed. Let your baby eat vegetables and fruits, both raw and processed.

How to adjust your diet

Some foods appear in our diet periodically, seasonally. Therefore, in spring and autumn you can maintain the body’s strength by taking multivitamin complexes, but only after consultation with a pediatrician. It is better to give preference to those products, fruits, vegetables and herbs that are grown in the region where you live.

How to organize children's meals

The menu has already been given in detail, and it is advisable to maintain the baby’s given rhythm of nutrition every day. If he doesn't go to yet kindergarten If you are sitting at home, make a specific schedule, a sequence of actions for the day. Let the child know that, for example, in the morning he will wake up, wash his face, do exercises and have breakfast. After the walk, he will wash his hands and have lunch, and after lunch he will receive the long-awaited candy. It is not necessary to adhere to the schedule by the hour, the main thing is the sequence of actions. So, after an energetic walk along the street, the baby’s appetite will awaken, especially since he knows that several delicious dishes are already waiting for him at home, and he will gladly eat everything offered.

Malnutrition and overeating

You cannot force your baby to eat everything on his plate. If he doesn't want to eat right now, wait. next appointment food without offering him a snack. Then next time the portion will be eaten. Do not overfeed your baby, this will overload his digestive system. Let him eat little by little, but only when he really wants to. Parents should not be upset that their child, in their opinion, is malnourished. He will get everything necessary substances, just eat a little later or even tomorrow. If he feels good, plays and studies cheerfully and enthusiastically, this is a sign that he is now quite well-fed.

Irina: | February 22nd, 2019 | 2:44 pm

Please tell me, is it possible for a two-year-old child to eat meat for dinner? I read somewhere that children should be given meat for dinner after three.
Answer: Irina, the menu was drawn up by a doctor. But you, as a mother, may not feed your child meat if you think it is wrong. Replace it with a vegetable or dairy dish.

Ekaterina: | February 9th, 2019 | 7:16 am

Oh Chen liked the menu thank you.
Answer: Ekaterina, please!

Elena: | January 2nd, 2019 | 9:16 am

Hello! I really like your site! Could you create a menu for the week for children who are prone to constipation? Now, in my opinion, this is a very common problem... We would be very grateful!!!
Answer: Elena, thanks for the comment! No, we didn’t plan such a menu.

OLGA: | July 28th, 2018 | 8:48 pm

my grandson eats a mixture in the morning and then whatever he likes he can eat a pie with onions and eggs or fried potatoes with pickled cucumber but this is only for pleasure, but mostly he loves liquid food jelly, fruit drinks, compotes and fermented milk, he also eats cookies, but he turns away from sweets, he doesn’t like them
Answer: Olga, thanks for the comment!

Anonymous: | July 26th, 2018 | 12:37 am

Daria, good afternoon. I tried to purchase cards for 190 rubles, but by the time I switched to Sberbank, the page had already closed. The session time has expired. But somehow, I didn’t even have time to look at the number for payment.
Answer: Please write to , I will help.

Olga: | November 6th, 2017 | 3:27 pm

thanks for interesting menu. But why are dishes repeated? Does this need to be cooked for 2 days?
Answer: Olga, the menu was compiled according to the menu of the week method. Yes, for two days. It’s easier and more convenient, especially if you have big family. On one day, soup and salad are prepared for two days (salads except fresh vegetables), on the second day the second day and baked goods are prepared. And so it alternates. Thus, it turns out that every day there is soup, main course, salad, pastries or dessert;) But if you are not satisfied with this method, then you can prepare new dishes every day.

Marina: | June 26th, 2017 | 2:20 pm

thanks for interesting recipes! I just wanted to cook something!
Answer: Marina, bon appetit!

Valeria: | May 7th, 2017 | 1:38 pm

My son doesn’t want to eat at all, he just semolina porridge, like I didn’t try to ask and arrange it in an interesting way. She cries and that’s it. Just porridge! I went to the doctor and he said to give me omega 3 and that’s it. Afterwards the omega can eat 1 spoon and that’s it.
Answer: Valeria, if your child has any problems with nutrition, choosing foods or dishes, “picking” + your goal is to learn to eat properly and balancedly, then I advise you to choose training on child nutrition

Rose: | April 17th, 2017 | 6:48 pm

And when is milk? Child 1.7 loves milk and dairy products very much
Answer: Rose, if the child loves milk and tolerates it well, then you can offer a glass of milk or other fermented milk drink for breakfast, afternoon snack or second dinner. This is just an example of the menu, you can always change it to suit your baby's tastes.

Fedor: | March 18th, 2017 | 9:53 pm

This is all good, yes, everything is fine, but he doesn’t eat even half of these foods. Author, tell me how you can feed such products?
Answer: Fedor, come to our training “How to teach a child to eat healthy in 2 weeks” :) I’ll tell you :)

Rachkova Elena grandmother:| June 9th, 2016 | 10:49 pm

Everything is very great! I am a technologist by profession. My grandson is two years old and I try very hard to feed him correctly. But, unfortunately, we do not have the high-quality products that children need. The zucchini is chemical, the meat is also stuffed, the cottage cheese is not real. It even becomes scary what we feed ?

Maria: | May 12th, 2016 | 8:03 am

Thank you for the menu with recipes and doctor's advice. But I’m a little scared of recipes with frying (ratatouille soup, for example). Can babies eat fried food?
Answer: Maria, of course, for small children soups are prepared without frying, otherwise you follow the recipe.

Julia: | April 4th, 2016 | 3:43 pm

Normal children's menu just like in the good old days. And now many mothers are very lazy, they consider a separate menu for a child after a year to be superfluous, they are transferred to a common table, they give meat in pieces, poorly fried, dried ham and other products that are not for children. This is wrong and not healthy for the baby.
Answer: Julia, thanks for the comment! Of course, it is possible to transfer to a common table after a year, but, of course, you are right - this needs to be done correctly. So that this contributes to the development of interest in food in the child and does not harm his health. The main thing is that this common table is useful and adequate for the baby. In addition, such “children's” food will be generally beneficial for all family members.

Victoria: | January 31st, 2016 | 1:10 pm

I also really liked the recipes, otherwise I was already tired of inventing them myself, thank you!
Answer: Victoria, bon appetit baby!

Svetlana: | December 11th, 2015 | 5:11 pm

please tell me how to teach a child to eat a spoon? And we can’t eat soup from the menu... and everything else that can only be done with a spoon: (he is now 2 years old... but since he was 1.5 years old, the spoon has been like some kind of enemy:((
Answer: Svetlana, you can offer soup... drink it :) Like a cocktail through a wide straw. To do this, you need to beat the soup in a blender, as in this recipe. And you can also invite several kids who confidently use a spoon to visit “for soup.” Eating with company is always more fun :) Well, don’t forget that you can already give the child a fork - maybe this device will fall into favor :)

Lyudmila: | November 12th, 2015 | 12:45 pm

Thanks again for the menu!

Elena: | October 9th, 2015 | 3:02 am

Thank you, I liked everything very much...there is one question...why are they not on the menu cauliflower and broccoli? It's so good for children
Answer: Elena, this is sample menu just for one week. You can diversify it according to your desire.

Galina: | October 6th, 2015 | 6:47 pm

Thank you, everything is super, I have two children and they really like it, I don’t see any difficulties in cooking, my friends in the kitchen are a multicooker and a blender - everything is simple with them =)) There is still a lot of time left for the development of children =)

Anna: | September 11th, 2015 | 8:43 am

thank you very much – great menu. I printed everything out. Let's feed the baby :)

Anonymous: | December 3rd, 2014 | 10:51 pm

thanks for useful article

Ekaterina: | September 3rd, 2014 | 7:51 am

I liked everything very much, thank you very much!
Answer: Ekaterina, hello!

A daily routine for a child is one of the most important elements of education, discipline and healthy image life. The last meal should occur no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Let's try to figure out what to cook for dinner for a 2-year-old child, because food should be nutritious, tasty and easily digestible.

Products that should not be taken for children's dinner:

  • Fat meat.
  • Smoked products.
  • Fried foods.

A healthy and tasty dinner for children can consist of:

  • Baked fish.
  • Chicken breast with steamed vegetables.
  • Cottage cheese casserole.
  • Vegetable stew.

In any case, dinner should evoke positive emotions in the child, so it is best to prepare it from the foods that the child loves most.

By the age of 2, the child has already formed an understanding of which dishes and products he likes and which he does not. Try to please your little gourmand and find a compromise between “tasty” and “healthy”.

Wonderful quick dinner for children - yoghurts homemade. They are rich in calcium and vitamins, easy to prepare and digest, and most children adore them.

Dinner recipes for a 2 year old child

Recipes for delicious and healthy dinner for children can be found on the Internet today. There are quite a lot of them, there are dishes for every taste, here are some of them:

  • Buckwheat with chicken. Cook buckwheat. Pour the washed cereal into the pan and add water so that there is 2 fingers more water. Place on high heat. When the porridge boils, add salt to taste, reduce heat and cook for another 15-20 minutes, until the liquid boils away. Boil the chicken (thigh, breast or leg without skin) until tender or steam it.
  • Fish fillet with rice. Cook the rice. Pour the cereal into a pan, add water and cook until fully cooked, after which we rinse the rice. Cooking fish. The best thing fish fillet bake in the oven. To do this, add a little salt and pepper to the washed and peeled pieces, add other spices to taste, wrap in foil and bake in the oven.
  • Meatballs with vegetables. From minced chicken We form meatballs, put them in a mold and bake them in the oven, covering them with foil - so that the juice does not evaporate and the meat does not burn on top. Vegetables are cut coarsely and slowly stewed on small quantity olive oil in a heavy-walled frying pan for about 20-30 minutes, until soft.
A situation often occurs when a child who has already had dinner asks to eat again before going to bed. In this case, give him a glass of milk or kefir. At night, the body does not need food, this is a psychological effect. If your baby wakes up at night and asks to eat, give him a cup of water or compote.

These are not all the dishes that can be prepared. Dinner recipes for children are very diverse and depend on the preferences of the baby and the capabilities of the parents.

At two years old, a baby is no longer a baby at all! At this age, many children already know what sweets and food from an adult table are. The body can already perceive any type of lean meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts. The only exception to the diet so far is mushrooms. – this is the formation of the child’s tastes, respect for the mother’s work and teaching discipline. Let's teach the child to eat the contents of the plate himself and do it with appetite. In principle, all this is a continuation of my mother’s past efforts, but more and more improved.

already include simple salads, various cereals, meat dishes. Everything that the parents carefully bought from the freshest delivery in the store.

04/29/2013 Anet

After my story today about the weekend and thoughts about healthy food, I decided to start putting plans into reality immediately! Today I want to remember about. So dishonestly forgotten by me in Lately. It turns out that our little one has already reached 2 years of age (with a three-month plus sign) and my husband and I, as parents, can already allow her to eat from an adult table. In principle, the food on it is such that it cannot harm in any way children's health. We are not fans of fried foods or chocolate... We try to eat healthy.

02/05/2013 Anet

If you want to surprise your child for lunch, make meat cutlets with filling . An important condition In the process of preparing such cutlets, fresh meat is used, which is better to grind a couple of times in a meat grinder yourself. The more tender the minced meat is, the easier it is for children to form mini-zrys. If you take minced meat rolled through a large nozzle, the cutlets may fall apart during the cooking process, because such minced meat is less plastic and it is more difficult to fashion a thin flat cake from it in order to stuff it later.

For filling we will use boiled egg and carrots. If it's spinach season, feel free to take it for more benefits.

11/17/2012 Anet

This recipe is incredible delicious porridge was found, believe it or not, on a package with wheat cereal. One day, I came home from a short walk, and my husband boasted about his find and delicious dish. He prepared it for our daughter, although he himself could not yet taste the taste due to illness. I cooked it by eye, but I really appreciated the porridge! It’s no coincidence that you see apples in the background. This porridge is prepared with the addition of apple juice, and the highlight is the crunch of nuts. If you have a juicer collecting dust, be sure to take it off the shelves and treat your kids.

11/14/2012 Anet

The other day our little boy was taken to his grandmother for half a day, so she returned her granddaughter along with a basket of kiwis. And from my grandfather we previously received a whole package of homemade juicy apples. I decided to combine business with pleasure and create something beautiful on a plate for the child. I used my imagination and we got a delicious, light fruit salad for breakfast. The child does not always want to eat fruits by themselves; in the summer there was more interest in seasonal fruits than now. And I understand her, in the summer everything was sweet, juicy, saturated with solar warmth and light. Now we will replace the warmth of the sun with the sweetness of honey and mother’s love.

10/18/2012 Anet

Prepared for both children and adults. For children from 1.5 years to 3 (but three years is not the limit here, because even an adult will like this casserole). Try to choose the highest quality and freshest products for your baby, in particular I’m talking about meat. You can process it in two ways: 1) boil it and grind it through a meat grinder; 2) ready minced meat simmer in a frying pan over medium heat. Below is a detailed description of one of the methods with step by step photos. Delight your child on cool autumn days with a fragrant casserole.

09/21/2012 Anet

It's been a long time since I published recipes for the children's menu. My child is growing up and increasingly eats from the same table with his parents. The parent's table is just as useful as the children's table, but still, this is a different section. Besides, summer gave us so many fresh fruits and berries that I rarely had to bake something or invent something. The child did what he did: he swooped down with appetite on blueberries, grapes, melons and watermelons. Now it’s time to get ready for autumn and replenish your collection of ideas for children’s meals. It would be great to learn how to decorate dishes to cheer up your beloved child during the cold seasons.

06/22/2012 Anet

A few days ago I wanted to cook these pancakes, but after cooking the cool porridge and tasting the millet, I really doubted this desire... It was my first time getting acquainted with this cereal. I don’t even know where the packet of millet at home came from. I think we bought it for a bird once... And since childhood, I’ve gotten used to the fact that we fed the hens and roosters in the village with millet, but I didn’t eat it myself. Today I decided to finish what I started, made these pancakes and they turned out to be unexpectedly delicious. So much so that I myself shared the meal with my son and millet pancakes scattered with the speed of the wind. Both my daughter and I liked it. They look very appetizing fresh leaves salad garnished with red onion rings. This is the decoration that happened to be on hand. Using your imagination, you can come up with any accompaniment for this dish. I also think it would be delicious to serve them with sour cream.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 12 minutes


As you know, proper (healthy and tasty) nutrition is the key to a baby’s health. AND main role V daily diet Of course, breakfast plays. In order for your baby to have enough energy for the whole day, in the morning you need to eat a full, healthy and, naturally, tasty meal. That is, stock up on energy until the evening.

And so that the baby does not protest against “healthy breakfasts”, they should be approached creatively and lovingly.

What are the benefits of porridge?

  • Oatmeal. Universal diet breakfast, rich in vitamins, useful acids, microelements, vegetable proteins. Oats are an ideal antioxidant, an assistant in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and a source of biotin (a vitamin, the deficiency of which leads to weakness, drowsiness, decreased appetite, etc.).
  • Buckwheat. A real storehouse of vitamins. Yadritsa is a natural and tasty mini-pharmacy that relieves the body of bad cholesterol, has a positive effect on heart function and has an antitoxic effect. The list of benefits of buckwheat is huge.
  • Pearl barley. At first glance, not the most appetizing, but extremely healthy porridge. IN pearl barley porridge contains a lot of vitamins, protein and starch, microelements, lysine (antiviral amino acid).
  • Rice. This porridge is good for intelligence, rich in fiber, vitamin B and protein.
  • Millet. Porridge for the heart. This breakfast is rich minerals, vitamin PP, amino acids, microelements.
  • Corn. Breakfast for the gastrointestinal tract. Contains vitamins (PP, C, B), carotene, lysine and tryptophan, fiber, silicon. Porridge reduces fermentation in the intestines, removes toxins, and is low in calories.

It is still too early for a child aged 1-3 years to eat pearl barley (it is difficult to digest), semolina is also not recommended, but other cereals will be very useful.

How to make porridge tasty for a child?

  • Add a piece of butter (butter) during the cooking process.
  • Pour a little milk into the porridge (when ready) and bring to a boil.
  • Add fruits (dried fruits), nuts, jam or preserves, vegetables.
  • Add baked apple or grated cheese.
  • Add fruit puree, crushed or whole berries.
  • Add fruit juice for color.
  • Add the whipped mixture of boiled vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower).

Use your imagination. Porridge for breakfast can become a “canvas” in a plate - with the help of fruits, candied fruits or jam, “draw” culinary landscapes, unknown animals or fantastic characters for your child. Not a single child will refuse such porridge.


People usually protest against omelettes less often than against porridges, but such a breakfast also requires design and mother’s imagination. Omelet is useful for containing (in eggs and milk) vitamins B, E, A, D, fats and proteins, useful elements.


  • Egg consumption should be moderate to avoid allergies.
  • Quail eggs - perfect option(the risk of allergies is reduced to a minimum, there are no strict restrictions). Instead of 1 chicken - 3-4 quail.
  • The eggs should first be washed with water.
  • Cooking options: bake in a frying pan with a lid (after 2 years), bake in the oven or steam (from 1 year).
  • To make the omelet tasty and attract the baby’s attention, add vegetables to the dish (carrots, broccoli, bell pepper, zucchini or potatoes), greens. We “draw” funny pugs on top using food, plant tomato ladybugs, etc.

What can you use to make an omelet for a child?

  • Omelette with cheese and zucchini. The zucchini is pre-fried and then filled with the future omelet (eggs and milk, 2:1). You can sprinkle grated cheese after the omelette has risen.
  • With herbs and tomatoes. 3 quail eggs beat with milk, add chopped herbs and tomatoes, a piece of butter, put in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
  • With broccoli and carrots (from 1.5 years).
  • With potatoes and grated cheese (from 1 year).
  • With vegetables (from 1.5 years). Zucchini, greens, carrots, bell peppers.
  • With carrots and cauliflower (from 1.5 years).
  • With spinach (from 2 years old).
  • With fish. Pour the boiled fish into the future omelette and bake in the oven or microwave.

Curd breakfast. Syrniki

After 6 months, cottage cheese for the baby is a mandatory part of the menu. Cottage cheese is phosphorus and calcium, it’s a lot of vitamins, it’s an opportunity to use the product in the most various variations. For example: cottage cheese with sour cream, berries or fruits, dumplings or dumplings with cottage cheese, cheesecakes, curd mass with various ingredients, cottage cheese cookies, casserole and much more.

And we have we'll talk about the most favorite curd dish among kids – cheesecakes. They are prepared quite simply, and can be served with almost any “sauce” - sour cream, jam, condensed milk, berries, fruits, etc. (according to age).

How to make cheesecakes?

  • Mix the egg with sugar (1.5-2 tbsp).
  • Add flour (1.5-2 tbsp) and stir.
  • Add 250 g of cottage cheese, stir.
  • Form cakes from the mixture and roll them in flour, fry on both sides over low heat.
  • You can add berries, fruits or candied fruits, honey, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, etc. to the cheesecake mixture.
  • Cottage cheese for children should be used only natural.
  • Before serving, cheesecakes should be beautifully decorated - for example, in the form of mini suns with rays of jam or in the form of dandelions. Or you can pour jam on it and decorate with berries.
  • Choose cottage cheese with a soft consistency for kids.
  • Do not overcook the cheesecakes - cook over low heat, slightly browning. Then blot with a napkin to remove excess oil.
  • You should not give fried foods to children under 1.5-2 years old.
  • For children 1-3 years old, you can grind cottage cheese (50-60 g) into a paste and add porridge, fruit puree or ground berries to it.


This dish is suitable for babies one year old and older. Such a breakfast will not only be healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. That is, any little picky person will like it. The benefits and advantages of pudding are easy digestibility, delicate consistency, improved appetite and metabolism, and a lot of beneficial elements for health.

Pudding options:

  • With cottage cheese and semolina.
  • With vegetables.
  • With meat or fish.
  • With berries.
  • With rice or chocolate.

How to prepare pudding for a baby?

  • Pour milk (400 ml) into a saucepan, add 2 tbsp sugar, add vanilla sugar, cook until the sugar dissolves.
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in 100 ml of milk, add beaten yolk, carefully pour into the pan to the prepared mixture. Cook for a couple of minutes, stirring.
  • Transfer the mixture to the cooled pans and refrigerate, covered with foil (for 2 hours).

You can decorate with berries, coconut, nuts, apples or cranberries, etc.


An excellent breakfast option for babies 11 months and older. Diet dish, which is a fluffy culinary delight with various ingredients based on whipped egg whites.