Earwax is dark in color. Why does black wax appear in the ear and how to get rid of it

The secretion secreted by the sulfur glands of the auditory canal performs a caring, cleansing and protective function: lubricates the skin, regulates the optimal pH, removes dust, sebum and desquamated epithelium, prevents the penetration of insects, bacteria and fungi. Its color normally ranges from yellow to light brown, so the presence of black wax in the ears is often a cause for concern and is important signal about hearing problems.

When dark brown or black sulfur is found in sinks or on a cotton swab, you should definitely undergo an examination by an otolaryngologist, because the etiology of this phenomenon can be different, and the consequences can be very serious.

The first and most harmless reason for the sudden darkening of ear secretions is the accumulation of dirt. This often occurs in people who come into contact with industrial dust or live in places with unfavorable environmental conditions. In this case, there is no need to panic, because the sulfur itself removes small foreign particles out.

The appearance of black wax may indicate mechanical damage to the outer or middle ear. Thick, coagulated blood gives the discharge a specific shade and is serious reason for concern. An internal wound is recognized by the following signs:

  • pain at the site of injury;
  • hypersensitivity of the area behind the ear;
  • itching and swelling.

If there is a match listed symptoms measures should be taken immediately, since tissue with compromised integrity can become infected, leading to inflammation, suppuration and, in advanced cases, blood poisoning.

Dark sulfur secretion is also released when it enters ear canal foreign body, including a living one. An insect or small object usually does not go unnoticed, but noise, itching and an unbearable desire to remove the irritant from the ear should not become a reason for independent intervention in the cavity of a vulnerable organ. IN otherwise foreign body risks getting even deeper and damaging the eardrum or ear canal.

The last and most serious reason why black discharge occurs in the ears is otomycosis. This fungal disease is provoked by candida, penicillium or aspergillus and develops, as a rule, against the background of decreased immunity.

The likelihood of diagnosing otomycosis increases if black wax in the ears is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • watery discharge;
  • feeling of fullness in the affected ear;
  • pain;
  • autophony;
  • redness;
  • slight burning, tingling, skin irritation in the ear canal.

At severe course illness appears headache, fever, cough, partial hearing loss. Aspergillus infection can add to general symptoms blockage of the ear canal with plugs of dense sulfur and rejection of crusts.

Make an appointment with a mycologist


In a person suffering from this unpleasant phenomenon, there are several treatment options, and they all depend on the diagnosis.

A secret stained with industrial dust is only an aesthetic problem. To hide it from others, it is enough to monitor the hygiene of the auricle and the outer edge of the ear canal, promptly cleaning the black wax with a cotton swab. At the same time, it is important not to go deep into the canal, as this can disrupt the natural cleansing functions and push contaminants into the channel. eardrum. Globally cosmetic defect can only eliminate such radical methods, like a change of job or place of residence.

If you suspect open wound in the ear, you need to urgently contact an otolaryngologist. The specialist will examine the site of the injury and treat it with antiseptic drugs, after which he will prescribe treatment at home. Severe, health-threatening damage or purulent complications require more serious medical intervention: extraction blood clots, opening of hematomas, sanitation, abdominal or reconstructive operations.

When a foreign object or living organism enters the cavity outer ear you should absolutely not try to get it on our own. This can deepen the location of the object and cause damage to the ear canal.

When visiting a doctor, a foreign body is removed using several methods:

  1. Washing - suitable for softening and removing plugs and insects. It is prohibited if a thin flat object penetrates or there are holes in the eardrum.
  2. Instrumental removal using a special hook or forceps is applicable to various foreign bodies.
  3. Surgical intervention is performed if it is impossible to remove it using more gentle methods.

Otomycosis, as the cause of the production of dark secretion, is the most difficult to eliminate, since in addition to directly suppressing the activity of pathogenic fungi, correction of predisposing factors is required.

In such cases, the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs and strengthening vitamin therapy, specialists regularly remove mycotic masses. It is also recommended to control the level of humidity in the ear cavity, refuse to use other people's headphones, earplugs, hats, and not use long time antibacterial drugs local action, monitor your health and immune system.

People are used to cleaning their ears once a week. Cleaning your ears is often not recommended, because earwax performs a protective function for the auricle. When you clean your ears, be sure to pay attention to the color of the wax. The color of earwax can tell you about your health. Earwax produced by the endocrine system, or rather the sebaceous glands and sulfur glands. The composition of earwax includes:

Earwax copes well with its protective function, preventing dust and possible viruses from entering the body, dangerous bacteria, which can cause diseases with serious consequences. Sulfuric and sebaceous gland secretes a secretion that forms a paste-like mush, along with which bacteria come out, and thus earwax protects the body from infection and damage by bacteria. Earwax collects particles of foreign bodies and dust that have entered the ear and pushes them out into the area that is usually cleaned.

When the color of earwax indicates a problem in the body

Sometimes you may notice a change in the color of the discharge from the ear; these changes are associated with the appearance of health problems. If you have any disease, the color of the discharge from the ear may be:

Black sulfur can signal the presence of the following diseases:

If you see that earwax is black or dark brown in color, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist so that the doctor can diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribed treatment. If the cause of this color is a foreign body or severe contamination of the ear, then the doctor and other medical staff, remove the foreign body or clean the auricle of dirt. You should not try to get rid of a foreign body yourself, since you can cause irreparable damage to the hearing aid, which may result in partial deafness or complete deafness. If the cause was illness or infection, then the help of a qualified doctor is necessary.

How to properly clean your ear of accumulated wax

You should not clean the ear often, since wax serves a protective function, and if you clean wax often, it will not be able to fulfill its direct purpose. This can be done with a turunda or special cotton swabs for the ears. For an adult, the mechanism of cleansing the ear from accumulated contaminants is understandable, but in relation to small child, or rather, for a newborn, everything is not so simple.

When appears Small child, young mothers and young fathers are trying to do everything to make their child healthy and happy, and therefore they are trying to carefully care for them and pay as much attention as possible. Cleaning a baby's ears is not difficult, but you need to take into account that the baby is growing rapidly, and the immune system is weakened and he needs double protective function, therefore, in children and adults, the secretion is released in different quantities.

In young children, from birth to 1 year, the secretion in the ear is released twice as much, so the baby’s ear should be cleaned once a day, usually after an evening bath.

The ear needs to be cleaned with special ear sticks for babies; their peculiarity is that there is a barrier that will prevent damage to the child’s ear.

You need to clean the ear without much effort; this can be done with a dry cotton swab or a damp one, slightly moistened with a soap solution.
Be careful, do not use soap for a soap solution that may contain an allergen for the child; the body of a newborn child is very prone to allergies!

How to protect yourself and protect yourself from diseases

Having fallen ill, people want to know how to treat and where, but it is better not to get sick, for which it is necessary to take precautions and carry out preventive actions. To avoid getting a fungal infection in your ear, do not wear someone else’s headphones; most often, a person gets fungal bacteria after using someone else’s headphones, especially from the type vacuum headphones. It is also necessary to protect your ears from cold places; in the cold season you need to wear hats or warm headphones, in as a last resort- hoods to prevent otitis media. The consequence of otitis may be a violation of discharge endocrine system ear, which can lead to the appearance of black wax at the beginning hearing aid. Black sulfur is dangerous for humans, not only as a disease, but as a consequence - partial or complete deafness.

At mechanical damage dark brown earwax may appear in the auricle; you should urgently consult a doctor to avoid undesirable consequences.

Small children often play with small toys and try to stick them somewhere. If you have twins, then you must be twice as careful, since children can play and one another can put a small toy in the ear or a seed or other small object. It is urgent to remove such a small object from a child’s hearing aid, but sometimes parents do not notice the foreign body and realize that there is something in the ear when black wax appears in the ears. In addition to the fact that there will be a foreign body in the ear, the danger is that the foreign body can cause injury to the baby’s auricle.

Earwax in the ears can lead to the formation of dense plugs, which, in turn, leads to hearing impairment. This disease affects approximately 4% of the population.

Where does earwax come from?

The human ear consists of 2 sections: membranous-cartilaginous and bone. These parts of the ear are separated by a thin isthmus of the auditory canal. The skin of the hearing organ contains sweat, sebaceous and sulfur glands. Earwax is a light-colored liquid Brown, black sulfur is less common. Sulfur glands are contained only in the skin of the outer part of the auditory canal.

The secretion produced by the sulfur glands has complex composition. It includes proteins, fats, epithelial cells, immunoglobulins, amino acids and other organic substances. Chemical composition Earwax in women differs from the composition of this substance in men. The composition of ear secretions is also influenced by a person’s nationality, for example, representatives of the Asian race have dryer sulfur and contain more proteins.

Earwax is necessary to protect the skin of the inner parts of the ear. The lipids it contains prevent the skin from getting wet when water gets into the ear. The acidic reaction of ear secretions prevents the development of bacterial and fungal infections. U healthy person earwax is removed spontaneously with movement jaw joint. IN in some cases this does not happen and wax accumulates in the ear. This may cause a hard plug to form. If a person has no earwax at all, it means that the ear glands have stopped functioning. In this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Dark earwax can be produced for many reasons, such as dust and dirt entering the ear. The black color of ear secretions can be caused by blood coming from the ear, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor.

Reasons for the formation of sulfur plugs

Large amounts of wax can form due to improper ear care. Naturally, your ears need to be washed, but too much is only harmful. Sulfur is necessary to protect the skin of the ear canal, so you should not clean your ears every day. Moreover, you cannot use cotton swabs for this: they irritate the sulfur glands, increasing the production of secretions. In addition, the cotton swab can push wax into the inner ear canal, which will lead to the formation of a dense plug. Excessive sulfur production contributes to inflammatory diseases ears, dermatitis and eczema.

Another reason for blockage of the ear canal is its anatomical features, which make it difficult for wax to escape. Using hearing aids, headphones, and working in dusty areas also increases the risk. The secret of the sulfur glands can fill the message auditory canal which will lead to hearing loss. This can happen after visiting a bath or bath. Water entering the ear causes wax to increase in volume. At the same time, a person feels ear congestion, noise, and autophony.

If a plug forms near the eardrum, it begins to put pressure on it, which causes headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Detecting a plug in the ears is quite simple: the doctor uses a special device to look through the ear canal. If there is no blockage, the eardrum can be clearly visible.

Removing wax plug

You can remove the plug different ways. The most common method used is ear rinsing. The procedure is quite simple, so it can be performed by a doctor of any specialization. Rinsing is carried out using a Janet syringe. It's being filled warm water and direct the jet to the upper wall of the outer ear canal. Sulfur masses along with water are removed outside. The jet should not be too powerful, otherwise the eardrum may be damaged.

To remove a dense sulfur plug, up to 3 rinses are necessary. If the plug still remains in place, the doctor prescribes special drops to soften it. After regular use ear rinsing drops gives positive result. When using drops, there is a temporary deterioration in hearing, as the sulfur plug increases in size. After the wax is released, the doctor re-examines the patient’s ear canal.

The dry technique is used when washing is contraindicated. In this case, the sulfur plug is removed with a special hook. This procedure can only be performed by an otolaryngologist. It is often used to remove wax in a child’s ears. medicinal method, for example, A-Cerumen drops. They need to be instilled into the ear 2 times a day, 1 ml. After applying the drops, you need to lie on your side, with the affected ear facing up. After a few minutes, the wax will dissolve and flow out of the ear. After this, the ear is washed boiled water or saline solution.

A good prevention of wax plugs is proper cleansing ears.

Cotton swabs can only be used to clean the ears. If it is still necessary to clean the outer part of the auditory canal, the stick is inserted shallowly into it and begins to rotate slowly. You cannot move it forward or backward, otherwise the sulfur will get on the eardrum. The ears can be cleaned every day, but it is better to wash the ear canal once a week. Sulfur contains cholesterol, its percentage depends on the amount of this substance in the human blood. Patients with increased content cholesterol levels must be observed special diet and take appropriate medications.

If you use headphones or hearing aids, or often spend time in humid or dusty areas, use ear drops periodically. For prevention, they are instilled into the ears 2 times a week. Treat diseases such as otitis media, dermatitis and eczema in a timely manner.

Any discharge from the ears requires attention from the patient. Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner and delay in selecting adequate therapy leads to progression of the pathology and may result in deafness.

Natural causes

The appearance of ear discharge is unusual under normal circumstances. Doctors call a variant of the normal occurrence of sticky and thick brown liquid hyperfunction of the sulfur glands against the background elevated temperature external environment.

The corresponding structures produce a secretion that protects the inner surface of the ear canal from negative factors external environment. Excessive earwax discharge in adults can be individual feature body. Against the background of high ambient temperatures, the secretion softens and is excreted in the form of a brown liquid.

Pathological causes depending on the nature of the discharge

The progression of otorrhea most often occurs due to the development pathological process in the outer or middle ear. Depending on the root cause of the pathology, the nature of the fluid that forms in the ears and flows out changes. When assessing the corresponding secretion, the doctor determines the main pathogenetic factor that caused the problem.

The following points are taken into account:

  • Color.
  • Aroma.
  • Quantity.
  • Presence of accompanying symptoms.

Establishing the cause of pathology in a person is carried out after basic diagnostic procedures and analysis of droplets or streams that are released from.


White cheesy masses are more common in infants and are a signal to parents that they need to visit a doctor. Causes of ear discharge in this case can be called:

  • Fungal infection. The nature of the secret changes. White liquid is sometimes located throughout the ear canal and is accompanied by additional symptoms.
  • Spinal cord damage. In this case, the children are very restless, and in parallel there is heat and constant painful pulsation in the ear.

If a baby or adult patient begins to discharge white creamy masses, then as soon as possible you need to see a doctor.


Appearance clear liquid may not be perceived by people as something bad. The symptom sometimes occurs without pain. However, the sign indicates the progression of the pathological process with a violation of the integrity of the eardrum.


  • Exudative otitis media. Aseptic inflammation of the ear, which is accompanied by the secretion of fluid with its pressure and subsequent perforation of the corresponding membrane.
  • Allergic reaction. Bubbles with serous contents form in the ear and burst. A clear discharge appears in the auricle.
  • Fracture of the base of the skull. The colorless secretion in this case is cerebrospinal fluid.


Light or dark yellow discharge traditionally indicates progression infectious process bacterial origin. Typical reasons Doctors call the corresponding problem:

  • Purulent otitis. The middle ear is damaged by microflora.
  • Chronic otitis media. A sluggish variant of the previous disease.
  • Furuncle in the area of ​​the auricle. When opening the inflamed hair follicle pus is released.

Yellow discharge from the ear of a baby requires immediate medical attention to prevent the development of complications.


Brown fluid indicates possible local bleeding. Appearance heavy discharge earwax from the ear against the background of the ingress of the contents of the vessels determines the characteristic color of the secretion.


  • Injuries.
  • Cholesteatoma benign tumor, which is accompanied by damage to the middle ear and can develop with vascular damage.
  • Bullous otitis. Refers to complications of influenza. Accompanied by the formation of bloody blisters, which burst and turn the sulfur brown.


Black discharge from the ear is a rare symptom. It occurs due to the activity of mold or yeast in the ear. Their waste products turn sulfur black.


The reasons for the appearance of bloody purulent discharge from the ear are the same factors as in the case of brown and yellow liquid. In this situation, it is united infectious lesion mucous membrane with vascular trauma.

Sucrose pink

The pink nature of the discharge indicates local hemorrhage. Pale color and an admixture of ichor are a signal of possible cerebrospinal fluid entering the liquid. In this case, it is necessary to exclude a fracture of the base of the skull, allergic reactions and exudative otitis media.


The yellowish color of the discharge mixed with green indicates the activity of the bacterial flora. Microorganisms produce exo- and endotoxins, which color the ear secretions and negatively affect the body.


Excessive discharge of white, gray, yellow or any other color should be a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. A large number of fluid indicates high activity of the pathological process.

With an unpleasant odor

If the discharge stinks, then this means that there are bacteria in the ear, which in the process of life produce hydrogen sulfide or other gases. Normally, ear secretions have virtually no odor. To combat unpleasant smell use antibiotics.

If the discharge is not accompanied by pain

The absence of pain is not always positive symptom the course of the pathology. Some processes develop without causing the patient any corresponding discomfort. Examples could be:

  • Cholesteatoma. On early stages the tumor remains undetected.
  • Chronic infection.
  • Allergic reactions. There is itching, but no pain.

Associated symptoms

The nature of ear discharge is one of the key aspects that doctors focus on when making an appropriate diagnosis. The pathology is often accompanied additional symptoms which help to clarify the cause of the disease.

Auxiliary signs:

  • Pain.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Attacks of dizziness.
  • Local redness.
  • Edema.
  • Enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.

Which doctor should I contact?

To verify any diagnosis related to the ears, you must contact an otolaryngologist (ENT). Family doctor can carry out initial appointment, however, in the vast majority of cases, he redirects the patient to a specialist.


An otolaryngologist conducts comprehensive examination patient to accurately determine final diagnosis and selection optimal option treatment. The following methods are used in practice:

  • Otoscopy. A visual assessment of the condition of the ear canal and eardrum occurs. The doctor determines the presence of yellow, white, dark-colored discharge and others, the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Microscopy of the ear. During the examination, magnifying optics are used, which allows you to examine pathological areas in more detail.
  • CT scan. X-ray method diagnostics, which is used to exclude the presence of injuries to the skull bones.

Based on the patient's complaints, clinical picture and data instrumental methods the doctor makes a final diagnosis of the relevant disease that caused the ear discharge.


Treatment of ear discharge involves the use of medication, physiotherapy, and sometimes surgical intervention. It all depends on the root cause of the pathology.

In children

Children suffer from otitis media more often than adults. This is due anatomical features skulls The following drugs are used:

  • Antihistamines. Effective in the presence of itching and swelling.
  • Antibacterial drugs. Needed when purulent forms otitis
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. Reduce swelling and improve fluid circulation in babies' ears.
  • Hormonal agents. Rarely used in severe cases and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Particular care should be taken when treating a newborn child. Self-selection of medications can cause the situation to worsen. Ear drops can only be used after permission from an ENT specialist. He checks the integrity of the eardrum. If it is damaged, drops are injected into the baby's nose.

In adults

In adult patients, the same groups of medications are used, but in appropriate doses. Ear infection with fungi requires additional use antimycotic agents. Pain syndrome eliminated by analgesics.

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures used to treat ear diseases, doctors distinguish:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Dry heat.
  • Inhalations with appropriate medications.

Untimely treatment of ear diseases may be accompanied by complications in the form of adhesions between auditory ossicles. To eliminate the problem, surgery is performed.


Prevent occurrence pathological discharge from the ear is possible. To do this you need:

  • Minimize contact with ARVI patients.
  • See a doctor promptly if you have ear problems.
  • Avoid hypothermia, water and other liquids getting into the ear canal.
  • Delete sulfur plugs at the doctor's.
  • Wash your ears regularly and do not use cotton swabs to clean them.

Preventing a disease is always easier than treating it. Discharge from the ears is only a symptom of pathology. It is not worth treating it in isolation. It is necessary to consult a doctor and engage in comprehensive healing of the body.

Useful video about purulent otitis media

Sometimes a person encounters black wax in the ear. IN normal conditions The discharge is yellow or light brown in color and has a pasty consistency. Sulfur is released into small quantity and at the same time does not cause any inconvenience. The appearance of black sulfur can be caused by a number of factors that require careful study and choice of treatment.

The glands, if functioning fully, help ensure hygiene of the organ cavity and protection. The ear mass performs the following functions:

  • a specific substance contained in sulfur ensures disinfection of the organ cavity;
  • prevents drying of the ear canal by lubricating it;
  • pushes out dead skin parts and fine particles dust;
  • serves as protection against the penetration of bacteria and dirt into distant parts of the organ.

Earwax helps keep a person's ear canal clean. naturally. This means that the body does the main work of cleansing the organ on its own.

At the same time, every person should periodically clean out wax from the ear canal. This event is recommended to be carried out twice a day - morning and evening.

Why does sulfur turn black?

Under the influence of various factors, the substance may acquire a dark or black color. This phenomenon is observed when:

  • otomycosis;
  • mechanical damage;
  • excessive pollution;
  • presence of a foreign body in the ear.

Most harmless reason savings dark sulfur there is excessive contamination in the ear. A large amount of dust affects not only the color, but also the structure of sulfur. It becomes dense. Builders and miners often encounter this pattern, since they have to work in a dusty environment.

Fungal infection

Diseases that are fungal in nature can also change the color of earwax. If black plaque appears in the ear canal, this indicates active development microcolonies. An examination helps to identify a disease such as otomycosis. The life process of bacteria is accompanied by the release of dark spores.


The clinical picture of otomycosis is nonspecific. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out exclusively when visual inspection ear canal. In this case, the doctor uses special ENT instruments. Laboratory analysis determines the type of microorganism that was found in the black sulfur and how to combat it.

In addition to darkening of sulfur, a fungal disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • hearing impairment;
  • severe itching;
  • feeling of fullness in the ear.

The fungus that causes otomycosis loves a moist environment. People living in coastal or marshy areas are at risk. Cases of the disease have been recorded in the southern regions. Working in areas with high humidity also causes the development of fungus and the appearance of black sulfur.


After identifying otomycosis in the laboratory, select individual scheme treatment. The specialist prescribes a course of antifungal drugs, which are taken orally and instilled into the ear canal. The doctor regularly removes the accumulated masses.

Treatment tactics are based on increasing hygiene measures. It is important not only to cure the disease, but also to prevent the spread of otomycosis to neighboring healthy areas of the auditory organ.

So that the treatment brings positive effect, it is recommended to control the level of humidity in the ear cavity. Stop listening to music on headphones for a while or have your own and not use others. It is prohibited to use antibacterial drugs for a long time. Strengthen the protective properties of the immune system.


The appearance of black plaque in the ear canal may be the result of damage to the skin. If the integrity of the skin is broken, slight bleeding occurs. It quickly stops and the person does not have time to notice it. After some time, dried blood comes out of the ear canal along with the wax, coloring it dark.


The damage is accompanied by stabbing pain. After some time, the patient notices itching. The two symptoms are often accompanied by a sensation of a foreign body in the ear canal. Some people don't pay special attention on symptoms until they become very severe.


If pain and itching do not go away for a long time, it is necessary to understand the reason for their occurrence. Patients make a mistake when they try to figure everything out on their own. This way they cause even more trauma. skin, worsening the situation. To clean the ear canal of dirt, it is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist. He will appoint suitable treatment and assess the condition of the skin under the accumulated sulfur.

Heavy pollution

Earwax changes its usual color to black under the influence of other factors. environment. Most often this is due to increased air pollution.

People whose work involves constant exposure to dusty environments encounter a similar phenomenon. It's about about storekeepers, builders and miners.


The only symptom that torments a person is itching in the ear canal. Accumulated dirt turns the sulfur black. The itching can be constant or occur in waves. In this case, the person constantly wipes the ear canal with his finger.


This condition is not considered to be a pathology. This is the body's reaction to working in a dusty room. To solve the problem, it is necessary to protect the ear canal from ash, dust and dirt. A number of industries require wearing earplugs while working. If prohibited, a lightweight knit cap will filter out dirt and keep your ears clean.

Presence of a foreign body

Darkening of plaque occurs after a foreign body enters the ear canal. Most often, the role of such an object is an insect.

If a living organism gets into the ear cavity, it is forbidden to remove it yourself. This will not only deepen the location of the object, but will also cause damage to the ear canal.


After an object hits a person's ear, he experiences:

  • notices the presence of slight noise;
  • foreign body sensation.

In some cases, the patient experiences pain and discomfort in the ear area. The more time there is no treatment, the worse a person feels. His hearing decreases, causing him to become irritable. To restore the functionality of your hearing aid, you must visit a doctor.


If, after examination, a specialist identifies a foreign body, it is removed in one of the following ways:

  1. Washing. The procedure softens sulfur and helps remove plugs and insects. If there is a hole in the eardrum or a thin and flat object has entered the ear canal, rinsing is prohibited.
  2. Instrumental removal. Special forceps or a hook are used, depending on the object caught in the ear cavity.
  3. Surgical intervention. The type of treatment is last resort, if more gentle methods turned out to be ineffective.

In turn, if you get foreign object fails surgical instruments, the doctor performs a rinse.

What can happen if left untreated?

Black plaque in the ear in many cases remains unattended, and in this main mistake person. The reason for its appearance may be different, which entails various complications. Pollution can cause disease. In turn, the pathology subsequently spreads to healthy tissue.


Black earwax can be caused by various factors. The most dangerous is a fungal infection. To ensure that the ear secretion remains unchanged and complications do not develop, it is recommended to follow simple rules.