Healthy food recipes for every day breakfast. Delicious recipes for proper nutrition. What is better to refuse

Fast diets allow you to lose several kilograms of weight in a couple of weeks, but their disadvantage is that body fat will be returning soon. To constantly stay slim and not gain weight, you need to follow a regime proper nutrition every day. To do this, you don’t need to limit yourself in any way. delicious food or constantly go hungry.

The right menu every day

Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss are very diverse, they consist of large selection products. From these you can create a delicious menu for every day. Their variety will allow you to maintain a proper nutrition regimen (PE) without effort and stress, and the result will be a beautiful and slender figure. Recipes proper food for weight loss have a huge list of benefits. Here are just a few of them:

  • They are fully approved by nutritionists, since they do not force the body to starve and supply it with all necessary substances and microelements.
  • This menu prevents the feeling of hunger, offering many light dishes that can be consumed as desired throughout the day.
  • The diet contains many popular dishes, they are often served in restaurants, so you can go to any special event without fear.
  • The healthy nutrition menu allows you to select food to suit your taste and prepare new dishes almost every day.

The absence of monotony allows you to maintain healthy image life without psychological stress. If you are tired of the diet, you can easily change the menu without going beyond the PP.

Operating principle

The principle of proper nutrition is based on long-term adherence to a selected diet. The menu needs to be planned for weeks, while healthy food will help you smoothly and permanently get rid of fat deposits. The entire weight loss process will take, depending on individual characteristics body, several months, but the result will remain for a long time. In addition, smooth weight loss will help you avoid unsightly sagging skin that often remains after sudden weight loss.

Recipes for weight loss, based on a healthy nutrition system, are calculated according to a scheme established by nutritionists. According to this scheme, a healthy menu for every day should contain:

  • carbohydrates in the amount of 50%
  • animal and vegetable proteins no more than 30%
  • fats of various origins - 20%

In this case, the daily calorie intake should be at least 1800 kcal in the women's menu, and at least 2100 in the men's menu. Limiting the nutritional value of food below these levels is dangerous to your health.

Individual selection of recipes

Constantly following a certain type of recipe creates persistent taste preferences. That is why you need to structure your diet from the very beginning so that in the future you only receive positive results. Recipes and proper nutrition menus should vary depending on the degree of obesity, this will help you lose weight with maximum speed and without harm to health.

If your weight exceeds 100 kg, it makes sense to minimize the carbohydrate content in your daily menu. The most easily digestible carbohydrates are found in white bread, cereals and confectionery. All this needs to be replaced with products made from coarsely ground cereals, which are as satiating as usual, but do not turn into fat. If you have kidney problems, you need to limit your protein intake and give preference to cereals.


PP recipes for weight loss are designed for every day; they can be prepared and consumed at any time of the day. However, to normalize metabolism, it is better to establish a strict meal schedule; it can be created both for the day and for the whole week. The emphasis should be on breakfast, since food eaten in the morning is completely digested throughout the day.

In the first days eat a large number of eating for breakfast can be problematic, but literally after a week the situation will change radically. By shifting the main meal to the morning, a person begins to feel the desire to eat in the morning, and not in the evening. In any case, PP implies up to 6 meals daily, so you don’t have to go hungry.

If you periodically have a desire to eat your favorite candy or bun, you should not deny yourself, because this can lead to stress and subsequent eating disorder. Dishes from the PP menu should be prepared by stewing, boiling or steaming; the use of a grill is acceptable. You should not fry in oil; such food provokes obesity and negates all efforts to lose weight. However, you can’t completely give up fats; you just need to use them uncooked.

Oatmeal for breakfast

Oatmeal not only contains many useful microelements, but also improves intestinal motility. It is best to eat it for breakfast, it will put the stomach and intestines in order, and also establish for them good schedule work. To prepare porridge, you can use regular Hercules flakes. The porridge is prepared in this way:

  1. The required amount of flakes is poured with hot low-fat milk and placed on the fire for a couple of minutes, after which it is infused for another 10 minutes.
  2. While the porridge is brewing, you should chop a little of any nuts (lightly fried), wash some raisins, dried apricots, or other dried fruits to taste.
  3. Mix nuts and dried fruits with porridge, add a spoonful of honey, and eat.

If you are tired of oatmeal, the dish can be prepared from buckwheat, rice, or millet. When choosing nuts, you need to remember that, for example, peanuts can cause allergies. Walnuts are best suited for porridge.

Sandwiches for breakfast

Proper nutrition offers recipes for delicious sandwiches for weight loss for every day. It is based on bread made from wholemeal flour, but the fillings can be selected to your liking and alternated as desired. The sandwich is prepared as follows:

  1. In the evening, boil a breast of chicken, turkey or any other bird. Instead, you can buy lightly salted red fish.
  2. In the morning, chopped brisket or fish is laid out on sliced ​​whole grain bread.
  3. Slices of natural low-fat cheese are placed on top.
  4. IN summer period You can layer the sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes or cucumbers. You should not purchase them out of season; grown in a greenhouse, they do not provide anything useful.
  5. Top with another slice of bread.

These sandwiches can be consumed in unlimited quantities. To enhance the effect, they should be eaten with kefir or unsweetened yogurt.


This omelette differs from the usual one in its lower fat content. It is prepared this way:

  1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into the pan.
  2. Break 2 whole eggs and 2 whites into heated oil.
  3. Any greens to taste are crumbled on top, it can be dill, parsley, basil or cilantro.

This omelet is well served with a salad of unsweetened fruits. It is best eaten in the morning, but can also be prepared in the middle of the day as a light snack.

Pasta for lunch

When choosing pasta, you need to pay attention to what type of flour they are made from. Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss imply that they use pasta made from durum flour throughout the weeks. It’s better to cook pasta for lunch; the classic recipe looks like this:

  1. The pasta is boiled, drained in a colander and washed with boiling water.
  2. The still hot pasta is placed on a plate and sprinkled with low-fat cheese.

As dressings, you can use low-fat kefir or yogurt mixed with finely chopped herbs, crushed garlic or mustard seeds.

Breaded Cauliflower

Cauliflower, as well as broccoli and Brussels sprouts are some of the the healthiest vegetables in the world. They should be included in the menu several times a week; you can simply boil them by steaming or boiling water, bringing them to an al dente state. This means that the vegetable should be lightly cooked and slightly crispy. Cauliflower can be prepared like this:

  1. Disassemble the head into inflorescences and wash well.
  2. Low fat cream and egg white mix, prepare a bowl with semolina.
  3. Dip the cabbage first in protein mixture, then into semolina, place on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake until done.

The cabbage obtained in this way can be eaten for lunch as a separate dish, or as an addition to pasta from the previous recipe.


Lasagna is a tasty and healthy dish if prepared from solid flour and with a minimum of fat. To prepare it you need:

  • pack of lasagna dough
  • 200 g eggplants
  • 200 g zucchini
  • 200 g tomatoes
  • 100 g boiled carrots
  • 50 g low-fat sour cream
  • 2 cloves garlic

Cut eggplants, carrots and zucchini into thin spaghetti, tomatoes into slices. Lightly fry raw vegetables on olive oil. Crush the garlic and mix with sour cream. Boil lasagne dough according to instructions, layer with vegetables and sour cream sauce. Bake until done.

Light soup with vegetables and rice

Soups should be eaten several times a week; they improve digestion and promote weight loss. Here is the prescription simple soup, if desired, you can vary the names of vegetables in it:

  1. Chop a small onion, lightly cut a couple of tomatoes and keep in boiling water for a minute, then cut into small pieces.
  2. Large Bell pepper peel and cut into pieces.
  3. Fry the onion in olive oil and add tomatoes, peppers and parsley to taste.
  4. Pour fried vegetables into water or vegetable broth, boil, add 3 tbsp. l. washed rice.
  5. Bring to a boil, boil for a quarter of an hour, add salt and spices to taste.

This dietary soup is best eaten for lunch.

Vegetables and chicken for dinner

The correct menu for the week should include required amount meat. You need to select low-fat varieties, such as young veal, rabbit and poultry. They can be combined with vegetables in this way:

  1. Eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers or other vegetables to taste are chopped, placed in a cast iron frying pan with a small amount of olive oil and simmered over low heat.
  2. The meat is boiled separately, in in this case This is chicken fillet. It can be simply boiled in water, or steamed.
  3. The finished fillet is cut into pieces, added to the vegetables and simmered for another 5 minutes. At the end, salt and spices are added to taste.

As a side dish, regular buckwheat or unpolished rice goes well with this dish.

Rice with seafood

Seafood is an integral part of the weekly diet. You can eat any fish, squid and other seafood. Nutritionists recommend using brown unpolished rice as a side dish. The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Brown rice should be rinsed under running water until it stops dripping. muddy water. Soak it in cold water for 2 hours.
  2. Cook the rice in a large saucepan, taking into account that its volume will triple. The cooking water should be slightly salted.
  3. Seafood is boiled by steam or in water; it needs to be salted.
  4. Place seafood on rice, the dish can be served.

For seafood, you can prepare a sauce from yogurt, crushed garlic and finely chopped dill. This sauce is very healthy and tasty.

Video: Proper nutrition for weight loss

Veal with vegetables

For this recipe you need to use lean young veal. This meat can be included in the menu for a week; it is very dietary and helps you lose weight. The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. The beef is boiled over low heat; the resulting broth can be used to make soups.
  2. Zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower or other vegetables to taste, cut into pieces and bake in the oven.
  3. Cut the beef into slices, place vegetables next to them, and if desired, sprinkle them with low-fat cheese.

There is no need for a side dish for this dish; you can limit yourself to whole grain bread.

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PP recipes have helped many people in their struggle to lose weight and normalize their work internal organs, as well as improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Many people think that eating this way every day is quite difficult, but over time it turns into a way of life.

It's not enough to just eat healthy foods, it's important to do it wisely. Therefore, nutritionists have developed several rules:

What products are your priority?

For harmonious weight loss that does not harm the health of the body, it is necessary to include in the diet:

  1. Proteins (up to 50% of the total mass). Protein products include:
  • Dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • chicken fillet, beef;
  • legumes;
  • fish (salmon, tuna, etc.);
  • liver;
  • nuts.
  1. Slow carbohydrates (up to 30%):

  1. Fats (up to 25%):
  • Olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • avocado;
  • fish fat;
  • hard cheese.

Also, pp products, recipes from which can be used every day for weight loss, will be those that have fat-burning functions:

But you should avoid the following products:

  • Flour-containing products;
  • sugar-containing products;
  • alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • soft cheese, including processed cheese;
  • salty and sweet snacks;
  • fast food and fast food.

Protein pancakes

In a deep bowl, knead the dough from the following ingredients:

  • a quarter cup of oatmeal flakes;
  • a quarter glass of cottage cheese;
  • half a spoon of protein powder;
  • 3 egg whites.

After thoroughly mixing the ingredients so that no lumps remain, pour the dough into a hot frying pan in portions. Bake the pancake on each side until a brownish crust forms. It is advisable to fry pancakes in a non-stick pan so as not to add oil. Can be consumed with nut urbech.

Curd dessert with fruits and gelatin

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin into a third glass of milk and leave for 30 minutes until it swells. Dissolve gelatin with milk over heat, making sure that the mixture does not start to boil.

Beat 300 g of cottage cheese, 130 g of sour cream and 15 g of sugar until slightly foamy, add gelatin and mix thoroughly. Cut strawberries (7 medium fruits), kiwi (3 pieces) and a third of pineapple into small slices.

Then the products need to be laid out in layers in the following order:

  • Strawberry;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kiwi;
  • cottage cheese;
  • a pineapple;
  • cottage cheese.

If there are a lot of products, then you should not distribute everything in one layer, it is better to divide it into several.

Cheesecakes with bran and banana

This recipe will be great breakfast in pp style, which can be used every day for weight loss.

Mash a fresh banana with a mortar, add low-fat cottage cheese (130 g), bran powder (20 g), egg white and mix the dough until smooth. Let it swell (about 20 minutes) and gradually add coarse flour (no more than 30 g).

The dough should not be too viscous, but rather more liquid. Divide ready dough into equal portions, form into balls and then press them down. Fry the resulting flatbreads on each side until brownish in color. To prevent the cheesecakes from being too greasy from the oil, you should briefly place them on paper napkins before eating.

Kefir jelly

1 tbsp. l. Soak gelatin in water for 30 minutes. Combine a liter of kefir with 0.3 liters. sugar and a pinch of vanillin, beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour gelatin melted in a water bath into the resulting mass in a small stream. Beat well again. Add melted dark chocolate (130 g) to the mixture, mix and pour into cups. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Banana cupcakes

Mash 3 bananas to a paste. Mix sifted flour (230 g) with baking powder (13 g). Grind 30 g of soft butter on a grater and knead with sugar. Pour in 2 eggs and beat until slightly foamy. Mix all substances until smooth.
Place on floured baking sheets and leave in the oven for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cupcakes with a small amount of powdered sugar.

Radish salad

This recipe includes 4 pillars of weight loss supplements, which can be consumed every day for breakfast or lunch: slow carbohydrates(radish, greens, celery), proteins (sour cream, garlic) and fats ( hard cheese).

Grind the radish, garlic and cheese into small pieces. Chop a couple of celery stalks into small pieces. Combine the products, add sour cream and mix. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.

Beet salad

It is recommended to eat this salad at least once every 7 days. The components contained in it are not only low in calories, but also rich in substances that can alleviate stress from a sudden change in diet and physical activity.

Boil 1 large beetroot (at least an hour), then cool and grate into small strips. Z-6 pcs. Soak prunes in water (min. 30), cut into small pieces. Grate 30-40 g of hard cheese and a couple of cloves of garlic. Combine all products and pour in sour cream product.

Light Greek salad

Cut tofu cheese (30 g), cucumbers (3 pcs.) and sweet peppers (2 pcs.) into small cubes. Cut cherry tomatoes (9 pcs.) and olives (a third of the jar) into two halves. Combine products and season with olive oil, stir.

Squeeze a couple drops of lemon juice. If a beautiful presentation is required, then lay a few lettuce leaves on a flat dish, then carefully place the main salad on them.

Salad with tuna

Boil 6 dwarf corn pods and 3 eggs until tender (do not add salt to the water). Mash the canned tuna until it becomes a paste.
Grate the eggs and peeled cucumber into small strips. Combine all ingredients, add sour cream and stir.

Vegetable soup with chicken

Boil 1 piece in salted water. chicken fillet, remove to a plate and cool. In chicken broth, cook a couple of Brussels sprouts and cauliflower inflorescences and half an eggplant until soft (it is better to chop it first).

Sauté grated carrots and finely chopped onions for min. 1Z. Break the chicken into small strips and add to the main soup along with the frying. Grind with a blender until a homogeneous thick liquid is obtained.

Vegetable soup with rice and cabbage

Boil 2 pcs. chicken fillet in salted water, when ready, add and cool. Chop half a head of fresh cabbage, add to the broth along with rice and chopped potatoes and cook over medium heat.

Finely chop the carrots and onions and sauté until transparent. Break the cooled chicken into strips and add back to the pan along with the frying when the potatoes are soft. Keep for another 3 minutes, then turn off the stove and let the soup brew for 5-10 minutes.

Carrot soup

Cut carrots (300 g), onions (1-2 pcs.) and potatoes (3-4 pcs.) into medium cubes. Sauté the onion in a hot frying pan for 6 minutes, then add the carrots to it and hold for another minute. Boil the potatoes until half cooked, add 1 tub of processed cheese to the resulting broth. Then add the remaining vegetables and spices (thyme, salt, pepper). Cook until the carrots are soft.

Brussels sprouts soup with cream

Excellent recipes for every day for weight loss are recipes for soups, especially vegetable ones. They not only help normalize the gastrointestinal tract, but are also better absorbed by the body, which prevents the deposition of excess subcutaneous fat.

Boil chicken fillet in brackish water. Remove peels from vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions). Cut potatoes and onions into medium cubes, carrots into strips, cut Brussels sprouts into two parts.

Remove the chicken, cool and break into slices. Add potatoes to the prepared broth. Fry onions and carrots for 3 minutes, then add cabbage and pour 0.2 liters. water. Simmer until the vegetables are ready. When the potatoes are soft, add the remaining vegetables to the pan.

In a deep bowl, mix medium-fat cream and 1 egg yolk, beat. Add a finely chopped bunch of herbs (parsley, dill, green onions), mix. Pour the mixture in a thin stream into prepared vegetables, stirring the contents. Remove from heat and let sit for min. 1Z.

Buckwheat soup

Boil the chicken fillet. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, finely chop the onion, grate the carrots into thin strips. Remove the finished chicken, cool and split into layers. In its place, add potatoes, cook until half cooked, and then add a third of a glass of buckwheat.

Sauté carrots and onions for about 7 minutes. When the potatoes and buckwheat become soft, add the rest of the ingredients. Hold for another 3 minutes. At this time, beat the egg in a bowl with a fork until bubbles appear, add pepper and basil. Pour the mixture into the soup in a small stream, stirring the broth frequently. Let it brew for about 5 minutes.

Bulgarian soup

Cut the eggplant into small pieces, leave in small quantity salt water. 2 fruits bell pepper, finely chop a third of the celery, add to the eggplants and mix. Add a pinch of hot pepper. Fry in oil, add grated tomatoes (3 pcs.) and a couple of cloves of chopped garlic.

Pour the resulting mixture along with the sauce into a saucepan with boiling water, add salt and Bay leaf. Cook for about 30 minutes. Towards the end, add chopped parsley and savory.

Tomato soup

Cut fresh peeled tomatoes into slices. Finely chop the onion and fry for 3 minutes, then add the tomatoes and keep on the stove for another 3 minutes. Boil water, add a cube of meat broth.

Add a jar of mashed canned tomatoes and roasting. Then pour in half a glass of tomato nectar, add 30 ml. cream, 3 cloves of chopped garlic and finely chopped basil leaves. Keep on fire for another minute. 10, then grind in a food processor.

Chicken meatball soup

Mix minced chicken with half-cooked rice, add salt and pepper. Form small balls and add to boiling water. Cut the potatoes into cubes and send after the meatballs.

Saute finely chopped carrots and onions for about 3 minutes. When the potatoes are ready, add the fried potatoes to the broth and keep for a couple more minutes. Place half of the boiled portion into plates chicken egg and chopped dill.

Pumpkin baked with egg

Peel the pumpkin from skin and seeds, cut into cubes. Spread evenly in the baking dish and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Beat three eggs in a bowl and pour them over the pumpkin. Place small pieces on top butter. Place in oven for 30 minutes. If desired, the finished casserole can be sprinkled with hard cheese.

Light Stewed Cabbage Recipe

Chop the cabbage, place in a deep bowl and sprinkle with salt. Knead thoroughly until softened.
Pour into a heated frying pan, add water. Add pepper and a little salt. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes.

Chicken baked with vegetables

Everyday recipes for weight loss cannot do without vegetables and chicken. After all, chicken meat is the main source of proteins, and vegetables saturate the body with fiber, which helps improve intestinal function and burn excess fat.

Cut the eggplant, 2 sweet peppers, carrots, onions, 3 tomatoes and chicken fillet into cubes, mix and place in a baking dish. In a deep bowl, mix half a tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 300 g. grated cheese durum, salt, paprika and pepper. Pour the resulting mixture over the products on the baking sheet. Place in oven until full readiness.

Chicken fillet in mustard sauce

In a deep bowl, mix 2 tbsp. l. spicy mustard, 2 tsp. Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, turmeric. Wash and dry the chicken fillet, brush with the resulting sauce on all sides and place on foil (for each piece of chicken there is a separate layer of foil).
Place chopped apple pieces on top of the sauce. Wrap the meat tightly in foil and place in the oven for 30 minutes.

Zucchini with cheese and tomatoes in the oven

Zucchini and tomatoes, cut into medium-thick circles. Grate the cheese and garlic, combine with mayonnaise and mix. Place the zucchini on a baking sheet and place the tomatoes on top. The final layer will be cheese sauce. Place the appetizer in the oven for 20 minutes.

Zucchini casserole

Cut the zucchini, potatoes and onion into medium cubes. After mixing, place the vegetables evenly in the baking dish. Break 3 eggs into a bowl, add paprika, salt, pepper and beat.
Pour the resulting mixture over the vegetables. Leave in the oven for 30 minutes, sprinkle with grated cheese and remove for another 1 minute.

Rice with chicken and vegetables

Chop the chicken, onion and carrots into cubes and fry until the chicken is half cooked. Pour the mixture into the pan, add rice, canned peas and corn. Fill hot water and cook until tender, stirring occasionally.

Pollock with stewed vegetables

Pollock is considered an ideal fish for those who want to lose weight: in addition to being low in calories, it is also fortified various vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Regular use This fish helps to normalize work thyroid gland, which is responsible for the performance of all metabolic substances. And, therefore, it helps to lose extra pounds.

After cleaning the pollock, pour it lemon juice and leave for 30 minutes. Then cut into portions and rub with fish spices. 3 pcs. Grate carrots, cut onion into rings, 2 tomatoes into cubes. Distribute half of the resulting vegetables in a deep frying pan, place the fish on top, and add the rest of the ingredients. Pour in a glass of water and simmer until fully cooked.

Chicken liver stewed with vegetables

Wash and chop the liver. Chop 2 tomatoes, bell pepper and onion into cubes. Grate the carrots. Mix all products in a frying pan and fry for 3 minutes. Then pour in 1 can of sour cream, a third of a glass of water, salt and pepper. Simmer for about 30 minutes.

Diet pilaf with chicken

This recipe makes the dish dietary and subject to the laws of food regulations due to the method of preparation: practically free of fat and carcinogens. Which leaves everything best quality weight loss products for every day.

The recipe for dietary pilaf includes chicken fillet, which tops the PP list

Chicken breast rinse, pit and chop. Cut carrots into strips, onions into rings. Place the brisket in a saucepan with water and bring to a boil.

Turn the heat down a little and cook for another 13 minutes. Add carrots, onions and pepper powder. Leave on the heat for another 5 minutes, then add brown rice, cumin and dried barberries. Simmer, covered, for about 30 minutes.

Veal with mushrooms and potatoes

Cut the meat into medium cubes, place in a frying pan and fry for 3 minutes with grated carrots and onions. Chop potatoes (5-6 pieces) into large pieces and add to veal. Add 300 ml. water and cover with a lid and simmer for about 30 minutes. In 13 min. until ready, add a can of canned champignons, and 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Zucchini baked with minced chicken

Cut the zucchini into rings and remove the seeds. Place on a baking sheet. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and cheese. Combine minced meat and vegetables, add salt and pepper, mix thoroughly. Place into the core of the zucchini. Bake for about 30 minutes. Then sprinkle the dish with cheese in portions and leave for another 3 minutes.

Most people are afraid of proper nutrition, believing that everything is necessarily not tasty, and all recipes are monotonous and boring. However, you can find many dishes that promote weight loss and are tasty for every day.

Recipes for proper nutrition will help you get rid of extra pounds, restore shine to your hair and freshness to your skin. Such food keeps organs in working condition and prolongs youth. The variety of recipes for proper nutrition (PN) allows you to create a non-boring menu for every day and enjoy the variety of tastes.

What kind of nutrition is considered correct?

A healthy lifestyle gives longevity without disease. Proper nutrition is part of this life path. For preparing dishes here they choose only quality products, and the recipes themselves are not difficult. Simple food allows you to preserve the maximum of valuable elements.

Recipes healthy eating contain all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates and microelements in perfect balance.

You cannot eat refined foods and sweets. The fast carbohydrates contained in them will not bring any benefit. But this does not mean that you need to completely give up treats. Eating your favorite sweet once a week will not cause significant harm to your health. Just like a glass of dry red wine.

Most often, the daily menu includes:

  • porridge or casserole for breakfast - as a source of strength for a working day;
  • hot soup and main course for lunch;
  • a light but nutritious dinner made from dishes based on cereals, meat, fish or vegetables.

It is not necessary to schedule dinner for 6 p.m. It may be later. The main thing is that the period from the last meal to sleep does not exceed three hours.

The main principles of healthy eating

Following these rules will allow you to lose up to four extra pounds in a couple of weeks and improve the condition of your skin and hair:

  1. Fried, smoked and pickled are replaced with stewed, boiled and baked.
  2. Eat slowly, in a calm environment.
  3. Don't overeat to the point of shortness of breath, it's better to stay a little hungry.
  4. They eat at the same time, maximum breaks are four and a half hours.
  5. Seasonal vegetables are necessary to enrich the body with fiber, which improves digestion.
  6. Fresh food is healthier, so it's better to cook in small portions.
  7. You should drink water only twenty minutes before a meal or half an hour after it.

Do not confuse the feeling of hunger and thirst. Sometimes drinking a cup of unsweetened herbal tea is enough to fill you up. If the feeling of hunger does not go away, it’s time for another meal. You can snack on carrots, bananas, and oranges. Apples and kefir are not suitable for this - they will only stimulate your appetite and will not give you a feeling of fullness.

We create a balanced menu for the week

Compose weekly menu convenient for proper nutrition. It will help you vary a variety of dishes and purchase products for them more economically.

Here is a sample food menu for each day of the week:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Porridge "Hercules". Ural-style cabbage soup, oven-baked chicken and fresh cucumbers. Carrot salad with garlic, steamed fish.
Tuesday Baked fish with vegetables. Potato soup with herring, steamed omelette with dill. Lazy cabbage rolls.
Wednesday Cabbage casserole, toast. Chicken noodle soup, cottage cheese casserole. Steamed fish cutlets, sliced ​​cucumbers.
Thursday Millet porridge. Easy vegetable soup, lazy cabbage rolls. Casserole with chicken fillet and vegetables.
Friday Sugar-free muesli with low-fat milk, apple or orange. Ural-style cabbage soup, baked fish with vegetables. Red fish sausages, a slice of rye bread.
Saturday Banana cheesecakes. Chicken noodle soup, steamed fish cutlets with fresh vegetables. “Gourmet” salad, steamed omelette with dill.
Sunday Cottage cheese casserole. Light vegetable soup, red fish sausages. Chicken in the oven and chopped vegetables.

Dishes from this menu are easy to prepare, they vary greatly and are filling without harming your health. You can supplement them with freshly squeezed fruit juice, herbal tea, fruit drink or compote. But drinking immediately after eating is not recommended.

Don't over-salt your food. People should consume less than seven grams of salt per day.

Sweet desserts are eaten separately - it is best to eat them during the afternoon snack (at 12-13 o'clock).

Simple recipes for those who value quality of life

Cook the majority healthy dishes is not difficult. Recipes for every day can be used by a novice housewife. Calorie content is indicated per 100 grams of product.

What will we have for breakfast?

A morning meal gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. Effective breakfasts include cheesecakes, casseroles, cereal dishes, steamed omelettes or boiled eggs. It is better to cook porridge with milk. It increases the digestibility of proteins contained in cereals.

Recipe No. 1. Cabbage casserole

Calorie content: 107 kilocalories.

Prefer cauliflower and broccoli - they contain more valuable vitamins and microelements, and these vegetables do not provoke the formation of gases.


  • 400 grams each of broccoli and cauliflower;
  • a slice of butter;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • a quarter cup of flour;
  • half a liter of ten percent cream or sour cream.

How to cook:

  1. Disassemble the washed vegetables into inflorescences and boil in salted water for three minutes.
  2. Lightly squeeze the still firm cabbage and place in a baking dish or frying pan.
  3. Fry the flour and gradually pour in the cream, add the grated cheese. Do not boil the sauce to milk product didn't curl up.
  4. Pour the sauce over the cabbage and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

The finished casserole is covered with a golden brown crust. This will happen in about half an hour.

Prepare a casserole with chicken fillet and vegetables in the same way. Just add a little to the sauce chicken broth, and the fillet is pre-boiled.

Recipe No. 2. Cottage cheese casserole

Calorie content: 243 kilocalories.


  • a kilogram of granular ten percent cottage cheese;
  • two eggs;
  • six large spoons of twenty percent sour cream, butter and granulated sugar;
  • four large spoons of semolina;
  • 200 grams of dried fruits.

How to cook:

  1. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, pour in the eggs beaten with sugar.
  2. Stir the mixture with softened butter, semolina and chopped dried fruits.
  3. Place in a mold and place in a preheated oven for half an hour.

Cooking times may vary depending on the type of oven. Readiness is determined by the golden brown crust.

Recipe No. 3. Banana cheesecakes

Calorie content: 220 kilocalories.


  • 400 grams of five percent cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • banana;
  • four large spoons of rice flour.

How to cook:

  1. Beat cottage cheese with eggs in a blender, adding a little sugar.
  2. Grind the banana to a puree and mix with cottage cheese.
  3. Add flour and mix again.
  4. Fry in a hot non-stick frying pan without oil on both sides.

Readiness will be indicated by the appearance of a golden crust. Cover the pan with a lid when frying. Before serving, you can top with low-fat sour cream or low-calorie jam.

When preparing porridge, water, milk and cereal are taken in equal proportions. Water is mixed with milk and boiled. Add cereal and cook for five to ten minutes. Wrap the pan with a towel so that the porridge “reaches”. How to prepare Hercules porridge is described on each package of cereal. Add a variety of “seasonings”: from lemon zest to fresh berries. This way the oatmeal won't get boring.

“Healthy” salads

Such salads not only complement lunch or dinner, but can also serve as a main dish. This is especially true for those who follow a low-calorie diet.

Recipe No. 1. From celery, cucumbers and radishes

Calorie content: 48 kilocalories.


  • celery leaves;
  • fresh cucumbers, radishes, greens;
  • a little low-fat sour cream for dressing.

How to cook:

  1. Put away coarse fibers on celery leaves.
  2. Chop vegetables as desired.
  3. Add salt and mix.

Before serving, season the salad with sour cream.

Recipe No. 2. Salad "Gourmet"

Calorie content: 234 kilocalories.


  • 200 grams of small tomatoes and unpeeled shrimp;
  • 50 grams each of pine nut kernels and cheese;
  • avocado;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • unsweetened yogurt for dressing.

How to cook:

  1. Boil and clean seafood.
  2. Chop the salad, cut the tomatoes and avocado into small slices.
  3. Mix ingredients and top with yogurt.

Top the salad with grated cheese and pine nut kernels.

Recipe No. 3. From carrots with garlic

Calorie content: 102 kilocalories.


  • large carrots;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • two large spoons of homemade mayonnaise or sour cream.

How to cook:

  1. Grate the carrots.
  2. Crush the garlic and mix with mayonnaise.
  3. Season the carrots with sauce and salt.

In dishes with fresh carrots, sauces based on animal fat must be added so that a person can absorb vitamin A.

What to cook for first

Classic soups at lunchtime will fill you up, warm you up and give you energy to finish the work day. Each soup requires two liters of water.

Recipe No. 1. Cabbage soup in Ural style.

Calorie content: 30 kilocalories.


  • half a kilo of white cabbage;
  • 80 grams of pearl barley;
  • onions, carrots.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the cereal for about twenty minutes. Drain the water.
  2. Boil water for soup. Add pearl barley and boil for ten minutes.
  3. Add finely chopped cabbage to the pan and cook for another quarter of an hour.
  4. Prepare fried onions and carrots, add to cabbage soup and add salt.

Ready cabbage soup can be seasoned with sour cream.

Recipe No. 2. Meatball and spinach soup

Calorie content: 74 kilocalories.

Instead of water, chicken broth is used here.


  • half a kilo of minced chicken;
  • the same amount of spinach;
  • egg;
  • small pasta;
  • a little grated cheese;
  • carrots and onions for frying;
  • greens and garlic.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the minced meat with crushed garlic, grated cheese, chopped herbs, and add some bread crumbs.
  2. Mix with the egg, bring to a homogeneous consistency, adding salt and pepper.
  3. Form small meatballs and bake them in the oven.
  4. Add frying, small pasta and spinach to the boiling broth.
  5. After five minutes, add the meatballs to the pan. Simmer for another five minutes.

The finished soup in a plate is sprinkled with grated cheese.

Recipe No. 3. Potato soup with herring

Calorie content: 33 kilocalories.


  • six potatoes;
  • salted herring;
  • tomatoes, onions and carrots for frying.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the herring, remove the bones, cut into slices.
  2. Chop the peeled potatoes.
  3. Place the roast into boiling water.
  4. After five minutes, add herring and potatoes.

This soup takes a quarter of an hour to prepare. There is no need to salt it.

Any vegetables can be added to light soups, including canned beans, corn and peas. They are added when the main ingredients are cooked. In any case, the calorie content will not be more than 40 kilocalories.

For chicken soup with vermicelli, first boil the chicken, separate the meat from the bones. The broth is filtered, boiled meat, spaghetti and fried onions and carrots are added. Cook until the pasta is ready.

Options for the second

Low-calorie options help you meet your daily protein and fat needs.

Recipe No. 1. Oven baked chicken

Calorie content: 197 kilocalories.

To get rid of excess fat, the carcass is placed on a jar. The fat drips off, and the meat turns out light and low in calories.


  1. gutted chicken;
  2. half a liter of beer;
  3. a couple of cloves of garlic and a little sour cream.

How to cook:

  1. Pour beer into a glass container and place on a baking sheet.
  2. Place the chicken on the jar and coat it with sour cream, crushed garlic and salt.
  3. Place in the preheated oven, pouring a little water onto the baking sheet. This is necessary to prevent the fat from burning.

Check the readiness of the chicken with a fork. If the juice is no longer pink and the meat is easily pierced, you can remove the chicken.

Recipe No. 2. Lazy cabbage rolls

Calorie content: 147 kilocalories.


  • 200 grams of rice;
  • 800 grams of minced meat;
  • half a kilo of white cabbage;
  • the same amount of sour cream;
  • onions and carrots.

How to cook:

  1. Add some spice to the minced meat with onion, salt and pepper.
  2. Boil and squeeze the rice.
  3. Finely chop the cabbage and soak in boiling water to remove bitterness for three minutes.
  4. Grate the carrots.
  5. Mix all ingredients and make cutlets.

They are rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in a well-heated frying pan on both sides.

Recipe No. 3. Red fish sausages

Calorie content: 131 kilocalories.

Red fish must be on the menu, because it contains such valuable ingredients as phosphorus, iodine and polyunsaturated fatty acids.


  • half a kilo of fresh red fish fillet:
  • two eggs;
  • greenery.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the fillet and mix with chopped herbs and eggs.
  2. Salt and pepper.
  3. Wrap the mixture in cling film in the form of sausages.
  4. Steam or cook in a slow cooker for half an hour.

Steamed fish cutlets are prepared from homemade or purchased minced meat, also in a double boiler or multicooker.

Healthy desserts

Without sweets, life seems sad and dull. Treat yourself and your loved ones with low-calorie desserts.

Recipe No. 1. Banana ice cream

Calorie content 133 kilocalories.

Here you will need a ripe banana. It is cut into circles and put in the freezer overnight. In the morning, grind in a blender.

This delicate dessert will not only cool you down on a hot day, but will also lift your spirits thanks to the content of the joy hormone – serotonin – in the fruit.

Recipe No. 2. Rice babka with apples

Calorie content: 92 kilocalories.


  • 200 grams of rice, preferably round;
  • liter of milk;
  • three apples;
  • egg.

How to cook:

  1. Boil rice porridge in milk.
  2. Cut the apples into slices.
  3. Place the porridge in a greased form.
  4. Place apple slices on top.
  5. Beat the egg with milk and pour over the apples.

The babka is baked in a preheated oven for about half an hour until the apples are ready.

If you decide to switch to a healthy diet, recipes and ingredients for them are not difficult to find. You don't need to go to specialized stores for this. Everything you need is available in regular supermarkets and markets.

Is illness a problem? Absolutely yes. Why do we get sick? People rarely think about the nature of this phenomenon, often “attributing” all their diseases to genetic predisposition, poor environmental situation, artificiality of products, and simply bad fate. However, the reason for the appearance of illnesses is sometimes much simpler - the lack of nutritional culture, namely: overeating, fasting, unbalanced diet, consumption of junk food, and so on. You will be surprised, but proper nutrition is a “medicine” that is included in the course of treatment for many diseases, as well as a kind of “vaccination” against all sorts of ailments. How to create a healthy nutrition menu and understand food culture?

Step No. 1 – learn to recognize the feeling of hunger

Oddly enough, many people sometimes cannot explain why they want to eat. "How is this possible?" – you will be surprised, and completely in vain. Remember how often it happens that you overeat, succumbing to the general mood that reigns during a feast, or the frustration that gnaws at you in the evenings because of unfulfilled desires, or the fear that you won’t cope with something at work? Even when your refrigerator contains food for proper nutrition, you are still looking for something special - tasty, in order to calm your appetite.

You are crazy about fast food and sweets, and your menu sometimes consists of hamburgers, pizza, Coca-Cola, chocolates and cookies. Have you noticed such “sins”? Means, proper diet nutrition is unfamiliar to you, most likely for the reason that you do not know how to recognize hunger. How to learn this?

  • The feeling of hunger and appetite are different demands of the body.

Many people confuse these concepts and therefore overeat. Hunger is an “SOS” signal sent by the human brain when your body needs to “refuel” – replenish with nutrients. Appetite is a kind of whim, your hidden desire to pamper yourself somehow. To understand the differences between these two sensations, it is better to consider an example.

So, evening. You feel like you want to eat. Cooked buckwheat porridge, made grilled fish and ate. This, by the way, was an example of proper nutrition in the evening. We washed down our dinner with herbal tea and went to read before bed. So you were hungry because you were satisfied with healthy foods prepared in the right way. Second situation. You come home in the evening, look in the refrigerator, you see buckwheat there, steam cutlets, vegetables, fruits, but you don’t want to eat it all.

Serve you pizza, Pepsi-Cola, a hefty piece of cake with butter cream, and then another pack of chips while watching a series and a pack of ice cream in bed while surfing the Internet. This is a vivid example of satisfying your appetite according to the principle of “tasty and plenty.” Conclusion: if the proper nutrition menu does not satisfy you, it means that you are not hungry, but are following your whims.

Often (about half the time) people confuse these two sensations. How to learn to distinguish them? It's simple: every time you want to eat, drink a glass of water, if after 20 minutes you are still hungry, then you can sit down at the table. “Why drink so much?” - you ask. Don't worry, on the day for normal operation The body requires at least 8 glasses of water, but, agree, you don’t adhere to this norm?!

Worth paying attention! Did you know that lack of water prevents the body from burning fat, slowing down metabolic processes? If you want to lose weight, you don’t need a strict diet, proper nutrition, the menu of which includes one and a half liters clean water- Here best recipe for figure correction.

  • Hunger is like a lack of nutrients.

When you are hungry or your diet is not balanced correctly, the body begins to send “SOS” signals, but in a very original way - in “your language”. How does this happen? For example, you really want chocolate.
What does this indicate? Your body does not have enough magnesium. “But why is he asking for chocolate?” - you are curious.

It's simple: the body tries to get the necessary element with the product it is used to. After all, you spoil him much less often with dishes with beans, fruits or hazelnuts, which are also rich in magnesium? So why be surprised if the body finds vital elements in what is present in your diet?! How to teach a “naughty little girl” to receive useful material from the right food?

Focus on such signals - if you want:

  1. baking means there is a lack of nitrogen, which you can find in meat, fish and nuts;
  2. smoked meats, which indicates that you have a lack of cholesterol, so it’s time to add avocados, olives and red fish to your menu;
  3. fatty foods, due to a lack of calcium, so you should pay attention to cheese, broccoli, legumes and sesame;
  4. sour, which indicates a deficiency of vitamin C, the deficiency of which you can compensate for with lemon, rose hips, cranberries, strawberries and kiwi;
  5. sweets, because the body needs glucose, which you will find in fruits/berries and honey, and not in candies, cakes and bars, as you might think.
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Step No. 2 - change the diet

Before you know the proper diet for the week, you need to accustom yourself to the optimal eating regimen. To a healthy person You need to eat 4-5 times a day, taking three-hour breaks between meals. The most proper nutrition: breakfast, lunch, dinner, plus 2 snacks.

Skipping meals is prohibited, but if this does happen, you should not make up for lost time during the next meal by eating a double portion. The only exception is dinner. If you didn’t have time to eat in the evening and came home at midnight, then head not to the refrigerator, but towards the bed. It is better to have a good meal in the morning than to load your stomach before bed. Moreover, a hearty breakfast welcomes proper nutrition, because it is a kind of “alarm clock” for the body, triggering metabolism.

The optimal time for a morning meal is 30-90 minutes after waking up. Around noon (depend on the situation), you should definitely have a snack, ideally fruit. Lunch should take place between 13.00 and 15.00. After a couple of hours, you can treat yourself to tea. As for dinner, the debate on this topic does not subside, since many nutritionists advise stopping eating in the evening from 19.00, but what about those who are on the way home from work at this time? It’s okay if you eat later, the main thing is that the meal takes place at least 2 hours before going to bed.

This is important to know! What caloric distribution implies proper nutrition for every day? Breakfast should be 25% of the total food consumed per day, snacks - 10%, lunch - 30%, dinner - 25%.

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Step No. 3 – learning to eat again

Why do some people, having learned the proper nutrition menu for a month, quickly “go away”? Because learning the list of allowed foods is not enough; you also need to modify the process of eating. So, what basics do you need to learn?

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Step No. 4 – create a menu


  • breakfast - oatmeal, tea;
  • snack - fruit;
  • lunch - cabbage soup with a piece of black bread, a portion of baked meat;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, tea with rose hips;
  • dinner – buckwheat and grilled fish, salad.
  • breakfast - omelet, crackers, coffee;
  • snack - berries;
  • lunch – borscht, cutlets;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt;
  • dinner - vegetable casserole, turkey.
  • breakfast – oatmeal, coffee (possibly with cream);
  • snack – cottage cheese casserole;
  • dinner - pea soup with crackers, hard-boiled eggs;
  • afternoon snack – a handful of nuts, kefir;
  • dinner - pilaf, salad.
  • breakfast – millet porridge, herbal tea;
  • snack - fruit;
  • lunch - soup with chicken and noodles, bread;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese soufflé with berries;
  • dinner - beans with meat.
  • morning – scrambled eggs with a slice of ham, coffee;
  • snack - fruit jelly;
  • lunch - broth with pies;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt;
  • dinner – turkey with fresh vegetables.


  • breakfast - oatmeal, tea;
  • snack - a handful of nuts, berries;
  • lunch - soup of your choice, black bread, broccoli casserole;
  • afternoon snack – curd pudding, coffee;
  • dinner – rice with meatballs, salad.

Now you know what proper nutrition should be for a week. It is important to hold out for this period, then it will become easier for you, since your stomach will decrease in volume and you will get used to the new diet. Based on the example given for a week, you can already imagine what proper nutrition will be like for a month. The main thing is not to include it in the menu harmful products and follow all the above recommendations.

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Step No. 5 – joining secret knowledge

Modern nutritionists not only develop menus, but also share secrets with their patients on how to reduce appetite and not “go astray” - healthy eating. So, what secret knowledge can be useful to you in your efforts to maintain health, slimness and beauty?

Eating healthy isn't as difficult as you might think, is it?! As a reward for your patience and consciousness, you will receive excellent health and a perfect body.

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Video consultation with a professional nutritionist: how to eat healthy

By secret

Have you ever tried to get rid of excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, victory was not on your side.

There is a very accurate saying: “We eat to live, not live to eat.” IN modern society There is a stereotype: healthy food is tasteless. However, this is not the case. From healthy food you can get both benefit and pleasure.

Basic errors in the power system

A balanced person is not only a slim figure. The condition of the skin, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the function of the heart muscle and the cleanliness of the blood vessels depend on the quality and quantity of food consumed.

The main problem of nutrition modern people- lack of time. Due to the constant rush to work and school, the daily menu is filled with semi-finished products, baked goods, and fast food products. The result of regular eating at snack bars fast food becomes, obesity, disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

The main mistakes in nutrition according to latest research nutritionists:

  • exceeding the daily calorie intake - for people whose profession is not related to heavy physical labor, daily norm calories should be within 2000
  • uncontrolled fat consumption - about 50% of the population suffers overweight, because it does not regulate the intake of fat into the body (eggs, potatoes, fish, meat, lard fried in refined oil, dressing salads with mayonnaise or ready-made sauces)
  • liquid calories - doctors have long sounded the alarm about excessive consumption of sweet carbonated drinks, which contain prohibitive amounts of sugar; High-calorie drinks also include alcohol, which additionally whets the appetite, causing you to consume more food.
  • three meals a day - the stomach is not designed for large portions of food, and long intervals between meals lead to stagnation of bile
  • excess confectionery
  • improper processing of food - deep frying destroys the beneficial properties of food, adding excess fat and carcinogens

People forget that meals should decrease with age, since metabolism slows down and it is much more difficult to spend the calories received.

IN daily menu there must be the correct ratio of proteins, fats and... This basic rule healthy eating. To determine the balance, there is a “plate rule”: it is mentally divided into three parts, of which half of the diet is taken up by vegetables and greens, 25% is given to complex carbohydrates (porridge, legumes), 25% remains for protein products.

Basic rules of healthy eating:

  1. There should be 3-4 main meals and 2 afternoon snacks per day.
  2. 75% of food should be consumed for breakfast and lunch, leaving 25% for dinner.
  3. It is advisable to distribute meals at the same time.
  4. Food should not be too hot or cold, recommended temperature regime: from 50 to 10°, in otherwise You can get heartburn.
  5. There is no need to swallow food in chunks: the more thoroughly the food is chewed, the better it is saturated with saliva, so the food is more easily absorbed by the stomach and upper intestines.
  6. You can't skip breakfast. It is advisable to eat no later than an hour after waking up. , weakness, fatigue - all this is the result of skipped breakfasts.
  7. Adequate water intake. 1.5 liters of water, including liquid in fruits and soups, is the minimum requirement per day.
  8. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. Ideal option: vegetables + fish, vegetables + lean meat.
  9. Restriction on salt and sugar. By reducing salt consumption, the body gets rid of excess fluid, swelling goes away, and heart function improves. The amount of salt is 1 tsp, sugar - 6 tsp. (including salt and sugars already contained in foods).
  10. Worth giving preference vegetable fats, not animals.
  11. Do not forget about the benefits of seasonal products: strawberries in December are unlikely to saturate the body.

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Katya Mirimanova's diet: principle of nutrition, contraindications, benefits, list of products, weekly menu

Boiled, baked, stewed dishes will bring maximum benefit to the body.

Healthy Breakfast: Options

The notorious sandwiches and coffee cannot be called healthy breakfast. Fast carbohydrates are instantly digested by the body and after half an hour the person will want to eat again.

The leader among all possible breakfast options is porridge:

  • oatmeal with milk and fruit
  • buckwheat porridge with boiled or baked meat and vegetables
  • corn porridge with dried fruits
  • rice with stewed vegetables
  • millet milk porridge with honey and pumpkin

Another popular and useful product for breakfast: . An ideal low-calorie source of protein comes with wholemeal bread and baked or steamed vegetables. Options:

  • Omelet with cheese
  • scrambled eggs with tomatoes
  • omelette with mushrooms
  • fried egg
  • hard boiled eggs with toast
  • egg baked in potato or tomato

The latest culinary invention that combines the benefits of oatmeal and eggs: oatmeal pancake. is very popular among those who want to lose weight: 2 eggs mixed with 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add 30 ml of milk, salt and pepper to taste. The well-beaten mixture is fried in a non-stick frying pan or a regular one with minimal addition of oil. For filling use: cottage cheese, cheese, banana, vegetables, dried fruits, lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef).

The following are considered healthy breakfasts:

  • syrniki
  • dumplings with cottage cheese
  • vegetable fritters (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin)
  • cottage cheese casserole
  • sandwiches made from whole grain bread with boiled meat and greens
  • with cottage cheese and raisins in the oven

For drinks, it is preferable to drink green tea, fruit and berry compote, and freshly squeezed juices. It is advisable not to overdo it with coffee: no more than 3 cups per day with the addition of milk (to avoid leaching of calcium).

Examples of healthy lunches

There should be at least 3 hours between meals. Lunch is the most problematic meal of the day because most people don't have time for it. Buns, cookies and pies for a sedentary worker will result in problems with the gastrointestinal tract and obesity. Lunch options at work:

  • muesli with milk or yogurt. There is a pitfall here: in ready-made muesli there is usually high content sugar and preservatives, so before purchasing you need to study the composition of the product
  • seasonal vegetable salad
  • fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt
  • jacket potatoes
  • lavash rolls with chicken and herbs

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What to do to grow a beard? What factors influence beard growth? As well as vitamins and masks

For a complete proper lunch Of course, muesli alone will not be enough. For lunch, it is advisable to prepare a hot dish (soup, borscht), vegetable salad and meat. However, soups are not useful for everyone: they are not recommended for patients with peptic ulcers or duodenal ulcers, as they increase acidity.

On weekends, lunches that are familiar to our mentality are perfectly combined with: recipes for the week

  • buckwheat, pearl barley, rice soup with chicken broth
  • borscht with lean pork or beef broth
  • pickle
  • mushroom soup or beans
  • mashed potatoes, chicken pilaf
  • stewed potatoes with meat
  • baked fish with cheese crust
  • vegetable casseroles
  • durum wheat pasta
  • chicken fillet with grilled vegetables in the oven
  • beans with tomatoes in soy sauce

For dessert you can allow healthy sweets: , marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, dark chocolate (of course, within reason).

Healthy dinner: options

A healthy dinner should have maximum benefits and minimum calories. It is not recommended to eat porridge (except buckwheat) at night: it takes a long time to break down and can create heaviness in the stomach. But you shouldn’t dine on kefir alone either: fasting provokes excessive production gastric juice and bile, which negatively affects digestive system, up to the formation of ulcers or gastritis.

The following dishes will bring the greatest benefit at dinner:

  • vegetable or potato puree
  • vegetable casserole with cheese
  • pasta with baked lean meat birds
  • brown rice with seafood
  • vegetable stew made from seasonal vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, onions, carrots)
  • pike perch, cod, pollock, tuna, carp baked in foil
  • rabbit meat in the oven with vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil
  • pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese
  • omelette with herbs and tomatoes
  • spaghetti and Caesar salad
  • lasagna made from vegetables or with minced chicken or turkey

It is useful to add to dishes prepared for dinner hot spices: they stimulate, accelerate metabolism and breakdown of food. Salads are perfect for an evening meal: in summer from tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, in winter - from boiled beets with prunes, carrots with nuts, fresh and sauerkraut.

For a healthy salad dressing, it is better to use olive oil, low-fat sour cream or unflavored yogurt. For dessert, you can make a smoothie with berries, cottage cheese cakes with fruits or berries.

Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink green tea with honey or a glass of kefir: such drinks will only benefit the body.