If cycle 31 when ovulation. Premature release of the egg. Atypical cases of ovulation

Ovulation refers to certain days when the female body is most predisposed to fertilization. That is why it is very important for everyone who dreams of a long-awaited pregnancy to know all the features of this natural process, as well as to be able to calculate the day of ovulation.

Ovulation and conception calendar online

Online ovulation calculation is one of the fastest, most accurate and effective ways determine fertile (favorable for conception) days yourself. To do this, a conception calculator is used, which calculates and displays fertile days over a period of four months.

To calculate ovulation online, you must enter the following data:

  • First day menstrual bleeding cycle you are interested in (if you are interested in the days of ovulation in this and the next three months, then you must enter the first day last menstrual period; if you want to find out on which days of previous cycles you ovulated, you must enter the first day of menstruation of the corresponding cycle);
  • Average duration of menstruation;
  • Duration of a regular cycle. If the cycle irregular, it is necessary to first analyze the duration of the cycle for the last 6 months, and determine the minimum and maximum number of days of the cycle. Check the box "not regular cycle", in the left window enter minimal amount days of the cycle, in the right window that appears - maximum;
  • The duration of the corpus luteum phase, which is usually determined laboratory method according to the level of the hormone progesterone, on average it is 12-16 days (by default the duration in the program is 14 days).

After this, you just need to click the “Calculate” button, after which the program will display accurate calendar, where the days of expected ovulation (with percentage probability), as well as days of safe and conditionally safe sex will be indicated. Ovulation online using such a calculator is calculated with fairly high accuracy.

How does ovulation occur?

Normally, a woman's menstrual cycle, which is counted from the first day of bleeding to the first day of the next period, lasts from 28 to 35 days.

Average favorable days for conception (they are also called fertile) occur in the middle of the cycle, and include 1-2 days before ovulation, the ovulation period itself and 1 day after ovulation. Average duration Fertility state is 7 days.

That is, the fertile period begins at the moment of a jump in LH levels. If during this time the sperm does not fertilize the egg, it simply dies, and a new one matures only in the next cycle.

Corpus luteum phase (luteal phase)

After the end of ovulation (follicular phase), the maturation period begins corpus luteum - luteal phase, which is characterized by a decrease in the level of the hormone LH and an increase in the production of progesterone. The corpus luteum is responsible for the production of hormones necessary to maintain normal course pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then corpus luteum dies, progesterone levels decrease, which provokes the onset of menstruation.

Normally, the duration of the luteal phase ranges from 12-16 days. Insufficiency of the corpus luteum phase (duration of 10 days or less) or its duration of more than 16 days indicates hormonal disorders, which may result in early pregnancy loss.

Let us remember that the corpus luteum phase begins the day after the end of ovulation and lasts until the onset of menstruation. That is, to calculate the duration of the corpus luteum phase, you need to know the duration of your menstrual cycle, middle part which occurs during ovulation, and the days following it during the luteal phase.

In a healthy woman, ovulation occurs every month (and sometimes twice), but there are two to three months a year when the egg does not mature - such cycles are called anovulatory, and they are also considered a variant of the norm.

Read more about the ovulation process

Having determined favorable days for conception, calculating the optimal number of sexual intercourses during this period will be quite simple, and the chances of getting pregnant will increase significantly. It should be noted that the ovulation chart will also be useful for those who want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, because it is often used as a method of contraception.

How to calculate the ovulation calendar?

Physiological signs of ovulation

Gynecologists say that every woman can notice the signs of ovulation and calculate conception - to do this, you just need to carefully monitor your body.

  • Features of discharge. Vaginal discharge is a constant occurrence in every woman, but in different phases menstrual cycle they have different character. So, before ovulation they become transparent and liquid, or viscous, and resemble protein in consistency chicken egg. In addition, during this period, some women observe brownish or bloody issues(the so-called daub). If ovulation has not occurred, the discharge is sticky, creamy or completely absent.
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen. The release of the egg may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the ovary in which it matured dominant follicle. They can last from a few minutes to several days, and resemble the “stretching” of the abdomen before menstruation.
  • Swelling and pain in the mammary glands. Due to the influence of hormones, many women's breasts may become sensitive or sore before the release of an egg.
  • Increased libido. Scientists have proven that it is in the run-up to ovulation that women experience the greatest sexual desire- this is explained by the natural instinct of reproduction (in this way the body tries to increase the chances of pregnancy).
  • General changes in health. Such signs are individual for each woman - this may be an exacerbation of taste and olfactory sensations, increased performance, or, conversely, irritability and increased emotionality.

Calendar method

First of all, it should be noted that each woman has an individual conception calendar, which can be calculated based on the characteristics of the body.

With a regular cycle, if your periods literally go by the clock, the question of how to calculate ovulation is usually not an issue. big problem, because for this you will have to carry out the simplest calculations. For example, if a woman’s cycle lasts 28 days, you can simply divide this figure by two: 28/2 = 14. That is, in this case, days starting from the 12th will be considered fertile.

However, this method cannot be called extremely accurate. Very often, for a number of reasons, the menstrual cycle can be shortened or lengthened; accordingly, the timing of the release of the egg also shifts, and when it is completely ineffective. That is, it is best not to rely on your own calculations, but to use a more convenient online calculator ovulation or measure basal temperature.

Basal temperature

Measuring basal temperature (BT) is one of the most effective methods, which is best for women with irregular periods. To understand how to calculate the day of ovulation in this way, you should know some features of the female body.

During the menstrual cycle, basal temperature changes several times - this occurs under the influence of hormones. At the beginning of the cycle it is quite low, and during ovulation it increases significantly, reaching 37-37.3 C, and remains at this level until the next menstruation. True, to accurately determine the days of conception, it is very important to follow a number of rules:

  • You need to take your temperature in the morning at the same time, after a full night's sleep (at least 6 hours), without getting out of bed.
  • Use the same thermometer, preferably mercury.
  • The thermometer is inserted into the anus, vagina or placed under the tongue, after which you need to lie quietly for 5 minutes.
  • To obtain accurate results, BT should be measured over at least two cycles and the results recorded.

It should be noted that in this way you can calculate ovulation online. There are special resources and programs on the Internet that calculate fertile days automatically (a woman only needs to enter her BT indicators there every day).

Read more about measuring basal temperature in the section.

Ovulation test

Ovulation tests are special strips similar to those used to detect pregnancy. True, the marker in this case is the LH hormone, not hCG. Measurements are carried out in a similar way (immersing strips in urine), and should begin 2-3 days before expected ovulation.

The instructions for the test indicate which day of the cycle is best to start measuring, depending on the length of the cycle, but with irregular periods it is almost impossible to determine this time.

Read about instrumental and instrumental methods for determining ovulation

Laboratory methods

One of the ways to create an ovulation calendar, calculate fertile days and get pregnant quickly is to get tested for basic female hormones. These include:

  • FSH - given on the 3-5th day of the menstrual cycle;
  • LH - on days 3-8 or 21-23;
  • Prolactin - on days 3-5 or 19-21;
  • Estradiol - on days 4-7 and 6-10;
  • Progesterone - 6-8 days.

The concentration of these hormones varies depending on the phase of the cycle, so based on the test results, you can accurately determine the day for conception.

If you ask specialists the question of how to determine ovulation most effectively, as in any cycle, the answer will be clear - monitoring follicle growth using ultrasound.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out several ultrasound procedures: the first - on the 7-8th day, the second - on the 10-12th, the third - at the request of the woman or the doctor’s recommendation. A sign of ovulation is usually the size of the dominant follicle, which is 18-21 mm. In addition, you can subsequently check whether the follicle has ruptured - if a corpus luteum has formed in its place, it means that ovulation was normal.

The article will tell you how to determine or calculate ovulation at home.

A woman who knows about her ovulation can allow herself to get pregnant faster or, on the contrary, protect herself from an unplanned pregnancy.

How to calculate ovulation for conception?

You can determine ovulation in the following ways:

  • According to ultrasound. The procedure will not tell you the exact date of release of the egg, but it will definitely tell you about the absence or approach of ovulation
  • By monthly
  • By basal temperature
  • According to the ovulation test
  • Based on how you feel and body signals

IMPORTANT: Read more about each item below

How to calculate ovulation by menstruation?

There is a common myth that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, i.e. on the 14th day from the start of the next menstruation. This statement is truly a myth, since the day of ovulation directly depends on the length of the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle consists of two phases: follicular and corpus luteum phase.

More or less has general indicators The duration of the second phase is 12-16 days. As you can see, the average number is really 14. But the countdown does not start from the first day of menstruation, but from last day cycle, i.e. days before the start of the next period.

When is ovulation in a 21 day cycle?

With a 21-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 5-9 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 23-day cycle?

With a 23-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 7-11 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 24 day cycle?

With a 24-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 8-12 from the first day of your period.

When is ovulation in a 25 day cycle?

With a 25-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 9-13 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 26-day cycle?

With a 26-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 10-14 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 27 day cycle?

When is ovulation in a 28 day cycle?

With a 28-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 12–16 from the first day of your period.

When is ovulation in a 29 day cycle?

With a 29-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 13-17 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 30 day cycle?

With a 30-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 14-18 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 31 day cycle?

With a 31-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 15-19 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 32 day cycle?

With a 32-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 16-20 from the first day of menstruation.

When does ovulation occur in a 33-day cycle?

With a 33-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 17-21 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 34-day cycle?

With a 34-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 18-22 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 35 day cycle?

With a 35-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 19-23 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 36 day cycle?

With a 36-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 20–24 from the first day of your period.

When is ovulation in a 37 day cycle?

With a 37-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 21–25 from the first day of your period.

When is ovulation in a 38 day cycle?

With a 38-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 22–26 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 39 day cycle?

With a 39-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 23–27 from the first day of menstruation.

When is ovulation in a 40 day cycle?

With a 40-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 24-28 from the first day of your period.

IMPORTANT: A woman’s body is a delicate matter, so the numbers may, although rarely, vary

How to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle?

  • You cannot calculate the day of ovulation using your periods. After all, to calculate, you need to know the length of the cycle, but you cannot know this with an irregular cycle
  • According to the ovulation test. The first problem with this method is that it is difficult to guess on what day to take the test. The second problem is that the test may show false positive result. This is explained by the fact that cycle failure often indicates hormonal problems in organism. And if hormones are not produced according to norms, then the production of the hormone in large quantities, than it should be, can provoke a false test reaction

  • According to symptoms. This method also works for irregular periods. More information about the method can be found below.

  • Ultrasound. You can do an ultrasound, but with a 45-day cycle, you will have to attend many ultrasounds, tracking the dynamics of follicle growth. And this will cost you a pretty penny

  • Measuring basal temperature is a fairly effective method for irregular cycles. But you should first make a chart of your basal temperature for 3 months, noting the exact readings every day. This will allow you to understand what temperature jump occurs during ovulation in your body. Read more about basal temperature during ovulation and conception below and in the article

How to calculate your ovulation cycle?

To create an ovulation cycle, you should record your cycle duration for 6 months. Based on the results, make the following calculations:

  • Subtract 11 from the longest cycle
  • Subtract 18 from the shortest cycle
  • The period between the received days and will be the most likely for the onset of ovulation


The longest cycle was 36 days. Do simple calculations: 36-11=25 day of the cycle.

The shortest cycle was 28 days. 28-18=10 day of the menstrual cycle.

This means that the most likely period for the onset of ovulation and conception in specific woman is the interval between days 10 and 26 of the cycle. That is, there are 16 probable days for it.

Ovulation test

Detailed information about ovulation tests is presented in the article

Basal temperature during ovulation

Basal temperature readings are one of the methods for determining the onset of ovulation. But one measurement will not be enough for you, since each woman will have her own indicators:

  • In order for the information to be reliable, you need to make a graph of basal temperature for the last three months
  • You need to measure your temperature every day at the same time (read the next section for how to measure your basal temperature correctly)
  • After 3 months, make a chart from the first day of the cycle to the last for each month
  • During the first phase of the cycle, the basal temperature will be below 37 C
  • Then you will see a decrease of several degrees (you may not notice this short period)
  • After which there will be a sharp jump
  • This will be a signal about the onset of ovulation
  • This temperature is elevated and will remain until the onset of the next cycle or will increase during pregnancy.

When the system may fail:

  • Woman taking hormonal drugs
  • Woman taking other strong medications
  • The woman drank alcohol
  • Disorders in the body: failure of the hormonal system, women's problems
  • The rules for measuring basal temperature were violated (read more about them in the next section of this article)
  • Climate change

IMPORTANT: If in some month the temperature did not rise above 37 C, do not worry. This can happen 1-2 times a year. This is called the anovulatory cycle, i.e. cycle without ovulation

Signals to see a doctor:

  • Anovulatory cycle occurred more than twice
  • Basal temperature rises only towards the end of the cycle, and not during the expected period of ovulation
  • The temperature rises and falls throughout the cycle
  • If after the onset of menstruation the temperature has not returned to its lower levels, but continues to remain high

IMPORTANT: All information provided will only be valid if correct measurement basal temperature (read more below)

Measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation

In order for temperature measurement to be practical, you must comply clearly and strictly rules for measuring temperature:

  • Take measurements rectally
  • Take your temperature early in the morning while lying in bed. Best time- 7 am
  • Use a mercury thermometer
  • 5 hours before the measurement you should sleep peacefully
  • Place the thermometer next to you so as not to make any body movements. You shouldn’t even shake off the thermometer, prepare it in advance
  • Take the measurement for 5-10 minutes
  • Take out the thermometer, holding it by its tip. Otherwise you may affect the temperature
  • If you make a schedule, then measurements should be carried out at the same time, plus or minus a maximum of 30 minutes

Pain before ovulation

Pain before ovulation can be:

  • In the chest area
  • In the abdominal area

Chest pain.

Breast pain before ovulation is triggered by a surge of hormones as the body prepares for conception. Pain does not occur often; discomfort occurs more often. This is not a reason to go to the doctor unless they last for a long time.

Stomach ache.

The pain is concentrated in the area of ​​the ovary, in which the cell matures and comes out. Every month you may feel pain from different sides. The pain should not be severe. If they are so strong that it is difficult for you to walk or you lose consciousness, consult a doctor immediately. If the pain is not severe, tolerable and only continues during the ovulation period, then there is nothing to worry about, because this is normal physiological process.

IMPORTANT: Not every woman feels pain. But if you feel severe pain, or fever, headache, vomiting, dizziness, or if the pain continues for a long time, consult a doctor

Discharge before ovulation

Discharge before ovulation increases significantly. This is explained physiologically and should not scare you.

In addition to the increase in quantity, you may also notice a change in the consistency of the discharge:

  • As a rule, discharge before ovulation has the appearance and consistency of raw egg white
  • Color can be white, yellow, pink

IMPORTANT: Discharge cannot be one sign of ovulation. Compare this sign with other more accurate ones

How many days does ovulation last?

Ovulation lasts for different sources from 12 to 48 hours. That is, this is the period when the egg is viable and ready for fertilization.

If you have set yourself the goal of determining when ovulation occurs in your body, then you should choose the most accurate methods, or a combination of less accurate ones.

Hello girls! I'm new here, I'll be glad to chat

My husband and I have been planning for 7 months now and so far without results. The cycle is 30 days, this month there was a 7-day delay for the first time, I thought it was definitely B, it turned out to be some kind of glitch... in general, I’m already giving up. So, girls, who has a 30-day cycle, when do you usually ovulate?? I caught it with tests, but they didn’t show anything... thanks to everyone who answers

baby and me

My cycle is 30-31 days. Usually ovulation is on the 15-16th day for sure!


It’s different for everyone, to know when Oh, you need to go for foliculometry. Tests don’t always work out. And 7 months is nonsense. Doctors say up to 1.5 years of planning is normal. Think less about it, don’t get hung up, relax and everything will work out. I know , easy to say, difficult to do. but you try. everything will be fine, sneeze on you.


Happens to me at 12 and 15


My cycle is also usually 30-31 days. The second cycle in a row according to the basal temperature chart O at 20 b.c. and the cycle lasted up to 33-34 days.


I have the same thing) on ​​the 15-16th day) 7 months is not so much, don’t give up) think about the good and love your husband very, very much) everything will happen soon) you yourself will still be surprised how this happened suddenly??)))) believe in yourself and in your baby, who is already very close)



I have a 29-30 day cycle, about 11-13 days


Cycle 33-39 days (if there is anything at all) About 18-25 days.


I also have 28-32 days Oh always on day 15-16



I have 31-32 days, the second phase is 10 days. Ovulation occurs from 18 to 20 DC. Check out my profile. I advise you to build graphs to see how you are doing.


Don’t give up, it’s still early))) Go for folliculometry, this is the most The best way definitions O. Read about it on the website - type in a search engine. Good luck!

=Northern Lights=

I have 32-34 days. According to the feeling and ultrasound, it’s 15-18 days.


Have you ever tracked O, maybe you can’t do it, because... you just don’t have it... I advise you to go for an ultrasound


Measure BT, follow the schedule and understand when O comes! I wish you good luck!


Thank you girls!!! it’s very cozy here on the site)


ma-masha, to understand when you have O - for foliculometry, a few months and you will know approximately. But the body is not a clock and sometimes O is delayed (hence the lengthening of the cycle), and sometimes it comes earlier (hence the shortening of the cycle)
And regarding the “hands down”, I honestly want to do a-ta-ta on the butt. Let alone talk about it, you can’t think about it.


30 days, 18-19 days

Signs of ovulation

Ovulation (from Latin ovum - egg) - the release of a mature egg capable of fertilization from the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity; stage of the menstrual cycle (ovarian cycle). Ovulation in women of childbearing age occurs periodically (every 21-35 days). The frequency of ovulation is regulated by neurohumoral mechanisms, mainly by gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary gland and ovarian follicular hormone. Ovulation is promoted by the accumulation of follicular fluid and the thinning of the ovarian tissue located above the protruding pole of the follicle. The rhythm of ovulation, which is constant for every woman, undergoes changes within 3 months after an abortion, within a year after childbirth, and also after 40 years, when the body prepares for pregnancy. menopause. Ovulation stops with the onset of pregnancy and after the extinction of menstrual function. Establishing the date of ovulation is important when choosing the most effective time for fertilization, artificial insemination And in vitro fertilization.

Signs of ovulation

Subjective signs of ovulation may include short-term pain in the lower abdomen. Objective signs of ovulation are an increase in mucous discharge from the vagina and a decrease in rectal (basal) temperature on the day of ovulation with an increase in it the next day, an increase in the content of progesterone in the blood plasma, etc. Ovulation disorders are caused by dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system and can be caused by inflammation genitalia, adrenal cortex dysfunction or thyroid gland, systemic diseases, tumors of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, stressful situations. Lack of ovulation childbearing age(anovulation) is manifested by a disturbance in the rhythm of menstruation such as oligomenorrhea (menstruation lasting 1-2 days), amenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Lack of ovulation (anovulation) is always the cause of a woman’s infertility. Methods for restoring ovulation are determined by the cause that caused anovulation and require a visit to a gynecologist and special treatment.

Ovulation and contraception

Some women experience peak sexual arousal around the days of ovulation. However, the use of a physiological method of contraception from pregnancy, based on sexual abstinence during ovulation, is especially difficult for young spouses, whose frequency of sexual intercourse reaches a fairly high level. In addition, with strong love emotions and nervous stress Additional ovulation may occur (especially with episodic, irregular intercourse) and then not one, but two eggs mature in one menstrual cycle. This should be kept in mind when choosing one or another method of contraception.

Physiology of the ovulation cycle

As soon as every healthy girl aged 11-15 years begins to menstruate, which is an indicator of her body’s readiness for childbearing, problems arise associated with counting the days of the menstrual cycle and the legitimate question of why menstruation does not occur, or vice versa, why the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur . This forces a woman to think and wait all the time, to be in the dark about what is happening to her every month. And so every month for decades.

Duration of menstruation and cycle

Ideal menstruation lasts 3-5 days and repeats every 28 days. However, for some women this cycle takes 19 days or even less, while for others it lasts from 35 to 45 days, which is a feature of their body, not a disorder menstrual function. The duration of menstruation can also vary within a week depending on the body. All this should not cause alarm in a woman, but a delay of more than two months, called opsometry, or more than six months - amenorrhea, should alert the woman and force her to find out the reason with a gynecologist.

Duration of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a complex physiological process that continues in women up to 45–55 years of age. It is regulated by the so-called reproductive centers located in the middle part of the diencephalon - the hypothalamus. The changes that occur during the menstrual cycle are most pronounced in the uterus and ovaries. In the ovary, under the influence of hormones produced by the ovarian follicles, partly by the adrenal cortex and testes, the growth and maturation of the main follicle, which contains the egg, occurs. A mature follicle ruptures and the egg, along with follicular fluid, enters the abdominal cavity and then into the uterine (fallopian) tube. The process of rupture of the follicle and the release of a mature (suitable for fertilization) egg from its cavity is called ovulation, which at 28 daily cycle occurs most often between the 13th and 15th days.

Corpus luteum, estrogen, progesterone

At the site of the ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum forms. These morphological changes in the ovary are accompanied by the release of reproductive organs steroid hormones– estrogens and progesterone. Estrogens are secreted by the maturing follicle, and progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum.

The release of estrogen has two maximums - during ovulation and during the period of maximum activity of the corpus luteum. So, for example, if normal content estrogen is about 10 mcg/l, then during ovulation it is about 50 mcg/l, and during pregnancy, especially towards the end, the estrogen content in the blood increases to 70-80 mcg/l due to a sharp increase in the biosynthesis of estrogen in the placenta .

Together with progesterone, estrogens promote implantation (introduction) of a fertilized egg, maintain pregnancy and promote childbirth. Estrogens play an important role in the regulation of many biochemical processes and are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, in the distribution of lipids, stimulate the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids and proteins. Estrogens promote calcium deposition in bone tissue, delay the release of sodium, potassium, phosphorus and water from the body, that is, they increase their concentration both in the blood and in electrolytes (urine, saliva, nasal secretions, tears) of the body.

The release of estrogen is controlled by the anterior pituitary gland and its genadotropic hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

Under the influence of estrogens, in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, called follicular, regeneration occurs in the uterus, that is, the restoration and growth of its mucous membrane - the endometrium, the growth of glands that elongate and become convoluted. The mucous membrane of the uterus thickens 4-5 times. In the glands of the cervix, the secretion of mucous secretion increases, the cervical canal expands, and becomes easily passable for sperm. In the mammary glands, epithelium grows inside the milk ducts.

In the second phase, called the luteal phase (from the Latin word luteus - yellow), under the influence of progesterone, the intensity metabolic processes decreases in the body. The growth of the mucous membrane of the uterine body stops, it becomes loose, swollen, a secretion appears in the glands, which creates favorable conditions for attachment to the mucous membrane of a fertilized egg and development of the embryo. The glands stop secreting mucus, and the cervical canal closes. In the mammary glands, alveoli arise from the overgrown epithelium of the end sections of the milk ducts, capable of producing and secreting milk.

If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum dies, the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected, and menstruation occurs. Monthly bleeding varies from three to seven days, the amount of blood lost ranges from 40 to 150 g.

Timing of ovulation

It should be noted that different women have a noticeable difference in the timing of ovulation. And even for the same woman, the exact timing of the onset varies from month to month. Some women have extremely irregular cycles. In other cases, cycles may be longer or shorter than the average of 14 days. In rare cases, it happens that in women with a very short cycle, ovulation occurs around the end of the menstrual bleeding period, but in most cases, ovulation occurs quite regularly.

If for one reason or another ovulation does not occur, the endometrial layer in the uterus is thrown out during menstruation. If the fusion of the egg and sperm has occurred, then the cytoplasm of the egg begins to vibrate very strongly, as if the egg is experiencing an orgasm. Sperm penetration is the final stages of egg maturation. All that remains of the sperm is its nucleus, where 23 chromosomes are tightly packed (half the set of a normal cell). The sperm nucleus now quickly approaches the egg nucleus, which also contains 23 chromosomes. The two nuclei slowly touch. Their shells dissolve and their fusion occurs, as a result of which they are divided into pairs and form 46 chromosomes. Of the 23 chromosomes of the sperm, 22 are completely similar to the chromosomes of the egg. They determine all physical characteristics of a person except gender. The remaining pair from the egg always contains an X chromosome, and from the sperm there may be an X or Y chromosome. Thus, if there are 2 XX chromosomes in this set, then a girl will be born, if XY, then a boy.

Research carried out in “ National Institute medical problems environment” (North Carolina) showed that not only the actual conception of a child, but also its gender depends on the time of conception in relation to the time of ovulation.

The chance of conception is highest on the day of ovulation and is estimated at approximately 33%. High probability also observed on the day before ovulation - 31%, two days before it - 27%. Five days before ovulation the chance of conception is estimated to be 10%, four days before ovulation is 14% and three days before ovulation is 16%. Six days before ovulation and the day after ovulation, the likelihood of conception during sexual intercourse is very low.

If we consider that the average “lifespan” of sperm is 2-3 days (in rare cases it reaches 5-7 days), and the female egg remains viable for about 12-24 hours, then maximum duration The “dangerous” period is 6-9 days and the “dangerous” period corresponds to the phase of slow increase (6-7 days) and rapid decline (1-2 days) before and after the day of ovulation, respectively. Ovulation, as noted above, divides the menstrual cycle into two phases: the follicle maturation phase, which with an average cycle duration is 10-16 days and the luteal phase (corpus luteum phase), which is stable, independent of the duration of the menstrual cycle and is 12- 16 days. The corpus luteum phase refers to the period of absolute infertility; it begins 1-2 days after ovulation and ends with the onset of a new menstruation.

Ovulation - how to “catch” it?

Ovulation is the moment when an egg is released from the ovary into the world. The follicle, the structure in which the egg lives and matures, bursts and it floats out of the ovary along with follicular fluid. Its route lies towards the fallopian tube, where fertilization occurs, if, of course, there are sperm there at that time.

We will not discuss now who and why really needs to “catch” ovulation. Let's discuss how this can be done. There are several ways.

The first and the simplest is “cycle orientation”. The normal menstrual cycle consists of two halves. The first half - follicular - can last a different number of days. The second half - progesterone - always lasts 14 days. The switch from the first half of the cycle to the second is ovulation.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next.

For example, the cycle is 26 days.

26 days the whole cycle - 14 days duration of the second half of the cycle = 12th day of the cycle.

Answer: A woman with a 26-day cycle ovulates on the 12th day of the cycle.

For example, the cycle is 32 days.

32 days - 14 = 18 day of the cycle.

Answer: with a 32-day cycle, ovulation occurs on the 18th day of the cycle.

But what if the cycle fluctuates a little: then 30 days, then 34, then 28 days, then 29, then 32.

First we take the most short duration cycle.

28-14 = 14th day of the cycle.

Then we take the longest cycle duration.

34-14 = 20 day of cycle

Answer: With cycles ranging from 28 to 34 days, ovulation can occur somewhere between the 14th and 20th day of the cycle.

It is important to understand that the egg lives only 24 hours after ovulation, and the sperm lives 72 hours after ejaculation.

So for the first example:

12-3 = 9th day of cycle12+1=13th day of cycle

Answer: with a 26-day cycle, pregnancy is most likely between days 9-13 of the cycle.

Example two:

18-3 = 15th day of the cycle 18+1 = 19th day of the cycle.

Answer: With a 32-day cycle, pregnancy is most likely between days 15-19 of the cycle.

Example three:

14-3 = 1120+1 = 21

Answer: with a cycle of min 28 max 34 days, pregnancy is most likely between 11 and 21 days of the cycle.

Dignity this method: free.


The cycle should be regular, the spread between the min and max duration of a woman’s menstrual cycle should not be more than 7 days;

Calculation error ± 1-2 days.

Second way- This measuring basal body temperature. 24-36 hours before ovulation, there is a slight decrease in basal body temperature. After ovulation, the ovaries begin to produce the hormone progesterone. This hormone increases basal body temperature. The difference in temperature before and after ovulation is 0.5 degrees. It is this difference that indicates that a woman is ovulating. In addition, the temperature graph shows the day of the cycle on which ovulation occurs.

Dignity This method is free (except for the cost of the thermometer).


It’s painful and inconvenient every day in the morning, at the same time, without getting out of bed, to stick a thermometer in your butt (rectally) or under your tongue and keep strict records of your measurements for at least 3 menstrual cycles;

In addition, the absence of ovulation according to basal temperature charts does not 100% exclude its presence; approximately 10% of women with a monophasic curve actually ovulate.

For more information about the rules for measuring and interpreting basal temperature, see the article “Measuring Basal Temperature.”

The third method is a blood test for progesterone 7 days before the expected menstruation.

Studies have shown that the concentration of the hormone progesterone 6 ng/mL 7 days before the expected menstruation indicates that:

The woman ovulated in this cycle

A woman produces enough progesterone to prepare the uterus for the upcoming pregnancy.

Dignity: accurate, reliable method


You need to donate blood;

A result below 6 ng/mL does not mean that there is no ovulation; in this case, you need to retake the blood in the next cycle, only two results in a row of 4 ng/mL and below indicate that this woman may have problems with ovulation and progesterone production;

Works only with a regular menstrual cycle.

The fourth method is urine ovulation tests. 36 hours before ovulation, a “burst” of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) production occurs in the body. It is produced in the pituitary gland, a structure in the brain. Urine ovulation tests can catch this “spike.” It is the surge, and not ovulation itself. But if the test shows that there is a “surge” of LH, then expect ovulation in the next 36 hours.

Dignity: no need to go to the laboratory and take a blood test;

Flaw: cannot be done for diseases in which there is elevated levels PH in the blood (polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure).

The fifth method is transvaginal ultrasound examination of the ovaries. The follicle from which the egg will be released appears on ultrasound as a cyst 18-24 mm in diameter in one of the ovaries. This follicle is called a preovulatory follicle. However, if we do a one-time ultrasound and see a cystic structure, we cannot be 100% sure that we are dealing with a preovulatory follicle. Therefore, in order to have reliable evidence of ovulation, you need to do an ultrasound of the ovaries 2-3 times per cycle.

The first time on days 5-7 - there should be no cysts measuring 18-24 mm in the ovaries.

The second time, 1-2 days before expected ovulation, you should see a preovulatory follicle in one of the ovaries measuring 18-24 mm.

Then, about a week before the expected menstruation, the preovulatory follicle should no longer be visible in the ovary, but in its place there should be a structure called the “corpus luteum” and/or a small amount of fluid in the retrouterine space.

Dignity: 99.9% accuracy in determining the fact of ovulation in a given cycle


You need to make time for doctor visits

Not cheap.

Know! That the absence of ovulation in one cycle does not mean that you, in principle, do not ovulate. 2-3 menstrual cycles without ovulation, occurring not in a row one after another, but from time to time throughout the year - this is the norm for a healthy female body! There is no ovulation in the current cycle - look what happens in the next one.

Consulting obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D. Borisova A.V.


When does ovulation occur?

Ovulation, the process of the release of an egg from a follicle, normally occurs regularly. Fertilization is possible precisely at the time when ovulation occurs. If a couple wants a child and is looking forward to pregnancy, the question of when a woman ovulates is very important.

During what period does ovulation occur?

If the reproductive system works smoothly, a woman ovulates on average once a month. How often the egg matures depends on the characteristics of the menstrual cycle of a particular woman.

Does ovulation occur every month?

Normally, a woman can go through several cycles a year without ovulation. With age, the amount anovulatory cycles increases, so after 30–35 years the chances of quick conception are decreasing. If a woman is about 40 years old, conception is possible, but the question “how long does it take for ovulation to occur?” the likely answer would be: “In a few months.” During menopause, ovulation in women stops altogether.

On what day does ovulation occur?

The menstrual cycle lasts on average 28–32 days. Without special research It is impossible to accurately answer the question of when a girl ovulates. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (days 12–15). For a more accurate calculation, it is necessary to plot your basal temperature over several months.

Another way to try to find out when ovulation occurs is with a calendar. To find out when ovulation occurs after menstruation, you need to count 14 days from the beginning of your last menstruation on a calendar. With an ideal 28-day cycle, there will also be 14 days left until the next period, that is, ovulation will occur exactly in the middle of the cycle. But does ovulation always occur on the 14th day?

Doctors say it's ideal classic version doesn't happen that often. For most women, ovulation occurs between the 11th and 21st days of the cycle, counting from the first day of the last menstrual period. There are 12 to 16 days left until the next menstruation. After what time ovulation occurs depends on the hormonal background, emotional and physical condition women, and in different cycles ovulation may occur different days. Doctors also know of cases when during one menstrual cycle a woman had two ovulations at once.

How many days does ovulation take place?

Ovulation is a short stage of the menstrual cycle, lasting only 48 hours. During this period of time, the egg, ready for fertilization, leaves the ovary, descends the fallopian tube and moves towards the uterus, where it will await fertilization. If fertilization occurs, the egg will attach to the wall of the uterus.

Favorable days for pregnancy are two to three days before ovulation and one day after, and on the day of ovulation the chances of conception are especially high. Therefore, to calculate favorable days, it is very important to keep an ovulation calendar and imagine how long ovulation occurs.

A mature egg is viable for only 24 hours, so within a day after ovulation the so-called safe days begin. The likelihood of fertilization after ovulation is extremely low.

How do you know if ovulation is happening?

Many women think about how to find out when ovulation occurs, because correctly determining this period will allow you to conceive a child faster. It is convenient to use the following methods at home without visiting a doctor.

  • If you have regular periods, you can use the calendar method to calculate ovulation. According to it, ovulation should occur approximately in the middle of the cycle, but how can you understand whether ovulation occurred on the days you planned? To plug additional methods Ovulation detection!
  • Measuring your basal temperature will also help determine that ovulation has occurred. An increase in temperature in the rectum indicates the release of an egg ready for fertilization. You can find out at what temperature ovulation occurs by charting your basal temperature every month. Typically, basal temperature during ovulation differs from pre-ovulatory values ​​by approximately half a degree.
  • An ovulation test is another way to determine whether ovulation is occurring. Ovulation strip tests are similar to pregnancy tests, only they show two strips not in case of successful fertilization, but when the egg is released from the ovary.

When does fertilization occur after ovulation?

After ovulation, the sperm has about a day to meet the egg and fertilize it.

If conception does not occur, the egg is destroyed in the fallopian tube within 24 hours, and after about 14 days the woman begins menstruation again - this is the release of the unfertilized egg.

If the meeting of the sperm and the egg was successful, the fertilized zygote descends into the uterus within 6–12 days, after which it is fixed there and pregnancy occurs. With the onset of pregnancy, the ovaries stop producing new eggs, so there is no need to worry that ovulation occurs during pregnancy - re-fertilization is impossible.

[email protected]: If the cycle has gone astray once, then when to expect ovulation and month. - according to the usual duration or the downed one?

Svetlana Pavlova

4 years ago

In April, ovulation should have been 23, and months. 09.05, but I got very sick with ARVI. Because of which there was no ovulation for 23 months. They also didn’t come on May 9, and ovulation happened on May 10 (it’s painful for me, that’s why I feel it), and a month. started on 23.05. That is, the cycle turned out to be not 30 days, as usual, but 44 days. So now when should I expect ovulation: 30 days or 44 days in the cycle? That is, if you count 30 days, then O should have been June 5-8 (different ovulation calendars on the Internet have different dates: from 06/05 to 06/08), and if 44 days - June 19. When should we wait? I just need the date of ovulation, we can’t just “try” to get pregnant every day, because we decided to “rely on fate” - if it works a couple of times, then it’s fate, if not, then no - it’s too early... Vote for best answer Well, they are unlikely to accurately calculate it for you in the answers. But the pharmacy has ovulation tests. I think it will be more accurate this way. Give it a try. Best wishes to you.

Ovulation, its signs, symptoms. How to determine the day of ovulation online.

To identify disorders in a woman’s reproductive system, competently plan a pregnancy, and choose the right method of contraception, you should have a clear understanding of the menstrual cycle, the main element of which is ovulation. Therefore, in this article we will try to reveal the main questions that most often concern women: What is ovulation? How to determine the right moment to conceive a baby? How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy?

What is ovulation?

Ovulation- translated from Latin means “egg” - a physiological process in female body when a mature egg, ready for fertilization by sperm, is released from the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity. In women, this process occurs periodically (every 21-35 days). It begins from the moment of puberty and lasts until the onset of menopause, interrupted only during pregnancy and postpartum period. For conception, this process is very important, because if ovulation does not occur, fertilization will not occur.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The period starting from the 1st day of menstruation and ending on the 1st day of the next one. Its average duration is 28-29 days, the maximum duration is 23-35 days. If less or more, then this indicates a failure in hormonal system women.

The menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases. At normal cycle the first phase is 7-21 days. During this period, the female body prepares for possible conception- a dominant follicle matures in the ovary, from which an egg will later appear, ready for fertilization. After the release of their follicle, the egg enters the abdominal cavity, where it is captured in the ampulla fallopian tube and begins to move along it very slowly. If sperm meets on its way, fertilization will occur. The second phase begins from the moment of ovulation, which, regardless of the duration of the menstrual cycle, lasts 14 days (plus/minus 2 days). During the 2nd phase, the corpus luteum matures in the ovary at the site of release of the egg, which, in the event of pregnancy, will ensure its safety at first. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum will collapse, the egg will die, hormone levels will drop and menstruation will begin. That's it - one menstrual cycle ended and the next one immediately began.

Why know the symptoms and signs of ovulation

  1. Determining ovulation will help you find out the favorable day to conceive a child.
  2. Help prevent unplanned pregnancy. But this is only possible if the woman has a regular menstrual cycle.
  3. They will help in planning the gender of the unborn child. There is an opinion that sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation will lead to the birth of a male child, and 1-2 days before it - a female child. It is believed that sperm carrying male chromosomes are faster, but less hardy, therefore, if a couple wants a boy, then on the day of ovulation these sperm are able to get to the egg faster. Sperm carrying female chromosomes, on the contrary, are slow, but have high viability. If sexual intercourse occurred 1-2 days before the release of the egg, then the sperm with male chromosomes will all die, and the sperm with female chromosomes will swim to fulfill their purpose.

How to determine and find out the day of ovulation

Signs of ovulation

Often, women can determine the day of ovulation without tests and analyzes - they just need to listen to own feelings. These may be short term aching pain lower abdomen, usually on one side; swelling of the mammary glands; increased flatulence; mood changes (irritability, tearfulness); acute sexual desire.

The changes taking place in the body can not only be felt, but also seen. During ovulation, vaginal discharge changes its consistency - it becomes viscous, slightly foamy, similar to egg white, and its quantity increases noticeably. During a gynecological examination, the doctor will see changes in the cervix - it becomes looser, softer, changes its position and opens slightly.

Basal temperature as a way to determine ovulation.

If in the morning every day, without getting out of bed, you measure the temperature in the rectum for 5 minutes with the same mercury thermometer, noting the readings and constructing a graph from them, then you will notice that one fine day the even line of readings will drop sharply, and then the next day it will rise sharply - this decline is the day the egg leaves the follicle. The method is 70% reliable.

Calendar method

As mentioned above, menstruation occurs after ovulation after 14 days (plus/minus 2 days). Thus, with a regular cycle of 28 days, the release of the egg from the follicle will occur on day 13-14. We suggest determining the day of ovulation using the online calculator on the website.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period:Duration of the menstrual cycle:

On what day does ovulation occur - the moment of ovulation

How to find out what day ovulation occurs? | Gestatsiya.ru

For successful conception, a woman must approximately guess on what day ovulation occurs. In order to find out what day ovulation occurs, you must monitor and correctly interpret the signs of your body. How to do this you ask? Let's sort it out with you!

Let's make a small disclaimer. Each woman is special and individual, therefore, ovulation will occur for each woman on a different day of the cycle. Even if you and your friend have equal cycles, say 30 days each, this does not mean that you and your friend will ovulate on the same day. The same applies to you. If you determine that ovulation this month occurred on the 14th day of the cycle, this does not mean that in the next cycle, on the 14th day, you should ovulate again.

Why is that? You ask. But the fact is that your body has very complex mechanism work, and this mechanism can be influenced by many factors, and in in this case for ovulation. This could be stress, hypothermia on the street, spicy food, shift climatic conditions, strong physical exercise or a certain diet. Therefore, in order to determine what day ovulation will occur, you need to carefully monitor and know your body.

If you have a regular, established cycle, then using methods to determine ovulation and paying attention to your body's signs, you can guess on what day of the next cycle you will ovulate. But, let’s say right away that for many women, ovulation occurs approximately between 11 and 21 days after the last day of menstruation, or 12-16 days before the next menstrual period.

Is it true that ovulation occurs on day 14?

You can hear from many women, including doctors, that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle if your cycle is 28 days long. Unfortunately, this is a myth. Above, we have already discussed that ovulation is determined by many factors, and on what day ovulation occurs depends, among other things, on them.

After the egg is released from the follicle, it can be fertilized within 24-48 hours. But, sperm can live in a woman's reproductive tract for about 3-5 days, so your fertility is typically 5-6 days. Let's say you know that you will ovulate in 5 days. So, having sexual intercourse during this time, for example 1-2 days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation itself, your chances of conceiving are very high. Of course, you can have sexual intercourse 5 days before ovulation, but then the chances of fertilization drop sharply.

If a woman has a regular cycle, then the chance that she will ovulate during her period is very low. However, as we said above, every woman has her own unique hormonal background, and thanks to this, we should not deny that ovulation cannot occur during menstruation. Of course, the likelihood of this is very, very small.

  • Can ovulation occur immediately after menstruation?

It all depends on how long your cycle is. For example, if you have a 20 day cycle, from the first to next first day, and your menstruation lasts 7 days, that is, it is likely that ovulation will occur immediately after your period. This may happen because it has already been said that ovulation occurs 12-16 days before your next cycle, in this case, ovulation may occur on days 7-11.

  • Is it possible to get pregnant if you have sex during your period?

Sperm can live in a woman's reproductive tract for about 5 days. If you ovulate immediately after your period, and you had intercourse a few days before the end of your period, then pregnancy can occur.

Why is it important to know what day ovulation occurs?

Of course, many women want to know when they ovulate.. Knowing or guessing the days on which it will occur will help ensure birth control. Knowing your ovulation days can help you:

Track your menstrual cycle. Tracking your menstrual cycle will help you avoid being caught off guard when your period starts.

Increase your chances of conceiving. Knowing the day of your ovulation and having contact on favorable days for conception, you thereby have a high chance of conceiving.

Preventing pregnancy. Women who lead actively sex life and don’t want to have children yet, they can control their sex life. If you do not want to have children yet, you need to abstain from sexual intercourse for several days before ovulation and during ovulation itself. This will reduce your chances of conceiving.

Signs of ovulation

Breast tenderness: Before and during ovulation, your breasts become tender. As a result, it may become painful. Any strong touch can cause pain.

Lower Abdominal Pain: Many women experience lower abdominal pain. This is due to the fact that when the egg ruptures the follicle, the woman can feel it as acute pain lower abdomen. This pain can last from a few minutes to several hours.

Changes in the consistency and shape of the cervix: the cervix will change its consistency, it will become softer and more open. It will also change shape and position.

Increased Cervical Fluid: A few days before ovulation and during ovulation itself, you may notice that your cervical fluid has become larger and more stringy. At this time, the cervical fluid has a very characteristic color - raw egg white.

In addition to changes in your body, there are certain methods that will help you better know when you are ovulating.

Many women choose to chart their menstrual cycle in order to determine what day they ovulated. This chart is good because thanks to it, you can predict your ovulation in the next cycle. Mark the first day of your period on your calendar. This is your start of the cycle. In your next cycle, you will also record your first day of your period. Now count the number of days between them to find out the length of your cycle. To determine when you ovulate, subtract 14 days from the first day of your cycle. Be careful! This method will not give you exact day when you ovulate, but this can give you a good idea of ​​when you might ovulate.

Articles on the topic

The menstrual cycle of each woman is strictly individual. It can be either short or very long. If your cycle is 35 days, when is ovulation? This question interests many representatives of the fairer sex, since the exact definition of the beginning ovulatory cycle is of great importance, for example, for planning pregnancy.

Late ovulation

33 day cycle when is ovulation? Many women know that the release of a mature egg from the follicle occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. If we consider that on average its duration is 28 days, this means that the ovulatory period begins on the 14th day. But this, of course, is ideal. In reality, the duration of the menstrual cycle can be influenced by all sorts of external and internal factors. Therefore, calculating the onset of ovulation can be very difficult.

First of all, it is necessary to fully make sure that such a duration is not caused by pathological reasons. To do this, you do not need to use your grandmother’s recipes, since such serious issues should be dealt with exclusively by the attending physician. If this is not done, then planning a pregnancy will turn into a protracted and unsuccessful event. This is due to the fact that various infectious and inflammatory processes, problems with nervous system, hormonal disorders and other problems have an extremely negative impact on the reproductive system of every representative of the fairer sex.

Usually they become necessary for those representatives of the fair sex who are starting or for some reason cannot conceive a child for a long time.

The ovulatory period occurs in the body of every healthy woman, but it can be timely or late.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

To understand what “late” means, you need to remember that the menstrual cycle consists of the following phases:

  1. Menstrual- begins with the first days of menstruation, the same day is the beginning of a new cycle. During this period, the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected.
  2. Follicular phase - follicle growth occurs under the influence of an increase in the hormone estrogen. The dominant follicle is determined, from which the mature one will subsequently emerge.
  3. The shortest phase is ovulatory, lasts about three days. During this period, the amount of estrogen reaches its peak and luteinizing hormone begins to be produced, the follicle bursts and emerges ripe and ready for 12-24 hours, in rare cases reaching 48 hours.
  4. The cycle ends luteal phase. During this period, thanks to the formed corpus luteum in the body, the hormone progesterone is produced, under the influence of which it increases, this is necessary for successful implantation to the wall of the uterus. If this does not happen, the corpus luteum dissolves, and accordingly the production of the hormone progesterone stops, which leads to the destruction of the endometrium. And the cycle begins all over again.

The phases of the menstrual cycle have their own duration. For example, the follicular phase can range from 7 to 22 days, with an average of 14.

REFERENCE! In a healthy woman, the length of the luteal phase has a certain framework and lasts 12–16 days (mostly 14 days); if the period is less than 12 days, then this may be a deviation from the norm and indicate possible pathologies.

What does late ovulation mean?

If we subtract the luteal phase from a woman’s cycle, which differs in its constant duration, then we get a day at normal. For example, if the menstrual cycle is 32 days, then minus the luteal phase (14 days), it will be on the 18th day +/- 2 days. This process is timely.

But if, with a 32-day cycle, exit occurs on day 21 or later, then this type is considered late. An important role in determining the timing of the ovulatory process is played by the duration of the cycle, which can range from 24 to 36 days.

ON A NOTE! If the cycle is 36 days and begins on days 20–24, this is not a deviation, but a natural feature of the body.

With a 28 day cycle

In women with a stable 28-day menstrual cycle, the release occurs in the middle - on the 14th day +/- 2 days. Late for a given cycle will be if occurs after 17 days and later Isolated moments of late exit do not always indicate any abnormalities in the female body; sometimes this happens even in completely healthy girls.

With a 30 day cycle

Late with a cycle of 30 days occurs after the 19th day of the cycle. If this period fluctuates between 14–18 days, then this is the norm for this length of the cycle. If the cycle is unstable, and the ovulatory period begins closer to its end, then it is recommended undergo examination and identify the causes of violations.

Late ovulation and delayed menstruation

Most women associate a delay in menstruation with the onset of pregnancy, but in this case there may not be conception. Provoke late ovulatory period may: taking medications, contraceptives, certain diseases, as well as frequent stressful situations. Late in combination with a delay in menstruation can occur even in healthy girls, but this phenomenon should not be permanent.

ON A NOTE! Even frequent colds and medications taken during treatment. In this case, this factor indicates excessive sensitivity organism and is an individual feature.

Causes of late ovulation

Most of the factors that cause late ovulatory period, can be adjusted special drugs or changes in lifestyle. It is enough to identify the circumstances that caused cycle disruption, and eliminate them. Difficulty may arise in the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs. In this case, it will be necessary to undergo a full course of treatment.

The reasons for the delay may be the following factors:

The mysterious process of birth interests every woman, because it happens inside her, causing many different sensations- delighting and at the same time alarming, but ultimately making her the happiest mother. Woman making plans future life, weighs the possibilities, listens to his desires. Therefore, she is interested in everything related to the birth of a child. Family planning – reasonable approach to using your life.

A woman’s chance of becoming a mother begins precisely from the moment of ovulation. Conception and ovulation are inseparable concepts. Therefore, I would like to know on what day ovulation occurs, what it is, how to detect and recognize it. Once you have determined your ovulation day, make regular attempts to conceive. But what to do next is quite clear - prepare to become a mother.

To begin with, ovulation must be defined as a certain stage of the menstrual cycle (ovarian). But this explanation will not give full presentation about ovulation. Let's take a closer look.

Features of the menstrual cycle

From the ovarian follicle, at some point, the ripe one emerges into the abdominal cavity. female cage(ovum) - this is ovulation. Ovum is translated from Latin as “egg”. From this moment on, the mature egg has the opportunity to be fertilized. It also happens that a couple of times a year the egg is not at all ready for fertilization. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

At the moment of ovulation, a gap forms in the follicle. As the egg exits through this rupture, it begins to travel down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. It is during this movement that the egg can become fertilized. If this does not happen, then she will die within 24 hours (according to various sources - within 12-48 hours). The time of her “life” refers to the period of ovulation.

When does it come?

The onset of ovulation can be determined in several ways.

First: calendar. During a woman's childbearing years, ovulation occurs periodically every 22-35 days. The ovulation rhythm (or phases of ovulation), individual for each organism, changes after an abortion - for 3 months, after childbirth - for a year, and also after 40 years - in preparation for the menopause. When pregnancy occurs, as well as after the menstrual cycle fades, ovulation stops altogether. That is, the physiological process of ovulation in the female body is observed from the moment of puberty until the development of menopause, interrupted only during pregnancy.

Its onset can be calculated by the calendar dates of menstruation.

Note! Basically, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle if this cycle is 28 days. Deviations from this schedule still occur, but are the norm. How longer cycle, the later ovulation is: with a 30-day cycle - on day 15-16. The reliability of this method is 30% because modern women They often experience irregularities in their menstrual cycle.

Second: tactile. Allows you to determine upcoming ovulation based on fairly subjective signs. However, it is generally accepted that during and before ovulation, the discharge from the cervix is ​​less viscous. Based on this sign, a woman who is attentive to herself can determine the readiness of her body for conception.

The so-called “fern phenomenon” - crystallization - helps to navigate cervical mucus in the form of a “fern leaf” ( laboratory test). The figures of the same sheet also give rise to women’s tears, saliva, nasal mucus. The nature of crystallization is interconnected with the level of estrogen in the female body, as well as with the ratio of progesterone and estrogen. The "fern leaf" crystallizes in the absence of ovulation.

Third: by basal temperature. This method was previously used primarily, since for quite a long time it was considered the most reliable. The fact is that body temperature (rectal - in the rectum) on the day of ovulation is the lowest, but rises sharply the next day. To detect such a jump, it is necessary to carry out monitoring - measure the temperature daily throughout the entire monthly cycle, or better yet, two cycles. This is done in the morning, without getting out of bed, then a graph is drawn up that will display the race. Reliability – 90%.

Fourth: modern. The use of new medical developments allows you to quickly and accurately determine the ability of your eggs to fertilize. One of them is an indicator test that is sensitive to the levels of hormones in your body. An increase in hormone levels is a signal of the beginning of the ovulation process. The test is applicable to both urine analysis and saliva analysis. The most accurate is a blood test for hormones in the laboratory.

If all of the above methods do not detect the onset of ovulation, then, most likely, the maturation of the egg is delayed.

Note! Ovulation may not occur. This is called anovulation.

Even the healthiest woman’s egg does not allow itself to mature in every cycle. 2-3 cycles a year with anovulation are quite normal. But with age, the number of such cycles increases. Menopause or pregnancy also lead to anovulation.

In addition, the reasons for the lack of ovulation may be stress suffered by a woman, inflammation of the genitals, hormonal imbalances, or taking certain medications ( hormonal drugs), dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex or tumors of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, leading to dysfunction of the pituitary-hypothalamic-ovarian system. As a result, anovulation develops, which absolutely leads to female infertility. If you suspect this circumstance, all your aspirations should be directed to a doctor, and your thoughts should be that there is always a chance!

After discovering the reason for the lack of ovulation, specialists resort to the procedure of stimulating it with the help of special medications.

It should be noted that apart from such artificial stimulation, no other method can help. And the answer to this question can only be given by Mother Nature, who keeps this process secret. A woman’s task is to control her condition, study her cycle and improve her health.

And one day you will recognize your readiness to conceive, even if you don’t understand what day ovulation occurs.

The very first and most obvious sign of ovulation has always been short-term pain in the lower abdomen. Gynecologists explain this pain by stretching the walls of the ovary, as well as by the fact that the burst follicle releases fluid. The role of this fluid is that it provokes contraction of the fallopian tubes and uterus, which is accompanied by pain.

And then the onset of ovulation will be indicated by intense vaginal discharge, changes in rectal (basalt) temperature (according to the schedule you created), as well as an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood. In addition, an ultrasound will show you the dynamics of the rupture of follicles and the release of an egg capable of fertilization into “free floating.”

The color of the discharge is usually pinkish or slightly reddish, but should not be intensely red, since there should not be a lot of blood. Uterine bleeding rather life-threatening.

1st day menstrual cycle - the beginning of the follicular ( menstrual phase). Several follicles grow in the ovaries.

C 7 day and until the middle of the cycle - the ovulatory phase. The main, dominant follicle is determined - the Graafian vesicle, in which the egg matures.

Day 14(with a 28-day cycle) – ovulation. The Graafian vesicle bursts, releasing the egg, ready for fertilization. In the following days, the egg travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus. Its “life” time is 24-48 hours, although the facts even speak of 5 days.

15th day– beginning of the corpus luteum phase. The period after the day of ovulation until the start of the next menstruation. A burst follicle gathers its walls like a closing tulip. Luteal pigment and fats color them yellow. Now this follicle (Graafian vesicle) acquires a new name - the corpus luteum.

Important and interesting facts

I. The maximum probability of conception (33%) occurs directly on the day of your ovulation. The day before your ovulation day it is 31%, 2 days – 27%. These numbers indicate very high chances. But 5 days before ovulation or the day after it, the chance is negligible.

II. A competent study of the menstrual cycle and an accurate determination of the day of ovulation allows not only conception, but also the choice of the desired gender of the child.

III. If you want to get pregnant, it is not necessary to have sex on the day of ovulation. This is ineffective, since your egg, with its ability to “live” for a maximum of 48 hours, has time for conception only during the day of your ovulation, and the next day the probability becomes minimal. But your partner’s sperm “live” longer – at least a week. Therefore, they can be “invited” into the fallopian tubes during this week before your big day.

IV. Ovulation for the ovaries is a huge responsible job. If once one of the ovaries has completed it, then the next time this mission is entrusted to the other ovary, since the first one needs a good “rest”. The nagging nature of the pain in the ovarian area will make it possible to determine which of them is “serving its watch.”

V is the most important. Do not be mistaken in calculating the timing (determining the day of ovulation): what is important is not when the next menstrual cycle begins, but when the previous one ended. Make calculations based on these considerations.

It is important to know what day ovulation occurs in order to choose the best time for natural conception, artificial insemination for in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Unlike animals, man is not so fertile as to achieve conception at every opportunity. The advantage of deciding belongs rather to nature (or to God, whoever wants to think). Healthy woman Having only 3 chances a month to get pregnant, she can take advantage of only one. However, you need to know that with age the chances decrease. But any difficulty can be overcome. If you arm yourself with knowledge, feel every cell of your body and prepare yourself, you will competently and carefully approach achieving your goal. Then nature will give you a gift - you will become a mother.


See below for more information on calculating the day of ovulation.

If the cycle is 28 days, when does ovulation occur? The calendar method of birth control is the safest. Knowing the time of your ovulation, you can avoid unwanted pregnancy without inconvenience or harm to your health.

What is the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is cyclically repeating changes in a woman's body. The purpose of such a mechanism is to promote reproduction. The beginning of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. From this moment the body begins to prepare for possible conception. Under the influence of hormones, the egg matures, and the layer of the inner surface of the uterus grows. The tissue lining the inside of the uterus is called the endometrium. It grows so that in the event of a successful conception, the fertilized egg can successfully attach to the uterus. Securing (or implantation) ovum necessary for the successful development of the embryo. After implantation, a new organ is formed - the placenta. Through the placenta, the fetus receives the substances and oxygen necessary for development from the mother's body. The placenta also produces hormones that force the woman's body to maintain the pregnancy.

For successful implantation of the fertilized egg, a layer of endometrium with a thickness of at least 7 mm is required. Therefore, until the endometrium reaches the required thickness, pregnancy is unlikely. By the time the egg matures, the thickness of the endometrium is about 11 mm.

Ovulation occurs when an egg is released into the oviduct from a ruptured mature follicle. The oviduct is also called the uterine or fallopian tubes. If a mature egg is not fertilized by a sperm, preparations begin for the rejection of the unfertilized egg and the upper layer of the endometrium. After 14 days of preparation, rejection itself begins - menstruation. It occurs in the form of bleeding of different durations and abundance.

The duration of the menstrual cycle varies. Some women have a very short menstrual cycle, lasting 21 days. Others wait 32 days for their period to arrive.

Indicator reproductive health of a woman is the regularity of her menstrual cycle.

Calculating the big day

With a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on day 14 (plus or minus 2 days). At this point, the egg is ready for fertilization. She retains this ability for 1-2 days.

If menstruation begins earlier or later, the period of possible fertilization also shifts. When the menstrual cycle lasts 25 days, ovulation should be expected earlier - on the 10-11th day.

It’s not difficult to calculate: you need to subtract 14 days from the date of the 1st day of expected menstruation. Thus, if the menstrual period is 24 days, ovulation occurs on day 10 (24-14=10). With a 30-day cycle, ovulation should be expected on the 16th day. This is exactly how much time a woman’s reproductive organs need to prepare for pregnancy. But this does not mean that only sexual intercourse that occurs on the 16th day will necessarily lead to conception. Sperm remain viable in a woman’s body for up to 7 days. A fertilized egg lives in anticipation of a sperm for about a day. Thus, unprotected sexual intercourse that occurred during the period from 7 to 17 days of the menstrual cycle lasting 30 days is considered dangerous. It will lead to pregnancy with a 33% chance. This period is called fertile.

But such a calculation is very conditional. It is applicable only if the girl has a regular menstrual cycle.

Young ladies should not rely on calculations. Irregular cycles may be due to health problems or heredity. If the girl’s mother had an irregular menstrual cycle, then her personal “floating” schedule is not a sign of illness or disorder reproductive function. This is a natural feature that must be taken into account when choosing contraceptive methods.

Factors influencing cycle regularity

Monthly changes in a woman’s body are regulated by 2 parts of the brain - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It is they who produce hormones, thanks to which the egg matures, and the uterus prepares to receive the fertilized egg.

Reproductive function is a rather complex process that depends on many factors, including health different organs and systems of women. Any serious deviations in the functioning of the female body can make changes to her schedule.

Spicy and chronic diseases, stress, physical and emotional stress, strict restrictive diets, obesity, hormonal imbalances, hormonal drugs, long-term use medicines or surgery - all this can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. A long move, a change in climatic conditions and time zones can shift the schedule. Even overheating in the sun or sunburn can disrupt the cyclicity of reproductive processes.

Serious changes in a woman's hormonal levels occur as a result of pregnancy. Therefore, after childbirth, abortion and miscarriage, restoration of the menstrual cycle can take several months. Until reproductive function is fully restored, you cannot rely on the estimated date of ovulation.

The female body needs 1-2 months to restore fertility after withdrawal. hormonal contraceptives. While taking them, the activity of the ovaries is inhibited and they do not function. After drug withdrawal, activation of the genital organs can occur gradually and chaotically.

Only women with a menstrual cycle that repeats within one day can calculate the date of possible ovulation and use the calendar method of contraception. If the body has experienced serious illness, stress or have been exposed to others negative factors, it is not recommended to hope for correctness in the next month.

You should be careful when calculating the date of ovulation for women after 40. At this age, systemic transformations may begin that prepare the body for menopause. They are usually accompanied sharp fluctuations hormonal levels, leading to disruptions in the menstrual cycle. During this period, repeated ovulation often occurs.

Repeated ovulation and anovulation

Typically, ovulation occurs only once in one menstrual cycle.

However, there are cases when 2 ovulations occur. Almost every woman experiences repeated ovulation during her reproductive period. Most often, it appears before the onset of menopause, and also after discontinuation of hormonal medications. The likelihood of re-ovulation increases during the hot season. It can be triggered by high sexual activity, especially after prolonged abstinence. Women with irregular sex life are much more likely to conceive after intercourse than married women.

It is known that repeated ovulation is accompanied by lower hormonal levels. Therefore, the likelihood of getting pregnant during it is lower. Often, even a fertilized egg that matures during repeated ovulation dies. This is due to the fact that at the time of re-fertilization, the endometrial layer is already beginning to be rejected. The fertilized egg attached to it is rejected along with it. However, a certain number of pregnancies still persist. This is partly due to the low effectiveness of the calendar method of birth control. It is impossible to predict the occurrence of repeated ovulation.

In addition to repeated ovulation, anovulation also occurs. Anovulation is a condition when ovulation does not occur. Anovulation is usually caused by natural causes- pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is also observed during puberty and before the onset of menopause. But pathological anovulation also occurs.

Signs of the onset of a period of possible conception

If it is impossible to predict the onset of ovulation, it can be detected by constantly monitoring the functioning of your body.

Exist characteristic features, by which you can determine the approach and onset of the period of probable conception:

  1. Before the day of ovulation, a change in discharge occurs. They become abundant, viscous and watery. The consistency and whitish-transparent color resemble raw protein. Before this period, the discharge was thicker and less abundant. Or they could be absent.
  2. Before ovulation, women's sex drive increases. They strive for sexual intercourse and look more attractive to the opposite sex. They become playful.
  3. At gynecological examination the doctor recognizes a clear sign of ovulation - a raised, softened and slightly open cervix.
  4. The doctor can find out about the release of a mature egg by ultrasound examination of the ovary. There will be small cracks on it where the follicle shell has burst. There will be an accumulation of liquid in the remaining space. Later, a corpus luteum forms at this site.
  5. Appear during ovulation nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the side of the ovary in which the egg has matured. They are caused by the rupture of a mature follicle and the release of an egg into the funnel of the fallopian tube. The pain may last from a few minutes to several days.
  6. Inherent in ovulation hormonal surge can cause unpleasant and painful sensations in the mammary glands in a woman. However, not all ladies are so sensitive.
  7. by increased levels of luteinizing hormone (LH). It is thanks to him that mature eggs are released. A special test will help determine your LH level. In appearance and principle of operation, it resembles a pregnancy test. The device detects the presence of LH in the urine. When positive result An additional bar appears on the indicator.

Basal temperature measurements

You can independently check the presence of ovulation by daily. This method is simple and reliable. Basal is the lowest body temperature that appears in a person after a long rest, usually after a night's sleep. Before ovulation, slight fluctuations in basal temperature are observed. To accurately determine them, it is recommended to measure basal temperature rectally, by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. This should be done at the same time (preferably between 7 and 8 am) immediately after waking up, without moving or getting out of bed. Measurement time is about 5 minutes.

Before ovulation, your basal body temperature will be approximately the same. It is usually 36.4-36.8°C. Fluctuations in the range of 0.1-0.4°C these days are quite within normal limits. Immediately before the maturation of the egg, it will first fall by 0.1-0.3 ° C, and then sharply increase to 37.0-37.4 ° C. On this “high note,” the temperature will last almost until the start of the next menstruation, starting to fall 1-2 days before its start. Thus, if a woman has a 31-day menstrual cycle, her basal body temperature should jump on day 17. With a 26-day cycle, you need to expect a drop in body temperature before the jump on the 11th day.

A monthly cycle of 31 days is one of the norms and a fairly common occurrence.

A gap of 31 days means a long follicular half of the cycle. The body needs more time to mature the oocyte. The regulation of the cycle in the female body occurs thanks to the neuroendocrine system.

How many days should pass between periods? There is no specific answer to this question, since each woman’s body works in a special mode, so the length of the cycle is different for everyone. The reproductive system goes through the entire process of preparation for conception and implantation of the embryo.

During the cycle between menstruation, a “dominant” follicle is formed in the body, a mature egg is released, the necessary endometrial layer in the uterus is prepared, and the corpus luteum is formed (to support pregnancy). If the cycle is too short or, conversely, too long, the above processes may be disrupted. Single failures are not dangerous, but if they are repeated frequently, you should consult a doctor.

How to calculate phases?

If the menstrual cycle is 31 days, then ovulation will occur approximately between the 15th and 19th days of the cycle. How to make calculations? The calendar method comes to the rescue. This method is suitable only in the absence of any pathologies and a regular cycle.

The normal menstrual cycle consists of follicular and progesterone phases. The first phase can last a different number of days, but the second always lasts 2 weeks (14 days). During the transition from one phase to another, ovulation occurs.

The duration of the cycle is calculated from the 1st day of one menstruation to the 1st day of the next. When the cycle is 31 days, the first phase will be 17 days, and the second will be 14 days. This means ovulation occurs on day 17 (this is the fertile period when the possibility of getting pregnant is especially high). The calculation error can be up to 2 days.

When calculating for conception in this way, the reliability is 30%. To accurately determine the onset of ovulation, ultrasound monitoring (ultrasound) and determination of luteinizing hormone (LH level) using a test are recommended. The test is 99% accurate.

Duration of the ovulatory period

How long does ovulation last? Everything is purely individual. Regardless of the length of the menstrual cycle, the duration of the ovulatory period is almost always from 12 to 48 hours. The period of 48 hours is the actual viability of the egg.

The duration of the ovulatory period is affected by:

The cycle can also change after childbirth, within 3 months after an abortion and when the body is preparing for menopause (after 40 years). Depending on how many days ovulation lasts, your chances of getting pregnant change.(for pregnancy to occur, sexual intercourse must occur approximately 3 days before ovulation begins, but no later than 24 hours after).

How can you determine the duration of the ovulatory period?

  • By visiting a gynecologist, passing chemical analysis blood.
  • Using ultrasound (the most accurate method).
  • Through measuring basal temperature (home method).
  • And also using a standard test.

It helps to determine how many days the ability to conceive remains independent analysis discharge.

Before ovulation, the amount of discharge increases. In the first days after menstruation, the discharge is completely unnoticeable; with the onset of the ovulatory period, the discharge becomes liquid (in some cases sticky), During the release of the egg, the discharge becomes mucous, and before the onset of menstruation it becomes watery..

Each person is individual. This applies not only to inclinations and preferences, but also to the structure of the body. Women have a feature that allows them to conceive a baby - stable cycle and ovulation. The monthly cycle can have a different number of days from 28 to 34. Many women are confused when it becomes necessary to calculate the day of ovulation. Therefore, we decided to help you determine if your cycle is 31 days, when you ovulate.

Ovulation, cycle and its duration

Every month a woman’s body prepares to become a mother. Initially, nature intended the production of 400 to 500 eggs during the entire period of sexual maturity. Therefore, every month we can conceive within a few days new life. This happens over just a few days in the middle of the cycle.

The process was organized with a high degree of thoughtfulness. Every month, an egg grows either from the right ovary or from the left. This scheme of work makes it possible to rest the organs and restore a set of useful microelements that are necessary for the first days of the life of the fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, then menstruation begins after 5-7 days.

This whole process takes varying numbers of days. different women. The first day of the cycle is the first day of menstruation. Therefore, each woman can independently calculate the duration of her cycle. Doctors say that ovulation occurs on days 14-17, depending on the length of the cycle.

How to calculate the date of ovulation if the cycle is 31 days?

Ovulation occurs in the middle of the monthly cycle - this is an inviolable axiom.

Regardless of the cycle duration, calculations should be based on regular monthly cycle and absence of pathologies. The simplest method is the calendar method. It is based on recording the start and end dates of cycles throughout the year. Two are taken into account - the shortest and the longest. For example, the shortest cycle is 28 days, and the longest is 31 days. This means that you need to subtract 18 days from 26, and 11 days from 31. Where 11 - 18 days is the period of possible ovulation. The numbers obtained during subtraction will be the fertile period when the probability of getting pregnant is highest.

The method is also informative for women. It is necessary to measure your basal temperature for 4-5 months. This is done early in the morning before getting out of bed. The obtained data is plotted on a graph. Temperature fluctuations in the first half of the menstrual cycle are lower than during ovulation, then the temperature gradually decreases. The days when the temperature was the highest are the period when you can conceive a new life.

The cervical method is based on close observation of own body. During the appearance of the egg, the nature of the discharge from the cervix and vagina changes. They become whitish, stretchy and abundant. If such discharge appears, we can say with some certainty that ovulation has occurred and you can try to conceive a baby.